
Apr 18th, 2019
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  1. on right click on a sign:
  2. line 1 of the clicked block is "&f============"
  3. line 2 of the clicked block is "&e<<CheckPoint>>"
  4. line 3 of the clicked block is "&b<<Rightclick>>"
  5. line 4 of the clicked block is "&f============":
  6. player is on ground
  7. set {checkpoint.%player%.%world%} to location of player
  8. message "&eCPを設定しました!"
  9. play "NOTE_PLING" specifically to player with pitch 2 and volume 1
  10. if player has permission "skript.admin":
  11. message "&cLocation of player not jump"
  13. on right click on a sign:
  14. line 1 of the clicked block is "&f============"
  15. line 2 of the clicked block is "&b<<CheckPoint>>"
  16. line 3 of the clicked block is "&e<<Rightclick>>"
  17. line 4 of the clicked block is "&f============":
  18. set {checkpoint.%player%.%world%} to location of clicked block
  19. message "&eCPを設定しました!"
  20. play "NOTE_PLING" specifically to player with pitch 2 and volume 1
  21. if player has permission "skript.admin":
  22. message "&cLocation of block"
  24. on sign change:
  25. line 1 is "normal"
  26. set line 4 to "&f============"
  27. set line 1 to "&f============"
  28. set line 3 to "&b<<Rightclick>>"
  29. set line 2 to "&e<<CheckPoint>>"
  31. on sign change:
  32. line 1 is "air"
  33. set line 4 to "&f============"
  34. set line 1 to "&f============"
  35. set line 3 to "&e<<Rightclick>>"
  36. set line 2 to "&b<<CheckPoint>>"
  38. command /adcp:
  39. description: Set player's ckeckpoint
  40. executable by: players
  41. trigger:
  42. player has permission "skript.admin"
  43. set {checkpoint.%player%.%world%} to location of player
  44. message "&eCPを設定しました"
  45. play raw sound "note.pling" at player with pitch 2 volume 1
  47. command /cpd:
  48. description: Delete <player>'s checkpoint
  49. executable by: players
  50. trigger:
  51. delete {checkpoint.%player%.%world%}
  52. message "&cCPが削除されました。"
  54. command /cp:
  55. trigger:
  56. if player do not have clock named "Checkpoint":
  57. give clock named "&l&e<<Checkpoint>>" to player
  59. on rightclick with clock:
  60. cancel event
  61. if clicked block is sign:
  62. stop
  63. if {checkpoint.%player%.%world%} is set:
  64. teleport player to {checkpoint.%player%.%world%}
  65. else:
  66. message "&cCPが設定されていません!"
  68. on walking on block of coal:
  69. player's gamemode is adventure or survival
  70. delete {checkpoint.%player%.%world%}
  71. teleport player to block at world's spawn point
  72. message "&cCPを削除してSpawnへTPしました。"
  74. on walking on normal quartz block:
  75. player's gamemode is adventure or survival
  76. if {checkpoint.%player%.%world%} is not set:
  77. teleport player to block at world's spawn point
  78. message "&cCPが設定されていません、SpawnへTPされました。"
  79. else:
  80. teleport player to {checkpoint.%player%.%world%}
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