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  1. 1.Дигитална фирма.
  2. -Дигитална фирма е општ термин за организации кои основните бизнис односи со вработените
  3. ,клиентите ,добавувачите како и други надворешни партнери ги имаат овозможено преку
  4. дигитална мрежа.Нудат поголема флексибилност во организацијата и управувањето
  5. 2.Кои се 6те стратегиски бизнис цели (со објаснување или едно од нив да се објасни).
  6. Тие се:
  7. 1. Operational exellence(извондредност во работењето)
  8. 2. Нови продукти,сервиси и бизнис модели.
  9. 3. Интимност на клиентот и добавувачот
  10. 4. Подобрено донесување на одлуки
  11. 5. Конкурентска предност
  12. 6. Опстанок
  13. -Нови продукти,сервиси и бизнис модели:објаснува како компаниите произведуваат,испорачуваат
  14. и продаваат продукти или сервиси за да стигнат до богатство.Информационите системи се главна
  15. алатка за овозможување на нови продукти,сервиси и бизнис модели.
  16. 3.Конкурентска предност
  17. -Испорачување подобри перформанси,charging less for superior products,одговарање на клиентите
  18. и доставувачите во реално време.
  19. Пр:Apple ,Wallmart
  20. 4.Информациски систем.
  21. -Сет од меѓусебно поврзани компоненти,кој собира обработува ,чува, дистрибуира информации и
  22. поддржува донесување одлуки,координација и контрола.
  23. 5.Која е разликата помеѓу информации и податоци?
  24. -Податоците се извори на суровини и факти,а информациите се податоци во облик на
  25. значајна/осмислена форма.
  26. 6.Активности на информациски систем.
  27. -Влез:Прибира податоци од организацијата или од надворешната средина.
  28. -Процес:Ги претвора прибраните податоци во форма на значење(им дава значење на податоците)
  29. -Излез:Ги предава информациите на луѓето или активностите кои нив ги користат
  30. 7.Трите компоненти на информациски систем.(mozebi se misli na pogornite,inaku ima 6
  31. komponenti)
  32. -Хардвер,софтвер,податоци,постапки,луѓе,фидбек
  33. 8.Организациска,управувачка и технолошка димензија
  34. -Организациска димензија:вклучува поделба на бизнис функции(пр:продажба и
  35. маркетинг,човечки ресурси,финансии и сметководство,),уникатни бизнис процеси ,уникатна
  36. бизнис култура ,организациска политика.
  37. -Управувачка димензија:менаџерите поставуваат стратегија за одговор на бизнис
  38. предизвиците.Покрај тоа менаџерите мора да реагираат креативно како креирање на нови
  39. продукти и сервиси,повремено реорганизирање на организацијата.
  40. -Технолошка димензија:користење на хардвер и софтвер,технологија за менаџирање на
  41. податоци,мрежни и телекомуникациски технологии(интернет),ИТ инфраструктура која обезбедува
  42. платформа на која е изграден системот.
  43. 9.Бизнис перспектива
  44. -Информациониот систем е инструмент за креирање на вредности.Инвестициите во
  45. информациските технологии ќе резултираат со висока заработувачка како :зголемување на
  46. продуктивноста ,зголемување на приходите и долгорочно стратешко позиционирање.Исто така
  47. посветува внимание на организацијата и управувањето на информациониот систем.
  48. 11.Современ пристап на информациски системи(технички и на однесување)
  49. -Техничкипристапвосвојот фокус ги има математичките модели на кој е заснован
  50. ИС и потребниот хардвер. Трите најбитни дисциплини во овој пристап се :
  51. компјутерски науки, менаџмент и организациското истражување.
  52. -Бихевиористичкипристапфокусоте во промена на ставовите, менаџерската и
  53. организационата политика и однесувањето. Трите најбитни дисциплини во овој
  54. пристапсе : економија , социологија , психологија
  55. 1. Бизнис процеси со примери
  56. -Бизнис процесите можат да бидат средствата и обврските.
  57. 2. На кој начин информатичките технологи се подобруваат (наброј 2)
  58. -Зголемување на ефикасноста на постојните процеси
  59. -Овозможување на сосема нови процеси, кои се способни за
  60. трансформирање на претпријатија
  61. 3. Трансакциски системи
  62. -Вршат и евидентираат секојдневни трансакции неопходни за водење
  63. бизнис
  64. Примери: , плати, превозот
  65. -Им овозможува на менаџерите да ја следат состојбата на операциите и
  66. односите со надворешната средина
  67. -Служат на оперативно ниво
  68. -Предефинирани, структурирани цели и донесување на одлуки
  69. 4. Кои се карактеристики на DSS
  70. Системи за поддршка на одлуката DSS
  71. -Служат на средниот менаџмент
  72. -Поддржуваат нерутински одлуки
  73. Често се користат и надворешни информации, како и од TPS и МИС
  74. -Model driven DSS
  75. -Voyage-estimating systems
  76. -Data driven DSS
  77. -Intrawest’s marketing analysis systems
  78. 5.BI карактеристики
  79. -Класа на софтверски апликации
  80. -Анализира сегашни и историски податоци за да се најдат шеми и
  81. трендови како и помош при донесување одлуки
  82. -Data driven(DSS)
  83. -ESS
  84. 6.ЕЅЅ
  85. -Примач на податоците од системите на пониско ниво
  86. 7.Enterprise applications
  87. Системи за поврзување на претпријатието
  88. Span функционални области
  89. Извршување на бизнис процеси во фирмата
  90. Ги вклучува сите нивоа на управување
  91. 8.Enterprise system
  92. -Собира податоци од различни функции на фирмата и ги зачувува тие
  93. податоци во централна база.
  94. -Се решава проблемот на фрагментирани, излишни сетови и податочни
  95. системи
  96. 12.SСМ системи
  97. -Управување на односите на фирмата со добавувачите
  98. -Размена на информации за
  99. Нарачки, производството, испорака на производи и услуги
  100. Цел:
  101. Количевството на производи да биде на дестинацијата за најкратко
  102. време и најниска цена
  103. 1.Како информатичките технологии и организации влијаат едни на други
  104. (6те фактори)
  105. Информационите системи и организациите
  106. влијаат едни на други на повеќе начини. ИС се
  107. изградени да соодветствуваат на организациите,
  108. но потоа самите ИС доприесуваат за промени во
  109. организациите
  110. 6те фактори се:
  111. -животната средина
  112. -структура
  113. -бизнис процеси
  114. -политика
  115. -култура
  116. -менаџмент одлуки
  117. 2.Техничка или за однесување (дефиниција)
  118. Технички пристап
  119. Организација е стабилна, формална социјална
  120. структура која зема ресурси од околинта и ги
  121. обработува за да произведе некои добра. Од технички
  122. аспект клучни фактори за производство се капиталот и
  123. работната сила. Организацијата ги трансформира овие
  124. влезови од околината во продукти и услуги.
  125. Бихејвиористижки пристап (однесување)
  126. Бихејвиористичката дефиниција вели дека организација е
  127. збир од права, привлегии и обврски, кои се деликатно
  128. избалансирани во долг период на време преку конфликти и
  129. нивно разрешување. Овој пристап имлицира дека при
  130. градењето на ИС треба многу сериозно да се земе предвид не
  131. само техничкиот, туку и човечкиот фактор. Двата пристапи
  132. меѓусебно се надополнуваат.
  133. 3. 5 карактеристики на организацијата:
  134. -цели
  135. -лидерство
  136. -моќ
  137. -задачи
  138. -околната средина
  139. 4.Бизнис процеси (рутини)
  140. Рутините, уште
  141. наречени и стандардни
  142. операциони процедури,
  143. се прецизни правила и
  144. пракси развиени да се
  145. справат со сите
  146. очекувани ситуации. Тие
  147. во голема мера ја
  148. подобруваат
  149. ефикасноста. Бизнис
  150. процесите се всушност
  151. збир на вакви рутини
  152. 5. 4 генерички стратегии за справување со конкурентски сили
  153. -Low-cost leadership
  154. -Product differentiation
  155. -Focus on market niche
  156. -Зајакнување на интимноста помеѓу клиентите и добавувачите
  157. 6. Модел на синџирот на бизнис вредност
  158. Ваквиот модел ја гледа фирмата како
  159. синџир од активности кои придонесуваат за нејзините
  160. продукти ИС придинесуваат за зголемување на компетитивноста со
  161. допринес за намулавање на цените и зголемување
  162. на квалитетот. Синџирот за вредности на фирмата
  163. може да биде поврзан со други фирми партнери
  164. како набавувачи, дистрибутери и со
  165. клиентите. Така се формира мрежа на
  166. вредности која им служи на различните фирми да
  167. ги координираат активностите со цел сите
  168. фирми да профитираат.
  169. 1. ИТ инфраструктура
  170. Множество на физички уреди и софтвер потребни за да работи
  171. претпријатието.
  172. Множество на услуги на фирмата, вклучивајќи :
  173. -Компјутерски платформи што обезбедуваат компјутерски услуги
  174. -телекомуникациски услуги
  175. -Услуги за управување со податоци
  176. -Услуги од софтверски апликации
  177. -Физички капацитети за управување со услуги
  178. -Управување со ИТ, стандарди,образование, истражување и услуги на развој.
  179. Платформа на услуга - поглед на вредноста на инвестициите.
  180. 2. 7 компоненти на ИТ инфраструктура
  181. - Компјутерски хардвер платформи
  182. - оперативни системи платформи
  183. -софтверски апликации за претпријатија
  184. -управување со податоци и складирање
  185. -вмрежување/телекомуникациски платформи
  186. -интернет платформи
  187. -консултациски услуги за системска интеграција
  188. Сега за секоја компонента посебно:
  189. 1. Компјутерски хардвер платформи:
  190. -клиент машини(desktop PCs, мобилни уреди,лаптоп)
  191. -сервери
  192. -врвни производители на чип : AMD, Intel , IBM,
  193. -Врвни фирми IBM, HP, Dell, Sun Microsystems
  194. • 2. Operating system platforms
  195. -сервер левел 75% користат windows,25% unix or linux
  196. -клиент левел :-90% користат microsoft windows
  197. -Handheld device OS’s (Android, iPhone OS)
  198. -Cloud computing OS’s (Google’s Chrome OS)
  199. -pretprijatie што обезбедува апликации SAP ,Oracle
  200. 3. управување со податоци и складирање
  201. - база на податоци софтвер : IBM (DB2), Oracle, Microsoft (SQL Server),
  202. Sybase (Adaptive Server Enterprise), MySQL
  203. -физичко складирање на податоци:
  204. EMC Corp (large-scale systems), Seagate, Maxtor, Western Digital
  205. 4. Вмрежување / телекомуникациски платформи
  206. - телекомуникациски услуги
  207. Телекомуникации, кабловска , давачки телефонска компанија за гласовни
  208. линии и интернет пристап
  209. AT & T , Verizon
  210. Мрежни оперативни системи :
  211. Windows Server , Новел, Linux, Unix
  212. Мрежата на хардвер провајдери :
  213. Cisco, Alcatel-Lucent , Nortel , Џунипер мрежи
  214. 5. интернет платформи
  215. Хардвер, софтвер, услуги за управување за поддршка на компанијата вебсајтови, (вклучително и веб хостинг услуги ) интранет, екстранет
  216. Интернет пазарот во серверот хардвер : Dell , HP / Compaq , IBM,
  217. Веб развој на алатки / апартманите : Мајкрософт ( FrontPage , .NET ) IBM (
  218. WebSphere ) Сонце ( Јава), независни производители на софтвер : Adobe ,
  219. RealMedia
  220. 6. Консалтинг и систем интеграција услуги
  221. Дури и големите фирми немаат ресурси за целиот спектар на поддршка за
  222. нови , комплексни инфраструктурни
  223. Софтвер интеграција : обезбедување нова инфраструктура работи со
  224. наследените системи
  225. Наследените системи : постарите TPS создадена за главни тоа би било
  226. премногу скапо да се замени или редизајн
  227. Accenture, IBM, Глобални сервиси , EDS , Infosys , Випро
  228. 3. b)Grid computing
  229. Поврзуваат географски оддалечени компјутери во една мрежа да се
  230. комбинираат за обработка на моќ и да се создаде виртуелен суперкомпјутер
  231. Предвидува намалување на трошоците, брзина, агилност
  232. 3.v)виртуелизација
  233. Им овозможува на еден физички ресурси за да дејствуваат како повеќе
  234. ресурси (на пример, работи на повеќе случаи на оперативниот систем)
  235. Намалува хардвер и моќ расходи
  236. Олеснува хардвер централизација
  237. 3.a) cloud computing
  238. -Инфраструктура како сервис
  239. -Платформа како услуга
  240. -Софтвер како сервис
  241. -Облак може да бидат јавни или приватни
  242. -Им овозможува на компаниите да ја минимизирате инвестициите
  243. -Недостатоци: Загриженоста на безбедност, сигурност
  244. 4. Software outsourcing and cloud services
  245. Три надворешни извори за софтверот:
  246. - Софтверски пакети и претпријатиски софтвер
  247. (Пристапи со веб прелистувачот преку интернет
  248. Се движи од бесплатно или по ниска цена услуги за поединци со бизнис и
  249. претпријатие софтвер
  250. Корисници плаќаат за претплата или на- трансакција
  251. )
  252. Mashups
  253. Комбинации на две или повеќе онлајн апликации, како што комбинирање
  254. мапирање софтвер ( Google Maps) со локални содржини
  255. апликации
  256. Мали парчиња софтвер кој работи на интернет, на вашиот компјутер, или на
  257. вашиот мобилен телефон
  258. iPhone , Blackberry, Android
  259. Генерално доставени преку Интернет
  260. - Софтвер outsourcing(домашen или од странство):
  261. 6. конкурентски сили за инвестирање во IP (6те модели и поврзаност)
  262. - побарувачка на пазарот за услуги од фирмата
  263. -бизнис стратегија на фирма
  264. - ИТ стратегија, инфраструктурата, како и трошоците на фирмата
  265. -проценка на ит технологија
  266. -услуги на конкурентата фирма
  267. - услуги, инвестиции ,ИТ инфраструктура на конкурентната фирма
  268. Концепти за организација на датотеки
  269. База на податоци: Група на сродни датотеки
  270. Поддатотека: Група на записи од ист тип
  271. Рекорд: група полиња поврзани
  272. Поле: група на заци како зборви или број
  273. Опишува ентитет(лице ,место, нешто на коешто ги
  274. складираме информациите)
  275. Податочна хиерархија
  276. Бајтите може да се групираат за да формираат пола,а
  277. сродни полиња може да се групираат за да
  278. формираат запис. Поврзаните записи може да се
  279. соберат за да формираат досие, а поврзаните
  280. датотеки може да се организираат во база на
  281. податоци.
  282. Проблеми со традиционалната датотека на
  283. животната средина:
  284. Вишок податоци: Присуство на дупликати
  285. Недоследност во податоците: истиот атрибут има
  286. различни вредности.
  287. Зависност од програма-податоци: Кога промените во
  288. програмата се потребни.
  289. Недостаток на безбедност
  290. Лоша безбедност
  291. Недостаток на споделување и достапност на
  292. податоците
  293. База на податоци
  294. Служи многу апликации со централизирање на
  295. податоците и конторлирање на ислишни податоци.
  296. Систем за управување со бази на податоци (DBMS)
  297. • Одвојува логички и физички преглед на податоци.
  298. • Контролира вишок
  299. • Интерфејси помеѓу апликациите и физичките
  300. податочни датотеки.
  301. • Ги решава проблемите на традиционалната
  302. датотека
  303. • Контролира вишок
  304. • Елиминира неконзистентност
  305. • Овозможѕва организацијата централно да
  306. управува со податоците и безбедноста на
  307. податоците.
