
Alola Girls Ch. 5-6 (WG, BBW,)

Mar 28th, 2020
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  1. Chapter 5
  3. Jack went to his room. He showered and was back out quickly. It didn’t take long until Hilda got Lillie to come out of her room.
  5. “Feeling okay?” Hilda asked.
  7. “Yeah, better.” Lillie said, and eyed Jack as he entered the room from down the hallway.
  9. Five minutes later Hilda went out the front door to greet their visitors, sipping something out of a thermos as she went. Upon returning, two well dressed people arrived. The female was young, thin, and quite beautiful, clad in a black pantsuit and had long, flowing purple hair. The other was middle aged man in a trenchcoat. His face was plain and hard.
  11. “Mr. Cobal, this is Anabel and John.” Hilda introduced. “They’re agents with the International Police.”
  13. Jack shook both their hands and greeted them, now realizing why Hilda had been a bit hesitant to say details before.
  15. Lillie stood by nervously, unsure of what to do until Hilda motioned to her. “And this is Lillie.”
  17. Anabel and John were clearly more interested in Lillie, they immediately started chatting very quickly, trying to get Lillie comfortable. They quickly went to the dining room and Lillie essentially received an interview. Jack tried not to intervene, but he also directly next to Lillie to support her. Most of the questions were about Lillie’s relationship with her mom, nothing about the Ultra Wormhole research, but he figured they’d save it for when she was more comfortable.
  19. “And what happened to your brother?” Anabel asked softly.
  21. Lillie immediately looked to the floor. “He... he ran away. Mother was so upset. I think he maybe have taken something experimental away from Aether... I overheard Faba getting frustrated about having to restart an experiment because of what Gladion left with.”
  23. “Any ideas?” John, the plain man with black hair asked.
  25. Anabel gave his arm a light slap. “Looker please.” She chided him.
  27. The man cleared his throat abruptly. “Yes, John you mean. I will.” He said.
  29. “No... Sorry.” Lillie replied.
  31. Anabel took a deep breath and turned to Hilda. “Sorry to change the subject Hilda, but I’m starving, is there anything to eat?”
  33. Hilda jolted right up and smiled. “Oh yeah, I’ll get Mallow to whip us up a snack.”
  35. Anabel yawned. “I don’t know what it is, but ever since we sat down my stomach has been roaring.”
  37. “Lunch wasn’t that long ago, was it?” The man said.
  39. “Maybe it was.” Anabel joked.
  41. Jack turned to Lillie and whispered in her ear. “Want me to get Nebby?”
  43. Lillie turned to him, face frozen with anxiety. “Think it’s... okay?”
  45. “Yeah, I think it’ll be for the best. They have to be discreet.”
  47. Lillie nodded slowly. “Okay...”
  49. Jack then left quickly and found Nebby resting in Lillie’s room. “Hey there Nebs, gotta bring you to momma.” He said playfully. Nebby roused itself but went back a bit, still not 100% sure of him. “It’s okay.” He said calmly, getting on one knee, arms outstretched.
  51. Nebby cheered with an odd sound and zoomed out of the room door. When Jack caught up, Nebby was in Lillie’s arms snuggling up to her enormous belly, using it almost like a soft, cozy, bed. Hilda brought out some tortilla chips and dip, mentioning Mallow was already prepping dinner. The conversation then turned to Nebby and the Ultra Wormholes. Anabel and Looker were surprisingly aware of their existence in Alola, but were fascinated about the little Cosmog itself. After the intense part was over, Mallow entered the room with a couple plates of pasta with meat sauce, placing them in front of Looker and Anabel.
  53. “I’m not too hungry.” Looker said, pushing the plate.
  55. “More for me then!” Anabel cheered and took his plate herself, using her fork to sweep the contents onto her plate. Looker was clearly perplexed but shook it off. Hilda helped Mallow by getting more plates of pasta. Lillie’s was especially large, while Jack’s was regular. Mallow gave Hilda hers, but Hilda took it back in the kitchen and returned, having nearly overloaded it with meat sauce.
  57. The women ate ravenously, Hilda and Anabel both went for third helpings and went heavy for dessert. Lillie had five servings. Once business was settled, Hilda invited Mallow to join them. Mallow was showered with praise by Lillie and Anabel, and officially introduced to Lillie as well.
