
Caramel Sundae (CaramelXAnon)

Dec 31st, 2012
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  1. >The day was long, and the job tiresome, but today is Friday, so it's off to the bar for you.
  2. >Having a seat at the front just feet away from the bartender, you wave him down.
  3. >"What are ya having today Anon?" he asks "The usual?"
  4. "You know it." you confirm as he sets off to prepare your signature drink.
  5. >With a relaxed sigh, you stretch out and catch a glance at the door.
  6. >Big Mac comes trotting in and behind his is a pony you recognize, but don't fully recall his name.
  7. >Big Mac swings his head and spots you waving him over. He and the stallion approach slowly and Big Mac sits besides you while the other stallion sits next to Big Mac, away from you.
  8. >You look up at him, and when you realize that the both of you had made eye contact, you both shift gazes away from each other.
  9. >"Anon, this here is Caramel, he helps me out on tha farm and durin winter wrap up."
  10. "Hey nice to meet ya." You awkwardly wave at him
  11. >"Caramel, this here is Anon, he's mah friend."
  12. "Tsk, I didn't know we were friends." you say in a joking manner.
  13. >"Anon, order me a beer, and get something fer Caramel. He don't drink much, so recommend him something soft." Big Mac said getting up "I got tah drain the lake real quick."
  14. "Sure." you reply as he walks away
  15. >Looking over, the bartender is already by your side with you're drink in front of you.
  16. "Can I get a pint of any beer, and a Hurricane Fluttershy?" You ask picking up the drink and taking a sip.
  17. >The bartender looks over at you and nods with a smile before leaving to prepare the other drinks.
  18. >With nobody around, you and Caramel size each other up, while doing so, you think of what to say next.
  19. >"So Big Mac talks about you a lot." Caramel says beating you to the social punch.
  20. "Really? Anything positive?" You ask with a little sarcasm
  21. >"Umm yeah, mostly." he says a little to seriously,
  22. >You shift in your seat at how stuffy and uncomfortable this situation is.
  23. >The guy is no fun, just what you need, another stick in the mud pony to talk with.
  24. >Soarin was the only stallion that was fun to talk with, but that guy is always to busy to come down.
  25. >Still the first interactions are always the most uneasy, maybe you should give the guy some time. Both he and you are uncomfortable and out of your element, maybe that will change when the beer loosens you up.
  27. >Big Mac gets back from his trip to the bathroom, and sits back where he was.
  28. >Seeing his beer waiting for him, he takes it and knocks it back. One mighty gulp after the other, he downs half of it and exhales violently before wooing to himself.
  29. >"Damn that's a fine drink." he says "How bout you Caramel? Ol Anon treat ya right?"
  30. >"Huh?" He says stupidly "Oh's good." he says trying to be polite but you could tell he was not enjoying the drink at all.
  31. >Forcing down another quick sip, he retches as the strong drink burns his throat.
  33. >Waving over the bartender, he leans in.
  34. "You got anything sweeter for my friend over there; he doesn't seem to like his drink."
  35. >Over hearing you, he turns over
  36. >"I can handle it." He says before looking at his drink with a determined glare. "Give me a straw." He says sternly
  37. >The bartender reaches down and comes back up with a straw. Tossing it over to Caramel, he opens it up and dips it into his drink.
  38. >Bracing himself, he places his lips over it and sucks up the drink.
  39. >Watching the contents of his glass get lower, and lower, he stops abruptly and wheezes. Coughing violently, he grits his teeth and after a moment of rest he resumes his task of drinking.
  40. >"Go Caramel, go!" Big Mac drunkingly cheers as the light brown stallion sips the last of the drink through the straw
  41. >With his glass empty, he holds himself up with his hooves and pants feeling physically drained from the task.
  42. >"See? No problem." He says panting before resting his head on the table and groaning.
  43. >Big Mac chuckles and pats him on the back “Try not tah stress yerself, jus keep at a pace yer comfortable with.”
  44. >”I can handle it.” He strains, “Give me another.”
  46. >"Sure thing chief." The bartender replies as he walks away
  47. >Sitting at the table in silence, nobody says anything else.
  48. >Occasionally you steal glances at Caramel as he sits quietly on the stool.
  49. >He is by no means a large stallion like Big Mac, but he's not small either.
  50. >From what you gather, he seems more like a homebody type, rather than a night owl.
  51. >He shifts his eye slightly to look over at you, and you shift yours away.
  52. >Big Mac notices the both of you looking over at one another.
  53. >"Ya know Anon, Caramel here likes to see them fancy games you like."
  54. "You mean Hoofball?" You ask sarcastically, honestly how can the very pillar of manhood not know what Hoofball is called by now?
  55. >Even you picked up on it quickly, and you're a god damn foreigner.
  56. >"Yah, that thang. Real big sports fan, ain't that right Caramel?"
  57. >"Mmhmm." He mumbles with a nod,
  58. "Oh really, whose your favorite team?"
  59. >"The Dodge City Mustangs."
  60. "What?! Those guys are terrible." You laugh, "They barely count as a professional team."
  61. >"It's my team." He shrugs, before laying his head on the table and yawning.
  62. >The bartender comes up and places his drink by his face and begins to walk away.
  63. "Last thing I swear." You say to him "Can I get the biggest sandwich you got? And some water?"
  64. >"Its fine," The bartender smiles "I'll send the mare over with it as soon as it’s done."
  65. "Thanks boss."
  66. >Looking over, you see Caramel sipping down his second drink almost as fast as the first.
  67. "You know, those drinks are pretty strong, they're not like soda. You may want to take it easy."
  68. >Caramel looks at you seriously before snickering loudly, placing his head on the table he starts laughing.
  69. >"I'm fine...just kinda...*inhales* out of it."
  70. >Big Mac looks over at him and smiles before finishing off his drink.
  71. "So how have you and Cheerilee been doing?"
  72. >"All right, still teaching, and what not. Might take a trip to Las Pegasus in the summer."
  73. "Nice."
  74. >That lucky s.o.b, he makes mad money on the farm, he's dating a hot teacher, which has always been a fantasy you wanted to experience, and he can take vacations just like that.
  75. >While you work a cruddy nine to five with a nice, but low paying mare.
  76. >Well no point in getting all green eyes over it, Big Mac was a nice enough guy.
  77. >Still didn't stop you from feeling a little jaded though.
  78. >Knocking back your own drink, you shake off the burn and get up.
  79. >"Callin it a night?"
  80. "Nah just gotta take a piss, be right back."
  82. >In the bathroom, you look at yourself in the mirror and splash some water on your face.
  83. >Drying up, you head over to the urinal and do your thing.
  84. >After some clean up and buttoning up your pants, you leave the bathroom not bothering to wash your hands.
  85. >Strolling back to the table, you spot Big Mac and Caramel. Apparently the bartender brought the food.
  86. >Going back to your seat, you sigh tiredly
  87. >"So what troubles ya Anon?" Big Mac asks
  88. "Oh you know, the usual." You sigh
  89. >"Ah, well don't let it get ya down, Hearts and Hooves days is still a ways off. So how's the job been treating ya?"
  90. "No complaints, Roseluck is a very nice mare, but I wish the pay was a little more. So..”
  91. >Suddenly Caramel starts snickering loudly again, distracted, you and Big Mac look over and see him giggling up a storm by himself.
  92. “Why did you bring that guy anyway?” You whisper,
  93. >“He’s all right by me; he works hard, keeps to himself, and is a gentle soul, he don’t get out much though, so I dragged him along.” He says looking over at Caramel “Hey Caramel, you all right there buddy?”
  94. >”Yeah..I’m fine…” He inhales “Its jus…gfheaer” He mumbles sticking his sandwich into his mouth and chewing lazily
  95. “Man he is fucked up.” You comment
  96. >”No um not..” He says before trailing off again and eating his sandwich
  97. >”Here drink some water; it’ll make ya feel better.” Big Mac says pushing the cup in his direction
  98. >“I don wanna.” Caramel replies pushing it back, but ends up spilling it on the counter, and the glass rolls down and shatters.
  99. >”Oh for the love of Luna!” The bartender shouts angrily from down the aisle
  100. >”Anon, can ya take Caramel outside while I pay the tab?”
