
Hanging Around in the Forest [Pony]

Aug 23rd, 2016
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  1. >8 months
  2. >It's been 8 months since you made it to Equstria, at least that's what you think, it's tough to live without a calendar.
  3. >It's even tougher though to live without a house, not that these repo ponies seem to understand that.
  4. "Come the fuck on, where the hell else am I suppose to live!?"
  5. "I've been busting my ass off at my job doing the best I fucking can, it's hardly my fault if I'm not as efficient as these damn horses and their privileged powers!"
  6. "Now you say you get to take my house, just because I haven't been making enough money this last week?"
  7. >The stallions barely pay you any mind as they haul more of your stuff.
  8. >Not that they had much to take anyway.
  9. >Your abode was quite meager in style, all your food had to be imperishable even without a means to keep them fresh.
  10. >Beds? Also too good for you, a blanket's all that you can afford.
  11. >Regardless though, they were still taking it all.
  12. "So that's just it huh?"
  13. >The ponies simply stare back at you.
  14. "Well fuck you too."
  15. >You decide you've had enough of this sorry state of affairs.
  16. "I suppose there's only one other option here...God damn it."
  17. >Begrudgingly, you drag yourself off to the city council office to hopefully find some lodging available for you.
  18. >Walking along to the office you got the same stares that you grown so accustomed to.
  19. >It certainly didn't get any better in the office either.
  20. >Still, you take a ticket and right on down.
  21. "Well, at least this is still the same as home."
  22. "Not that I particularly liked it there either."
  23. >As you wait, you check your wallet to see how money you have left.
  24. "7 bits...woopey..."
  25. >You came here with around 25,000 dollars to your name, too bad exchange rate don't exist in wonderful old Equestria.
  26. >When you first tried to cash it in the ponies just ate if for a salad.
  27. >"Number 286!"
  28. >With a sudden jolt upon hearing your number you get up and head over to the counter.
  29. >Of course, you had to squat down to be on eye level with them.
  30. >You explained your situation to the pony, not that she seemed too phased.
  31. >When the subject of housing came up, things got even worse.
  32. >"You see Mr. Anon, someone of your...stature...doesn't really bode well with most Ponyvillian residents."
  33. >"Our people just don't feel safe around you, surely you understand right?"
  34. "Of course I understand."
  35. >Of course you don't fucking understand.
  36. >The pony folds her hooves.
  37. >"I'm sorry to say, but we cant help you."
  38. "Yeah, sure you are."
  39. >You crumple up your ticket and leave.
  40. >This day has been going pretty swimmingly so far.
  41. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  42. >Congratulations, you think to yourself, you're officially homeless now.
  43. >So what is it that homeless people do again?
  44. >Well, you could try to swindle some money off of some pony, not that these racist assholes would ever give you a single cent.
  45. "Fuck..."
  46. >It's becoming increasingly obvious that you're out of options.
  47. >...
  48. >......
  49. >.............
  50. >Your eyes slowly open, and you get yourself up.
  51. >At least you try to, but you don't seem to posses the strength to.
  52. >With a loud thud your butt plants its self firmly back on the floor.
  53. >You also notice you might have slipped from the puddle you were sleeping in.
  54. >You've been on the streets for some weeks now.
  55. >Drinking water from gutters, eating food out of trash cans, the whole ordeal.
  56. >It was raining right now in the pitch black sky, and you were soaking wet, probably had a cold too.
  57. >You realize that you need to seek some shelter, and muster up yourself the best you can to crawl for some coverage.
  58. >You never realized how exhausting crawling could be
  59. >You pass by some houses with their lights still on.
  60. >Ponies laughing, ponies partying.
  61. >You practically tear up as you see two ponies making love with eachother.
  62. >You sit there for a while, simply defeated.
  63. >That kind of sweet passionate love, you will never experience.
  64. >Especially not here.
  65. >These ponies were so cute you thought, so why?
  66. >....
  67. >Sitting there you notice something drift by down to you in the stream
  68. >You slowly tilt your head towards it.
  69. "A piece of rope?"
  70. >It certainly seemed strong
  71. >For a moment, a certain thought popped through your head
  72. >Unfortunately, that thought didn't leave your head either.
