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Feb 9th, 2018
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  1. all righty folks let's call up the Corey
  2. Jones let's see if he's on hopefully
  3. hopefully still right
  4. all righty hello sir how are you doing
  5. hello how are you
  6. can you hear me okay I can clear so yeah
  7. I'm doing well thank you very much for
  8. joining me today so we're we're yes
  9. everyone there's Corey Jones welcome
  10. dream so um yeah how are you doing how's
  11. things there at the office good I'm just
  12. getting Hicks back in here at the moment
  13. all right so let me jump back in to
  14. Hanks I'll get you on camera since
  15. you've got that going let's uh I do have
  16. it set up here all right so we're
  17. logging into the game let's get this
  18. over here all right so let's see if
  19. let's see if my preparation worked out
  20. so let's get the camera itself and oh
  21. look at that it actually lined up
  22. perfectly Oh beautiful all right good
  23. job there we go
  24. so now you can see him let me see I can
  25. probably adjust it a little bit now I
  26. guess that's fine
  27. it's actually surprisingly aligned
  28. rather well so yeah there we go all
  29. right so yeah how are you doing how's
  30. things at the office oh very good
  31. happy birthday by the way
  32. congratulations on being another year
  33. older yeah
  34. 33 time sure flies it's just crazy
  35. it's it's unreal it starts to speed up
  36. actually yeah I feels like a needle
  37. skipping on a record it's getting faster
  38. and faster and the next thing you know
  39. it's you know you're you're dead I mean
  40. I'll tell you I guess you don't know
  41. that but yeah yep oh good we're busy at
  42. work you know the hope is that
  43. relatively quickly here we're gonna have
  44. the siege mode stuff out and we've been
  45. testing the testament going great
  46. there's you know the usual little visual
  47. bugs and and the little you know bits
  48. and pieces that have to be massaged but
  49. the core functionality all works
  50. everything's great
  51. the beautification stuff is all in
  52. process so I'm hoping it's relatively
  53. soon it's really just comes down to the
  54. bugs all the functionality is in all the
  55. interface stuff is done we have you know
  56. we're I think we're about 99 percent
  57. sure we're going to launch with a
  58. playback feature so you're gonna be able
  59. to go back in and look at all the people
  60. that attack your keep and see what
  61. happened so similar to the replay stuff
  62. you mean yeah exactly so we're gonna
  63. have a replay with launch of keeps where
  64. you're gonna be able to look at a list
  65. of all the all the attacks on your keep
  66. and then watch a playback of that attack
  67. that sounds pretty cool yeah I think
  68. that'll be I think that'll be really fun
  69. I mean it was definitely one of the
  70. things we noticed when we we started to
  71. play comig and he made the comment right
  72. away he's like well I made my key but I
  73. really want to see how it did like
  74. rather than just see a number of times
  75. it was attacked and defends I want to
  76. watch him to see where down side of that
  77. is you're gonna see that the AI at times
  78. gonna be a little bit using this card
  79. correctly so maybe I'll take that one
  80. yeah it is what it is I mean we're we're
  81. actually going back and we as part of
  82. the process proceed Chris is investing
  83. more time in making our AI smarter and
  84. smarter and and giving it the tools it
  85. needs to understand some of the newer
  86. cards you know for some stuff I mean
  87. it's pretty easy like prophecy it's it
  88. just does it but for stuff like in power
  89. it's a little more a little more complex
  90. so it like you know it doesn't know how
  91. to use in power very well I would not be
  92. used in power cards in your keep defense
  93. but it's been fun I mean they'd be the
  94. building all these brews and and it's
  95. been pretty funny like one of the
  96. powerful decks was actually using a was
  97. using a an Easter PvE card that is love
  98. seeing some of the silly or PvE cards
  99. actually
  100. pop out as be pretty powerful in siege
  101. mode which is gonna be hilarious to have
  102. everyone sort of reinvestigate all the
  103. different cards that exist and combos
  104. that exist with this very specific goal
  105. in mind of how do I build three pieces
  106. that of a puzzle that is even
  107. impenetrable and that and that the AI
  108. knows how to use knowing that the AI is
  109. not great at certain things like
  110. anticipating or judging sacrifices it's
  111. gonna make for some pretty neat gameplay
  112. I think with that said I think you guys
  113. were said that you're gonna have like a
  114. band list of stuff that you can't use at
  115. some point because like what I see is
  116. being a problem well it's like the
  117. combat to start with well to start with
  118. everything's on the table like I said
  119. like we're doing this sort of open
  120. development style so we're gonna start
  121. off with everything you know the the
  122. defense has is all of PvE so it's sort
  123. of frost ring mode so you'll have all
  124. the PvE cards all the equipment
  125. destroyed if you don't have the the
  126. mercenaries but I want to get there
  127. that's one of the things that's on the
  128. list for sure and then for the attacking
  129. you your standard and so we'll see how
  130. that goes and see if the balance feels
  131. like it's challenging and fun and if
  132. it's right now the defense has the
  133. advantage for sure it's it's so really
  134. tough if we discover some cards that
  135. need to be banned in the next week or so
  136. like working on through the bug stuff we
  137. might ban a few cards but again we're
  138. just going to kind of play it by ear a
  139. little bit we're just trying to make the
  140. most fun experience and then if if we
  141. figure out that uh you know the defense
  142. is still a little too rough in terms of
  143. what the return is and you know how many
  144. times you're playing then potentially we
  145. open it up to something like you know
  146. you have memorial format and the defense
  147. has PvE and then and we look at that and
  148. so the goal of course at the end is to
  149. have the AI be smart enough so that both
  150. players could be full PvE mode and I'm
  151. gonna go from there now the good thing
  152. about standard vs. PvE is that for our
  153. ps4 players
  154. it sort of opens it up to them because
  155. they're in the same boat they don't have
  156. PvE cards to use now they can get the
  157. PvE cards from the auction house or
  158. wherever that's what's fine and a lot of
  159. that stuff isn't very expensive so
  160. that's that's nice but we're just kind
  161. of playing it by ear I love the feature
  162. it's something that we've had on the
  163. docket you know from the very beginning
  164. and as I said we had built out the core
  165. mechanics of it as part of a larger
  166. keeps PvE
  167. sort of design but we never again I
  168. designed lots of stuff where the idea is
  169. cool but the actual play of it's not so
  170. we've tested it and it seemed like a
  171. great idea but this will be a fun way
  172. for us to just put in the core mechanic
  173. of it have everyone play it everyone
  174. give us comments so we can slowly but
  175. surely sort of Whittle it into shape
  176. sculpt it into shape and then great when
  177. we launch so the larger keeps piece of
  178. the PvE game then we've got this core
  179. engine part of it sort of you know in a
  180. great place
  181. [Music]
  182. yeah I think they're there yes they're
  183. there working on it the you know the key
  184. is gonna be a lot of the infinite combos
  185. require you know a certain number of
  186. turns or a certain you know you've got
  187. variants and when you're playing one
  188. game matches and you have to do it three
  189. times what kind of what we're finding is
  190. that the the AI supposed to be excellent
  191. or good like it'll blow you out and what
  192. are you to get to hit three times in a
  193. row without with you know one game so
  194. that's one of the problems with complex
  195. is that if you if you stumble even for a
  196. heartbeat the thing will put you in the
  197. ground and so if your odds of you
  198. running it three times in a row I mean
  199. it's there but I think it's a little
  200. harder so and I don't feel like any of
  201. our combo decks are so consistent that
  202. you know somebody puts in adjust a rush
  203. they burn down rush you know
  204. PvE deck with equipment that you'll have
  205. the time you know you'll have to just
  206. get lucky and so I feel like that's one
  207. of the things that's sort of moderating
  208. it a bit so I'm again you know it's
  209. impossible like with the billions and
  210. billions of combinatorial x' we have at
  211. this point like there's just no way
  212. effectively test it other than give it
  213. to everyone and we'll just kind of see
  214. what Nets out for this I mean I feel
  215. comfortable enough just putting it live
  216. and letting you know in process and it's
  217. you know you can put up you know the the
  218. lowest you know putting up whatever the
  219. lowest number for platform gold is that
  220. doesn't represent a lot of risk so
  221. messing around with it with that or just
  222. playing against yourselves to test your
  223. decks and I feel like there's a low
  224. enough barrier to entry and it's mainly
  225. just you know a fun thing that we're
  226. probably pretty safe like you know
  227. without having to do a test server also
  228. I think we're so close at this point
  229. wouldn't even be worth taking the
  230. trouble my hope is that it's out real
  231. soon yeah we're gonna do a kismat draft
  232. in here in moments so I'll jump in the
  233. Cure to 48
  234. so while we're waiting we can obviously
  235. chat some more but so kismet draft I'm
  236. sure a lot of people like myself and you
  237. have been drafting a lot we well we know
  238. that you draft you have a have you done
  239. anything awesome lately in kismet drow
  240. specifically my favorite thing is has
  241. always been just you know sort of
  242. chasing the weirder combos so all of the
  243. kids with staffs have been fun because
  244. they like the part of the point of them
  245. is to you know sort of put in a lot of
  246. different action when it comes to
  247. figuring out before Matt and that's been
  248. sort of the funnest thing of all is you
  249. never really can figure out the format
  250. and you're always sort of bouncing
  251. around trying new stuff you know the
  252. gladiator people like it it's definitely
  253. clearly you know it wasn't as popular as
  254. last time and you know I'm always trying
  255. to figure out how best to serve the hex
  256. community I mean you know I recognize
  257. that people make comments about oh we a
  258. lot why are we doing this again and and
  259. we have you know we just came off of
  260. this but you know my my take on it is as
  261. I look at the numbers the when we do a
  262. new draft format when the new set comes
  263. out they're popular but then they drop
  264. off at about eight to nine weeks pretty
  265. much regularly since maybe not for set
  266. not for the very very beginning because
  267. it was all just kind of cockeyed in
  268. terms of you know the sets and the
  269. release dates but but since we've been
  270. consistent it seems relatively
  271. consistent that the drop-off is that
  272. somewhere between eight and nine weeks
  273. so trying to figure out how we give the
  274. players something that is interesting or
  275. fun or that excites them is always my
  276. goal and so you know we're gonna keep
  277. working on it
  278. if it's not you know a kismet draft or
  279. is it a flash back draft or or what is
  280. it I just don't I don't I feel like
  281. physical is very limited because they're
  282. you know their distribution process and
  283. then the stores and they're so locked
  284. into how their format has to work for