  59. Anabel moaned and rubbed her stuffed tummy. “That was tasty, I haven’t had food like that in a long time.” She said.
  61. Looker had clearly been ready to leave once Lillie’s situation was discussed, and he cleared his throat when Anabel finished. “Ready to go?”
  63. Anabel yawned. “Ye- wait. One more thing.” She said then turned to Jack. “Mr. Cobal, Lusamine has met you already, right?”
  65. “Yeah.” He said.
  67. “She’s probably going to try to recruit you for some charity events at Aether. You should go. It’ll help with our investigation.”
  69. “Yeah...” Jack said hesitantly.
  71. Hilda shook her head. “As long as it doesn’t put him in danger, which it sounds like this investigation might be leading to.”
  73. Looker groaned. “He probably won’t find anything out, he’ll probably just get drunk and sleep with a waitress.”
  75. Anabel raised her eyebrows. “Looker, what the hell? Apologize to Mr. Cobal, this is home, and without him we’d have none of this new information.”
  77. Jack looked him dead in the eye. Looker finally blinked and took a deep breath. “Okay captain. My apologies Mr. Cobal, thank you for your cooperation with this investigation.” He said, then walked his way on out, leaving Anabel behind.
  79. “Sorry about that Mr. Cobal. I’ll leave him at home next time.” She said.
  81. “Next time?” Jack asked playfully.
  83. “With food this good I’ll want to stop back in eventually.” Anabel laughed. She went over to Lillie and gave her a hug. “Thank you for everything, I know tonight was difficult for you.”
  85. Lillie smiled. “You’re welcome Ms. Anabel. I’ve been really worried about my mom, anything that can help get her back to normal is a good thing.” Lillie replied.
  87. “Well, we’ll try our best.” Anabel said, and went over to Hilda. “And Hilda, until we ascertain Cosmog’s role, you should beef up security here. We have no idea what Aether’s intentions are, or seriousness in pursuing them.” Anabel said, then turned to Jack and smiled. “Thank you again for the wonderful food and hospitality, sleep well everyone.” She then left the dining room as well.
  89. “Anyone up for dessert?” Mallow asked, rubbing her paunch happily.
  91. Lillie nearly yelped with excitement. “Yes please!”
  93. Mallow then turned to Hilda expectantly. “Hm?”
  95. Hilda sighed, he could tell she was torn between two sides. It took her a few seconds of stalling but she finally nodded in defeat. “Yeah...”
  97. “What’s dessert?” Lillie asked excitedly.
  99. Mallow turned around and smiled. “You’ll see...”
  101. “Hey!” Misty’s voice called out from a couple rooms over. “You all done in there?”
  103. “Yeah.” Jack called back.
  105. “Jack, come over here for a minute.” Misty replied.
  107. Lillie didn’t seem to approve, but she said nothing. Hilda ignored him as he got up to check on Misty.
  109. “What’s up?” Jack asked.
  111. Misty rubbed her glorious, exposed gut. She had on yellow mid-riff top that fit forty pounds ago. Along with her tight blue shorts, Jack immediately got hard.
  113. “Like what you see, boss?” She cooed softly.
  115. Jack started to unbutton his shirt but Misty stopped him. “I’m meeting up with a hookup friend of mine for a meal.” Misty started. “Wanna come along?”
  117. “Hookup?” Jack asked, shocked by how casually she told him.
  119. Misty smiled. “I’m sure you’ll like her. She’s a bit smaller than me, but she shows a lot of promise.” Misty teased.
  121. “Oh...”
  123. “She’s a better trainer than I am. Got the rank of Buffet Queen before I did.” Misty said with a devilish grin.
  125. “What’s her name?”
  127. Misty shook her head. “Just cuz you’re rich doesn’t mean you’ll get everything you want whenever you want.”
  129. “I seriously doubt that.” He said and winked. Misty laughed, blushing as well.
  137. Chapter 6
  139. Fifteen minutes later they arrived at a nearby pizza place called Paradise Pizza. Upon getting to the counter, a slim young woman with brown hair in a pink tank top with jeans on awaited at the counter. “Welcome to paradise, what can I get for you Misty?”
  141. Misty smiled. “Good evening Melody.”
  143. “Finally got a guy in here this time.” Melody teased. Misty turned to Jack in a state of shock. “This your first time here?” She asked, looking at Jack.
