

Dec 6th, 2011
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  1. Dec 6 08:34:46 Apple-TV sandboxd[49]: BlueTool(48) deny file-read-metadata /private/var/mobile
  3. Process: BlueTool [48]
  4. Path: /usr/sbin/BlueTool
  5. Load Address: 0x2b000
  6. Identifier: BlueTool
  7. Version: ??? (???)
  8. Code Type: ARM (Native)
  9. Parent Process: BTServer [39]
  11. Date/Time: 2011-12-06 08:34:44.649 -0800
  12. OS Version: iPhone OS 4.3 (8F455)
  13. Report Version: 104
  15. Backtrace:
  16. 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x33859cb0 stat + 12
  17. 1 CoreFoundation 0x3536d425 __CFXPreferencesCreateURLForTriplet + 25
  18. 2 CoreFoundation 0x3536d6b9 __CFXPreferencesGetSourceForTriplet + 285
  19. 3 CoreFoundation 0x3536f1ad __CFXPreferencesGetSearchListForBundleID + 169
  20. 4 CoreFoundation 0x352e58b9 CFPreferencesCopyAppValue + 29
  21. 5 CoreFoundation 0x3530ce39 _CFBundleCopyUserLanguages + 253
  22. 6 CoreFoundation 0x3530c9c3 _CFBundleAddPreferredLprojNamesInDirectory + 151
  23. 7 CoreFoundation 0x352ef54f _CFBundleGetLanguageSearchList + 83
  24. 8 CoreFoundation 0x3530cb8f _CFBundleAddPreferredLprojNamesInDirectory + 611
  25. 9 CoreFoundation 0x352ef54f _CFBundleGetLanguageSearchList + 83
  26. 10 CoreFoundation 0x3533985d CFBundleCopyResourceURLsOfType + 21
  27. 11 SubstrateLoader.dylib 0x00089cd7 _ZL13_MSInitializev + 371
  28. 12 SubstrateLoader.dylib 0x0008a8d1 _GLOBAL__I_DarwinLoader.cpp + 9
  29. 13 dyld 0x2fe367a7 ImageLoaderMachO::doModInitFunctions(ImageLoader::LinkContext const&) + 223
  30. 14 dyld 0x2fe36935 ImageLoaderMachO::doInitialization(ImageLoader::LinkContext const&) + 21
  31. 15 dyld 0x2fe346bd ImageLoader::recursiveInitialization(ImageLoader::LinkContext const&, unsigned int, ImageLoader::InitializerTimingList&) + 257
  32. 16 dyld 0x2fe34ab1 ImageLoader::runInitializers(ImageLoader::LinkContext const&, ImageLoader::InitializerTimingList&) + 41
  33. 17 dyld 0x2fe2bbf5 dyld::runInitializers(ImageLoader*) + 185
  34. 18 dyld 0x2fe329b5 dlopen + 733
  35. 19 libdyld.dylib 0x3585c4b5 dlopen + 37
  36. 20 MobileSubstrate.dylib 0x0006cf0b _ZL13_MSInitializev + 39
  37. 21 MobileSubstrate.dylib 0x0006cf21 _GLOBAL__I_Bootstrap.cpp + 9
  38. 22 dyld 0x2fe367a7 ImageLoaderMachO::doModInitFunctions(ImageLoader::LinkContext const&) + 223
  39. 23 dyld 0x2fe36935 ImageLoaderMachO::doInitialization(ImageLoader::LinkContext const&) + 21
  40. 24 dyld 0x2fe346bd ImageLoader::recursiveInitialization(ImageLoader::LinkContext const&, unsigned int, ImageLoader::InitializerTimingList&) + 257
  41. 25 dyld 0x2fe34ab1 ImageLoader::runInitializers(ImageLoader::LinkContext const&, ImageLoader::InitializerTimingList&) + 41
  42. 26 dyld 0x2fe2c0af dyld::initializeMainExecutable() + 279
  43. 27 dyld 0x2fe31005 dyld::_main(macho_header const*, unsigned long, int, char const**, char const**, char const**) + 1453
  44. 28 dyld 0x2fe2b28d dyldbootstrap::start(macho_header const*, int, char const**, long, macho_header const*) + 513
  45. 29 dyld 0x2fe2b060 _dyld_start + 56
  46. 30 CoreFoundation 0x3536d17b __CFXPreferencesCreatePreferencesDirectoryURLForUserAndHost + 135
  48. Binary Images:
  49. 0x6c000 - 0x6cffc +MobileSubstrate.dylib armv6 <5b28f15272a4394ca1aaf2d755a99412> /Library/MobileSubstrate/MobileSubstrate.dylib
  50. 0x89000 - 0x8affd +SubstrateLoader.dylib armv6 <f3b84768c452327a9e173106425e2a38> /Library/Frameworks/CydiaSubstrate.framework/Libraries/SubstrateLoader.dylib
  51. 0x2fe2a000 - 0x2fe4f5b7 dyld armv7 <8dbdf7bab30e355b81e7b2e333d5459b> /usr/lib/dyld
  52. 0x33846000 - 0x3385dfff libsystem_kernel.dylib armv7 <29eb602b615b3c3b95722868100a2d1c> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
  53. 0x352dc000 - 0x353c1ffb CoreFoundation armv7 <4f643539f91f330790f112ea7150b3a8> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/CoreFoundation
  54. 0x3585b000 - 0x3585cfff libdyld.dylib armv7 <41a7b5e5d9983449ab33affed0f635ad> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
