
Net Bio (Small)

Dec 19th, 2015
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  1. __There was once a boy who was called Netarilia, which they called simply "Net". Net growed up without anyone to talk with. He was but an orphan. One day, he stole a Pokemon from a Professor, and made it its friend. The Pokemon was an Aron.__
  2. __He was fairly happy, and caught a few Pokemon. Until one day, he met an evil team known as "Team Gene", made to replicate and change Pokemon. They stole other Pokemon, and they tried to convince Net. Net was thoughtful of this, but always said no...__
  3. __Net's Aron evolved to Lairon, and then into Aggron. The two were partners, but one day, the Aggron was killed by an evil man's Monferno. He was not pleased at all. He ran from the man, and he was not seen in a long time after that.__
  4. __Net turned more and more devious. He hurt others, stole others Pokemon, and decided to mess up the records of famous Trainers. He was not going to go easy in what are supposed to be fun, Pokemon battles, and his Farfetch'd is the one that gets a kill from one Pokemon.__
  5. __Nowadays, Net manages to meditate in a branch. The branch came from a red tree where he has made a shelter in. Maybe he could find his Aggron soon...__
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