  145. “Yeah, brand new in town.” Jack said.
  147. “Well, I want an XL Meat Lover’s, 35 wings...” Misty turned to Jack. “You want a beer?”
  149. “Uh, yeah, sure.” Jack said.
  151. “And a pitcher of Big Surf. And a soda cup for me.” Misty said.
  153. “No beer for you?” Jack asked.
  155. “Well, I’m on the clock.” Misty said. Jack wanted to hit himself, she was his bodyguard after all. Jack paid for it all and the two took a seat at the bar. At the end of it was a woman in practically an orange jumpsuit, all except for the bare midriff revealing she just had pants and a jacket with a tiny top. She was quite skinny, but she did have a noticeable paunch, but nothing else.
  157. “Hey Maren!” Misty called out and waved. The woman in orange took a massive burp. In front of her was a plate full of bones, along with an almost empty pitcher of beer next to it.
  159. “Misty...” She said, slightly dazed. Jack realized that probably wasn’t the woman’s first pitcher of beer. “How ya doin’?”
  161. “Great, this is Jack.” Misty indicated. “Been here long?”
  163. “Yeah, long day at work. Needed some wings ‘n’ beer.” Maren said. Jack tilted his head in Maren’s direction trying to gauge if this was Misty’s hookup. Misty shook her head side-to-side quickly.
  165. He got distracted when a woman a couple years older than him put a pitcher of beer in front of him. She had long red hair, a black shirt with flame on it, and skinny jeans that hugged her hips. She was skinny and quite beautiful. He started to pour himself a glass.
  167. “Hey there dude.” Maren said, a drunken uncertainty in her voice.
  169. “Where do you work?” Jack asked.
  171. “I work for the ferry.” She said. “You?”
  173. “Just got here in town.” He said.
  175. “So you’re unemployed?” She said bluntly.
  177. Jack smiled slyly. “Kinda?” He said, not sure what his situation was.
  179. Maren took a long swig of her beer and left down the hallway to the bathroom. Misty grinned. “She’s a regular lately. Hits on every guy who walks in here.”
  181. “I guess I’m not busy enough for her.”
  183. Misty laughed. “I suppose.”
  185. “Who was that redhead?” Jack asked.
  187. Misty rolled her eyes. “That’s Flannery, a manager.” Misty then got in close to whisper in his ear. “I’d fist her so hard if I could.”
  189. Jack nearly spat out his beer. He wasn’t used to how blunt Misty was getting when talking about other women. “You’re not alone. She’s a hotty.”
  191. “She’s a fire type trainer.” Misty said. “She doesn’t do much training anymore though.” Misty said. The two continued in small talk until a brown skinned woman, about 200 pounds, and very pretty, walked up. She had an ill-fitting black shirt on and grey short-shorts, showing her meaty thighs.
  193. “Hey there Misty.” The woman said.
  195. “Zinnia!” Misty exclaimed, wobbling out her chair and hugging the new arrival. After a good squeeze, Misty pointed to Jack. “And this is my new boss, Jack.”
  197. “Boss?” Zinnia said, gaining a sudden new interest. She whispered something in Misty’s ear, which made her chuckle. Misty whispered back.
  199. Jack wasn’t too sure if he wanted to interrupt, so he said nothing until Misty started to sit down. “So Misty tells me you’re a better trainer than her.”
  201. Zinnia grinned. “About time she finally admitted it.” Zinnia teased. Misty scowled.
  203. Jack turned to misty, confused. “That’s what you told me...”
  205. “Yeah well I had other reasons for that...”
  207. “What do you do for work now, Zinnia?” Jack said. His dick was already livening up. He didn’t dare think of where the night could head, but it was such a tantalizing thought he couldn’t resist.
  209. “I work at a Malasada bakery in the marina.”
  211. “Is the money good?” Jack asked confidently.
  213. Zinnia smirked. “Not really.” As Zinnia finished her answer, the large dish of wings arrived. After getting a a glass to share from his pitcher, Zinnia started chowing down ravenously.
  215. Conversation turned as Zinnia and Misty caught each other up on recent events over food. Zinnia was complaining about work and Jack stayed silent, watching in awe as the two big beauties stuffed themselves. Zinnia downed an entire pitcher of beer herself before she finally stopped stuffing her pudgy face. Misty asked for a dessert pizza and ate the entire thing. Her lips were smeared in frosting. Zinnia had taken a couple bites and was clearly a little tipsy. Not that Jack was doing much better himself.
