
CYOA - Rarity (Clop)

Jul 9th, 2013
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  1. >The sun is roasting everything today
  2. >Particularly your poor body
  3. >Rarity picked an awfully bad day to go gem hunting
  4. >And of course it had to be the damn day you were helping
  5. >The one day Spike couldn't help due to chores
  6. >You felt bad for the dragon
  7. >Honestly you didn't understand why he did all of Twilight's shit for her
  8. >He was pretty much a slave
  9. >Then again, what else would he be doing?
  10. >You and Rarity are walking up a hill to the supposed gem spot
  11. >Rarity's horn is glowing brightly, her magic snuffing out gem locations
  12. >The final few steps of walking uphill are rough
  13. >Sweat is dripping from your entire body
  14. >And you've only been outside for fifteen minutes
  15. >Gem hunting would take a couple of hours at least
  16. >As you look out over the plan field, a shovel enters your vision
  17. >It's levitating in the air, thanks to Rarity
  18. >"Well, here we are! Follow me and start digging, darling!"
  20. >With a silent nod you follow Rarity through the field
  21. >She stops and points her hoof at a seemingly random spot
  22. >Obedient as you are, you start digging
  23. >At first it seems as if Rarity was mistaken
  24. >There's nothing but dirt
  25. >But after a few moments of digging, you feel the shovel hit something solid
  26. >It isn't long before Rarity is levitating countless gems out of the ground
  27. >They come in all shapes and sizes
  28. >Red, blue, purple, anything you could imagine
  29. >If you had half the gems you found in that first spot, you'd be a millionaire
  30. >At least you would on Earth
  31. >You exhaust the spot and Rarity sorts through the gems
  32. >This gives you a much needed break from digging
  33. >"No, no, yes! No, ugh no!"
  34. >It's too bad gems are worth nothing here
  35. >'Cause Rarity sure is throwing a lot of them away
  36. >"I must say, you don't dig quite as fast as Spike. But I guess it will have to do."
  38. "Uh, thanks?"
  39. >Rarity smiles warmly at you
  40. >"You're welcome, darling. Now, dig dig dig!"
  41. >Once again she points out a spot for you
  42. >Through the roasting sun you dig in the earth
  43. >More gems, more sorting
  44. >This continues for the next 30 minutes
  45. >Rarity is completely lost in her gems
  46. >She's already designing dresses in her mind
  47. >It's a strange process to watch
  48. >She is seemingly drawing in the air
  49. >It's like watching half a conversation
  50. >Rarity actually looks like a maniac when doing this
  51. >But if it works, might as well let her do it
  52. >After just forty minutes of digging your muscles are aching
  53. >The heat is going directly to your head
  54. >Rarity is levitating a small umbrella over her head
  55. >She also has refreshments at her side at all times
  56. >"Come on then! I need far more gems than what we have. Keep digging, Anon."
  58. >As you wipe the sweat from your brow, you get up
  59. >You promised to help Rarity and you are not about to let her down
  60. >Rarity points out the twenty-third spot and you commende the digging
  61. >Your muscles are telling you to stop
  62. >But you'll be damned if you can't dig for more than forty minutes
  63. >With heavy breathing you dig into the ground
  64. >It seems to be getting harder and harder
  65. >Like someone is pouring cement into the earth
  66. >As you dig, your vision distorts into a blur
  67. >Rarity calls out to you, but you can't understand her
  68. >It's as if someone put you underwater
  69. >Every sound is muffled and quiet
  70. >All you can really hear is your own laboured breathing
  71. >Sticking the shovel into the ground for the millionth time, you collapse
  72. >The ground feels so soft and nice
  73. >But the sun keeps melting your flesh and mind
  74. >Something white enters your vision
  75. >It looks like a face
  76. >All you can focus on is the heat
  77. >A sudden wetness overtakes your face
  78. >It feels amazing on your burning skin
  79. >Takes away some of the pain and exhaustion
  80. >"Anon? Anon, can you hear me? Are you okay, darling?"
  83. >For a brief moment you feel better
  84. >Rarity has her hoof on your chest
  85. >Your face has cooled off
  86. >However, it doesn't last long
  87. >As you are about to speak, you feel your body tremble
  88. >That trembling quickly turns into a full-on seizure
  89. >Your entire body spasms uncontrollably
  90. >Although it doesn't hurt, it is extremely uncomfortable
  91. >You have no control over anything you do
  92. >This is it
  93. >You're going to die
  94. >Oh, God, you're going to die
  95. >There's nothing you can do
  96. >You didn't even get to have kids
  97. >Or get married
  98. >Or see Discord released from his prison
  99. >You feel your body being moved
  100. >Through the spasms you see Rarity laying you on your side
  101. >She's put her hoof underneath your head
  102. >"Shh, it's all right. I'm right here, Anon. You're going to be fine."
