
Training for the Attack

Jun 6th, 2016
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  1. 19:49 <Desoph>: The gym...smelling of sweat and motivation...maybe some shame and a little hint of desperation. Des is with a heavybag working his punches and kicks to warm up a bit...he was in the process of modifying his Krav Maga to suit his needs.
  2. 19:50 <DarnellJermaine>: In steps Theo, his demeanor much more serious and foreboding, but a smile is still on his face and there's some pep in his step. This mission meant business- who better to go whoop ass with than his most trusted friend. "Yo" he says, stepping into the gym with a wave of his hand. "What's the plan captain?" he asks with a sly grin.
  3. 19:56 <Desoph>: Des had a light sheen of sweat over his pale frame...he kinda blended in with his white tank top. He looked over to Theo and gave a wave with a wrapped hand before he moved to kick off the wall to kick the bag with the same leg. He tries to land in a push up position and...face plants...he lays there a moment before pushing himself up. "Bloody hell...fuckin
  4. 19:56 <Desoph>: chicken wings can't do shite yet." He said in a flawless irish accent. He sighed and rubbed his nose a bit...accent gone. "I haven't thought that far ahead actually. Care to train some more? You were doing good on learning proper striking last time..."
  5. 19:58 <DarnellJermaine>: Theo nods, before adding in. "I want to take it a step further D. I want you to teach me Krav Maga, but I think we need to start seriously considering our powers" he said, looking down at his chest and lightly touching it. "We'll need everything we've got to do this, and I think it's time to seriously start figuring out the best way our powers will mesh,
  6. 19:58 <DarnellJermaine>: especially since Seiko isn't coming..." he looks away for a moment at that before staring back at him. "We need- a technique"
  7. 20:03 <Desoph>: "Seiko bailed...just us eh?" He said...he didn't seem surprised actually...or he didn't care. Mix of the two? Perhaps he was more focused on next rather than now? Who knows. He motioned Theo over. "Hit me three times...full force like you hate my guts and I will blow your mind. Come on." He grinned. Des, the lil bastard actually was grinning.
  8. 20:04 <DarnellJermaine>: Theo was getting pumped now. Seeing Des in a mood like this, well how could he hold back? "Alright then mate, I'm gonna fuck you up. You better be ready with something awesome!" he said as he sent the first fist launching. (Should I roll for these?)
  9. 20:12 <Desoph>: (Nope...just send em. Demostration purposes this go 'round)
  10. 20:13 <DarnellJermaine>: Theodore sends the first fist launching with a powerful right hook, quickly following up with 2 fast jabs from the left hand and then the right.
  11. 20:25 <Desoph>: Des is hit all three times and he goes down hard but pops right back up like a jack in the box. "Damn some spice on that hook and stank on those jabs." He chuckled a bit and lightly touched the heavy bag with a finger and it bursts to life as if hit by a powerful right hook then two fast jabs. "That and a mind freeze is what power I can bring. I
  12. 20:25 <Desoph>: can hold the energy of those punches for a long time. Imagine getting your hand shook and a few moments later your butt is kicked for seemingly no reason!" He grinned.
  13. 20:26 <DarnellJermaine>: Theodore lit up. "That's...brilliant! I can sock you real good a few times and when you go up as bait you'll have a little defense mechanism prepped! Oh man D, we sync well!" he said, offering him a high-five. "What do you mean by mind freeze?" he asks, a bit more nervous about the sound of that power.
  14. 20:27 *** Knave quit (Quit: Knave Out)
  15. 20:41 <Desoph>: Des gave the high five but shook his head. "I won't demostrate. But...think of it as a mind flick. I stop all thought by disrupting the process. You are thinking of kicking my ass and suddenly you see a hairy set of cock n balls in your head and...yes...that just happened...and while you are wondering WTF....I am running like a bitch or you are skull fucking
  16. 20:41 <Desoph>: them with a shovel." He shrugged slightly.