  308. Релациони DBMS
  309. Претставува податоци како дводимензионални
  310. табели наречени односи или датотеки. Секоја
  311. табела содржи податоци за ентитетот и
  312. атрибутите.
  313. Операции на релациона DBMS
  314. Три основни операции се користат за развивање на
  315. корисни сетови на податоци:
  316. Select:Креира подмножество на податоци од сите
  317. записи кои ги исполнуваат наведените критериуми.
  318. Придружете: Комбинира релациона маса за да му
  319. даде на корисникот повеќе информации отколку што
  320. се достапни во одделни табели.
  321. Проект: Креира подможество на колони во табела
  322. ,создавајќи табели само со даведените информации
  323. Објектно-ориентирани DBMS
  324. Складира податоци и процедури како објекти.
  325. Ојбектите може да бидат графички,мултимедијални..
  326. Релативно бавно во споредва со Релациони DBMS за
  327. обработка на голем број трансакции.
  328. Тендови за мрежно поврзување и комуникација
  329. • Конвергенција:
  330. Телефонските мрежи и компјутерските мрежи
  331. конвергираат во една дигитална мрежа
  332. користејчи интернет страндарди. На пример:
  333. Кабелски компании кои обезбедуваат гласовна
  334. услуга.
  335. • Широкопојасен интернет:
  336. Повеќе од 60% од американските интернет
  337. корисници имаат ваков пристап
  338. • Широкопојасен безжичен:
  339. Гласот и комуникацијата со податоци,како и
  340. пристапот до интерет се повеќе се одвиваат преку
  341. бежични платформи.
  342. Што е компјутерска мрежа?
  343. Два или повеќе поврзани компјутери
  344. Компоненти:
  345. Клиентски компјутер
  346. СЕрверски компјутер
  347. Мрежни интерфејси
  348. Поврзувачки мадиум
  349. Мрежни оперативни системи
  350. Hub and Switch
  351. Рутери
  352. Уред што се користи за рутирање на патеки на
  353. податоци преку различни мрежи, обезбедувајќи
  354. дека ипратраните податоци добиваат точна
  355. адреса.
  356. Денешната корпоративна мрежна
  357. инфраструктура е колекција од многу различни
  358. мрежи од јавната комутирана телефонска мрежа.
  359. До Интернет,до корпоративни локални мрежи
  360. кои ги поврзуваат работните групи, одделенијата
  361. или канцелариските подови.
  362. Безжични сензорни мрежи
  363. Мрежи на стотици или илјадици меѓусебно
  364. побрзани бежични уреди вградени во физичко
  365. опкружување за да обезбедат мерења на многу
  366. точки над големи простории
  367. Идентификација на радиофреквенции(RFID)
  368. Користете мали тагови со вградени микрочипови
  369. кои содржат податоци за ставка и локација и
  370. антена. Таговите пренесуваат радио сигнали на
  371. кратки растојанија до специјални читачи на RIFD.
  372. Активен RFID: Поскапи, таговите имаат батерии,
  373. податоците може да се препишат, range is
  374. hundreds of feet.
  375. Пасивен RFID: Опсегот е пократок, исто така
  376. помал,поевтин,напојуван со радиофреквентна
  377. енергија.
  378. VPN
  379. Приватна мрежа на компјутери поврзани преку
  380. безбедна тунелска врска преку Интернет. Ги
  381. заштитува податоците што се пренесуваат преку
  382. јавниот Интернет преку кодирање на податоците
  383. и завиткување на нив во памките на Интернет
  384. протоколот.
  385. Систем на Претприемништво
  386. Исто така се нарекува “Систем за планирање на
  387. песурси за претприемништво (ERP)”. Интегрирани
  388. софтверски модули и заедничка централна база на
  389. податоци. Собира податоци од многу оддели на
  390. фирма за употреба во скоро сите внатрешни деловни
  391. активности на фирмата. Информациите венсени во
  392. еден процес се веднаш достапни за други процеси.
  393. Софтвер за претпријатија
  394. Изградени околку илјадици предефинирани деловни
  395. процеси кои ги рефлектираат најдобрите практики.
  396. Финансии/сметководство: главна книга, плаќање на
  397. сметки.
  398. Човечки ресурси: Администрација на персонал,платен
  399. список, итн.
  400. Производство: купување ,испорака итн.
  401. Продажба/Маркетинг: Обработка на
  402. нарачки,фактурирање,планирање на продажбите итн.
  403. Деловна вредност на претприемнички системи
  404. Зголемување на оперативната ефикасност.
  405. Обезбедете цврсти информации за поддршка на
  406. процесот на донесување одлуки
  407. Овозможете брзи одговори на барањата на клиентите
  408. за информации или производи
  409. Вклучете аналитички алатки за да ги оцените
  410. севкупните организациски перформанси.
  411. Нарачка на готовина е сложен процес кој ги
  412. интегрира податоците од индувидуалните системи на
  413. претпријатие и наследните финансиски апликации.
  414. Процесот мора да биде моделиран и преведен во
  415. софтверски систем со алатки за интеграција на
  416. апликации.
  417. Сервисна платформа интегрира повеќе апликации за
  418. да овозможи беспрекорно искуство за сите страни.
  419. Пр:Процес на нарачување на готовина.
  420. Портален софтвер: се користи за да се интегрираат
  421. информациите од апликации на претпријатието и
  422. наследни системи и да се претстават како да доаѓаат
  423. од еден извор.
  424. CRM софтвер
  425. Пакетите се движат од низа алатки до големи
  426. апликации на претпијатието. Повеќе сеопфатни имаат
  427. модули за:
  428. Управување со врски со партнери PRM -
  429. Интегрирање и генерирање на
  430. цените,промоциите,конфигурации на нарачки и
  431. достапност. Алатки за оценување на перформансите
  432. на партнерите.
  433. Управување со вработените ERM На пример:
  434. Поставување на цели, управување со перформансите
  435. на вработените, компензација базирана на
  436. перформанци,обука на вработените.
  437. CRM пакетите обично вклучуваат алатки за:
  438. Автоматизација на продажната сила ( SFA):
  439. На пример: Продажба на проспект и информации за
  440. контакт,и цитат за продажба.
  441. Услуги за клиентите:
  442. Назначување и управување со барања за услуги на
  443. клиентите. Веб базирани можности за
  444. самопослужување.
  445. Маркетинг: На пример: Фаќањето на изгледите и
  446. поатоците за клиентите,планирање и следење на
  447. директни маркетинг писма или е-пошта.
  448. Предавање 10
  449. Е-тргивоја денес: Употребата на Интернетот и Вебот
  450. за пренесување на бизнис и дигитално овозможени
  451. трансакции. Е-трговијата е сеуште во рана фаза.
  452. -Зошто е-трговијата е различна- 8 уникатни
  453. карактеристики
  454. 1. Сепристуност
  455. Интернет/Веб технологијата е достапна насекаде:
  456. работа,дома, во секое време. Така да Пазарот е
  457. отстранет од временски,географски локации за да
  458. стане пазарен простор. Подобрена удобност на
  459. клиентите и намалени трошоци за купување.
  460. 2.Глобален дофат
  461. Технологијата достигнува низ националните граници,
  462. околу земјата. Комерцијално овозможено преку
  463. културни и национални граници. Пазарот вклучува
  464. потенцијални, милијарди потрошувачи и милиони
  465. бизниси ширум светот.
  466. 3. Универзални стандарди
  467. Еден сет стандарди за технологија : интернет
  468. стандарди.Различни компјутерски системи лесно
  469. комуницираат едни со други, мали трошоци за влез
  470. на пазарот, Пониски трошоци за пребарување на
  471. потрошувачите.
  472. 4.Богатство
  473. Поддржува видео,аудио и текстуални пораки. Може
  474. да се доставуваат богати пораки со текст, аудио и
  475. видео истовремено за голем број луѓе.
  476. 5.Интерактивност
  477. Технологијата работи преку интеракција со
  478. корисникот. Потрошувачот станува ко-учесник во
  479. процесот на испорака на стоки на пазарот.
  480. 6. Густина на информации
  481. Вкупниот износ и квалитет на информации достапни
  482. за сите учесници на пазарот. Поголема
  483. транспарентност на цените и трошоците ,овозмоѓува
  484. трговците да се вклучат во ценовна дискриминација
  485. 7.Персонализација
  486. Личните пораки може да се праќаат на поединци,како
  487. и на групи, производите и услугите може да се
  488. прилагодат на поединечни параметри.
  489. 8.Социјална технологија
  490. Создавање на кориснички содржини и социјалното
  491. вмрежување.Новите интернет-социјални бизнис
  492. модели овозможуваат создавање и дистрибуција на
  493. кориснилки содржини и поддршка на социјалните
  494. мрежи.
  495. Клучни концепти во е-трговијата
  496. -Дигиталните пазари намалуваат:
  497. Информативна асиметрија,Трошоци за
  498. пребарување,Трошпци за трансакција, Трошоци за
  499. мени.
  500. -Дигиталните пазари овозможуваат
  501. Ценовна дискриминација(ценовна стратегија каде
  502. што идентични или слични стоки или усплуги се
  503. продаваат по различни цени од страна на ист
  504. пробајдер на различни пазари или територии.)
  505. Динамички цени- бизнисите поставуваат високо
  506. флексибилни цени за производи или услуги базирани
  507. на тековните пазарни барања.
  508. Дизинтермедијација-отстранување на посредници во
  509. синџирот на набавка.
  510. Видови на е-трговија
  511. 1.Бизнис-до –потрошувач (B2C)
  512. 2.Бизнис-до-бизнис (B2B)
  513. 3.Потрошувач до потрошувач (C2C)
  514. 4.Мобилна трговија(m-commerce)
  515. Бизнис модели за е-трговија
  516. Портал-пакет со содржини и услуги
  517. Е-tailer-гигант продавници како Амазон
  518. Давателна содржини-текст , ЦД-а, фотографии,аудио,
  519. видео фајлови во електронска форма.
  520. Трансакциски брокер- помагаат да се направат
  521. работите побрзо и поевтино.
  522. Креатор на Пазар- користи интернет технологија за да
  523. создаде пазари.
  524. Провајдер на Услуги- прави пари преку обезбедување
  525. на услуги.
  526. Провајдер на заедница- создава сајтови каде шро
  527. поединци може да се сретнат ,разменат искуства или
  528. работат на заеднички проект.
  529. Модели за приходи за е-трговија
  530. Рекламирање,Продажба,Претплата,Слободен,Провиз
  531. ија на трансакција,Affiliate(Огранок).
  532. Најпопуларен Веб 2.0 сервис: за социјално
  533. вмрежување. Сајтовите за социјално вмрежување
  534. продаваат банери,информации за претпочитање на
  535. корисник и музика,видео и е-книги.
  536. Социјални шопинг сајтови –Размена на идеи за
  537. пазарење со пријатели
  538. Мислење на повеќе луѓе – Голем број налуѓе може да
  539. донесат подобри одлуки за теми и производи од една
  540. личност.
  541. Пазари за предвидување- Пазари за обложување на
  542. конкретни резултати.
  543. Е-трговија маркетинг
  544. Интернетот им овозможува на продавачите нови
  545. начини за идентификување и комуницирање со
  546. клиентите. Long tail marketing- овозможува да се
  547. доближи до поголема публика ефтино. Behavioral
  548. targeting (Следење на однесување)- Следење на
  549. однесувањето на поединци на илјадици веб-сајтови.
  550. Рекламните формати вклучуваат пребарувачки
  551. маркетинг , прикажување на реклами,богати
  552. медиуми и е-пошта.
  553. Веб-страниците за е-трговија имаат алатки за следење
  554. на секој чекор на купувачот преку онлајн
  555. продавницата.
  556. Фирмите можат да креираат уникатни
  557. персонализирани веб-страници кои прикажуваат
  558. содржини или реклами за производи или услуги од
  559. посебен интерес за индувидуални корисници.
  560. Рекламните мрежи станаа контраверзни меѓу
  561. застапниците за заштита на приватноста поради
  562. нивната способност да ги следат индувидуалните
  563. потрошувачи преку интернер.
  564. Бизнис-до-Бизнис е-трговија
  565. 1.Електронска размена на податоци
  566. Размена компјутер-до-компјутер на стандардни
  567. трансакции како што се фактури,нарачки за купување.
  568. Има EDI стандарди кои ги дефинираат структурата и
  569. информативните полиња на електронските докумети
  570. за таа индустија. Фирмите може да преку интернет да
  571. најдат најевтин снабдувач, да пребаруваат низ онлајн
  572. каталози да преговараат со добавувачи,да нарачуваат
  573. нарачки.
  574. 2. Приватни индустриски мрежи
  575. Голема филм која користи екстранет за да ги поврзе
  576. своите добавувачи,дистрибутери и други клучни
  577. деловни партенри. Во сопственост на купувачот.
  578. Дозволува споделување на: Дизајн и развој на
  579. производи,Маркетинг,Распоред на производство,
  580. управување со инвентар, неструктурирана
  581. комуникација(графика и е-пошта).
  582. 3. Нет пазари(е-центри) –Единствен пазар за многу
  583. купувачи и продавиачи. Индустриска сопственост или
  584. сопственост на независен посредник. Генерира
  585. приходи од трансакциски такци и други услуги.
  586. Користи цени утвордени преку преговори,аукција,
  587. RFQs или фиксни цени. Може да се фокусира на
  588. директна или индиректна стока. Може да бидат
  589. хоризонтални или вертикални пазари.
  590. 3.Размена- Во независтна сопственост на трети лица
  591. Нет пазари. Поврзува илијадици добавувачи и
  592. купувачи на едно место. Верикални пазари за
  593. директна стока за една индустрија. Уште од раните
  594. години на е-тговијата.
  595. М-трговија
  596. Иако m-commerce претставува мал дел од вкупните
  597. трансакции на е-трговија, приходите постојано се
  598. зголемуваат. Локациски услуги, Банкарство и
  599. финаксиски услуги, Бежично рекламирање и
  600. малопродажба , игри и забава.Мобилната е-трговија е
  601. најбрзо растечки вид на B2C е-трговија.
  602. Составување на тим со вештини потребни за
  603. донесување одлуки за: Технологија, дизајн на
  604. сајтови, социјални и информативни политики,
  605. хардверска,софтверкса и телекомуникациска
  606. инфраструктура. Барањата на купувачот треба да ја
  607. водат технлогијата и дизајнот на локацијата.
  608. Деловните одлуки ја водат технологијата
  609. -Бизнис цели: Можностите кои страницата треба да ги
  610. има. Пр: изврши плаќање на трансакција
  611. -Системска функционалност: Технолошка способност
  612. за постигнување на оваа цел. Пр:Шопинг картичка или
  613. друг начин на плаќање.
  614. -Барање на информации-Пр: безбедна кредитна
  615. картичка,повеќе опции за плаќање.
  616. Алтернативи во изградба на веб-страницата:
  617. -Completely in-house(Целосно во куќа)(build:in,host:in)
  618. Мешана одговорност(Mixed responsability)(build:out,
  619. host:in ili obratno) Целосно од надворешни
  620. извори(Completely outsorced)(build:out,host:out)(,
  621. Колокација(Co-location),Буџети на веб-страницата
  622. неколку илјади до милиони годишно. 50% од буџетот
  623. е одржување на системот и креирање на содржини
  624. Компоненти на буџетот на веб-страна
  625. 35% Одржување на системот, 15% Дизајн и развој на
  626. внатрешноста, 10% Хардвер, 8% Софтвер, 10%
  627. Телекомуникации,22% Развој на Системот
  629. CHAPTER 1
  630. 1) Which of the following is not one of the six strategic business objectives of information systems?