  103. >Maybe you were
  104. >Maybe it wasn't so bad
  105. >You could perhaps live to see another day
  106. >"There, there, darling. Just relax."
  107. >Rarity is wiping your face with a wet handkerchief
  108. >Your body slowly calms down
  109. >Spasms turn to violent twitching
  110. >It was gonna be all right
  111. >Everything was going to be fine
  112. >"Oh, darling. I am so sorry. Please, can you ever forgive me?"
  114. >Your breathing becomes calm
  115. >The muscles in your body are still tightened up
  116. >But at least they aren't twitching any more
  117. >Rarity still wipes your head with the handkerchief
  118. >It's refreshing and relaxing
  119. >Finally being able to, you smile at the mare
  120. "A porkchop sandwich might make up for it."
  121. >Rarity giggles and levitates cold water to you
  122. >You greedily drink all of it
  123. >"The day I willingly give you meat is the day I die."
  124. >For minutes you lay there on the ground
  125. >Rarity doesn't move her hoof an inch
  126. >Her face is a never-ending smile
  127. >"But I could treat you to dinner tonight, if it would please you."
  128. >Through your hazy eyes you notice the slightest hint of rosy red on her cheeks
  130. >You smile at the fasionista
  131. "I'd love to."
  132. >She finally removes her hoof from under your head
  133. >She does so gently, however
  134. >You sit up and get your bearings straight
  135. >"Splendid!"
  136. >Rarity looks around the field
  137. >The wagon isn't quite full yet
  138. >And there is still plenty of ground to dig in
  139. >She goes over to the cart and mumbles something
  140. >"Well, I guess this is fine. I can always get Spike to help me another day."
  141. >Rarity looks back at you and smiles warmly
  142. >"I wouldn't want to overexhaust my date for the night, now would I?"
  143. >You feel yourself blush slightly at the word 'date'
  144. >Honestly, you thought Rarity was just trying to repay you
  145. >But it seems the white mare is full of secrets
  146. >You get up on your exhausted legs and go to the cart
  147. >"Don't you worry about that."
  148. >Rarity uses her magic to get the cart rolling
  149. >The two of you walk back to Ponyville slowly
  150. >Once you reach the border of the town, Rarity stops
  151. >"Thank you so much for your help, darling. And once again I apologise for working you so hard."
  153. >Simply leaning over to Rarity is making your muscles hurt
  154. >But you gladly do it as you wrap your arms around her
  155. >The mare giggles as she returns the hug
  156. "Despite the fact that I almost died, today's looking to be one of my better days!"
  157. >Rarity actually laughs at that
  158. >"Quite the gentleman, aren't you, Anon?"
  159. >You smile at her as you break the hug
  160. >"Well, I will be going to the Boutique and work on the dresses. Go relax now, darling. I insist."
  161. >With that, she continues trotting through the streets
  162. >You watch that beautiful mare until she turns a corner and disappears from sight
  163. >It's only noon
  164. >The day is still young, as they say
  165. >You think someone says that, at least
  166. >You had expected this to take longer, so you have no plans
  167. >At least not until tonight
  168. >Sweet diggity, you were going to have dinner with Rarity
  169. >You just had to make sure Spike didn't know
  170. >That dragon would either kill you or himself if he found out
  172. >Better get ready for the date, though
  173. >Luckily Rarity made you a nice suit way back
  174. >You never really used it, though
  175. >There weren't many formal occasions here in Ponyville
  176. >She would probably like if you used it
  177. >Especially because she made it
  178. >Flowers!
  179. >The thought hits you out of the blue
  180. >But Rarity did like beautiful flowers
  181. >You start walking through the streets of Ponyville
  182. >Flowers were easy to find, but they had to be special
  183. >You couldn't just pick any flowers from the ground
  184. >That would be cheating
  185. >As you walk around, looking for a store, you see a cart in the street
  186. >Inside it is a redhaired, smiling pony
  187. >She's surrounded by flowers
  188. >"Roseluck's Flowers" the shop says
  189. >Well, doesn't get much better than that
  190. >You walk over and take a look around
  191. >There were tons of different flowers
  192. >The only ones you recognize are roses
  193. >Mainly because you never bothered to learn the names of any others
  194. >"Hi! Looking for anything in particular?"
  196. "What can you recommend for a date?"
  197. >Since you have no understanding of etiquette when it comes to flowers, might as well ask
  198. >Roseluck sends you a cheeky smile
  199. >"A date, huh? Sure, I can help you. But I'd need to know about the mare."
  200. >You look at her in confusion
  201. >At first she continues her cocky appearance
  202. >But when you keep staring at her, she sighs
  203. >"Different mares like different flowers. I need to know what she's like before I can give you advice."
  205. >Rarity was the Element of Genorosity
  206. >It wouldn't be right to not give her this
  207. >She desvered some genorosity thrown her way once in a while, too
  208. >You pull up the 80 bits and hand them over
  209. >"Thank you. Have fun on your date!"