  55. Dec 6 08:34:46 Apple-TV[39]: Opening @ 115200 baud.
  56. Dec 6 08:34:46 Apple-TV[39]: bluetooth reset was pulsed 100 ms
  57. Dec 6 08:34:46 Apple-TV[39]: bluetooth wake is now ON
  58. Dec 6 08:34:46 Apple-TV[39]: Issued HCI Reset
  59. Dec 6 08:34:46 Apple-TV kernel[0]: [000025.508502]: AppleSamsungDPTXControllerS5L8930X::addDeviceCallback:(0x80ff5400) attached=1
  60. Dec 6 08:34:46 Apple-TV kernel[0]: [000000.000035]: IODPDevice::start:(0x86f44100) super::start: result=1
  61. Dec 6 08:34:46 Apple-TV kernel[0]: [000000.000028]: IODPDevice::start:(0x86f44100) open: result=1
  62. Dec 6 08:34:46 Apple-TV kernel[0]: [000000.101803]: IODPDevice::start:(0x86f44100) result=1
  63. Dec 6 08:34:46 Apple-TV kernel[0]: [000000.000059]: AppleSamsungDPTXControllerS5L8930X::addDeviceCallback:(0x80ff5400) started=1
  64. Dec 6 08:34:46 Apple-TV[39]: DeviceTree speed = 3000000
  65. Dec 6 08:34:47 Apple-TV ntpd[17]: bind(26) AF_INET6 fe80::2ae7:cfff:fee0:cec1%2#123 flags 0x11 failed: Can't assign requested address
  66. Dec 6 08:34:47 Apple-TV ntpd[17]: unable to create socket on en0 (5) for fe80::2ae7:cfff:fee0:cec1#123
  67. Dec 6 08:34:47 Apple-TV ntpd[17]: failed to init interface for address fe80::2ae7:cfff:fee0:cec1
  68. Dec 6 08:34:47 Apple-TV kernel[0]: ETHPHY: _handleTimer, 553: INTSRC:00ca
  69. Dec 6 08:34:47 Apple-TV kernel[0]: ETHPHY: getLinkSpeed, 264: Link Partner: autoneg-capable:1, capabilities:01e1
  70. Dec 6 08:34:47 Apple-TV kernel[0]: ETH: _linkChange, 1079: link-speed, 100BTx Full
  71. Dec 6 08:34:47 Apple-TV lockdownd[26]: libMobileGestalt loadBasebandMobileEquipmentInfo: Could not establish connection to commcenter
  72. Dec 6 08:34:47 Apple-TV lockdownd[26]: libMobileGestalt copyInternationalMobileEquipmentIdentity: Could not get mobile equipment info dictionary
  73. Dec 6 08:34:47 Apple-TV lockdownd[26]: libMobileGestalt loadBasebandSecurityInfo: could not establish connection to CommCenter
  74. Dec 6 08:34:47 Apple-TV lockdownd[26]: libMobileGestalt copyBasebandSerialNumber: Could not get baseband security info dict
  75. Dec 6 08:34:47 Apple-TV lockdownd[26]: libMobileGestalt copyBasebandChipId: Could not get baseband security info dict
  76. Dec 6 08:34:47 Apple-TV lockdownd[26]: libMobileGestalt copyBasebandCertId: Could not get baseband security info dict
  77. Dec 6 08:34:47 Apple-TV lockdownd[26]: libMobileGestalt copyInternationalMobileEquipmentIdentity: Could not get mobile equipment info dictionary
  78. Dec 6 08:34:47: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  79. Dec 6 08:34:47 Apple-TV lockdownd[26]: libMobileGestalt buildRegionalBehaviorsIfNecessary: Could not open /System/Library/RegionFeatures/RegionFeatures_appletv.txt: No such file or directory
  80. Dec 6 08:34:47 Apple-TV lockdownd[26]: libMobileGestalt createCFStringWithCFData: Cannot convery NULL data to string
  81. Dec 6 08:34:47 Apple-TV lockdownd[26]: libMobileGestalt copyBasebandBoardSnum: Could not convert baseband board snum data to string
  82. Dec 6 08:34:47 Apple-TV lockdownd[26]: libMobileGestalt createCFStringWithCFData: Cannot convery NULL data to string
  83. Dec 6 08:34:47 Apple-TV lockdownd[26]: libMobileGestalt copyWirelessBoardSnum: Could not convert wireless board snum data to string
  84. Dec 6 08:34:47 Apple-TV lockdownd[26]: 3f28d48c lockstart_local: Build= 8F455
  85. Dec 6 08:34:47 Apple-TV lockdownd[26]: 3f28d48c load_dict: Could not open /System/Library/Lockdown/SQLMusicLibraryPostProcessCommands.plist: No such file or directory
  86. Dec 6 08:34:47 Apple-TV lockdownd[26]: 3f28d48c : Can't stat /System/Library/Lockdown/SQLMusicLibraryPostProcessCommands.plist: No such file or directory
  87. Dec 6 08:34:47 Apple-TV lockdownd[26]: 3f28d48c : stat /System/Library/Lockdown uid=0 gid=0 p=40755
  88. Dec 6 08:34:47 Apple-TV lockdownd[26]: 3f28d48c load_domain: Could not load /System/Library/Lockdown/SQLMusicLibraryPostProcessCommands.plist
  89. Dec 6 08:34:47 Apple-TV lockdownd[26]: 3f28d48c load_supported_languages: Could not load bundle for Preferences application
  90. Dec 6 08:34:47 Apple-TV lockdownd[26]: 3f28d48c _load_international_filters: Could not load the supported languages
  91. Dec 6 08:34:47 Apple-TV lockdownd[26]: 3f28d48c retryFairplay: Could not find context in ark
  92. Dec 6 08:34:47 Apple-TV lockdownd[26]: 3f28d48c extract_cesm_certificate: Could not get certificate chain from vault: -42032