  101. >Being the first to get up, you and Big Mac help Caramel to his feet; he stumbled about just from getting off his chair, and he leans into Big Mac for support.
  102. >Big Mac gently nudges him towards you, and he in turn leans on your chest, you keep him balanced while he wobbles forward.
  103. >Walking away you catch Big Mac saying ”Ahm very sorry, I didn’t think he would..”
  104. >Before the sounds of the other patrons drown him out, outside the bar, you lean against the wall with Caramel still leaning on you.
  105. >No point in letting him rest on the floor, who knows how hard it would be to get him back up.
  106. >Though awake and looking around, you can tell he is drunk off his ass. Dozing in and out, he rests his head on your chest and closes his eyes.
  107. “Hey wake up.” You say giving him a slight slap on the side of the face, he doesn’t respond, so you shake his head a little.
  108. >His soft plush coat spreads apart as your fingers imprint themselves when you try to grasp his face.
  109. >He grumbles a couple of times before going back to resting, the door to the side opens, and you see Big Mac come trotting out.
  110. >”Sorry ta keep ya waitin Anon, thanks fer lookin after Caramel, jus leave him tah me, I’ll take him home.” He says as you guide Caramel over to him, getting adjusted, he begins the long walk to wherever that stallion lives.
  111. >Watching them walk away, you look down at the hands you used to hold Caramel; they pulse with a strange tickle as you remember how soft his coat was.
  112. >Rubbing them together vigorously, you put your hands in your pockets and walk back home.
  114. >The dawn sneaks up on you as you awake to find that you’re late for work, with a tired sigh, you get out of bed and rush to get ready.
  115. >Skipping the shower, you brush your teeth and get dressed before bolting out the door.
  116. >At work, you hastily put together the shop and set the flowers in the order she likes.
  117. >Changing the closed sign to open, you breathe a sigh of relief that you were able to beat your boss to the punch today.
  118. >Hour after hour crawls along with the occasional sale of a rose or a bouquet, and before you know it, its time to call it a day.
  119. >After you put everything away and close up shop, you begin the long walk back home.
  120. >Such is the daily grind; you awake, work, and go home to repeat the process the next day.
  121. >Monday passes in this way, as does Tuesday, then Wednesday, Thursday, and finally Friday.
  122. >The only highlight of your whole week, the Friday night when you get to hit the bar and talk with Big Mac.
  123. >As you wrap up the stand, Rose Luck walks up to you, “Got any plans for tonight?” She asks just for the sake of asking and being polite.
  124. “Not really.” You reply throwing the last batch of dying roses into the compost bucket for the pile back home.
  125. >”Aww that’s so sad.” She says with empathy that only women can muster,
  126. “I’ll be fine.” You chuckle “I just don’t have anything big planned today.”
  127. “Still, today is payday.” She says pulling out a bag of bits “So take these bits and go do something big then, oh and take this too.”
  128. >Reaching over to a vase with nice roses, she pulls out one and gives it to you. As you look at it, she shoots you a wink “Give it to some lucky mare, she’ll love it I guarantee it.”
  129. “Thanks.” You reply lacking any tone of excitement “But I don’t really have much luck with mares most of the time.”
  130. >”Don’t say that, ya just haven’t found the right one.” She smiles being optimistic as always
  131. “Well thanks for the rose and money.” You nod “I’ll see ya Monday.”
  133. >Getting back home, you toss the rose on the counter and make for the bathroom. After a nice shower, you dry up and change.
  134. >You still got some time before Big Mac shows up, thinking about what Rose had told you, you look over at the counter and spot her signature rose.
  135. “Fine.” You say to yourself before getting up and taking the rose, shoving it into your shirt pocket, you walk out the door.
  136. >Entering the bar, you look around checking out the mares at the different booths and tables.
  137. >Most are with stallions already, but you spot a few by themselves. One in particular, a light brown mare with her mane in a pony tail, sits at the front nursing a drink in the corner.
  138. “All right Anon, you can do this.” You whisper before walking over to her general area and sitting about two seats away.
  139. >She glances over at you and smiles politely,
  140. “Enjoying your drink?” You smile
  141. >”Oh yeah…” She replies before looking down at it
  142. “What did ya get?” You ask getting her attention again,
  143. >“Umm just a martini.”
  144. >She goes back to looking at her drink completely avoiding eye contact with you.
  145. >Well she’s a cold fish, no point in wasting either of your time. With a sigh you get up and walk down to a booth. Sitting by yourself, you look around again and spot another mare sitting by herself.
  146. >Twiddling your fingers, you get back up and walk over to her. As you approach, a stallion comes walking over to her as well and sits by her.
  147. >She appears to know him, and the two start chatting, luckily there’s a bathroom further down, and so you save face by pretending to go to it.
  149. >In the bathroom, you look at yourself in the mirror and despise how badly this evening is starting.
  150. >You can’t give up just yet though, breathing in and out, you wash up and go outside.
  151. >It seems a few of the single mares have left, but that’s fine, you needed sometime to get your bearings again.
  152. >Walking over to the front of bar and sitting in the middle, you try to be open and approachable looking.
  153. >”Same as always chief?” The bartender asks recognizing you
  154. “Yeah.” As he is leaving, you call him “Hey wait,”
  155. >He stops and looks back at you
  156. “What’s a good drink for a mare?”
  157. >He chuckles before walking up to you “Between you and me, most mares come here only lookin for a nice strong drink, and the ones that do come looking for a stallion, aint the ones you want to talk with.” He says using his eyes to motion over to a part of the bar, looking back, you see an older looking mare with a dark blue coat and mane with white strands sticking out here and there.
  158. >”They’re what you call, ladies of the night. Not really marefriend material. But that’s just between you and me.”
  159. “Maybe all I want is company for the night.” You say in a self hating tone
  160. >”It aint worth it. Just hang tight, you’ll find her one day.” Ending the conversation, he goes back to doing his work.
  161. >Swishing the drink you got about an hour ago, you think back to what the bartender told you. Right now, any attention from the opposite sex sounds good, even if its fake and you have to pay for it.
  163. >Then again, who knows how many stallions that seasoned mare has been with, hell if even the bartender himself told you not to go for it, it can’t be a good sign.
  164. >Still doesn’t stop you from mulling over the idea.
  165. >Looking up at the clock, it’s almost time for Big Mac to show up. He might bring that Caramel guy with him too.
  166. >It was another 20 minutes before Big Mac comes walking, sure enough Caramel is right behind him.
  167. >The two see you and walk up to the front, this time around, they each take a seat besides you.
  168. >”Evenin Anon.” Big Mac says as Caramel quietly sits next to you not saying a word,
  169. “Sup.”
  170. >The bartender walks up and takes their orders before disappearing in the back.
  171. >”So Anon, how was your week?” Asks Caramel as you take a sip
  172. “Same as every week, work, sleep, repeat.”
  173. >”I hear that.” He smiles
  174. >Things are silent for a minute before you turn over to him
  175. “What about you Caramel? What do you do for a living?”
  176. >”I work odd jobs; do what I can, when I can. But I mostly just help out Big Mac on the farm with construction and barn repair.”
  177. >”Ol Caramel here is a wiz at fixin just about anythin that breaks down.” Adds Big Mac “He also gots a knack fer horse shoes, he did wonders on mine.” He says looking at them
  178. “Hmm” You say before going back to drinking
  179. >”What about you Anon?” Caramel asks “What do you for a living? Wait, let me guess, you work at a flower shop right?”
  180. “How the fuck did you know that?” You say startled
  181. >He smiles and uses his hoof to point at your shirt; you look down and see the bright red rose. You face palm and chuckle
  182. “I honestly forgot I had that with me.”
  183. >He laughs and sips up some of his Pina Colada as you look at him and smile.
  184. ("Big Mac is right, the guy is pretty cool.") You think
  186. >Saturday morning passes you by, and you awake to the afternoon.
  187. >Letting out a loud, drawn out yawn, you stretch out and get out of bed.
  188. >After freshening up, you head downstairs and into the kitchen.
  189. >Opening the fridge, its contents are empty, just like your belly.
  190. >As your stomach grumbles out, you close the door and head back upstairs to change.