  631. 1. A) New products and services
  632. 2. B) Improved decision making
  633. 3. C) Competitive advantage
  634. 4. D) Improved employee morale
  635. 5. E) Survival
  636. Answer:  D
  637. 3) Which of the following may lead to competitive advantage?
  638. 1. New products, services, and business models;
  639. 2. Charging less for superior products;
  640. 3. Responding to customers in real time?
  641. 4. A) 1 only
  642. 5. B) 1 and 2
  643. 6. C) 2 and 3
  644. 7. D) 1 and 3
  645. 8. E) 1, 2, and 3
  646. Answer:  E
  647. 4) A firm that invests in an information system because it is a necessity of doing business does so because it is seeking to achieve which of the following business objectives?
  648. 1. A) Operational excellence
  649. 2. B) Improved decision making
  650. 3. C) Competitive advantage
  651. 4. D) Customer intimacy
  652. 5. E) Survival
  653. Answer:  E
  654. 9) Walmart exemplifies the power of information systems coupled with state-of-the-art business practices and supportive management to achieve which of the following?
  655. 1. A) New products and services
  656. 2. B) Operational efficiency
  657. 3. C) Survival
  658. 4. D) Customer intimacy
  659. 5. E) Competitive advantage
  660. Answer:  B
  661. 11) ) To make sure they stock clothes that their customers will purchase, a department store implements a new application that analyzes spending levels at their stores and cross-references this data to popular clothing styles. Which of the following business objectives is this information intended to support?
  662. 1. A) Customer intimacy
  663. 2. B) Survival
  664. 3. C) Operational excellence
  665. 4. D) Improved decision making
  666. 5. E) New products and services
  667. Answer:  C
  668. 13) All of the following are new technology-related trends in MIS except:
  669. 1. A) cloud computing.
  670. 2. B) big data.
  671. 3. C) IoT.
  672. 4. D) the mobile digital platform.
  673. 5. E) co-creation of business value.
  674. Answer:  E
  675. 14) Which of the following statements about digital firms is not true?
  676. 1. A) In digital firms, time shifting and space shifting are the norm.
  677. 2. B) Today, most firms are fully digital..
  678. 3. C) Digital firms offer extraordinary opportunities for flexible global organization and management.
  679. 4. D) Digital firms sense and respond to their environments more rapidly than traditional firms.
  680. 5. E) Digital firms have more flexibility to survive in turbulent times.
  681. Answer:  B
  682. 15) A firm that must invest in new information systems capabilities in order to comply with federal legislation is investing to achieve which business objective?
  683. 1. A) Customer intimacy
  684. 2. B) Operational excellence
  685. 3. C) Survival
  686. 4. D) Creation of new products
  687. 5. E) Improved decision making
  688. Answer:  C
  689. 17) Creating a marketing plan is an example of a business process.
  690. Answer:  TRUE
  691. 18) In order to be considered a digital firm, all of the firm’s significant business relationships and core business processes must be digitally enabled.
  692. Answer:  FALSE
  693. 19) A business model describes how a company produces, delivers, and sells a product or service to create wealth.
  694. Answer:  TRUE
  695. 21) The enormous volume of data generated by Internet activity, such as web traffic, email, and social media is referred to as:
  696. 1. A) IoT
  697. 2. B) big data.
  698. 3. C) the mobile digital platform.
  699. 4. D) cloud computing.
  700. 5. E) business intelligence.
  701. Answer:  B
  702. 24) The three activities in an information system that produce the information organizations use to control operations are:
  703. 1. A) information, research, and analysis.
  704. 2. B) input, output, and feedback.
  705. 3. C) data, information, and analysis.
  706. 4. D) data analysis, processing, and feedback.
  707. 5. E) input, processing, and output.
  708. Answer:  E
  709. 26) The total number of food items with storage temperatures problems is an example of which of the following?
  710. 1. A) Input
  711. 2. B) Raw data
  712. 3. C) Meaningful information
  713. 4. D) Feedback
  714. 5. E) Processing
  715. Answer:  C
  716. 27) Output:
  717. 1. A) is feedback that has been processed to create meaningful information.
  718. 2. B) is information that is returned to appropriate members of the organization to help them evaluate the input stage.
  719. 3. C) transfers data to the people who will use it or to the activities for which it will be used.
  720. 4. D) transfers processed information to the people who will use it or to the activities for which it will be used.
  721. 5. E) converts raw input into a meaningful form.
  722. Answer:  D
  723. 28) Converting raw data into a more meaningful form is called:
  724. 1. A) capturing.
  725. 2. B) processing.
  726. 3. C) organizing.
  727. 4. D) feedback.
  728. 5. E) analysis.
  729. Answer:  B
  730. 30) In a hierarchical organization, the upper level consists of:
  731. 1. A) scientists.
  732. 2. B) senior management.
  733. 3. C) professional employees.
  734. 4. D) data workers.
  735. 5. E) knowledge workers.
  736. Answer:  B
  737. 31) Which of the following is not one of the current changes taking place in information systems technology?
  738. 1. A) Growing business use of big data
  739. 2. B) Growth in cloud computing
  740. 3. C) Growth in the PC platform
  741. 4. D) Emerging mobile digital platform
  742. 5. E) Increased usage of data generated by the Internet of Things
  743. Answer:  C
  744. 32) The fundamental set of assumptions, values, and ways of doing things that has been accepted by most of a company's members is called its:
  745. 1. A) culture.
  746. 2. B) environment.
  747. 3. C) atmosphere.
  748. 4. D) business process.
  749. 5. E) mission.
  750. Answer:  A
  751. 34) Data management technology consists of which of the following?
  752. 1. A) Physical hardware and media used by an organization for storing data
  753. 2. B) Detailed, preprogrammed instructions that control and coordinate the computer hardware components in an information system
  754. 3. C) Two or more computers to share data or resources
  755. 4. D) Hardware and software used to transfer data
  756. 5. E) Software governing the organization of data on physical storage media
  757. Answer:  E
  758. 35) Which of the following statements best describes organizational culture?
  759. 1. A) It encompasses the sum of beliefs and assumptions by all members.
  760. 2. B) It enables the organization to transcend the different levels and specialties of its employees.
  761. 3. C) It reflects the senior management's perspective on the organization and goals.
  762. 4. D) It allows a company to achieve greater operational efficiency.
  763. 5. E) It is a fundamental set of assumptions, values, and ways of doing things that has been accepted by most members of the organization.
  764. Answer:  E
  765. 36) Networking and telecommunications technologies, along with computer hardware, software, data management technology, and the people required to run and manage them, constitute an organization's:
  766. 1. A) data management environment.
  767. 2. B) networked environment.
  768. 3. C) information technology (IT) infrastructure.
  769. 4. D) information system.
  770. 5. E) culture.
  771. Answer:  C
  772. 37) Maintaining the organization's financial records is a central purpose of which main business function?
  773. 1. A) Manufacturing and accounting
  774. 2. B) Finance and accounting
  775. 3. C) Sales and manufacturing
  776. 4. D) Finance and sales
  777. 5. E) Human resources
  778. Answer:  B
  779. 38) All of the following are examples of environmental actors in an information system except:
  780. 1. A) competitors.
  781. 2. B) regulatory agencies.
  782. 3. C) customers.
  783. 4. D) suppliers.
  784. 5. E) sales force.
  785. Answer:  E
  786. 39) Which of the following best describes the primary reason for implementing a new information system, from a business perspective?
  787. 1. A) The system enables the firm to create new products and services.
  788. 2. B) The system will create new value for the firm, beyond its costs.
  789. 3. C) The system will automate key business processes.
  790. 4. D) The system is in use by our primary competitors.
  791. 5. E) The system integrates well with the Web.
  792. Answer:  B
  793. 41) In a business hierarchy, which of the following levels is responsible for monitoring the daily activities of the business?
  794. 1. A) Middle management
  795. 2. B) Service workers
  796. 3. C) Production management
  797. 4. D) Operational management
  798. 5. E) Knowledge workers
  799. Answer:  D
  800. 42) In _____________, raw data is systematically acquired and transformed during various stages that add value to that information.
  801. 1. A) an information value chain
  802. 2. B) the firm value chain
  803. 3. C) information processing
  804. 4. D) the feedback process
  805. 5. E) the dissemination process.
  806. Answer:  A
  807. 43) A corporation that funds a political action committee, which in turn promotes and funds a political candidate who agrees with the values of that corporation, could be seen as investing in which main category of complementary assets?
  808. 1. A) Managerial
  809. 2. B) Governmental
  810. 3. C) Social
  811. 4. D) Organizational
  812. 5. E) Auxiliary
  813. Answer:  C
  814. 44) Which of the following is an example of an organizational complementary asset?
  815. 1. A) Using the appropriate business model
  816. 2. B) A collaborative work environment
  817. 3. C) Laws and regulations
  818. 4. D) The Internet and telecommunications infrastructure
  819. 5. E) Strong senior management
  820. Answer:  A
  821. 45) Which of the following is an example of a social complementary asset?
  822. 1. A) Technology and service firms in adjacent markets
  823. 2. B) Training programs
  824. 3. C) Distributed decision-making rights
  825. 4. D) Incentives for management innovation
  826. 5. E) A strong IS development team
  827. Answer:  A
  828. 46) Which of the following roles in a firm would be least affected by using mobile devices to access firm information systems?
  829. 1. A) Senior executives
  830. 2. B) Sales executives
  831. 3. C) Production workers
  832. 4. D) Operational managers
  833. 5. E) Knowledge workers
  834. Answer:  C
  835. 47) Which of the following would not be used as an input for an information system?
  836. 1. A) Digital dashboard
  837. 2. B) Tablet computer
  838. 3. C) Barcode scanner
  839. 4. D) Smartphone
  840. 5. E) RFID reader
  841. Answer:  A
  842. 48) The three principal levels within a business organization hierarchy are:
  843. 1. A) senior management, operational management, and service workers.
  844. 2. B) senior management, middle management, and operational management.
  845. 3. C) senior management, operational management, and information systems.
  846. 4. D) senior management, middle management, and service workers.
  847. 5. E) senior management, data workers, and service workers.
  848. Answer:  B
  849. 49) Personnel who design new products or services for a firm belong to which level of a business hierarchy?
  850. 1. A) Middle management
  851. 2. B) Production workers
  852. 3. C) Knowledge workers
  853. 4. D) Data workers
  854. 5. E) Service workers
  855. Answer:  C
  856. 50) Which main business function is responsible for maintaining employee records?
  857. 1. A) Sales and marketing
  858. 2. B) Human resources
  859. 3. C) Finance and accounting
  860. 4. D) Manufacturing and production
  861. 5. E) Middle management
  862. Answer:  B
  863. 53) Information technology (IT) consists of the hardware and software that a firm needs to use in order to achieve its business objectives.
  864. Answer:  TRUE
  865. 54) Computers and programs are the only things required to produce the information an organization needs.
  866. Answer:  FALSE
  867. 55) Information systems literacy focuses primarily on knowledge of information technology.
  868. Answer:  FALSE
  869. 56) The three main dimensions of information systems are management, organizations, and information technology.
  870. Answer:  TRUE
  871. 57) Knowledge workers make long-range strategic decisions about products and services.
  872. Answer:  FALSE
  873. 58) There are four major business functions: human resources; manufacturing and production; finance and accounting; and information technology.
  874. Answer:  FALSE
  875. 59) You need to know something about the hierarchy and culture of the company in order to understand how a specific business firm uses information systems
  876. Answer:  TRUE
  877. 60) All business processes are formally documented by an organization.
  878. Answer:  FALSE
  879. 61) Creative work driven by new knowledge and information is a significant part of management responsibility.
  880. Answer:  TRUE
  881. 62) Intranets link different systems and networks within a firm.
  882. Answer:  TRUE
  883. 64) There is little variation in returns on IT investment across firms.
  884. Answer:  FALSE
  885. 65) Laws and regulations creating fair, stable market environments are examples of complementary social assets required to optimize returns from IT investments.
  886. Answer:  TRUE
  887. 66) A firm that invests in a strong IS development team is making an investment in organizational complementary assets.
  888. Answer:  TRUE
  889. 67) The behavioral approach to information systems focuses on analyzing the psychological, social, and economic impacts of systems rather than the technical aspects.
  890. Answer:  TRUE
  891. 68) Data is information that has been shaped into a form that is meaningful to human beings.
  892. Answer:  FALSE
  893. 69) Feedback is output returned to appropriate members of the organization to help them evaluate or correct the input stage.
  894. Answer:  TRUE
  895. 70) The key elements of an organization are its structure, business processes, politics, culture, and people.
  896. Answer:  TRUE
  897. 71) Middle managers make long-range strategic decisions about the firm's products and services.
  898. Answer:  FALSE
  899. 72) Detailed, programmed instructions that control computer hardware components in an information system are known as computer software.
  900. Answer:  TRUE
  901. 73) Which of the following is a global network that uses universal standards to connect millions of different networks around the world?
  902. 1. A) An extranet
  903. 2. B) The World Wide Web
  904. 3. C) The Internet
  905. 4. D) An intranet
  906. 5. E) Verizon
  907. Answer:  C
  908. 74) Which of the following is a service provided by the Internet that uses universally accepted standards for storing, retrieving, formatting, and displaying information in a page format?
  909. 1. A) HTML
  910. 2. B) The World Wide Web
  911. 3. C) E-mail
  912. 4. D) An extranet
  913. 5. E) FTP
  914. Answer:  B
  915. 75) Which of the following is a private corporate network extended to authorized users outside the organization?
  916. 1. A) An intranet
  917. 2. B) The World Wide Web
  918. 3. C) The Internet
  919. 4. D) An extranet
  920. 5. E) FTP
  921. Answer:  A
  922. 84) Which of the following deals with behavioral issues as well as technical issues surrounding the development, use, and impact of information systems used by managers and employees in the firm?
  923. 1. A) Information systems literacy
  924. 2. B) Information systems architecture
  925. 3. C) Business processes
  926. 4. D) Information technology infrastructure
  927. 5. E) Management information systems
  928. Answer:  E
  929. 85) Disciplines that contribute to the technical approach to information systems include:
  930. 1. A) computer science, engineering, and networking.
  931. 2. B) operations research, management science, and computer science.
  932. 3. C) engineering, utilization management, and computer science.
  933. 4. D) management science, computer science, and engineering.
  934. 5. E) economics, sociology, and psychology.
  935. Answer:  B
  936. 86) Which of the following disciplines focuses on mathematical techniques for optimizing parameters of organizations, such as transportation and inventory control?
  937. 1. A) Management science
  938. 2. B) MIS
  939. 3. C) Computer science
  940. 4. D) Utilization management
  941. 5. E) Operations research
  942. Answer:  E
  943. 87) Sociologists study information systems with an eye to understanding:
  944. 1. A) how systems affect individuals, groups, and organizations.
  945. 2. B) how human decision makers perceive and use formal information.
  946. 3. C) how new information systems change the control and cost structures within the firm.
  947. 4. D) the production of digital goods.
  948. 5. E) mathematically based models and physical technology.
  949. Answer:  A
  950. 88) Psychologists study information systems with an eye to understanding:
  951. 1. A) how systems affect individuals, groups, and organizations.
  952. 2. B) how human decision makers perceive and use formal information.
  953. 3. C) how new information systems change the control and cost structures within the firm.
  954. 4. D) the production of digital goods.
  955. 5. E) mathematically based models and physical technology.
  956. Answer:  B
  957. 89) Which field of study focuses on both a behavioral and technical understanding of information systems?