  93. Dec 6 08:34:47 Apple-TV lockdownd[26]: 3f28d48c _load_cesm_certificate: Could not extract necessary certificate
  94. Dec 6 08:34:47 Apple-TV lockdownd[26]: 3f28d48c ping_configd: Not setting host name, it already has one: Apple TV
  95. Dec 6 08:34:47 Apple-TV lockdownd[26]: 3f28d48c lookup_baseband_info_old: Could not connect to CommCenter
  96. Dec 6 08:34:47 Apple-TV lockdownd[26]: 3f28d48c dealwith_activation: Short circuiting activation state to Activated.
  97. Dec 6 08:34:47 Apple-TV configd[34]: libMobileGestalt loadBasebandMobileEquipmentInfo: Could not establish connection to commcenter
  98. Dec 6 08:34:47 Apple-TV configd[34]: libMobileGestalt copyInternationalMobileEquipmentIdentity: Could not get mobile equipment info dictionary
  99. Dec 6 08:34:47 Apple-TV[39]: Current Device: UART -
  100. Dec 6 08:34:47 Apple-TV[39]: Setting speed to 115200
  101. Dec 6 08:34:47 Apple-TV[39]: DeviceTree speed = 3000000
  102. Dec 6 08:34:47 Apple-TV hidmonitord[51]: 2011-12-06 08:34:47.923293 AM [AppleTVIR] AppleANX9836 appeared after try 1
  103. Dec 6 08:34:47 Apple-TV hidmonitord[51]: 2011-12-06 08:34:47.923640 AM [AppleTVIR] Configuring MCU to unpair remote 0x00
  104. Dec 6 08:34:47 Apple-TV hidmonitord[51]: 2011-12-06 08:34:47.929232 AM [AppleTVIR] MCU initialized
  105. Dec 6 08:34:47 Apple-TV[30]: locationd was started after an unclean shutdown
  106. Dec 6 08:34:48 Apple-TV kernel[0]: AppleSynopsysOTGDevice - Configuration: Apple Mobile Device
  107. Dec 6 08:34:48 Apple-TV kernel[0]: AppleSynopsysOTGDevice Interface: AppleUSBMux
  108. Dec 6 08:34:48 Apple-TV kernel[0]: virtual bool AppleUSBDeviceMux::start(IOService*) build: Feb 10 2011 22:01:00
  109. Dec 6 08:34:48 Apple-TV kernel[0]: init_waste
  110. Dec 6 08:34:48 Apple-TV kernel[0]: AppleSynopsysOTGDevice::gated_registerFunction Register function AppleUSBMux
  111. Dec 6 08:34:48 Apple-TV kernel[0]: AppleSynopsysOTGDevice::gated_registerFunction all functions registered- we are ready to start usb stack
  112. Dec 6 08:34:48 Apple-TV kernel[0]: AppleSynopsysOTGDevice::handleUSBCableDisconnect
  113. Dec 6 08:34:48 Apple-TV kernel[0]: [000001.421087]: AppleANX9836::handleStart:(0x878e8800) initDevice=0x00000000
  114. Dec 6 08:34:48 Apple-TV kernel[0]: [000000.087216]: IODPDisplayInterface::start:(0x87274b00) result=1
  115. Dec 6 08:34:48 Apple-TV kernel[0]: [000000.000053]: AppleANX9836::addInterfaceGated:(0x878e8800) result=1
  116. Dec 6 08:34:48 Apple-TV kernel[0]: [000000.000137]: IODPAudioInterface::start:(0x87274600) result=1
  117. Dec 6 08:34:48 Apple-TV kernel[0]: [000000.000040]: AppleANX9836::addInterfaceGated:(0x878e8800) result=1
  118. Dec 6 08:34:48 Apple-TV kernel[0]: [000000.000056]: AppleANX9836::start:(0x878e8800) result=1
  119. Dec 6 08:34:48 Apple-TV[39]: Overriding BDADDR from environment variable: BT_DEVICE_ADDRESS = 28:e7:cf:e0:ce:c2
  120. Dec 6 08:34:48 Apple-TV[39]: Using host name: Apple-TV
  121. Dec 6 08:34:48 Apple-TV mediaserverd[28]: >vad< EXCEPTION: 08:34:48.186 {ThreadID: 0x3f28d48c} VirtualAudio_Device.cpp{3359}: GetConnectedPortCount(): kVirtualAudioObjectCategoryNotSupportedError: "category not supported."
  122. Dec 6 08:34:48 Apple-TV mediaserverd[28]: >vad< EXCEPTION: 08:34:48.190 {ThreadID: 0x3f28d48c} VirtualAudio_Device.cpp{3359}: GetConnectedPortCount(): kVirtualAudioObjectCategoryNotSupportedError: "category not supported."
  123. Dec 6 08:34:48 Apple-TV kernel[0]: AppleRGBOUT verify_swap failed
  124. Dec 6 08:34:48 Apple-TV kernel[0]: IOReturn IOMobileFramebufferUserClient::set_hotplug_notify(void*, void*) 0x31107915 0x1ed370b0
  125. Dec 6 08:34:48 Apple-TV kernel[0]: IOReturn IOMobileFramebufferUserClient::set_hotplug_notify(void*, void*) 0x8636c000 0x87c80000 0x31107915 0x1ed370b0
  126. Dec 6 08:34:48 Apple-TV configd[34]: subnet_route_if_index: can't get interface name
  127. Dec 6 08:34:48 Apple-TV configd[34]: network configuration changed.
  128. Dec 6 08:34:48 Apple-TV configd[34]: hostname (prefs) = Apple-TV
  129. Dec 6 08:34:48 Apple-TV sandboxd[49]: BlueTool(56) deny mach-lookup
  130. Dec 6 08:34:48 Apple-TV sandboxd[49]: BlueTool(56) deny mach-lookup
  131. Dec 6 08:34:48 Apple-TV sandboxd[49]: BlueTool(56) deny file-read-metadata /private/var/mobile
  133. Process: BlueTool [56]
  134. Path: /usr/sbin/BlueTool
  135. Load Address: 0x98000
  136. Identifier: BlueTool
  137. Version: ??? (???)
  138. Code Type: ARM (Native)
  139. Parent Process: BTServer [39]
  141. Date/Time: 2011-12-06 08:34:48.325 -0800
  142. OS Version: iPhone OS 4.3 (8F455)
  143. Report Version: 104
  145. Backtrace:
  146. 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x33859cb0 stat + 12
  147. 1 CoreFoundation 0x3536d179 __CFXPreferencesCreatePreferencesDirectoryURLForUserAndHost + 133
  148. 2 CoreFoundation 0x3536d423 __CFXPreferencesCreateURLForTriplet + 23
  149. 3 CoreFoundation 0x3536d6b7 __CFXPreferencesGetSourceForTriplet + 283
  150. 4 CoreFoundation 0x3536f173 __CFXPreferencesGetSearchListForBundleID + 111
  151. 5 CoreFoundation 0x352e58b7 CFPreferencesCopyAppValue + 27
  152. 6 CoreFoundation 0x3530ce37 _CFBundleCopyUserLanguages + 251
  153. 7 CoreFoundation 0x3530c9c1 _CFBundleAddPreferredLprojNamesInDirectory + 149
  154. 8 CoreFoundation 0x352ef54d _CFBundleGetLanguageSearchList + 81
  155. 9 CoreFoundation 0x3530cb8d _CFBundleAddPreferredLprojNamesInDirectory + 609
  156. 10 CoreFoundation 0x352ef54d _CFBundleGetLanguageSearchList + 81
  157. 11 CoreFoundation 0x3533985b CFBundleCopyResourceURLsOfType + 19
  158. 12 SubstrateLoader.dylib 0x000f6cd5 _ZL13_MSInitializev + 369
  159. 13 SubstrateLoader.dylib 0x000f78cf _GLOBAL__I_DarwinLoader.cpp + 7
  160. 14 dyld 0x2fea37a5 ImageLoaderMachO::doModInitFunctions(ImageLoader::LinkContext const&) + 221
  161. 15 dyld 0x2fea3933 ImageLoaderMachO::doInitialization(ImageLoader::LinkContext const&) + 19
  162. 16 dyld 0x2fea16bb ImageLoader::recursiveInitialization(ImageLoader::LinkContext const&, unsigned int, ImageLoader::InitializerTimingList&) + 255
  163. 17 dyld 0x2fea1aaf ImageLoader::runInitializers(ImageLoader::LinkContext const&, ImageLoader::InitializerTimingList&) + 39
  164. 18 dyld 0x2fe98bf3 dyld::runInitializers(ImageLoader*) + 183
  165. 19 dyld 0x2fe9f9b3 dlopen + 731
  166. 20 libdyld.dylib 0x3585c4b3 dlopen + 35
  167. 21 MobileSubstrate.dylib 0x000d9f09 _ZL13_MSInitializev + 37
  168. 22 MobileSubstrate.dylib 0x000d9f1f _GLOBAL__I_Bootstrap.cpp + 7