  17. 20:44 <DarnellJermaine>: Theo seemed a bit terrified at this, but tried to hold it in for D's sake. Jesus fuck, he hoped Desoph never did that shit to him. He shivered before slowly speaking up. "Anyway, after we train a bit today... I'd like to talk to you, man to man, if you've got the time. I have some favors to ask"
  18. 20:48 <Desoph>: Des looked at Theo a long moment. He chews the inside of his lip a bit. His voice goes soft spoken. "Yeah man...sounds good. Feel like learning proper ways of using momentum?"
  19. 20:50 <DarnellJermaine>: He nods, a smile returned on his face. "Teach me, martial arts master" he says with a mocking bow. He readies his stance, focused on what Desoph has to say.
  20. 21:00 <Desoph>: Des looks away a moment. "When you move you shift weight from one point to another but if I manipulate your body during the shift...I can make you do things you never intended without your ability to stop it from happening...unless you have wings like Wilhelm." He motions Theo on...not evening facing the boy...just walking towards his water bottle. "Attack
  21. 21:00 <Desoph>: me when ready...bonus lesson for free when this is over by the way."
  22. 21:02 <DarnellJermaine>: Theo nods, getting in 3 point stance. He was sure whatever Desoph was gonna show him would whoop his ass, but he wouldn't let his training from Brett go to waste. He comes in hard- and fast for a tackle, before sidestepping to the left at the last moment and pulling out a roundhouse kick from his right leg. He'd be damned if he didn't at least surprise D.
  23. 21:04 *** Impy quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
  24. 21:13 <Desoph>: Des moved -into- the attack and collides beneath Theo's leg and stands forcing the leg up while Theo's own momentum would carry him around for a padded side landing facing the floor unless Theo could counter well. Des would have moved toward Theo regardless of which way he came from...Theo just gave Des more leverage by changing his center of gravity.
  25. 21:14 <DarnellJermaine>: Ah shit- he was going for a tumble. Just as he began to fall though, he remembered all that spidey climbing Des had done during their first little spar and attempted to latch his arms and/or legs around Desoph's chest neck area.
  26. 21:19 <Desoph>: Des goes for the sudden ride! There is a moment hesitation alone for Des to get his arms in position to press knuckles into nerves. "Try it and you walk funny for a week." Des warned with a laugh.
  27. 21:20 <DarnellJermaine>: Theo ended up on his ass, laughing though. He jumped back up pretty quick and got back into stance. "Show me how you did that, mate. I think that trick would do rather nicely"
  28. 21:23 <Desoph>: "Physics man. You lifted your leg so your center of gravity was changing...I added momentum to yours with force while changing your gravity shift's direction." He had the balance to imitate the kick and point out the gravity shift and the moment where there is complete commitment. "Once to this point...event horizon. No going back boss."
  29. 21:25 <DarnellJermaine>: Theo nodded, his full focus on Des's motions and words. "Ok... I think I got it." he made the 'Come On' motion with his hands. "Alright, let me give it a shot then tough guy" he said with a wry grin, emulating Desoph's stance. It was by no means a perfect imitation, but Theo thought he was pretty close.
  30. 21:28 <Desoph>: "Quick you know why my stance is exactly the same as me just standing there?" He asked and hooked his thumbs in his pockets casually.
  31. 21:29 <DarnellJermaine>: "Erm..." he thought for a moment. He didn't have a bloody clue, but he could guess, "So your opponents will underestimate you?" he guessed.
  32. 21:35 <Desoph>: Des quick stepped forward to do a backflip and his feet moved just in front of Theo's face and Des landed. "So they won't see it coming and if I am used to attacking from every day positions from muscle memory...I don't need a starting point. You drop into a stance and I know exactly how you will fight and how to kick your ass. If you just wait for me as if
  33. 21:35 <Desoph>: I was some Joe bloe? I have -nothing- to base anything from."
