

Oct 15th, 2019
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  1. [Waypoints]
  2. S 1558 1650 7 Templo
  3. A 1025 911 6
  5. wait 900000 | end
  7. S 1026 909 5 continuar
  8. S 1026 912 5
  9. A 1026 912 5
  11. follow 'Yasuzo'
  12. wait 1000
  13. npcsay hi
  14. wait 500
  15. npcsay trade
  16. wait 1000
  17. buyitems 3021 1
  18. wait 500
  19. npcsay yes
  21. A 1024 910 5
  23. if [$ != 3021] setcavebot off
  25. S 1024 909 5
  26. S 1025 910 6 blessc
  27. S 1026 908 7
  28. A 1026 911 7
  30. follow 'Yasuzo'
  31. wait 1000
  32. npcsay hi
  33. wait 500
  34. npcsay protection
  35. wait 1000
  36. npcsay yes
  38. S 1026 908 7
  39. A 1026 908 7
  41. wait 200 | say "!bless"
  43. S 1026 908 7
  44. S 1023 910 7 continuar
  45. S 1018 907 7
  46. A 1018 907 7
  48. follow 'Minoru'
  49. wait 1000
  50. npcsay hi
  51. wait 500
  52. npcsay yunokawa island
  53. wait 1000
  54. npcsay yes
  56. S 149 1664 7
  57. S 147 1661 7 Caminho
  58. S 138 1666 7
  59. S 127 1674 7
  60. S 122 1689 7
  61. S 113 1700 7
  62. S 98 1700 7
  63. S 75 1701 7
  64. S 51 1705 7
  65. S 34 1726 7
  66. S 32 1746 7
  67. S 28 1751 7
  68. A 28 1751 7
  70. usegrounditem 8265 | wait 2000 | end }
  71. wait 2000
  74. S 28 1755 7
  75. S 29 1747 8
  76. S 26 1722 8
  77. S 28 1704 8
  78. S 40 1695 8
  79. S 45 1695 8
  80. S 48 1694 8
  81. S 52 1694 8
  82. S 58 1693 8 start
  83. S 69 1694 8
  84. S 85 1695 8
  85. S 113 1696 8
  86. S 137 1694 8
  87. S 152 1695 8
  88. S 160 1707 8
  89. S 165 1714 8
  90. S 157 1719 8
  91. S 153 1717 8
  92. S 160 1707 8
  93. S 158 1699 8
  94. S 134 1694 8
  95. S 111 1695 8
  96. S 81 1694 8
  97. S 28 1755 7
  98. S 164 1719 9
  99. L 164 1719 9
  100. A 81 1694 8
  102. caphigher 250 gotolabel start
  105. [CavebotOptions]
  106. Rope: Rope
  107. Shovel: Shovel
  108. SkipNearbyNodes: 0
  109. OpenNextBp: no
  110. LootNearbyTargets: no
  111. LootDistantTargets: no
  113. [Alerts]
  114. PlayerOnScreen:
  115. GmDetected:
  116. PlayerAttacking:
  117. DefaultMessage:
  118. PrivateMessage:
  119. Disconnected:
  121. [CavebotHotkeys]
  122. auto 500 listas 'Open Doors' | usegrounditem 1632 | usegrounditem 1631 | usegrounditem 1629 | usegrounditem 1628
  123. auto 2000 listas 'Pass At All' | allowwalk 2118 140 2777 2776 2779 2778 2780 2785 2783 2784 2781 2775 7864 6371 2809 2808 2807 2805 2803 2799 2798 2797 2796 2795 2794 2791 2469 2471 898 6352 105
  124. auto 200 listas 'DeadRec - CiroScript' | if [$hp == 0] {reconnect | wait 3000}
  125. auto 30000 say !pvp off
  126. auto 20000 say !transformfinal
  127. auto 200 ifnot '$connected' {gotolabel Templo | wait 200}
  128. auto 200 foreach 'newmessages' $msg if [$msg.content ? 'No Protection!'] {setcavebot off}
  129. auto 200 if [$ != 3021] {fastequipammy 3021 | wait 100}
  131. auto 200 if [$self.skull == 3] say kawarimi no jutsu defensive
  132. auto 4000 listas 'Desbugar_SQM' | setcolor 0 255 0 |if [$standtime >= 2*30000 && $inpz == 0] {moven | end}}
  133. auto 200 if [$monstersaround.40 >= 5] settargeting on | if [$monstersaround.40 <= 1] {settargeting off}
  134. auto 200 setcolor 20 200 2 | listas '2°kawarimi Def Life' | if [$self.hppc <= 30] say "kawarimi no jutsu defensive"
  135. auto 2000 listas 'Pass At All' | allowwalk 2118 140 2777 2776 2779 2778 2780 2785 2783 2784 2781 2775 7864 6371 2809 2808 2807 2805 2803 2799 2798 2797 2796 2795 2794 2791 2469 2471 898 6352
  136. auto 200 listas 'Anti Lure' | if [$monstersaround.15 >= 10] {say Bunshin No Jutsu}
  137. set $ciroexpsave 0
  138. auto 200 dontlist | foreach 'newmessages' $ciroseach if [$ciroseach.content ? 'gained'] {set $ciroexp [$token.'$ciroseach.content'.3+$ciroexp]}
  139. auto 200 dontlist | set $ciroexp 0 | wait [5*60*1000] | set $ciroexpsave $formatnum.[$ciroexp*12]
  140. auto 500 dontlist | setpos [$screenright-1100] [$screentop+310] | displaytext "ExpH: $ciroexpsave"
  141. auto 200 listas 'APITAR SE TIVER PK NA TELA' | foreach 'shootableplayers' $pr {if [$pr.isonscreen && $pr.skull >= 3] {flash | playsound monster.wav}
  143. auto 200 dontlist | if [$salway == 1] {listas Area | if [$monstersaround.1 >=1 && $playersaround.15 == 0 && $self.skull <=2] say 'Girochin Raisuiryudan'
  144. auto 200 dontlist | if [$wayds == 1] {listas Combo | isattacking say Girochin Doroppu | isattacking say Raigyaku Suihei | isattacking say Aian Kuro}
  145. auto 200 dontlist | if [$playersaround.40 == 1] {set $salway 0 | end}
  146. auto 200 dontlist | if [$playersaround.40 == 0] {wait 60000 | ifnoplayeronscreen {set $salway 1 | end}
  147. auto 200 dontlist | if [$playersaround.40 == 1] {set $wayds 1 | end}
  148. auto 200 dontlist | if [$playersaround.40 == 0] {wait 60000 | ifnoplayeronscreen {set $wayds 0 | end}
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