  958. 1. A) Sociology
  959. 2. B) Operations research
  960. 3. C) Economics
  961. 4. D) Behavioral computing
  962. 5. E) Management information systems
  963. Answer:  E
  964. CHAPTER 2
  965. 1) Producing a bill of materials is a business process in which of the following functional areas?
  966. 1. A) Finance and accounting
  967. 2. B) Human resources
  968. 3. C) Manufacturing and production
  969. 4. D) Research and development
  970. 5. E) Sales and marketing
  971. Answer:  C
  972. 3) Identifying customers is a business process handled by the human resources function.
  973. Answer:  FALSE
  974. 4) One example of a business process is shipping a product to a customer.
  975. Answer:  TRUE
  976. 5) Order fulfillment involves all of the following business processes except:
  977. 1. A) checking the customer’s credit.
  978. 2. B) assembling the product.
  979. 3. C) submitting the order.
  980. 4. D) making customers aware of the product.
  981. 5. E) shipping the product.
  982. Answer:  D
  983. 9) The ________ function is responsible for identifying customers.
  984. 1. A) finance and accounting
  985. 2. B) human resources
  986. 3. C) manufacturing and production
  987. 4. D) sales and marketing
  988. 5. E) distribution and logistics
  989. Answer:  D
  990. 10) If your main supplier was late in delivering goods, which type of system would you use to update your production schedule?
  991. 1. A) ESS
  992. 2. B) TPS
  993. 3. C) MIS
  994. 4. D) DSS
  995. 5. E) BIS
  996. Answer:  B
  997. 12) To monitor the status of internal operations and the firm's relations with the external environment, managers need which of the following types of system?
  998. 1. A) DSS
  999. 2. B) KWS
  1000. 3. C) TPS
  1001. 4. D) MIS
  1002. 5. E) BIS
  1003. Answer:  C
  1004. 13) A(n) ________ is typically a major source of data for other systems.
  1005. 1. A) TPS
  1006. 2. B) MIS
  1007. 3. C) ESS
  1008. 4. D) DSS
  1009. 5. E) KMS
  1010. Answer:  A
  1011. 14) The term management information systems refers to a specific category of information systems serving:
  1012. 1. A) integrated data processing throughout the firm.
  1013. 2. B) transaction process reporting.
  1014. 3. C) employees with online access to historical records.
  1015. 4. D) the information technology function.
  1016. 5. E) middle management functions.
  1017. Answer:  E
  1018. 15) Which of the following would you use in order to determine which of your suppliers has the best and worst records for keeping to your production schedule?
  1019. 1. A) MIS
  1020. 2. B) TPS
  1021. 3. C) UPS
  1022. 4. D) DSS
  1023. 5. E) CRM
  1024. Answer:  A
  1025. 16) A relocation control system that reports summaries on the total moving, house hunting, and home financing costs for employees in all company divisions falls into which of the following categories?
  1026. 1. A) KMS
  1027. 2. B) TPS
  1028. 3. C) ESS
  1029. 4. D) MIS
  1030. 5. E) DSS
  1031. Answer:  D
  1032. 17) Non-typical business problems with causes and effects that are rapidly changing are typically handled by which of the following types of information system?
  1033. 1. A) MIS
  1034. 2. B) TPS
  1035. 3. C) ESS
  1036. 4. D) DSS
  1037. 5. E) KMS
  1038. Answer:  D
  1039. 18) Which of the following types of information system is especially suited to situations in which the procedure for arriving at a solution may not be fully defined in advance?
  1040. 1. A) MIS
  1041. 2. B) TPS
  1042. 3. C) DSS
  1043. 4. D) KMS
  1044. 5. E) RPS
  1045. Answer:  C
  1046. 19) Which type of information system would you use to forecast the return on investment if your firm planned to switch to a new supplier that offered products at a lower cost?
  1047. 1. A) ESS
  1048. 2. B) TPS
  1049. 3. C) MIS
  1050. 4. D) CRM
  1051. 5. E) DSS
  1052. Answer:  E
  1053. 20) Which level of the organization is an ESS specifically designed to serve?
  1054. 1. A) Operational
  1055. 2. B) End-user
  1056. 3. C) Middle management
  1057. 4. D) Senior management
  1058. 5. E) Knowledge workers
  1059. Answer:  D
  1060. 21) An ESS supports which of the following?
  1061. 1. A) Long-range planning activities of senior management
  1062. 2. B) Knowledge and data workers in an organization
  1063. 3. C) Decision making and administrative activities of middle managers
  1064. 4. D) Day-to-day processes of production
  1065. 5. E) Transactional needs of the organization
  1066. Answer:  A
  1067. 22) Which of the following systems would you expect to deliver integrated, personalized business content through a web-based interface?
  1068. 1. A) TPS
  1069. 2. B) ESS
  1070. 3. C) MIS
  1071. 4. D) DSS
  1072. 5. E) SCM
  1073. Answer:  B
  1074. 23) Which of the following would you use to forecast trends in your supplier's industry that could affect your firm over the next five years?
  1075. 1. A) ESS
  1076. 2. B) TPS
  1077. 3. C) MIS
  1078. 4. D) DSS
  1079. 5. E) KMS
  1080. Answer:  A
  1081. 24) Which of the following is a highly structured decision?
  1082. 1. A) Creating a new product
  1083. 2. B) Estimating the effect of changing costs of supply materials
  1084. 3. C) Calculating the best trucking routes for product delivery
  1085. 4. D) Granting credit to a customer
  1086. 5. E) Forecasting new industry trends
  1087. Answer:  D
  1088. 25) Using the Internet to buy or sell goods is called:
  1089. 1. A) e-commerce.
  1090. 2. B) e-business.
  1091. 3. C) an intranet.
  1092. 4. D) an extranet.
  1093. 5. E) e-government.
  1094. Answer:  A
  1095. 26) Transaction-level information is essential for operational management to be able to direct the day-to-day operations of the business.
  1096. Answer:  TRUE
  1097. 28) A DSS is most commonly used by the operations management level of an organization.
  1098. Answer:  FALSE
  1099. 29) You would use an MIS to help determine if your business should introduce a new product line.
  1100. Answer:  FALSE
  1101. 30) For nonroutine decision making, senior managers rely on management information systems.
  1102. Answer:  FALSE
  1103. 31) Most transaction processing systems use sophisticated mathematical models or statistical techniques.
  1104. Answer:  FALSE
  1105. 32) Managers can use DSS to make decisions about problems that are unusual and not easily specified in advance.
  1106. Answer:  TRUE
  1107. 33) A DSS uses internal information as well as information from external sources.
  1108. Answer:  TRUE
  1109. 34) An organization's MIS and DSS supply an ESS with summarized information.
  1110. Answer:  TRUE
  1111. 35) Operational managers use ESS primarily to solve specific problems.
  1112. Answer:  FALSE
  1113. 37) Which of the following types of system typically uses a digital dashboard to display an array of charts and graphs of a business's key performance indicators?
  1114. 1. A) MIS
  1115. 2. B) TPS
  1116. 3. C) ESS
  1117. 4. D) CRM
  1118. 5. E) SCM
  1119. Answer:  C
  1120. 39) Enterprise applications integrate information from multiple functions and business processes to enhance the performance of the organization as a whole.
  1121. Answer:  TRUE
  1122. 40) An SCM is considered to be an intraorganizational system because it manages information that flows between different companies.
  1123. Answer:  FALSE
  1124. 45) What is the most important function of an enterprise application?
  1125. 1. A) Increasing speed of communicating
  1126. 2. B) Enabling business functions and departments to share information
  1127. 3. C) Enabling a company to work collaboratively with customers and suppliers
  1128. 4. D) Enabling cost-effective e-business processes
  1129. 5. E) Enabling inventory and supply chain management
  1130. Answer:  B
  1131. 46) Which of the following systems is designed to support organization-wide process coordination and integration?
  1132. 1. A) DSS
  1133. 2. B) MIS
  1134. 3. C) CRM
  1135. 4. D) Enterprise applications
  1136. 5. E) SCM
  1137. Answer:  D
  1138. 47) A(n) ________ system collects data from various key business processes and stores the data in a single, comprehensive data repository, usable by other parts of the business.
  1139. 1. A) transaction processing
  1140. 2. B) enterprise
  1141. 3. C) automatic reporting
  1142. 4. D) management information
  1143. 5. E) knowledge management
  1144. Answer:  B
  1145. 48) The four major types of enterprise applications are:
  1146. 1. A) SCM, CRM, DSS, and KMS.
  1147. 2. B) SCM, CRM, ESS, and KMSs.
  1148. 3. C) ERP, SCM, DSS, and CRM.
  1149. 4. D) ERP, SCM, CRM, and KMS.
  1150. 5. E) TPS, MIS, DSS, and ESS.
  1151. Answer:  D
  1152. 49) ________ systems are also known as enterprise systems.
  1153. 1. A) Resource planning
  1154. 2. B) Enterprise resource planning
  1155. 3. C) Enterprise support
  1156. 4. D) Management information
  1157. 5. E) Decision-support
  1158. Answer:  B
  1159. 51) Which of the following types of system enables management to make better decisions regarding organizing and scheduling sourcing, production, and distribution?
  1160. 1. A) SCM
  1161. 2. B) TPS
  1162. 3. C) KMS
  1163. 4. D) ERP
  1164. 5. E) MIS
  1165. Answer:  A
  1166. 52) Which type of system integrates supplier, manufacturer, distributor, and customer logistics processes?
  1167. 1. A) Collaborative distribution system
  1168. 2. B) Supply-chain management system
  1169. 3. C) Reverse logistics system
  1170. 4. D) Enterprise planning system
  1171. 5. E) Transaction processing system
  1172. Answer:  B
  1173. 53) Which of the following types of system would you use to manage relationships with your customers?
  1174. 1. A) CRM
  1175. 2. B) MIS
  1176. 3. C) CLE
  1177. 4. D) CLU
  1178. 5. E) KMS
  1179. Answer:  A
  1180. 54) Which of the following is the greatest obstacle in enabling collaboration between employees at different, distant corporate locations?
  1181. 1. A) Privacy
  1182. 2. B) Permissions
  1183. 3. C) Time zones
  1184. 4. D) Language
  1185. 5. E) Corporate culture
  1186. Answer:  C
  1187. 55) Which of the following would you use to consolidate the relevant knowledge and experience in the firm and make it available to improve business processes and management decision making?
  1188. 1. A) TPS
  1189. 2. B) An extranet
  1190. 3. C) KMS
  1191. 4. D) CRM
  1192. 5. E) MIS
  1193. Answer:  C
  1194. 56) A(n) ________ social networking tool creates business value by connecting the members of an organization through profiles, updates, and notifications that are tailored to internal
  1195. corporate uses.
  1196. 1. A) cloud-based
  1197. 2. B) social-commerce
  1198. 3. C) collaborative
  1199. 4. D) remote, asynchronous
  1200. 5. E) enterprise
  1201. Answer:  E
  1202. 58) You manage the IT department at a small startup Internet advertiser. You need to set up an inexpensive system that allows customers to see real-time statistics such as views and click-throughs about their current banner ads. Which type of system will most efficiently provide a solution?
  1203. 1. A) CRM
  1204. 2. B) Enterprise system
  1205. 3. C) Extranet
  1206. 4. D) Intranet
  1207. 5. E) MIS
  1208. Answer:  C
  1209. 59) Which of the following types of system helps coordinate the flow of information between the firm and its suppliers and customers?
  1210. 1. A) Intranet
  1211. 2. B) Extranet
  1212. 3. C) KMS
  1213. 4. D) TPS
  1214. 5. E) DSS
  1215. Answer:  B
  1216. 60) Using ________ to enable government relationships with citizens, businesses, and other arms of government is called e-government.
  1217. 1. A) the Internet and networking technologies
  1218. 2. B) e-commerce
  1219. 3. C) e-business
  1220. 4. D) any computerized technology
  1221. 5. E) telecommunications
  1222. Answer:  A
  1223. 61) In ________, digital technology and the Internet are used to execute the major business processes in the enterprise.
  1224. 1. A) e-commerce
  1225. 2. B) e-business
  1226. 3. C) enterprise applications
  1227. 4. D) MIS
  1228. 5. E) SCM
  1229. Answer:  B
  1230. 62) Which of the following statements about collaboration is not true?
  1231. 1. A) In business, a collaboration can last as little as a few minutes.
  1232. 2. B) Business collaboration relies on the formation of teams that are assigned a specific task or goal.
  1233. 3. C) Successful collaboration can be achieved through technology regardless of the organization's culture or structure.
  1234. 4. D) One business benefit of collaboration is improved innovation.
  1235. 5. E) Businesses need special systems for collaboration.
  1236. Answer:  C
  1237. 63) Which of the following tools would you use to evaluate and choose a collaboration tool for your organization?
  1238. 1. A) Virtual meeting system
  1239. 2. B) Cloud collaboration
  1240. 3. C) IBM Notes
  1241. 4. D) The collaboration matrix
  1242. 5. E) The time/space collaboration and social tool matrix
  1243. Answer:  E
  1244. 64) Which of the following decisions requires knowledge based on collaboration and interaction?
  1245. 1. A) How long will it take to manufacture this product?
  1246. 2. B) Should we work with outside vendors on new products and services?
  1247. 3. C) In which geographical locations are our products garnering the most sales?
  1248. 4. D) Which product design is the most efficient for the user in terms of energy use?
  1249. 5. E) How can we produce this product more cheaply?
  1250. Answer:  B
  1251. 65) Which of the following is not a business benefit of collaboration?
  1252. 1. A) Improved quality
  1253. 2. B) Improved financial performance
  1254. 3. C) Improved customer service
  1255. 4. D) Improved innovation
  1256. 5. E) Improved compliance with government regulations
  1257. Answer:  E
  1258. 66) ________ allows you to communicate with avatars using text messaging.
  1259. 1. A) A virtual world
  1260. 2. B) Screen sharing
  1261. 3. C) Collaborative writing
  1262. 4. D) A large audience Webinar
  1263. 5. E) Telepresence
  1264. Answer:  A
  1265. 67) All of the following are reasons for the increased business focus on collaboration and teamwork, except for:
  1266. 1. A) the need for creating innovative products and services.
  1267. 2. B) growth of "interaction" jobs.
  1268. 3. C) greater global presence.
  1269. 4. D) the need for more efficient work hierarchies.
  1270. 5. E) the need to reduce communication costs.
  1271. Answer:  D
  1272. 69) Which of the following is not one of the four main classifications for collaboration tools identified by the space/time matrix?
  1273. 1. A) Synchronous/colocated
  1274. 2. B) Same time/remote
  1275. 3. C) Different time/remote
  1276. 4. D) Remote/colocated
  1277. 5. E) Same time/same place
  1278. Answer:  D
  1279. 70) ________ is a collaboration tool that supports remote (different place), synchronous (same time) collaboration.
  1280. 1. A) Video conferencing
  1281. 2. B) E-mail
  1282. 3. C) A MUD
  1283. 4. D) A wall display
  1284. 5. E) A virtual world
  1285. Answer:  A
  1286. 71) Production tasks are coordinated through the use of social networks in social business.
  1287. Answer:  FALSE
  1288. 72) A key word in social business is "conversations."
  1289. Answer:  TRUE
  1290. 73) Supply chain management systems are more externally oriented than enterprise systems.
  1291. Answer:  TRUE
  1292. 74) An example of a remote, synchronous collaboration tool is a Skype conference call using VOIP and webcams.
  1293. Answer:  TRUE
  1294. 75) Global firms can collaborate from different locations at the same time using synchronous collaboration tools.
  1295. Answer:  TRUE
  1296. 76) A website that allows citizens to file taxes online is a form of ________.
  1297. Answer:  e-government
  1298. 79) The principal liaison between the information systems groups and the rest of the organization is a(n):
  1299. 1. A) programmer.