  191. >Walking down the beaten path, you mull over your choices of where to eat.
  192. >Fuck buying groceries and having to go back to cook it.
  193. >Spotting a sandwich shop you frequent, you walk in and seat yourself.
  194. >A light aqua mare trots over and smiles "Can I take your order?"
  195. "Yeah, I'll have 3 tofu-dogs and a large side of hay fries with a soda." You say without even looking at the menu.
  196. >"My, we sure are hungry today." She giggles
  197. "A little." You joke, as she laughs back before smiling and walking away.
  198. >Waiting for the order, you think about the mare you just talked with while taking long drinks of the soda you have.
  199. >She was cute and perky, and she seemed to enjoy talking with you, despite it being brief.
  200. >She returns to refill your drink for the 2nd time. "I’m sorry this is taking so long sir."
  201. "These things happen." You say casually "Busy day so far?"
  202. >"Oh Celestial yes." She groans tiredly "It's been one rush after another, I just want to go home."
  203. "You'll get there." You smile as she takes her leave.
  204. >Several minutes later, the mare brings you the food.
  205. >Deciding to play it cool, you give her just a little nod and smile. After she leaves, you start on one of the hotdogs.
  206. >It's all right, nothing spectacular aside from being a nice protein fix. The real taste comes from the hay fries; by god those things are delicious.
  207. >Crispy and golden on the outside, fluffy and moist on the inside. Handful after handful, you shove them into your mouth.
  208. >Swallowing the food, you wash it down with big gulps of soda. It's a pleasant sweet burn as you exhale in pure bliss.
  209. >After laying to waste the fries and dogs, you go to the bathroom to clean up.
  210. >After all the crumbs and grease has been cleaned off, you head back to the table and see the mare cleaning up.
  211. >She looks up at you approaching, and gives you a friendly smile. "Enjoyed your meal?"
  212. "Very." You smile patting your stomach; she giggles and continues wiping down the table, you stay nearby for a minute before she looks at you.
  213. >”I’m sorry, did youuu forget something?” She asks
  214. “Well I didn’t get your name.”
  215. >“Lyra.”
  216. “So Lyra, you wanna *inhales* do something sometime?”
  217. >She tilts her head and cocks her eyebrow in confusion
  218. “What I mean is if you want to go out and do something with me, I had fun talking with you, and wanted to see if we could do it again.”
  219. >”Sure!” She smiles widely “I’m free on Friday.”
  220. “Awesome.”
  221. >After exchanging some info and a little playful banter, you happily walk down the street with a little spring in your step. After so long with so little luck, it looks like things might just turn around.
  223. >The weekend came and went, but with all good things it had to end. As you clean up the stand for the Monday grind, you flip out the open sign and place it in the front.
  224. >Despite it being a Monday, your spirits could not be brighter. After all, you got a date waiting for you at the end of this week,
  225. >With a big smile, you wait for the day to end.
  226. >”Looks like somep0ny had himself a good weekend.” Rose says approaching you “I take it you took my advice and gave some lucky mare that rose?”
  227. “Well I didn’t get to give the rose, but I did ask out a mare and she said yeah.”
  228. >”How wonderful.” She smiles “I’m glad to hear that. Which mare did you ask?”
  229. “Her names Lyra, she works at that sandwich shop.” You say pointing in the direction of it.
  230. >”Oh I know her; she’s a nice enough mare.”
  231. “That’s cool.” You say as a mare comes trotting up, “What can I help you with?” You ask in the business as usual tone
  232. >After the mare picked her flowers, you wrapped them up and she went on her way.
  233. >Work continued on with its usual self, counting the hours, then the days, until finally it is that day that you always look forward to.
  234. >Wrapping up and closing shop, you pick one of the nicer looking roses and wrap it in a nice light blue paper.
  235. >Tossing Rose a couple of bits, you nod and head off towards home. “Good luck!” She shouts as you walk away.
  237. >Waiting by the outskirts of town, you look around impatiently waiting for Lyra to show. Spotting her as she walks up, you hold your ground and wait for her to come to you.
  238. >She flicks her mane back and smiles “Sorry for being late, I got caught up in something.”
  239. “Its all right, you ready?”
  240. >”Mmhmm.”
  241. >Tonight was a rather dark but warm night, without a single cloud in the sky, the moon shone so brightly in the air, illuminating everything underneath it.
  242. >The perfect night for a little walk through the woods, taking a trail, the both of you walk along slowly enough.
  243. “So how was work this week?”
  244. >”Tiresome, but I’ll live, and you?”
  245. “Slow as always…..So what do you like to do for fun?”
  246. >”I usually hang with my friend Bon-Bon and we do stuff.”
  247. “Like what?”
  248. >”Eat out, watch movies, stuff like that, hey can I ask you something?”
  249. “Sure.”
  250. >”Can I see those things.” She says stopping
  251. “What things?” You ask as she points at your hands “My hands?”
  252. >”Is that what they’re called? I always wanted to know.” She remarks moving her face closer to get a better look at them “How do you control them?”
  253. “Same way you control your body, it’s just natural.”
  254. >”Ahhh.” She says before looking up at you before continuing to walk along,
  255. “So what else do you do for fun?”
  256. >”Not much else, reading, some little hobbies, aside from that it really just feels like I live day to day, you ever get that feeling?”
  257. “God I know that feeling.” You sigh “I do less things than you.”
  258. >She looks up at you with a wide pearly white smile “You can’t be that bad, what do you do for fun?”
  259. “Honestly, I just work, the only time I ever do anything is one Friday, and that’s usually just getting a few drinks with my friends.”
  260. >”Man you are boring.” She jokes
  261. >Shrugging it off, the two of you keep walking. After reaching the end of the trail and ending up back into town, you decide to call it a night. Though talking with her is fun, the conversation is getting stale.
  262. “I best be calling it a night.” You say looking down at her,
  263. >”Oh….all right.” She replies, “Say umm Anon?”
  264. “….Yeah?”
  265. >”This is gonna be a really odd question, but…can you…can you touch me with those hands?”
  266. >Her question makes your heart stop for a second before you come to, you feel your heartbeat quicken and you get a little sweaty.
  267. “Umm if you want.” You reply stupidly, but really, what else could you say.
  268. >Walking up to her, you decide the best thing to do is pet her like you would a normal horse. Reaching for her head, your hands tremble a little from the nervousness.
  269. >Patting her head, you slowly work it into rubbing her ears and scalp. She lets out an uncontrollable chuckle as you move your hands over her head.
  270. >”Oh wow, that feels really good.” She says pushing into your hand, you hear her let out little moans as she grinds her head onto your palm.
  271. >As you move your hand away, she lets out a loud content sigh “That was awesome; you have a real talent for that.” She compliments you as she points at your hands “You sure those things aint magic?”
  272. “Positive.” You laugh, before looking at them, “Did it really feel that good?”
  273. >”Oh yeah.” She says nodding “You have to do that again for me next time.”
  274. >Not used to compliments, you blush a bit and look away for a second before looking back at her.
  275. “Maybe.”
  276. >It gets awkward again when you both realize that you were trying to leave, “Well, I better get going too, it’s late.” She says turning around quickly “Bye Anonymous.”
  277. >As she trots away, you smile not really feeling like going home. The bar is nearby; maybe you should swing over and pay them a visit.
  279. >Switching the closed sign to open, you yawn out loud knowing the day is just starting. Smacking your mouth, you reach down and pull out some vases, set them on the shelf, and toss little roses into them.
  280. >”Morning Mr. Anon.” Rose says walking up to you “Are you ready for work?” She smiles
  281. “Yeah I guess.” You sigh
  282. >Seconds turn to minutes, minutes into hours, the day crawls slowly along as you halfassed the day away.
  283. >Closing up shop with Rose and ducking down to place the vases away, you hear some trotting on the other side.
  284. “What can I do for you today?” You say getting up to greet the customer, looking across the cart, you see its Caramel.
  285. >”We missed ya yesterday.” He says cheerfully “What happened?”
  286. “I was out with a friend, what time did you guys leave? I went over around 10, but you guys were gone.”
  287. >”We called it a night early, neither of us saw a need to stay without ya.”
  288. “Tsk, I’m not that fun.”