  285. physical games and we're digital so we
  286. can do something smarter and I just want
  287. to try and continue to figure out how to
  288. do something that people get excited
  289. about when
  290. starts to sort of taper off yeah mixing
  291. things up is always always fun give
  292. people something new to try one thing
  293. that I've suggested that I thought would
  294. be pretty fun is at the end of every
  295. month like we have VIPs I was thinking
  296. to be kind of cool if you like took that
  297. system because some people are saying
  298. that oh it's not you know we're not
  299. getting the numbers anymore
  300. I was thinking it'd be nice if you maybe
  301. mix it up a bit and change like where
  302. you have like a draft end of the month
  303. draft one where you maybe have just the
  304. VIP ticket as the entry so it's mostly
  305. mostly just for fun and what it would be
  306. is it uses everyone's like you go to
  307. join and then it presents you with all
  308. the drafts you did for that month and
  309. then you pick one so you pick and pick
  310. your best one and everybody's doing the
  311. same thing so it's just a tournament
  312. full of all these crazy draft decks from
  313. that month to see who had the best draft
  314. deck type of thing and mainly just for
  315. fun but I think I think that would be
  316. pretty cool to do as just like and yeah
  317. one thing maybe every couple months
  318. because yeah it'd be it because I
  319. because I've had plenty of drama I swear
  320. I've just been I wish I played it more
  321. yeah yeah I'm gonna talk to the guys
  322. that's a really good idea I'm definitely
  323. I mean I've read the comments I mean I'm
  324. on the forums as much as I can be
  325. you know I try to absorb as much of the
  326. you know constructive criticism without
  327. you know getting to the point where I'm
  328. sort of the toxic part of it gives me
  329. you know yeah tilted my best and you
  330. know sort of take what's great out of
  331. there and you know definitely the
  332. comments about the tournament attendance
  333. I mean one of the things like having the
  334. Bashan clash every weekend I just really
  335. wanted to have a way for people that
  336. were you know wanted to be invested in
  337. playing you know sort of that you know
  338. tournament level play and having
  339. something every weekend that you can
  340. look forward to and it was just a
  341. regular thing I feel like that's very
  342. important for a trading card game and so
  343. seeing the numbers go down a bit yeah I
  344. mean that's this is natural for where we
  345. are in the cycle of the sets so whenever
  346. we do lose you so I've shaved my screen
  347. now so I'm thinking just being a dirty
  348. reg rafter and taking the value there
  349. but yeah I'm but you don't what about
  350. the you know the winning the winning I
  351. mean the winning yeah what would you
  352. like this is this is your draft what do
  353. you want to do I take your canary it is
  354. yeah I mean I would take it I mean well
  355. someone's gonna get a present there so
  356. there's another giveaway for you guys
  357. speaking of giveaways let's do a
  358. spectral oak let's do a big one
  359. we got Corey young now let's start off
  360. with a spectral oak all you do is type
  361. in the chat
  362. hopefully my volumes better night now
  363. some of you guys saying I was much too
  364. low so please let me know if that's
  365. better so we got talk of night so
  366. gorgeous
  367. yeah tell me what you would want to take
  368. from this pack I know what I like let me
  369. know what you like there what are you
  370. like I love in the halls of China I love
  371. that cut yeah that's what I'm thinking I
  372. think we just go let's just follow it I
  373. mean here here we are we've got the
  374. Blood Diamond we're on the right track I
  375. don't know if you saw my deaf channel
  376. article but I loved doing that and it's
  377. just great so I'm right there with you
  378. death champ is a great yeah
  379. all right folks sorry all you gotta do
  380. is type in the chat folks to win a
  381. spectral okay I'll do the giveaway in
  382. about a minute's time so you get plenty
  383. of time to type in there and I'll draw
  384. that winner so yeah but the next pack I
  385. like one of others are several kinds I
  386. like here so it is a tough choice but
  387. what are you liking I would say well
  388. clearly I always go removal first I've
  389. never had a case where I had like I'm
  390. like damn I got too much removal so I
  391. mean repeal for me I just always take
  392. all the removal I can to start yeah I'm
  393. yeah then I do that most the time as
  394. well in this case like I wouldn't be
  395. like you know cosplay I love to for once
  396. and I do like the you know evasive
  397. threat on top of it so but yeah hell is
  398. fine either of those is what I would go
  399. for here and then hope for the watcher
  400. or you know whatever I'm not picking so
  401. watcher or cosplay on the wheel would be
  402. fantastic
  403. I'd out from this pack we're gonna see
  404. either of them but we can hope so you're
  405. definitely grab the reveal my you might
  406. look at that we can't rewarded with more
  407. removal I really love a woman guilt as
  408. well just that that two-for-one value
  409. I'm a huge fan of it oh yeah yeah for
  410. sure I love it that right there here
  411. this is good you know this is I've seen
  412. these graphs many times where you end up
  413. getting a lot of great removal and then
  414. you're able to sort of cherry-pick there
  415. is typically what it ends up being is
  416. like oh they got threats that you have a
  417. hard time dealing with it as long as you
  418. can deal with those you can usually get
  419. on top especially in if we do manage to
  420. somehow get a def jam deck going the
  421. more removal we have the better deal
  422. with their threats that we can't just
  423. block and trade with and then you're off
  424. to the races so yeah everyone guilt very
  425. nice pick up here hopefully can keep
  426. this train going it's looking pretty
  427. good so far this is amazing first four
  428. picks oh yeah this is interesting you
  429. tell me what would you taking this um so
  430. noble citizenry is obviously great but
  431. it is double threshold with that mother
  432. that's a big deal I would probably go
  433. for the watcher and hope that works out
  434. because they are ridiculously good when
  435. you get obviously if you don't get it a
  436. huge amount they it's just you've seen a
  437. few every pack has had a watcher in it
  438. so far I said no I haven't even realized
  439. that the first pack you a watcher or
  440. hunter the first pack got a watcher for
  441. sure yeah there you go let's go for it
  442. got Watchers and hunters we could try
  443. there clearly the four people to the TV
  444. what right left of you whatever they're
  445. they're not doing it so now it's time
  446. hopefully it's circuit tables yeah all
  447. right folks let's draw the winner of
  448. that spectral oak let me find my window
  449. alright here we go the winner of the
  450. first spectral oak for today is rabbinic
  451. chem enough please let me know your
  452. in-game name all right what do we got
  453. here so we've got a battle chant a
  454. vampire a mosquito a mosh pit and a
  455. cruel sentence in our colors not that
  456. we're locked into blood I personally
  457. like cruel sentence just you know
  458. replaces itself and get that verdict
  459. yeah I agree
  460. I agree I just really go ahead yeah say
  461. you've got some gladiators come by -
  462. yeah I'm not a huge fan of them
  463. Blood Diamond just because the gem
  464. choices aren't the best yeah great yeah
  465. so like the vampire is okay I just don't
  466. prioritize vampire like normally I get
  467. to see a bunch of them and like it's
  468. it's perfectly fine you know forecast 3
  469. #NAME?
  470. haven't really been a you have any death
  471. Christ up particularly yeah yeah not
  472. that that's not that's the most
  473. important thing but cool sentence is
  474. great actually I like that car quite a
  475. bit yeah I just I just love that it's
  476. tough especially confidence replacing
  477. yourself and you can you can get lucky
  478. yeah alright we got a question here oh
  479. boy that's tough I know what I like what
  480. do you like III would have to go with
  481. the Mun soggy bet I that's that's what I
  482. was thinking yeah it's just crazy good
  483. she's very good yeah yeah alright let's
  484. got a consensus there all right Grisi
  485. docks bar sap is Ritualist a flank royal
  486. definitely work seemingly in the ring no
  487. choice got a royal diplomat over there
  488. you got the Grizzly yeah hmm I mean only
  489. say anything from here well for the most
  490. part I'd be happy with so whatever you
  491. like we'll take let me just check on the
  492. chat here I would go with the yeah I
  493. would probably go with the diplomat
  494. diplomat it is alright so we can always
  495. give him extra health and then when a
  496. opposing trip into the Crypt we could go
  497. for extra damage making him a pretty big
  498. threat that's not a bad option yeah so
  499. there's not really anything first here
  500. besides of the ruining strike so I guess
  501. we'll just take the rune a strike unless
  502. we want to deny something I usually
  503. don't hate draft like it usually doesn't
  504. do much for me unless there's just
  505. nothing they'll just trying to take
  506. whatever is best but yeah I think you're
  507. ruining straights fine yep I'm fine with
  508. it
  509. all right so that's I've got your name
  510. there so we'll do some more giveaways in
  511. a moment
  512. yes and it's raining strike so yeah
  513. let's hopefully get some of those
  514. telling keeps on the wheel if not Oh
  515. we'll just keep taking all the good
  516. blood diamond cards as we see ya you've
  517. gone by one so somebody's taking them so
  518. we'll see so one thing more is one thing
  519. people are curious about is we we
  520. haven't heard about well you know the
  521. tablet tablet supply version I guess in
  522. awhile so is there any updates on that
  523. you'd like to share or is that still
  524. unfortunately sort of everything's on
  525. siege and the next set right now so
  526. we've gotten down the road where we had
  527. it working we were doing this like we
  528. had the reduce of asset bundling there
  529. are a few different things like we're
  530. starting to build the interface I mean
  531. the ps4 build helped it like figuring
  532. out a lot of stuff we had to do for
  533. tablet but it kind of got put that
  534. burner for now while we get all of siege
  535. in and all of well also the ps4 for
  536. Europe and for Japan that required you
  537. know some canoodling
  538. Japan has some specific requirements
  539. about how we treat currency is an
  540. example so we've got to work through
  541. that you got here yeah I probably take
  542. it not terrible no it's not definitely
  543. not terrible really I would take the
  544. primal prison but oh I didn't well I'm
  545. not a huge fan of from the prison but I
  546. guess yeah I hate being like locked out
  547. resource wise in terms of like
  548. thresholds and drives me crazy so I tend
  549. to prioritize that kind of stuff a
  550. little higher I think than most people
  551. yeah look at that that's pretty good so
  552. I like jewel list and I like see free so
  553. what are you liking here
  554. I like you I would take those I would
  555. take the C priest he's really
  556. problematic if like things had to go
  557. this way it makes all the math too
  558. screwy yeah it does see priests and also
  559. they they hit he hits your
  560. you're vampires yeah three five Flyers
  561. that five is uh you know that's good oh
  562. that's great
  563. the spy how we take a spy yep spiders
  564. Punisher and outflank
  565. I'll see I'll flank just to see what
  566. what your combat tricks are gonna be at
  567. one point here it is that's a shame
  568. which we could really yeah I don't think
  569. so
