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Aug 24th, 2019
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  1. MACRO 16777222 "Aimedshot" Ability_PierceDamage
  2. #showtooltip Aimed Shot
  3. /cast Aimed Shot
  4. /cast !Auto Shot
  5. /cast !silencing Shot
  6. /cast !Kill Command
  7. /petattack
  8. /run UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
  9. END
  10. MACRO 16777223 "Arcaneshot" Ability_ImpalingBolt
  11. #showtooltip Arcane Shot
  12. /cast !Kill Command
  13. /cast !Silencing Shot
  14. /cast Arcane Shot
  15. /run UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
  16. END
  17. MACRO 16777217 "Freedom" Ability_Hunter_MastersCall
  18. /target Suiro
  19. /cast Ruf des Meisters
  20. END
  21. MACRO 16777219 "Freedom 2" Ability_Creature_Cursed_03
  22. /target Party1
  23. /cast Ruf des Meisters
  24. END
  25. MACRO 16777218 "Kill" Ability_BackStab
  26. /cast Zorn des Wildtiers
  27. /cast Fass!
  28. /cast Schnellfeuer
  29. END
  30. MACRO 16777225 "Killshot" Ability_Hunter_Assassinate2
  31. #showtooltip Kill Shot
  32. /cancelaura Deterrence
  33. /cancelaura Hand of Protection
  34. /cast Kill Shot
  35. /cast !Kill Command
  36. /cast !Silencing Shot
  37. /run UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
  38. END
  39. MACRO 16777226 "Manareg" Ability_Hunter_AspectoftheViper
  40. #showtooltip Aspect of the Viper
  41. /cast Aspect of the Viper
  42. /cast Viper Sting
  43. END
  44. MACRO 16777228 "Misdirection" Ability_Hunter_Misdirection
  45. #showtooltip Misdirection
  46. /cast [target=mouseover, exists, help] Misdirection
  47. /cast Misdirection
  48. END
  49. MACRO 16777220 "Rapidfire" Ability_Hunter_RunningShot
  50. #showtooltip Rapid Fire
  51. /cast Prowl
  52. /cast Rapid Fire
  53. /cast !Kill Command
  54. /cast Rabid
  55. /cast Furious Howl
  56. /cast Call of the Wild
  57. /cast Serpent Sting
  58. /cast Blood Fury
  59. /petattack
  60. END
  61. MACRO 16777221 "Schimärenschuss" Ability_Hunter_ChimeraShot2
  62. #showtooltip Chimera Shot
  63. /cast !auto shot
  64. /cast Chimera Shot
  65. /cast !Kill Command
  66. /cast !silencing shot
  67. /run UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
  68. END
  69. MACRO 16777224 "Steadyshot" Ability_Hunter_SteadyShot
  70. #showtooltip Steady Shot
  71. /cast !auto shot
  72. /cast Steady Shot
  73. /cast !Kill Command
  74. /cast !Silencing Shot
  75. /run UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
  76. END
  77. MACRO 16777227 "Tramquilize" Ability_DualWieldSpecialization
  78. #showtooltip Tranquilizing Shot
  79. /target Shambling Horror
  80. /cast Tranquilizing Shot
  81. END
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