
Rosalina's Alone Time

Aug 12th, 2018
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  1. Running the Comet Observatory was highly stressful work, Rosalina found it necessary to sneak off from the Lumas and the pressures of her position to her hidden room. It was there in a hidden nursery up-scaled to her size and among stacks of disposable diapers she could let herself relax. Rosalina pulled her elegant dress over her head slowly, she enjoying stripping away her adulthood piece by piece. She stood in front of a huge mirror admiring herself in her “big girl underwear” , In them she she was an adult princess responsible for so much. She slipped her panties from her hips and felt another piece of maturity slip from her. After laying one of her diapers down onto her personal changing table, Rosalina climbed up and lowered he bare bottom into the soft padding. Wrapping it closed around herself she pressed the tapes down making sure her only piece of clothing was tight. With the final tape Rosalina was no longer the adult woman in control of the Comet observatory, but a baby who couldn’t even be responsible for keeping her diaper dry. The little princess crawled, rolled and cooed around her nursery. She played with her toys, enjoyed a bottle, and suckled on her favorite pacifier. It wasn’t long before the diuretics and laxatives adult Rosalina had mixed into regressed Rosalina’s bottle of formula kicked in to help overwrite all of her potty training, the last of her adult responsibilities. Her stomach gurgled and she felt the tell-tale pressure that warned her of her need to use the restroom. Rather than letting any adult urges take over Rosalina rolled over onto her hands and knees. She lowered her head to the ground, sticking her rear into the air and let her body push. Both the stress of her day and warm excrement pushed into and filled out the back of her padding. The front of her diaper swelled and discoloured yellow after absorbing the rush of urine. Rosalina grunted and groaned through her paci pooping herself like the gigantic baby she was. The poopy princess’ body was emptied and her diaper was full instead, she sighed in relief and crawled over to her crib. She sat herself into the plush crib feeling the squish of her messy diaper around her bottom. The princess rubbed her eyes sleepily, and curled up for a nap, slipping into subcon.
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