  210. >Roseluck hands you the bouquet
  211. "Thanks. I hope it goes well."
  212. >With the greatest care in the world, you take it from her
  213. >You really hope Rarity isn't allergic to roses
  214. >You walk away from the cart, bouquet in hand
  215. >There were still many hours 'til the dinner date
  216. >All you really HAD to do was take a shower and get dressed
  217. >Even then, you had plenty of time
  219. >You gotta keep these flowers fresh for the date
  220. >With careful steps you walk through town to your home
  221. >None of the ponies you know show up along the way
  222. >Plenty of strangers still wave at you, though
  223. >Ponies here are so friendly
  224. >It's nothing like Earth at all
  225. >As you walk through the park, you see some ponies exercising
  226. >Their bodies are glistening with sweat
  227. >The noises they make could easily be mistaken for moaning
  228. >You find yourself slowing down as you pass them
  229. >The way they stretch their asses into the air
  230. >The way they spread their legs as they're stretching
  231. >It's getting you rock hard in mere seconds
  232. >And it is quickly getting uncomfortable
  233. >Not wanting to seem a perv, you jog the rest of the way home
  234. >As you get inside, you lock the door
  235. >You quickly fill a vase with water for the flowers
  236. >Once that's taken care of, your pants hit the floor
  237. >With the image of the exercising ponies fresh in mind, you grab your dick
  238. >Wasting no time with going slow, you start stroking yourself
  239. >Normally you lasted a good while
  240. >But after the show in the park, you know you won't last more than a few minutes
  241. >You slide your hand up and down with the fury of the gods themselves
  242. >As you reach climax, only one thing escapes your mouth
  243. "RARITY!"
  244. >With the force of a rocket, you shoot your semen all over your wall
  245. >You slump to the ground in exhaustion and bliss, your dick still dripping
  246. >A knock on the door snaps you out of it
  247. >"Anon? Are you okay?", Twilight asks
  249. >You don't allow yourself time to think of a fitting response
  251. >Total and complete silence overtakes the room
  252. >Slowly you realise the stupidity of what you just said
  253. >You smack your hand onto your face
  254. >You forgot what you had just done, however
  255. >Horror in your eyes, you remove the hand
  256. >Not only is Twilight Sparkle outside your door
  257. >Not only did you just come up with the dumbest excuse ever
  258. >You just smacked a semen-covered hand in your own face
  259. >Slowly it drips down your face
  260. >It's sticky as fuck
  261. >You feel the plight of the women ache in your heart
  262. >Maybe they weren't wrong about that partriarchy stuff
  263. >"That sounds bad, Anon. Let me in. Bad dreams can be a symptom of mental problems. I should do a magical check just to be safe!"
  264. >Twilight is still knocking on the door
  266. "I'm afraid you're one of them."
  267. >You don't really know what you just said
  268. >Your mind is still focused on the semen in your face
  269. >With your clean hand you wipe it away
  270. >It never really occured to you just how disgusting semen is
  271. >"Anon? What are you talking about?"
  272. >Twilight is still going at it outside the door
  273. "I don't know! Please, just leave me alone."
  274. >Finally she stops knocking
  275. >"Okay, but I should check on you soon. It sounds like you're having problems. I'm always here for you, Anon."
  276. >She seems to have left
  277. >You sigh in relief and get up
  279. >After a relaxing shower, you're feeling good as new
  280. >Showers really do wonders for aching muscles
  281. >Even though Rarity didn't specify a time for you to come over, it wouldn't be for hours at least
  282. >You could always take a nap to really be ready for the date
  283. >God knows you'd need to be at full capacity to live up to Rarity's high expectations
  284. >All that etiquette and manners and whatnot
  285. >Although it was more her thing, you didn't want to disappoint her
  286. >She was quite the mare, after all
  288. >You go to the mirror in the bathroom
  289. >All that is looking back is straight hustlin' 10/10 masculinity
  290. >You admire yourself for a while
  291. >God damn you had a beautiful jaw line
  292. "Hey there, hot stuff."
  293. >You grin at yourself
  294. >This probably isn't what Rarity wants, though
  295. >You relax and look at yourself again
  296. >You really have to show your inner gentleman tonight
  297. "Good evening, miss Rarity. It is an immense pleasure to get the opportunity to dine with you this fine evening."
  298. >Oh, God, you sounded like a retard
  299. >All you really learned about this was from movies
  300. >And those tend to overexaggerate
  301. >For a while you stand in your bathroom, talking to yourself
  302. >You practice your pronunciation of the more sophisticated language
  303. >It isn't long before you feel confident in your ability to speak
  304. >You were going to make that mare swoon in seconds
  305. >No lady would be able to resist your words and charm
  306. >You were ready for the date
  307. >Which was still a long ways away
  308. >You feel slightly bummed
  309. >Now you got yourself all worked up
  310. >Oh, well, at least you were ready for her
  312. >You get a brilliant idea
  313. >Although Rarity was the most refined and sophisticated lady in all of Ponyville
  314. >She wasn't the only one who enjoyed gentlemen
  315. >You exit your home and make your way to the library
  316. >You knock gently on the door
  317. >"Coming!"
