
The answer is to sue everyone

Jan 17th, 2018
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  1. Alexithymiaa: -Steph pulled her car into the driveway of the house, stopping in her spot and putting the car in park. She killed the engine and grabbed her bag from the passenger seat, climbing out of the car and walking around to the trunk to pop it open. Grabbing for the fifty pound bag of fucking cat food because cats everywhere, she struggled to haul it out of the trunk, manuevering it a handful of times before she was able to finally get it onto her shoulder, quickly shutting the trunk and staggering up to the front door only to drop it at her feet so she could rummage around for her keys.-
  2. Covet: Felix had pulled up shortly after finishing his cigarette and putting the butt in the ashtray in his Jeep. He rolled the window up and watched Steph struggle with the bag that weighed about half as much as she did. Closing his door and hitting the lock button behind him as he walked up to the porch and grabbed the bag of cat food while she looked for her keys. "You could have just left this in there and had me come get it."
  3. Alexithymiaa: -She jumped when Felix came up behind her, lifting her head from her bag as she pulled out her house key. "Oh, shit. It's fine, I can do it. I always do it." She said as she unlocked the front door and put her hands out toward him for the bag of food.-
  4. Covet: "Even still." Felix told her as he held it over his shoulder and went to walk into the house. "I'm helping. Uh.. where am I putting this?" He asked looking around, just now realizing he'd never paid attention to where the cat food actually was located.
  5. Alexithymiaa: "You're very good at helping." She spoke in a condescending voice as she pushed the door shut behind her, locking it and leaning down to pet Penny who was happy everyone was home. "Just stick it in the laundry room. I need to transfer it to the container." She walked over to the counter and dropped her bag and her keys down, picking up her mail to sort through the bills she needed to bring into her office. "Did you just get out of work?"-
  6. Covet: "I know right?" He said sarcastically in response to her condescension, then headed for the laundry room to put the bag down. He heard her question and called out from the room, "Yes, I did Missy." He told her then came out rubbing his stomach and making a b-line for the fridge to hunt down something to munch on.
  7. Alexithymiaa: -She tossed the stack of envelopes down onto the counter and eyed her laptop she'd left out, pursing her lips and drumming her fingers on the counter top. "I didn't buy the album because I don't want to support him, but I really want to hear what Ash's band put our for their debut..."-
  8. Alexithymiaa: (out*)
  9. Covet: "Are you sure?" Felix asked her as he grabbed an apple out of the fridge. "Why not just pirate it? Fuck buying that shit." He said as he took a bite of the apple.
  10. Alexithymiaa: "Oh, I'm not buying it. I was just going to stream it." She opened her laptop and opened Spotify, typing in 'Seattle Bleeds Black' in the search bar and seeing the album pop up. "Should I play it?"-
  11. Covet: He shrugged, "Sure? What's the worst that could happen? It sucks and we shut it off?" He asked her after taking another bite of his apple. "It's not going to be better than the Kittens I can already tell you that much."
  12. Alexithymiaa: "Obviously not. I just need to be sure." She double clicked the first song, pursing her lips as she listened to 'Fallen Angels' come through the speakers. She was instantly annoyed because it was catchy and very much her style and she didnt want to actually like it. Letting out a huff, her eyes slid over to him. "It's okay I guess..."-
  13. Covet: Felix scrunched his face as he listened, leaning against the chari behind Steph. "Eh, Sounds like at least half a dozen other bands to play this stuff." He refused to like it, at all.
  14. Alexithymiaa: "It does, doesn't it?" She asked as the next song came on, her back instantly going up when she heard the intro to 'Rebel Love Song.' She whipped her head back to her computer to look at the song title. "Are you fucking serious? I can't believe they put this on the album."-
  15. Covet: Felix stood there with his half eaten apple in his hand and looked at her, because he was lost in regards to her complaint about the song that was playing. "What's so unbelievable about it?"