  570. I know I mean I generally don't splash
  571. colors just for somebody's gonna get a
  572. consultant Alan I love that color I love
  573. that kind as well such good value
  574. well you but you've got to kill now you
  575. know and if he is kill we got kill in
  576. your hand that doesn't be a waiter yeah
  577. that's true if you've got it so yeah
  578. we'll pass now give another awesome card
  579. to somebody else they're in this draft
  580. why not let's take the kill let's do
  581. another giveaway here so let's see you
  582. up next we'll do a a collector alternate
  583. let's do this soul Mabo collector AAA so
  584. again all you to do is be active in the
  585. chat just time alright a few good
  586. choices here what do you like it
  587. I think the humble guard is especially
  588. if you can find some more verdict I
  589. think you're gonna catch more verdict as
  590. my feeling yeah and that guy is I mean I
  591. do really like humbrol god
  592. smoke raker is also just really
  593. ridiculously good value with the double
  594. discount but yeah that's what you want I
  595. think that's the way to go all right
  596. we're doing it we're doing it
  597. alright he's a nice guys who warned you
  598. even though later after that I'm not
  599. very good so I mean you're doing fine
  600. like I probably would have taken raper
  601. there myself just cuz they're ridiculous
  602. value to it but I do live unreal got as
  603. well and if we're lucky maybe we'll get
  604. another into the holes and we'll just
  605. get all the videos and you're putting a
  606. lot of positive energy into the idea
  607. we're gonna get more verdict
  608. I'll be happy if that happens so we got
  609. mr. champion many choices alright so we
  610. do have the ender which is a double
  611. deploying and death grant we've got
  612. another Deadeye and I know Belinda
  613. grizzy and yeah what you like in here
  614. alright it's it's like it's all blurred
  615. out for me okay here we go yeah very
  616. good I would I would say the I don't
  617. know what do you think I mean I'm happy
  618. with either the Deadeye or the ender is
  619. what I would probably go between so I
  620. would say ender yeah let's get for the
  621. verdict why not I like it yeah I'll just
  622. double down on the verdict I so I feel
  623. like that's a good good choice easy
  624. pickup here with another kills that's
  625. pretty good
  626. oh great look at this a dark and knight
  627. who kills or repel all oh thanks thanks
  628. Jin all there's cupcakes full on -
  629. Bella's head thank you for the cheer all
  630. right so what we get here is for the
  631. kill of course so let's draw the winner
  632. of the soul marble alternative here we
  633. go alright let's roll it
  634. hey do you want people entered we got
  635. hex manifesto you've got yourself a soul
  636. marble alternate just let me know your
  637. in-game name please
  638. alright so let's grab the kill we get
  639. next there's another diplomat there's a
  640. gruesome deed that's grumpy in game
  641. names where is he where's Manifesta
  642. there he is
  643. alright you just talked very nice so
  644. yeah let me know your in-game name and
  645. I'll put that in my final there it is
  646. alright thank you very much
  647. I don't know what do you think the any
  648. charge Hulk joke if you have the right
  649. immunity ins gonna be able to verdict -
  650. yeah I like chunk oh just good value so
  651. I'm happy to take that that seems fine
  652. good value it triggers off the pre the C
  653. priest it lets you use your champ you
  654. know if you get the verdict champ you're
  655. gonna be able to yeah sounds good
  656. so let me put your name there so that
  657. was for the sole model alright save
  658. alright next next giveaway we'll do one
  659. for you PV players will do a kickstart
  660. of mercenaries so if you're if you like
  661. the PV even talking in the shed so what
  662. do we like here not not a great pack
  663. we've got a naive lack he's not terrible
  664. yeah that's what I was thinking yeah
  665. it's fine perfectly fine so we'll grab
  666. him when we look in here so curve is
  667. looking pretty decent sample look at
  668. that view looking pretty good so more
  669. two's would be nice there's a cruel
  670. sentence so we can get another verdict
  671. here do we want it yeah you want that
  672. right yeah for sure all right well
  673. yelling for everyone else is taking all
  674. the deputy now you're you're you you
  675. stay focused and now it's starting to
  676. pay dividends you know so uh I'll give
  677. you something to give away to at the end
  678. of the stream let's wait till after
  679. we've drafted us dude it's too much
  680. going on but yeah whatever what I like I
  681. could we could give away one of any
  682. sleeve in the game or something that's
  683. right all right you know I'm sure people
  684. would appreciate that if that's what
  685. you'd like to do sure all right we got a
  686. cold fly
  687. we got a cruel sentence but are we good
  688. I can't say it's not to clean up in my
  689. screen there's lag yeah all right
  690. hundred kilobytes hitori hundred
  691. kilobytes it's quite oh boy hopefully
  692. I'll upgrade it soon so coughs fly we
  693. got cruel sentence we got gruesome
  694. detour a vampire I'm thinking cold so I
  695. just love corpse flies yeah take it you
  696. were you know you didn't get that last
  697. one so I think the plan with this guy
  698. the guy who's always getting attacked by
  699. these insects is he's always going is
  700. that how
  701. every say is that just something your
  702. plan to continue for till the end of
  703. time we we do it if I remember like I
  704. think it's me like I'm like Oh remember
  705. put the dude that's getting killed by
  706. her getting attacked by it's the same
  707. guy for sure yeah but we sometimes we
  708. sometimes we forget like I think this
  709. last so did we forgot so good that's a
  710. great pickup yeah like I'm not I don't I
  711. don't mine Inquisition just a double
  712. blood kind of you know and it can be a
  713. situational but yeah we got lucky with
  714. it it's brutal
  715. yeah nothing feels worse so now yeah
  716. nothing there we go I would probably
  717. just hate graph the strategist maybe
  718. yeah okay Oh
  719. grizzly is what I'm liking here we also
  720. got a bastion of warlord and queens yeah
  721. not that those I mean it's basically
  722. between grizzly in bashing now I would
  723. say the grizzly for sure I like really
  724. good can't you just frost for him my
  725. first ones just another great mechanic
  726. yeah another one that the AI is not
  727. great with so we're making those siege
  728. decks I have to say when it comes to
  729. portal I love it it's a great mechanic I
  730. know you guys were like how can we did
  731. you was the like you know from the mine
  732. instead of like a can we make conscript
  733. better or is it just something that you
  734. know it's like hey you how about we just
  735. do this and it's happened to turn out
  736. being better than the new conscript like
  737. a better version yeah I I feel like you
  738. know Ryan has been leading these sets
  739. and doing an amazing job and I feel like
  740. what he's been focused on is just how do
  741. I make new fun things in the digital
  742. space and stay
  743. true to what is great about hex which is
  744. you know trying to be high-end
  745. competitive well balanced and fun and I
  746. think that's where that stuff's coming
  747. from I think the I think you know next
  748. set I think people are going to be
  749. pretty blown away by what we have next
  750. set like in terms of taking advantage of
  751. the digital space we've got a you want
  752. to maybe tell us I don't because I feel
  753. like this we're gonna do a whole article
  754. and show it off and but it's it's pretty
  755. out there
  756. I tried fun I think it's one of the most
  757. out-there things I will say it's the
  758. most out-there thing we've done in the
  759. game yet for a for a normal set yeah so
  760. I mean that this should be you know
  761. pretty crazy I think people are gonna be
  762. pretty surprised by us exploring some
  763. pretty interesting space so that's
  764. exciting
  765. the but I you know I have my hat's off
  766. to you know Ryan and Jared and Cory they
  767. are doing a great job
  768. oh wow so pivot pal that doesn't do much
  769. for us a mind rack sorcerer is great
  770. both very very dangerous but we're Gabe
  771. sighs yeah like drafting I mean like hey
  772. drafting never really seems to work no
  773. I'm not saying - hey drop see I'm just
  774. ya know it's they're just really good
  775. cats but yeah mine Rack is great so uh
  776. yeah I will try to get your questions
  777. soon guys we're just you know focusing
  778. on the draft at the moment so I'm sorry
  779. that I haven't gone yeah yeah and I'll
  780. be on long enough for us - yeah well
  781. we're playing the games
  782. we'll be able to do a bit of that I
  783. think we'll be better a bit of timing
  784. but one question we do focus we're
  785. trying to draft here yeah exactly yeah
  786. let's just let's continue with draft so
  787. take the mine wreck let's put him in the
  788. deck yeah I think that's the right ball
  789. guys great we got repeal and kill so
  790. what I mean I like repeal just because
  791. the reduced cast but also I mean they
  792. both have the upside of being to be able
  793. to use you know you
  794. double block and then or they double
  795. block and you use it repel obviously
  796. doesn't have a scenario so it is yeah
  797. but all the trigger guys like the guys
  798. that you know aren't attacking he just
  799. got so much upside that green Australia
  800. just probably isn't attacking so the
  801. repel not doing much for you well it's
  802. sitting there you over with like
  803. yeah this is the kind of deck that I
  804. love where it's heavy on removal and
  805. then tries to create a couple of threats
  806. that are very difficult to deal with and
  807. that's where you can get absolutely
  808. fluke over by going up against someone
  809. with a death chant if they're just like
  810. Oh killing please kill kill kill them
  811. all and then there's lightning that we
  812. have seen this well I'm just saying like
  813. that is one of the downside
  814. one of the upsides to doing the death
  815. chain build is you you want my parts
  816. together the wrong choice I love them on
  817. soggy but I also like the hunger that's
  818. a tough one I think there's a decent
  819. chance hunger wheels and I think we do
  820. actually need more to drops and I'm a
  821. big fan of dead I so yeah I'm happy to
  822. take that oh yeah there is he's great
  823. nothing too exciting here in my opinion
  824. do diamond ice is what I like there what
  825. are you liking the diamond ice ice ice
  826. is just amazing no you know what the
  827. other thing I would say though is that
  828. you know with the verdicts the spirits
  829. are not a bad thing
  830. so the ethereal caller is not bad either
  831. true the reason why the reason why I'm
  832. thinking the ice is cuz we have a lot of
  833. play was already well cut what cut that
  834. card drive me drill be crazy when I was
  835. in the standard draft format well I
  836. hated that car
  837. actually when I get someone during a
  838. kismet draft several weeks ago where
  839. they had I think three or four of them
  840. and he was like oh he might have even
  841. meet four colors and I was just like
  842. this is ridiculous and then he's like he
  843. plays like you know and he's tricolor or
  844. four color deck he's like augmented
  845. twice opens at awakening and I'm like
  846. killing him getting back and I was just
  847. like stop yeah it was it was just like
  848. the evasion strategy is great the thing
  849. that annoyed me though was I think it
  850. was one of those games around to color
  851. was just generally when I stick to and
  852. he's didn't there were just getting all
  853. the thresholds and augmented awakening
  854. and I didn't even get my second color
  855. again but our mind rack I think that's a