  34. 21:37 <DarnellJermaine>: Theo seemed a bit excited- he was on the right track at least with his answer. Perhaps these lessons with D really were paying off. "Alright then..." he said, standing completely normal. "What am I gonna do mate?" he said, stretching out his arms a bit and letting out a small laugh. "Come on then, let's put your teaching to the test"
  35. 21:40 <Desoph>: Des chuckled slightly and jumoed forward to do the same kick Theo had attempted on him! Minus the tackle attempt because...yeah...who would take a tackle attempt from his scrawny ass serious?
  36. 21:41 <DarnellJermaine>: Theo was a bit unused to trying to defend himself without a stance- but nevertheless he brought his arm around to swing at Des's head- the best defense is a good offense!
  37. 21:44 <Desoph>: Des had his weight shifted backwards anyway and leg extended so...grip wrist...twist while falling back, wrap leg around bigger man's arm for leverage and pull arm to full extention with heel to shoulder as a force brake...he was attempting this.
  38. 21:46 <DarnellJermaine>: (roll?)
  39. 21:46 <DarnellJermaine>: (your attack vs my attack)
  40. 21:46 <DarnellJermaine>: `calc 4d3-8+8
  41. 21:46 <GameServ>: 4d3-8+8 = 5
  42. 21:46 <DarnellJermaine>: (oh shit)
  43. 21:47 <Desoph>: `calc 4d3-8+7
  44. 21:47 <GameServ>: 4d3-8+7 = 6
  45. 21:48 <DarnellJermaine>: (no damage either way but I guess you got me >.>)
  46. 21:48 <DarnellJermaine>: Theo ended up grappled by Desoph- completely at his whim.
  47. 21:51 <Desoph>: "You are stronger than me Theo. But...properly applied, I can use your strength to break your own arm or shoulder." He rolled the arm and pulled it up behind Theo's back to rest at mid back. "Normally...this would be between shoulderblades but I won't hurt you to prove anything. Oh...and I got lucky on that one."
  48. 21:52 <DarnellJermaine>: Theo just grinned back at him. He loved these little training sessions. "See if you expect this!" as Desoph moves behind him, he jumps backwards, attempting to jump into the wall- with Desoph behind him. He was literally going to push his body to shove D into the wall- with his arm in this position it was probably a bit self-destructive, but he didn't care.
  49. 21:55 <Desoph>: Des let his legs buckle to trip up Theo to get him to fall over on his back so Des could quickly wrap his legs in a professional leg bar to make things very uncomfy for Theo without going full bore into it.
  50. 21:56 <Desoph>: `calc 4d3-8+7
  51. 21:56 <GameServ>: 4d3-8+7 = 8
  52. 21:56 <DarnellJermaine>: `calc 4d3-8+8
  53. 21:56 <GameServ>: 4d3-8+8 = 9
  54. 21:56 <Desoph>: (Oh snap son!)
  55. 21:57 <DarnellJermaine>: Theo manages to get his attack through, bashing Des against the wall- but not without hurting his arm a bit, "Shit! Son of a-" he said, wrestling to get his arm free.
  56. 21:57 <Desoph>: Des gets mowed down unceremoniously...
  57. 21:57 <Desoph>: Des jumps on Theo's back and goes for the coveted choke hold!
  58. 21:58 <DarnellJermaine>: (I'll roll for defense on this)
  59. 21:58 <DarnellJermaine>: `calc 4d3-8+8
  60. 21:58 <GameServ>: 4d3-8+8 = 8
  61. 22:01 <Desoph>: `4d3-8+7
  62. 22:01 <Desoph>: (*face palm*)
  63. 22:01 <Desoph>: `calc 4d3-8+7
  64. 22:01 <GameServ>: 4d3-8+7 = 8
  65. 22:02 <DarnellJermaine>: (should we just say neither party is hurt?)
  66. 22:02 <Desoph>: (I got this...)