  217. “Ugh... that was so good.” Misty said, rubbing her swollen gut. “I’m so *urp* full.” Misty said.
  219. “Yeah... I love this place.” Zinnia said, rubbing her stuffed, but not so swollen, belly.
  221. Misty sighed once again and released a loud fart. “Oh, s’cuse me.” She said, cheeks going red. Zinnia and Jack laughed. Another pitcher of beer was ordered and Zinnia got up, stumbling one step, and approached Jack.
  223. “Have you been a good boss to my girl Misty here?” Zinnia said.
  225. Jack smiled. “Well, she’s certainly been satisfied every day.”
  227. Misty smiled uneasily.
  229. Zinnia turned to Misty. “Oh really?”
  231. Misty gave Jack a look of frustration and she faked a smile to Zinnia. “Uh... yeah.”
  233. “I see you’re eating well.” Zinnia observed.
  235. “Jack just hired a really good cook today.” Misty explained.
  237. Zinnia locked her gaze at Jack once more. “Damn, you paying her well?”
  239. Misty rose her hand. “Yeah.”
  241. Jack smirked. “She’s on salary now as a bodyguard of mine.”
  243. “Salary?” Zinnia replied. “Need a...another bodyguard?”
  245. “Yes, as a matter of fact I do.” Jack said. “But Misty doesn’t just guard my body from kidnappers and robbers.”
  247. “Oh?” Zinnia asked.
  249. “She guards me from celibacy.” Jack said.
  251. Zinnia cracked up, laughing a full belly laugh. Misty went red. Melody actually had to come over and ask Zinnia to not be so loud. “Sounds like a good gig.” Zinnia said when her fit of laughter calmed.
  253. “I heard you two have a history.” Jack said.
  255. Zinnia smiled wickedly. “You’re damn right.”
  257. “I’d love to see how you handle her.” Jack said.
  259. Zinnia’s locked in on him and her grin widened even further. “Sounds like a plan hot stuff. But more beer first.” Zinnia demanded, taking a long swig.
  261. A half hour later Misty was pulling up to the carport at Jack’s manor.
  263. “Holy fuck, how rich are you?” Zinnia said in drunken amazement.
  265. Misty put the car in park. “Extremely.” She said, heaving her stuffed body out of the car. Zinnia and Jack drunkenly stumbled through the front door. It was past 10:00, Jack didn’t pay attention to where Hilda, Mallow, and Lillie were. Misty led Zinnia and him to the master bedroom where she laid her upper body on the bed, gut sticking way up in the air.
  267. “Oh this feels so nice.” Misty said, rubbing her gut.
  269. Zinnia climbed on the bed next to her and started caressing Misty’s exposed legs. Jack started taking his shirt off.
  271. “Who said you could join the fun?” Zinnia said.
  273. Jack smiled. “Oh?”
  275. “Yeah, she’s mine.” Zinnia said, slapping Misty’s thigh. “If you’re a good boy maybe you’ll get a piece of the action.” Zinnia then turned to him and squeezed her own breast, sticking her tongue out sensually at him before she started to kiss Misty’s belly. Zinnia’s kisses descent lower down Misty’s body until Zinnia started to undress the big redhead on the bed. “Watch and learn buddy-boy.”
  277. Misty’s thong was quickly removed, and Zinnia took her own shirt off, followed by dropping her panties and shorts at the same time. She was even more beautiful with her wide ass bared.
  279. “You’re so fucking hot.” Jack said as he started to touch himself.
  281. “Don’t get too excited.” Zinnia warned him. Zinnia rubbed her breast against Misty’s lower lips, then Zinnia hopped on top of Misty in a 69 position. “You’re not done eating tonight.” Zinnia ordered, spanking Misty’s meaty thigh hard. Misty cried out and started to moan each time Zinnia shoved her face into Misty’s inner thighs. Misty’s own tongue got to work on Zinnia’s pussy. Misty even started to pinch Zinnia’s ample ass.
  283. It didn’t take long for Misty’s cries to get loud enough to indicate she was close. Zinnia then got off Misty’s torso. She spanked misty’s thighs a few times then her hand descended on Misty’s puss like an eagle’s talon. Misty’s cries grew ever louder as Zinnia’s skillful fingers worked on Misty’s vagina. Zinnia dominated Misty, locking her eyes on Misty while her fingers went to town. It didn’t take long until Misty started screaming bloody murder as she climaxed.