  856. great yeah you're gonna be able to dump
  857. the diplomat dump I mean you got a lot
  858. of stuff here you can dump to really
  859. focus in yeah you got some great
  860. probably I mean we get rid of these
  861. vampires if we yeah lucky again still
  862. we're still in process here we got who
  863. trying to figure out what the cards are
  864. when they're in low res like super
  865. pixelated alright hopefully I'll get
  866. better incidence soon but yeah I mean
  867. yeah it's it's just mine tonight to send
  868. it to Skype and the stream at the same
  869. time surprisingly I'm not dropping
  870. frames but yeah so we've got Lackey
  871. we've got outflank and that's pretty
  872. much it you know the Howard ratings but
  873. we don't care I probably grab the
  874. outflank you're probably not playing the
  875. lackeys at this point yeah exactly
  876. I'll flanks at least you get if you're
  877. gonna if it ends up being a heavy
  878. creature match up you can have some
  879. options to sideboard in some more combat
  880. tricks so we got surface challenge here
  881. which is pretty much to anything we can
  882. play that we yeah probably now I got so
  883. much removable at this point that it's
  884. probably go yeah this is limited reach
  885. in there so let's see we got repel
  886. double cruel since doubled ni so we kind
  887. of do want more
  888. if we can still get some like I think
  889. there's a chance we get another Deadeye
  890. which would be not bad yeah there's
  891. another coin here there's also a noble
  892. citizenry and a bastion so we're Kuna
  893. coin the diamond one I think you know
  894. the noble citizenry's aren't bad I mean
  895. if you run those again you know yeah I
  896. think we take it I don't know or there's
  897. the UNA coin whichever you want what do
  898. you what do you reckon here coin or
  899. noble I'm happy with either let's go
  900. with the noble we've got a thing of the
  901. mountain god the one drop to two that
  902. hurts you each turn or a bastion button
  903. so I think I don't think you're gonna
  904. play any of this stuff
  905. I probably grab I'm thinking Fat Bob
  906. easy
  907. sorry uh yeah maybe actually okay he's a
  908. great one drop yeah I was just saying in
  909. case we're against like a super
  910. aggressive deck week because we don't
  911. have yeah yeah - so that's good point
  912. he's a 1 so it's nothing here we want so
  913. we could just deny a Bryant Legion I
  914. guess stop someone getting too many yeah
  915. I haven't sorry I so give away right
  916. what was the giveaway I was doing I
  917. forgot oh yeah I did say the kickstart a
  918. mercenary so we're gonna start off with
  919. a we'll do the signing of earners let's
  920. do that guy so let me get that ready so
  921. again all you got to do is be active in
  922. the chat and then I'll give you a chance
  923. to win so sign of Aaron as the kicks
  924. down a mercenary from the Dragons was
  925. the dragon's blood deck I think that's
  926. what it was killed so we've got you know
  927. a haunting cry Bastion vicuna coin and
  928. it's charged bot as possibilities just
  929. boy you know yeah probably
  930. alright between that is between that
  931. mature-age Bob but yeah I probably look
  932. cooler going all right all right folks
  933. I'll draw that winner in a moment so we
  934. do have an F in route caller now so I
  935. guess we take that since you wanted to
  936. be full yeah I would say that's probably
  937. the right choice
  938. look here so all right chats going crazy
  939. I can't keep up with it let me draw the
  940. winner here we go folks we've got 70
  941. people entered into this one so again
  942. all you do is be acting with a chat to
  943. be eligible for all these giveaways and
  944. as long as you're typing I think it's
  945. like every 20 minutes that'll be fine so
  946. we can grab a to drop here we've got
  947. spoil or a razor edge duelist I think we
  948. go the Duelist for an actual body yeah
  949. yeah yeah for sure
  950. all right all right let me drill the
  951. winner here so this is for the the sign
  952. of earnest let's go here we go the
  953. winner is how do I say this
  954. and graça Angra hecka you are the winner
  955. just let me know your in-game names
  956. thank you and let's draw another winner
  957. let's do a winner for the monkey of the
  958. nine tails as well so angry heck oh you
  959. have got that one and there's your
  960. in-game name thank you know where he's
  961. AJ I'm just letting the thing pick the
  962. cards for us here because they're not in
  963. our colors so whatever yeah all right so
  964. let's get that so that was for the song
  965. let's draw a winner for the monkey the
  966. ninetails another Kickstarter mercenary
  967. here we go
  968. correct crack - Emily out I don't have
  969. to say this name we'll just call him
  970. crack crack you've got it please confirm
  971. you're here and let me know your in-game
  972. name as well I guess we probably should
  973. put these in the bin get these wild
  974. cards out of there so we're gonna make
  975. some cuts not too many but we gotta make
  976. some let's get rid of that so we've got
  977. the three coins the resource optimizing
  978. leaves do you want to you've got a you
  979. want to drag that mind rack down you got
  980. one of them up on the top of one
  981. no come oh oh you mean up here there is
  982. Eric so he's back in there so we've gone
  983. so I think we get rid of Augmented
  984. awakening yeah yeah for sure
  985. we don't so let's see so we definitely
  986. want the doc if not we want the Ender
  987. charge hope we could get rid of its yeah
  988. go go down what what else is in the the
  989. reserve I am sorry let me blood
  990. we've got nothing too exciting that we
  991. the Flyers they're fine
  992. and ice nothing in there to strike yeah
  993. so you're what do you what so many
  994. resources at a three so you get you need
  995. to cut two cards yeah if we want to do
  996. 17 which in this deck we've got the into
  997. the end into the holes so we don't mind
  998. getting flooded if we get that down of
  999. course so yeah we can do that so is what
  1000. I'm thinking
  1001. yeah no best targets me I'm real God is
  1002. a good target so maybe we want to keep
  1003. it in just for that but we've also got
  1004. the fly at the rope I would say the one
  1005. issue I think right now we're having is
  1006. that we don't have any great you know
  1007. like the one like problem attacker that
  1008. they're gonna happen either with sadly
  1009. so it's kind of a kind of reliant on
  1010. just of having all the removal and
  1011. hopefully our what we have remaining
  1012. wins is a game or the verdict value we
  1013. got decent amount of verdict potential
  1014. so we could get phantoms or even a
  1015. nightfall can win the game and that's
  1016. where the amber of God could could help
  1017. us out as well yeah or what do you try
  1018. you you
  1019. the bear and lose the let's see lose the
  1020. bear and go up one let's see grow up on
  1021. our main deck lately so if you take out
  1022. the bear and one other like the the the
  1023. razor the the to drop yeah strike take
  1024. out the the girl what's her name if we
  1025. if you if you to drop and the five drop
  1026. and put in both vampires so you can try
  1027. is you gotta get a lot of removals so
  1028. you might be able to keep them out of
  1029. the sky and then use that as your sort
  1030. of wind condition is that you're gonna
  1031. be coming over the top I think I think
  1032. you're gonna need some combat tricks
  1033. we're gonna win this how about the sea
  1034. breeze do we care about him like getting
  1035. extra health on out dudes with the two
  1036. guys with lethal so that's pretty good
  1037. making those guys one fives is not not
  1038. terrible like I feel like I would I
  1039. wouldn't get rid of him so you were
  1040. thinking Julis well there was the Baron
  1041. that do list were the ones that I had
  1042. said but probably the do list at this
  1043. point I just don't think I think you're
  1044. gonna be able to control the the ground
  1045. and then try and just go over the top
  1046. and so the do list isn't not really
  1047. helping too much with that so you're
  1048. probably going to be able to pump up for
  1049. instance hopefully pump up the mind
  1050. racks to make the ground game screwy use
  1051. combat tricks and then hopefully
  1052. removals for the air and you
  1053. over the top yeah that's sort of how I
  1054. would build it let's see yeah it's
  1055. always the hard part right like what do
  1056. you cut I was just think well I mean I
  1057. guess you drop the outflank yeah I got a
  1058. lot of moles probably fine alright let's
  1059. get a coin in there you got a stock
  1060. stock at a guard - I generally will buff
  1061. yourselves just so he's hard to deal
  1062. with and he can then be more defensive
  1063. but in this deck I guess we might want
  1064. to go for the more damage what are you
  1065. thinking I think you go with the one
  1066. shot blessed to attack that way every
  1067. time you verdict he's doing for from
  1068. that point oh yeah for sure all right
  1069. let's do it all right let's get our
  1070. shelves in so we need to get probably
  1071. slightly more done and we want to make
  1072. sure we get that into the holes down
  1073. yeah there we go all right wait nope I
  1074. stuffed it up I did have the right foot
  1075. eight so six seven eight nine diamond
  1076. ain't blood is what I'm gonna go for
  1077. here do you agree with that so yeah I
  1078. think I'll ever larger accept the calls
  1079. fly and dark if not you're there yeah -
  1080. where's out driving I mean it looks like
  1081. the right mix but yeah I just Mary I
  1082. think we want to make sure we get that
  1083. into the holes down if we have it so
  1084. just a 1 yeah for sure all right folks
  1085. let's let's search for a game
  1086. yeah hmm so alright last giveaway let's
  1087. do another one this time let's do one of
  1088. my favorite set 1 cards do you want you
  1089. guys would have seen me play a lot with
  1090. replicators gambit alternate art here we
  1091. go
  1092. now the Kickstarter card so again just
  1093. being active in chat and yeah if you
  1094. have questions now for Corey just do add
  1095. hexed havoc followed be a question and
  1096. I'll try my best to catch them the champ
  1097. is crawling pretty quick so I might miss
  1098. some work so I've got some in the forums
  1099. let me hear I have a look there and see
  1100. what was see what's already hasn't been
  1101. talked about oh right so here's one
  1102. thing so the ps4 changes is there is
  1103. that like coming in the next patch
  1104. perhaps or is that gonna be later on no
  1105. no it'll be a little bit later against
  1106. everything focus wise is just trying to
  1107. get siege out as quickly as possible
  1108. because I felt like that was something
  1109. that could really be exciting for
  1110. players and yeah bring you know PvE
  1111. players give them something that's new
  1112. and fun and so I really wanted to make
  1113. that the focus and so everything else is
  1114. sort of you know between that making
  1115. sure the next sets ready to go because
  1116. like I said there's some interesting
  1117. stuff going on that that required some
  1118. pretty heavy-duty engineering and then
  1119. also the launch of the ps4 on on free EU
  1120. and Japan each of them had very specific
  1121. requirements that were different than
  1122. the US so we had to to challenge the
  1123. team to get all that stuff done luckily
  1124. II use now out and Japan I think is I'm
  1125. hoping next week we can hit Japan
  1126. Melissa I mean who knows if we have an
  1127. audience in Japan I don't know like I
  1128. just felt like it's one of the biggest
  1129. TCG markets in the world and we could
  1130. get the game translated and they're not
  1131. put off by things that are complex and
  1132. clearly our game is pretty complex so I
  1133. felt like it was a good opportunity
  1134. especially since there are there's a
  1135. reasonably big install base for the
  1136. PlayStation in Japan so but we do want
