
Study Of Backy Volume 1

Sep 23rd, 2015
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  1. Intel
  2. -------
  3. In Game Name: Backy
  4. Real Name(Possibility that it isn't his name): Brendan Kessler
  5. Known Mental Illnesses(see below for definitions): Borderline Personality Disorder
  6. Sex: M
  7. Sexual Attraction: Female
  8. Birthdate: 2/5/99
  9. --------------------------
  10. Definitions of Illnesses
  12. ------------------------
  14. When I tried to question or help Mr. Kessler, he responded in a very disrespectful manner, which isn't surprising.
  16. chat: [мн]SirDoom. (1): ok so Mr. Kessler
  17. chat: [мн]SirDoom. (1): your birthdate again please.
  18. chat: Backy (3): you gona blackmail me bitch?
  19. chat: [мн]SirDoom. (1): no.
  20. chat: Backy (3): Bc if your really trying to start real shit im not joking
  21. chat: Backy (3): fr
  22. chat: Backy (3): What state do you live in
  23. chat: [мн]SirDoom. (1): I don't know how to respond to that statement lol.
  24. chat: [мн]SirDoom. (1): I don't waste my time black mailing people.
  25. chat: Backy (3): probally bc you trying to remain fake
  26. servcmd: [мн]SirDoom. (1): pm 0 I think hes angry
  27. chat: [мн]SirDoom. (1): no
  28. chat: [мн]SirDoom. (1): I don't belive that is his actual birthdate idk though
  29. chat: [мн]SirDoom. (1): its up to him
  30. chat: Backy (3): lol
  31. chat: [мн]SirDoom. (1): btw
  32. chat: [мн]SirDoom. (1): i know your name from sancwank
  33. chat: Backy (3): lol
  34. chat: Backy (3): its on my skype
  35. chat: Backy (3): I have nothing to hide
  36. chat: [мн]SirDoom. (1): so Mr. Kessler is  2/5/99 your actual birthdate
  37. chat: Backy (3): sure
  38. servcmd: Ares (0): pm 1 he has a facebook, san has said so
  39. chat: [мн]SirDoom. (1): back to the topic of black mail
  40. chat: [мн]SirDoom. (1): why did you suddenly bring tha tup
  41. chat: [мн]SirDoom. (1): what are you hiding.
  42. chat: Backy (3): Doom
  43. chat: Backy (3): you a bitch
  44. chat: [мн]SirDoom. (1): nigga
  45. chat: Backy (3): if you try and blackmail me ill find were you live
  46. disconnect: Backy (3) left
  47. disconnect: client 3 ( disconnected
  48. -----------------------------------------------------------
  49. I've asked a couple of people to describe Mr. Kessler in a couple of sentences, and this is what I've come up with.
  51. <Bane>annoying lil git that i hope gets beaten in the middle of the night by people wielding socks full of t-bags.
  53. <sheepserv>[мн]thesheep(0): Fronty
  55. <Galaxy>Traficant, looks like he is retarded, the most annoying person in the world, only talk non sense things, curses people without reasons and is a drug dealer
  57. <Foxy>a troll ass motherfucking twelve year old who likes to start shit
  59. <andrius4669>well, backy, dunno, he's kinda unstable, he can act good if he wants, and do crazy shit when he doesn't. generally, kinda selfish, and while he tries to impress others, he isn't very smart
  60. <andrius4669>tho, he can be, when he wants
  62. ---------------------------------------------
  63. Notes on Backy
  64. He likes to call other people losers, even though he is in fact, the biggest loser.
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