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Jul 19th, 2019
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  1. ... It's just INCREDIBLE! ...
  2. Cherold asks, ""
  3. ... OHH YESS! ...
  4. ... HOLY MOTHER OF ENOCH! ...
  5. Gurn Weatherwax looks at Cherold.
  6. Gurn Weatherwax — "Oi!"
  7. ... HOLY MOTHER OF ENOCH! ...
  8. Halacan Diehl says, "Wh-."
  9. Gurn Weatherwax — "Who said you can take garrison gear?!"
  10. Gurn Weatherwax grabs Cherold's right arm!
  11. Cherold asks, "What...gear?"
  12. Cherold giggles.
  13. ... carousel ...
  14. Cherold moans.
  15. Gurn Weatherwax — "The clothes!"
  16. ... bottle ...
  17. Gurn Weatherwax — "The satchel!"
  18. ... child ...
  19. Gurn Weatherwax twists Cherold's right arm!
  20. ... pagans ...
  21. Samael Sadykova [Merchant] says, "Alkari's order."
  22. Gurn Weatherwax grabs Cherold's chest!
  23. Cherold says, ""
  24. Halacan Diehl looks into the distance!
  25. Jarl Illyich crosses himself!
  26. ... cows ...
  27. Cherold says, "What's...the...problem."
  28. ... I'M FEELING SO GOOD! ...
  29. Gurn Weatherwax wrenches Cherold's right arm!
  30. My right arm hurts badly!
  31. Gurn Weatherwax grabs Cherold's chest!
  32. Cherold stutters, "W-w-what...the...hell."
  33. Cherold goes numb on Gurn Weatherwax's arms!
  34. Cherold goes numb on Gurn Weatherwax's arms!
  35. Cherold moans.
  36. Gurn Weatherwax pushes Cherold down!
  37. Patton looks at Cherold.
  38. Cherold stutters, ""
  39. Patton looks at Cherold.
  40. Ozzie Knopfler [Cave] stutters, "Hyello ees anyonye h-homaie?"
  41. ... home ...
  42. Gurn Weatherwax is trying to put the handcuffs on Cherold
  43. Jarl Illyich lights up Hearth with Lamp!
  44. My right arm hurts a bit.
  45. Halacan Diehl says, "Hm."
  46. Samael Sadykova asks, "Yes?"
  47. ... road ...
  48. Gurn Weatherwax says, "You stole for the Baron."
  49. Halacan Diehl — "Hello there!"
  50. Tribunal Notice [Ravenheart Fortress] Derrek (Bum; M/24) will arrive soon.
  51. Cherold moans.
  52. Samael Sadykova — "Evenin'!"
  53. Halacan Diehl says, "So i got some info about some...."
  54. Cherold says, "I...didn't...steal...anything...liar."
  55. Gurn Weatherwax says, "That's HIS equipment."
  56. Halacan Diehl asks, "Man in red buying blood bags?"
  57. Samael Sadykova — "Ah, yes!"
  58. Henryk Egorov says, "Your a deadman bu,."
  59. Cherold says, "You're...a...liar."
  60. Cherold moans.
  61. Henryk Egorov asks, "You understand me?"
  62. Cherold moans.
  63. ... OHH YESS! ...
  64. ... tongue ...
  65. Cherold moans.
  66. Ozzie Knopfler crawls on the floor!
  67. Ozzie Knopfler stands up.
  68. Gurn Weatherwax looks at Jonathan Carmine.
  69. Cherold asks, ""
  70. Jarl Illyich asks, "Could you mail the needle back to its owner?"
  71. ... child feet ...