  169. 23 dyld 0x2fea37a5 ImageLoaderMachO::doModInitFunctions(ImageLoader::LinkContext const&) + 221
  170. 24 dyld 0x2fea3933 ImageLoaderMachO::doInitialization(ImageLoader::LinkContext const&) + 19
  171. 25 dyld 0x2fea16bb ImageLoader::recursiveInitialization(ImageLoader::LinkContext const&, unsigned int, ImageLoader::InitializerTimingList&) + 255
  172. 26 dyld 0x2fea1aaf ImageLoader::runInitializers(ImageLoader::LinkContext const&, ImageLoader::InitializerTimingList&) + 39
  173. 27 dyld 0x2fe990ad dyld::initializeMainExecutable() + 277
  174. 28 dyld 0x2fe9e003 dyld::_main(macho_header const*, unsigned long, int, char const**, char const**, char const**) + 1451
  175. 29 dyld 0x2fe9828b dyldbootstrap::start(macho_header const*, int, char const**, long, macho_header const*) + 511
  176. 30 dyld 0x2fe9805c _dyld_start + 52
  178. Binary Images:
  179. 0xd9000 - 0xd9ffc +MobileSubstrate.dylib armv6 <5b28f15272a4394ca1aaf2d755a99412> /Library/MobileSubstrate/MobileSubstrate.dylib
  180. 0xf6000 - 0xf7ffd +SubstrateLoader.dylib armv6 <f3b84768c452327a9e173106425e2a38> /Library/Frameworks/CydiaSubstrate.framework/Libraries/SubstrateLoader.dylib
  181. 0x2fe97000 - 0x2febc5b7 dyld armv7 <8dbdf7bab30e355b81e7b2e333d5459b> /usr/lib/dyld
  182. 0x33846000 - 0x3385dfff libsystem_kernel.dylib armv7 <29eb602b615b3c3b95722868100a2d1c> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
  183. 0x352dc000 - 0x353c1ffb CoreFoundation armv7 <4f643539f91f330790f112ea7150b3a8> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/CoreFoundation
  184. 0x3585b000 - 0x3585cfff libdyld.dylib armv7 <41a7b5e5d9983449ab33affed0f635ad> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
  185. Dec 6 08:34:48 Apple-TV sandboxd[49]: BlueTool(56) deny file-read-metadata /private/var/mobile
  187. Process: BlueTool [56]
  188. Path: /usr/sbin/BlueTool
  189. Load Address: 0x98000
  190. Identifier: BlueTool
  191. Version: ??? (???)
  192. Code Type: ARM (Native)
  193. Parent Process: BTServer [39]
  195. Date/Time: 2011-12-06 08:34:48.325 -0800
  196. OS Version: iPhone OS 4.3 (8F455)
  197. Report Version: 104
  199. Backtrace:
  200. 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x33859cb0 stat + 12
  201. 1 CoreFoundation 0x3536d425 __CFXPreferencesCreateURLForTriplet + 25
  202. 2 CoreFoundation 0x3536d6b9 __CFXPreferencesGetSourceForTriplet + 285
  203. 3 CoreFoundation 0x3536f1ad __CFXPreferencesGetSearchListForBundleID + 169
  204. 4 CoreFoundation 0x352e58b9 CFPreferencesCopyAppValue + 29
  205. 5 CoreFoundation 0x3530ce39 _CFBundleCopyUserLanguages + 253
  206. 6 CoreFoundation 0x3530c9c3 _CFBundleAddPreferredLprojNamesInDirectory + 151
  207. 7 CoreFoundation 0x352ef54f _CFBundleGetLanguageSearchList + 83
  208. 8 CoreFoundation 0x3530cb8f _CFBundleAddPreferredLprojNamesInDirectory + 611
  209. 9 CoreFoundation 0x352ef54f _CFBundleGetLanguageSearchList + 83
  210. 10 CoreFoundation 0x3533985d CFBundleCopyResourceURLsOfType + 21
  211. 11 SubstrateLoader.dylib 0x000f6cd7 _ZL13_MSInitializev + 371
  212. 12 SubstrateLoader.dylib 0x000f78d1 _GLOBAL__I_DarwinLoader.cpp + 9
  213. 13 dyld 0x2fea37a7 ImageLoaderMachO::doModInitFunctions(ImageLoader::LinkContext const&) + 223
  214. 14 dyld 0x2fea3935 ImageLoaderMachO::doInitialization(ImageLoader::LinkContext const&) + 21
  215. 15 dyld 0x2fea16bd ImageLoader::recursiveInitialization(ImageLoader::LinkContext const&, unsigned int, ImageLoader::InitializerTimingList&) + 257
  216. 16 dyld 0x2fea1ab1 ImageLoader::runInitializers(ImageLoader::LinkContext const&, ImageLoader::InitializerTimingList&) + 41
  217. 17 dyld 0x2fe98bf5 dyld::runInitializers(ImageLoader*) + 185
  218. 18 dyld 0x2fe9f9b5 dlopen + 733
  219. 19 libdyld.dylib 0x3585c4b5 dlopen + 37
  220. 20 MobileSubstrate.dylib 0x000d9f0b _ZL13_MSInitializev + 39
  221. 21 MobileSubstrate.dylib 0x000d9f21 _GLOBAL__I_Bootstrap.cpp + 9
  222. 22 dyld 0x2fea37a7 ImageLoaderMachO::doModInitFunctions(ImageLoader::LinkContext const&) + 223
  223. 23 dyld 0x2fea3935 ImageLoaderMachO::doInitialization(ImageLoader::LinkContext const&) + 21
  224. 24 dyld 0x2fea16bd ImageLoader::recursiveInitialization(ImageLoader::LinkContext const&, unsigned int, ImageLoader::InitializerTimingList&) + 257
  225. 25 dyld 0x2fea1ab1 ImageLoader::runInitializers(ImageLoader::LinkContext const&, ImageLoader::InitializerTimingList&) + 41
  226. 26 dyld 0x2fe990af dyld::initializeMainExecutable() + 279
  227. 27 dyld 0x2fe9e005 dyld::_main(macho_header const*, unsigned long, int, char const**, char const**, char const**) + 1453
  228. 28 dyld 0x2fe9828d dyldbootstrap::start(macho_header const*, int, char const**, long, macho_header const*) + 513
  229. 29 dyld 0x2fe98060 _dyld_start + 56
  230. 30 CoreFoundation 0x3536d17b __CFXPreferencesCreatePreferencesDirectoryURLForUserAndHost + 135
  232. Binary Images:
  233. 0xd9000 - 0xd9ffc +MobileSubstrate.dylib armv6 <5b28f15272a4394ca1aaf2d755a99412> /Library/MobileSubstrate/MobileSubstrate.dylib
  234. 0xf6000 - 0xf7ffd +SubstrateLoader.dylib armv6 <f3b84768c452327a9e173106425e2a38> /Library/Frameworks/CydiaSubstrate.framework/Libraries/SubstrateLoader.dylib
  235. 0x2fe97000 - 0x2febc5b7 dyld armv7 <8dbdf7bab30e355b81e7b2e333d5459b> /usr/lib/dyld
  236. 0x33846000 - 0x3385dfff libsystem_kernel.dylib armv7 <29eb602b615b3c3b95722868100a2d1c> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
  237. 0x352dc000 - 0x353c1ffb CoreFoundation armv7 <4f643539f91f330790f112ea7150b3a8> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/CoreFoundation
  238. 0x3585b000 - 0x3585cfff libdyld.dylib armv7 <41a7b5e5d9983449ab33affed0f635ad> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
  239. Dec 6 08:34:48 Apple-TV sandboxd[49]: BlueTool(57) deny mach-lookup
  240. Dec 6 08:34:48 Apple-TV sandboxd[49]: BlueTool(57) deny mach-lookup
  241. Dec 6 08:34:48 Apple-TV AppleTV[32]: BRDisplayManager: Attempting to set display to default mode
  242. Dec 6 08:34:48 Apple-TV AppleTV[32]: BRDisplayManager: sorted modes to try: (
  243. "<CADisplayMode 1280 x 720; pixelAspect 1>",
  244. "<CADisplayMode 1024 x 768; pixelAspect 1>",
  245. "<CADisplayMode 800 x 600; pixelAspect 1>",
  246. "<CADisplayMode 720 x 480; pixelAspect 1>",
  247. "<CADisplayMode 640 x 480; pixelAspect 1>"
  248. )
  249. Dec 6 08:34:48 Apple-TV AppleTV[32]: BRDisplayManager: About to set display mode to: <CADisplayMode 1280 x 720; pixelAspect 1>
