
[Announcement] Retirement from Writing

Apr 29th, 2014
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  1. There's something I'd like to say, and the main reason I've cranked out these past few parts of Blue-Blooded Rivals so quickly. It's something I've been thinking about for a long time, and put a lot of thought into.
  3. I'd like to announce my retirement from writing.
  5. I'm glad people enjoy what I've written, and I'm glad I was able to provide that enjoyment for them, but for me, it just doesn't feel the same anymore. It's just not as fun. It's not a chore by any means, but I don't want to wait until it is one, when I'm probably halfway into a multipart story and quit halfway. As well, my life is about to get a hell of a lot busier from here on out, and I'm not sure I can dedicate the time to doing it anymore.
  7. I've thought about this for a few months now, and I wanted to get Blue-Blooded Rivals out of the way before I retired. This way, I have no unfinished business and no regrets. Everything is off my plate.
  9. It's been one hell of a year and three months, guys, truly. I'll still be around the thread, posting, discussing, and giving feedback anonymously as I usually do, but I won't be writing anymore. I doubt I'll be using my trip much too, since I only ever really use it for posting stories, unless someone wants to ask me something directly, then I'll put it on, of course. As for those in the 'jerk and on Skype, I'll still be popping in every now and then as I usually do.
  11. Thanks for understanding, guys, and thanks for everything. FR is a great thread, and I love it dearly, but I can't provide content for it anymore. But I'll still be around.
  13. For the final time: Thanks guys, have a good one.
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