  1300. 2. B) information systems manager.
  1301. 3. C) systems analyst.
  1302. 4. D) CTO.
  1303. 5. E) CIO.
  1304. Answer:  C
  1305. 80) A ________ is a senior manager who oversees the use of IT in the firm.
  1306. 1. A) CEO
  1307. 2. B) CFO
  1308. 3. C) CIO
  1309. 4. D) CTO
  1310. 5. E) CKO
  1311. Answer:  C
  1312. 81) An information systems manager:
  1313. 1. A) writes software instructions for computers.
  1314. 2. B) acts as liaison between the information systems group and the rest of the organization.
  1315. 3. C) translates business problems into information requirements.
  1316. 4. D) manages data entry staff.
  1317. 5. E) oversees the company's security policy.
  1318. Answer:  D
  1319. 82) The ________ helps design programs and systems to find new sources of knowledge or to make better use of existing knowledge in organizational and management processes.
  1320. 1. A) CTO
  1321. 2. B) CSO
  1322. 3. C) CKO
  1323. 4. D) CPO
  1324. 5. E) CEO
  1325. Answer:  C
  1326. 83) Which of the following is a firm's CPO responsible for?
  1327. 1. A) Ensuring that the company complies with existing data privacy laws
  1328. 2. B) Making better use of existing knowledge in organizational and management processes
  1329. 3. C) Enforcing the firm's information security policy
  1330. 4. D) Overseeing the use of information technology in the firm
  1331. 5. E) Acting as liaison between the information systems group and the rest of the company
  1332. Answer:  A
  1333. 84) A TPS is an information system that keeps track of all of the daily routine transactions of a business.
  1334. Answer:  TRUE
  1335. 85) An inventory control system is an example of an MIS.
  1336. Answer:  FALSE
  1337. 89) IT governance refers to the overall decision-making that guides the IT strategy of a firm.
  1338. Answer:  TRUE
  1339. 96) All of the following job categories are expected to grow over the next eight years except:
  1340. 1. A) computer support specialists.
  1341. 2. B) software engineers.
  1342. 3. C) systems analysts.
  1343. 4. D) computer programmers.
  1344. 5. E) database administrators.
  1345. Answer: D
  1346. 97) Which of the following job categories is expected to experience the most growth over the next eight years?
  1347. 1. A) Computer support specialists
  1348. 2. B) Software engineers
  1349. 3. C) Systems analysts
  1350. 4. D) Computer programmers
  1351. 5. E) Database administrators
  1352. Answer: C
  1353. CHAPTER 3
  1354. 1) The interaction between information technology and organizations is influenced:
  1355. 1. A) solely by the decision making of middle and senior managers.
  1356. 2. B) by the development of new information technologies.
  1357. 3. C) by many factors, including structure, politics, culture, and environment.
  1358. 4. D) by two main macroeconomic forces: capital and labor.
  1359. 5. E) by the rate of growth of the organization.
  1360. Answer:  B
  1361. 2) Which of the following statements about organizations is not true?
  1362. 1. A) An organization is a stable, formal social structure that takes resources from the environment and processes them to produce outputs.
  1363. 2. B) An organization is a formal, legal entity with internal rules and procedures that must abide by laws.
  1364. 3. C) An organization is a collection of people and other social elements.
  1365. 4. D) An informal group can be considered to be an organization.
  1366. 5. E) An organization is a collection of rights, privileges, obligations, and responsibilities delicately balanced over a period of time through conflict and conflict resolution.
  1367. Answer:  D
  1368. 3) According to the __________ definition of organizations, an organization is seen as a means by which capital and labor are transformed by the organization into outputs consumed by the environment.
  1369. 1. A) microeconomic
  1370. 2. B) macroeconomic
  1371. 3. C) sociotechnical
  1372. 4. D) behavioral
  1373. 5. E) psychological
  1374. Answer:  A
  1375. 5) Which of the following is not a major feature of organizations that impacts the use of information systems?
  1376. 1. A) Business processes
  1377. 2. B) Environments
  1378. 3. C) Goals
  1379. 4. D) Agency costs
  1380. 5. E) Leadership styles
  1381. Answer:  D
  1382. 6) Which of the following statements about business processes is not true?
  1383. 1. A) Business processes influence the relationship between an organization and information technology.
  1384. 2. B) Business processes are a collection of standard operating procedures.
  1385. 3. C) A business firm is a collection of business processes.
  1386. 4. D) Business processes are usually ensconced in an organization’s culture.
  1387. 5. E) Business processes are typically unaffected by changes in information systems.
  1388. Answer:  E
  1389. 7) Which of the following technologies disrupted the traditional publishing industry?
  1390. 1. A) instant messaging
  1391. 2. B) e-mail
  1392. 3. C) Internet telephony.
  1393. 4. D) PCs.
  1394. 5. E) World Wide Web
  1395. Answer:  E
  1396. 10) Which of the following is an example of a divisionalized bureaucracy?
  1397. 1. A) Startup firm
  1398. 2. B) University
  1399. 3. C) Fortune 500 firm
  1400. 4. D) Midsize manufacturer
  1401. 5. E) Consulting firm
  1402. Answer:  C
  1403. 11) Along with capital, ________ is the primary production input that the organization uses to create products and services.
  1404. 1. A) structure
  1405. 2. B) culture
  1406. 3. C) politics
  1407. 4. D) feedback
  1408. 5. E) labor
  1409. Answer:  E
  1410. 12) The divergent viewpoints about how resources, rewards, and punishments should be distributed, and the struggles resulting from these differences are known as organizational:
  1411. 1. A) culture.
  1412. 2. B) politics.
  1413. 3. C) structure.
  1414. 4. D) environments.
  1415. 5. E) routines.
  1416. Answer:  B
  1417. 13) Which of the following statements about disruptive technologies is not true?
  1418. 1. A) Disruptive technologies radically change the business landscape and environment.
  1419. 2. B) Disruptive technologies may be substitute products that perform better than other products currently being produced.
  1420. 3. C) Disruptive technologies may sometimes simply extend the marketplace.
  1421. 4. D) Disruptive technologies may put entire industries out of business.
  1422. 5. E) Firms that invent disruptive technologies as first movers always become market leaders.
  1423. Answer:  E
  1424. 14) All organizations have bedrock, unquestioned assumptions that define their goals and products.
  1425. Answer:  TRUE
  1426. 15) A professional bureaucracy is a knowledge-based organization where goods and services depend on the expertise and knowledge of professionals.
  1427. Answer:  TRUE
  1428. 16) Routines are also called standard operating procedures.
  1429. Answer:  TRUE
  1430. 18) When a firm buys on the marketplace what it cannot make itself, the costs incurred are referred to as:
  1431. 1. A) switching costs.
  1432. 2. B) network costs.
  1433. 3. C) procurement.
  1434. 4. D) agency costs.
  1435. 5. E) transaction costs.
  1436. Answer:  E
  1437. 19) All of the following statements are true about information technology's impact on business firms except:
  1438. 1. A) it helps firms expand in size.
  1439. 2. B) it helps firms lower the cost of market participation.
  1440. 3. C) it helps reduce internal management costs.
  1441. 4. D) it helps reduce transaction costs.
  1442. 5. E) it helps reduce agency costs.
  1443. Answer:  A
  1444. 20) According to agency theory, the firm is viewed as a(n):
  1445. 1. A) unified, profit-maximizing entity.
  1446. 2. B) task force organization that must respond to rapidly changing environments.
  1447. 3. C) entrepreneurial endeavor.
  1448. 4. D) "nexus of contracts" among self-interested individuals.
  1449. 5. E) entrepreneurial structure.
  1450. Answer:  D
  1451. 21) According to research on organizational resistance, the four components that must be changed in an organization in order to successfully implement a new information system are:
  1452. 1. A) environment, organization, structure, and tasks.
  1453. 2. B) technology, people, culture, and structure.
  1454. 3. C) organization, culture, management, and environment.
  1455. 4. D) tasks, technology, people, and structure.
  1456. 5. E) costs, tasks, structure, and management.
  1457. Answer:  D
  1458. 22) Smart products are an example of the Internet of Things.
  1459. Answer:  TRUE
  1460. 25) Which model is used to describe the interaction of external forces that affect an organization's strategy and ability to compete?
  1461. 1. A) Network economics model
  1462. 2. B) Competitive forces model
  1463. 3. C) Competitive advantage model
  1464. 4. D) Demand control model
  1465. 5. E) Agency costs model
  1466. Answer:  B
  1467. 26) Which of the following industries has the lowest barrier to entry?
  1468. 1. A) Automotive
  1469. 2. B) Computer chip
  1470. 3. C) Solar energy
  1471. 4. D) Airline
  1472. 5. E) Small retailer
  1473. Answer:  E
  1474. 27) All of the following are competitive forces in Porter’s model except:
  1475. 1. A) suppliers.
  1476. 2. B) new market entrants.
  1477. 3. C) external environment.
  1478. 4. D) customers.
  1479. 5. E) substitute products.
  1480. Answer:  C
  1481. 29) Which of the following substitute products would be of most concern for a cable TV distributor?
  1482. 1. A) Satellite TV
  1483. 2. B) Broadcast TV
  1484. 3. C) Satellite radio
  1485. 4. D) The Internet
  1486. 5. E) Terrestrial radio
  1487. Answer:  A
  1488. 30) Walmart's attempt to increase its online presence is an example of a firm using information systems to:
  1489. 1. A) strengthen ties to its customers.
  1490. 2. B) simplify the industry value chain.
  1491. 3. C) develop synergies.
  1492. 4. D) focus on market niche.
  1493. 5. E) achieve low-cost leadership.
  1494. Answer:  E
  1495. 31) A firm can exercise greater control over its suppliers by having:
  1496. 1. A) more suppliers.
  1497. 2. B) fewer suppliers.
  1498. 3. C) global suppliers.
  1499. 4. D) local suppliers.
  1500. 5. E) only a single supplier.
  1501. Answer:  A
  1502. 32) Amazon's use of the Internet as a platform to sell books more efficiently than traditional bookstores illustrates which of the following strategies?
  1503. 1. A) Low-cost leadership
  1504. 2. B) Marketing effectiveness
  1505. 3. C) Focusing on market niche
  1506. 4. D) Strengthening supplier intimacy
  1507. 5. E) Developing synergies
  1508. Answer:  A
  1509. 33) The four major competitive strategies are:
  1510. 1. A) low-cost leadership, substitute products and services, customers; and suppliers.
  1511. 2. B) low-cost leadership, product differentiation, focus on market niche, and customer and supplier intimacy.
  1512. 3. C) new market entrants, substitute products and services, customers, and suppliers.
  1513. 4. D) low-cost leadership, new market entrants, product differentiation, and focus on market niche.
  1514. 5. E) customers, suppliers, new market entrants, and substitute products.
  1515. Answer:  B
  1516. 34) Walmart's continuous replenishment system allows it to do all of the following except:
  1517. 1. A) provide mass customization.
  1518. 2. B) transmit orders to restock directly to its suppliers.
  1519. 3. C) keep costs low.
  1520. 4. D) better meet customer demands.
  1521. 5. E) fine-tune merchandise availability
  1522.  Answer:  A
  1523. 35) Firms use a ________ strategy to provide a specialized product or service for a narrow target market better than competitors.
  1524. 1. A) product differentiation
  1525. 2. B) market niche
  1526. 3. C) mass customization
  1527. 4. D) process efficiency
  1528. 5. E) low-cost leadership
  1529. Answer:  B
  1530. 36) The ability to offer individually tailored products or services using the same production resources as bulk production is known as:
  1531. 1. A) mass marketing.
  1532. 2. B) micromarketing.
  1533. 3. C) micro customization.
  1534. 4. D) niche customization.
  1535. 5. E) mass customization.
  1536. Answer:  E
  1537. 37) In environmental scanning, a firm may use information systems to:
  1538. 1. A) transform inputs into products and services.
  1539. 2. B) analyze the performance of its intranet.
  1540. 3. C) identify external events that may affect it.
  1541. 4. D) keep track of the temperature within its data centers.
  1542. 5. E) develop a unified organizational culture.
  1543. Answer:  C
  1544. 38) Which of the following is not a true statement about value webs?
  1545. 1. A) Value webs involve a collection of independent firms that use information technology to coordinate their value chains.
  1546. 2. B) Value webs are more customer-driven than traditional value chains.
  1547. 3. C) Value webs operate in a less linear fashion than traditional value chains.
  1548. 4. D) Value webs are inflexible and cannot adapt quickly to changes in supply and demand.
  1549. 5. E) Value webs involve highly synchronized industry value chains.
  1550. Answer: D
  1551. 39) Which of the following best illustrates the use of information systems to focus on market niche?
  1552. 1. A) A car manufacturer's Web site that lets you customize the features on the car you are purchasing.
  1553. 2. B) A restaurant chain analyzing local sales figures to determine which menu items to serve.
  1554. 3. C) A bookseller selling an e-book reader that reads only the bookseller's books.
  1555. 4. D) A department store creating specialized products for preferred customers.
  1556. 5. E) A clothes manufacturer expanding its offerings to new styles.
  1557. Answer:  D
  1558. 40) All of the following are IT-enabled products and services providing competitive advantage except:
  1559. 1. A) Amazon's one-click shopping.
  1560. 2. B) Apple's iPod and iTunes.
  1561. 3. C) Ping's golf club customization.
  1562. 4. D) PayPal's online person-to-person payment system.
  1563. 5. E) Nike’s use of celebrities to market their products.
  1564. Answer:  E
  1565. 41) The Internet increases the bargaining power of customers by:
  1566. 1. A) creating new opportunities for building loyal customer bases.
  1567. 2. B) making more products available.
  1568. 3. C) making information available to everyone.
  1569. 4. D) lowering transaction costs.
  1570. 5. E) enabling the development of new services.
  1571. Answer:  C
  1572. 43) Which of the following is a competitive force challenging the publishing industry?
  1573. 1. A) Positioning and rivalry among competitors
  1574. 2. B) Low cost of entry
  1575. 3. C) Substitute products or services
  1576. 4. D) Customers' bargaining power
  1577. 5. E) Suppliers' bargaining power
  1578. Answer:  C
  1579. 44) The value chain model:
  1580. 1. A) categorizes five related advantages for adding value to a firm's products or services.
  1581. 2. B) sees the supply chain as the primary activity for adding value.
  1582. 3. C) categorizes four basic strategies a firm can use to enhance its value chain.
  1583. 4. D) highlights specific activities in the business where competitive strategies can best be applied.
  1584. 5. E) enables more effective product differentiation.
  1585. Answer:  D
  1586. 45) Which of the following represent the primary activities of a firm?
  1587. 1. A) Inbound logistics, operations, outbound logistics, sales and marketing, and service
  1588. 2. B) Inbound logistics, operations, outbound logistics, technology, and service
  1589. 3. C) Procurement, inbound logistics, operations, technology, and outbound logistics
  1590. 4. D) Procurement, operations, technology, sales and marketing, and services
  1591. 5. E) Organization infrastructure, human resources, technology, and procurement
  1592. Answer:  A
  1593. 46) Which of the following is a support activity in a firm's value chain?
  1594. 1. A) Inbound logistics
  1595. 2. B) Operations
  1596. 3. C) Sales and marketing
  1597. 4. D) Service
  1598. 5. E) Technology
  1599. Answer:  E
  1600. 47) Which of the following would a company employ to measure and compare its business processes to similar processes of other companies within their industry?
  1601. 1. A) Benchmarking
  1602. 2. B) Best practices
  1603. 3. C) Value chain analysis
  1604. 4. D) Strategic systems analysis
  1605. 5. E) Secondary activities
  1606. Answer:  A
  1607. 48) The most successful solutions or methods for achieving a business objective are called:
  1608. 1. A) value activities.