  1137. to get those in the other issue ulil is
  1138. we were trying to figure out how to make
  1139. it an option right I don't want you to
  1140. you know gotta figure out how to manage
  1141. that do we continue to offer both and
  1142. then we have to support both which is
  1143. just a lot more work or do we switched
  1144. all
  1145. / - sort of the format of the way you
  1146. build on the ps4
  1147. a little bit of an open question there
  1148. still - so yeah but we'll definitely get
  1149. to it so stro more asks will there be
  1150. more development focus on a XIII once
  1151. set 9 and seed you're done well there
  1152. continues to be I mean it's still in
  1153. development we're still doing stuff it's
  1154. just slower because we've had to balance
  1155. resources against whatever we're you
  1156. know whatever the biggest priority is
  1157. but all that stuff is slowly creeping
  1158. along you know that clearly the you know
  1159. the the heart and soul of hex is in PvE
  1160. and I'm trying to make sure I put in the
  1161. stuff that is most going to potentially
  1162. turn the dial and get more people
  1163. playing the game and so the other
  1164. question is always does going from 50
  1165. hours of EBE content that we have
  1166. currently or going to you know adding 30
  1167. more hours of PB of the same type of PvE
  1168. concept content does that gonna bring us
  1169. a bunch of new people or does that you
  1170. know serve a smaller group of people
  1171. that are already in the game that's
  1172. always a question and so for me things
  1173. like seeds that are a new way to play
  1174. and give you an exciting thing to do
  1175. with PvE become much more of a priority
  1176. than simply putting in more nodes and
  1177. more dungeons but on that note we do
  1178. have some plans about that specifically
  1179. what we're trying to come up with new
  1180. and fun ways to make that exciting and
  1181. and and how can we make it innovative as
  1182. opposed to just more of the same and
  1183. that's what we're working on you know I
  1184. would look at something like raids as an
  1185. example and I would say that's a bigger
  1186. opportunity for us in terms of getting
  1187. more people playing X then simply
  1188. putting out a XIII yeah I would write I
  1189. would be more inclined to say you know
  1190. put a heavy duty focus of resources on
  1191. figuring out finally how to get rage in
  1192. so that we have multiplayer PvE content
  1193. that to me I feel like that's one of
  1194. those we have a lot of shots at sort of
  1195. you know there's a lot of different
  1196. features a lot different things we're
  1197. gonna do in the game it's not just about
  1198. longevity we
  1199. growing playerbase we still have
  1200. thousands of new players every day I
  1201. look at the totals like we get a bunch
  1202. of new people constantly and the
  1203. Playstations help with that and when we
  1204. go on to other consoles it will help
  1205. with that only a tablet will help with
  1206. that it's ready to continue that but
  1207. beyond just getting onto platforms that
  1208. give us a chance to talking to people
  1209. it's what kinds of gameplay potentially
  1210. serve the you know people who would like
  1211. hex in a way that finally gets them to
  1212. install and start playing or brings back
  1213. the people that sort of you know moved
  1214. away from games been out for a long time
  1215. I mean I cycle through like lots of
  1216. games so the expectation that everyone's
  1217. gonna stick with it forever is crazy but
  1218. you know if you're coming up with fresh
  1219. stuff and new ways to play then it's
  1220. kind of a new game and that's for me a
  1221. big focus in a big priority and so I
  1222. would say you know we're gonna keep
  1223. iterating on things like C's we're gonna
  1224. keep working on fun things I have some
  1225. ideas about dungeons we've got lots of
  1226. stuff but something big like raids you
  1227. know that to me represents sort of the
  1228. holy grail of that you know chance to
  1229. reinvent how people feel about you know
  1230. PvE as an example yeah I've been like
  1231. hammering for it like I just want right
  1232. so bad can you may be talking about what
  1233. is the biggest challenge to actually
  1234. getting it going like what or is that
  1235. something you don't want to talk about
  1236. well I mean the interface component how
  1237. to manage how two players play together
  1238. and how priorities and targeting works
  1239. how the AI deals with it and how the AI
  1240. plays you know having the things that I
  1241. really want like the experience to be
  1242. rather cinematic so you know there's a
  1243. lot of work that goes into you know
  1244. building out new battle boards and all
  1245. the other things that I want a raid to
  1246. represent including all the scripted
  1247. triggers and how do you make it a puzzle
  1248. that I mean there's a lot that goes into
  1249. making it once you've tackled all the
  1250. logistical problems of how it plays and
  1251. how it feels great and then all the
  1252. polish and fun game design we've had a
  1253. lot of that done
  1254. a lot of raids one of the things we have
  1255. to have you know that we had to you know
  1256. conquer is sticky damage and direct
  1257. attacks and so direct attacks again or
  1258. one of those things that's sort of a
  1259. core functionality component that we we
  1260. have to solve that you know as part of
  1261. the raids without direct attacks being
  1262. being able to pick you know pick the
  1263. target but you know other troops to
  1264. attack raids won't work you have to have
  1265. that okay cuz we win right you wouldn't
  1266. you think it but no having you know
  1267. having created the idea of raids back
  1268. with the WoW TCG and spent many many
  1269. years making them not having direct
  1270. attacks just closes up too much design
  1271. space and to make the most fulfilling
  1272. raid experience you really have to have
  1273. direct attacks so it be basically
  1274. telling you experience as well on top of
  1275. what we currently the way we currently
  1276. play yeah for sure that's great because
  1277. I'm space to have we can use it
  1278. everywhere
  1279. geez yeah but but again it's just one of
  1280. those core core system elements that we
  1281. have to sort of tackle and there's a lot
  1282. to it but again it's one of the things
  1283. that's on the roadmap and it's something
  1284. we want to we want to do but again
  1285. that's you know part of that larger
  1286. conversation of how the resources get
  1287. spent at any given moment yep alright so
  1288. we have some other questions I mean
  1289. there's a lot I'm trying to just find
  1290. trying not to pass it you guys in the
  1291. chat here I've just scroll back up so
  1292. someone did mention I can't find the
  1293. exact question but it was something to
  1294. do you just mentioned the roadmap is
  1295. there any plans to do like I mean like a
  1296. public road map of a thing I I
  1297. understand I mean of course that would
  1298. be I feel like all that does is set up
  1299. people for disappointment because all of
  1300. the like we try to be agile I try to be
  1301. I gotta tell everyone and you'll see it
  1302. like what decisions we make about
  1303. unbagging cards you're banning car or
  1304. whatever it is I try not to stay with a
  1305. decision because I made a decision I try
  1306. to make the best decision in any moment
  1307. and you know things change everything
  1308. changes all the time and I'm
  1309. look at what people are saying and what
  1310. people are more importantly doing or
  1311. who's playing and and try to take all of
  1312. that in all the time to make the best
  1313. decision possible and so putting on a
  1314. road map to me just feels like we all
  1315. know all the stuff we want to do
  1316. we've talked about it there's a dozen
  1317. things that any serious hex player can
  1318. rattle off instantaneously that we want
  1319. to put in so he's simply saying like
  1320. here's the priorities or here's how
  1321. we're gonna do it is me setting up
  1322. everyone to be either you know to be
  1323. disappointed honestly yeah I feel like
  1324. that's a bad call
  1325. so not something that I'm really excited
  1326. about doing honestly fair enough and I
  1327. know a lot of games out there that are
  1328. do great jobs do real bounce but I feel
  1329. like they are rolling stuff out on a
  1330. schedule that's based on what they're
  1331. trying to accomplish with the game very
  1332. specifically and very lynyrd linearly
  1333. whereas hex is just not that game at
  1334. this point you know it's old enough and
  1335. we've been doing enough stuff where it's
  1336. trying to be agile and figure out like
  1337. okay people are really like about siege
  1338. comes out and people love it then me
  1339. tripling down I'm trying to get the PvE
  1340. components to go around siege and the
  1341. reward systems and really blow that out
  1342. that becomes the best decision and so
  1343. all of a sudden the roadmap changes
  1344. based on you know how players are
  1345. playing and what they like so that's
  1346. sort of my my take on that I like the
  1347. question somebody asked what happens if
  1348. I get hit by a bus actually the the I
  1349. wasn't one I just figured that you've
  1350. got like a self-destruct mechanism it's
  1351. like screw you all if I'm next year old
  1352. I get Fitbit style watch that when my
  1353. pulse stops the server's lock instantly
  1354. yeah and all the other data is just
  1355. deleted that doesn't happen all right so
  1356. are you kidding me
  1357. the game will live on yeah and then I'll
  1358. manifest myself inside of the game
  1359. itself nice as well just I'll just draft
  1360. four alternative to get three in the
  1361. morning and you'll see you like my name
  1362. pop up in the draft QT oh my god
  1363. like you know
  1364. that's right the ghost my ghost will
  1365. draft and and then I can in chat I could
  1366. tell you about the afterlife sweet how
  1367. exciting this alright so a lot of
  1368. questions let's check some of the ones
  1369. on the forums here so I guess that's
  1370. look at that that's where the bus
  1371. question can you know has a bunch of
  1372. questions sorry
  1373. oh you just like read it off an answer
  1374. if you'd like to do that yeah I talked
  1375. about a little bit before but the you
  1376. know the state of the you know giving
  1377. away $1000 every Saturday and Sunday and
  1378. having seventy people show up yeah not
  1379. optimal clearly you know I'm again I'm
  1380. trying to figure out how best to serve
  1381. the community and so I felt like you
  1382. know having four cat for four prizing
  1383. tournaments every Saturday Sunday where
  1384. you could really build a schedule around
  1385. it and it'd be like one of a lifestyle
  1386. thing we're switching the Saturdays and
  1387. Sunday so you know seal or you know
  1388. having limited or constructed so you're
  1389. have a trade-off but if we don't but
  1390. there's not that many people then I
  1391. don't know I gotta figure out what
  1392. people want right like speaking I'm
  1393. always willing to listen the problem is
  1394. all the threads about what we should do
  1395. if you're not in the first like three or
  1396. four pages I'm probably not reading it
  1397. because it just descends into
  1398. opportunity and I cannot do it like I'm
  1399. gonna have to hire someone to read it on
  1400. give me notes or something I guess but I
  1401. get my best as an example we had people
  1402. Whizzer to their whole job was just
  1403. combing through the forums and creating
  1404. crib sheets of the good ideas so we'll
  1405. plan on you integrated you I talked to
  1406. Bill about that the double backs man
  1407. owes a cursor yeah like the auction how
  1408. stuff works like you look at the ps4
  1409. auction house stuff that's a little
  1410. better right like it's kind of for you
  1411. because the double back stuff so I'm
  1412. speaking of the tournament the the cash
