
Biomaids v2 Session 01

Feb 7th, 2010
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  1. [22:16] <[Kly]GM> The day is a cold one; it seems that autumn is finally starting to come around in full force. You all find yourself in the back of a (rather nice) limo, driven by a rather normal man, heading towards your new home. A Thomas Thompson was hiring "domestic assistants" recently, and you've all decided to respond to that ad.
  2. [22:17] * [Tess]Clara leisurely reads a small book, glancing out the window from time to time.
  3. [22:18] * Aileen leisurely glances a small maid, reading from her own diary from time to time.
  4. [22:19] * [Rut]Cindy sits with her hands folded in her lap, looking straight forward at nothing in particular. If her mind is elsewhere, she doesn't show it.
  5. [22:19] <[Nom]CeciliaDarling> "This is my chance! I will show them I am a new...whatever I am. Yes!"
  6. [22:20] * [Nom]CeciliaDarling of course does not say this out loud because saying these things out loud would be silly and only a silly character would say this
  7. [22:23] <[Nom]CeciliaDarling> "Yeah, thinking everything out loud is stupid."
  8. [22:23] * [Tess]Clara looks at Cecilia, raising an eyebrow.
  9. [22:25] * Aileen wishes this big dumb woman wasn't in the way of himself(herself, he reminds) and his new... no, target's not quite the right word for it. If it was, he(she) would have done it to her on the streets, in a dark alley where a soul would certainly have not heard a single scream. But she is especially alluring, nonetheless, and the uncertainty makes the proximity all the more thrilling.
  10. [22:29] * [Zem]Irene looks up at everyone, as if to make sure they haven't suddenly vanished; you aren:t sure whether she'd prefer if they were still here or gone. Either way, she doesn't open up.
  11. [22:30] * [Tess]Clara shuts her book to look at the others for a second. As she glances, her eyes meet Irene's; she doesn't say anything.
  12. [22:31] * [Rut]Cindy gets an unpleasant feeling. Like someone's looking at her. Or -through- her. She hesitantly breaks her apparent focus and turns her head to the side, towards Aileen.
  13. [22:32] * Aileen is a dainty little blonde girl, who had a rather lewd look across her innocent face until Cindy took a look, at which point it turned sour.
  14. [22:34] * Aileen casually crosses her legs and looks away.
  15. [22:34] * [Tess]Clara turns her eyes and relaxes into the back of the chair, extending her legs and crossing them.
  16. [22:35] * [Nom]CeciliaDarling crosses her legs as well because all the cool kids are doing it
  17. [22:35] * [Rut]Cindy is also blonde, with short, lightly curled hair and grey-blue eyes, though she is a good deal larger than either of the two sitting beside her. She opens her mouth to say hello, but when Aileen looks away, she decides against it, returning to her former position.
  18. [22:38] * [Nom]CeciliaDarling would describe herself as well if only she had a mirror and less respect for the fourth wall
  19. [22:40] * [Zem]Irene is a short young girl with a cream-colored uniform, sky blue eyes, and soft grey hair that looks very downy. She hasn't spoken at all.
  20. [22:41] <[Kly]GM> The limo eventually reaches it's destination. The mansion is... very large. One of the largest in the nation, in fact. The driver gets out of the limo and opens the door. There is a tall man in a suit waiting for you a short distance from the limo. He's quite old; probably in his mid 60s.
  21. [22:42] * [Kly]Charles greets you all with a curt bow and a stern gaze.
  22. [22:43] <[Kly]Charles> Yes, yes... you all will do. Come. Follow me.
  23. [22:44] * [Kly]Charles turns and begins to head up the steps of the mansion, without much of a second thought.
  24. [22:44] <Aileen> We'll "do"...?
  25. [22:44] * [Zem]Irene follows the man without a word.
  26. [22:45] * [Rut]Cindy clears her throat and follows after him.
  27. [22:45] <[Nom]CeciliaDarling> "Hey! You need to introduce yourself! Or else we wouldn't know who you are and will only be able to get your attention by shouting 'Hey!'"
  28. [22:46] * Aileen is still getting used to the sound of her voice. He tests it every now and then, for somewhere he fears he may utter in a deeper tone than would be respectable for such a little girl... She follows Irene out of the vehicle and ignores the others.