  289. >He laughs and you look at him expecting him to say something, neither of you say a word.
  290. >”I know you.” Rose interrupts “You bought flowers from me last year for that mare for Hearts and Hooves day.”
  291. >”I’m surprised you remember me.”
  292. >”I have good memory, when you run a business like mine; it helps to remember everyp0ny who comes by.”
  293. “I’ll see you guys later.” You say putting on your coat, “I’m going home.”
  294. >Walking around the cart, Caramel follows after you. Looking back at him, he says
  295. >”So how was work?”
  296. “Nothing worth talking about, just the usual shit.” You say as the gravel kicks under you, “Is there a reason you’re following me?”
  297. >”Oh, well I don’t know, just wanted to chat for a bit.”
  298. “You don’t have any other friends? What about that mare you bought flowers for?”
  299. >”We broke up, ponies do that you know.” He says,
  300. “I see.” You say walking, stopping in your tracks, you turn back to face him “I’m not the best talker, but I’m more agreeable when I’m eating.” You say pointing at a little deli, “So let’s eat and catch up a bit then.”
  302. >Sitting at a table across from one another, you and Caramel fold open the menus and read what’s good.
  303. “Today they have a special on those veggie burgers, think I’ll have that.” You confirm placing the menu on the table.
  304. >”That sounds good, I’ll get that too.”
  305. >After the mare came and delivered the drinks and took the order, it becomes apparent that conversation is stilted when nobody say nothing for the longest time.
  306. “So how’s work?” You say in an effort to say anything
  307. >”All right, working with Big Mac right now for the harvest, its tiring work, but the pay is nice.”
  308. “I used to do that, couldn’t keep up, fuck that shit.” You say sipping at your drink “His sisters hot though.” You comment as he looks up at you
  309. >“She is, isn’t she?!” He says surprised “Damn that mare has a nice flank right?”
  310. >With a grin you think back about all the times you would stare at her when working the fields.
  311. “Fuck yea, but she wouldn’t give us the time of day, she likes really manly stallions.”
  312. >”Maybe not you, but I think I got a chance.”
  313. “Tell me how getting bucked in the face goes.”
  314. >After the both of you give each other some shit, the mare comes up with the food you ordered.
  315. >”Here you go sirs.” She says happily with a nod, as she takes her leave the both of you start to dig in but Caramel eyes her ass as she walks away.
  316. >”Man I need a marefriend.” He says outloud,
  317. “I know that feeling.” You sigh sticking a hayfry in your mouth “With any luck I might have a mare interested though.”
  318. >”Lucky.”
  319. “You had one too, you’ll have one again.”
  320. >”Think maybe next time we can hit up a more mare frequented bar? Maybe increase our chances of finding somep0ny?”
  321. “Big Mac can’t drink in places like that, his “wife” won’t let him unless she comes, and she’s kind of a drag to have along.”
  322. >”Yeah about that.” He says rubbing a hoof behind his head, “Big Mac said he wasn’t gonna go to the bar with us that much anymore.”
  323. “Why the fuck not?”
  324. >”Because he’s actually marrying her.” He says with a little chuckle “He showed me the ring last night; it was really the reason why I needed to talk with you. He wanted me to pass on the news. He was gonna tell us both, but you didn’t show that night.”
  325. “Of fucking course it would go down like that.” You sigh “Fine, will hit up a “trendy” bar next time, get ourselves some fucking mares so we don’t have to see each others ugly ass faces anymore.” You say angrily before smiling
  326. >Caramel catches on and the both of you chuckle a bit at how pathetic your lives are.
  328. >At a trendy little club in Canterlot, both you and Caramel stand by the counter nursing the drinks you ordered.
  329. >Scanning the crowd for any single mares, a grumbling in your stomach breaks you from the focus.
  330. “Can I get a veggie wrap?” You ask of the mare working the counter,
  331. >”It’ll be ready in about 10 minutes.”
  332. “Thanks.”
  333. >Going back to scanning, Caramel taps you on the side, “Hey, I need you to distract that mare over by the booth.” He points at a small group of mares “They haven’t talked to a single stallion yet, so I want to talk to that light green one.”
  334. “I guess.” You sigh “But make it quick, I just ordered some food.”
  335. >Walking over to the small crowd of mares and strolling up the target, she glances over and notices you.
  336. “So, how’s the drink?”
  337. >”It’s fine.” She smiles before giggling, looks like she’s a little buzzed.
  338. “What kind is it?” You ask looking over as Caramel steps up quietly and taps the mare he had an eye on.
  339. >”A Blue Hurricane, they’re real good..” As she babbles on, Caramel is already talking, and leading away the mare from the group.
  340. (“Good, I can get back to my food.”) You think, “Well, that’s cool, thanks for answering, I was curious.”
  341. >Walking away, her and her friends all follow behind, as you sit at the table, they all sit besides you. Looking at them all, you sigh in frustration as the mare comes up with the sandwich you ordered.
  343. >Story so far
  346. >After almost 2 hours of laughing mares, a breaking point is reached, while going “to the bathroom” you slinked out of the club and waited across the street.
  347. >Waiting patiently, Caramel comes out alone, and looks around. Getting up, he spots you and walks over.
  348. >”Oh there you are!” He groans tiredly “Man that mare was annoying, I would swear she was a year old or something.” He sighs
  349. “Yeah her friends were fucking annoying too, you read to go?”
  350. >”What, go? Nah man I’m gonna seal the deal tonight.”
  351. “Thought she was annoying?”
  352. >”Doesn’t mean she isn’t bucking hot, sides tonight was about finding mares, even if it’s a one night thing.”
  353. *sigh* “Fine, but I aint goin back there.”
  354. >”Its cool man, I can handle.”
  356. >Having left Caramel at the club for the comforts of home, the next day you lounge at home exhausted from the night before. As you yawn out loud, a barrage of knocks at the door annoys you out of your bed.
  357. >Walking up to the door, you see Lyra bouncing up and down behind the window, trying to peek in the house. “Oh there he is, he’s here Bon-Bon.” She says muffled behind the glass and looking to the side.
  358. >Opening the door, your “girlfriend” and her friend stand before you, “Anon, this is Bon-Bon, Bon-Bon, Anon.”
  359. >Though at first she had a look of annoyance, she forces out a smile “Hi,” She replies nasally “So uhh, my friend tells me that you specialize in massages.”
  360. “What? No I don’t.”
  361. >Lyra trots over to you and places a hoof over your hands “Ya you do, remember when you scratched me down with these babies.” She says before rubbing her cheeks against them, pulling you hand away, you look over it as though she was infected or something.
  362. “I didn’t do that good a job,”
  363. >”C’mon you can do her first, and if I like what you did, you can do me.” She winks as Bon-Bon begins to laugh and giggle loudly,
  364. >Turned on and annoyed, you walk inside to hide the chubby growing in your pants. It had been a while since you got to touch ANYTHING female.
  365. >Sitting on the table in front of the couch, you present it to Bon-Bon. Walking over, she hops onto the couch and spreads out her body.
  367. >Anticipation begins to flow through your body as you place your hands against her side. Rubbing it, you knead her flesh in a circular pattern working your way up to her shoulders.
  368. >”Mrrr.” She groans annoyed, a noise that is well recognizable “Grrr” She continues as you try desperately to find a spot that pleases her.
  369. >Grasping at straws, you stick your hands into the pits of where her back legs are. Being careful to not go into an intimate area, you rub a hard spot where you believe tension to be.
  370. >”Hey!” She says getting up and picking up a leg “Keep it above the haunch lover boy.”
  371. “I’m sorry, I said I’m not that good.” You say as she sighs
  372. >”Guess I’ll have to look elsewhere.”
  373. >As she walks off the couch, Lyra bounces onto the couch and looks at you in anticipation. “I’m going home Lyra, thanks anyway.”
  374. >Closing the door behind her, you look down at Lyra,
  375. “What was that about?”
  376. >”I just told her about how good a job you did at relaxing me, she wanted to try you out.”
  377. “You know there are spas and shit for that.”
  378. >”Yeah, but finding a good masseur is so hard.” She groans, “I’m just glad I got you.” She smiles, “All the rub downs I could want for free.” She grins “A little lower..ahh yeah.” She says in ecstasy sticking her tongue out
  379. “I think you just have bad taste in terms of massages.”