  1413. tournaments is there any plans or is
  1414. they talked on the
  1415. the price structure I don't know if you
  1416. saw my thread or if you sing yeah yeah I
  1417. definitely I definitely saw it I read
  1418. that and I definitely am thinking about
  1419. it I'm trying to figure out like what
  1420. the best thing is and again this has
  1421. always been like I've had arguments the
  1422. length of my career about how you
  1423. support a serious and competitive TCG
  1424. from people that felt like giving away
  1425. money was the worst idea ever the people
  1426. who thought it was absolutely mandatory
  1427. and sort of everything in between and
  1428. for you know I've been in the games
  1429. industry for 25 years and about 20 of
  1430. them have been focused on TCG's and I've
  1431. had these conversations with so many
  1432. people you know the great thing about
  1433. hex is again it's digital so I can
  1434. switch it up like I would love to figure
  1435. out again going back to the drafting you
  1436. know Ryan I have talked about it what
  1437. are things we can do that we can you
  1438. know at that eight or nine month or
  1439. eight or nine week mark what are some
  1440. things we could do we've got some ideas
  1441. to mix it up though it's completely out
  1442. of the box something totally new where
  1443. you're you know and again you your
  1444. imagination is the limit and and I feel
  1445. like that's the place where as in a
  1446. small agile company that's built an
  1447. incredible engine and is digital we can
  1448. reinvent and do things that are really
  1449. cool so when it comes to tournaments
  1450. yeah like what are the things that
  1451. people people want like I look at the
  1452. hex thing they did last time and I
  1453. probably made a mistake I felt like I
  1454. felt like doing the little alternate art
  1455. Commons or uncommons would have been
  1456. like again I got this stuff comes from
  1457. me like kind of seat of my pants like oh
  1458. yeah we did see before let's do all
  1459. these little chasey fun common Commons
  1460. that are you know animated that'd be
  1461. pretty cool oh did you get a game oh I
  1462. was about to just add some text to the
  1463. screen just now saying everyone is
  1464. scared and then we find a game I'm here
  1465. people like well Ben sleeves I probably
  1466. would have played more so yeah maybe I
  1467. made a mistake you know I should have
  1468. done sleeves again I was just going to
  1469. mix it up yeah I mean I think there's
  1470. other things you could do there in terms
  1471. of prizes outside of sleeves and all
  1472. that but yeah I mean I don't mind it
  1473. either way with in terms of
  1474. the different ways to play have you
  1475. thought of doing stuff where like you're
  1476. drafting with cards and all the cards
  1477. are cards that have equipment that then
  1478. can be used would that be something
  1479. that's doable in the future yeah I mean
  1480. definitely all that we talked about it
  1481. for sure like we talked about putting in
  1482. PvE cards into the packs and doing
  1483. equipment stuff we talked about all that
  1484. kind of stuff and it's just terms down
  1485. to sort of balance and whether or not
  1486. it's fun all that stuff's definitely out
  1487. there and we're we are considering lots
  1488. of different things so it's really just
  1489. a matter of you know trying stuff and
  1490. seeing what works someone go like and
  1491. then you know not not getting too caught
  1492. up in any one thing keep keep mixing it
  1493. up and sometimes it's gonna work and
  1494. sometimes it's not and then we and again
  1495. we try to listen to everyone's feedback
  1496. you know with kismet I never intended
  1497. for kismet to be necessarily going for
  1498. the final two months and so you know
  1499. getting the feedback like people were
  1500. kind of still I guess bum they didn't
  1501. weren't able to catch some of the
  1502. sleeves at the end and also talking
  1503. about like wanting to draft some more
  1504. you know 887 and I felt like okay that's
  1505. fine and also if we do it the last like
  1506. 3-4 weeks leading up to set 9 release
  1507. then we have you know a nice little
  1508. transition point from being back in our
  1509. regular sets and then going to - you
  1510. know 999 which is gonna be very
  1511. interesting with our with the stuff
  1512. we're doing in set 9 the craziest thing
  1513. you've done yet is in set 9 or something
  1514. like that on those lines I'm excited
  1515. yeah yeah I would say I would say it is
  1516. this will see like what people what
  1517. people think but I I definitely think
  1518. it's one of the one of the craziest
  1519. things we've done yet further questions
  1520. there's a lot of questions I'm trying to
  1521. like keep keep track so out someone's
  1522. saying something and you trying to play
  1523. you get it you gotta rough down you want
  1524. to just pick ones out there that you're
  1525. happy to answer that that works if
  1526. you're if you're able to I don't see too
  1527. much I'll see too much in the forums at
  1528. this point here was only a few questions
  1529. yeah this is a live chat right now if
  1530. you can if you're a
  1531. of you chat so someone's asking about
  1532. team sealed was the most fun they
  1533. planned in the WoW TCG right it's just
  1534. any time you do four live players yeah
  1535. you know I promise you you think you're
  1536. gonna like it but I promise you you
  1537. won't like the the amount of time in
  1538. between your turns and with past
  1539. priorities and trying to click through
  1540. past priorities with four people playing
  1541. simultaneously I mean it's it I don't
  1542. think you're gonna like it and so it's
  1543. one of those things where it's gonna be
  1544. a ton of work for us to put in and I
  1545. feel like it would be a negative play
  1546. experience in terms of like you know the
  1547. game being slow cuz more players the way
  1548. I look at that and the way I think about
  1549. it is like I'm not gonna notice that
  1550. downtime bit or delay between but you
  1551. know because it's a lot you know longer
  1552. turns and stuff it's because in most
  1553. cases you're gonna be on like a voice
  1554. chat with a friend because you're
  1555. playing with a friend and then therefore
  1556. the downtime you're not even gonna
  1557. notice it cuz you're gonna be
  1558. strategizing together and talking and
  1559. all that sort of stuff so to me right
  1560. that's that's kind of how I see it so I
  1561. don't necessarily think that would be
  1562. too big of a negative some people yeah
  1563. like if they're not playing with an
  1564. actual friends that just random cue type
  1565. of thing then yeah they're gonna know
  1566. yeah well is it it's a good point in
  1567. definitely multiplayer is one of those
  1568. places where we're gonna see potential
  1569. sort of you know game-changing you know
  1570. interest in in hex I feel like I guess
  1571. that's why I want raids we have so much
  1572. work done already on Ray's trying to
  1573. figure that out and someone to say in
  1574. tech we would need for a four player
  1575. game we would need four raids as well
  1576. which is like our rotating board concept
  1577. and all that stuff yeah the notion that
  1578. the board split in half and you can
  1579. slide the top or bottom to see a board
  1580. right or the left that's a cool way of
  1581. doing it cuz yeah I remember call him
  1582. years ago said about how the plan was to
  1583. like where you just slide the whole
  1584. screen across to see what your friends
  1585. doing but if you're just little boss if
  1586. you want to top off that's cool I like
  1587. that right to be buttons on the bottom
  1588. built into the sides and then you could
  1589. click it and it would sheep slide
  1590. everything to the right you see their
  1591. bird we're sliding to the left and see
  1592. that boy yes you play like three players
  1593. vote and then the top would be
  1594. potentially completely different it
  1595. wouldn't even look like the hex battle
  1596. board it would look like the raid area
  1597. and you would potentially see our I mean
  1598. I'd be locked going on and that was part
  1599. of me like I really want that to blow
  1600. that out and to make it feel super
  1601. special
  1602. you're doing good so far I'm liking this
  1603. I thinking I'm thinking noble citizenry
  1604. on top just plain uh no no nothing
  1605. devoted emissary there so back to the
  1606. hand he goes now he's like oh whoops I
  1607. guess you didn't realize we're poor guy
  1608. sorry brain I guess I'll say hi oh well
  1609. maybe maybe he has actually speaking of
  1610. that like so one thing I've heard lots
  1611. of people talk about and I also have the
  1612. same thing is like say especially in
  1613. evoke use I see a lot of peaceful plains
  1614. and I just want to say to them you don't
  1615. need to run sixty or whatever cons and
  1616. you know this stuff I want to help them
  1617. out is there what is there any update on
  1618. potential chat for the ps4 players well
  1619. I wanted it eventually but it's a lot of
  1620. work to do it they have very specific
  1621. requirements in terms of how their chat
  1622. works so it's not even it's not it's not
  1623. me that Sony has specific rules about
  1624. what what kind of filters and what kind
  1625. of like a bunch of rules in terms of if
  1626. your game has chat or not and so for us
  1627. to redo our chat system to have all that
  1628. stuff in place requires a ton of work
  1629. yeah I think I think one thing that you
  1630. guys could do is a temporary measure to
  1631. help that is just a bit more tooltip
  1632. pop-ups for peaceful players like when
  1633. they join an Evo a thing saying you know
  1634. in this format you only need to 40 cards
  1635. in your job including you know just
  1636. stuff like that I think would be
  1637. important because yeah it's it's also
  1638. one of the things that Chris is working
  1639. on also is redoing the tutorial for ps4
  1640. we're gonna we're trying to redo it too
  1641. way more streamlined and way more
  1642. intuitive so you just sort of play and
  1643. it tooltips out all of the different
  1644. things that you should know so we're
  1645. redoing the tutorial from scratch again
  1646. for purpose for we've made so many
  1647. tutorials for this game I got to tell
  1648. you everyone we've ever worked with have
  1649. been partnered with or that gets hired
  1650. to come in and give us advice it's
  1651. always the same thing better to like
  1652. TCG's are just so difficult and so hard
  1653. to like wrap your round mind around so
  1654. much parsed information it always like
  1655. to either low-hanging fruit it's always
  1656. like you know what you need it wow this
  1657. is the guy who took the clash of steel
  1658. it's always about tutorial tutorial so
  1659. people understand and it can play and
  1660. it's so much fun so we've done so many
  1661. tutorials and we're doing another one so
  1662. hooray
  1663. I think you're Noble and I guess another
  1664. thing I also think would be cool to have
  1665. inclined is just like on the main page
  1666. you know you've got the on the left side
  1667. we've got the what's it called the
  1668. calendar thing to show people of your ex
  1669. and stuff I think I think what would be
  1670. kind of cool and it would kind of help
  1671. out for new players as well is maybe on
  1672. the top right side whenever the official
  1673. stream is live it'll say stream is live
  1674. and have a snapshot of the stream so
  1675. you'll see like a picture and you could
  1676. have that like update every you know
  1677. five minutes or something with just a
  1678. new snapshot and that's just that way
  1679. letting people know that hey the
  1680. official streams live you can win prizes
  1681. you you can learn here all that sort of
  1682. stuff cuz yeah it's something obviously
  1683. you're doing every day and say that way
  1684. informs people that hey the streams
  1685. alive and potentially I'm trying to do
  1686. you know definitely trying to figure out
