

May 28th, 2010
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  1. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne has joined the chat
  2. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: greetings
  3. Zer0bandit: Evening.
  4. Zer0bandit: It's been a while.
  5. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: sure has
  6. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: yet nothings changed im sure
  7. Zer0bandit: What've you been up to?
  8. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: the usual
  9. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: winging that im single
  10. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: urself?
  11. Zer0bandit: Oh, busy busy busy. Assignments and whatnot.
  12. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: mm
  13. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: at least ur keepin busy
  14. Zer0bandit: Yep.
  15. Zer0bandit: Couple of weeks time here I'll be out in schools teaching.
  16. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: im trying to find somewhere to live
  17. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: wow
  18. Zer0bandit: oh? Moved out of home?
  19. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: yeah
  20. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: im homeless
  21. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: but who cares about that
  22. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: interesting outfit
  23. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: as always
  24. Zer0bandit: Thanks.
  25. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: i missed you
  26. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: ...
  27. Zer0bandit: I'd been wondering where you'd gotten to.
  28. Zer0bandit: Thought you must've gone on to bigger and better things.
  29. Zer0bandit: Or gotten sick of me, perhaps :P
  30. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: i wish
  31. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: my family had a bit of trouble getting the net up and running here
  32. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: are you shy?
  33. Zer0bandit: I'm being talked at. You and two other people popped up at almost the same second.
  34. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: sorry
  35. Zer0bandit: don't apologise.
  36. Zer0bandit: Not your fault :P
  37. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: im sorry
  38. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: i mean umm
  39. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: no mam
  40. Zer0bandit: Hah!
  41. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: :)
  42. Zer0bandit: So I see you're in full sparkly particle effect mode.
  43. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: shall i take a more pleasent form?
  44. Zer0bandit: My processor would appreciate it.
  45. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: i wont sit too close
  46. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: levitate
  47. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: levitate
  48. Zer0bandit: Not seeing any levitation to speak of.
  49. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: soooo
  50. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: i guess thats all the news...
  51. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: same old shit..
  52. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: i want to die
  53. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: i stopped already
  54. Zer0bandit: oh pff, don't say that.
  55. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: levitate
  56. Zer0bandit: Ahh, I see.
  57. Zer0bandit: That's kinda cute.
  58. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: what is?
  59. Zer0bandit: The levitation.
  60. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: looks too fake
  61. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: theres a better version
  62. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: with some movement
  63. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: wish i could meet you before i die
  64. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: :(
  65. Zer0bandit: Well, you've got a long time before you die.
  66. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: i beg to differ
  67. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: change subject
  68. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: im sorry
  69. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: lets start over
  70. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: hi! how are you!
  71. Zer0bandit: Not too bad!
  72. Zer0bandit: I've been making a website all evening.
  73. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: great!
  74. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: do tell
  75. Zer0bandit: It's a little gallery thing.
  76. Zer0bandit: Here.
  77. Zer0bandit:
  78. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: seeing your work makes me..
  79. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: umm
  80. Zer0bandit: ...?
  81. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: really want to know you better
  82. Zer0bandit: Whatcha mean?
  83. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: i dont know
  84. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: forget it
  85. Zer0bandit: oh come on, you said it, you gotta elaborate.
  86. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: :(
  87. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: but i dont want to
  88. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: idk im just a stupid horny idiot
  89. Zer0bandit: ...what, my art turned you on? ._.
  90. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: its not that
  91. Zer0bandit: Not sure what the issue is, then.
  92. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: i cant tell if i like your art or i just want to fuck you
  93. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: sad isnt it
  94. Zer0bandit: Hahah, seems like a weird conundrum.
  95. Zer0bandit: Flattering, though.
  96. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: i really am a complete wreck
  97. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: but i can say..
  98. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: that i see the many places you draw your inspiration from
  99. Zer0bandit: Oh?
  100. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: yeah..
  101. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: video games movies and anime.s obviously
  102. Zer0bandit: I am very anime influenced, yeah.
  103. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: but i could just about specify wich ones
  104. Zer0bandit: Oh, none of them are directly influenced by any one anime.
  105. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: would you say your still finding your style?