  318. >Twilight opens the door and stares at you
  319. "Excuse me for interrupting, dear Twilight. I must say you are looking fine today. Please, may I come inside? I would like to read a particular type of book, if I may."
  320. >Twilight simply stares at you in confusion
  321. >"Uh, I guess. Are you okay, Anon?"
  322. >You bow and go inside the library
  323. "I assure you I've never been better. Now, do you have any books with subject matter regarding etiquette here in Equestria?"
  324. >Twilight just keeps staring at you
  325. >This really isn't working as intended
  326. >"Yeah, I have a few. Uhm, why do you need to read about that? And why are you talking like that? Are you sure you're fine?"
  328. >You give Twilight a warm smile
  329. "Most fine, my dear. In fact, I've seldom felt better. And how are you this fine afternoon?"
  330. >"I'm... good."
  331. >Twilight never takes her eyes off of you as she levitates a couple of books onto the table
  332. >You bow before sitting down
  333. >The books are pretty standard etiquette books
  334. >You'd probably find similar ones on Earth
  335. >Flipping through the pages, you realise it's mostly the same etiquette as from Earth
  336. >Bow when you arrive, compliment the host, engage in chit-chat, bla bla
  337. >You quickly skip to the section regarding dates
  338. >Now it suddenly gets more interesting
  339. >Apparently you are not supposed to touch a mare's shoulders
  340. >For God knows what reason
  341. >There's really no explanation for any of this
  342. >It's just 'do' and 'don't'
  343. >Turns out kissing on the first date is a 'don't', unless the mare kisses first
  344. >Holy fuck, there's so much shit to keep in mind
  345. >How did Rarity ever memorize all of this?
  346. >"Oh, hey Anon. What are you reading?"
  347. >You look up from your book and see Spike
  348. >He's sitting across the table, eating ice cream
  349. >A happy smile plastered on his face
  351. >You've really gotten into the sophisticated talking
  352. >Might as well keep going
  353. "A rather ponderous tome I'm afraid, my draconic friend. About how to function in pony high society, don't you know."
  354. >Spike quits eating ice cream
  355. >He's staring at you in much the same way as Twilight
  356. >"Dude, you sound just like a Canterlot pony."
  357. >You really don't want Spike finding out about the date
  358. >And you've gotten enough information from the books already
  359. >You gently close them and hand them to Twilight
  360. "Thank you, kind Twilight. Excuse me, but I have pressing matters to attend to. I would so love to stay, but I simply can't."
  361. >Both Spike and Twilight stare at you as you open the door
  362. "I bid you farewell and good day."
  363. >As you close the door, you hear Twilight mumbling
  364. >There sure was a lot to remember for the date
  365. >But it's not like you were a complete retard
  366. >You knew the general rules and whatnot for these social games
  367. >You were going to be fine
  368. >It's getting ever closer to night
  369. >The streets are getting quieter as ponies go home to eat
  371. >With no real time left for anything else, you return to your home
  372. >The fresh air is wonderful
  373. >It relaxes both your body and mind as you walk through the streets
  374. >Getting to your home, you quickly go inside and grab the bouquet
  375. >It's looking as fresh and colorful as ever
  376. >With pep in your step, you leave the house and head for Carousel Boutique
  377. >It takes you a good ten minutes to get there
  378. >Before knocking on the door, you make sure your suit is looking well
  379. >There's no dirt or folds anywhere
  380. >Confident in both your look and speech, you knock on the door
  381. >"On my way, darliiing!"
  382. >Rarity sounds extraordinarily happy
  383. >When she opens the door, your jaw hits the floor
  384. >She is wearing the finest, golden and blue dress you have ever seen
  385. >Her hair is looking more luscious than ever
  386. >Truly, you are staring at the goddess of beauty herself
  387. >In a brief moment you forget all about manners and etiquette
  388. >All you can do is stare
  389. >"Oh, what a lovely bouquet! White roses! How did you know I love them? And I must say you are looking quite handsome. That suit really brings out your inner gentleman."
  391. >At the sound of her voice, you pull yourself together
  392. >You practiced for this, damn it
  393. "Thank you, dear. You are looking quite beautiful this evening. I thought it impossible, but your hair is even more luscious and awe-inspiring than normal. And the craftmanship and glamour of your dress is astonishing."
  394. >Rarity actually looks surprised at that
  395. >But she quickly regains her composure
  396. >"Oh, my, Anon. You certainly are a whole new man. A true gentleman."
