
The Brutal Ballad of Ralph

Aug 27th, 2012
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  1. 03[16:41] * Ralph ( has joined #terraria
  2. [16:41] <Ralph> i will buy stuff
  3. [16:42] <Ralph> like wings and gps and excalibur
  4. [16:42] <Ralph> with plats and gold
  5. [16:42] <Ralph> i will also buy neptunes pearl or clam or whetever it is
  6. [16:42] <Ralph> i has money
  7. [16:43] <DarkAceZ> .
  8. [16:43] <Ralph> MONEY!!!
  9. [16:44] <Ralph> i also buy cloud in a bottle and hamdrax
  10. [16:44] <Ralph> im lazy
  11. [16:44] <Ralph> it doesnt have to b legit
  12. [16:44] <Ralph> pls
  13. [16:46] <Ralph> i also sell hooks to people lazier than me
  14. [16:49] <Ralph> GIMME SOME DAMN ITEMS!!!!!!!!!!
  15. [16:50] <DarkAceZ> .
  16. [16:50] <DarkAceZ> Tshock them .
  17. [16:50] <Ralph> i cant use mods 4 sum reason
  18. [16:50] <DarkAceZ> .
  19. [16:50] <Ralph> can u spawn them in?????
  20. [16:51] <DarkAceZ> I no longer have Terraria
  21. [16:51] <Ralph> fuck
  22. [16:51] <DarkAceZ> .
  23. [16:51] <Ralph> is any1 else on this chennel!?!?!
  24. [16:53] <DarkAceZ> 54 to be exact
  25. [16:53] <Ralph> y u no respond other people
  26. [16:55] <Hope_Estheim> If you really need items, you can google for an all items world.
  27. [16:55] <Hope_Estheim> That's what I did.
  28. [16:56] <Ralph> ?
  29. [16:56] <Ralph> u mean a custom map?
  30. [16:56] <Hope_Estheim> Yes, obviously.
  31. [16:56] <Ralph> idk how to play one
  32. [16:56] <DarkAceZ> .
  33. [16:56] <Ralph> yes i am newb
  34. [16:56] <Hope_Estheim> Just google it and it'll give you instructions.
  35. [16:56] <Ralph> k
  36. 02[16:57] * Ralph ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
  37. [16:58] <DarkAceZ> .
  38. 02[17:00] * Tarlach (~tarlach@planettar/owner/Tarlach) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
  39. 01[17:10] <Scizor300> how is it that the concept of inter-community trading in a game like terraria entertains me to no end
  40. 03[17:11] * Ralph ( has joined #terraria
  41. [17:12] <Ralph> i tryed to use custom map to get items i need but i need winrar
  42. [17:12] <Ralph> AND THAT COSTS MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  43. 01[17:12] <Scizor300> oh my god my fucking sides
  44. [17:14] <Ralph> once again: i will pay plats for gps wings cloud in a balloon and neptune's shell
  45. [17:14] <Ralph> and excalibur
  46. 01[17:14] <Scizor300> ralph
  47. [17:14] <Da_Wrecka> Ralph: Dude, 7zip
  48. 01[17:14] <Scizor300> you have made my day
  49. [17:14] <Ralph> fuck u Scizor
  50. [17:14] <Ralph> i dont think 7zip is free
  51. 01[17:14] <Scizor300> i don't think i will be able to frown for the rest of the day
  52. 01[17:15] <Scizor300> make that the week
  53. [17:15] <Ralph> just stfo and sell shit to me
  54. 01[17:15] <Scizor300> why
  55. [17:16] <Ralph> cuz i want stuff, i dont want to work, and i have money, duh
  56. 01[17:16] <Scizor300> so you don't want to play the game to get items you want
  57. 01[17:16] <Scizor300> fucking brilliant logic right there
  58. 03[17:16] * Iceman404 ( has joined #terraria
  59. [17:16] <Ralph> well im not equiped to play hardcore mode
  60. 03[17:16] * Ryuspark ( has joined #terraria
  61. [17:17] <Ralph> so ima use these items to get properly equiped
  62. 01[17:17] <Scizor300> please tell me you're talking about the actual "hardcore" difficulty setting
  63. [17:17] <Ralph> no hardcore mode like when u beat the game
  64. 01[17:17] <Scizor300> ...
  65. 02[17:17] * Iceman404 ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
  66. 03[17:17] * Dreazy ( has joined #terraria
  67. 03[17:18] * Iceman404 ( has joined #terraria
  68. [17:18] <Ryuspark> ...
  69. [17:18] <Ralph> or u could come on a server of mine and help me get the soul and materials i need for these items
  70. 01[17:18] <Scizor300> i am in tears right now
  71. [17:18] <Ralph> u actually r turning down plats
  72. [17:18] <Iceman404> Oh my god Ralph
  73. [17:19] <Iceman404> winrar costs money
  74. [17:19] <Ralph> 1 guy offered all these items 4 2 plats
  75. 01[17:19] <Scizor300> i'm turning down an in-game currency that's completely useless
  76. 01[17:19] <Scizor300> yeah i'm that stupid
  77. [17:19] <Ralph> i know it does
  78. [17:19] <Iceman404> Sciz
  79. [17:20] <Iceman404> terripoints
  80. [17:20] <DarkAceZ> hello, windows and mac users
  81. [17:20] <Iceman404> or terraripoints
  82. [17:20] <Hope_Estheim> Scizor is a troll, but it's true that Terraria currency has no value due to a large variety of reasons.