  106. Zer0bandit: Nope.
  107. Zer0bandit: I'm pretty settled in my style.
  108. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: mm
  109. Zer0bandit: Now and then I branch out and toy with other styles, but I'm pretty steady.
  110. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: fair enuf
  111. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: im making a desperate attempt to provide you with interlectual conversation
  112. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: hope im doin ok..
  113. Zer0bandit: Yeah, you're doing great :P
  114. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: not sure how ill keep it up thou
  115. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: im pretty depressed..
  116. Zer0bandit: Poor thing.
  117. Zer0bandit: Ought to keep busy, take your mind off it.
  118. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: nothing takes my mind off it
  119. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: no matter what im doing im wishing i was doing it with someone
  120. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: not just on my own as always
  121. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: your the last person i expect sympathy from
  122. Zer0bandit: Well, I'm not great at counseling people who're contemplating doing something rash.
  123. Zer0bandit: I tend to be pretty abrupt with them.
  124. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: i can imagine
  125. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: your the type to push them to do it
  126. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: without meaning too
  127. Zer0bandit: No, I'm not.
  128. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: no
  129. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: your not
  130. Zer0bandit: I'm the type who tends to shock them out of their self-pity.
  131. Zer0bandit: For example, I had a friend who was considering death by painkiller.
  132. Zer0bandit: I told him he'd want to look it up on wikipedia beforehand, because there were much, much less painful ways to go.
  133. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: i still cant find a way of doing it..
  134. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: obviously i havnt looked hard enuf..
  135. Zer0bandit: There's no painless way.
  136. Zer0bandit: You have to be pretty fucking determined to off yourself.
  137. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: :(
  138. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: im getting there
  139. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: quickly
  140. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: ive officialy quit life
  141. Zer0bandit: That's a daft thing to say.
  142. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: look..
  143. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: suicide isnt easy..
  144. Zer0bandit: It really isn't.
  145. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: i have to think about whos hearts im breaking
  146. Zer0bandit: Yep.
  147. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: the changes im causing
  148. Zer0bandit: Which is why you shouldn't do it.
  149. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: the ramifications
  150. Zer0bandit: Also, funerals cost a bunch.
  151. Zer0bandit: And if you fail, you'll get put away and be even more miserable.
  152. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: ive decided i dont want a funeral
  153. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: i wont fail
  154. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: im not going through with it untill i know how to do it right
  155. Zer0bandit: yeah, and I'm sure your grieving family will be fine with following the wishes of someone who didn't care enough to stick around.
  156. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: like i said
  157. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: its not easy
  158. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: theres also a mutch bigger picture..
  159. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: the afterlife...
  160. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: what if i go to hell for killing myself before my time
  161. Zer0bandit: Pff.
  162. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: or get stuck in limbo
  163. Zer0bandit: There's no afterlife.
  164. Zer0bandit: Humans only invent one because they're incapable of imagining oblivion.
  165. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: im sorry to hear such a closed minded comment from someone of your stature
  166. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: disreguard my previous statement
  167. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: wtf am i doing?
  168. Zer0bandit: Not sure.
  169. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: why am i even talking to you?
  170. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: :(
  171. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: you probly know why too
  172. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: :(
  173. Zer0bandit: Well, I imagine you like my company.
  174. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: i must..
  175. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: i imagine you dont mind mine either
  176. Zer0bandit: I'm sorry that I can't really sympathise and whatnot with the suicide thing. Like I said, I don't have much patience for it.
  177. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: or you wouldnt be here
  178. Zer0bandit: You're an alright guy, but you need to stop wallowing.
  179. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: im not a very good person zero
  180. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: and i dont care too change it
  181. Zer0bandit: Why not?
  182. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: tick
  183. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: tock
  184. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: tick
  185. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: tock
  186. Zer0bandit: hm?
  187. Zer0bandit: Not got an answer for that one?
  188. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: i think i just ran into the blockage
  189. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: watever it is..
  190. Zer0bandit: lost me.
  191. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: i lost myself also
  192. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: im lost..
  193. Zer0bandit: well you aren't going to find yourself in a razor blade.
  194. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: no comment
  195. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: (avoids making another sad face)
  196. Zer0bandit: Right.
  197. Zer0bandit: So anyway, I've been having a good time doing art around imvu.
  198. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: :D
  199. Zer0bandit: I've got nearly $50 in credits sitting in my account.
  200. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: thats great
  201. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: nice
  202. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: u gonna cash it in?