  397. >You smile at her and bow deeply
  398. "Well, then. Shall we be off? I know a great restaurant just outside town."
  399. >Rarity glances back into the Boutique for a second
  400. >"I have prepared dinner for us here, actually. I never expected you to invite me to a restaurant. This is my treat, after all. And I thought it fitting to stay here in the Boutique. Just the two of us."
  401. >She smiles warmly at you as she looks back
  402. >Her eyes are so very lovely
  403. >A slight red graces her cheeks as she looks at you
  404. >Stares into your eyes
  406. >Although the book on etiquette explicitly told you not to, you move closer
  407. >Staring into Rarity's eyes the whole time
  408. >Closer and closer you move
  409. >Until you are mere inches from her face
  410. >Just as you are about to move in for the kiss, Rarity opens her mouth
  411. >"Anon? What are you doing?", she whispers
  412. >She isn't mad nor surprised
  413. >It is a playful whisper
  414. >"A proper gentleman never kisses on the first date."
  415. >You smile at Rarity, never taking your eyes off of hers
  416. >There was no cutting corners with her, it seems
  417. "Of course not."
  418. >Rarity giggles quietly
  419. >Then she does the unexpected
  420. >Her luscious lips meet yours for the briefest of moments
  421. >The quickest peck on the lips in the history of kisses
  422. >You barely manage to register it
  423. >Rarity turns and walks inside
  424. >"But a mare does as she sees fit."
  425. >Rarity disappears behind the corner
  426. >You still stand in the doorway, bent over
  427. >Finally realising what just happened, you quickly get inside
  428. >The entire house smells divine
  429. >But it also smells like
  430. >No, it couldn't be
  431. >As you enter the dining room, you see it on the table
  432. >Meat
  433. >Actual, real meat
  434. >It's a small piece, but it is meat nonetheless
  435. >It's almost driving you insane with it's intoxicating smell
  436. >You haven't had meat in so very long
  438. "By Celestia, you even broke from your cooking habits and custom just to please my sadly natural taste for meat."
  439. >You bow deeply before Rarity
  440. "I am impressed by your forethought and care toward me, m'lady!"
  441. >Rarity giggles once again
  442. >You pull out the chair for her before sitting down
  443. >"Yes, well, I did not enjoy it. But I thought you deserved it. I can't truly be mad about something natural. Although I do find it disgusting. But, let us just enjoy our meal."
  444. >You smile warmly at the generous mare
  445. >As you take the first bite, you wonder what meat this is
  446. >But it doesn't matter at all
  447. >It is absolutely astonishing
  448. >It's the best you've ever had in your life
  449. >Cooked to perfection
  450. >Which is quite surprising, considering ponies don't eat meat
  451. >Rarity was quite the perfectionist, though
  452. >She is enjoying an omelet herself
  453. >It looks extremely delicious
  454. >But right now, all you care about is your meat
  455. >You force yourself to slow down and enjoy every bite
  456. >You probably wouldn't get meat again
  457. >Rarity holds up her glass of wine
  458. >You do the same and gently sip it
  459. >"Anon, I haven't seen you quite like this. Whatever did bring out your inner gentleman?"
  460. >She's giving you a cocky smile as she speaks
  461. >Her eyelids flutter rapidly as she looks to you
  463. "It must have been you."
  464. >Rarity feigns surprise
  465. >"Truly, it was me?"
  466. "Truly."
  467. >You sip your wine again
  468. >One sip of such a good wine probably costs more than you spend on food every day
  469. >Rarity giggles yet again
  470. >"Anon, I'm glad you are here. Although not exactly a gentleman every day, you do have... an exciting flair to you."
  471. >You put down the glass and look at the beautiful mare
  472. >"You have always been such a dear friend to me. Generous and kind, if a little rough around the edges."
  473. >She spoke true words
  474. >This whole gentleman thing never was how you performed normally
  475. >"I'm glad you're here with me tonight, Anon."
  476. >Rarity sends you a warm, endearing smile
  477. >She sips her wine all the while looking you in the eye
  479. >After staring into each others eyes for a while
  480. >A good, enjoyable while
  481. >You both return to eating
  482. >The piece of meat on your plate is getting so very small
  483. >It almost brings a tear to your eye
  484. >"Anon?"
  485. >You look up at Rarity
  486. >"What is your favorite piece of art?"
  487. >Rarity's question takes you by surprise
  488. >You knew she loved art
  489. >But the timing was so odd
  490. >You think about it for a second
  491. >Paintings and sculptures weren't really your thing
  492. >And you never read many books in your life
  493. >Video games, however
  494. >Metal Gear Solid 2, in particular
  495. "Well, there is a story of a man I quite enjoy."
  496. >Rarity perks her ears at that
  497. >"Oh? Do tell."
  498. "This man is a soldier. He has to save the president, a figure much like Celestia, from horrible men who holds him captive."
