

Sep 28th, 2014
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  256. {Question}
  257. <p align="right" style="margin: 0px;padding:2px;">&mdash; {Asker}</p>
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  265. ~{12HourWithZero}:{Minutes} <a href="{Permalink}/#postsection"><i class="fa fa-eye"></i> {NoteCount}</a> <a href="{Permalink}/#postsection"><i class="fa fa-ellipsis-h"></i> i</a> </div>
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  269. {/block:IndexPage}
  271. {block:PermalinkPage}{block:date}
  272. <div style="padding: 25px;"> {Caption} </div>
  273. Posted {TimeAgo} with {NoteCountWithLabel}<br>{block:HasTags}Tagged with {block:Tags}<a href="{TagURL}" style="margin-right:5px; text-decoration:underline;">#{Tag}</a>{/block:Tags}{/block:HasTags}<br>{block:RebloggedFrom}Reblogged from <a href="{ReblogParentURL}">{ReblogParentName}</a><br>Originally posted by <a href="{ReblogRootURL}">{ReblogRootName}</a>{/block:RebloggedFrom}
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