
Vlad Sauron

Mar 21st, 2015
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  1. Name - Vladimir Black Blade
  2. Age - 34 (27 in appearance.)
  3. Race - Human Vampire
  4. Nationality - Xantes
  5. Appearance - Tall at 6'6" and rather muscled, though not overly so, just enough with most of his strength coming from the vampirism rather than by pure bulk. However he was very strong beforehand. Very pale with blood red eyes. Fangs, and Black hair cut rough and short.
  6. Personality - Abrasive, and rather stubborn. He takes on problems head first. However he still gets very seasick and as well is afraid of fire. He is however very loyal and doesn't like people being pushed around too much. He had always been a devout worshiper of Wulf, wishing to bring honor to his family even after his change and more so wishing to use it to help others and bring the vampire menace under his command so they may be orderly rather than mindless predators.
  7. Backstory -
  8. Vladimir has always been a strong fellow, not too bright but he's not dumb either. He had a strong heart just as strong as his brawn, and that was steep. He was renown as one of the strongest in town, made his father proud as it helped in his steelwork especially after his mother dying during childbirth, so vladimir was his only son.
  10. Vladimir lived in a small mining town up in the North and from there he lived and later worked with his father's smithy until he turned 24. On his 24th birthday his father and grandfather before him smelted together, as a way of showing off toward the smithies elsewhere, a large sword to celebrate his son's day as well. The sword was a massive, though only being six feet in length it had a width of a foot itself and a fourth of an inch in thickness. Though, try as he might, and to the disappointment of his father, Vladimir could never lift the blade so it was lifted and was then named the Black Blade to represent the anger he held for it to that day as well as being the name of the Smithy itself. The Sword then became part of the sign of the Smithy.
  12. Through the next year, Vladimir's life went for the worst, the mine's ore of iron had began to shrivel forcing the miners to find elsewhere and shrank the town to the bones. The once great mining town of nearly 134 men and women was now only 40 in length and the rise of vampires in the area put fear in the town. Though, Vladimir's previous failure at lifting his father's sword disappointed him, from this he set to prove himself by tracking where the vampires originated, but was ambushed in the woods. Though instead of dying with honor as he thought he would they knocked him out, tying him to to a tree, and turning him to one of them.
  14. Passed out for three days, Vlad awoke with the sight of smoke covering the moon on this night, he ripped the rope from around him and rushed back home, ripping through the forest with all the speed he could muster and when he come upon it he saw the entire town ablaze and his Father's workplace and home completely broken down. From his fury he ripped through to his burnt home ripping across vampires with his bare hands before he came upon the remains of his father burning under the boards that were the entrance of the smithy. The Black Blade Sword laying in the fires, he grabbed the handle and with his fury and new found strength killed the remaining vampires in town without mercy. Though they were only fledglings like him they did not harbor the hatred he had grown.
  16. From that day Vladimir left without a home to return to with the dream of conquering the vampires and be crowned their king. He wished to bring order to the animals he saw as them. Bring civility, bring kindness, something they no longer could give. He wished for none more of his own kind, orphans to the world. Orphans to the Night. He wished to create his own family of vampires to do so as well, the Black Blade family.
  18. Equipment - The Black blade. A 6 foot long, 1 foot wide, pendulum shaped blade.
  20. Black robes and cloth to cover Vlad completely during the day.
  22. An Ox named Hel, enthralled by Vlad. It carries around a coffin with wheels attached to act as a wagon for the Ox to drag around and has hooks underneath to hold his blade as they travel.
  24. STATS:
  26. These aren't going to be actually used in the roleplay, just there to give me a general idea of how balanced you are.
  27. (you get five points)
  29. STRENGTH - 3
  30. DEXTERITY - 2
  31. CHARISMA - 1
  32. WISDOM (magic!) - (-1)
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