

Jun 27th, 2018
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  1. on mine:
  2. cancel event
  3. set block's location to air
  4. block's type is stone:
  5. set {_int} to 2
  6. execute console command "/scoreboard players add %player% MP %{_int}%"
  7. block's type is oak_planks:
  8. set {_int} to 3
  9. execute console command "/scoreboard players add %player% MP %{_int}%"
  10. block's type is dirt:
  11. set {_int} to random integer between 1 and 5
  12. execute console command "/scoreboard players add %player% MP %{_int}%"
  13. block's type is glass:
  14. set {_int} to 3
  15. execute console command "/scoreboard players add %player% MP %{_int}%"
  16. block's type is slime:
  17. set {_int} to 1
  18. execute console command "/scoreboard players add %player% MP %{_int}%"
  19. block's type is cobble_stone:
  20. set {_int} to 10
  21. execute console command "/scoreboard players add %player% MP %{_int}%"
  22. block's type is log:
  23. set {_int} to 15
  24. execute console command "/scoreboard players add %player% MP %{_int}%"
  25. block's type is sand:
  26. set {_int} to random integer between 8 and 20
  27. execute console command "/scoreboard players add %player% MP %{_int}%"
  28. block's type is netherrack:
  29. set {_int} to 5
  30. execute console command "/scoreboard players add %player% MP %{_int}%"
  31. block's type is end_stone:
  32. set {_int} to 20
  33. execute console command "/scoreboard players add %player% MP %{_int}%"
  34. block's type is obsidian:
  35. set {_int} to 100
  36. execute console command "/scoreboard players add %player% MP %{_int}%"
  37. block's type is diamond_ore:
  38. set {_int} to random integer between 3 and 6
  39. set {_int} to {_int} * 10
  40. execute console command "/scoreboard players add %player% MP %{_int}%"
  41. chance of 1%:
  42. set {_diamond} to diamond named "&6レアクリスタル"
  43. set 1st line of lore of {_diamond} to "&7とても希少な水晶"
  44. set 2st line of lore of {_diamond} to "&7ショップで交換しよう"
  45. add {_diamond} to player
  46. set action bar of player to "&9+ %{_int}%MP"
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