  499. >Rarity is slowly leaning forwards
  500. "He has to infiltrate the enemy base. Avoid the guards as he does so. As he goes along, he encounters supernatural beings in his way. But he always stands victorious over their bodies."
  501. >She is almost on top of the table at this point
  502. >You really lay on the drama for the next bit
  503. "Just as he is about to reach the president, he is foiled by a madman. Getting help from a legendary soldier, he defeats the madman and gets to the president. But the president dies of unknown reasons."
  504. >Rarity is actually on top of the table now
  505. >Crawling ever closer to you
  507. "And so, the rookie soldier must defeat the men who captured the president. For they have a great and terrible weapon."
  508. >Rarity is pushing food and plates to the ground as she inches across the table
  509. >You're not sure why you're continuing
  510. "He fights his way to find a young girl. A girl who can help him destroy the weapon. He gives his blood and sweat to save the girl. But in the end, she falls."
  511. >Rarity's face is getting close to yours now
  512. >You can almost feel her breath on your lips
  513. "Stricken with guilt, he pushes on. But he gets captured! Torturted! But he is saved by a friend amongst enemies. As he walks through the vessel of destruction, his team betrays him! They speak in strange tongues."
  514. >Rarity's face is mere inches from yours now
  515. >Her eyes are wide with excitement
  516. "He rejoins the legendary soldier and they fight their way to the end. And he destroys the evil machinery before the final battle. The final battle with his godfather. Man versus man. Sword versus sword."
  517. >Rarity's lips are almost touching yours
  518. >Her eyes are wild and full of hunger
  519. >Just as you are about to finish your story, she whispers
  520. >"Shut up and kiss me, you fool."
  522. >You comply immediately
  523. >With great passion you push your lips against hers
  524. >Rarity puts her hoof against your cheek
  525. >She kisses you with such warmth
  526. >You almost feel the heat stroke returning
  527. >Her passion and love overwhelming you
  528. >For minutes you sit there, a hand gently holding her head
  529. >Your lips locked with hers
  530. >You feel an emptiness in your heart and soul fill out
  531. >You never realised it was there
  532. >Not until this very moment
  533. >Rarity breaks the kiss slowly
  534. >She breathes calmly and slowly
  535. >Her eyes are still closed as she moves back her head
  536. >"I must have ruined my dress", she whispers
  537. >The two of you chuckle quietly
  538. >"Why must I put on such charades to sway you, dear?"
  539. >She finally opens her eyes
  540. >You look at those perfect, deep, blue eyes
  541. >There is ought but love to be found in their vastness
  542. >"Are you really that dense?"
  544. >You don't bother reply to her
  545. >Instead, you move forward and kiss her once more
  546. >This time, Rarity allows herself a quiet moan
  547. >The kiss doesn't last as long as before, however
  548. >You break it and looks into her eyes
  549. "You know."
  550. >You move in for another kiss
  551. >This time Rarity moans slightly louder
  552. >As you break it, you can feel her lust
  553. >You lift your hand up
  554. "There's something humans have."
  555. >Once more you press your lips against hers
  556. >A loud, passionate moan escapes Rarity's throat
  557. >You quickly break the fourth kiss, much to her dismay
  558. "That can be more sensual than anything."
  559. >With your hands you slowly remove her dress
  560. >Rarity helps you by shuffling around as it goes lower and lower down her body
  561. >Another quick kiss between you occurs
  562. "You've ever felt."
  563. >The dress finally comes off and you gently lay it on a chair
  564. >You put one hand on her mane and one on her back
  565. >Slowly you stroke both places
  566. >Gently scratching her back and carressing her mane
  567. >You move your hand behind her ears and scratch those as well
  568. >Rarity looks to you with loving, passionate eyes
  569. >She is mesmerizing you with purrs and gentle whispers
  570. >"Anon... Oh, Anon."
  571. >You continue petting the mare on the table
  572. >With gentle scratching and careful stroking
  573. >She is like glass
  574. >Beautiful, but so easily broken
  575. >And you want her to last forever
  577. >As you sit there, petting this beautiful mare, you notice her horn
  578. >You never thought much of unicorn's horns
  579. >But Twilight did mention them being sensitive
  580. >Never moving your eyes from Rarity's, you move in
  581. >You see her blush as your mouth reaches her horn
  582. >Simply breathing on it is making her bite her lower lip
  583. >Gently, you lick the very tip of the horn
  584. >Beneath you, Rarity stifles a moan
  585. >You move your mouth to the very base of her horn
  586. >You stick out your tongue and place it on the horn
  587. >As you slowly move your head upwards, you hear Rarity lose her breath
  588. >Finishing the lick, she explodes into a passionate moan
  589. >Horns taste strange
  590. >They actually taste magical
  591. >Otherworldly, but good
  592. >Being careful not to prick yourself, you slowly evelop her horn from the top
  593. >You slide more and more into your mouth
  594. >Rarity is panting beneath you
  595. >You get to the very base of the horn with ease
  596. >Slowly, you start caressing her base with your mouth
  597. >It proves too much for the mare
  598. >She collapses onto the table in a cascade of moans
  599. >You start bobbing your head up and down
  600. >Looking up, you see Rarity moving a hoof between her thighs
  601. >She's lying on her back
  602. >The view is astonishingly arousing
  603. >Watching her please herself as you suck her horn is intoxicating
  604. >You feel something strange happen in your mouth
  605. >Rarity is involentarily beginning to cast some sort of spell
  606. >"Anon! So close! Oh, Anon! More!"