  1609. 2. B) best processes.
  1610. 3. C) core competencies.
  1611. 4. D) best practices.
  1612. 5. E) benchmarks.
  1613. Answer:  D
  1614. 49) Information systems can be used at the industry level to achieve strategic advantage by:
  1615. 1. A) building industry-wide, IT-supported consortia and symposia.
  1616. 2. B) raising the bargaining power of suppliers.
  1617. 3. C) encouraging the entry of new competitors.
  1618. 4. D) enforcing standards that reduce the differences between competitors.
  1619. 5. E) decreasing switching costs.
  1620. Answer:  A
  1621. 50) In network economics, the value of a commercial software vendor's software products:
  1622. 1. A) increases as more people use them.
  1623. 2. B) decreases as more people use them.
  1624. 3. C) increases due to higher marginal gain in output.
  1625. 4. D) decreases according to the law of diminishing returns.
  1626. 5. E) is unrelated to the number of people that use them.
  1627. Answer:  A
  1628. 51) When two organizations pool markets and expertise that result in lower costs and generate profits, they are creating:
  1629. 1. A) a value web.
  1630. 2. B) a value chain.
  1631. 3. C) net marketplaces.
  1632. 4. D) core competencies.
  1633. 5. E) synergies.
  1634. Answer:  E
  1635. 52) Which of the following is an example of synergy in business?
  1636. 1. A) Amazon's use of the Internet to sell books
  1637. 2. B) Bank of America acquiring Countrywide Financial to reach a large pool of new customers
  1638. 3. C) Blockbuster combining traditional video rental with online video rental
  1639. 4. D) Walmart's order entry and inventory management system to coordinate with suppliers
  1640. 5. E) Nike's use of technology to improve its product offerings
  1641. Answer:  B
  1642. 53) Information systems enhance core competencies by:
  1643. 1. A) providing better reporting facilities.
  1644. 2. B) creating educational opportunities for management.
  1645. 3. C) allowing operational employees to interact with management.
  1646. 4. D) encouraging the sharing of knowledge across business units.
  1647. 5. E) fostering synergies among departments.
  1648. Answer:  D
  1649. 54) The idea that the more any given resource is applied to production, the lower the marginal gain in output, until a point is reached where the additional inputs produce no additional output, is referred to as:
  1650. 1. A) the point of no return.
  1651. 2. B) the law of diminishing returns.
  1652. 3. C) supply and demand.
  1653. 4. D) network inelasticity.
  1654. 5. E) virtual economics.
  1655. Answer:  B
  1656. 55) Which of the following statements about network economics is not true?
  1657. 1. A) Uber is an example of a business model that is based on the principle of network economics.
  1658. 2. B) The law of diminishing returns does not always apply to every situation.
  1659. 3. C) From a network economics perspective, the value of a community of people grows as the number of participants in the community increases.
  1660. 4. D) Information technology can be strategically useful from a network economics perspective.
  1661. 5. E) In network economics, the marginal cost of adding new members to the network is higher than the marginal gain.
  1662. Answer:  E
  1663. 56) A virtual company:
  1664. 1. A) uses networks to link people, assets, and ideas.
  1665. 2. B) uses Internet technology to maintain a virtual storefront.
  1666. 3. C) uses Internet technology to maintain a networked community of users.
  1667. 4. D) provides entirely Internet-driven services or virtual products.
  1668. 5. E) is limited by traditional organizational boundaries.
  1669. Answer:  A
  1670. 57) Which of the following is an example of a keystone firm within a business ecosystem?
  1671. 1. A) Apple in the mobile platform ecosystem
  1672. 2. B) GUESS and the fashion ecosystem
  1673. 3. C) Citibank and the ATM ecosystem
  1674. 4. D) American Airlines and the computerized reservation ecosystem
  1675. 5. E) Nike and the athletic apparel ecosystem
  1676. Answer:  A
  1677. 58) ________ is a competitive strategy for creating brand loyalty by developing new and unique products and services that are not easily duplicated by competitors.
  1678. 1. A) Product differentiation
  1679. 2. B) Low-cost leadership
  1680. 3. C) Focusing on market niche
  1681. 4. D) Strengthening customer intimacy
  1682. 5. E) Strengthening supplier intimacy
  1683. Answer:  A
  1684. 59) The expenses incurred by a customer or company in lost time and resources when changing from one supplier or system to a competing supplier or system are known as:
  1685. 1. A) retention costs.
  1686. 2. B) preservation costs.
  1687. 3. C) differentiation costs.
  1688. 4. D) switching costs.
  1689. 5. E) variation costs.
  1690. Answer:  D
  1691. 60) The ________ model highlights the primary or support activities that add a margin of value to a firm's products or services where information systems can best be applied to achieve a competitive advantage.
  1692. 1. A) competitive forces
  1693. 2. B) value chain
  1694. 3. C) bargaining power
  1695. 4. D) new entrant
  1696. 5. E) rivalry
  1697. Answer:  B
  1698. 61) The parts of an organization's infrastructure, human resources, technology, and procurement that make the delivery of the firm's products or services possible are known as ________ activities.
  1699. 1. A) primary
  1700. 2. B) auxiliary
  1701. 3. C) secondary
  1702. 4. D) service
  1703. 5. E) support
  1704. Answer:  E
  1705. 62) A(n) ________ is a collection of independent firms that use information technology to coordinate their value chains to collectively produce a product or service for a market.
  1706. 1. A) value chain
  1707. 2. B) support web
  1708. 3. C) value web
  1709. 4. D) consortium
  1710. 5. E) net marketplace
  1711. Answer:  C
  1712. 63) A(n) ________ is an activity at which a firm excels as a world-class leader.
  1713. 1. A) expertise area
  1714. 2. B) competitive advantage
  1715. 3. C) growth driver
  1716. 4. D) efficiency
  1717. 5. E) core competency
  1718. Answer:  E
  1719. 64) A company's competitive advantages ultimately translate into higher stock market valuations than its competitors.
  1720. Answer:  TRUE
  1721. 65) The competitive forces model cannot be used to analyze modern digital firms which face new competitive forces that are not true of traditional firms.
  1722. Answer:  FALSE
  1723. 66) Customers are one of the competitive forces that affect an organization's ability to compete.
  1724. Answer:  TRUE
  1725. 67) High product differentiation is a sign of a transparent marketplace.
  1726. Answer:  FALSE
  1727. 68) The effect of the Internet has been to decrease the bargaining power of customers.
  1728. Answer:  FALSE
  1729. 69) An efficient customer response system directly links consumer behavior to distribution and production and supply chains.
  1730. Answer:  TRUE
  1731. 70) Information systems are used to enable new products and services via product differentiation.
  1732. Answer:  TRUE
  1733. 71) Mass customization offers individually tailored products or services using the same resources as mass production.
  1734. Answer:  TRUE
  1735. 72) Switching costs decrease when customers are strongly linked to products and platforms.
  1736. Answer:  FALSE
  1737. 73) The value chain model classifies all company activities as either primary or support activities.
  1738. Answer:  TRUE
  1739. 74) In the value chain model, support activities are most directly related to the production and distribution of the firm's products and services, which create value for the customer.
  1740. Answer:  FALSE
  1741. 75) When the output of some units in a firm can be used as inputs to other units, synergies develop, which can lower costs and generate profits.
  1742. Answer:  TRUE
  1743. 76) According to the network economics perspective, the more people offering products on eBay's site, the greater the value of the site to all who use it.
  1744. Answer:  TRUE
  1745. 77) The term business ecosystem describes the loosely coupled but interdependent networks of suppliers, distributors, outsourcing firms, transportation service firms, and technology manufacturers.
  1746. Answer:  TRUE
  1747. 85) Why does Amazon need to worry about competitors in online shopping?
  1748. 1. A) E-commerce is affected by the law of diminishing returns.
  1749. 2. B) Internet technologies are universal, and therefore usable by all companies.
  1750. 3. C) Internet shopping produces cost transparency.
  1751. 4. D) The Internet enables the production or sales of substitute products or services.
  1752. 5. E) The Internet increases switching costs.
  1753. Answer:  B
  1754. 86) You are consulting for a natural food products distributor who is interested in determining the benefits it could achieve from implementing new information systems. What will you advise as the first step?
  1755. 1. A) Identify the business ecosystem the distributor is in.
  1756. 2. B) Implement a strategic transition to the new system.
  1757. 3. C) Perform a strategic systems analysis.
  1758. 4. D) Benchmark existing systems.
  1759. 5. E) Set up a strategic transition.
  1760. Answer:  C
  1761. 87) Sociotechnical changes affecting a firm adopting new information systems requiring organizational change can be considered:
  1762. 1. A) organizational adjustments.
  1763. 2. B) strategic transitions.
  1764. 3. C) systems alterations.
  1765. 4. D) business goal transitions.
  1766. 5. E) sociotechnical transitions.
  1767. Answer:  B
  1768. 88) Research has shown that a majority of firms are able to align their information technology with their business goals.
  1769. Answer:  FALSE
  1770. 89) The use of Internet technologies allows companies to more easily sustain competitive advantage.
  1771. Answer:  FALSE
  1772. 96) A firm can be said to have competitive advantage when it has access to resources that others do not.
  1773. Answer:  TRUE
  1774. 97) The law of diminishing returns only applies to digital products.
  1775. Answer:  FALSE
  1776. 98) The inventors of a disruptive technology typically benefit the most from the technology; it is rare that fast followers catch up quickly.
  1777. Answer:  FALSE
  1778. 99) Smart products generally raise switching costs.
  1779. Answer: TRUE
  1780. CHAPTER 4
  1781. 1) Which of the following best describes how new information systems can result in legal gray areas?
  1782. 1. A) They work with networked, digital data, which are more difficult to control than information stored manually.
  1783. 2. B) They result in new situations that are not covered by old laws.
  1784. 3. C) They are implemented by technicians rather than managers.
  1785. 4. D) They are created from sets of logical and technological rules rather than social or organizational mores.
  1786. 5. E) They are little understood by politicians or lawyers.
  1787. Answer:  B
  1788. 2) Which of the following best describes the effect that new information technology has on society?
  1789. 1. A) It has a dampening effect on the discourse of business ethics.
  1790. 2. B) It has a ripple effect, raising new ethical, social, and political issues.
  1791. 3. C) It is beneficial for society as a whole, while raising dilemmas for consumers.
  1792. 4. D) It has a waterfall effect in raising ever more complex ethical issues.
  1793. 5. E) It has a magnifying effect, creating increasing numbers of ethical issues.
  1794. Answer:  B
  1795. 3) The obligations that individuals and organizations have concerning rights to intellectual property involve which of the following moral dimensions of the information age?
  1796. A) Property rights and obligations
  1797. B) System quality
  1798. C) Accountability and control
  1799. D) Information rights and obligations
  1800. E) Quality of life
  1801. Answer:  A
  1802. 4) The obligations that individuals and organizations have regarding the preservation of existing values and institutions fall within which of the following moral dimensions of the information age?
  1803. 1. A) Family and home.
  1804. 2. B) Property rights and obligations
  1805. 3. C) System quality
  1806. 4. D) Accountability and control
  1807. 5. E) Quality of life
  1808. Answer:  E
  1809. 5) Which of the following is not one of the current key technology trends that raises ethical issues?
  1810. 1. A) Data storage improvements
  1811. 2. B) Data analysis advancements
  1812. 3. C) Increase in data quality
  1813. 4. D) Increase in use of mobile devices
  1814. 5. E) Advances in networking technology
  1815. Answer:  C
  1816. 7) Routine violations of individual privacy are made more difficult by advances in data storage.
  1817. Answer:  FALSE
  1818. 8) In today's legal environment, managers who are convicted for the misuse of information systems are still unlikely to be given a prison sentence.
  1819. Answer:  FALSE
  1820. 11) ________ means that you accept the potential costs and obligations for the decisions you make.
  1821. 1. A) Responsibility
  1822. 2. B) Accountability
  1823. 3. C) Liability
  1824. 4. D) Due process
  1825. 5. E) Duty
  1826. Answer:  A
  1827. 12) ________ is a feature of social institutions that means mechanisms are in place to determine responsibility for an action.
  1828. 1. A) Due process
  1829. 2. B) Accountability
  1830. 3. C) The courts of appeal
  1831. 4. D) The judicial system
  1832. 5. E) Liability
  1833. Answer:  B
  1834. 13) ________ is a feature of law-governed society and involves having laws that are known and understood, along with the ability to appeal to higher authorities to ensure that the laws are applied correctly.
  1835. 1. A) Liability
  1836. 2. B) Due process
  1837. 3. C) Responsibility
  1838. 4. D) Accountability
  1839. 5. E) The judicial system
  1840. Answer:  B
  1841. 14) All of the following are steps in the process for analyzing an ethical issue except:
  1842. 1. A) assigning responsibility.
  1843. 2. B) identifying the stakeholders.
  1844. 3. C) identifying the options you can reasonably take.
  1845. 4. D) identifying and clearly describing the facts.
  1846. 5. E) identifying the potential consequences of your options.
  1847. Answer:  A
  1848. 15) A colleague at work takes small amounts of office supplies for her own personal use, saying that this is a tiny loss to the company. You tell her that if everyone were to take office supplies, then the loss would no longer be minimal. Your rationale expresses which of the following ethical principles?
  1849. 1. A) Kant's Categorical Imperative
  1850. 2. B) The Golden Rule
  1851. 3. C) The Risk Aversion Principle
  1852. 4. D) The "No free lunch" rule
  1853. 5. E) The slippery-slope rule
  1854. Answer:  A
  1855. 16) A man steals from a grocery store in order to feed his starving family. Which of the following best expresses the utilitarian principle in evaluating this situation?
  1856. 1. A) His action is acceptable, because the grocer suffers the least harm.
  1857. 2. B) His action is acceptable, because the higher social value is the survival of the family.
  1858. 3. C) His action is wrong, because the man would not want the grocer to steal from him.
  1859. 4. D) His action is wrong, because if everyone were to do this, the concept of personal property is defeated.
  1860. 5. E) His action is wrong, because the grocery store owner is harmed.
  1861. Answer:  B
  1862. 17) Which of the following best describes Immanuel Kant's categorical imperative?
  1863. 1. A) If an action cannot be taken repeatedly, then it is not right to be taken at any time.
  1864. 2. B) One should take the action that produces the least harm or incurs the least cost.
  1865. 3. C) One can put values in rank order and understand the consequences of various courses of action.
  1866. 4. D) If an action is not right for everyone to take, it is not right for anyone to take.
  1867. 5. E) You should act towards others as you would like them to act towards you.
  1868. Answer:  D
  1869. 18) The ethical "no free lunch" rule states that:
  1870. 1. A) if an action cannot be taken repeatedly, then it is not right to be taken at any time.
  1871. 2. B) one should take the action that produces the least harm or incurs the least cost.
  1872. 3. C) one can put values in rank order and understand the consequences of various courses of action.
  1873. 4. D) if something someone else has created is useful to you, it has value, and you should assume the creator wants compensation for this work.
  1874. 5. E) if an action is not right for everyone to take, it is not right for anyone to take.
  1875. Answer:  D
  1876. 19) According to _______, you should take the action that produces the least harm.
  1877. 1. A) Kant’s categorical omperative
  1878. 2. B) the risk aversion principle
  1879. 3. C) the utilitarian principle
  1880. 4. D) the Golden Rule
  1881. 5. E) the "no free lunch" rule
  1882. Answer:  B
  1883. 20) Which ethical rule states that if an action cannot be taken repeatedly, it is not right to take at all?