  73. >In fact, that thought stayed with you as you got yourself completely up.
  74. >And it stayed with as you started walking
  75. >And it stayed with as you walked in to the forest
  76. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
  77. >The Everfree Forest.
  78. >It certainly seemed grand enough to live up to its name.
  79. >I might have been a pretty sight too if were bright enough to see anything.
  80. >Just as well, you were too focused on tying you noose juussst right.
  81. >Eventually you happen upon a tree you feel is thick enough.
  82. >You give a tug on the branches.
  83. "Yep, this oughtta do."
  84. >You try tossing the rope over the branch, but to no avail.
  85. >Underhand, overhead, granny throw, nothing.
  86. >If you didn't know any better you could swear the rope was bouncing itself back on purpose.
  87. >You didn't by the way, it's still too fucking dark out at the moment.
  88. >Who knew killing yourself could be such a pain in the ass?
  89. >Only more reason to end it all that much quicker, you think to yourself.
  90. >You decide that you were never going to get the rope over it this way, and start climbing up the tree.
  91. >Luckily there were some foot holes and other branches to step on.
  92. >With a shaking of the tree, and the falling of leaves you make your way up.
  93. "Alright, with this last branch to step on I'll be-"
  94. >The second you put your foot and weight down on it, you heard a small yeep.
  95. >And, surely enough, the branch you were stepping on flies out from under you.
  96. >Next thing you knew you back face first on the ground
  97. >You get yourself up and rub your face.
  98. "What the fuck just happened?"
  99. >You look left and right but only see darkness.
  100. >Giving up, you shrug it off and try again.
  101. >You look down to pick up your rope and-
  102. "What the fucking hell?!"
  103. >On top of falling on your face, you also lost your rope.
  104. >You put your face into your palm in anger, but simply sigh.
  105. >As you reward your eyes with gift of sight again however, you notice a rumbling in the bushes next to you.
  106. >And before you even get a chance to think, you're knocked right back down again.
  107. >This time though, you heard a voice.
  108. >It sounded kind of cute.
  109. >"Oh gosh, I'm sorry Ano-you person you, I just can't see anything you know and I was just."
  110. >"Well I was just looking for some bats of mine and I got a little lost so-oh but those are my problems aren't they I'm sure you have plenty of your own, I mean look at you!"
  111. >"...Oh! Sorry no I don't mean it that way at all, well maybe I do, but I mean it's ll in good will right?"
  112. >"Oh dear, I haven't even introduced myself yet have I?"
  113. >"Oh Fluttershy, you..."
  114. >This pony has been going on for a while.
  115. >You're barely even processing what she's been saying, but you do notice that she helps you up.
  116. >She lends out a hoof for you to grab onto, and practically pulls you up.
  117. >"Wow... humans really are tall.."
  118. >The pony seems to be admiring your physique, or maybe she's a little intimidated.
  119. >You never were the best at reading people, or ponies for that matter.
  120. >"Now where was I? Oh yes, I'm Fluttershy mister human person, and you are?"
  121. >For a while you just stared at her, dumbfounded.
  122. >Where the hell was this kindness before?
  123. >"Uhh, hello?"
  124. >She seemed pretty expectant of you
  125. "Oh , well, I'm anon..miss..."
  126. >"Fluttershy.", she says as she fixes her mane with puffs of air.
  127. >This pony is too cute.
  128. >Like really too fucking cute.
  129. >As in, you're breaking out in tears right now.
  130. >You turn away as to not show what a miserable excuse for a person you were right now, but you felt something stop you.
  131. >It was the pony, she was...hugging you.
  132. "Fuck..."
  133. >She started rubbing your back with her hoof.
  134. >You slumped your face into her neck, and continued to cry.
  135. >All the while you were feeling this pony's warm, welcoming embrace.
  136. >You put you arms around her too, she didn't reject it.
  137. >With all the strength you have left, you give this horse the tightest hug you could.
  138. >The two of you simply sat there for quite some time, not saying a single word.
  139. >Eventually though, you felt lighter, and saw the ground moving.
  140. >It seems as though the pony was carrying you off somewhere.
  141. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  142. >As the two of you started to slow down, you noticed that you were approaching a cottage.