  67. 22:02 <DarnellJermaine>: (I'll let you type it then)
  68. 22:03 <Desoph>: Des fails and ends up just getting a piggy back. "Totally piffed man...sorry."
  69. 22:06 <DarnellJermaine>: Theo just laughs at this. "All good man- come on then; hop off. We'll take it from the top" he said, picking up Des and setting him on the ground in front of him, once more looking as if standing totally normal, save for the stupid grin. Then again, that did seem normal for Theo. "One more go then?"
  70. 22:11 <Desoph>: "Yes..." Des replied and merely stood there...watching. "you know the eyes give away everything right? You focus where you want to use your peripheral vision instead." He throws a punch for Theo's jaw...but it was a ruse. He pulled it short to snap spin, dropping low for a leg sweeo for the backs of Theo's knees!
  71. 22:13 <DarnellJermaine>: (offensive intercept!) Theo reacts, lifting up his right leg to try and stomp on D's leg!
  72. 22:13 <DarnellJermaine>: `calc 4d3-8+8
  73. 22:13 <GameServ>: 4d3-8+8 = 9
  74. 22:15 <Desoph>: `4d3-8+7
  75. 22:15 <Desoph>: `calc 4d3-8+7
  76. 22:15 <GameServ>: 4d3-8+7 = 8
  77. 22:17 <Desoph>: Des gets his leg stomped! He backs off quickly though. "I am sucking at this bad." He grumbled. He should be doing better!
  78. 22:18 <DarnellJermaine>: "Do you wanna call it for the day?" Theo says. He looks a bit more worried now, thinking about the things he had to tell D at the end of practice. "Of course, we can keep going if ya want"
  79. 22:18 *** BobaFettuccine joined #Sunnybrook-IC6
  80. 22:24 <Desoph>: "Naa...I am suckin at this. We will call it until I can figure out what's wrong with me. What did you wanna talk about?"
  81. 22:26 <DarnellJermaine>: Theo takes a seat on the bench press and looks down at his feet for a moment. "Desoph... I have a feeling I might not make it out of this. I'm serious. So there's a couple favors I want you to promise me- ok?" he said, still looking at the ground and seeming deflated. This wasn't the usually cheer and chipper Theo.
  82. 22:29 <Desoph>: "Say your piece from beginning to end. Say it and have done." Des replied as he took uo his water bottle and takes a drink.
  83. 22:31 <DarnellJermaine>: Once he starts, the words don't seem to stop. "If I die, I want you to take over the band with Naomi and Floyd. Make it awesome, y'know leave our Mark. I want you to tell Claudia I'm sorry I didn't stick around- I want you to tell mum and dad, even little stephen, how much I love them and how sorry I am that I won't be coming home. Even-" fuck it "even
  84. 22:32 <DarnellJermaine>: Allison. Tell her I'm sorry for everything- and that I wish I had had the chance to make it better. Most importantly though, promise you won't forget me" tears were pouring out of his eyes from the moment he mentioned his parents onward. He was a mess, not a hint of the cheery Theo that had been there only moments before. His own mask was finally starting to
  85. 22:32 <DarnellJermaine>: wear off- he'd been fooling himself all this time. His life wasn't together at all.
  86. 22:48 <Desoph>: "Done yet?" He asked softly before looking to Theo. He wasnt being heartless...he was being what he needed to be. "Because all I hear is bullshit. You are so focused on the negative and doubt. Stop. Just stop it. You will face things and survive them. You will make it back home. So check your self doubt at the door." He sighed. "The movies make it look
  87. 22:48 <Desoph>: easy...books too. No one ever realizes the cost of the reality of doing something most never would...and living most would say are best forgotten." He moves a hand to rub a temple slightly. "You are twice my size and you are freaking out...this will suck and there will be times you will hate me. Don't say no because it will be true because I will have a foot
  88. 22:48 <Desoph>: up your ass wearing you like a fucked up autistic flip flop when you are down because I need you to be stronger than me else this all fails." He stands and walks a few steps away. "Yes...I will do as you ask but if you dare die...I will fuckin kill the shit out of you."