  29. [22:46] * [Kly]Charles slows his step, but doesn't stop.
  30. [22:46] <[Kly]Charles> My name is Charles, and I am the main attendant to Mr. Thompson. My apologies. You were supposed to be here fifteen minutes ago.
  31. [22:47] <[Rut]Cindy> S-sorry...
  32. [22:48] <[Nom]CeciliaDarling> "Oh! I'm sorry, Charles, main attendant of Mr. Thompson, or rather the driver is sorry, or rather the driver would be sorry if he heard that we're 15 minutes late, or rather he would be sorry if he heard we're 15 minutes late and he was actually late himself but he isn't because he isn't applying for the job because he's already a driver."
  33. [22:48] * [Rut]Cindy realizes she's just being paranoid and shuts up. But even if it wasn't her fault, she can't afford to lose this job.
  34. [22:49] <[Nom]CeciliaDarling> "
  35. [22:49] <[Nom]CeciliaDarling> I'm Cecilia! I'm not strange!"
  36. [22:50] * [Kly]Charles chuckles a little bit.
  37. [22:50] * [Tess]Clara looks at Cecilia a little curiously, but doesn't seem interested enough to interject.
  38. [22:50] * [Zem]Irene wonders if this was a good idea.
  39. [22:50] * [Rut]Cindy find it difficult to avoid asking Cecilia how often she struck her head to get like that. But she manages by keeping her mind on her first paycheck.
  40. [22:51] <[Kly]Charles> No, he is not sorry. If he was, he wouldn't keep being late. Now, come. Let's not keep Mr. Thompson waiting any longer.
  41. [22:54] <Aileen> Yes, sir.
  42. [22:54] <[Tess]Clara> Hm.
  43. [22:54] * [Tess]Clara nods affirmatively.
  44. [22:55] <[Kly]GM> The man leads you all inside, into a lobby of sorts. Beyond that is the main hall, a room with a very high ceiling and a staircase at the back. The inside seems... old, somehow. But very well kept.
  45. [22:55] <[Kly]Charles> Please wait here.
  46. [22:56] * [Kly]Charles walks off into one of the side rooms. A moment later, he returns... with another man.
  47. [22:56] <[Nom]CeciliaDarling> "Ah ha! It is not Mr Thompson who is kept waiting, but us! The tables turn!"
  48. [22:57] * [Zem]Irene finally speaks in the kind of voice Aileen fears developing. "The people who were before us did a good job. We shall have to do an equally good one."
  49. [22:59] <[Kly]Thomas> Mr. Thompson is a rather normal man, in his late 20s. Normal height. Normal build. Normal face, with normal hair and a normal (although expensive) suit.
  50. [22:59] * [Rut]Cindy makes a conscious effort to stop her eyebrow from twitching at Cecilia's tomfoolery. What if she makes -her- look bad? Because if she does, someone is relinquishing their wallet before the end of the day.
  51. [23:00] <[Nom]CeciliaDarling> "Aw, you're not really old as well. It breaks the pattern."
  52. [23:00] * [Nom]CeciliaDarling looks genuinely upset
  53. [23:01] * [Tess]Clara pulls a pistol round out of her pocket and twirls it between her fingers, finally speaking up.
  54. [23:01] <[Tess]Clara> Good day.
  55. [23:01] <[Nom]CeciliaDarling> "Ah! She has a gun!"
  56. [23:02] * [Kly]Thomas gives you all a long, hard look, before finally smiling a bit.
  57. [23:02] * Aileen ...gently sidesteps past the freakazoids and sneaks up next to Irene.
  58. [23:02] <Aileen> Pst. Hey.
  59. [23:02] * Aileen gently prods Irene, intent on testing her meekness.
  60. [23:04] * [Rut]Cindy wonders why why WHY everyone has to act like a nutcase. This is the best salary she's ever had a shot at! She attempts to break free of her disgust by speaking up.
  61. [23:04] * [Zem]Irene gives Aileen a look, and shifts a bit, revealing to her alone a revolver in a disguised holster.
