
How to Port Forward Hisoutensoku

Feb 25th, 2019 (edited)
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  1. Notes before you start:
  3. - You only need to port forward if you want to HOST matches. You are free to ask for other people to host, join other people's hosts in #hostlist or use the !wait command without needing to port forward.
  4. - Please read this entire guide carefully and follow each step exactly. Don't skip or skim over anything.
  5. - You may need physical access to the router, if the router isn't yours this may not be possible.
  6. - If you have more than one router this guide will not be sufficient and you should probably ask for more help.
  7. - Hisoutensoku only supports hosting on IPv4 addresses. If you only have an IPv6 address you will be unable to host by this method. (Thankfully this is rarely the case.)
  9. If you get stuck or can't figure out how to complete a step, don't be afraid to ping the @Tech-Priest role. It exists for a reason!
  11. How to Port Forward Hisoutensoku:
  13. Step 1: Open up Command Prompt. (Press Win+R, type cmd, press enter.)
  14. Step 2: Type in ipconfig and press enter.
  15. Step 3: Find your network adapter which you use to connect to the internet. This is typically under "Wireless LAN adapter Wi-Fi" or "Ethernet adapter Ethernet".
  16. Step 4: Take note of the "IPv4 Address" (this is your local IP) and "Default Gateway" IP addresses.
  17. Step 5: Type the "Default Gateway" IP into the address bar of your browser and press enter.
  19. The following steps are dependent on your router but here's a general outline:
  21. Step 6: Login to the router, the default login details can usually be found written on the back of the router or through some googling if you know the model.
  22. Step 7: Go to the section called "Port Forwarding", "Virtual Server" or something similar. This is usually found under "NAT", "Network" or "Network Settings". (It may be under advanced settings).
  23. Step 8: Create and enable new rule which forwards ports from range 10800 to 10800 for UDP (or UDP and TCP) for the noted "IPv4 Address" (local IP) from before. (You may have to create a new service to do this name it "soku" or something).
  25. Port forwarding complete! Time to test if it worked:
  27. Step 9: Open the game then run "SokuRollLoader.exe" which should be in the same folder. (This is a community made client to improve netplay.)
  28. Step 10: Go into "Vs Network" and start "Server Setup" with the default settings. It should now say "Waiting for connection...".
  29. Step 11: Type "what is my ip" into google and copy this IP (this is your external IP).
  30. Step 12: Type !host and paste this IP followed by :10800 into #soku-general/gameplay/beginner (or PM to Parvati). For example: !host
  32. If this worked correctly you should now show up in #hostlist for people to connect to. Parvati should also remember your IP so you can just type !host as long as it hasn't changed. For more information about Parvati's hosting, PM Parvati "help" or read this guide
  34. You followed the above but Parvati messaged you "Host broadcast failed...":
  35. Check 1: Make sure you actually hosting in the game, it should say "Waiting for connection..."
  36. Check 2: Make sure you typed the correct IP after !host, it may have changed. It can be found by typing "what is my ip" into google.
  37. Check 3: Windows firewall may be blocking connections. You can temporarily disable it to test this but a more long term and secure way to fix this is as follows:
  38. Open "Windows Firewall with Advanced Security" (type it in the start menu). Go to inbound rules and check there is a rule for th123 enabled. If there is no rule make a new rule for your th123.exe to allow all connections.
  39. Check 4: Your local "IPv4 Address" may have changed. If it has you will need to edit your port forwarding rule to match the new IP. You can prevent this from happening in the future by setting up a static IP so it can't change. (This is usually done in your router settings).
  40. Check 5: Your antivirus software may be blocking connections. Test this by disabling it and checking if hosting works then. If this is the case you will want to add th123.exe to the exceptions list in your antivirus.
  41. Check 6: Your router may have a built in firewall, log into it and try to configure it to "Low" security or just disabled outright to allow the port forwarding to work.
  42. Check 7: Some routers are weird about port 10800, try forwarding a different port like 10801 or 7777. (Make sure to choose this port in "Server Setup" in the game and to post your IP with the alternate port.)
  43. Last resort: Contact your ISP directly and ask them about port forwarding. Some ISPs block ports and will make you pay for a more expensive plan.
  45. Once again: If you get stuck or can't figure out how to complete a step, don't be afraid to ping the @Tech-Priest role. It exists for a reason!
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