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AIZombies Map File Syntax

a guest
Mar 16th, 2018
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  1. crate: (location) ; (rotation) //Spawns a solid crate at the location and rotation
  2. invisiblecrate: (location) ; (rotation) //Spawns a solid invisible crate at the location and rotation
  3. ramp: (startPos) ; (endPos) //Spawns a crate ramp from startPos to endPos
  4. teleport: (startPos) ; (endPos) //Spawns teleport flags at startPos and endPos
  5. timedTeleporter: (startPos) ; (startAngles) ; (endPos) ; (endAngles) ; (linkerPos) ; (linkerAngles) ; (teleportTime) //Spawns a timed teleporter at startPos that teleports the player to endPos for teleportTime seconds, and spawns the teleporter linker at linkerPos
  6. door: (openPos) ; (closePos) ; (angle) ; (width) ; (height) ; (useRange) ; (cost) //Spawns a buyable door at closePos that opens to openPos. Cost, use range, and width/height can be changed
  7. doorandspawn: (openPos) ; (closePos) ; (angle) ; (width) ; (height) ; (useRange) ; (cost) ; (spawnPos) ; (spawnAngles) //Spawns a buyable door at closePos that opens to openPos. Cost, use range, and width/height can be changed. When opened, it creates a new zombie spawn at spawnPos
  8. wall: (fromPos) ; (toPos) //Creates a visible solid wall of crates from fromPos to toPos
  9. invisiblewall: (fromPos) ; (toPos) //Creates an invisible solid wall of crates from fromPos to toPos
  10. deathwall: (fromPos) ; (toPos) //Creates an invisible non-solid wall of crates from fromPos to toPos that kills the player when close to it
  11. randombox: (startPos) ; (startAngles) ; (additional startPos and startAngles...) //Spawns the random weapon box at startPos. Additional locations can be set individually after the first pos and angles
  12. pap: (location) ; (angles) //Spawns the Pack-a-Punch machine at location
  13. gambler: (location) ; (angles) //Spawns the Gambler box at location
  14. floor: (fromPos) ; (toPos) //Spawns a visible solid floor from fromPos to toPos
  15. invisiblefloor: (fromPos) ; (toPos) //Spawns an invisible solid floor from fromPos to toPos
  16. deathfloor: (fromPos) ; (toPos) //Spawns an invisible non-solid floor from fromPos to toPos that kills the player when close
  17. elevator: (startPos) ; (angle) ; (endPos) ; (dropOffPos) //Spawns an elevator crate at startPos that flies the player to endPos and drops them at dropOffPos
  18. model:(modelName); (position) ; (angle) //Spawns a static model with modelName at position
  19. bank: (location) ; (angles) //Spawns the bank crate at position
  20. perk1: (location) ; (angle) //Spawns Juggernog at location
  21. perk2: (location) ; (angle) //Spawns Speed Cola at location
  22. perk3: (location) ; (angle) //Spawns Stamin-Up at location
  23. perk4: (location) ; (angle) //Spawns Mule Kick at location
  24. perk5: (location) ; (angle) //Spawns Double Tap at location
  25. perk6: (location) ; (angle) //Spawns Stalker Soda at location
  26. perk7: (location) ; (angle) //Spawns Quick Revive Pro at location
  27. ammo: (location) ; (angle) //Spawns an ammo crate at location
  28. killstreak: (location) ; (angle) //Spawns a killstreak crate at location
  29. power: (location) ; (angle) //Spawns the power box at location
  30. spawn: (location) ; (angle) //Creates a player spawn at location
  31. zombiespawn: (location) ; (angle) //Creates a zombie spawn at location
  32. mapname:(name) //Sets the map name
  33. hellMap:(hellmapSetting) //Sets whether this map is a hell map. Set to "1" or "true" for hell maps
  34. maxWave:(wave) //Sets the max wave count to wave
  35. xLimit:(minimum) ; (maximum) //Sets a global limit on how far players can move on the X axis, acts a wall across the entire map
  36. yLimit:(minimum) ; (maximum) //Sets a global limit on how far players can move on the Y axis, acts a wall across the entire map
  37. minefield: (location) ; (width) ; (height) //Spawns a minefield trigger at location with a width and height
  38. radiation: (location) ; (width) ; (height) //Spawns a radiation trigger at location with a width and height
  39. fallLimit:(limit) //Sets the limit to how far players and zombies can fall down before dying
  40. wallweapon: (location) ; (angle) ; (weaponName) ; (cost) //Spawns the weapon weaponName at location
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