  1884. 1. A) Slippery-slope rule
  1885. 2. B) Lemming rule
  1886. 3. C) High-failure cost rule
  1887. 4. D) Utilitarian principle
  1888. 5. E) Golden Rule
  1889. Answer:  A
  1890. 21) Identifying the stakeholders—people who have a vested interest in the outcome of the decision—is the last step in analyzing an ethical issue.
  1891. Answer:  FALSE
  1892. 22) Because of their special claims to knowledge, wisdom, and respect, professionals take on special rights and obligations.
  1893. Answer:  TRUE
  1894. 24) Ethics describes the principles of right and wrong that can be used by individuals to make choices to guide their behavior.
  1895. Answer:  TRUE
  1896. 25) Liability is a feature of political systems and allows individuals to recover damages done to them by others.
  1897. Answer:  TRUE
  1898. 26) Which of the following ethical guidelines suggests that you put yourself in the place of others, and think of yourself as the object of the decision?
  1899. 1. A) Kant’s categorical imperative
  1900. 2. B) the risk aversion principle
  1901. 3. C) the utilitarian principle
  1902. 4. D) the Golden Rule
  1903. 5. E) the "no free lunch" rule
  1904. Answer:  D
  1905. 30) The use of computers to assemble data from different sources to create digital dossiers of detailed information about individuals is known as which of the following?
  1906. 1. A) Profiling
  1907. 2. B) Phishing
  1908. 3. C) Spamming
  1909. 4. D) Targeting
  1910. 5. E) Spyware
  1911. Answer:  A
  1912. 31)Which of the following is a data analysis technology that finds hidden connections between data in disparate sources?
  1913. 1. A) HIPAA
  1914. 2. B) FIP
  1915. 3. C) NORA
  1916. 4. D) COPPA
  1917. 5. E) Spyware
  1918. Answer:  C
  1919. 34) FIP principles are based on a belief in which of the following?
  1920. 1. A) Accountability of the record holder
  1921. 2. B) Responsibility of the record holder
  1922. 3. C) Mutuality of interest between the record holder and the individual
  1923. 4. D) Privacy of the individual
  1924. 5. E) Difference between the interests of the individual and commercial organizations
  1925. Answer:  C
  1926. 35) The FIP principle of Notice/Awareness states that:
  1927. 1. A) customers must be allowed to choose how their information will be used for secondary purposes other than the supporting transaction.
  1928. 2. B) data collectors must take responsible steps to assure that consumer information is accurate and secure from unauthorized use.
  1929. 3. C) there must be a mechanism in place to enforce FIP principles.
  1930. 4. D) consumers should be able to review the data collected about them.
  1931. 5. E) websites must disclose their information practices before collecting data.
  1932. Answer:  E
  1933. 39) When a cookie is created during a website visit, it is stored:
  1934. 1. A) on the website's server.
  1935. 2. B) on the hard drive of the visitor’s computer.
  1936. 3. C) on the ISP’s servers.
  1937. 4. D) in the browser's application settings.
  1938. 5. E) nowhere, because they are only used during a visit and are discarded once a visitor leaves the Web site.
  1939. Answer:  B
  1940. 40) The U.S. Department of Commerce developed a ________ framework in order to enable U.S. businesses to legally use personal data from EU countries.
  1941. 1. A) COPPA
  1942. 2. B) P3P
  1943. 3. C) PGP
  1944. 4. D) FIP
  1945. 5. E) safe-harbor
  1946. Answer:  E
  1947. 42) In the ________ model of informed consent, personal information can be collected until the consumer specifically requests that his or her data not be collected.
  1948. 1. A) opt-in
  1949. 2. B) opt-out
  1950. 3. C) P3P
  1951. 4. D) PGP
  1952. 5. E) safe harbor
  1953. Answer:  B
  1954. 44) Which of the following forms of protection of intellectual property requires that the property be the subject of a nondisclosure agreement?
  1955. 1. A) Copyright
  1956. 2. B) Patent
  1957. 3. C) All forms of intellectual property protection
  1958. 4. D) Trademark
  1959. 5. E) Trade secret
  1960. Answer:  E
  1961. 45) All of the following are technical solutions to protecting user privacy except:
  1962. 1. A) email encryption.
  1963. 2. B) anonymous surfing.
  1964. 3. C) anonymous email.
  1965. 4. D) preventing client computers from accepting cookies.
  1966. 5. E) data use policies.
  1967. Answer:  E
  1968. 46) Which of the following protects the authors of a book from having their work copied by others?
  1969. 1. A) Patent protection
  1970. 2. B) Due process
  1971. 3. C) Copyright law
  1972. 4. D) Fair Use Doctrine
  1973. 5. E) Trade Secret law
  1974. Answer:  C
  1975. 49) Which of the following is not protected by copyright law?
  1976. 1. A) Musical compositions
  1977. 2. B) Motion pictures
  1978. 3. C) Maps
  1979. 4. D) Artwork
  1980. 5. E) Machines
  1981. Answer:  E
  1982. 50) Which of the following adjusts copyright laws to the Internet age by making it illegal to circumvent technology-based protections of copyrighted materials?
  1983. 1. A) Digital Millennium Copyright Act
  1984. 2. B) Privacy Act
  1985. 3. C) Freedom of Information Act
  1986. 4. D) Electronic Communications Privacy Act
  1987. 5. E) Computer Software Copyright Act
  1988. Answer:  A
  1989. 51) Which of the following statements about Flash cookies is not true?
  1990. 1. A) Flash cookies are installed only at the user's request.
  1991. 2. B) Flash cookies are stored on the user's computer.
  1992. 3. C) Flash cookies cannot be easily detected or deleted.
  1993. 4. D) Flash cookies are sometimes called super cookies.
  1994. 5. E) Flash cookies can be installed whenever a person clicks a Flash video.
  1995. Answer:  A
  1996. 52) Advertisers use ________ in order to display more relevant ads based on a user's search and browsing history.
  1997. 1. A) behavioral targeting
  1998. 2. B) Web bugs
  1999. 3. C) NORA
  2000. 4. D) intelligent agents
  2001. 5. E) FIP principles
  2002. Answer:  A
  2003. 53) ________ prohibits an organization from collecting any personal information unless the individual specifically takes action to approve information collection and use.
  2004. 1. A) A safe harbor
  2005. 2. B) The opt-in model
  2006. 3. C) FIP principles
  2007. 4. D) P3P
  2008. 5. E) The opt-out model
  2009. Answer:  B
  2010. 54) ______ grants the owner exclusive ownership of the ideas behind an invention for 20 years?
  2011. 1. A) Copyright law
  2012. 2. B) Trademark law
  2013. 3. C) Patent law
  2014. 4. D) Trade secret protection
  2015. 5. E) Privacy law
  2016. Answer:  C
  2017. 55) A Facebook user’s visit to a website can be tracked even if they do not click a Like button.
  2018. Answer:  TRUE
  2019. 56) Malicious software that is installed secretly on your computer by other applications and that tracks your online movements is called spyware.
  2020. Answer:  TRUE
  2021. 57) Most Internet businesses do very little to protect the privacy of their customers.
  2022. Answer:  TRUE
  2023. 59) Any intellectual work product that isn't based on public knowledge can be classed as a trade secret.
  2024. Answer:  TRUE
  2025. 60) Copyright is a legal protection given to creators of certain types of intellectual property.
  2026. Answer:  TRUE
  2027. 62) The problem with web browsers' Do Not Track options is that websites aren't obligated to honor these settings.
  2028. Answer:  TRUE
  2029. 63) European countries do not allow businesses to use personally identifiable information without consumers’ prior consent..
  2030. Answer:  TRUE
  2031. 65) Some forms of illegal sharing of music files have declined as legitimate online music stores have expanded.
  2032. Answer:  TRUE
  2033. 66) COPPA is a set of five principles developed by the FTC that most American and European privacy law is based on.
  2034. Answer:  FALSE
  2035. 67) Although online tracking gathers an enormous amount of information on individual users, it is anonymous and can't be tied to a specific person.
  2036. Answer:  FALSE
  2037. 68) Web beacons are tiny, invisible software programs hidden in e-mail messages and web pages that are used to track and report a user's online behavior.
  2038. Answer:  TRUE
  2039. 72) Which of the following is not a difficulty in establishing patent protection?
  2040. 1. A) Length of time required to receive protection
  2041. 2. B) The requirement that the work reflect some special understanding and contibution
  2042. 3. C) The requirement that the work must be original
  2043. 4. D) The requirement that the work must be novel
  2044. 5. E) The requirement that the work must be a secret
  2045. Answer:  E
  2046. 75) Which of the following is the most common reason that business systems fail?
  2047. 1. A) Software bugs
  2048. 2. B) Software errors
  2049. 3. C) Hardware failures
  2050. 4. D) Facilities failures
  2051. 5. E) Data quality
  2052. Answer:  E
  2053. 76) Which of the following is a primary drawback to the "do anything anywhere" computing environment?
  2054. 1. A) It makes work environments less pleasant.
  2055. 2. B) It creates a digital divide.
  2056. 3. C) It centralizes power at corporate headquarters.
  2057. 4. D) It blurs the traditional boundaries between work and family time.
  2058. 5. E) It leads to employees being paid less for the total amount of work performed.
  2059. Answer:  D
  2060. 79) Which of the five moral dimensions of the information age does spamming involve?
  2061. 1. A) Quality of life
  2062. 2. B) System quality
  2063. 3. C) Accountability and control
  2064. 4. D) Information rights and obligations
  2065. 5. E) Property rights and obligations
  2066. Answer:  A
  2067. 80) Redesigning and automating business processes can be seen as a double-edged sword because:
  2068. 1. A) increases in efficiency may be accompanied by job losses.
  2069. 2. B) increases in efficiency may be accompanied by poor data quality.
  2070. 3. C) support for middle-management decision making may be offset by poor data quality.
  2071. 4. D) reliance on technology results in the loss of hands-on knowledge.
  2072. 5. E) it can concentrate power in the hands of senior executives.
  2073. Answer:  A
  2074. 84) Gaining unapproved access to a computer is not a federal crime.
  2075. Answer:  FALSE
  2076. 85) Spam is legally defined as any e-mail that is unsolicited.
  2077. Answer:  FALSE
  2078. 86) Some experts believe that exposure to computers reduces intelligence and makes people dumb.
  2079. Answer:  TRUE
  2080. 87) Computer abuse refers to acts involving a computer that may not be illegal but are considered unethical.
  2081. Answer:  TRUE
  2082. 97) Digital media differs from a physical book in all of the following ways except:
  2083. 1. A) ease of replication.
  2084. 2. B) ease of alteration.
  2085. 3. C) ease of transmission.
  2086. 4. D) ease of global distribution.
  2087. 5. E) ease of establishing uniqueness.
  2088. Answer:  E
  2089. 98) Which of the following were involved in what has been called the patent trial of the century?
  2090. 1. A) Apple and Microsoft
  2091. 2. B) Apple and Hewlett-Packard
  2092. 3. C) Microsoft and Symantec
  2093. 4. D) Microsoft and Facebook
  2094. 5. E) Apple and Samsung
  2095. Answer:  E
  2096. 99) Which of the following is not a file-sharing service?
  2097. 1. A) The Pirate Bay
  2098. 2. B) Megaupload
  2099. 3. C) Morpheus
  2100. 4. D) Pandora
  2101. 5. E) Grokster
  2102. Answer:  D
  2103. CHAPTER 5
  2104. 2) Which of the following provides a suite of integrated software modules for finance and accounting, human resources, manufacturing and production, and sales and marketing that allows data to be used by multiple functions and business processes?
  2105. 1. A) Process management software
  2106. 2. B) ERP systems
  2107. 3. C) Groupware
  2108. 4. D) CRM software
  2109. 5. E) Supply chain management systems
  2110. Answer:  B
  2111. 3) Enterprise software is built around thousands of predefined business processes that reflect:
  2112. 1. A) government regulations.
  2113. 2. B) industry benchmarks.
  2114. 3. C) best practices.
  2115. 4. D) cutting edge workflow analyses.
  2116. 5. E) the firm's culture.
  2117. Answer:  C
  2118. 4) Which of the following is not true about enterprise systems?
  2119. 1. A) Enterprise systems help firms respond rapidly to customer requests for information or products.
  2120. 2. B) Enterprise system data have standardized definitions and formats that are accepted by the entire organization.
  2121. 3. C) Enterprise software is expressly built to allow companies to mimic their unique business practices.
  2122. 4. D) Enterprise software includes analytical tools to evaluate overall organizational performance.
  2123. 5. E) Enterprise systems provide firm-wide information to help managers make better decisions.
  2124. Answer:  C
  2125. 5) You have been asked to implement enterprise software for a manufacturer of kitchen appliances. What is the first step you should take?
  2126. 1. A) Rewrite the software to support the way the company's business processes work.
  2127. 2. B) Select the business processes you wish to automate.
  2128. 3. C) Map the company's business processes to the software's business processes.
  2129. 4. D) Map the software's business processes to the company's business processes.
  2130. 5. E) Select the functions of the system you wish to use.
  2131. Answer:  E
  2132. 6) Which of the following enables a company to tailor a particular aspect of enterprise software to the way a company does business?
  2133. 1. A) Configuration tables
  2134. 2. B) Web services.
  2135. 3. C) Data dictionaries
  2136. 4. D) Middleware
  2137. 5. E) Groupware
  2138. Answer:  A
  2139. 7) In order to achieve maximum benefit from an enterprise software package, a business should:
  2140. 1. A) customize the software to match all of its business processes.
  2141. 2. B) use only the processes in the software that match its own processes.
  2142. 3. C) change the way it works to match the software's business processes.
  2143. 4. D) select only the software that best matches its existing business processes.
  2144. 5. E) retain legacy systems that best work with the software.
  2145. Answer:  C
  2146. 9) Enterprise systems include analytical tools.
  2147. Answer:  TRUE
  2148. 10) An enterprise system can help reduce redundant business processes.
  2149. Answer:  TRUE
  2150. 14) Manufacturing and production processes include all of the following except:
  2151. 1. A) procurement.
  2152. 2. B) materials requirement planning.
  2153. 3. C) quality control.
  2154. 4. D) transportation execution.
  2155. 5. E) product configuration.
  2156. Answer:  E
  2157. 15) A network of organizations and business processes for procuring raw materials, transforming these materials into intermediate and finished products, and distributing the finished products to customers is called a/an:
  2158. 1. A) distribution channel.
  2159. 2. B) supply chain.
  2160. 3. C) value chain.
  2161. 4. D) marketing channel.
  2162. 5. E) information system.
  2163. Answer:  B
  2164. 16) Components or parts of finished products are referred to as:
  2165. 1. A) upstream materials.
  2166. 2. B) raw materials.
  2167. 3. C) secondary products.
  2168. 4. D) intermediate products.
  2169. 5. E) mid-chain products.
  2170. Answer:  D
  2171. 17) Which of the following refers to a company's suppliers, supplier's suppliers, and the processes for managing relationships with them? A) Supplier's internal supply chain
  2172. 1. B) External supply chain
  2173. 2. C) Upstream portion of the supply chain
  2174. 3. D) Downstream portion of the supply chain
  2175. 4. E) Onstream portion of the supply chain
  2176. Answer:  C
  2177. 18) Which of the following refers to a company's organizations and processes for distributing and delivering products to the final customers?
  2178. 1. A) Supplier's internal supply chain
  2179. 2. B) External supply chain
  2180. 3. C) Upstream portion of the supply chain
  2181. 4. D) Downstream portion of the supply chain
  2182. 5. E) Onstream portion of the supply chain
  2183. Answer:  D
  2184. 19) If manufacturers had perfect information, they could implement a:
  2185. 1. A) hyper-efficient strategy.