  285. “Oh Zinnia...” Misty cooed. Zinnia gave her a kiss and then waved Jack over.
  287. “Been a while since I’ve gotten some dick.” Zinnia said as Jack waltzed over drunkenly.
  289. “Let me help you with that then...” Jack said quickly, cock erect. He went to embrace her but Zinnia’s hands stopped him. “Uh...” Jack said, mixed signals were too much for his drunken brain to deal with.
  291. “Woah, you think I’m gonna just get on the bed and beg?” Zinnia asked, almost repulsed. “It takes a real fucking man to bang me.” She explained, then lunged for him. She went to shoulder him with the full force of her pudgy body behind her. Jack finally comprehended what was happening and he braced himself, taking a step back as she hit impact with him.
  293. “So this is how you’re gonna play.” Jack muttered aloud as he wrapped his arms around her. He hadn’t been working out as much since he got to Alola, but his muscles were still strong from the years of waiting on his trust fund. The skills from the personal security class he attended came in handy as he quickly threw her bulk back, away from himself. She lowered her head and started to charge again. Misty even screamed for her to stop, but Jack smiled, he had her now.
  295. He lowered his center of gravity and dodged a bit out of the way, then got a hold of her arm with his left arm and swung her around quickly, using her momentum to drive her back to the bed. “What the-” Zinnia started before she realized she was careening to the bed. She landed softly, then turned around again and charged again, unleashing a savage battle cry as Jack charged her too. She jumped, not very high, but he collided into her mid air, his hands around on her shoulders and slammed her onto the bed. Misty gasped.
  297. Jack then jumped on top her, dick not quite as throbbing as before but getting back again as his naked, subdued enemy caught her breath for a moment. She recoiled back as Jack mounted her. Zinnia then tried to hit him but his hand caught her softly. “You’re a feisty one.”
  299. Zinnia smirked with pride then launched her other fist. Jack deflected it easily and gave her thighs a hard spank. She cried out and started wriggling her legs. Jack smiled and found what he was looking for: her nipple. He gave it a pinch and Zinnia’s wriggling stopped as she cried out. “Ow ow ow OW!”
  301. He let up after a couple seconds, his eyes filled with desire, but he could see her eyes were filled with even more fire. She smiled. “Now the other one.”
  303. Jack obliged, and even gave her gut a spank as he squeezed her nipple harshly. Zinnia cried out, either in pleasure or pain, or both. He let up and she sprang up. He took her by the throat and slammed her upper body back down on the bad. “You’re gonna take this cock right now bitch.” He grunted. Zinnia jirated for a second before admitting defeat.
  305. Jack gave her nipples some pinching and some slapping as he rode her. He even took her by the hair and pulled her face to his, kissing her while continuing to pump his manhood deeper inside. He knew his time was coming soon, so both of his hands went to Zinnia’s supple breasts and pinched both nipples. She screamed, announcing to the world she was cumming. He wasn’t able to hold himself much longer, and he shot his seed deep inside Zinnia.
  307. He slowly took himself out of her, and laid beside her. He realized Misty had taken a seat on the bed, her gut hanging over her lap, but her right hand was underneath, surely diddling herself. Zinnia finally came to from her spasm looking orgasm.
  309. “Oh my goodness... Jack... I haven’t been fucked like that in years.” Zinnia said, looking over at him with desire.
  311. Jack smiled. “I may have gotten too into it. I hope I wasn’t too rough.”
  313. Zinnia shook her head quickly. “We’re only just getting started... boss.” She said, red-faced. “Just wait until the whips and chains come out.”
  315. Jack’s eyebrows rose at that remark, but his grin widened. “Okay.”
  317. Misty cleared her throat. “I’d prefer you keep the whips and chains with her.”
  319. Zinnia turned over to her. “Oh, you’ll be begging for them before very long. The boss and I have some lessons to teach.”
  321. Misty went red as a tomato, and Jack laughed hysterically. “We’ll see.” Jack said. “But you want to work for me?”
  323. Zinnia turned back around and nodded, licking her lips after her head stopped moving.
  325. “I... I’m not sure it’s a good idea for me to be fucking multiple bodyguards...”