  72. Khalil Valentine looks at Cherold.
  73. Buzz Obermann says, "Of course, I already worked them on.."
  74. Buzz Obermann says, "Someone high up in rank."
  75. Gurn Weatherwax grabs Cherold's right hand!
  76. Gurn Weatherwax wrenches Cherold's thumb!
  77. Cancho Saciovelli [Innkeeper] says, "Ah hell..."
  78. Cherold screams.
  79. Gurn Weatherwax wrenches Cherold's thumb!
  80. My right hand hurts .
  81. Cherold's thumb breaks!
  82. Cancho Saciovelli [Innkeeper] asks, "Can I get the hump or the meister to come fix my sink?"
  83. Cherold twitches.
  84. Cherold moans.
  85. Cherold stutters, ""
  86. Cherold drools.
  87. My right arm hurts a bit.
  88. Cancho Saciovelli [Innkeeper] says, "Damn thing clogged up again."
  89. Gurn Weatherwax grabs Cherold's left hand!
  90. ... My right hand feels better ...
  91. Unknown laughs.
  92. Unknown gives me a name: Innocent Man!
  93. Michael Shepard — "Don't hit me!"
  94. Buzz Obermann says, "Shame."
  95. Gurn Weatherwax wrenches Cherold's thumb!
  96. Cherold says, ""
  97. Michael Shepard sighs.
  98. Cherold screams.
  99. Gurn Weatherwax wrenches Cherold's thumb!
  100. My left hand hurts .
  101. Cherold's thumb breaks!
  102. My right arm hurts a bit.
  103. Michael Shepard stares.
  104. Tiber Lutogrip looks at Cherold.
  105. Unknown laughs.
  106. Cherold stutters, ""
  107. Gurn Weatherwax grabs Cherold's chest!
  108. ... My left hand feels better ...
  109. ... I'M FEELING SO GOOD! ...
  110. Cherold goes numb on Gurn Weatherwax's arms!
  111. Michael Shepard — "Bye!"
  112. Michael Shepard coughs up with blood!
  113. Cherold stutters, "I-I-I'm...working."
  114. ... I'M FEELING SO GOOD! ...
  115. ... It's just INCREDIBLE! ...
  116. Cherold says, ""
  117. Cerberus looks at floor.
  118. Emmeth Lutogrip [Baroness] says, "Gary, open."
  119. Cerberus looks at Cherold.
  120. Cherold says, "I...SM...SN...INNOCENT...MAN."
  121. Michael Shepard gazes manly at Cerberus.
  122. Michael Shepard — "Relax, they're good people, they won't hurt me."
  123. Cherold moans.
  124. Cherold — "THINK!"
  125. Michael Shepard — "I feel broken. Am I broken?"
  126. Gurn Weatherwax stuffs Cherold into the cage!
  127. Cherold says, ""
  128. Gurn Weatherwax puts the Keyring on the Wooden Table.
  129. Michael Shepard sighs.
  130. *You feel hunger.*
  131. ... ponies ...
  132. ... HOLY MOTHER OF ENOCH! ...
  133. Gurn Weatherwax asks, "Anyone has anything to smoke?"
  134. ... faster ...
  135. ... vomit ...
  136. Gurn Weatherwax sits majestically on Judge's Throne!
  137. Cherold moans.
  138. Cherold drools.
  139. Cherold says, ""
  140. [Information Terminal] 'The joy of riding has just returned to me with renewed gusto. Oh yes, I recall memories in my youth where I rode all night long, with friends, even with 'women', we rode until our hearts gave out and our sweat went dry. We even rode when our parents would definitely disapprove. But still, we rode. And always, all riders finished their riding session with a big, fat smile.'
  141. ... ice ...
  142. Michael Shepard stares.
  143. Gurn Weatherwax says, "Hah."
  144. ... gold ...
  145. Cherold moans.
  146. Docker hits the floor with Bone Flail!
  147. Docker aims for the head, but hits Gurn Weatherwax's left eye with Bone Flail.
  148. Gurn Weatherwax — "I'm the."
  149. Gurn Weatherwax rises from Judge's Throne!
  150. Cherold says, "HAHAH."
  151. The gavel falls on floor.
  152. Gurn Weatherwax presses the alarm button.
  153. ... water ...
  154. Michael Shepard gasps!
  155. Gurn Weatherwax grabs a weapon.
  156. Cherold says, "CRIMINAL."
  157. ... I'M FEELING SO GOOD! ...