  62. [23:04] <[Rut]Cindy> Uh, hey, nice to meet you. This is a beautiful mansion.
  63. [23:06] * Aileen would've gotten a boner if he were still... well, a he, and the excitement runs through her quickly enough that she remembers normal people are 'fraidy cats towards guns and the like.
  64. [23:07] * [Nom]CeciliaDarling also waves her arms around a bit, because that seems to be what people do when they're being afraid of guns
  65. [23:07] * Aileen takes a deep breath, shows both palms head high with no intent to harm, and takes a step back, trying to look fearful.
  66. [23:07] <Aileen> Oh, uh... S-sorry to have bothered you.
  67. [23:08] * [Tess]Clara looks at the
  68. [23:08] * [Tess]Clara others. Looks like the days here will be long...
  69. [23:09] * [Zem]Irene relaxes a bit.
  70. [23:09] * [Kly]Thomas continues to watch, but eventually speaks up after clearing his throat.
  71. [23:10] <[Kly]Thomas> You're all hired, assuming you agree to the conditions. And thank you. This mansion is my very soul.
  72. [23:11] * [Rut]Cindy looks startled.
  73. [23:11] <Aileen> Huh?
  74. [23:11] * Aileen turns to Thomas.
  75. [23:11] <Aileen> Oh. Um. Right. Thanks.
  76. [23:11] * [Kly]Thomas pauses, before turning to the butler.
  77. [23:11] <[Rut]Cindy> Just like th-- I mean, thank you, Mr. Thompson. You can count on me.
  78. [23:11] <[Kly]Thomas> You... did explain the conditions, didn't you?
  79. [23:11] <[Zem]Irene> "Do we have to sign a contract?"
  80. [23:12] <[Kly]Charles> A-ah... no. I thought you wanted to see then right away. Shall I, or...?
  81. [23:13] <[Kly]Thomas> No, I can explain it. You can get the papers.
  82. [23:13] * [Kly]Charles nods, and quickly disappears again. A bit more quickly than he did before.
  83. [23:13] <[Tess]Clara> I'm listening, Mr. Thompson.
  84. [23:16] * Aileen almost forgot what he's supposed to be doing now. Right. Maids. Though he enjoyed fine living when he was still alive, he probably could find a way to burn water under a servant's role.
  85. [23:16] <[Kly]Thomas> Your duties here will consist of general maintenance and domestic labor, as well as any other general tasks that I ask of you. As much as I'd like it to, the mansion does not keep it self in order.
  86. [23:17] <[Nom]CeciliaDarling> "Eh, your mansion is such a slob."
  87. [23:19] * [Kly]Thomas smirks a little.
  88. [23:19] <[Kly]Thomas> Even a mansion as great as this succumbs to time.
  89. [23:20] <[Kly]Thomas> The condition that drives most people away, however, is that you must live within the mansion.
  90. [23:20] <[Tess]Clara> I should have expected as much.
  91. [23:20] <[Zem]Irene> "Why does it drive people away?"
  92. [23:20] <Aileen> What's wrong with living in the mansion?
  93. [23:20] * Aileen interjects alongside Irene
  94. [23:22] <[Kly]Thomas> Families, business, travel... I've heard it all.
  95. [23:22] <[Nom]CeciliaDarling> "We'd be living in his soul, which is squick."
  96. [23:22] * [Rut]Cindy bites her lip, the part about "driving away" falling on deaf ears. Live? Here? In this huge estate? Wait, shit, what about Alissa and Ariel?
  97. [23:23] <[Kly]Thomas> You are allowed two weeks in a year, but other than that, you must live here.
  98. [23:24] <[Kly]Thomas> <Two weeks of vacation*>
  99. [23:24] <[Zem]Irene> "I understand."
  100. [23:24] <Aileen> psh. Looks pretty dandy to me. So it's just people that don't want to be pinned down to one place that don't want to live here?
  101. [23:25] <[Rut]Cindy> I don't suppose we could negotiate sharing my room with some family? --I mean, not now, but maybe later?
  102. [23:26] <[Zem]Irene> "How many rooms are there?"
  103. [23:26] * [Kly]Thomas laughs a little.