  1687. how to be how to help the streamers
  1688. meter we definitely want more people
  1689. engaging that part of the game I talked
  1690. to two dino about some ideas yeah so I
  1691. talked to Dino about some ideas one of
  1692. the ideas we talked about again like I
  1693. know I love to do this like talk about
  1694. stuff that we haven't really done yet
  1695. and then it's you know but potentially
  1696. maybe coming up with a token system
  1697. where we can have tokens we could give
  1698. to all the streamers to give out and
  1699. then the tokens could be used in game
  1700. for rewards or potentially it that would
  1701. be an if you got a certain number of
  1702. them then you qualify to enter into a
  1703. tournament that we're doing so we're
  1704. definitely talking about some ways to
  1705. support this so instead of doing like
  1706. draft codes and the codes to give out
  1707. they just it's just a currency we still
  1708. do all that it's just like that kind of
  1709. stuff feels like you know you could get
  1710. that anywhere right like and so but
  1711. coming up with some proprietary rewards
  1712. for the streamers I think that a way to
  1713. expand on that you like having a stream
  1714. of currency that people can earn from
  1715. just sitting and watching streams likes
  1716. current like a specific currency that's
  1717. in-game that then has its own raised or
  1718. similar to the chalk mark that would be
  1719. kind of cool because then you could also
  1720. something like that again if he gave the
  1721. streamers these tokens then we have a
  1722. million tokens in the backend so he used
  1723. to use them but we've used them in the
  1724. past for other things like whatever but
  1725. making a streamer tokens super easy and
  1726. if he said oh hey people who stream we
  1727. can give you X amount of them and
  1728. everyone that comes in and watches your
  1729. stream gets up to you can give them all
  1730. a token and then people can go in the
  1731. game and be like oh I have X number of
  1732. tokens and that's basically what i'm
  1733. referring to twitch drops and that's
  1734. exactly you know I think that system is
  1735. a good place will be utilized and just
  1736. giving tokens as those twits drops would
  1737. be yeah it would be awesome because then
  1738. you yeah sure hey it's a you know it's
  1739. like a sealed deck tournament and if you
  1740. have X number of tokens you can play in
  1741. it and there and the participation prize
  1742. is asleep you can only get from that
  1743. tournament and then we always other cool
  1744. little things you can win like it might
  1745. make it sort of more casual not like the
  1746. winner gets five grand but make it guys
  1747. with a bunch of cool yeah and I feel
  1748. like that kind of thing is where we need
  1749. to you know do give a little more
  1750. support so that's something I've been
  1751. thinking about and working on to see
  1752. what happens not gonna want to pick
  1753. minus one plus one that's getting three
  1754. lows Thanks come on come on and he's got
  1755. sacrificed so he loses them all that's
  1756. fine
  1757. all right so let's see let's so many
  1758. questions I'm sorry guys that I can't
  1759. see them all if anyone like if you have
  1760. people that are I don't know how else
  1761. what other questions I've been hearing
  1762. in general um I'm happy with the console
  1763. launches we're gonna continue like I
  1764. said potentially at some point we want
  1765. to try and figure out maybe even 360 or
  1766. I could imagine going on to switch
  1767. that'd be amazing but again like you
  1768. know it takes time and everything we do
  1769. has a cost so every time we do anything
  1770. you know we're trying to make sure it's
  1771. the thing that most people are going to
  1772. be able to engage with or enjoy and you
  1773. know clearly the first priority is
  1774. always the sets and then also continuing
  1775. to do PvE stuff and work on all that
  1776. which we're doing siege I'm very excited
  1777. about as I said before it's hilarious to
  1778. watch the AI pilot these crazy
  1779. over-the-top decks and trying to figure
  1780. out a deck that can beat them all I've
  1781. got high hopes for that being something
  1782. that takes people by surprise in terms
  1783. of how fun it is yeah I'm very much
  1784. looking forward to oh actually there was
  1785. in one of the I don't know where it was
  1786. actually posted now but there was the
  1787. mention that you guys are gonna be doing
  1788. your own little unique keeps that I'm
  1789. like you know that you've guys have
  1790. designed yeah mine I don't want to be
  1791. like somatic or I said that might be
  1792. funny like you know clearly I've got to
  1793. have a sort of a merry caravan like
  1794. they'll be on the first keep a primary
  1795. caravan yeah and then one of my favorite
  1796. I don't know like I think the a I can
  1797. actually play it okay
  1798. one of my favorite cards ever is pi
  1799. moral caves and so maybe something
  1800. around the caves that are out in front
  1801. of my keep so you get the make here of
  1802. an out way on front then you closer
  1803. there's the prime mortal caves I think
  1804. that's the right name primal caves one
  1805. big dinosaurs like I love that card I
  1806. don't think anyone caught that like yeah
  1807. I'll give you dears to art I've I've
  1808. told anyone this before but like the
  1809. promo codes that art was supposed to be
  1810. the two dinosaurs fighting at the end of
  1811. the train ride around Disneyland my
  1812. favorite ride at Disneyland having grown
  1813. up going there you know constantly cuz
  1814. my my grandma worked there but the Train
  1815. my favorite ride and the last part of
  1816. the train ride is where the primeval
  1817. world from our mortal world and you see
  1818. the two dinosaurs fighting and that was
  1819. supposed to be I actually supplied the
  1820. the artist with a photo of those two
  1821. dinosaurs I took on my phone when I was
  1822. on that ride yeah I definitely didn't
  1823. catch it being over in Australia there
  1824. is so many weirdo obscure art references
  1825. that's like we all put into all these
  1826. cards it's hilarious because you know we
  1827. all do the art descriptions and
  1828. everything and you know and rooster soar
  1829. writes them like after we brainstorm it
  1830. all out he's taking notes and writes
  1831. them and we get so many crazy things and
  1832. I've often got these weirdo ideas like
  1833. the the joke that I baked into into
  1834. executes that I don't think anyone
  1835. caught I might have mentioned it before
  1836. but execute the the the flavor text
  1837. gotcha is actually from a Perry Bible
  1838. Fellowship cartoon fair enough
  1839. so yeah back with the seat stuff with
  1840. the unique stuff that you guys are gonna
  1841. be doing now are you gonna do it
  1842. differently to what everyone else is
  1843. gonna have access to cuz that's that's
  1844. something I see I think would like if
  1845. you guys had like one that's like five
  1846. keeps that you have to beat and it's
  1847. like maybe the prize no no everyone will
  1848. be that because that's all hard baked
  1849. into the
  1850. the backend engineering but if anything
  1851. I would say we might do something where
  1852. we give that we give ourselves access to
  1853. some specific cards that are from the
  1854. PvE experience so for me like you know
  1855. me making a funny deck that's fun to
  1856. play against with a bunch of RNG and it
  1857. almost requires that some other things
  1858. are there to help it like if you played
  1859. against the princess Corey decks in the
  1860. frost ring arena you know the the
  1861. resources as an example to give you
  1862. whatever you need like that kind of
  1863. stuff so that the deck is powerful
  1864. enough to actually pilot through a funny
  1865. theme and not just lose instantly would
  1866. be the only place and then as we move
  1867. forward and we start to figure out
  1868. engineering wise how to do some of the
  1869. stuff like put in put in the mercenaries
  1870. probably the first place you'll see it
  1871. will be in those keeps and that'll be
  1872. they'll be fun and so you might pop into
  1873. one of our keeps and all of a sudden
  1874. it's like oh my gosh look at theirs you
  1875. know you're the the moustachio the
  1876. mustachio gang is guarding guarding my
  1877. keep all of a sudden and that would be
  1878. awesome
  1879. yeah or boss or bro see or you know so
  1880. my favorites on the immersion Ares so
  1881. with the release you know that a few
  1882. people have been asking about like you
  1883. know marketing plans is there plans to
  1884. like do do some sort of stuff to market
  1885. the keeps yeah we might do some stuff
  1886. around the series we're really doing
  1887. that we've got a little budget we put
  1888. together around ps4 but we've been
  1889. waiting until Europe was launched and
  1890. all the bugs are ironed out clearly
  1891. there's a bug right boggers an issue
  1892. right now where you can only buy 500
  1893. platinum at a time because they we've
  1894. got to figure out this one issue with
  1895. the store so once that's all hopefully
  1896. tomorrow or the neck or this weekend and
  1897. then we get Japan launched we were going
  1898. to actually do some marketing with Sony
  1899. and they've got a little bit of a
  1900. commitment they're making to us to help
  1901. and so all that stuff's been on hold
  1902. until we had each of the
  1903. I've been fine lunching with just you in
  1904. in us but at this point I'm so close to
  1905. Japan and might as well just get all of
  1906. it in place yeah and then we're gonna
  1907. have some market for foreplay state soon
  1908. makes a lot of a sense yeah I think it's
  1909. a good opportunity I mean it's fun to
  1910. play on the ps4 people seem to enjoy it
  1911. so that's that's great we've definitely
  1912. have a lot of new players a lot of
  1913. people playing yeah on the console do
  1914. you um so king of the void us how is
  1915. crafting coming along I assume that's
  1916. you know on the back burner type of
  1917. thing yep it's all part of the PvE I
  1918. mean the crafting is a weird thing in
  1919. that it's it's tied into larger systems
  1920. not unlike keeps keeps was buried inside
  1921. of a bunch of larger systems and so I
  1922. just pulled it out and you know decided
  1923. that we have a chance to sort of mess
  1924. around with it and then figure out you
  1925. know as we go what's working what isn't
  1926. fine tune it and then we can plug it
  1927. back into its larger system crafting is
  1928. part of a it's a I mean it's the
  1929. skeletal structure of an a completely
  1930. other person basically yeah so I can't
  1931. really tear that out and give it to you
  1932. without the flesh and blood and bone
  1933. like everything else like it would just
  1934. make no sense at all so that's that's
  1935. the problem with you know delivering
  1936. bits and pieces of an MMO RPG or
  1937. whatever you want to call it delivering
  1938. that in bits and pieces can be difficult
  1939. and some bits and pieces just simply
  1940. can't be delivered without all the core
  1941. systems that go around it and support it
  1942. so I'm curious about if PC controller
  1943. support is going to be a thing oh yeah I
  1944. think like using using a a joystick for
  1945. the PC yeah or using I think he's asking
  1946. if we can use the ps4 controller for PC
  1947. or something well sure why you I guess
  1948. if you're playing on a couch that would
  1949. make sense yeah I don't know that's a
  1950. good question I know we're making it I
  1951. know that Woods has it working already
  1952. we sent and put it in where you can use
  1953. a controller for the for the for the PC
  1954. and especially once we get some of the
  1955. interface elements in as an option for
  1956. the PC version that we have in the
  1957. console version then for sure using a
  1958. controller or something will have a
  1959. support which were great I think your