  158. *You feel hunger.*
  159. Michael Shepard points at the the defendant's cage
  160. Cherold says, "THAT'S...WHAT...YOU...ARE."
  161. Michael Shepard breathes heavily!
  162. ... song ...
  163. You're trying to escape your bonds.
  164. Cerberus screams in fear.
  165. Cherold moans.
  166. ... mutes ...
  167. The cage is locked.
  168. ... gold ...
  169. ... It's just INCREDIBLE! ...
  170. Michael Shepard drools.
  171. Willpower: 3. Any effect lasts 1 minute. Only one Effort at a time.
  172. Cherold makes a scary scream.
  173. You're trying to escape your bonds.
  174. Michael Shepard twitches.
  175. *You feel hunger.*
  176. Michael Shepard sighs.
  177. ... wreck ...
  178. You're trying to escape your bonds.
  179. ... It's just INCREDIBLE! ...
  180. ... excrement ...
  181. Michael Shepard gasps!
  183. + I need to drink! +
  185. ... GRANDMOTHER ...
  186. Cherold says, ""
  187. You hear a disturbing sound of a horn coming from the Southeast!
  188. Cherold drools.
  189. ... MORE! And MORE! MORE! ...
  190. ... fun ...
  191. Gurn Weatherwax — "Yes I am!"
  192. Gurn Weatherwax sits majestically on Judge's Throne!
  193. Iving Sand looks into the distance!
  194. ... engine ...
  195. Iving Sand looks at Gurn Weatherwax.
  196. Cherold moans.
  197. *You feel hunger.*
  198. Iving Sand — "Your honor!"
  199. Gurn Weatherwax — "Michael!"
  200. Cherold moans.
  201. Cherold says, "I...will...defend...myself."
  202. Iving Sand looks at Cherold.
  203. Cherold twitches.
  204. Cherold moans.
  205. Gurn Weatherwax — "Shush!"
  206. Cherold moans.
  207. ... I'M FEELING SO GOOD! ...
  208. ... faggot ...
  209. My effort has ended.
  210. Gurn Weatherwax says, "You had your chance."
  211. Iving Sand looks at Gurn Weatherwax.
  212. Cherold says, ""
  213. Cherold looks at Iving Sand.
  214. Cherold looks at Iving Sand.
  215. Cherold looks at Iving Sand.
  216. Cherold looks at Iving Sand.
  217. Iving Sand — "Your honor i gotta talk to you!"
  218. ... MORE! And MORE! MORE! ...
  219. Gurn Weatherwax — "But you insulted a noble!"
  220. ... I'M FEELING SO GOOD! ...
  221. Michael Shepard breathes heavily!
  222. ... strength ...
  223. Cherold says, ""
  224. Iving Sand looks at Cherold.
  225. Gurn Weatherwax says, "Anyhow."
  226. Cherold says, ""
  227. ... cows ...
  228. Gurn Weatherwax rises from Judge's Throne!
  229. Iving Sand — "I don't even know you! I wanna talk to the judge!"
  230. Cherold says, ""
  231. ... guts ...
  232. ??? smashes Cherold's right hand with Steel Broadsword. Slight damage was done.
  233. *You feel hunger.*
  234. Michael Shepard stares.
  235. Iving Sand looks into the distance!
  236. ??? smashes Cherold's right hand with Steel Broadsword.
  237. OH GOD! My right hand!
  238. Michael Shepard gazes cunningly at Iving Sand.
  239. [Information Terminal] 'The joy of riding has just returned to me with renewed gusto. Oh yes, I recall memories in my youth where I rode all night long, with friends, even with 'women', we rode until our hearts gave out and our sweat went dry. We even rode when our parents would definitely disapprove. But still, we rode. And always, all riders finished their riding session with a big, fat smile.'
  240. Michael Shepard — "Guards! HELP!"
  241. Michael Shepard stares cunningly at Am.
  242. Cherold stutters, "L-l-l-liar."
  243. Michael Shepard — "Just tell me who I am, don't kill me yet..."
  244. My right hand hurts a bit.
  245. Michael Shepard stares.
  246. Michael Shepard — "Relax, they're good people, they won't hurt me."
  247. Cherold — "HELP...ME!!!!!"
  248. Michael Shepard gazes accusingly at Cherold.
  249. Michael Shepard — "Don't follow me."
  250. Michael Shepard twitches.
  251. Michael Shepard breathes heavily!
  252. ... gates ...
