
Demon Lord Omake

Oct 19th, 2015
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  1. Your room was a sparse affair, only the makeshift bed, using old quilts which you’d stolen on your way out kept you warm and separate from the straw and feather stuffing which your minions had used to create the body of the ‘mattress ‘ which you slept on. And yet still it was the most comfortable, soft, and restful place to sleep within your domain. A bit sad really that that was the very height of leisure which you’d managed thus far. Still one had to work their way up and all things considered this was still a massive improvement from what you’d left behind.
  3. You were just barely at the point of drifting off as you heard soft foot step, the cemented stone which paved your chamber and all the places around it was done specifically so that it would be less easy for anyone to simply sneak into your chambers. Your fingers itched and tingled with the beginnings of magic flame, ready to defend yourself if the light but irregular patter of feet turned out to be someone other than one of your... brides you supposed you could call them.
  5. “Ummm... ahhh... can I… come in?” Oh, not an assassin. You had been half hoping for an excuse to use your burning hand on someone, but you supposed this was better. The cute Half-elf boy’s stammer as he begged audience was itself somewhat endearing none the less.
  7. “You can come in Hansil.” You didn’t quite command, turning your face so that you could see the timid, but trusting youth’s expression as he approached. You waved him onward, gesturing with a pat towards a clear spot beside you on the bed. Normally that one would go to your daughter, but she was out with the Horror at your bidding. It was surprisingly lonely at night without her presence. The rabbit too, though she was off with her own progeny at the moment.
  9. A few hesitant steps would see the half-elf approach, then almost as if he’d been shoring up his bravery he paused shook his head then all but marched himself over, half leaping into your bed.
  11. “So what brings you here at this late hour?” You ask, as if the answer wasn’t clear and obvious from the way his cock bobbed semi-erect.
  13. “I... wanted... I wanted to do more things like we did before. You said there was more to show me.” He whined as he settled himself next to you in the crook of your arm. “... please.”
  15. Good god he was erotic, practically writhing on your arm as he begged for your attention.
  17. “And what did your sister have to say about you coming out to see me this late at night?” You grin, snaking your arm properly around him until you cupped his ass in your palm, he had a very nice ass, and the responsive way in which he wiggled right back against it just reminded you of the reason why you’d decided to play around with him in the first place.
  19. “Grethil doesn’t know... remember. I... don’t think she’d approve. But after we... did those things together, I haven’t felt completely comfortable sleeping with her.” The Half-Elf fidgeted, clearly a little torn by the situation.
  21. “So you wonder your way into my bed then?” You ask with a slightly mocking tone.
  23. It goes right over his head. “Yeah, that’s exactly it. You’ve been so nice to me... but Grethil never trusts my judgment on anything.”
  25. “It sounded like she’s got a reason for that. No offense.” You couldn’t help but point out, stroking his pretty head as you did. He practically was purring now beneath your ministrations.
  27. “... I suppose. But I just know you’re different. You’ve been so nice to me.” His large luminous eyes stared up into yours. You wanted to ravage him right there and then, spill more of your seed across that unstainable innocence and make him beg for you to put him on a leash for your pleasure.
  29. “So was the witch. She wanted you for that sexy body of yours.” Your fingers slide lightly across his chest, the lightest touches leaving only a trail of heat and sensation in their wake. Downward ever more they quested, settling against his pelvis, just above his now stiff manhood.
  31. So very defenseless as he squirmed.
  33. “But you’re nicer. No cage, you feed us, and you offered us a job.” He insisted, halfway between aroused and attempting to assert his intellect.
  35. “And what if I said I wanted to keep you? Let you stay here so that we could do... these kinds of things together for a long, long time to come?” You smiled, fingers finally finding his stiffness directly as punctuation to your words.
  37. He hesitated slightly, both sensation and words hitting at the same time, leaving him slightly lost for a moment as he tried to process them both. “I... mmm... I think I like that idea... if Grethil would just agree.”
  39. “Forget Grethil for the moment. Do you want to stay here? Be mine? Just answer honestly.” You smile as your warm grip leaves his stiff cock just before the moment of final release. A bit cruel, but you liked that too.
  41. “Be yours?” He squeaked his own hands going back down towards his abandoned erection, you sweep them both up at the wrists, pulling them away from their destination.
  43. “Yes. Mine.” You reiterate; your face now close to his own as you decide spontaneously to dart in for a light kiss. Apparently though, you sucked at ‘light’... and what should have been a mere peck began to morph into something else, hungry and ravishing. Lips locked against lips in gentle embrace, tongues darting past each other as you kissed.
  45. There was a light trail of saliva once you finally pulled away.
  47. “…” He simply moaned wordlessly at the unfamiliar sensations now coursing through his body.
  49. “All things here are mine Hansil; Every one of the beast women, every bit of these halls. They are mine and stay mine because I want them.” You look at him, authoritative as you wet your lips, noting just how attentive he is to you darting tongue even as you kept his hands up and away from the rest of his body. “All things in this world will eventually be mine as well...and I want you.”
  51. His breath seemed to hitch even as you spoke, those final words clearly loosening something within, as tears spilled down, not just from the light sensual cruelty to which you’d been subjecting him.
  53. “No one ever wants me... I know I tell Grethil that we can get home sometime... but I know that daddy doesn’t want us.” Annddd suddenly you felt kinda bad. You were no stranger to such issues, being a bastard born noble yourself, you understood just where that sentiment came from.
  55. “So long as you don’t run away Hansil, you’ll have a place with me. I promise.” With an uncharacteristic tenderness you wipe at his tears with your free hand, then place a kiss upon his cheek.