  83. [17:20] <Iceman404> they're worth a lot actually
  84. [17:20] <Ralph> iceman can u use inveditor cuz 4 sum reason i cant and i need stuff
  85. 01[17:20] <Scizor300> honestly i'd admit to that, hope
  86. [17:20] <Ryuspark> Wow... Why can't you get it in game?
  87. [17:20] <Iceman404> iceman u inveditor cuz 4 sum i cant i
  88. [17:20] <DarkAceZ> Scizor300 is not on webchat
  89. [17:21] <DarkAceZ> \o/.
  90. [17:21] <DarkAceZ> y cunt peepl spel heer?
  91. [17:21] <Ralph> people y u no sell to me
  92. [17:22] <Ryuspark> Is he a troll or something?
  93. [17:22] <DarkAceZ> who?
  94. [17:22] <Iceman404> Ralph
  95. [17:22] <Iceman404> you are amazing
  96. [17:22] <DarkAceZ> brb
  97. [17:22] <Ralph> well i just thought i would get some help b4 isaac knocks out meh power
  98. [17:22] <Iceman404> i i b4 issac meh
  99. 03[17:23] * Nientiendo is now known as Nien|homework
  100. [17:23] <Ralph> wtf r u doing iceman?
  101. [17:23] <Iceman404> wtf r u
  102. [17:24] <Iceman404> Are you even trying to make legible grammar here? Please?
  103. [17:24] <Ralph> im right where isaac will hit
  104. [17:24] <Iceman404> Tell issac to fuck off
  105. [17:24] <Ralph> isaac is a tropical storm
  106. [17:25] <Iceman404> then tell issac he's fruity
  107. [17:25] <Ralph> fuck off iceman
  108. [17:25] <Iceman404> Whaaaaaaat
  109. [17:25] <Ralph> fuck off iceman
  110. [17:25] <Iceman404> How does one fuck off?
  111. [17:25] <Ryuspark> Dude, take a joke
  112. 01[17:25] <Scizor300> fuck off iceman
  113. [17:25] <Iceman404> Sciz :(
  114. [17:25] <Ryuspark> lol wow
  115. [17:26] <Iceman404> Ralph
  116. [17:26] <Iceman404> I'll trade with you
  117. [17:26] <best> im back hi
  118. [17:26] <Ralph> what ill u trade
  119. 01[17:26] <Scizor300> what
  120. [17:26] <Ralph> and what do u expect me to give u
  121. [17:26] <Iceman404> Before we say what we need to trade
  122. [17:26] <Iceman404> you need to get winrar
  123. [17:26] <Ralph> i cant im broke
  124. [17:26] <Hope_Estheim> Get 7Zip, it will let you open most compressed files.
  125. [17:27] <Ralph> y do i need winrar?
  126. [17:27] <Iceman404> because winrar isn't bad
  127. [17:27] <Hope_Estheim> So you can open whatever virus or trojan or whatever he's giving you.
  128. [17:27] <Ralph> i could just go on ur server
  129. [17:27] <Ryuspark> Ralph, listen good: You can still get WinRAR... It's freakin free
  130. [17:27] <Iceman404> it costs money though
  131. [17:27] <Iceman404> Ryu no it isn't
  132. [17:27] <Iceman404> my mommy told me it costs money
  133. [17:28] <Ralph> yeah for the 2 weak trial that i already used
  134. [17:28] <Iceman404> mhmm
  135. 01[17:28] <Scizor300> weak
  136. [17:28] <Hope_Estheim> Again, 7zip
  137. [17:28] <Ralph> just get on my server or let me on ur server
  138. [17:28] <Iceman404> My mommy told me that if I was a good boy I'd get winrar
  139. [17:28] <Iceman404> just be a good boy for mommy and you can get it too
  140. [17:28] <Iceman404> :o
  141. [17:28] <Ralph> ill get winrar when i get money bitch
  142. [17:29] <Iceman404> don't you use that tone with me young man
  143. [17:29] <Ralph> stfo
  144. [17:29] <Iceman404> shut the fuck off
  145. [17:29] <Ralph> r we gonna trade or what?
  146. 01[17:29] <Scizor300> my lungs are hurting
  147. 03[17:29] * iLoveMeSomeTerraria ( has joined #terraria
  148. [17:29] <Iceman404> Sciz do you need chests compressions
  149. [17:30] <Ralph> fuck u iceman
  150. 02[17:30] * Ralph ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
  151. [17:30] <Iceman404> Nuuuuuuuuu
  152. [17:30] <Iceman404> ralphy D:
  153. [17:30] <Iceman404> why
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