  253. Cherold twitches.
  254. Cherold says, "HELP...ME...I'M...LOCKED."
  255. ... skeleton ...
  256. Cherold says, "GUARD."
  257. ... alive ...
  258. *You feel hunger.*
  259. Cherold says, "Help+t."
  260. Cherold says, "HELP...ME."
  261. Cherold says, "IN...HERE."
  262. Cherold says, "IN...THIS...CAGE."
  263. Dervish Graymont says, "Probably for a reason."
  264. Cherold says, "I'VE...BEEN...KIDNAPPED...HELP."
  265. Michael Shepard gasps!
  266. Michael Shepard stares.
  267. You're trying to escape your bonds.
  268. Michael Shepard grins.
  269. *You feel hunger.*
  270. ... clown ...
  271. ... wraith ...
  272. ... loyal one ...
  273. Michael Shepard coughs up with blood!
  274. I wanT TO 'scraTch 'my skin.
  275. Not enough Chromosomes.
  276. Michael Shepard breathes heavily!
  277. I need to find a bed. It's time to sleep.
  278. Cherold says, ""
  279. My right hand hurts a bit.
  280. Cherold says, "Everything...was...great,...what...happened."
  281. Michael Shepard coughs up with blood!
  282. *You feel hunger.*
  283. Cherold says, "Cold......So...cold..."
  284. Michael Shepard grins.
  285. Michael Shepard giggles.
  286. My skin it'che's!
  287. ... prisonic fairytale ...
  288. my skIn' feelS bad.
  289. Michael Shepard gasps!
  290. M'Y skIn iTches!
  291. Michael Shepard breathes heavily!
  292. *You feel hunger.*
  293. ... happiness ...
  294. Michael Shepard stares.
  295. [Information Terminal] 'The joy of riding has just returned to me with renewed gusto. Oh yes, I recall memories in my youth where I rode all night long, with friends, even with 'women', we rode until our hearts gave out and our sweat went dry. We even rode when our parents would definitely disapprove. But still, we rode. And always, all riders finished their riding session with a big, fat smile.'
  296. You hear a disturbing sound of a horn coming from the Southeast!
  297. My skiN ItCHEs.
  298. ... hint ...
  299. ... oh ...
  300. You hear a disturbing sound of a horn coming from the South!
  301. *Junk goes off. I need to find another hit. The last hit.*
  302. My mood gets worse.
  303. ... prisonic fairytale ...
  304. I waNt to scRaTcH My 's'kiN.
  305. My right hand hurts .
  306. my skin' fEeLs ba'd.
  307. i waNT to ScratCh 'My Skin.
  308. *You feel hunger.*
  309. My skin Itche's!
  310. Michael Shepard coughs up with blood!
  311. Michael Shepard gasps!
  312. Gurn Weatherwax says, "Now that's taken care of."
  313. mY skiN Itch'es!
  315. Ravenheart Fortress
  316. Inquisition
  317. The Warlock has made another Padla!
  319. I w'an'T to scRAtch my skIn.
  320. *You feel hunger.*
  321. Your buffout addiction returns with renewed strength!
  322. My mood gets better.
  323. Gurn Weatherwax says, "Oh yeah."
  324. Michael Shepard gasps!
  325. MY skin' itChEs.
  326. Gurn Weatherwax asks, "Can someone come and stop the alarm for me?"
  327. Michael Shepard gasps!
  328. Michael Shepard — "I must go home..."
  329. Michael Shepard gasps!
  330. Someone has farted!
  331. Someone has farted!
  332. Gurn Weatherwax adds a coin into the Information Terminal!
  333. Someone has farted!
  334. Michael Shepard coughs up with blood!
  335. mY Skin feelS bAD.