  57. Well this got mushy rather quickly. You sighed, almost longing for the good old days not too long ago of taking advantage of a naive young man for your own personal pleasure. Not that you still weren’t going to do that, but now you had to do things like ‘be careful with his feelings’ and ‘care about how you treated his sister’... sometimes life was tough.
  59. He nodded and smiled, pressing himself harder against you, his cock solid against your thigh. It was an interesting counterpoint to your Beautified girls, one which you found yourself more comfortable with that you’d even have thought when you initiated this entire thing. Suddenly you just had the craving to have his sister spooning you on the other side. A nice contrast between them you think.
  61. “You know... I did promise to teach you more. But before we get to anything new.” You smile, not letting go of his hands as you pushed his head down towards your own now very erect cock, not even having to say anything more as you felt its tip engulfed in a familiar wet heat. The lapping contrast of lapping soft tongue with the roof of his throat was almost more than you could bare as he tried his hardest to fit you all the way down his throat.
  63. He wasn’t quite there yet, slightly gagging as he’d pushed himself too deep a bit too quickly, but with the effort and enthusiasm with which he attacked your glans left you moaning in delight. He’d even pulled back, remembering previous instruction as to how to approach, as he let his mobile tongue slide its way across the underside of your swollen head, then back down toward tightening balls.
  65. His lips sealing around the precious orbs to lavish them each with kisses.
  67. God dammit the kid was a natural.
  69. Up and down he bobbed on your cock, working you up into frenzy of lust, as you’d at some point started to thrust into his waiting maw, somehow keeping sensate enough to time yourself to his breaths as you raped and ravaged his mouth.
  71. It wasn’t too long after that that your seed spilled thick into his waiting mouth with a groan and a final thrust.
  73. “Don’t swallow it yet.” You commanded, looking down at his beautiful girlish face as you pull him up once more to meet your own. The kiss that followed was torrid and intense, flavored in your own essence as you stole his second kiss ever. Your fingers found themselves curled about his shapely behind as you settled him against your chest, sitting up slightly so that his erection and yours were pressed together, almost as if in their own lewd kiss.
  75. Then you began to move.
  77. The steady friction of soft yet firm flesh grinding against the same was amazing, as your proud tower stood in opposition to his own ivory pinnacle, the sensation of his now drooling cock pulling you back ever so slowly towards the edge where you knew that he currently resided. Your grip on his firm behind giving you purchase to keep him moving at a steady pace; and the prepatory fluid which leaked out between you keeping the friction from becoming unbearable.
  79. Hungry lips worked together in opposition, as you frotted with him to a slow, steady beat, keeping the movements from pushing to a painful limit only by force of will, and the understanding that such friction burns bloody fucking hurt. It was pretty much the only reason why you weren’t going to escalate all the way to fucking his pretty little ass right here and now.
  81. And even now, knowing how much it could hurt you were contemplating fucking his ass raw... ok you weren’t really but you wanted to dammit. You’d have to remember to get some of the rendered down animal fats and plant oils which you remembered reading about. The study of anal preparation was unfortunately something which you’d needed to ensure yourself clear on incase of such intrusion becoming an imminent part of your routine. After being forced to suck off your ‘betters’ multiple times in a row, you figured that you might as well be careful in case they decided to take it any further than that.
  83. It took longer than your first time for the night, but then the final moaning gasp between you and the lovely Half-elf was obscured by still locked lips as the mix of your seed and his spilled out at the height of a new climax. You stayed like that for a while longer, still kissing as cum pooled in congealing clumps between your stomachs.
  85. You felt delicate fingers intrude between you both; bringing you back from the light post climax haze in which you’d allowed yourself to indulge. A light sigh streamed across your lips, as your eyes focused on the fingers which now raised up to your face, before his. With a teasing lick, utterly absentminded in its utter sensuality Hansil licked at the slightly congealed gel which coated his fingertips with the relish of one enjoying the aftermath of a fine meal.
  87. “Sexy as hell.” You muttered, pulling him to you, this time to nibble at his neck.
  89. “Um... wow.” He breathed, slack against your chest as he all but flopped down upon you, enjoying the sensation of your lips and teeth against his skin. “That was different... I... I think I really like that.”
  91. “You know there’s more. This isn’t even the best part.” You breathed into his long sensitive ear, a rough lick lining the long lobe. “If I had everything ready I’d show you tonight... but right now it would just hurt instead of feeling good.”
  93. You looked down to catch him gazing up at you attentively. You could practically feel the wonder which streamed off of him as he regarded you; just like you’d seen other students back home staring off adoringly at teachers before. Hansil was clearly smitten; and this reveal of new knowledge in these carnal arts which converted a painful act into one of pleasure held a clear fascination for him.
  95. “And if you’re really good, and perfectly obedient, I Might show you just how nice it can really be.” You couldn’t help it, an advantage to take from his defenselessness. You really just couldn’t help it at all. “But you’ll have to work hard, and do everything I say even if you don’t think you can.”
  97. “But Grethil...” He hesitated, speaking unsure. Wanting, hoping, longing... but unable to reach past the barrier of his sister.
  99. “Don’t worry about Grethil, and don’t agree to anything with me until she does. You’re your own man Hansil but your sister is important.” You stroke his hair lightly, pulling him back by it so as to meet his eyes. “I’ll be here. Ready for you, I’ll be sure to prepare something just for us when the time for that lesson finally comes.”
  101. The half-elf blushed, and beamed, nodding his head vigorously.
  103. “Now... Just cause I’m not going to go on to a new lesson, doesn’t mean I don’t plan to revisit some of the older ones.” You grin wickedly, pushing his head down once more. “By the end of tonight, you’re going to learn how to REALLY work the shaft. And how to take it all down.”
  105. It turned out to be quite a long, hard night.
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