  380. >She looks up at you and smirks “Yeah, I may be a little generous in my compliments, but you do a good job…even if it’s not always the case. So, after this you want to grab some chow?”
  381. “Kinda wanted to stay home..”
  382. >She dawns a sly grin, “I hear ya.” She says getting up and placing her hooves over you, walking around, she picks you off the chair and pushes you onto the couch,
  383. “What are we gonna do on the couch?” You ask landing on it with an audible *Pomf*
  385. >Waking up to spooning Lyra, you rub her mane before squeezing her close to you. She moans tiredly curling herself up.
  386. >Getting out of bed, you stretch out and grab a towel. One nice shower later, you’re in the kitchen helping yourself to a bowl of cereal. Lyra comes lazily down, groggy eyed, and yawning.
  387. >”Morning Anony.” She says going to the fridge, “Where do you keep the orange juice?” She asks as ducks and scans the fridge, looking at her shacking rump, the morning wood calls out.
  388. “It’s over here.” You say pointing at it, she looks over and laughs
  389. >”Duh right?” Sitting down, she looks you over all dressed and ready “Where are you going?”
  390. “Got work.”
  391. >”Aww.”
  392. “Happens.” You shrug getting up and tossing the bowl into the sink,
  393. >Walking behind her, you grip her and bend her almost violently over the table, knocking over the glasses in the process “Ah~” She squeals in delight as you pull down your pants
  395. >Walking down the street, you hum a little song as you approach the shop. Rose is already staring you down, “You’re late.” She says dryly as you think back to fucking Lyra furiously over the table
  396. >”Oh buck yes!” She screams as you pound into her
  397. “Worth it.” You smile to yourself
  399. >Sitting in a booth at a restaurant, Carmel sighs tapping on the menu. Anon comes in and looks around for him, waving him over, he walks to the booth and has a seat.
  400. >“The buck took you so long?”
  401. “Sorry I had trouble ditching Lyra.”
  402. >”Least you got a mare.” He replies rolling his eyes “I haven’t had any luck with mares, not even the last time we went out.”
  403. “Nothing? You didn’t even seal the deal with that airhead mare?”
  404. >”No, she was a big tease and led me on all night, I wasted like 20 bits on drinks before she and her friends up and left.”
  405. “Bitch, that’s fucking harsh.”
  406. >”You better believe it, so you appreciate Lyra, that mare’s a keeper.”
  407. “Its not that I don’t appreciate her, she’s cool but, its just…I don’t know..”
  408. >”What you two get into fights?”
  409. “Sometimes, but really..we don’t have that much in common.”
  410. >”Well yeah, she’s a mare, who doesn’t?”
  411. “No man really, we’ve been “dating” for like 4 months, and really the only things I know about her, is that she sits weird, loves ice cream, and has the strangest turn ons.”
  412. >”That can’t be all, what else do you two do together?”
  413. “That’s about it, we fuck like rabbits, but after that it’s quiet and awkward. The sex is nice, but I wanted something a little deeper.”
  414. >”Yeah I guess after you rut its normal to feel a need for a more meaningful relationship, still I’ll take her if you don’t want her.” He says sipping his drink
  415. “Haha, sorry man, but she’s obsessed with these.” You say twiddling your fingers
  416. >”That reminds me, how’s the masseur business treating ya?”
  417. “Fucking awesome, I make a shit ton of cash, you’d be surprised how many mares pay good money for a good rub down.”
  418. >"I bet." He smiles
  419. "So whats up, why'd ya call me here?"
  420. >"Oh yeah, wanna go to a hoofball game with me on Saturday?"
  421. "I'll have to close shop, but sure." You smile "I could use a FUN weekend for once."
  423. >Packing some clothing and sealing the case, you pack up and head down the steps with Caramel waiting at the bottom.
  424. >”You’re worse than a mare.” He jokes looking at your suitcase
  425. “Hey, I can’t walk around naked like you guys do all the time.”
  426. >”Why exactly? We wouldn’t even care.” He comments walking over to the door, “In case you haven’t noticed, I’m not wearing anything right now.”
  427. “Yeah but that’s cause you guys are animals, I can’t do that.”
  428. >”If you say so, but carrying around that bag is still pretty weird.”
  429. “I’ll deal.”
  430. >At the train station boarding the afternoon train, you begin the journey to catch the away game over at Appleloosa.
  431. >Caramel sits besides you reading a magazine while you go over the cost and profits you had this week.
  432. >So far all is in the black, but some new equipment, lotions, and candles do need to be bought.
  433. “How much were we gonna need to split the costs?”
  434. >”I don’t know, about 50 bits each?”
  435. “That’s sounds doable.” You sigh, resting back onto the seat you wait for the trip to be done.
  437. >Getting off the train, Caramel leads the way while you tag along behind him. Looking at all the little old and rustic buildings, you bump into his rump and snarl in anger as Caramel turns back to face you.
  438. >”Dude watch were you’re going.” He bellows before turning back to look around. “All right, that’s the stadium over there, and the hotels are there.”
  439. “We should book a room before anything else.” You comment as Caramel walks to the stadium.
  440. >”Nah we should get the tickets first, I don’t want to be in some crappy section.”
  441. “How about we split up?” You ask as he stops
  442. >”Can’t do that, you need to buy the tickets yourself, to prevent gouging.”
  443. “God damn shit, fine, let’s do this.”
  445. >Standing at the ass end of a freakishly huge long line, all the stallions, bulls, and even minotaurs, all wait patiently in line for this game.
  446. “What is the? The fucking Super Bowl?” You ask pissed off that the sun and heat are beating down on you “Why are there so many people!?” You ask as a stallion in front of you turns around
  447. >”Are you serious? This has been a long anticipated game between the Screaming Gryphons, and the Laughing Minotaurs”
  448. >”Its gonna be off the hoof!” A random stallion screams, and all erupt in a wave of cheering and screaming, as a buff white pegasus stallion with tiny wings pops out from the side and screams
  449. >”YEAH!”
  451. >It took the better part of 3 hours in line, but the tickets were secured, all the way in the fucking back. So high you could touch the sky, literally.
  452. “Well…we got fucked.” You say angrily walking with Caramel
  453. >”Sorry, I didn’t know it was going to be so packed.”
  454. “You heard em, the first 200 people had been there since 5 days ago, we didn’t stand a chance.” You sigh, “Lets just get our hotel and eat, I’m starving.”
  455. >At the nearest hotel, the mare behind the counter closes her book, “I’m sorry sirs, but we are all booked up.”
  456. “Oh my god.” You whisper walking away and rubbing your face,
  457. >”Are there any other hotels around?” Caramel asks worried
  458. >”Sure, this whole strip is nothing but hotels and motels, but honestly sir, most of our rooms have been booked since last week just for today. Good luck.”
  459. >Running out the hotel, you and Caramel split up to find a room, running past one hotel after another, you see that dreaded “No Vacancy” sign on every door and posted on every bulletin.
  460. >Finally reaching the last one, you see no sign and rush in,
  461. “Hotel! Room! One!” You pant between each word,
  462. >Fixing her glasses, she looks down at you “Sorry sir, we’re all out of rooms.”
  463. “Ffff…” You drag yourself out of the hotel not making a scene, and begin the walk over to the restaurant you agreed to meet up at.
  465. >Walking in to the restaurant, a friendly mare in a 10gallon hat comes trotting over. “Right this way sir” She says with a big gin
  466. “Oh no, I’m looking for a friend.” You say trying to get a better view of all the ponies at there seat.
  467. >”I know, I’m takin ya to him.” Puzzled and intrigued, you follow her to the back end of the restaurant and over to a cozy little dark booth, Caramel is reading the menu and he folds it as you come up. “Have a seat, and I’ll come back to see what you ordered, but before I go, drinks?”
  468. “Water and a soda.”
  469. >”Just a water.”
  470. >”Well all right, you two have fun, and I’ll be right back lickitly split.”
  471. >For just a moment you forgot about how angry you were while talking to that nice but annoying mare, now sitting down, you begin to feel that anger boil up inside.
  472. “So, did you get a room?”
