
Not so Super Journal

Oct 30th, 2013
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  1. Something a bit odd has happened. I lost track of my pokemon for a few minutes while they were getting some exercise, and when I found them, they seemed... different. Some of them, like Greta, had evolved and seem a bit wiser and more powerful. I can't really explain this, but they seem alright and unusually happy, so I'm glad, too.
  3. Even little Maus seems to be growing up fast. She's outgrown her nest already. I need to find more materials... And Greta really seems to have opened up to me more. I think she is a... Lucario, now? That is the correct term, I think. Duft has also started to split off into Smogmog. She's been doting over Maus and Juwel quite a bit, and I think Juwel may be ready to make a cocoon, soon. What is -happening- with them? Mm, perhaps I'll ask Celebi.
  5. Elza came in earlier, her leg broken and her knee fractured, incredibly heavy impact from the look of it. She's lucky her knee wasn't just completely shattered. After I got her in a cast, she proceeded to devour almost all of the fresh eggs we gathered - I've decided not to ask, but I've kept her in intensive care to look after that leg.
  7. In any case... Not too much longer left, I suppose. It all comes down to this...
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