  104. [23:26] <[Kly]Thomas> Would the mind working around the mansion? Unless they have an aversion to labor, I don't see why not.
  105. [23:27] * Aileen reminds himself to take a serious look around the mansion sometime. If he gets an urge and is unable to resist, it'll be a good idea to know the layout of this place beforehand.
  106. [23:29] <[Rut]Cindy> Well, uh, I guess... They'd need transportation to school, and... Ah, sorry for bothering you with this so soon! No need to worry about it for now.
  107. [23:29] <[Tess]Clara> I can agree with that. Is there anything about the mansion that needs to be mentioned beforehand, Mr. Thompson?
  108. [23:30] * [Rut]Cindy needs to get a hold of herself. This is a bit much for the first day.
  109. [23:31] <[Kly]Thomas> Rooms? There are 23 bedrooms, and a number of different other rooms. You'll each receive your own. As for anything that needs to be mentioned? Well, hmm...
  110. [23:32] * [Kly]Thomas thinks for a moment.
  111. [23:33] * Aileen makes a "tch" sound with her tongue and looks a little disappointed. He was hoping a bunking system was in place, and is a little surprised that the house supports each maid with their own room. That's at least five rooms just for the servantry, don't more people live here?
  112. [23:36] <[Kly]Thomas> ... no, I don't think so. Nothing in particular, anyway. It can be a bit confusing to walk around at times, if you're not used to it. I'll provide you each with a map.
  113. [23:36] <[Kly]Thomas> Is something the matter, Aileen?
  114. [23:37] <Aileen> Huh? Oh, no sir. I was just thinking about how big this place must be...
  115. [23:38] * [Tess]Clara turns to regard Aileen. Almost hadn't noticed her before.
  116. [23:39] <[Kly]Thomas> It's quite large. I'm sure you'll have a chance to look around between your jobs.
  117. [23:40] <Aileen> Uh, question. I saw a lot of wilderness on the way here... Do the residents do a lot of hunting?
  118. [23:40] <[Atai]CeciliaDarling> "Maybe they hunted away the other twenty-three residents."
  119. [23:42] <[Kly]Thomas> I hunt, on occasion. And there are no other residents currently, besides Charles and myself.
  120. [23:42] * [Kly]Charles returns, carrying a stack of papers.
  121. [23:42] * Aileen rolls her eyes, and tries to remember that he's practically a teenager. In fact, she is a teenager. Say stupid teenager stuff like...
  122. [23:42] <[Kly]Charles> I've... got them, Mr. Thompson.
  123. [23:42] <Aileen> Wait, what? Just the two of you?
  124. [23:43] <[Kly]Thomas> Ah, good. Please hand them to our new employees.
  125. [23:43] * [Kly]Charles nods, handing a map, a contract, and a pen to each of you
  126. [23:44] <[Kly]Thomas> And yes, it's just us. I have guests quite often, though.
  127. [23:44] * [Zem]Irene takes the contract, looking it over with a serious eye, wondering about who is liable in case of an accident.
  128. [23:44] <Aileen> I see...
  129. [23:45] * [Tess]Clara takes them, reading them but not very closely.
  130. [23:45] * [Rut]Cindy skims the contract, as she'd learned to over time. The number of people who would try to take legal advantage of a single teenage provider was sickening...
  131. [23:46] * [Atai]CeciliaDarling takes them, and goes over the contract very, very, very thoroughly, looking for absolutely anything that might seem even slightly off.
  132. [23:46] * [Atai]CeciliaDarling eye'm the seriousest
  133. [23:47] <[Kly]Thomas> The contracts seem to be fairly normal, although the benefits are quite a bit better than one would expect for a maid. Full dental, medical, a rather nice retirement package...
  134. [23:47] * Aileen clicks/pops the cap off the pen and quickly signs the contract. If ever she needs to break it, she intends to make herself long gone from here before she can be held liable for anything.
  135. [23:47] <[Kly]Thomas> ... are there any questions?
  136. [23:47] * Aileen takes a look at the map.
  137. [23:48] <[Zem]Irene> "None so far, sir. Sorry."
  138. [23:49] * [Tess]Clara signs.
