

Apr 10th, 2018
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  1. xShepherd: I love her dearly, you have no idea, but we're just not going to be romantically together.
  2. StikerDragonAkiama: it was nice meeting you all
  3. OnyxiaxBlackstone: Awe bai hun
  4. xShepherd: Take care, thanks for stopping by. ^^
  5. Scorcha: o - o i love her more
  6. Scorcha: >n>
  7. xShepherd: Nah.
  8. xShepherd: >:c
  9. Scorcha: I've never hurt her on purpose
  10. Scorcha: >_>
  11. xShepherd: Hey, we got past that.
  12. OnyxiaxBlackstone: o_o
  13. xShepherd: Do not start shit.
  14. Sheltie: Scor..
  15. Scorcha: >:c
  16. xShepherd: I made a mistake. We made up.
  17. Scorcha: c:
  18. Scorcha: As one of her best friends.
  19. Scorcha: I can promise you
  20. Scorcha: I'll never let you live it down
  21. Scorcha: It's my job
  22. OnyxiaxBlackstone: I only know of one mistake made, I dunno if it was you
  23. Scorcha: :I
  24. Sheltie: Scor, I've forgiven him..Him and I are past that..
  25. Scorcha: Doesn't change anything shanie
  26. Scorcha: And you know that
  27. xShepherd: We're better than we've ever been.
  28. OnyxiaxBlackstone: /me Pokes Scor
  29. Scorcha: I know you've forgiven him, but you know the majority of your friends who know what happened, have not.
  30. OnyxiaxBlackstone: Is he the friends with benefits mistake?
  31. OnyxiaxBlackstone: o-o
  32. xShepherd: It's their problem, not mine.
  33. Scorcha: We only tollerate him because we love you.
  34. OnyxiaxBlackstone: /me Confuzzled
  35. xShepherd: Ony, just...not now, okay?
  36. OnyxiaxBlackstone: I sorry D:
  37. Niexes: -sighs-
  38. Sheltie: You won't ever forget it, but either will he. He still get very upset about what he did. He still gets hurt when he thinks about what he did. He knows he messed up.
  39. Scorcha: I want to make sure he lives with what he did. Because he hurt one of the most sweetest kindest people I know
  40. Scorcha: There is no forgiving for what he did to you, and i am not the only friend who thinks so
  41. Scorcha: I'm the only vocal friend about it
  42. Sheltie: Oh will never forgive him, others may not forgive him, and he will never forgive himself either.
  43. Scorcha: I'm still mad you forgave him tbh. He didn't deserve it
  44. Scorcha: He doesn't deserve you at all in his life
  45. Scorcha: He has no right to go on spouting he loves you after he said he didn't
  46. Scorcha: He's a manipulative asshole who place the pitty game when he gets caught and it frustrates me
  47. Scorcha: And you have to understand
  48. Scorcha: I was the one who told him to persue you
  49. Niexes: /me bangs my head on a pillow
  50. Scorcha: I supported him
  51. Scorcha: and his endevers to be your boyfriend
  52. Scorcha: I PUSHED HIM
  53. Scorcha: to try and date you
  54. Sheltie: He has been nothing but wonderful to me since that happened....He has changed. He would never hurt me again.
  55. Scorcha: because thats what a supportive friend does
  56. Scorcha: That's bullshit lo, he still gets over protective and possesive of you like you're an object
  57. Scorcha: Clo*
  58. Scorcha: Tina and i both have called him for it since he's returned
  59. Sheltie: I know. I know. We're working on that. He has gotten a lot better though
  60. Scorcha: Especially since the time we both did at the same time was against your REAL LIFE FRIEND
  61. Scorcha: You shouldn't have to work on that clo
  62. Scorcha: You're a free person NOT SOMEONES TOY/POSSESSION
  63. Scorcha: He's the reason some of your friends wont come in here anymore
  64. Scorcha: I didn't like coming in here until you modded me.
  65. Sheltie: He gets scared. But he trusts me now.
  66. Scorcha: Pfft
  67. Scorcha: That's not how that works
  68. Scorcha: That's a way to manipulate you. He shouldn't have to say he "trusts" you
  70. NearProxy: My internet is not being nice today
  71. Scorcha: You never did anything to not have his trust
  72. xShepherd: That's gooood.
  73. xShepherd: How's Xak?
  74. NearProxy: He was moved to a regular room a little bit ago
  75. Scorcha: Weba and i'm sorry your internet is being a bitch
  76. Sheltie: People always try to protect me. Always. He sees it as protecting me from people, I think. But I can take care of myself. He knows that
  77. NearProxy: Thanks
  78. Scorcha: Clo. If you can protect yourself, then why do you let manipulative assholes like him control you.
  79. Sheltie: I am not anymore. He is not manipulating me.
  80. Scorcha: You realize, ever since he came back, your depression is back to a low again.
  81. Scorcha: Tina and I both noticed.
  82. Scorcha: You began pushing us away again
  83. Scorcha: You shut yourself off
  84. Scorcha: and shut us out
  85. Scorcha: and when we talk
  86. Scorcha: it's about us
  87. Scorcha: never you anymore
  88. Scorcha: and if it is'
  89. Scorcha: i'ts the bare min
  90. Sheltie: I have been really happy though
  91. Scorcha: Then why do you feel alone just as much as happy
  92. Sheltie: I don't feel alone anymore
  93. Scorcha: I see.
  94. Sheltie: I didn't realize I was pushing you two away though..
  95. Sheltie: I am so sorry
  96. Scorcha: Don't.
  97. Scorcha: I realized who is more important now.
  98. Scorcha: Take care Clo.
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