
Winning Quotes: The Crystal Cavalier

Apr 30th, 2016
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  1. Foxmask: With your death, all of this universe's hopes will perish with it.
  2. Wolfmask: This is what happens when a lone wolf strays from the pack.
  3. Quet: Another shadowblood, another soul for the taking.
  4. Okami M.U.T.O.: Your pathetic pack will be slaughtered next.
  5. Rilah: Do not worry. Your children will be joining you in the void of death soon.
  6. Baymax: You should've been scrapped a long time ago.
  7. Mosquito: Squashed like the insignificant bug you are.
  8. Crocasaur: It's about time this animal was put down.
  9. Bloodvolk: You're even weaker than your father was.
  10. Eanif: Your defection resulted in your death, coward.
  11. Neo Zardoris: Your lover is in hell, and you're about to join her.
  12. Emperor Tazarus: It is time this king was usurped.
  13. Z: You shouldn't of betrayed us, shadowblood.
  14. Hothead: Impossibly, it seems that you're even more incompetent than last time we met.
  15. The Crystal Cavalier: Finally, a decent challenge.
  16. Nega Foxmask: Your power is more overrated than the game you come from.
  17. Trahir: You don't know how long I've been waiting for this.
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