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Jan 21st, 2017
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  1. Enable:
  2. # This system is for enabling or disabling some commands or features: (Enable: true ; Disable: false)
  3. AntiAdvertise: true
  4. #Enable or Disable the AntiAdvertise system. Bypass: - sf.antiadvertise.bypass
  5. AntiAdvertiseKick: false
  6. #Enable or Disable the AntiAdvertise kick system.
  7. AntiCaps: true
  8. #Enable or Disable the AntiCaps system. Bypass: - sf.anticaps.bypass
  9. AntiFlood: true
  10. #Enable or Disable the AntiFlood system. Bypass: - sf.antiflood.bypass
  11. AntiPlugins: true
  12. #Enable or Disable the system to prevent players from using /plugins command. Bypass: - sf.antiplugins.bypass
  13. AntiPluginsNotification: true
  14. #Enable or Disable the system to notify the staff that a player has used the /plugins command. Staff permission: - sf.antiplugins.notify
  15. AntiHelp: false
  16. #Enable or Disable the system to prevent players from using /help command. Bypass: - sf.antihelp.bypass
  17. AntiHelpNotification: false
  18. #Enable or Disable the system to notify the staff that a player has used the /help command. Staff permission: - sf.antihelp.notify
  19. AntiVersion: true
  20. #Enable or Disable the system to prevent players from using /version command. Bypass: - sf.antiversion.bypass
  21. AntiVersionNotification: true
  22. #Enable or Disable the system to notify the staff that a player has used the /version command. Staff permission: - sf.antiversion.notify
  23. AntiSwear: true
  24. #Enable or Disable the AntiSwear system. Bypass: - sf.antiswear.bypass or - sf.antiswear.*
  25. AntiSwearKick: false
  26. #Enable or Disable the AntiSwear kick system. If you want your staff to be notified about the kick: - sf.antiswear.notify or - sf.antiswear.*
  27. BroadcastMessagesNotifications: true
  28. #Enable or Disable the notifications of who sent the broadcast messages (/alert ; /announce ; /broadcast ; /danger ; /error ; /information ; /note ; /say ; /warning).
  29. ChatMuteNotification: true
  30. #Enable or Disable the notification of who has muted or unmuted the server's chat.
  31. ChatMuteTalkNotification: true
  32. #Enable or Disable the notification of why you cant talk (Chat muted).
  33. ChatMuteDisableCommands: false
  34. #Enable or Disable the possibility of sending commands while the chat is muted (If you have you can send them).
  35. ClearchatNotification: true
  36. #Enable or Disable the notification of who has cleared the server's chat.
  37. DutyTabColor: true
  38. #Enable or Disable On Duty staff members to appear in a special color in the tab. Every time you reload your server (the plugin enables) your players tab name will get back to normal, take that into account if you have a plugin which modifies your tab player's name.
  39. DutyNotification: true
  40. #Enable or Disable the notification of who has is OnDuty and OffDuty.
  41. FakeleaveTabColor: true
  42. #Enable or Disable fakeleaved staff members to appear in a special color in the tab. Every time you reload your server (the plugin enables) your players tab name will get back to normal, take that into account if you have a plugin which modifies your tab player's name.
  43. FrozenPlayersHead: true
  44. #Enable or Disable your frozen players to have an ICE as helmet. Every time you reload your server (the plugin enables) your players head will get back to normal, take that into account if you have a plugin which modifies your player's head.
  45. GodCanDamageOthers: true
  46. #Enable or Disable if God can damage others or not.
  47. GodEffect: true
  48. #Enable or Disable God Smoke Effect.
  49. HappyBirthdayBroadcast: true
  50. #Enable or Disable if the Happybirthday message will be send to all the players. If disable, it will send only to the target.
  51. MMServerListPing: true
  52. #Enable or Disable to change the server's MOTD when Maintenance Mode is enabled.
  53. MMKickOnlinePlayers: true
  54. #Enable or Disable to kick online players when enabling Maintenance Mode.
  55. NamedNotifySound: true
  56. #Enable or Disable the system to make a sound when your name is named in the chat. For getting the sound you need to have this permission: - sf.namednotify
  59. CommandsEnable:
  60. # This system is for enabling or disabling StaffFacilities commands and aliases: (Enable: true ; Disable: false)
  62. # Follow this steps to disable a command. If you dont follow them as the way i will explain, the commands wont disable.
  63. # 1. Set to false all the commands you dont want to have.
  64. # 2. Save the file and type /sf reload .
  65. # 3. Close your server and go to your plugins folder. There, visualize the StaffFacilities.JAR (not the folder) and open it with WinRar Archiver.
  66. # 4. When the WinRar opens, you will see the plugin.yml . Open it and find the commands section. There, delete the lines of the commands you set to false (and the aliases). Please make sure
  67. # you dont leave any blank or space.
  68. # 5. Save the file and close it. In your WinRar Archiver, you will get a notification that a file has been modified, Accept it. Then open your server and command removed!
  69. # NOTE: In step 3 you will have to close your server. You cant use /reload or /sf reload . And remember in Step 5 to accept the notification of WinRar.
  70. Alert: true
  71. #Enable or Disable the command /alert ; It doesnt have alias.
  72. Announce: true
  73. #Enable or Disable the command /announce ; It doesnt have alias.
  74. Ans: true
  75. #Enable or Disable the command /answer ; And its alias /ans.
  76. Bin: true
  77. #Enable or Disable the command /bin ; And its alias /disposal.
  78. Birthday: true
  79. #Enable or Disable the command /birthday ; It doesnt have alias.
  80. Broadcast: true
  81. #Enable or Disable the command /broadcast ; It doesnt have alias.
  82. Burn: true
  83. #Enable or Disable the command /burn ; And its alias /fire.
  84. Chatmute: true
  85. #Enable or Disable the command /chatmute ; And its aliases /cm - /chatm - /cmute.
  86. Clearchat: true
  87. #Enable or Disable the command /clearchat ; And its alias /cc.
  88. Clearinventory: true
  89. #Enable or Disable the command /birthday ; And its aliases /ci - /invclear - /clearinv - /inventoryclear.
  90. Commandspy: true
  91. #Enable or Disable the command /commandspy ; And its aliases /cmdspy - /spycmd - /spycommand.
  92. Cps: true
  93. #Enable or Disable the command /cps .
  96. Sound:
  97. # This system is editing the sound that would be used in some systems!
  98. # More sounds can be found here:
  100. #This is the sound which will be played if a player names you in chat! If you want to disable, just disable the system in the Enable section!
  103. #Clicks Per Second Tester
  104. Cps:
  105. # This system is for enabling or disabling features of the CPS System!
  106. Intensive: true
  107. #If true, it will send all the clicks the target made each second. This is only for the Watchover CPS, the command already uses the intensive method.
  108. #How much seconds the test will last:
  109. cpstime: 10
  110. #CPS Messages:
  111. cpsfinal-cpsmessage: '&9%target% &bhas made an average of &9%cps% &bClicks Per Second.'
  112. cpssub-cpsmessage: '&9%target% &bhas made &9%cps% &bclicks on second number &l%second%&r&b.'
  113. playercps-cpsmessage: '&aStarted a CPS test on &2%target% &afor &2%seconds% &aseconds.'
  114. alreadybeingtested-cpsmessage: '&4%target% &cis already being tested!'
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