  473. >”Nah man, you?”
  474. “Fuck.” You groan “I didn’t get shit.” You sigh as Caramel giggles
  475. >”I cant do it, I got the room.”
  476. “You serious?” You ask lifting yourself upright from the slouching position
  477. >”I was gonna yank your chain, but I’m no good at lying.”
  478. “You fucking bastard. I’d be more pissed if this was anything else.” You laugh, “So where is it?”
  479. >”Pretty far from the stadium, but its right next to a little bar, I think you would like it.”
  480. “Tsk so long as we have a room I don’t care.”
  481. >”Awesome, but heads up, it’s a one bed, and since I found it, I think I should get the bed.” He says as your stomach growls out
  482. “Will figure that out later, right now I’m just hungry.” You say as the mare walks up to you,
  483. >”Are you two ready to order?”
  485. >At the hotel, the door swings open as you and Carmel enter inside, he places his bag on a nearby coat rack and walks over the bed. Taking a seat, he looks around at the small “living room” area.
  486. >”It’s a nice enough place.” He comments “I thought it would be seedier though.”
  487. “Yeah it’s great,” You say sarcastically walking past him and sitting at the table, “except for it being so god damn small.”
  488. >”It was all I could get, I tried for a two bed, but those were all sold out.”
  489. “Well, so long as we got a room right?”
  491. >After you unpacked some clothing, and killed some time by dicking off in the hotel, night falls and the air gets cold.
  492. >”Well, you want to hit up that bar nearby?” Caramel asks as you take open up the suitcase
  493. “Sure, but first I gotta make us something” You say as you take out the bottle over Everfree-Clear and a couple of mugs.
  494. >”Why?” He asks “We can just get something at the bar.”
  495. “It’s just a little thing I used to drink with my friends when we would go out on road trips. It’s like a ritual.”
  496. >Hearing this he smiles “All right, if this little good luck charm will make you feel better.”
  497. >Taking out a few cans of soda, you set them to the side and get up.
  498. “Let me just get some ice.”
  499. >Walking out with the little complimentary bucket, you walk out and feel the cool night air blow around you. Seems like a cold front or something is coming over.
  500. >Scooping up the ice, and walking back to the room, you open the door and look around.
  501. >Hearing water running in the bathroom, you walk past it and see that the bottle of Everfree-Clear is on the ground, open, and pouring out.
  502. (“This isn’t right.”) You think coming to a stop before you go over to the bathroom
  503. >Opening it, Caramel slumps himself over the sink.
  504. >Desperately lapping up the running water down his throat. He trembles in fear, and hyperventilates in a panicked manner when he is not downing water like a mad man.
  505. “Dude what the fuck!?” You scream as he continues to lap up water,
  506. >”I..I drank it! Oh it hurts!” He grunts
  507. >You stay close behind him making sure he is as safe as can be,
  508. “You fucking idiot!” You snap “What were you thinking?!”
  509. >”I *gulp* I don’t know! I thought it was safe to drink.” He cries before going back to getting water in his mouth, he picks his head up and gurgles furiously before spitting it out all over himself, and it spills over onto the ground.
  510. >”Oh Celestia, my stomachs on fire!” He yells curling up into a ball on the floor, he crawls to the tub, and leans over it, trying to force himself to vomit, to be rid of this toxic mistake he made.
  511. >But nothing, attempt after attempt, ends like the last, only getting out some spittle and a few pieces of food, he stops and pants furiously before crying and shivering on the floor.
  512. >Quickly darting out of the bathroom and over to the counter, you grab a jug of water, and rush back and place it by him.
  513. “Drink this.” You say as he moves over to it and starts gulping it down.
  514. >After he finishes drinking, he seems to calm down a bit. Helping him up, you escort him to the bed and plop him on it at the edge of it. Bringing over a trashcan, you place it by his face.
  515. “Keep drinking this water, I’ll make sure you’re all right.” You say as he stares blankly forward. Pulling up a chair, you watch over him until the morning.
  517. >The night passed by slowly and painfully, aside from some moaning and groaning from him, he mostly stayed curled up and in pain and panting.
  518. >Caramel slowly wakes up and rubs his eyes, looking around and making eye contact with you, he rubs his stomach.
  519. >”I’m still alive?” He says weakly
  520. *sigh* “How much did you drink?”
  521. >”Uhh I don’t know..I took like a quick swig; I wanted to see how it tasted.”
  522. “That shits pure alcohol, it has no taste.”
  523. >”I didn’t know…but the moment I swallowed..I knew it wasn’t right.”
  524. “You fucking scared the hell out of me, I thought you were gonna die.”
  525. >”Me too.”
  526. “…..”
  527. >”…..”
  528. “How are you feeling?” You ask sitting next to him
  529. >”Better.” He sighs “But I could use some breakfast.”
  531. >Playing with your scrambled eggs, you look at the plate in silence while every so often looking over at Caramel.
  532. >Last night was awful, he kept grunting and moaning in pain, and every minute that crawled by filled you with dread.
  533. >He looks much better now since he had a shower and got to freshen up, still it was enough to worry you.
  534. >”I’m fine Anon.”
  535. “Huh?” You reply stupidly as he smiles
  536. >”You’ve been staring at me for a while, figured you were worried. So I’m fine, eat your eggs you look terrible.”
  537. “Well yeah, I didn’t sleep.”
  538. >”After this, let’s get you back to the hotel so you can rest up.”
  539. “Can’t, I can never sleep in the day, it’s just something I can’t do.”
  540. >”Sorry.”
  541. “Its fine, just need some food.” You reply scooping the finely beat eggs onto the fork, chewing on them tiredly, you give him a weak smile.
  543. >To say that you were dozing in and out would not do it justice, no, this was more like being a zombie. Completely alive, but nothing going on upstairs, that was how the day went by.
  544. >You truly “become aware” of you’re surrounding at the game.
  545. >The sound of a particularly loud horn shakes you “awake” looking around disoriented, you spot Caramel looking over at you worried.
  546. >”You all right man?”
  547. “How..what time is it?” You say tiredly
  548. >”Its only 7.”
  549. “Ah fuck!” You yell out rubbing your eyes, the dark night sky reminds you of that oh so cozy bed back home.
  550. >Hell, even the dirty and probably semen stained floor of the hotel seems like a 5 start bed to you right now.
  551. >”We can just go back to the hotel, its no big deal, these seats suck anyway.” He asks as the crowd instantly gets up and cheers loudly.
  552. >The sounds send a painful splitting sensation in your head; causing you to wince and a fire of anger to ignite deep within.
  553. >Getting your bearing, you sigh and look at the field as the players take the stage.
  554. “No, I want to see this game.”
  555. >Looking around, you get up,
  556. “I’ll be right back, I’m gonna get a soda.”
  557. >Standing in line at the concession stand, you tap a foot against the floor waiting patiently for your turn.
  558. >Rubbing your tired eyes, a sudden tap on your back surprises you. Turning around, you spot Soarin in full uniform with his other Wonderbolt friends behind him.
  560. >”Hey Anon, long time no see right?”
  561. “It’s been to long man, what have you been up to asshole?” You ask lightly slapping his broad shoulders.
  562. >”Tsk, I haven’t had time to do anything! They’ve been working my tail off, coronations, parties, training new recruits, *sigh* and now this.” He says waving a hoof out into the field
  563. “That sucks.”
  564. >”Totally.”
  565. ”What about Spitfire? How’s she been?”
  566. >”Pretty good, she’s right now taking it easy over at the wonder booth. First class.” He adds with a little smile “You know special catering, drinks, and a great view of the field, the only better view is when your flying right over it.”
  567. “Dude…you gotta let me join you over there.” You say placing your hands on his shoulders, “The seats I got suck! I’m all the way over there!” You exaggerate pointing to the high seats
  568. >”I know, I saw you in the crowd, you’re hard to miss. All right, I’ll let you come with us, but you owe me.”
  569. ”What do you want?” You sigh
  570. >”4 apple pies, 2 bottles of zap apple jam, and keep Rainbow Dash away from me the next time I go to the gala, she was cool at first, but now she’s getting way to clingy.”