  336. *You feel hunger.*
  337. Cherold says, "This man is a criminal adn a liar."
  338. Gurn Weatherwax [Judge] says, "It stopped."
  339. Gurn Weatherwax says, "It stopped."
  340. Michael Shepard twitches.
  341. Cherold says, "Help me."
  342. Cherold says, "HELP ME."
  343. Gurn Weatherwax sits majestically on Judge's Throne!
  344. Cherold says, "A CRIMINAL."
  345. Ozzie Knopfler looks at defendant's cage.
  346. Gurn Weatherwax rises from Judge's Throne!
  347. Cherold says, "AND A LIAR."
  348. My skiN it'CHes.
  349. Gurn Weatherwax — "Out!"
  350. Ozzie Knopfler asks, "I kannot watch?"
  351. my ski'n' feelS bad.
  352. my skin fEels bad.
  353. Gurn Weatherwax says, "I had enough bullshit for tonight."
  355. Cherold — "HELP ME!!!"
  356. My skin ItcHEs!
  357. Gurn Weatherwax says, "I nearly had my head clubbed in."
  358. Ozzie Knopfler says, "Sorry parya."
  359. Cherold says, "HE IS HURTING THE INNOCENT."
  360. *You feel hunger.*
  361. Cherold says, "YOU MUST DO SOMETHING."
  362. Ozzie Knopfler asks, "What kan bye donye by onye man agaeenst thye law?"
  363. Cherold — "FOR EVERGREEN!"
  364. M'y' skin feElS bAd.
  365. Ozzie Knopfler shrugs.
  366. Cherold — "FOR FREEDOM!"
  367. My SKin FeelS bad'.
  368. MY sKin feElS BAD.
  369. Gurn Weatherwax sits majestically on Judge's Throne!
  370. *You feel hunger.*
  371. Cerberus looks at Ravenhearter.
  372. Cherold says, "Give me a FAIR TRIAL."
  373. Michael Shepard coughs up with blood!
  374. My mood gets worse.
  375. my skiN ItcHes!
  376. *You feel hunger.*
  378. My skIn itChes.
  379. oH, My skIn 'i'tCheS.
  381. Cherold — "YOU INEPT DIRTBAG! YOU CLOWN!"
  382. [Information Terminal] 'The joy of riding has just returned to me with renewed gusto. Oh yes, I recall memories in my youth where I rode all night long, with friends, even with 'women', we rode until our hearts gave out and our sweat went dry. We even rode when our parents would definitely disapprove. But still, we rode. And always, all riders finished their riding session with a big, fat smile.'
  383. My' skiN itChES!
  385. Michael Shepard sighs.
  386. Gurn Weatherwax smacks the gavel against the sound block!
  388. Ravenheart Fortress
  389. New Judge's verdict on Cherold's case!
  390. For the crime of the worst, stealing from Lord Lutogrip himself, I, Gurn Weatherwax, Judge, sentence Cherold, bum, to be thrown into the dungeon until he draws his last breath.
  392. Michael Shepard drools.
  393. My sKIn f'ee'ls bAd.
  394. Gurn Weatherwax puts the the gavel on the Wooden Table.
  395. *You feel hunger.*
  396. Gurn Weatherwax says, "Someone take this filth out of here."
  397. Gurn Weatherwax rises from Judge's Throne!
  398. Tiber Lutogrip tries to push Censor.
  399. Tiber Lutogrip looks at Cherold.
  400. Cherold says, "A liar and a criminal."
  401. My skin 'itche's.
  402. Cherold says, "I didn't receive a fair trial."
  403. Tiber Lutogrip says, "I'll save you the rotting."
  404. Cherold says, "How can you call yourself a man of the law."
  405. Tiber Lutogrip shoots at Cherold with Karek R90!
  406. Cherold's upper torso was hit by a bullet! The bullet goes through!
  407. OH GOD! My chest!
  408. Cherold's upper torso was hit by a bullet! The bullet goes through!
  409. WHAT A PAIN! My chest!
  410. You're knockin' on Death's door!
  411. Innocent Man has found peace!
  413. Lola Weatherwax: Yackemflam
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