  1960. opponent is probably a little new but
  1961. still outside of that I felt like you
  1962. haven't really been in a kind of trouble
  1963. you've got so much removal it feels like
  1964. you got someone to keep some pressure on
  1965. with again having all the Flyers just
  1966. too much removal in hand right now now
  1967. we can just swing again he still can't
  1968. kill it unless he has something but it
  1969. needs to be pretty much repeal of combat
  1970. Rick's not gonna do it rule yeah it's
  1971. pretty pretty rough all right so he
  1972. takes a no repeal all right let's get
  1973. down the flier thank you for the cheer
  1974. then Utrecht some more bits for Bella to
  1975. eat excited where you know we're about
  1976. six weeks away from the next set so that
  1977. means the spoiler season is gonna start
  1978. soon which would be some great articles
  1979. about everything that we're doing and
  1980. what's that I just said hi yeah yeah so
  1981. I mean that's that's always fun
  1982. I mean having lots of stuff going on
  1983. having lots of bits and pieces dropping
  1984. is you know one of the things that I
  1985. really want as a priority for hex so
  1986. that people feel like there's always
  1987. something new and something fun to
  1988. engage and then you know every four
  1989. months we're definitely on track to make
  1990. sure we always hit every four months
  1991. we're dropping a new set and this should
  1992. be no exception so we know it's middle
  1993. of March so we're about five weeks away
  1994. from that sweet I just use this ability
  1995. with no cars and ham
  1996. I have no idea to be honest II might've
  1997. I appreciate some like I appreciate this
  1998. person jumping into draft being you know
  1999. clearly pretty new applying like gotta
  2000. learn ya know I like it who is its brand
  2001. I'll make sure to mail brand some packs
  2002. so he can do some more do some more
  2003. drafts okay I took it I took a note I'm
  2004. gonna put a male brand some packs mail
  2005. something time let's do thanking him
  2006. playing against havoc on stream even if
  2007. it's a PvE card or some Commons let's
  2008. just inundate him with mail from
  2009. everyone who watched this stream
  2010. thanking him for playing so one thing I
  2011. do wanna ask is that your your Friday
  2012. updates on the forums is that something
  2013. you're gonna continue anytime soon cuz I
  2014. know I enjoy them and I know a lot of
  2015. other people do as well I I was you know
  2016. I jumped into it when Dino pose
  2017. Dino posed and I've been making comments
  2018. and answering some questions I don't
  2019. know like I felt like it was a lot of
  2020. work I kind of backed myself into a
  2021. corner I felt I couldn't seem to start
  2022. doing something and then do it more of
  2023. it and more of it and trying to outdo
  2024. myself yeah I'm in eventually I'm to the
  2025. point where like I feel like I spinning
  2026. like you know half of Thursday at half a
  2027. Friday trying to figure out a joke and
  2028. make it do photo shots and it's like you
  2029. know I got to this point where I felt
  2030. like embarrassed if I didn't keep going
  2031. so far and the joke like has some legs I
  2032. guess but holy Moses and I liked I
  2033. challenged myself to do it I did it for
  2034. a solid year I was a lot of updates and
  2035. I and I felt like they're funny like I
  2036. like you know I take a lot of pride and
  2037. right being able to write and be funny
  2038. and so trying to make him funny and so I
  2039. don't know I'm still trying to side it
  2040. it felt like at one point people were
  2041. not that interested and so I was a lot
  2042. of work and I don't know
  2043. he got probably half a dozen people that
  2044. were like her
  2045. I love this and then I don't know if
  2046. people really care you know not ass and
  2047. not being just thing but yeah maybe
  2048. maybe it's your time is better spent
  2049. elsewhere maybe there's something else
  2050. like maybe I should mix it up come up
  2051. with some other premise than you know
  2052. what we do here on Fridays and then
  2053. making it about chair check with him and
  2054. say like you okay with this like is
  2055. there some of those were pretty Outland
  2056. its but it was fun I might come up with
  2057. a different premise that's baby got a
  2058. little more room a lot of installments
  2059. of a story or something I'm currently a
  2060. lot of my creativity side I'm writing a
  2061. I'm doing a 90 page comic for for for
  2062. epic spell war so I've been pouring a
  2063. lot of my my creative energy in terms of
  2064. writing into that but well yeah maybe
  2065. I'll figure it back out and maybe with
  2066. maybe with the launch of the next set I
  2067. can start started doing that again yep
  2068. maybe just like do something every
  2069. couple of weeks or something and maybe
  2070. just like you know for tonight in the
  2071. life of what I didn't do is I didn't sit
  2072. down and just come up with a bunch of
  2073. ideas for it I would literally every
  2074. like Thursday be like okay I need one of
  2075. these for tomorrow and then I would
  2076. start thinking and I'd be like what can
  2077. I make like what can I do for a photo
  2078. like the duck hunt I randomly found that
  2079. emulator online like that's funny
  2080. like how do I make this funny about
  2081. Jared and I using esports pro for duck
  2082. hunt and I photoshopped that Fanny
  2083. pretty funny like yeah I spent some time
  2084. another carve butter it at one time or
  2085. writes me out and I'd be like Thursday
  2086. oh I'm a look around a store take a
  2087. random photo I bought the the costume
  2088. that one time and I was at I was at
  2089. Joanns fabric and there the costumes and
  2090. then the construction worker update one
  2091. so oh speaking of these bullets
  2092. is there any plans to do anything else
  2093. in that regard anytime soon I said we're
  2094. trying real hard I mean we give away a
  2095. grand every day I agree with the one
  2096. thing I think would be cool to see is
  2097. like a Hall of Fame thing where there's
  2098. like trophies with the people's names on
  2099. it that it's something you might have
  2100. seen in the forums in the past I've
  2101. suggested this I think I would be kind
  2102. of cool it's like having something good
  2103. people can go to like the you know this
  2104. page on the main page and see all the
  2105. different trophy tournaments and then
  2106. click on it to see who's won on what
  2107. dates and then later on you get to add
  2108. to that by having clickable links to
  2109. replays of those tournaments yeah that's
  2110. that would be cool in my opinion because
  2111. that's a good idea
  2112. because the way I see that the moment is
  2113. is you've got the brands name like the
  2114. way I said the moment at the moment
  2115. tournaments are kind of like done and
  2116. dusted like you know you announce the
  2117. winners on the paint on the hex website
  2118. and stuff yeah where they can live
  2119. permanently and your name is you know
  2120. and you and you could have these these
  2121. Padres Hall of Champions yeah exactly
  2122. exactly and then you have like a trophy
  2123. it might be like the cosmic crown trophy
  2124. and it has all the names on it when you
  2125. click on it and you could even do a in
  2126. little rewards to that just like in real
  2127. life with with very sports tournaments
  2128. where the trophy gets changed you
  2129. changes hands you can have it so yeah
  2130. added to someone's stash say you win a
  2131. bash you have a trophy that's like
  2132. here's the bachelor if it's in your
  2133. stash for a week and during that time
  2134. you get like an account reward like
  2135. maybe increased experience or what have
  2136. you so there's like more meaning to even
  2137. having the time and then it changes
  2138. hands and you know what you could do
  2139. anything you want in terms of the reward
  2140. but it would just make it a bit yeah
  2141. again your names added to the trophy get
  2142. a little tiny reward for however long
  2143. there's many things you could do there I
  2144. mean if you like the idea I can talk to
  2145. you more about it later but yeah no I
  2146. definitely do it also we have the
  2147. ability to do replays ya know just about
  2148. every game that's ever played there's
  2149. one of the features that we're going to
  2150. be getting you and I open the near
  2151. future is it for everyone the ability to
  2152. do replays but this is a good mid step
  2153. also of doing something where you can go
  2154. back in and watch all the games that's a
  2155. great idea
  2156. absolutely
  2157. so I I think that this I'm gonna have to
  2158. go yeah save me longer than you said you
  2159. would so having I'm actually having
  2160. dinner with charkh this evening so we're
  2161. gonna have to yep go ahead you know what
  2162. my favorite Russian all right well thank
  2163. you very much for joining it was a
  2164. pleasure to have you and always great to
  2165. hear from you once again so everyone
  2166. let's say would you want to do one more
  2167. contest and then send me a private
  2168. message with who won and tell them they
  2169. can have any sleeve in the game the
  2170. exalted or ones that I've had to remove
  2171. via court order that they can have any
  2172. sleeve in the game let's find out I'll
  2173. have Chris hole and actually manually go
  2174. in and put it on their account he's
  2175. gonna be happy to hear that I'm gonna
  2176. draw that right now right now someone's
  2177. getting any sleep they like here we go
  2178. the winner is jr. Lauren you've got
  2179. yourself whatever sleeve you like with
  2180. some stipulations so there you go we've
  2181. got the name let's get your in-game name
  2182. and I'll write that down and I guess if
  2183. you wanna you can do that too as well so
  2184. JL Orton you're the winner
  2185. congratulations and I'll be doing I'll
  2186. do some more giveaways myself as well
  2187. right now since I've been a while since
  2188. I did the last one so general Orton what
  2189. is your in-game name it's Chanti
  2190. scrolling to fast where is he gone where
  2191. is he gone alright let me find my window
  2192. here so he wants the judean sleeves the
  2193. the dragon did you deem I knew how could
  2194. I guess you could again sleep that's a
  2195. favorite that's a good one I think I
  2196. actually have I have a physical code for
  2197. that'll be even easier even I can just I
  2198. can like I can send it in game to him
  2199. and you can just punch it into the code
  2200. system we made codes for the team when I
  2201. would give those out occasionally at Jen
  2202. cons I pasted his name on skype so you
  2203. can alright well thanks again and happy
  2204. birthday it was very nice playing with
  2205. you don't forget everyone to send bran
  2206. something in the mail
  2207. they sent him something in the mail he's
  2208. gonna get a bunch of mail and be like
  2209. what the hell's going on here it'll be
  2210. funny so yeah thank you again for
  2211. joining me was a pleasure and yeah have
  2212. it alright have an awesome meal and say
  2213. how to track for everyone and everyone
  2214. give could Cory cheer in the chat let's
  2215. do it
  2216. thank you again alright bye guys it was
  2217. really nice talking to you thank you
  2218. let's do it all the cheers spam those
  2219. spam those emotes alright thanks Cory
  2220. take care alright folks
  2221. oh man it's getting rather warm in my
  2222. room I did want to put my fan on though
  2223. because the noise I'm gonna I'm gonna
  2224. just what the Bell is on the floor
  2225. behind me what is she doing alright so
  2226. yeah thank you again Cory let's let's
  2227. get rid of the camera now so Lila is
  2228. gonna be coming up shortly so hopefully
  2229. she's still okay
  2230. oh man I'm sweating like a pig right now
  2231. sweating like a pig so Kratz there on
  2232. the wind there with the sleeve the
  2233. judean sleeve very nice Thank You Cory
  2234. for that
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