

Apr 26th, 2016
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  1. The Event Morrighan would be on trial for, Lugh's attack on the Navan Fort:
  3. P1.XIV.|In The Name of the Gods| Emain Macha: Cliona wishes to make one last patronage to the Court, wanting to try and find some way of repaying them for taking her in as a baby, so she and Morrighan head to Emain Macha also known as the Navan Fort, where the Court was founded, and where Cliona was raised before she traveled with Iollan across the mainland. Whilst there, Cliona and Morrighan encounter the Inquisitors once again. They converse on what has transpired, namely Morrighan’s death warrant from the Court, and Cliona’s excommunication. The two wish to take out both the Heretic and the Godsbane together, but their plans are halted when a god literally crashes down on them.
  5. P1.XV.|The Tuatha De Danaan|Emain Macha: The Tuatha Lugh Lamfada, a legendary figure, descends from the heavens. He lords over everyone before summoning his beast, Failinis, to lay waste to the Navan Fort. Morrighan now has to attempt to defeat him and fend of the Inquisitors, all while keeping Cliona safe from harm. The big setpiece is the two divine beings attacking the grand cathedral, and Morrighan fights the god on it’s rooftops. In terms of action, this is the climax of the part, the last chapter is more of a wrap-up. Morrighan is able to put down Failinis, and Lugh’s ability to remain in the world of mortals fades. Morrighan is finally given a modicum of respect as she and Cliona flee to the library in the north.
  7. The time that the trial would take place:
  9. (The trial takes over Morrighan's subplots until the two gods appear, and Morrighan decides to go rogue at the end of "The Schism")
  10. P2.VIII.(A)Home| Ulster: Morrighan and company arrive at Ulster, and stay with her father, her only remaining family. Cliona is happy to see him again, Cichol is warm, but Yseult finds herself entirely jealous of Morrighan’s quaint peasantry, reminding her of a life she’d left behind. Marcus reveals the Dhaiga Guard plans for the Caladbolg saying that they’ll handle it on their own from there, and that its best if she is no longer involved. Morrighan doesn’t agree. There’s a long angry subtext laden argument about Marcus using her as an instrument and not taking her into account (which he does but not really in malice, just because it’s pretty practical to use her as an enforcer for the Guard). Morrighan leaves the guard, pursuing the Caladbolg as an independent party. Marcus has the Dhaiga make plans for finding Mag Tuired.
  11. (B)The Fianna Nomads| Ulaid Plains: Oisin and Auberon meet Oisin’s clan after a skirmish with a group of fey raiders, and the two must now traverse through the hostile landscape that his fairfolk/human relations. After Oisin catches up with his family/friends, they depart, Aislinn, a friend of his from the first chapter, joins Oisin’s party, telling him she can’t be responsible if his wimpy ass gets beat.
  13. P2.IX.The Schism| Ulster: A god who completely towers over the city of Ulster looms in the distance. Everyone believes this is it, if gods this powerful exist, there is no hope left for the world. Yet as the god reaches the town, Dagda, one of the patron deities, descends and does battle with it. This is the first time it's happened (since the previous cycle) and it is a frightening display for humanity who up until this point saw the Gods as either petty (and killing humans) or distant (and not killing humans). Everyone now sees something more is going on. This is not necessarily a good thing. The Branches are happy about this, they wanted this to happen. More vacant seats upstairs, more of a reason to spur humanity into pacification or into a battle against the heavens with potential allies (or at least, less enemies). Morrighan and company see this firsthand, Morrigan whispers to Morrighan that they may now have a chance at overthrowing the Tuatha, and she tells her that it’s time to learn about what Morrighan’s really going up against. Oisin, Aislinn and Auberon see this from a distance and realize that things aren’t as clean cut as they seem, and maybe Nuadha isn’t telling them everything. Oisin demands an answer for what the gods are playing at.
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