  327. Zinnia laughed. “I’ll be a damn concubine if it gets me fucked like that again.”
  329. “Don’t tempt me too much.” Jack warned lightheartedly. Zinnia’s intense gaze met his and she winked playfully.
  331. The conversation turned to different things, and Misty went to get a midnight snack for her and Zinnia. Upon returning, she handed Jack the bag of cookies while wearing an ear-to-ear grin.
  333. “What are you so happy about?” Jack asked.
  335. “Well...” Misty began. “I just saw Hilda asleep on the couch with an empty carton of ice cream in front of her, and ice cream on her face. She keeps this up, she won’t be skinny for much longer.”
  337. Jack’s loins livened up again. Wordlessly, he went to the living room and took a quick picture. He returned and showed Zinnia, who snickered. “She’s a cutie. Who is she?”
  339. Jack opened his mouth to start but Misty swallowed her cookie first and began to speak. “Jack’s babysitter.” She and Zinnia both laughed.
  341. “Aaaaaw... Rich boy can’t handle himself.” Zinnia teased.
  343. Jack grimaced. “Naw, she’s a watchdog, not a... sitter.”
  345. “Sure there buddy-boy.” Zinnia continued, then crawled up next to Jack on the bed, pressing her plump body against his muscles. “So, just want to know what I’m signing up for... About how rich are you?”
  347. Jack looked at Misty and shrugged. “Uh... you know Cobal Industries?”
  349. “Not really...”
  351. “Where are you from?” Jack asked.
  353. “Hoenn.” Zinnia replied.
  355. “Cool, same actually. You know the company that bought out Devon Corp?”
  357. Zinnia thought for a moment and her jaw dropped when it hit her. “That crazy Unova company?”
  358. “Yeah.”
  360. Zinnia whipped out her phone and rapidly pressed on her screen, then showed him a picture of himself, just from a news story of him inheriting the majority shareholder position. “Holy fuck that is you.” Zinnia then scrolled down and her eyes widened.
  362. “I assume you just saw my net worth, right?”
  364. “Yeah... boss.” Zinnia said. “I sure am a lucky girl, one of the richest men in the world is a chubby chaser, and wants me in his harem.” Zinnia then guided Jack to lay on his back, and took his manhood in her mouth, tonguing him and working him masterfully.
  366. Jack woke up sandwhiched between the two large women. He was spooning Zinnia, and Misty was behind him. He woke up in quite a sweat as well as sore from the trio’s nocturnal activities. He got a robe on and went to the kitchen. Mallow was busily preparing pancake batter.
  368. “Morning sir!” Mallow greeted loudly.
  370. “Morning Mallow...” Jack said, groggily. “How long have you been up?”
  372. “About an hour and a half.” She said. “How many pancakes you want for breakfast?”
  374. “Uh... Get me four.” He requested.
  376. “Also, Hilda wants to speak to you.”
  378. Jack groaned. “Yup, figures.” He didn’t want to bicker with her this early in the morning, but he figured he might as well get it over with. He departed for the office and entered unannounced. Hilda had three empty plates stacked on each other, and a quart of chocolate milk on her desk. She burped loudly and moaned happily.
  380. “Nice one.” He grunted.
  382. Hilda’s sense must’ve jolted, her office chair turned quickly, and Hilda’s hand was over her stuffed, bloated tummy. “M-Morning...”
  384. “You wanted to speak to me?”
  386. Hilda sighed and looked at the floor. “Got another bodyguard I assume?”
  388. “Yeah...” Jack replied.
  390. “Is she a good trainer at least?”
  392. “Misty said she’s a better one than her.”
  394. “Name?”
  396. “Zinnia. She said she’s from Hoenn...”
  398. Hilda turned her chair around and started typing things in. “Okay, I’ll need her info and to get them scheduled for actual bodyguard training...” Hilda said.
  400. “Anything wrong? You seem pretty disheartened.” Jack asked.
  402. Hilda chuckled. “No, just feeling really sluggish recently. Maybe the Alola sun is getting to me.”
  404. “Okay. Still hungry? Mallow is whipping up some more pancakes.”
  406. Hilda burped suddenly. He could tell she lost her composure a bit with the silence. “Uhh... I probably shouldn’t... but screw it. Another tall stack when she gets the chance.” Hilda said.
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