  250. Dec 6 08:34:48 Apple-TV sandboxd[49]: BlueTool(57) deny file-read-metadata /private/var/mobile
  252. Process: BlueTool [57]
  253. Path: /usr/sbin/BlueTool
  254. Load Address: 0x6c000
  255. Identifier: BlueTool
  256. Version: ??? (???)
  257. Code Type: ARM (Native)
  258. Parent Process: BTServer [39]
  260. Date/Time: 2011-12-06 08:34:48.626 -0800
  261. OS Version: iPhone OS 4.3 (8F455)
  262. Report Version: 104
  264. Backtrace:
  265. 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x33859cb0 stat + 12
  266. 1 CoreFoundation 0x3536d179 __CFXPreferencesCreatePreferencesDirectoryURLForUserAndHost + 133
  267. 2 CoreFoundation 0x3536d423 __CFXPreferencesCreateURLForTriplet + 23
  268. 3 CoreFoundation 0x3536d6b7 __CFXPreferencesGetSourceForTriplet + 283
  269. 4 CoreFoundation 0x3536f173 __CFXPreferencesGetSearchListForBundleID + 111
  270. 5 CoreFoundation 0x352e58b7 CFPreferencesCopyAppValue + 27
  271. 6 CoreFoundation 0x3530ce37 _CFBundleCopyUserLanguages + 251
  272. 7 CoreFoundation 0x3530c9c1 _CFBundleAddPreferredLprojNamesInDirectory + 149
  273. 8 CoreFoundation 0x352ef54d _CFBundleGetLanguageSearchList + 81
  274. 9 CoreFoundation 0x3530cb8d _CFBundleAddPreferredLprojNamesInDirectory + 609
  275. 10 CoreFoundation 0x352ef54d _CFBundleGetLanguageSearchList + 81
  276. 11 CoreFoundation 0x3533985b CFBundleCopyResourceURLsOfType + 19
  277. 12 SubstrateLoader.dylib 0x000cacd5 _ZL13_MSInitializev + 369
  278. 13 SubstrateLoader.dylib 0x000cb8cf _GLOBAL__I_DarwinLoader.cpp + 7
  279. 14 dyld 0x2fe777a5 ImageLoaderMachO::doModInitFunctions(ImageLoader::LinkContext const&) + 221
  280. 15 dyld 0x2fe77933 ImageLoaderMachO::doInitialization(ImageLoader::LinkContext const&) + 19
  281. 16 dyld 0x2fe756bb ImageLoader::recursiveInitialization(ImageLoader::LinkContext const&, unsigned int, ImageLoader::InitializerTimingList&) + 255
  282. 17 dyld 0x2fe75aaf ImageLoader::runInitializers(ImageLoader::LinkContext const&, ImageLoader::InitializerTimingList&) + 39
  283. 18 dyld 0x2fe6cbf3 dyld::runInitializers(ImageLoader*) + 183
  284. 19 dyld 0x2fe739b3 dlopen + 731
  285. 20 libdyld.dylib 0x3585c4b3 dlopen + 35
  286. 21 MobileSubstrate.dylib 0x000aef09 _ZL13_MSInitializev + 37
  287. 22 MobileSubstrate.dylib 0x000aef1f _GLOBAL__I_Bootstrap.cpp + 7
  288. 23 dyld 0x2fe777a5 ImageLoaderMachO::doModInitFunctions(ImageLoader::LinkContext const&) + 221
  289. 24 dyld 0x2fe77933 ImageLoaderMachO::doInitialization(ImageLoader::LinkContext const&) + 19
  290. 25 dyld 0x2fe756bb ImageLoader::recursiveInitialization(ImageLoader::LinkContext const&, unsigned int, ImageLoader::InitializerTimingList&) + 255
  291. 26 dyld 0x2fe75aaf ImageLoader::runInitializers(ImageLoader::LinkContext const&, ImageLoader::InitializerTimingList&) + 39
  292. 27 dyld 0x2fe6d0ad dyld::initializeMainExecutable() + 277
  293. 28 dyld 0x2fe72003 dyld::_main(macho_header const*, unsigned long, int, char const**, char const**, char const**) + 1451
  294. 29 dyld 0x2fe6c28b dyldbootstrap::start(macho_header const*, int, char const**, long, macho_header const*) + 511
  295. 30 dyld 0x2fe6c05c _dyld_start + 52
  297. Binary Images:
  298. 0xae000 - 0xaeffc +MobileSubstrate.dylib armv6 <5b28f15272a4394ca1aaf2d755a99412> /Library/MobileSubstrate/MobileSubstrate.dylib
  299. 0xca000 - 0xcbffd +SubstrateLoader.dylib armv6 <f3b84768c452327a9e173106425e2a38> /Library/Frameworks/CydiaSubstrate.framework/Libraries/SubstrateLoader.dylib
  300. 0x2fe6b000 - 0x2fe905b7 dyld armv7 <8dbdf7bab30e355b81e7b2e333d5459b> /usr/lib/dyld
  301. 0x33846000 - 0x3385dfff libsystem_kernel.dylib armv7 <29eb602b615b3c3b95722868100a2d1c> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
  302. 0x352dc000 - 0x353c1ffb CoreFoundation armv7 <4f643539f91f330790f112ea7150b3a8> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/CoreFoundation
  303. 0x3585b000 - 0x3585cfff libdyld.dylib armv7 <41a7b5e5d9983449ab33affed0f635ad> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