  143. >Using your awesome powers of deduction, you deduce this must be her house.
  144. >As she flies towards the door, the bunny waiting there opens it for her, and you both fly right in.
  145. >She sets you down inside and preps a blanket on you.
  146. >She then heads over to the bunny, feeds it a treat, and locks the door.
  147. >After that, she heads off into what you figure must be her kitchen.
  148. >You hear pots clanging and bowls mixing, but only look down at your plaid blanket.
  149. >It's rather warm you thought, certainly much better than your last one.
  150. >You start crunching in your hand and subsequently letting go.
  151. >You notice the bunny hops over to you, seemingly inspecting you.
  152. >Actually, it started taking your blanket.
  153. >"Angel!"
  154. >The bunny stops.
  155. >You notice Fluttershy has come back in the room, this time with some soup with her.
  156. >The pony sets down the bowl right next to you.
  157. >"Here anon. drink this and then go straight to bed."
  158. "Is this, really okay?"
  159. >Fluttershy looks at you, almost motheringly so.
  160. >"Well I don't see any reason as to why it wouldn't.", she says matter-of-factly
  161. >"Now you rest up here, and if you need me for absolutely anything at all I'm only a room over, alright?"
  162. >You give her a soft nod.
  163. >"Good!"
  164. >She smiles, and trots off to her room.
  165. >Angel, who you only just notice has been drinking the most of your soup, follows along with her soon after.
  166. >With nothing better to do, you make your way to the couch and plop yourself down.
  167. >You take a big glug of soup and tuck yourself in for the night.
  168. >This place could be worse, you thought.
  169. >Much worse, you thought.
  170. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  171. >Sunlight breaks free of the curtains on the windows and pierces itself into the room.
  172. >Your eyes blink as you wake up, surprisingly well rested for once.
  173. >Sitting up. you take the blanket off you.
  174. >You get off the couch and onto your own two feet, and proceed to stretch.
  175. >You let out a yawn and scratch your back.
  176. >You also notice that something really smells, and that something is you.
  177. >You start taking off your clothes so that you wash them in the river.
  178. >As you do, you hear a door creek.
  179. >You look around a bit, but head out side anyway.
  180. >With the new sunlight you find yourself in, you decide to take the time to gather in your surroundings.
  181. "Holy hell does this girl have a lot of animals."
  182. >It's certainly very nice looking though.
  183. >Much better than you could ever manage.
  184. >Heading down to the stream, you start thinking about everything that's happened to you thus far.
  185. >You've been through quite the plethora of jobs, holding one was never the easiest.
  186. >Helping out on the farm, no matter, strong earth pony here to save the day.
  187. >Janitorial? just magic the dirt away!"
  188. >You weren't even sure how you managed a weather job, but pegasi quickly took care of that anyway.
  189. "Damn ponies."
  190. >You thought about your current job.
  191. >You also thought about how you were supposed to show up in 2 hours.
  192. >You also thought about how you weren't going to.
  193. >Your clothes enter the stream
  194. >You spend time washing your clothes.
  195. >This time you think about the nice pony who helped you out the other day.
  196. >Kindness like that doesn't have the right to exist in this world.
  197. >She sure was soft...
  198. >You realize you were hugging yourself.
  199. "God I'm pathetic."
  200. >You finish washing your clothes and begin to dry them.
  201. >You start thinking about Fluttershy more.
  202. >You try to remember what she smelled like.
  203. >You try to remember what her fur felt like between your fingers.
  204. >You hope you won't have to rely on your memories forever.
  205. >As you put on your clothes you start thinking about what you could to return this pony's generosity.
  206. >You notice a duck waddle up to you.
  207. >You're not sure if you can pet ducks or not, but you take the risk anyway.
  208. >Thankfully, it seems to like it.
  209. >You then hear a voice.
  210. >"Has my little Alfred made himself a friend?"
  211. >You turn around, unsurprisingly, it was Fluttershy.
  212. >You're starting to find it hard to look at her with a straight face.
  213. >It's hard keeping you from just running up to her feeling her comfort.
  214. >Comfort that you haven't felt in so, so long.
  215. >You manage to restrain yourself though, and give her a greeting.
  216. "Oh, uh, hello there Fluttershy."
