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The Grey Man

a guest
Jul 15th, 2018
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  1. LugWid Mountain Maxis
  3. ___________________________
  5. Age: 36
  6. Gender: Male.
  7. Hair Color: Jet Black.
  8. Eye Color: A Strange Pale Black.
  9. Skin Color: Pale.
  10. Height: 6'3
  11. Weight: 223 lb.
  13. Status: Alive
  14. Occupation: Mechanic.
  15. Class: N/A
  16. Grades: N/A
  18. Reputation: With those he works with, They regard him as a quiet man who just wants the job done. Few times has he spoken and Few times has he gone to others for help. In a Sense they've regarded him as Good Worker at that. Although the outside world sees him as other wise. Most regard him as scary on how much Of a "Grey Man" He acts.
  20. Personality: This Fits only two words, "Grey Man"
  21. Sexuality: Straight.
  22. Strengths: To Follow Along With The Quirks He has, Personality wise he's able to decode a situation down quickly if need be. Just As his Daughter he is just as Cunning. With The Middle name of Mountain, Getting him to crack aswell is just as difficult as getting him to speak.
  23. Weakness: His Quirk is very short ranged and will need someone to be very up close and personal. Though he does have Acid spit, It doesn't help very well seeing as you can dodge this. Along with that, Team playing for him doesn't come easy making allies a liability instead of a Strength.
  24. Likes: Quiet Spaces, His "Family", And Lastly His Villainy.
  25. Dislikes: Fake People, Pro Heroes, Those who cling to the very past.
  27. ------------------------
  29. Phyiscal Appearance: A Broadly Built, Pale Skinned, And Strangely Three Deep Scars on his face that run over his lips and eyes. This... changes dramatically when his suit comes on.
  32. Casual Clothing: Old Work Jeans that are covered in Oil Stains, And Grey hoodies.
  34. ------------------------------
  36. Hero Name: " The Grey Man "
  37. Hero Costume: It's Pretty much his Casual Clothing with no difference. Well, One Difference being his face is always covered by this obscuring shade of darkness.
  40. Quirk: "Spineless"- This Quirk is able to allow for Bone mass to be manipulated by Grey man. Shapes made by this bone mass can be never ending as long as he has the stamina to do so, Though they also cannot get too large or they're override his nervous system making him break down.. The Only issue was with that, He cannot control others' bone only his own. His Blood production is doubled aswell to compensate for the times his skin is pierced and draws blood. Even A Healing Factor that comes into play once any puncture is made. Though he doesn't heal whilst he is in combat.
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