  608. >While continuing the hornjob, you remove your pants with a free hand
  609. >Rarity is continuing her panting moans below you
  610. >With a little trouble you get them off
  611. >It's a relief to get your hardon out of the pants
  612. >"Oh ANON!"
  613. >As you reach the base of her horn, you feel Rarity spasm
  614. >Her entire body shakes in pleasure
  615. >And you feel a strange warmth in your mouth
  616. >The effect reminds you of Pop Rocks
  617. >Exploding flavour fills your mouth
  618. >But it seems to dissipate the instant it appears
  619. >Rarity is reduced to nothing more than panting beneath you
  620. >Her hoof is still lodged firmly between her thighs
  621. >You remove your mouth from her horn and look down
  622. >She's lying there on her back, looking at you
  623. >Her eyes are full of satisfaction
  624. >She's biting her lower lip gently
  625. >"Don't worry... about the spell, darling. It's normal for unicorns... when they are... relieved of stress."
  626. >She gives you a lustful smile
  627. >Noticing that you are no longer wearing pants, she bends her head downwards
  628. >"Oh, my... Is that.. for me?", she asks in between breaths
  630. >You return her lusty smile
  631. "Who else?"
  632. >You place your hands around Rarity's body
  633. >Gently you spin her around so that her rear faces you
  634. >You pull it all the way to the edge of the table
  635. >"Oh my, Anon. Right here on the table?"
  636. >Rarity smiles at you
  637. >"I like it", she whispers
  638. >With your right hand, you grab a hold of your dick
  639. >You place it in between her pink lips
  640. >Already Rarity is back to moaning
  641. >Long, lusty moans
  642. >Slowly you slide your dick up and down
  643. >Coating yourself in her sweet juices
  644. >She really made a mess between her thighs
  645. >After a few moments of enjoying her soft lips, she speaks
  646. >"Fuck me!"
  647. >Quite rough words for such a lady
  648. >But she is still a lady
  649. >So you grab a hold of yourself and guide your dick to her entrance
  650. >Slowly you slip inside her
  651. >She is well lubricated from her previous orgasm
  652. >Rarity doesn't breathe as you hilt her
  653. >Only when your dick is firmly placed within her does she inhale sharply
  654. >Her delicate walls clamp down on your member so very tightly
  655. >You can truly feel every part of her
  656. >You slowly slide your dick out of her
  657. >And then back in you go
  658. >Slow, methodical thrusts
  659. >Her insides beg for more as you pull back
  660. >So you pick up speed and begin thrusting harder
  661. >You slam into the beautiful lady repeatedly
  662. >Over and over until you feel her walls spasm
  663. >She screams in pleasure as she hits her climax
  664. >But surprise is on her face as she sees you going
  665. >With a glimt in your eye, you increase your speed
  667. >As you continue pounding her, a third orgasm hits her
  668. >She's not moaning loudly any more
  669. >Rarity is screaming moans in your ears
  670. >And it is such sweet music
  671. >As you keep thrusting into her fast and hard, you place your hands underneath her
  672. >You pull her back up against your chest
  673. >As you slow down to accomodate the new position, you move your head
  674. >Once more you put her horn in your mouth and start sucking
  675. >The minute your tongue touches her horn, she comes
  676. >Shooting her ineffectual magic into your mouth
  677. >Screaming in pleasure all the while
  678. >You keep thrusting your rock hard dick into her tight snatch all the while
  679. >Her walls massage your soaking wet cock in such amazing ways
  680. >Juices are dripping out of her pussy and onto the floor
  681. >You keep sucking and stroking her horn with your tongue
  682. >And she comes again and again
  683. >After her sixth orgasm, she finally manages a whisper
  684. >"H-how?!"
  685. >You slide out of her and lay her down, face up
  686. >With a cocky smile on your lips, you reply
  687. "Humans have greater stamina."