  139. [23:49] * [Atai]CeciliaDarling has some misgivings about how nice it seems, but she weighs it against the future needs of her family.
  140. [23:49] <[Atai]CeciliaDarling> "How long have you had this place, again?"
  141. [23:49] * [Rut]Cindy sees nothing out of place, and signs the contract.
  142. [23:49] * [Zem]Irene goes to the opposite wall and uses that as a platform to sign her contract.
  143. [23:51] * Aileen watches Irene walk away. He never really was into the whole T&A thing, but Irene's tail is one he can learn to appreciate.
  144. [23:54] * [Tess]Clara starts twirling the round again.
  145. [23:54] <[Tess]Clara> Well... how will you control the way we work?
  146. [23:55] <[Kly]Thomas> Construction was completed three years ago. I've been living here since then.
  147. [23:56] <[Kly]Thomas> As for work, Charles will usually be the one to assign you tasks. He knows more than I do about keeping this place tidy.
  148. [23:57] * [Zem]Irene goes back over to Tommy's desk and lays the signed contract down gently, then takes her place alongside the other maids.
  149. [23:57] <Aileen> uh-huh...
  150. [23:58] * Aileen does the same.
  151. [23:58] * [Tess]Clara suddenly notices and follows, walking over and placing her contract on the desk. She returns the bullet to her pocket, looking contemplative.
  152. [23:59] * [Rut]Cindy places her contract atop the rest and returns. Oh, and the pen, too.
  153. [00:01] * [Kly]Charles nods.
  154. [00:01] <[Kly]Charles> I already have lists prepared for you all. After you all are done here, I can give you a quick tour and show you what you'll be doing.
  155. [00:03] <[Tess]Clara> Mm, I understand.
  156. [00:03] * [Atai]CeciliaDarling nods, slowly, and goes back to looking over the contract.
  157. [00:03] <[Atai]CeciliaDarling> "...Why'd you build a place so large out in the middle of nowhere?"
  158. [00:04] <Aileen> Nice and quiet, I guess.
  159. [00:04] * Aileen at least it WAS, but Aileen doesn't say that out loud.
  160. [00:06] * [Rut]Cindy stands attempting to appear ready and eager. In truth, it was more the former than the latter, but still.
  161. [00:07] * [Atai]CeciliaDarling eventually signs it.
  162. [00:09] <[Kly]Thomas> That, and... do you believe in numerology, Cecilia?
  163. [00:10] * [Atai]CeciliaDarling looks at a point just about in the middle of his chest, and then shrugs.
  164. [00:11] <[Atai]CeciliaDarling> I believe in a different kind of nonsense.
  165. [00:11] <[Atai]CeciliaDarling> But I believe it rather deeply.
  166. [00:12] * [Kly]Thomas smiles.
  167. [00:13] * [Atai]CeciliaDarling hands over the signed contract.
  168. [00:13] <[Kly]Thomas> This mansion was designed to be built at this location, to help my buisness. The year after it was finished, our earnings nearly tripled... some people may call it superstition, but there is power in numbers.
  169. [00:14] <Aileen> Interesting...
  170. [00:14] <[Kly]Thomas> Ahem. Well, is that everyone?
  171. [00:14] * Aileen isn't really interested at all
  172. [00:14] * [Kly]Charles nods.
  173. [00:15] <[Kly]Charles> Yes. Shall I take them around for now?
  174. [00:16] <[Kly]Thomas> That's a good idea. I should get back to work, myself. If any of you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask either myself or Charles.
  175. [00:17] * [Kly]Thomas gives a slight nod of his head before departing for the second floor.
  176. [00:17] <[Zem]Irene> "Very well." she says quietly, waiting to be escorted to her room.
  177. [00:18] <[Kly]Charles> Now then. If you'll all follow me?
  178. [00:18] * Aileen follows... after Irene
  179. [00:19] * [Rut]Cindy follows, taking in the mansion as they walk.
  180. [00:21] * [Tess]Clara nods, walking behind Aileen.
  181. [00:22] * [Atai]CeciliaDarling goes last
  182. [00:24] <Klaymen> [pause]
  183. [00:25] <Marybot> Saving State... |2:08 MANSION HALL|
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