  571. “Anything else?” You ask slightly annoyed knowing your going to have to beg Applejack to cook you some of her famous apple pie, and wait in line for that overrated zap jam.
  572. >”Yea,” He says leaning in, “You gotta introduce me to that cute friend of yours.”
  573. “Friend?”
  574. >”Dude, the one who’s up there with you,” He says moving his eyes up to the direction of where you were sitting, “you two aren’t dating or anything are you?” He asks realizing he may have stepped on your toes
  575. >With a grin you look back at him
  576. “Nah we’re just friends, but I’ll totally introduce you two.”
  578. >Soarin agreed to meet you at the private booth and to let them know that you were an honored guest. Walking back up the steps empty handed, Caramel sees you
  579. >”What happened? Did they sell out or something?”
  580. “Caramel get up, I just scored us some primo seats with The Wonderbolts.”
  581. >Several mares and stallions ears perk up and they all turn to look directly at you,
  582. >”What?!” Caramel shouts in surprise, “How did you do that?!”
  583. “Because your god damn lucky enough to know a guy who’s friends with a Wonderbolt.”
  584. >Walking down the long white hallway, Caramel practically bounces with each step he takes. “Oh man this is so exciting! My cousin loves these guys, she’s gonna be so jealous when I tell her I got to meet them. Do you think they’ll give me their autograph?”
  585. “Probably, so long as you’re not a total spaz. I’ve seen to many ponies make that mistake when meeting them, just be cool and talk to them like normal. They hate when ponies put them on a pedestal.”
  586. >”Right got it.” He nods as you reach the exclusive area guarded by a huge stallion on par with Big Mac
  587. “Excuse me sir..but my names Anonymous, I’m a friend of Soarin. Do you know which is his booth?” You ask feeling slightly intimidated by his large build
  588. >”Down the hall 5th door on your right.” He replies moving away to grant you two access,
  589. “Thank you.”
  590. >Walking down the hall, Caramel looks over at you, “What the heck was that? Why the manners all of a sudden? Every time I see you, you talk like you don’t care about anything or anyone; I’ve never seen you address ponies so respectfully.”
  591. “I KNOW everyone in Ponyville, so I talk to way I normally do, here it’s a different story, not only that, fuck you, that motherfucker was huge.”
  592. >Reaching the door, you lightly tap on it and hear Soarin “That must be him, get the door Fleet.” He says rather hastily, as the door opens, you lock eyes with a younger looking stallion with his headgear off, he smiles and moves away.
  593. >Walking in, you a unit of Wonderbolts in a V formation and at its tip is a chair with its back facing you. It turns around to reveal Soarin in his best officers uniform, with his signature cock smile that would make lesser mares swoon.
  594. (“He had this whole thing planned out.”) You think
  595. >”Hey, names Soarin.” He smiles getting up, “good friend of Anon, yeah I do all kinds of favors for him cause I’m just cool like that.”
  596. >He’s so lost in his self absorption, that he doesn’t even realize his other Wonderbolt pals already notice something is off about Caramel.
  597. >Strutting forward and looking everywhere except at you two, he takes Caramels hoof and holds it up to his face, locking eyes with him “So what’s your name?” He asks as his smile gleams
  598. >”Ummm, it’s Caramel.” He says moving his head back trying to get as much distance away from him.
  599. >You can see Soarin’s eyes become small black spheres of shame as some of his pals begin to snicker; even you can’t stifle your own laughter at this point.
  600. >”AHAHAHA!!” One Wonderbolt yells breaking into tears, followed by his companions,
  601. >Soarin’s face is beet red, and he gently lets Caramels hoof down, turning back around, he snarls at his team, “I.I was just being polite!” He yells “That’s a C..Canterlot greeting!”
  602. >Hearing this, you laugh out loud and clutch your stomach, crying furiously as your side’s burn from the laughter.
  603. “Oh my god! I..haha Oh god!”
  604. >Soarin looks around at everyone laughing and snorts walking away “Gah whatever, I know what I was doing.” He hmpfs before walking out into the balcony and taking his seat, trying to drown out the sounds of laughter
  605. >”Settle down!” Spitfire shouts as she bursts through the door, “I don’t think I gave any of you recruits an “at ease” order now did I?”
  606. >Suddenly all the ponies swallow any and all silliness and stand at attention, except for Soarin who is still slumped on his seat.
  607. >”All of you give me 20 laps around the stadium! Then come back here and will see who is still laughing! Move! Move! Move!” She yells chasing them off and into the sky, as the last one flies off, Spitfire looks at them fly away. With a sigh, she walks over to the fridge and opens it, “So what do you want Soarin?” She asks with an exhausted tone,
  608. >”My dignity.” He pouts, as Spitfire looks over at you
  609. >”Hey Anon, how’s Rainbow Dash been doing?”
  610. “Great, she’s training a little filly right now, showing her the ropes. Its been keeping her busy.”
  611. >”You don’t say? That’s nice; it certainly explains why she hasn’t been bothering us for sometime, right Soarin?” She asks looking to the side as Soarin grumbles something “So what did I miss?”
  613. >After a not so funny recap of what she missed out on, though she did chuckle a bit, the four of you sit out on the balcony and watch as the game is already underway.
  614. >Tiredly looking down, you yawn out loud and take another drink of the soda you got. Looking to the side, Caramel looks pretty miffed and has not said a single word to you, but has occasionally spoken to Spitfire when she asks him a question.
  615. >”The score is now 20 to 26 with the Minotaurs in the lead!” The announce yells as the crowd cheers,
  616. >”We’re up.” Spitfire comments as she gets off the chair, walking to the side, Soarin and his team come trotting out and fly off into the sky, “See you boys later, try to stay out of trouble.” She smiles as she takes off into the sky to the roar of the audience.
  617. >With everyone gone, Caramel gets up and begins to walk to the door,
  618. “Where ya goin?” You ask tiredly
  619. >”…..”
  620. “Hey man I asked you a question.”
  621. >”……”
  622. “Oh get over it; it wasn’t that big a deal.” You bellow as he turns back
  623. >”Man I’m freaking humiliated! Do you have any idea how embarrassing that was?! I can’t even look any of them in eyes, I’m that freaking ashamed. How could you do that to me?!”
  624. “I didn’t do anything, it was just a joke.”
  625. >”You didn’t tell him I was a stallion; you brought me here knowing that.”
  626. “How was I supposed to know he’d go all Casanova? I thought he’d figure it out, it’s not my fault you’re cute like a mare.”
  627. >His eyes are dead locked onto you as you realize what you just said, “What?”
  628. >Swallowing to stall for time, you look around
  629. “Sorry, didn’t mean it like that, I mean you kinda look like a mare… have real soft features ya know? People get confused..”
  630. >He angrily feels his face, “Whatever I’m leaving.”
  631. “Caramel c’mon man, don’t be like that, I’m sorry all right, I didn’t mean for it to go the way it did. But look where we are, we are in the VIP section of this game, hanging with The Wonderbolts, how often do you get that opportunity?”
  632. >”I know that, but still, he was hitting on me.”
  633. “He wont be doing that again, that’s for sure, they were giving him a hard time not you. Besides, it’ll make for a fun story to tell your cousin.”
  634. >He sighs and walks back to his seat, “I guess.”
  635. >Sitting next to him, you blink tiredly and stare out into the field, Spitfire and Soarin are doing all kinds of wicked flips and spins. With a yawn you lay back into the seat and close your eyes for a moment.
  637. >Getting nudged awake, you can hear the distant screams and cheers of the fans, looking around, you’re surrounded by costumed pegasi.
  638. “What happened?” You ask tiredly
  639. >”Games over man, you slept through the second half.” A random Wonderbolt answers as Soarin comes into view,
  640. >”Did you sleep well?” He asks with a big grin,
  641. “Great, why?” You ask picking yourself up and stretching out,
  642. >”Check out your pillow.” He says looking over at the jumbo screen. On it is a still frame with a pink border dotted with small red hearts, in the center is an image of your sleeping self resting up against a confused Caramel.
  643. “Oh god.” You grimace as the television instantly comes to life, revealing a real time shot of you and everyone else.
  644. >Instantly the crowd goes nuts, unsure if they are cheering at The Wonderbolts, or you and Caramel, you try to nudge away out of the shot, but Soarin holds you back and begins posing with you.
