Guest User


a guest
Sep 28th, 2011
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  1. {
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  3. "colorAlly": "LIGHT_PURPLE",
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  19. "prefixMod": "[M] ",
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  65. "territoryEnemyDenyCommands": [
  66. "sethome"
  67. ],
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  122. "publicLandMessage": "Public faction land.",
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  127. "territoryProtectedMaterials": [
  128. "BED_BLOCK",
  129. "WORKBENCH",
  131. "LEVER",
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  138. "STONE_PLATE",
  140. "WOODEN_DOOR",
  141. "CHEST",
  142. "TRAP_DOOR",
  143. "FENCE_GATE"
  144. ],
  145. "territoryDenyUseageMaterials": [
  146. "WATER_BUCKET",
  147. "FIRE",
  148. "LAVA_BUCKET",
  150. "BUCKET"
  151. ],
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  154. "WORKBENCH",
  156. "LEVER",
  157. "FURNACE",
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  159. "DISPENSER",
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  162. "WOOD_PLATE",
  163. "STONE_PLATE",
  165. "WOODEN_DOOR",
  166. "CHEST",
  167. "TRAP_DOOR",
  168. "FENCE_GATE"
  169. ],
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  171. "WATER_BUCKET",
  172. "FIRE",
  173. "LAVA_BUCKET",
  175. "BUCKET"
  176. ],
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  196. "econCostJoin": 0.0,
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  211. "econCostNeutral": 0.0,
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  213. "worldsNoClaiming": [],
  214. "worldsNoPowerLoss": [],
  215. "worldsIgnorePvP": [],
  216. "worldsNoWildernessProtection": []
  217. }
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