
Mail Draker All Bosses

Sep 28th, 2016
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  1. - Hunter, Black Firebombs
  2. - Merchant Snipe
  3. - LUB skip, pick up Mail Breaker
  4. - Free Griggs
  5. - Get resin, kill Taurus
  6. - Get Drake Sword
  7. - Gargoyles (moveswap), ring bell, bone back
  8. - Level 10 ATT, 17 END, 15 INT
  9. - Buy FC + Catalyst, attune FC
  10. - Get FAP
  11. - Kill Ingward by duping bombs, get RTSR
  12. - Blighttown Skip
  13. - Kill Quelaag, ring bell, bone back
  14. - Up elevator, dupe 5 times
  15. - Rest at Undead Parish
  16. - Level 22 END, 22 STR
  17. - Iron Golem
  18. - Don't buy any blossoms or bombs
  19. - Skip AL bonfire, FC drop down elevator
  20. - 27 STR at Darkmoon Tomb
  21. - Pick up Dragon Tooth
  22. - O&S, warp to Firelink
  23. - Buy GHSA and Bellowing Dragoncrest Ring from Griggs
  24. - Go to Stray, RTSR setup with elevator
  25. - Avoid torch hollows, kill Stray with 5 running attacks
  26. - Get peculiar doll, bone back
  27. - Pull down staircase elevator, kill Gwyndolin, bone back
  28. - Run to Priscilla, RTSR setup, kill the Undead Dragon on the bridge, get the scale, drop down
  29. - Kill Priscilla, bone back, warp to Firelink
  30. - Lordvessel, warp to Parish
  31. - Crest, smithbox, shield, equip it
  32. - Darkroot bonfire, upgrade DT to +1, level 12 ATT, 23 INT, attune GHSA
  33. - RTSR drop, FC drop to Hydra, kill Hydra (need 2 arrows for 3 cycle)
  34. - Dusk, bone back, upgrade DT to +2
  35. - Seath, get Pendant, do FC drop
  36. - RTSR setup, Sif
  37. - Butterfly with 5 GHSAs. Dupe Sif soul twice then start shooting almost right away
  38. - FC drop down ladder
  39. - Guardian
  40. - Buy HB, do RWS (use GHSA to kill Gardener)
  41. - Buy 6 blossoms from Chester + 2 Firebombs + 1 Lloyd's Talisman
  42. - Trigger Kalameet, kill the dogs with running attacks
  43. - Artorias
  44. - Rest at Township bonfire, get 14 ATT and 37 INT, attune HB
  45. - FC drop down the elevator, cast HB, get Crest Key by using Talisman + GHSA, equip DCR
  46. - Get Dark Bead, kill the sorceress with GHSA
  47. - Manus
  48. - Talk to Gough
  49. - Kalameet
  50. - Warp to Firelink, get rid of FAP ring for BDR + RTSR
  51. - Rest there, attune Dark Bead over GHSA
  52. - Only use Dark Bead from now on to kill bosses
  53. - Four Kings, Pinwheel, Nito, Capra, Gaping
  54. - Blighttown Skip
  55. - Rest at Ceaseless bonfire, put everything into VIT (20+)
  56. - Ceaseless, Firesage, Centipede, BoC (can use blossom here)
  57. - Gwyn (20 VIT allows you to survive RTSR setup, put on gloves if you don't have 4+ soft humanities)
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