  304. Dec 6 08:34:48 Apple-TV sandboxd[49]: BlueTool(57) deny file-read-metadata /private/var/mobile
  306. Process: BlueTool [57]
  307. Path: /usr/sbin/BlueTool
  308. Load Address: 0x6c000
  309. Identifier: BlueTool
  310. Version: ??? (???)
  311. Code Type: ARM (Native)
  312. Parent Process: BTServer [39]
  314. Date/Time: 2011-12-06 08:34:48.626 -0800
  315. OS Version: iPhone OS 4.3 (8F455)
  316. Report Version: 104
  318. Backtrace:
  319. 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x33859cb0 stat + 12
  320. 1 CoreFoundation 0x3536d425 __CFXPreferencesCreateURLForTriplet + 25
  321. 2 CoreFoundation 0x3536d6b9 __CFXPreferencesGetSourceForTriplet + 285
  322. 3 CoreFoundation 0x3536f1ad __CFXPreferencesGetSearchListForBundleID + 169
  323. 4 CoreFoundation 0x352e58b9 CFPreferencesCopyAppValue + 29
  324. 5 CoreFoundation 0x3530ce39 _CFBundleCopyUserLanguages + 253
  325. 6 CoreFoundation 0x3530c9c3 _CFBundleAddPreferredLprojNamesInDirectory + 151
  326. 7 CoreFoundation 0x352ef54f _CFBundleGetLanguageSearchList + 83
  327. 8 CoreFoundation 0x3530cb8f _CFBundleAddPreferredLprojNamesInDirectory + 611
  328. 9 CoreFoundation 0x352ef54f _CFBundleGetLanguageSearchList + 83
  329. 10 CoreFoundation 0x3533985d CFBundleCopyResourceURLsOfType + 21
  330. 11 SubstrateLoader.dylib 0x000cacd7 _ZL13_MSInitializev + 371
  331. 12 SubstrateLoader.dylib 0x000cb8d1 _GLOBAL__I_DarwinLoader.cpp + 9
  332. 13 dyld 0x2fe777a7 ImageLoaderMachO::doModInitFunctions(ImageLoader::LinkContext const&) + 223
  333. 14 dyld 0x2fe77935 ImageLoaderMachO::doInitialization(ImageLoader::LinkContext const&) + 21
  334. 15 dyld 0x2fe756bd ImageLoader::recursiveInitialization(ImageLoader::LinkContext const&, unsigned int, ImageLoader::InitializerTimingList&) + 257
  335. 16 dyld 0x2fe75ab1 ImageLoader::runInitializers(ImageLoader::LinkContext const&, ImageLoader::InitializerTimingList&) + 41
  336. 17 dyld 0x2fe6cbf5 dyld::runInitializers(ImageLoader*) + 185
  337. 18 dyld 0x2fe739b5 dlopen + 733
  338. 19 libdyld.dylib 0x3585c4b5 dlopen + 37
  339. 20 MobileSubstrate.dylib 0x000aef0b _ZL13_MSInitializev + 39
  340. 21 MobileSubstrate.dylib 0x000aef21 _GLOBAL__I_Bootstrap.cpp + 9
  341. 22 dyld 0x2fe777a7 ImageLoaderMachO::doModInitFunctions(ImageLoader::LinkContext const&) + 223
  342. 23 dyld 0x2fe77935 ImageLoaderMachO::doInitialization(ImageLoader::LinkContext const&) + 21
  343. 24 dyld 0x2fe756bd ImageLoader::recursiveInitialization(ImageLoader::LinkContext const&, unsigned int, ImageLoader::InitializerTimingList&) + 257
  344. 25 dyld 0x2fe75ab1 ImageLoader::runInitializers(ImageLoader::LinkContext const&, ImageLoader::InitializerTimingList&) + 41
  345. 26 dyld 0x2fe6d0af dyld::initializeMainExecutable() + 279
  346. 27 dyld 0x2fe72005 dyld::_main(macho_header const*, unsigned long, int, char const**, char const**, char const**) + 1453
  347. 28 dyld 0x2fe6c28d dyldbootstrap::start(macho_header const*, int, char const**, long, macho_header const*) + 513
  348. 29 dyld 0x2fe6c060 _dyld_start + 56
  349. 30 CoreFoundation 0x3536d17b __CFXPreferencesCreatePreferencesDirectoryURLForUserAndHost + 135
  351. Binary Images:
  352. 0xae000 - 0xaeffc +MobileSubstrate.dylib armv6 <5b28f15272a4394ca1aaf2d755a99412> /Library/MobileSubstrate/MobileSubstrate.dylib
  353. 0xca000 - 0xcbffd +SubstrateLoader.dylib armv6 <f3b84768c452327a9e173106425e2a38> /Library/Frameworks/CydiaSubstrate.framework/Libraries/SubstrateLoader.dylib
  354. 0x2fe6b000 - 0x2fe905b7 dyld armv7 <8dbdf7bab30e355b81e7b2e333d5459b> /usr/lib/dyld
  355. 0x33846000 - 0x3385dfff libsystem_kernel.dylib armv7 <29eb602b615b3c3b95722868100a2d1c> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
  356. 0x352dc000 - 0x353c1ffb CoreFoundation armv7 <4f643539f91f330790f112ea7150b3a8> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/CoreFoundation
  357. 0x3585b000 - 0x3585cfff libdyld.dylib armv7 <41a7b5e5d9983449ab33affed0f635ad> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
  358. Dec 6 08:34:48 Apple-TV[39]: DeviceTree speed = 3000000
  359. Dec 6 08:34:48 Apple-TV[39]: Opening @ 3000000 baud.
  360. Dec 6 08:34:48 Apple-TV[39]: bluetooth wake is now ON
  361. Dec 6 08:34:48 Apple-TV[39]: Issued HCI Reset
  362. Dec 6 08:34:48 Apple-TV[39]: bluetooth wake is now OFF
  363. Dec 6 08:34:48 Apple-TV AppleTV[32]: BRDisplayManager: display mode did change; new mode: <CADisplayMode 1280 x 720; pixelAspect 1>
  364. Dec 6 08:34:48 Apple-TV AppleTV[32]: BRDisplayManager: Display mode change successful
  365. Dec 6 08:34:48 Apple-TV AppleTV[32]: BRDisplayManager: setting color mode from preferences to 1
  366. Dec 6 08:34:48 Apple-TV AppleTV[32]: BRDisplayManager: setting color mode to 1.
  367. Dec 6 08:34:48 Apple-TV mediaserverd[28]: >vad< EXCEPTION: 08:34:48.958 {ThreadID: 0x1b25000} VirtualAudio_Device.cpp{3291}: GetActivePortCount(): kVirtualAudioObjectCategoryNotSupportedError: "category not supported."
