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Aug 26th, 2019
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  1. <h2>Topic: The effects of social media on the individual and society.</h2>
  3. <h3>Why it is a problem</h3>
  5. <p>Studies have shown a correlation with people who use social media more than 2 hours a day are more likely to experience symptoms of anxiety and depression. Quote: “The less you are connected with human beings in a deep, empathic way, the less you’re really getting the benefits of a social interaction,” Also there is a need to be constantly present on social media and this presents a number of psychological pressures on an individual. People always feeling the need to post what they are doing or thinking, and then finding validation in themselves based on how well recieved, or how many likes they get. Therefore this feedback is a powerful influence on how people will think and act moving forward. </p>
  7. <h3>Benefits of social media and internet media as a whole</h3>
  9. <p>People are more connected than ever before, they have access to a huge amount of information, they can educate themselves, and have the opportunity to create networks, reach more people, and have exposure to many different thoughts and opinions. Technology and networks can also solve a wide variety of problems that have never been possible, and the technological revolution is growing and changing exponentially.</p>
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