  688. >With that, you push inside her and continue thrusting
  689. >You lock eyes with her
  690. >Staring into those beautiful blue orbs
  691. >All the while ravaging her cunt with all of your might
  692. >Quite literally pushing yourself close to the edge
  693. >And when you finally feel that sweet release, Rarity screams
  694. >A scream so arousing you come in side her with great force
  695. >You collapse onto her as you spurt your seed
  696. >Kissing her as she takes all of it inside her
  697. >Not spilling a drop
  699. >You break the kiss and stand up once more
  700. >You aren't done just yet
  701. >Although you have just shot your load inside her, you want more
  702. >Simply watching her lying there
  703. >Sweaty, panting, full of your seed
  704. >It's getting you hard in no time
  705. >You don't even remove your dick from her as it hardens
  706. >"M-more?"
  707. >Rarity is in utter disbelief
  708. >No stallion would ever last as long as this
  709. "You better believe it."
  710. >Rarity's face turns into a lusty smile
  711. >You finally pull out of her and flip her over
  712. >She lifts her rear up to you
  713. >This time, you place your head at her second hole
  714. >Rarity gasps in surprise
  715. >But that gasp quickly turns to a moan as you push yourself inside
  716. >Getting inside, it's you who has to gasp
  717. >Her anus is insanely tight
  718. >To the point where you don't think you can actually do this
  719. >But you push forward
  720. >Shoving your dick far into her rear
  721. >Rarity winces slightly but quickly returns to moaning
  722. >The pleasure is unimaginable
  723. >Her walls are clamping down on your dick so tightly
  724. >As if trying to push you out
  725. >But you quickly start thrusting
  726. >Her juices lubricating your dick perfectly
  727. >As you slam into her ass, you look up
  728. >Through the window you see a pair of eyes
  729. >Broken, hateful eyes
  730. >They watch you with murderous intent
  731. >The eyes are attatched to a small, purple dragon
  732. >There is naught but fury and sadness in those eyes
  733. >And as you watch him while anally fucking Rarity
  734. >You blow him a kiss with your lips
  735. >All the while Rarity screams in pleasure
  737. >With a grin on your face you thrust into Rarity
  738. >Over and over you bury your dick in her ass
  739. >All while looking Spike right in the eye
  740. >You see the ancient wrath of the dragons stare back
  741. >And although Spike is a good friend
  742. >In this moment you want him to watch
  743. >Watch as you plow the mare he loves
  744. >Destroy her anus with your dick
  745. >Make her scream in pleasure
  746. >Call out your name
  747. >Just thinking about what he feels is getting you close
  748. >Rarity's walls clamp down upon your dick yet again
  749. >She climaxes once more
  750. >And that is all you need
  751. >You don't even blink as you come inside her ass
  752. >You thrust balls deep into her
  753. >Spraying your seed far into her anus
  754. >And you look Spike in the eyes all the while
  755. >Rarity collapses on the table beneath you
  756. >You look down as you pull out of Rarity
  757. >Her rear is a mess of semen and her own juices
  758. >Her eyes have rolled back into her head
  759. >Out her open mouth lies her tongue as she pants
  760. >You admire your work for a minute
  761. >Until you hear a crash from the front door
  762. >You barely manage to look up before Spike jumps at you
  763. >Though small you stumble and fall to the floor
  764. >Spike sitting on top of your chest
  765. >His claws are out, ready to strike
  766. >Ready to skin your body
  768. >Spike doesn't yell or roar
  769. >He answers quietly
  770. >"He took the only mare I've ever loved from me. What do you think I'm going to do?"
  771. >All the while looking you right in the eye
  773. >Your body is trembling slightly as you speak
  774. "Rarity, I think he'll only listen to you."
  775. >With an exhausted moan, Rarity gets up
  776. >The very sound she makes sends Spike's eyes into further rage
  777. >"Spike, dear-"
  778. "Don't call me that!"
  779. >Rarity sighs
  780. >"Spike. I know you're hurt. Disappointed."
  781. >He snorts in your face
  782. >"You think?!"
  783. >"But you are just a child. I am a mare. It could never work between us."
  784. >You see a tear in Spike's eye as Rarity speaks
  785. >"It could have worked! We could have tried!"
  786. >Rarity gets off the table and moves to you
  787. >She puts a hoof on Spike's head, but he pushes it away
  788. >"I couldn't bear to break your heart. I'm sorry you had to see this. But you can't blame Anon."
  789. >Finally, Spike turns his gaze towads Rarity
  790. >Though his eyes are still so full of rage, they are wet
  791. >"Spike, I want Anon."
  792. >With that, Spike's will and determination breaks
  793. >The little dragon bursts into tears
  794. >Silent tears
  795. >But before either you or Rarity can do anything, he runs
  796. >Out of the room and out of the Boutique
  797. >Silence falls between the two of you
  798. "Do you think we should follow him? Talk to him?"
  799. >Rarity sighs heavily and lays down on top of you
  800. >"I think it's best if we leave him to Twilight. We would only hurt the poor boy even further."
  801. >Rarity kisses your forehead gently
  802. >"I'm sorry that had to happen. But do know that I want you and no one else. Only you, Anon."
  803. >She snuggles closer
  804. >"Only you."
  806. End.
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