  368. Dec 6 08:34:49 Apple-TV kernel[0]: BTServer[39] Builtin profile: BlueTool (sandbox)
  369. Dec 6 08:34:49: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  370. Dec 6 08:34:49 Apple-TV kernel[0]: [000000.715554]: IODPDisplayInterface::open:(0x87274b00) result=1
  371. Dec 6 08:34:49 Apple-TV kernel[0]: [000000.196695]: IODPAudioDriver::message:(0x87274400) Video Link started
  372. Dec 6 08:34:49 Apple-TV mediaserverd[28]: >vad< EXCEPTION: 08:34:49.014 {ThreadID: 0x1b25000} VirtualAudio_Device.cpp{3291}: GetActivePortCount(): kVirtualAudioObjectCategoryNotSupportedError: "category not supported."
  373. Dec 6 08:34:49 Apple-TV gssc[54]: {
  374. "application-display-identifiers" = (
  375. ""
  376. );
  377. "device-name" = "Apple\U00a0TV";
  378. "device-name-localized" = "Apple\U00a0TV";
  379. "marketing-name" = "Apple\U00a0TV";
  380. "screen-dimensions" = {
  381. "main-screen-height" = 720;
  382. "main-screen-orientation" = 1.570796;
  383. "main-screen-scale" = "1.0";
  384. "main-screen-width" = 1280;
  385. };
  386. "tv-out-settings" = {
  387. AspectRatio = "16:9";
  388. Captioning = OFF;
  389. FitSystem = ScaleToFit;
  390. Signal = HDMI;
  391. System = NTSC;
  392. iPodOut = 0;
  393. };
  394. }
  395. Dec 6 08:34:50 Apple-TV ntpd[17]: Listen normally on 6 en0 fe80::2ae7:cfff:fee0:cec1 UDP 123
  396. Dec 6 08:34:50 Apple-TV ntpd[17]: Listen normally on 7 en0 UDP 123
  397. Dec 6 08:34:50 Apple-TV ntpd[17]: new interface(s) found: waking up resolver
  398. Dec 6 08:34:50 Apple-TV AppleTV[32]: AP: Failed to get current network for WiFi channel.
  399. Dec 6 08:34:50 Apple-TV ntpd_intres[47]: DNS ->
  400. Dec 6 08:34:50 Apple-TV AppleTV[32]: self bundlePath: /var/stash/Applications/
  401. Dec 6 08:34:50 Apple-TV AppleTV[32]: self bundlePath: /var/stash/Applications/
  402. Dec 6 08:34:50 Apple-TV AppleTV[32]: self bundlePath: /var/stash/Applications/
  403. Dec 6 08:34:50 Apple-TV AppleTV[32]: Appliance not loaded because it doesn't have any categories.
  404. Dec 6 08:34:50 Apple-TV AppleTV[32]: self bundlePath: /var/stash/Applications/
  405. Dec 6 08:34:50 Apple-TV AppleTV[32]: Settings frappliance loaded! Loading menu hooks...
  406. Dec 6 08:34:50 Apple-TV AppleTV[32]: self bundlePath: /var/stash/Applications/
  407. Dec 6 08:34:50 Apple-TV AppleTV[32]: Appliance not loaded because it doesn't have any categories.
  408. Dec 6 08:34:51 Apple-TV AppleTV[32]: self bundlePath: /var/stash/Applications/
  409. Dec 6 08:34:51 Apple-TV AppleTV[32]: NITOTV INITIALIZE
  410. Dec 6 08:34:51 Apple-TV AppleTV[32]: after sleep
  411. Dec 6 08:34:51 Apple-TV AppleTV[32]: self bundlePath: /var/stash/Applications/
  412. Dec 6 08:34:51 Apple-TV AppleTV[32]: AP: setting airport power to OFF
  413. Dec 6 08:34:51 Apple-TV configd[34]: WiFi:[344882091.729176]: Failed to connect to CoreTelephony, discarding metric
  414. Dec 6 08:34:51 Apple-TV AppleTV[32]: +[<ATVSWUpdateCheckTask: 0x3f2531f4> _shouldPerformCheck]
  415. Dec 6 08:34:51 Apple-TV AppleTV[32]: Appliance not loaded because it doesn't have any categories.
  416. Dec 6 08:34:51 Apple-TV AppleTV[32]: Appliance not loaded because it doesn't have any categories.
  417. Dec 6 08:34:52 Apple-TV kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLAN::setPOWER() [configd]: Setting power state to 0