  203. Zer0bandit: Yeah, once the site I usually sell to opens up again.
  204. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: ah
  205. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: ive been doing magic
  206. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: as always
  207. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: keeping busy in my own way
  208. Zer0bandit: Yeah? How's the contact juggling going?
  209. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: ok i guess it hasnt been my main focus
  210. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: i umm
  211. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: i dress up and go to the mall and do magic for strangers
  212. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: problem is i began magic to meet girls
  213. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: but they mainly just look at me funny
  214. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: or call me an attention seeking looser
  215. Zer0bandit: Probably need to work on your showmanship then.
  216. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: thats why im feeling this way
  217. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: i have no confidence and it probly shows
  218. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: i reek of failure
  219. Zer0bandit: You should take some improv acting classes.
  220. Zer0bandit: They do wonders for self confidence and showmanship.
  221. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: thankyou for the suggestion
  222. Zer0bandit: I did one way back in high school, and it's had a positive effect on me since.
  223. Zer0bandit: Even just being able to project your voice is immensely helpful.
  224. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: i can see that...
  225. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: :S
  226. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: no
  227. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: i cant do that
  228. Zer0bandit: Project your voice?
  229. Zer0bandit: Yeah, it takes some learning.
  230. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: nope
  231. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: nope
  232. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: i refuse
  233. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: im ashamed of my voice
  234. Zer0bandit: realise projecting is different to throwing, right?
  235. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: yes i know what it means
  236. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: im quite
  237. Zer0bandit: Right, good good.
  238. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: i dont like noisey people
  239. Zer0bandit: You'd hate me, then.
  240. Zer0bandit: I can do a pretty good drill sargeant impression if I need to.
  241. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: :(
  242. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: o god i can imagine it
  243. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: :S
  244. Zer0bandit: Mind you, being able to project doesn't always mean you're loud.
  245. Zer0bandit: Just means you can be well-heard.
  246. Zer0bandit: Whatever range you want.
  247. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: yeah no
  248. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: i refuse
  249. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: im happy dieing shy
  250. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: well...
  251. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: i dont want to be confident
  252. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: i want to be shy and not single
  253. Zer0bandit: Yeah, see, you need confidence to win at relationships.
  254. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: then im just not cut out for it
  255. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: and so i give up
  256. Zer0bandit: Wuss.
  257. Zer0bandit: You give up because you have learned helplessness.
  258. Zer0bandit: You don't want to try because you're petrefied you'll fail.
  259. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: i was just about to say that
  260. Zer0bandit: So you just give up.
  261. Zer0bandit: Which is dumb.
  262. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: i think you might be right
  263. Zer0bandit: Trust me, I'm a teacher.
  264. Zer0bandit: We're trained to detect learned helplessness a mile away.
  265. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: so...
  266. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: umm
  267. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: why do i learn helplessness
  268. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: and everyone else just gets stronger?
  269. Zer0bandit: Well, it's a mental thing you've gotten yourself into.
  270. Zer0bandit: Somewhere along the line you decided that it was just your place to fail.
  271. Zer0bandit: And stopped trying.
  272. Zer0bandit: And it snowballed from there.
  273. Zer0bandit: The remedy, funnily enough, is to try.
  274. Zer0bandit: You have to take risks to succeed in this life.
  275. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: but its like..
  276. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: even if i get as far as talking to a girl
  277. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: thats about as far as it goes
  278. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: i offer my number but they rarely take it
  279. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: i guess its coz they smell my weakness
  280. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: or watever
  281. Zer0bandit: I'd say it's more your presentation.
  282. Zer0bandit: You can offer your number all you like, but if you're not confident or your social skills are lacking or your grooming needs work
  283. Zer0bandit: yeah, they're going to turn you down.
  284. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: you have no idea how much effort i put into my look..
  285. Zer0bandit: So you work on that part.
  286. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: im not confident and i rarely smile
  287. Zer0bandit: So smile more.
  288. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: i can only force them..
  289. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: and they look bad..
  290. Guest_AlejandroTheGreatOne: forced smiles are creepy..
  291. Zer0bandit: You can't want a girl that badly then, if you can't smile for them.
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