  645. >Caramel gets up and puts his hoof around you and begins to wave,
  646. “What the fuck are you doing?” You angrily whisper at him,
  647. >”Just laugh at yourself, and they cant laugh at you.” He whispers back
  648. >Annoyed but not enough to let Soarin have the last laugh, you place an arm around Caramel and draw him into a side hug, the crowd cheers and whistles, egging you on, but you try your best to not let Soarin know he got under your skin.
  650. >As the hotel door swings open, you and Caramel come walking with loud thuds as both of you are exhausted from the long day.
  651. >Walking to the bed, you toss yourself into it without any regard for Caramel or removing any clothing you have on.
  652. >Shoes and all, you just plop onto the bed and take up more than half of it sleeping sprawled out on the bed, completely knocked out.
  653. >Caramel looks about ready to give you an earful, but looking at your sleeping face, his anger melts away.
  654. >Remembering what you did for him the night before, he sighs and walks to the foot of the bed. Using his mouth, he does his best to undo your shoes, and pulls them off. Next he walks around and takes off your jacket, looking at your pants, he shakes his head.
  655. >”Not on his life.” He mumbles to himself before pulling the sheets out from under you and tossing it over.
  656. >With you more or less bundled up, he goes over to the opposite side of the bed, and lays on the floor. Getting the small lamp light, in the darkness, he tries to sleep.
  658. >In the middle of the night, Caramel feels a soft bristling on his nose, grumbling, he opens his eyes in the dark. It takes a few seconds, but with what little light coming in from the window, he can see what is causing him discomfort.
  659. >Tens of small and large roaches are crawling all around, and over him, the little black and brown insects happily march about doing there own things.
  660. >Caramel’s whole body shivers realizing this, and he instantly gets up in a panic, “Ew! Ew!” He pants shaking them all off
  661. >With the once sleeping giant now awake, the roaches scurry and scatter into the little nooks and crannies they came from.
  662. >Caramel stands there petrified and feeling disgusted, moving his rigid body, he slowly dives under the sheets, coming against some obstacle, he pushes Anon’s body away.
  663. >”I am NOT sleeping on the floor.” He says bitterly under his breath, despite Anon’s kind act, it’s not worth sleeping on a roach littered floor.
  664. >In the warm and plush bed that he believes to be creepy crawly free, he sighs happily glad to be away from the floor.
  665. >With the initial shock gone, Caramel’s eyes become heavy, and he finds himself drifting into sleep.
  666. >With one final loud yawn, he curls up, and goes to bed.
  668. >The morning sun casts in bright glow over the land, seeping in-between buildings and windows, it comes into your hotel room.
  669. >Caramel sleeps peacefully, mouth slightly agape, with a rather large collection of drool pooled by his mouth and on his cheek.
  670. >You sleep comfortably cuddled into his chest for warmth; the poorly made walls did little to keep the cold of the night outside.
  671. >The first to wake is you, balled up in your warm cloud, it slowly dawns on you that something is amiss.
  672. >Feeling the plush warm coat in front of you, Caramel sleep talks babble before coming to as well.
  673. >Caramel looks down, as you look up, and then it hits you.
  674. “Dude!”
  675. >”What the heck man!?”
  676. >Pushing away, you both roll off the bed on opposite sides, and stand facing one another.
  677. “You fucking drooled on me!”
  678. >”You tried to get to second base!”
  679. “Oh god! It’s fucking sticky! Gaah! Man, I need a shower!”
  680. >Most morning showers are enjoyable, this was not. The warm water, and shampoo, did little to wash away the gross feeling of spit on your cheek.
  681. >Scrubbing away for the third time, you feel this is as clean as you are gonna get, and turn off the water.
  682. >Walking out with a towel around your waist, you spot Caramel sitting on the bed, packing what few things he brought.
  683. >Heading over to the side of the bed, you grab your suitcase, and plop it on the bed. Caramel gets up and bites down on a towel, “I’m gonna take a shower.”
  684. “All right, I’ll check us out then.”
  686. >Waiting outside for Caramel, you lean up against a wall and count the minutes. Spotting a few flying pegasi overhead, one flies low, and comes into focus.
  687. >It’s a Wonderbolt, he stops, and flaps midair before bolting off. Before you have time to really think about it, some more pegasi come into view, and fly down to you.
  688. “Soarin.”
  689. >”Hey Anon, glad I found ya in time.”
  690. “What’s up?”
  691. >One of his teammates reaches into a bag, and pulls out a wrapped box. Walking over to Soarin, the two make a hand off with their mouths.
  692. >Offering it to you, you take it up and look over it, ”Souvenir.”
  693. “Thanks.”
  694. >All at the same time, they flap up into the air, and become small specks in the sky. Opening it up, you see a nice framed photo of you sleeping on Caramel.
  695. “God damn it Soarin.”
  697. >Life went on as usual, with the occasional visit from Lyra. Though you called it quits, it was on mutual ground. She admitted the relationship was rather hollow, but an on and off friendship would be just fine.
  698. >Oddly enough, Bon-Bon became your close friend through Lyra.
  699. >Today, you and her hang in your living room on the couch, waiting for customers, “..and then the donkey, bit the burro!”
  700. >Leaving her mouth in an open smile, she eagerly waits for you to laugh at her “joke.”
  701. “And then what?”
  702. >”That’s it, that’s the joke.”
  703. “..I don’t get it.”
  704. >”Ugh! You p0nies have no sense of humor!”
  705. “Sorry, jokes have to be funny, for people to laugh at them.”
  706. >”Well you got a better one?”
  707. “You know I don’t tell jokes.”
  708. >The front door opens as Lyra comes walking in, she looks around and spots the two of you in the corner. “You ready?”
  709. >”Yeah let me get my bag. Well, see ya Anon.”
  710. >”You sure you don’t want to come too? We won’t bite you or anything.”
  711. >”Hard anyway.”
  712. “No thanks, socials were never really my thing.”
  713. >Bon-Bon adjusts her strap on bag, and nudges it to check for rattle, “Well, that’s fine I guess. See ya later!”
  714. >”Bye.”
  715. “Later.”
  716. >Alone again, you recline on the couch and put your feet up on the table.
  717. “Shit.”
  718. >Getting up, you walk to the kitchen, open the fridge, and grab a soda. Heading back to the living room, you toss yourself on the couch.
  719. >Popping open the top, it hisses out the carbonated gas. Chugging it down, you sigh relieved.
  720. >A few minutes later, the door swings open again. Getting up to greet the customer, you see Caramel and Big Mac instead.
  721. “The hell?”
  722. >”Colt it’s hot out there.”
  723. >”Eeyup.”
  724. “Tsk. So, what’s up? Why is everyone here?”
  725. >”Guess what Anon.”
  726. “What?”
  727. >”Big Mac wants us to help him with the wedding.”
  728. “Why?”
  729. >”Because he thinks we’re super cool.”
  730. “The hell he does.”
  731. >Big Mac smiles and walks up to you, “I need yer help, I’m gonna be too busy with harvestin tah really look it all over. That’s why I need yer help.”
  732. “I don’t really know what to say, thanks I guess, but what are we even gonna do?”
  733. >”That’s what we’re here to talk about, do you have some time?”
  734. “Sure, I’ll just close up the shop; it’s been a slow day anyway.”
  736. >With the door locked, you, Big Mac, and Caramel all sit on separate furniture in the living room. A cold soda sits in front of each of you; Caramel reaches into his pouch, and pulls out some papers.
  737. >”All right, so Big Mac needs help with the decorations, music, and drinks. Cheerilee and him are taking care of the catering, cakes, and guests.”
  738. “All right, but, what’s in it for us?”
  739. >”Anon.”
  740. “No, I’m serious. I’m not gonna waste my free time doing this for nothin.”
  741. >Big Mac places a hoof under his chin, and begins to scratch at it. Holding it for a few seconds, he nods to himself, “I’ll let ya have muh harness.”
  742. “No way! To keep?!”
  743. >”Eeyup.”
  744. “All right, I’m in.”
  745. >”What in Tartarus do you want his harness for?!”
  746. “I have my reasons, so, what do we do first?”
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