

May 25th, 2014
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  1. [X] 7 But that's later.  We're focused on survival and shoring up our location for now.  Before you go picking fights you've got a few more resources to gather and locations to check.  You'd really like to make a few more secure safe houses before you go hit and run.: (a2znut, Hymn of Ragnarok, rcnr, dreadis, Space Penguin, TheOtherSandman, Deathwings)
  2. [X] 7 Lay down the ground rules and the situation.  You're surrounded by zombies and potential hostiles in the mansion.  You don't have the luxury of an electric fence either.  You've been told she wants to go kill some.  Hold on to that wish, she's probably gonna get it.  But on your terms.  You didn't stare down the Ariados for food half an hour after getting stranded in this place or survive that screwball <em>thing</em> with the ghosts only to die to the horde just because Mawlie decided to pick a fight out of turn.  When we pick a fight, we plan to start and finish it.  With Mama Bunny's hearing, it's a luxury we can afford to put to good use.  You plan to ambush what you need to fight, and from the looks of Mawlie you're guessing she's gonna be pretty good at that.: (a2znut, Hymn of Ragnarok, rcnr, dreadis, Space Penguin, TheOtherSandman, Deathwings)
  3. [X] 7 She finds you lacking huh?  Well, compared to that acid trip of a dream with the Haunter or Gengar, and getting face to face with that Ariados, you can't say you're all that intimidated or worried.  Maybe you should be, because you're sure she's dangerous and you're going to be holding her leash.  But compared to those adrenaline rushes the judgement of this Mawlie just doesn't blip on your radar.  Funny how life and death experiences make everything relative.: (a2znut, Hymn of Ragnarok, rcnr, dreadis, Space Penguin, TheOtherSandman, Deathwings)
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