  217. "Are you, uh, doing alright?"
  218. >"Indeed I am Anon, but what about you?"
  219. >What about you?
  220. >You're not really sure if you had an answer to that question.
  221. "Well, I've been better but...things aren't too bad."
  222. >You carry on a small talk conversation with her.
  223. >She mentions some of the chores that she's about to do, and you offer to help her.
  224. >She didn't want to bother you at first, but you managed to get through to her.
  225. >Every time she was feeding some animal you took the time to marvel at her.
  226. >She truly was beautiful.
  227. >Her long flowing pink mane and tail, the way her eyes were shaped, the curvature of her body, and her, well, her backside as well.
  228. >Part of you thinks this is some kind of cruel joke.
  229. >You toss in some fish feed and Fluttershy calls you over.
  230. >"Anon, over here!"
  231. >"I hear you Fluttershy, I'll be right there!"
  232. >This, this you could get used to.
  233. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  234. >As nice as things were going, you decided to stop beating around the bush and talk to her about that night.
  235. >The night when things were at their worst.
  236. >You walk up to Fluttershy and start to talk to her.
  237. "So uhh, about that night..."
  238. "The, uh, night when you welcomed me in-"
  239. >Fluttershy puts a hoof to your mouth.
  240. >You snort to yourself.
  241. "So I guess you knew then, huh?"
  242. "What I was about to do."
  243. >"Anon..."
  244. >She walks close to you.
  245. >"I may be a shy pony, but I'm certainly no naive pony."
  246. "I see..."
  247. "You never did get back to your bats."
  248. >"I was never looking for them in the first place."
  249. "So then, how do you even bump into me in the first place?"
  250. "What were you even doing out there?"
  251. >She starts to look away, shyly.
  252. >"Well, if you simply must know...I was...watching you..."
  253. "Watching me, since when?"
  254. >"Since you lost your house."
  255. >Wait a minute.
  256. >Did she seriously just watch you starve?
  257. "What the fuck Fluttershy!? Why didn't you do anything sooner?"
  258. "Don't you realize how fucking horrible I felt back then!?"
  259. >Fluttershy starts whimpering
  260. >"I'm sorry anon, it's that.. I was afraid.."
  261. "Afraid?"
  262. >"Well look at you, we've never seen anyone quite like you before and-"
  263. "And you were afraid that I would hurt you, trust me I know."
  264. >Of course, why would she have been any different?
  265. >"Oh no anon, not because of that."
  266. >"I was wondering if you could make it on your own or not."
  267. >"I wanted to see if you were strong enough to make it out."
  268. "Well clearly I wasn't, so why wait so long?"
  269. >"Oh, well then I was afraid."
  270. >Of course
  271. >"But look at you now anon, everything's working out!"
  272. "Yeah, after I was about to kill myself!"
  273. >Fluttershy looks away.
  274. "Look, it's alright Fluttershy, I'm not angry at you."
  275. "You showed my the utmost kindness and hospitality at the time I needed it most, and when nobody else would."
  276. "I don't think I could ever be angry at that."
  277. >Fluttershy comes closer to you, into a hug.
  278. >Again, as before you two simply embrace each other.
  279. >This time though, you let go.
  280. >Honestly, last time was better you thought.
  281. >The two of you look at one another and blush.
  282. >You both then start walking back to the cottage.
  283. "So I noticed that that gate doesn't like to stay closed, could tie it shut."
  284. "What did you do with my rope Fluttershy?"
  285. >"I burned it"
  286. >You give a laugh.
  287. >Fluttershy proceeds to fly.
  288. "Hey no fair, Ms. wings!"
  289. >She starts fluttering circles around you, giggling all the while.
  290. "Gotcha!"
  291. >You grab at her and make her fall down on top of you.
  292. >You both just keep laughing, well almost.
  293. >The laughter was interrupting for a second when you went in for a kiss.
  294. >Only on the forehead, but it was still enough to knock her out cold.
  295. >Maybe Equestria wasn't that bad after all.
  296. >And maybe what you went through wasn't bad either.
  297. >After all, the bad time make us reflect on how nice the good times really are.
  298. >And this good time? This is one you want to feel the full effects from.
  299. >Thankfully, that's exactly what you got.
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