  418. Dec 6 08:34:52 Apple-TV kernel[0]: AppleBCMWLAN::powerOff Ready to power off
  419. Dec 6 08:34:52 Apple-TV AppleTV[32]: PM: Set PM idle time to 15 seconds.
  420. Dec 6 08:34:52 Apple-TV AppleTV[32]: PM: Set PM assertion to hold off idle sleep.
  421. Dec 6 08:34:52 Apple-TV AppleTV[32]: PM: Set PM assertion to enable idle sleep.
  422. Dec 6 08:34:52 Apple-TV AppleTV[32]: Serial Number:DCYFRFJADDR5
  423. *** OS 8F455, IR 01.28, iBoot 1072.59, SW 4.3 / 2557 ***
  424. *** OS partition size/free:786432000/352043008 ***
  425. *** data partition size/free:7130374144/6823682048 ***
  426. *** AVF main repository size:5519761408 ***
  427. *** AVF secondary repository size:209715200 ***
  428. *** Current Date:12/6/11 8:34 AM ***
  429. *** Time Zone:America/Vancouver (PST) offset -28800 (set:1) ***
  430. Dec 6 08:34:52 Apple-TV[32]: 2011-12-06 08:34:52.346210 AM [HTTPServer] Listening on port 7000
  431. Dec 6 08:34:53 Apple-TV softwareupdated[25]: 3f28d48c : Cleaning up unused prepared updates
  432. Dec 6 08:34:53 Apple-TV AppleTV[32]: Appliance not loaded because it doesn't have any categories.
  433. Dec 6 08:34:53 Apple-TV AppleTV[32]: Exposed -> starting server...
  434. Dec 6 08:34:53 Apple-TV[32]: 06/12/2011 08:34:53
  435. Dec 6 08:34:53 Apple-TV[32]: Listening for VNC connections on TCP port 5900
  436. Dec 6 08:34:53 Apple-TV AppleTV[32]: Exposed -> server started :)
  437. Dec 6 08:34:55 Apple-TV MobileStorageMounter[24]: (0x3f28d48c) idle_timer_callback: Exiting after idle timeout
  438. Dec 6 08:34:55 Apple-TV lsd[80]: MS:Notice: Installing: (null) [lsd] (550.58)
  439. Dec 6 08:34:55 Apple-TV lsd[80]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/apocalypsePony.dylib
  440. Dec 6 08:34:55 Apple-TV lsd[80]: MS:Error: dlopen(/Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/apocalypsePony.dylib, 9): Symbol not found: _OBJC_CLASS_$_BRImage
  441. Referenced from: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/apocalypsePony.dylib
  442. Expected in: flat namespace
  443. in /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/apocalypsePony.dylib
  444. Dec 6 08:35:29 Apple-TV[32]: 06/12/2011 08:35:29
  445. Dec 6 08:35:29 Apple-TV[32]: Got connection from client
  446. Dec 6 08:35:29 Apple-TV[32]: 06/12/2011 08:35:29
  447. Dec 6 08:35:29 Apple-TV[32]: other clients:
  448. Dec 6 08:35:29 Apple-TV AppleTV[32]: Exposed -> new client:
  449. Dec 6 08:35:29 Apple-TV AppleTV[32]: Exposed -> switching to IOSurface...
  450. Dec 6 08:35:29 Apple-TV[32]: 06/12/2011 08:35:29
  451. Dec 6 08:35:29 Apple-TV[32]: Client Protocol Version 3.8
  452. Dec 6 08:35:29 Apple-TV[32]: 06/12/2011 08:35:29
  453. Dec 6 08:35:29 Apple-TV[32]: Protocol version sent 3.8, using 3.8
  454. Dec 6 08:35:29 Apple-TV[32]: 06/12/2011 08:35:29
  455. Dec 6 08:35:29 Apple-TV[32]: rfbProcessClientSecurityType: executing handler for type 1
  456. Dec 6 08:35:29 Apple-TV[32]: 06/12/2011 08:35:29
  457. Dec 6 08:35:29 Apple-TV[32]: rfbProcessClientSecurityType: returning securityResult for client rfb version >= 3.8
  458. Dec 6 08:35:29 Apple-TV[32]: 06/12/2011 08:35:29
  459. Dec 6 08:35:29 Apple-TV[32]: Pixel format for client
  460. Dec 6 08:35:29 Apple-TV[32]: 06/12/2011 08:35:29
  461. Dec 6 08:35:29 Apple-TV[32]: 32 bpp, depth 24, little endian
  462. Dec 6 08:35:29 Apple-TV[32]: 06/12/2011 08:35:29
  463. Dec 6 08:35:29 Apple-TV[32]: true colour: max r 255 g 255 b 255, shift r 16 g 8 b 0
  464. Dec 6 08:35:29 Apple-TV[32]: 06/12/2011 08:35:29
  465. Dec 6 08:35:29 Apple-TV[32]: Enabling full-color cursor updates for client
  466. Dec 6 08:35:29 Apple-TV[32]: 06/12/2011 08:35:29
  467. Dec 6 08:35:29 Apple-TV[32]: Enabling NewFBSize protocol extension for client
  468. Dec 6 08:35:29 Apple-TV[32]: 06/12/2011 08:35:29
  469. Dec 6 08:35:29 Apple-TV[32]: Using ZRLE encoding for client
  470. Dec 6 08:35:45 Apple-TV misd[36]: now quitting (60 sec idle)
  471. Dec 6 08:35:45 Apple-TV misd[36]: exit: 0
  472. Dec 6 08:35:52 Apple-TV AppleTV[32]: Exposed -> client gone:
  473. Dec 6 08:35:52 Apple-TV[32]: 06/12/2011 08:35:52 rfbProcessClientNormalMessage: read: Connection reset by peer
  474. Dec 6 08:35:52 Apple-TV[32]: 06/12/2011 08:35:52 Client gone
  475. Dec 6 08:35:52 Apple-TV[32]: 06/12/2011 08:35:52 Statistics events Transmit/ RawEquiv ( saved)
  476. Dec 6 08:35:52 Apple-TV[32]: 06/12/2011 08:35:52 FramebufferUpdate : 85 | 0/ 0 ( 0.0%)
  477. Dec 6 08:35:52 Apple-TV[32]: 06/12/2011 08:35:52 ZRLE : 85 | 2472/313344000 (100.0%)
  478. Dec 6 08:35:52 Apple-TV[32]: 06/12/2011 08:35:52 TOTALS : 170 | 2472/313344000 (100.0%)
  479. Dec 6 08:35:52 Apple-TV[32]: 06/12/2011 08:35:52 Statistics events Received/ RawEquiv ( saved)
  480. Dec 6 08:35:52 Apple-TV[32]: 06/12/2011 08:35:52 KeyEvent : 36 | 288/ 288 ( 0.0%)
  481. Dec 6 08:35:52 Apple-TV[32]: 06/12/2011 08:35:52 PointerEvent : 46 | 276/ 276 ( 0.0%)
  482. Dec 6 08:35:52 Apple-TV[32]: 06/12/2011 08:35:52 FramebufferUpdate : 85 | 850/ 850 ( 0.0%)
  483. Dec 6 08:35:52 Apple-TV[32]: 06/12/2011 08:35:52 SetEncodings : 1 | 32/ 32 ( 0.0%)
  484. Dec 6 08:35:52 Apple-TV[32]: 06/12/2011 08:35:52 SetPixelFormat : 1 | 20/ 20 ( 0.0%)
  485. Dec 6 08:35:52 Apple-TV[32]: 06/12/2011 08:35:52 TOTALS : 169 | 1466/ 1466 ( 0.0%)
  486. Dec 6 08:36:45 Apple-TV launchproxy[84]: /usr/libexec/sshd-keygen-wrapper: Connection from: on port: 56714
  487. Dec 6 08:36:52 Apple-TV sshd[85]: Accepted password for root from port 56714 ssh2
  488. Dec 6 08:36:52 Apple-TV sshd[86]: USER_PROCESS: 86 ttys000
  489. Dec 6 08:38:51 Apple-TV launchproxy[90]: /usr/libexec/sshd-keygen-wrapper: Connection from: on port: 56744
  490. Dec 6 08:38:53 Apple-TV sshd[91]: Accepted password for root from port 56744 ssh2
  491. Dec 6 08:38:53 Apple-TV sshd[91]: subsystem request for sftp by user root
  492. Dec 6 08:39:10 Apple-TV launchproxy[90]: /usr/libexec/sshd-keygen-wrapper: Connection from: on port: 56761
  493. Dec 6 08:39:13 Apple-TV sshd[93]: Accepted password for root from port 56761 ssh2
  494. Dec 6 08:39:13 Apple-TV sshd[93]: subsystem request for sftp by user root
  495. Dec 6 10:53:52 Apple-TV launchproxy[136]: /usr/libexec/sshd-keygen-wrapper: Connection from: on port: 64392
  496. Dec 6 10:53:54 Apple-TV sshd[137]: Accepted password for root from port 64392 ssh2
  497. Dec 6 10:53:54 Apple-TV sshd[137]: subsystem request for sftp by user root
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