  2186. 2. B) frictionless strategy.
  2187. 3. C) streamlined strategy.
  2188. 4. D) bullwhip strategy.
  2189. 5. E) just-in-time strategy.
  2190. Answer:  E
  2191. 20) Why isn’t overstocking warehouses an effective solution for a problem of low availability?
  2192. 1. A) It does not speed product time to market.
  2193. 2. B) It is an inefficient use of raw materials.
  2194. 3. C) It increases sales costs.
  2195. 4. D) It increases inventory costs.
  2196. 5. E) It lowers fill rate.
  2197. Answer:  D
  2198. 21) Which of the following traditional solutions enables manufacturers to deal with uncertainties in the supply chain?
  2199. 1. A) Safety stock
  2200. 2. B) Continuous replenishment
  2201. 3. C) Just-in-time strategies
  2202. 4. D) Demand planning
  2203. 5. E) Perfect information
  2204. Answer:  A
  2205. 22) A scheduling system for minimizing inventory by having components arrive exactly at the moment they are needed and finished goods shipped as soon as they leave the assembly line best describes a ________ strategy.
  2206. 1. A) just-in-time
  2207. 2. B) frictionless
  2208. 3. C) bullwhip
  2209. 4. D) safety-stock
  2210. 5. E) streamlined
  2211. Answer:  A
  2212. 23) A distortion of information about the demand for a product as it passes from one entity to the next across the supply chain is called the ________ effect.
  2213. 1. A) network
  2214. 2. B) bullwhip
  2215. 3. C) ripple
  2216. 4. D) whirlpool
  2217. 5. E) diffraction
  2218. Answer:  B
  2219. 24) Supply chain software can be classified as either supply chain ________ systems or supply chain ________ systems.
  2220. 1. A) push; pull
  2221. 2. B) demand; continual
  2222. 3. C) upstream; downstream
  2223. 4. D) planning; execution
  2224. 5. E) maintenance; development
  2225. Answer:  D
  2226. 25) Which of the following enables a firm to generate demand forecasts for a product and to develop sourcing and manufacturing plans for that product? A) Supply chain demand system
  2227. 1. B) Supply chain delivery system
  2228. 2. C) Supply chain optimization system
  2229. 3. D) Supply chain execution system
  2230. 4. E) Supply chain planning system
  2231. Answer:  E
  2232. 26) Supply chain planning systems perform all of the following functions except:
  2233. 1. A) establish inventory levels for raw materials and finished goods.
  2234. 2. B) identify the transportation mode to use for product delivery.
  2235. 3. C) determine where to store finished goods.
  2236. 4. D) determine how much product to manufacture in a given time period.
  2237. 5. E) track the physical status of goods.
  2238. Answer:  E
  2239. 27) Which supply chain planning function determines how much product is needed to satisfy all customer demands?
  2240. 1. A) Distribution management
  2241. 2. B) Replenishment planning
  2242. 3. C) Demand planning
  2243. 4. D) Order planning
  2244. 5. E) Customer planning
  2245. Answer:  C
  2246. 28) Which of the following manages the flow of products through distribution centers and warehouses to ensure that products are delivered to the right locations in the most efficient manner?
  2247. 1. A) Supply chain demand system
  2248. 2. B) Supply chain delivery system
  2249. 3. C) Supply chain planning system
  2250. 4. D) Supply chain execution system
  2251. 5. E) Supply chain optimization system
  2252. Answer:  D
  2253. 29)Supply chain execution systems provide all of the following functions except:
  2255. 1. A) generating demand forecasts for products.
  2256. 2. B) tracking the flow of finished goods.
  2257. 3. C) managing materials.
  2258. 4. D) managing warehouse operations.
  2259. 5. E) managing the financial information involving all parties.
  2260. Answer:  A
  2261. 31) A supply chain driven by actual customer orders or purchases follows a ________ model.
  2262. 1. A) pull-based
  2263. 2. B) build-to-stock
  2264. 3. C) push-based
  2265. 4. D) replenishment-driven
  2266. 5. E) optimized
  2267. Answer:  A
  2268. 32) A build-to-order supply-chain model is also called a ________ model.
  2269. 1. A) supply-based
  2270. 2. B) demand-driven
  2271. 3. C) replenishment-driven
  2272. 4. D) push-based
  2273. 5. E) market-driven
  2274. Answer:  B
  2275. Difficulty:  2: Moder
  2276. 33) Concurrent supply chains are made possible by which technology?
  2277. 1. A) ERP systems
  2278. 2. B) the Internet
  2279. 3. C) supply-chain management systems
  2280. 4. D) just-in-time supply-chain technologies
  2281. 5. E) extranets
  2282. Answer:  B
  2283. 34) The business value of an effective supply chain management system includes all of the following except:
  2284. 1. A) faster time to market.
  2285. 2. B) cost reduction.
  2286. 3. C) supply matched to demand.
  2287. 4. D) improved delivery service.
  2288. 5. E) increased inventory levels.
  2289. Answer:  D
  2290. 36) As they move through the supply chain, ________ are transformed into finished products and shipped to retailers and customers.
  2291. 1. A) raw materials
  2292. 2. B) intermediate products
  2293. 3. C) basic products
  2294. 4. D) natural resources
  2295. 5. E) nascent products
  2296. Answer:  A
  2297. 37) The total time it takes to complete a business process, from start to finish, is called its ________ time.
  2298. 1. A) development
  2299. 2. B) cycle
  2300. 3. C) fulfillment
  2301. 4. D) service
  2302. 5. E) actualization
  2303. Answer:  B
  2304. 38) A company having difficulty with timely delivery of parts to its manufacturing plants should implement a supply chain ________ system.
  2305. 1. A) execution
  2306. 2. B) planning
  2307. 3. C) optimization
  2308. 4. D) management
  2309. 5. E) touch point
  2310. Answer:  A
  2311. 39) Supply chain management systems are a type of enterprise system.
  2312. Answer:  TRUE
  2313. 40) The upstream portion of the supply chain consists of the organizations and processes for distributing and delivering products to the final customers.
  2314. Answer:  FALSE
  2315. 41) Supply chain inefficiencies can waste as much as 25 percent of a company's operating costs.
  2316. Answer:  TRUE
  2317. 42) Safety stock acts as a buffer for the lack of flexibility in the supply chain.
  2318. Answer:  TRUE
  2319. 43) The bullwhip effect describes consistency and continuity in demand for a product as it passes from one entity to the next across the supply chain.
  2320. Answer:  FALSE
  2321. 44) Supply chain execution systems enable the firm to generate demand forecasts for a product and to develop sourcing and manufacturing plans for that product.
  2322. Answer:  FALSE
  2323. 45) Before the pre-Internet environment, supply chain coordination was hampered by the difficulties of making information flow smoothly among different internal supply chain processes.
  2324. Answer:  TRUE
  2325. 46) Inefficiencies in a supply chain are primarily caused by inaccurate or untimely information.
  2326. Answer:  TRUE
  2327. 47) In a push-based model of SCM systems, actual customer orders or purchases trigger events in the supply chain.
  2328. Answer:  FALSE
  2329. 48) In a pull-based model of SCM systems, production master schedules are based on forecasts of demand for products.
  2330. Answer:  FALSE
  2331. 49) Walmart is an example of a push-based model.
  2332. Answer:  FALSE
  2333. 55) A ________ is a method of interaction with a customer, such as telephone or customer service desk.
  2334. 1. A) point of presence
  2335. 2. B) touch point
  2336. 3. C) sales point
  2337. 4. D) client channel
  2338. 5. E) point of service
  2339. Answer:  B
  2340. 57) ________ modules use many of the same data, tools, and systems as CRM to enhance collaboration between a company and its selling partners.
  2341. 1. A) SCM
  2342. 2. B) SFA
  2343. 3. C) ERM
  2344. 4. D) DRM
  2345. 5. E) PRM
  2346. Answer:  E
  2347. 58) ________ modules deal with issues such as setting objectives, employee performance management, and performance-based compensation.
  2348. 1. A) SCM
  2349. 2. B) SFA
  2350. 3. C) ERM
  2351. 4. D) DRM
  2352. 5. E) PRM
  2353. Answer:  C
  2354. 59) Customer relationship management systems typically provide software and online tools for sales, customer service, and:
  2355. 1. A) marketing.
  2356. 2. B) account management.
  2357. 3. C) advertising.
  2358. 4. D) public relations.
  2359. 5. E) human resources.
  2360. Answer:  A
  2361. 60) SFA modules in CRM systems provide tools for all of the following except:
  2362. 1. A) team selling.
  2363. 2. B) territory management.
  2364. 3. C) sales forecasting.
  2365. 4. D) managing sales prospect and contact information.
  2366. 5. E) managing customer service requests.
  2367. Answer:  E
  2368. 61) CRM systems help businesses achieve which of the following business objectives?
  2369. 1. A) Automated accounting processes
  2370. 2. B) Automated production forecasts
  2371. 3. C) Faster time to market with new products and services
  2372. 4. D) Enhanced supplier intimacy
  2373. 5. E) Enhanced customer intimacy
  2374. Answer:  E
  2375. 62) Customer service modules in CRM systems provide tools for:
  2376. 1. A) assigning and managing customer service requests.
  2377. 2. B) capturing prospect and customer data.
  2378. 3. C) identifying profitable and unprofitable customers.
  2379. 4. D) managing sales prospect and contact information.
  2380. 5. E) organizing effective marketing campaigns.
  2381. Answer:  A
  2382. 63) Marketing modules in CRM systems provide tools for all of the following except:
  2383. 1. A) assigning and managing customer service requests.
  2384. 2. B) capturing prospect and customer data.
  2385. 3. C) identifying profitable and unprofitable customers.
  2386. 4. D) qualifying leads.
  2387. 5. E) identifying opportunities for cross-selling.
  2388. Answer:  A
  2389. 65) Major CRM products typically have all of the following service capabilities except:
  2390. 1. A) customer satisfaction management.
  2391. 2. B) returns management.
  2392. 3. C) call center & help desk.
  2393. 4. D) service analytics.
  2394. 5. E) order management.
  2395. Answer:  E
  2396. 66) Which of the following is an important capability for sales processes that is found in most SFA modules in major CRM software products?
  2397. 1. A) Returns management
  2398. 2. B) Lead management
  2399. 3. C) Channel promotions management
  2400. 4. D) Events management
  2401. 5. E) Customer satisfaction management
  2402. Answer:  B
  2403. 67) Which of the following customer relationship management applications provides analysis of customer data?
  2404. 1. A) Operational CRM
  2405. 2. B) Analytical CRM
  2406. 3. C) Operational SCM
  2407. 4. D) Analytical SFA
  2408. 5. E) Operational SFA
  2409. Answer:  B
  2410. 68) Operational CRM applications include tools for all of the following except:
  2411. 1. A) sales force automation.
  2412. 2. B) call center support.
  2413. 3. C) marketing automation.
  2414. 4. D) customer service support..
  2415. 5. E) calculating CLTV
  2416. Answer:  E
  2417. 70) Which of the following tools is used to analyzing customer buying patterns?
  2418. 1. A) CLTV
  2419. 2. B) Analytical CRM
  2420. 3. C) Operational CRM
  2421. 4. D) Demand planning
  2422. 5. E) SFA
  2423. Answer:  B
  2424. 71) Which metric is based on the relationship between the revenue produced by a specific customer, the expenses incurred in acquiring and servicing that customer, and the expected life of the relationship between the customer and the company?
  2425. 1. A) Churn rate
  2426. 2. B) Customer lifetime value
  2427. 3. C) Cost per lead
  2428. 4. D) Cost per sale
  2429. 5. E) Customer average value
  2430. Answer:  B
  2431. 72) The measurement of the number of customers who stop using or purchasing products or services from a company is called:
  2432. 1. A) switching costs.
  2433. 2. B) churn rate.
  2434. 3. C) CLTV.
  2435. 4. D) switch rate.
  2436. 5. E) turnover percentage.
  2437. Answer:  B
  2438. 73) Walmart's continuous replenishment system is an example of a ________ model.
  2439. 1. A) push-based
  2440. 2. B) pull-based
  2441. 3. C) enterprise-based
  2442. 4. D) supply chain optimization
  2443. 5. E) forecast-based
  2444. Answer:  B
  2445. 74) ________ modules in CRM systems help sales staff increase their productivity by focusing sales efforts on the most profitable customers, those who are good candidates for sales and services.
  2446. 1. A) Customer
  2447. 2. B) SOA
  2448. 3. C) Marketing
  2449. 4. D) Complex
  2450. 5. E) SFA
  2451. Answer:  E
  2452. 75) ________ CRM includes customer-facing applications such as tools for sales force automation, call center and customer service support, and marketing automation.
  2453. 1. A) Analytical
  2454. 2. B) Employee
  2455. 3. C) Operational
  2456. 4. D) Partner
  2457. 5. E) Next-generation
  2458. Answer:  C
  2459. 76) All CRM packages contain modules for PRM and ERM.
  2460. Answer:  FALSE
  2461. 78) Cross-selling is the marketing of complementary products to customers.
  2462. Answer:  TRUE
  2463. 79) CRM software can help organizations identify high-value customers for preferential treatments.
  2464. Answer:  TRUE
  2465. 80) Analytical CRM uses tools to analyze customer data collected from the firm's customer touch points and from other sources.
  2466. Answer:  TRUE
  2467. 84) Which of the following statements about enterprise applications is not true?
  2468. 1. A) Enterprise applications require organizational learning.
  2469. 2. B) Enterprise applications introduce "switching costs."
  2470. 3. C) Enterprise applications are based on organization-wide definitions of data.
  2471. 4. D) Enterprise applications require fundamental changes in the way a business operates.
  2472. 5. E) Enterprise applications are best implemented when few changes in business processes are required.
  2473. Answer:  E
  2474. 85) Which of the following is not an example of next-generation enterprise applications?
  2475. A)Openbravo
  2476. 1. B) Social CRM
  2477. 2. C) Apache Open for Business (OFBiz)
  2478. 3. D)
  2479. 4. E) JDA Software
  2480. Answer:  E
  2481. 87) Next-generation enterprise suites use ________ and SOA to link to systems of customers and suppliers.a
  2482. 1. A) employee relationship management
  2483. 2. B) cross-selling
  2484. 3. C) just-in-time strategy
  2485. 4. D) Web services
  2486. 5. E) operational CRM
  2487. Answer:  D
  2488. 88) Using social networking tools to converse with customers is called:
  2489. 1. A) analytical CRM.
  2490. 2. B) social CRM.
  2491. 3. C) operational CRM.
  2492. 4. D) PRM.
  2493. 5. E) ERM.
  2494. Answer:  B
  2495. 89) Enterprise application vendors are now including ________ features, such as tools for data visualization, flexible reporting, and ad-hoc analysis, as part of the application.
  2496. 1. A) social media
  2497. 2. B) PRM
  2498. 3. C) ERM
  2499. 4. D) SOA
  2500. 5. E) business intelligence
  2501. Answer:  E
  2502. 90) Enterprise systems require fundamental changes in the way the business operates.
  2503. Answer:  TRUE
  2504. 96) Enterprise applications introduce switching costs.
  2505. Answer:  TRUE
  2506. 97) Enterprise applications are based on organization-wide definitions of data.
  2507. Answer:  TRUE
  2508. 98) Churn rate is an important indicator of the growth or decline of a company’s customer base. Answer:  TRUE
  2509. 100) SCM systems require multiple organizations to share information and business processes.
  2510. Answer:  TRUE
  2511. 99) Extensive customization of enterprise software may degrade system performance. Answer:  Answer: TRUE
  2512. CHAPTER 6
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