  89. 22:49 <DarnellJermaine>: Theo wipes the tears from his eyes and looks up. Maybe D was reading his thoughts again, or maybe they were that close; but that was exactly the kind of thing he needed to hear. He needed to hear that a long time ago. He almost felt like crying again, but this time out of joy. He should've met Desoph much sooner, this was the kind of friend he was missing in
  90. 22:50 <DarnellJermaine>: his life. He began to stand up again, walking towards the man he could easily call his best friend, and giving him the biggest bro hug of his life. "Thank you. I mean it" he said, holding the hug for a couple of seconds before a big slap on the back. "You're right, I gotta stay strong. Besides, it'd suck to have you kill me" he says with a pathetic attempt at
  91. 22:50 <DarnellJermaine>: a laugh.
  92. 23:04 <Desoph>: Des pats his back slightly because he was trying to breathe! Once released he looks to Theo seriously. "This is real. You become a liability...I send your ass back here. No ifs ands or buts. You keep your shit together...ya feel me?"
  93. 23:07 <DarnellJermaine>: "Dude, I'm ready now" his face is still wet from the tears- but there's something new there. Something determined. "I'll make sure you get back home in one piece- after all you've got some people waiting for you" he looks down at D's necklace and back up with a grin. "I'm fine now, really. Thanks"
  94. 23:12 <Desoph>: "I was going to ask her to come. She may be able to help....before you smirk...this is business, not pleasure and she may be able to help. I won't -not- ask. That would be rude as shit."
  95. 23:14 <DarnellJermaine>: "Whatever, just one more person to hide behind me" he says, flexing his arms out half jokingly and half seriously. "For real though D, let's do this. We're gonna get these guys. I don't plan on coming home until we do"
  96. 23:16 *** SpookyBee quit (Quit: HydraIRC -> <-)
  97. 23:17 *** Karaoke joined #Sunnybrook-IC6
  98. 23:17 <Desoph>: "Have a serious mission for you first though man...." he said with a sigh. "I need you to find me a bigger set of balls. I am worried." He grinned.
  99. 23:19 <DarnellJermaine>: Now this surprised Theo. The man who knew fucking martial arts- the man that snapped him out of all his troubles- was worried? "Desoph" he placed a hand on his shoulder and looked him in the eyes. "You're my best friend. The best I've ever had by a longshot. You think I'm gonna let you die? Besides, bar that you're like the toughest little tiny dude I've ever
  100. 23:20 *** SpookyBee joined #Sunnybrook-IC6
  101. 23:20 <DarnellJermaine>: met. Seriously, for someone so scrawny you kick some ass!" he said, a smile on his face. "You of all people aren't gonna die. You're smart. You're strong. You've got something to live for. I promise you that much. You're worth more than your family, those memories- you're your own person. Now let's go make some fucked up war memories of our own, shall we?"
  102. 23:22 <Desoph>: "Dude. I was kidding. Thanks for the pep talk though." He chuckled and patted Theo's back.
  103. 23:23 <DarnellJermaine>: Theo looked visibly embarassed at that. Sometimes he wished he could tell what was going on in Desoph's head like D could read his mind. "R-righto then. I think I better head back to the dorms. Catch you tomorrow morning then?"
  104. 23:25 <Desoph>: "I have some things I need to do. I doubt I will be seen tomorrow." He said softly. "Take care Theo....and don't want to be able to see inside me. You won't like it much."
  105. 23:27 <DarnellJermaine>: Theo just lets out a sigh. Yeah yeah, war memories and the whatnot. Suppose he wouldn't. "Take care man" a wave goodbye.
  106. 23:28 <Desoph>: "Not war thoughts." He said with barely a sound.
  107. 23:28 <Desoph>: -end scene-
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