  16. Alexithymiaa: "Fucking listen to it!" She protested as it played through the chorus. She carefully tugged at the left side of her tank, pulling it up to show him the tattoo cover over her ribs. "Those lyrics? Was this song. This was MY song. And it was really shitty to put it on the album after all the shit that's gone on."-
  17. Covet: Felix listened, then watched her as she pulled up her shirt, getting momentarily excited for a moment until he realized that she was explaining to him. "Are you really surprised that he did this though? Look at all the other shit he's pulled. Plus he probably wanted to find a way to get back at you after the concert stuff and the editorial ran afterwords about it."
  18. Alexithymiaa: -She rolled her eyes and slumped back into her seat, skipping ahead to the next song only to be instantly mad all over again. Ash is good at that. She stared at the title on the screen as it started to play 'In The End', her face growing hot. "Fucking asshole..." She grumbled before slipping out of her seat, stomping like a child off into her bedroom to sink to her knees and reach under her bed. She pulled out a filing box, sorting through the notebooks inside to find the one labeled '2016', stomping her way back out to Felix as she flipped through it until she'd found the pages she was looking for. She slapped the notebook onto the counter open to the page that had 'In The End' titled at the top in her handwriting with all the lyrics and notes beneath it to the song playing on her computer right now. "The other thing was shitty. But this? This is straight up stolen."-
  19. Covet: Felix looked at the notebook and red over the lyrics, "Yeah, you're right. He's such a dumbass." He said then started laughing. " You need to take this up with your label manager, as soon as possible, Red."
  20. Alexithymiaa: "And what exactly are they going to do about it? I verbally gave him permission to sing it years ago, but I never said he could take my song and put it on his album to profit from. And it's entirely he said, she said at this point. This is the only thing I have that shows I wrote it and anyone can just write this into a notebook. He's going to get away with it." She slammed the notebook closed and crossed her arms over her chest like a scorned child before reaching over to close the top of her laptop angrily to stop the music because fuck Ash.-
  21. Covet: "So what if you verbally told him he could sing it, way back when. Verbal contracts aren't binding, especially if you didn't have a witness. You wrote it, at the very least you deserve any royalties off of it, since he's using it to profit off of." Felix told her, "And since your music and writing is currently under contract, It'd be in their best interest to protect you, their investment."
  22. AlexithymiaaAlexithymiaa : -She continued to pout as she listened to his words, shoving her hand out to smack the notebook off the end of the counter because she was angry and it made her feel better to throw things around the kitchen. "Any music I write since the day I signed my contract, yeah. Not beforehand. They can't do shit!" She raised her voice, beginning to stalk in circles around the kitchen island. "And I'm sure that's what he was counting on too!"-
  23. Covet: "Steph, he still can't just use that song like this." Felix told her. "If anything the label might be able to set you up with a lawyer. It couldn't hurt to call them tomorrow and find out. It's not like you don't have documented proof that you wrote it." He was calm as he watched her losing her shit.
  24. Alexithymiaa: "I have every intention of calling them tomorrow, I just don't have high hopes." She spoke with a huff, pushing the mail off the end of the counter because it was making her more calm to do that. "This is such bullshit." She grumbled to herself before angrily stalking over to Felix, framing her his face in her hands and pulling him down to meet her lips.-
  25. Covet: "Good, that you're calling them. But don't give up hope just yet. I"m sure they'll figure out something to do." Felix told her as she shoved the mail off the counter, then he started to back up a second as she stomped towards him, only slightly nervous that he'd be the next thing she needed to shove. But when she grabbed his face and kissed him, he wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her back, pulling her close to himself.
  26. Alexithymiaa: -She stepped into him, her hands dropping down from his face to his chest to shove him into the wall as she deepened their kiss, not at all being gentle because all the grrrr angry. Her hands slid over his chest and shoved at his shirt, pulling it down off his shoulders without breaking their kiss.-
  27. Covet: Felix gave a soft grunt as she pushed him back against the wall. He was surprised at her vigor as she shoved his shirt off, helping her toss it to the side. He dropped his hands down to her ass and picked her up so that her legs wrapped around his waist and he turned around to push her up against the wall, full intending to carry on this more agressive attention well into the night.
  28. Alexithymiaa: -ANGRY SEX.-
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