
Herbert's Revenge STRING TABLE [English]

Apr 24th, 2017
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  1. Mine Shack is checked, and double checked. Where to next?
  2. There's nothing in here that you'd need right now.
  3. You will have plenty of time to see a play once you've cracked this case!
  4. Yahoo! Thanks so much %PlayerName%! I feel completely helpless without my hat.
  5. Hurry %PlayerName%! We need to bust that magnifying glass!
  6. This seems to be sealed for now.
  7. The whole island is sinking, and I can't swim! So go get your little spy friends, and help get me down from here!
  8. Good to see you too!
  9. The candle is just enough to keep my flippers from freezing!
  10. G! Glad you called. Hey... I've always wondered. Are those special glasses?
  11. It's like the HQ for the Elite Penguin Force. But don't tell anyone - it's really super secret.
  12. Why not?
  13. 20,213,791. Trying to stump me, Agent? You'll have to try harder than that.
  14. Grrrr...
  15. Wait a second. It sounds like I'm building my own gadgets for this mission. Why?
  16. I guess I need some kind of a tool to put the strings on.
  17. WOOHOO!
  18. I need to give Rookie his hat back!
  19. Using the Communicator, you'll be in contact with your fellow agents during the mission.
  20. No, not yet.
  21. Alright. I'll do my best.
  22. Your guess is as good as mine!
  23. I could use a little more information...
  24. Sure, no problem.
  25. Hooray! You fixed it! ...oh, wait, no.
  26. I should go get a DVD before messing with this.
  27. There is no need to visit the Mountain.
  28. I don't have all day for this, Herbert!
  29. I'm trapped. Herbert's got the place locked down!
  30. Actually, could I borrow that pump?
  31. MWA HA HA! I remember some of you from the last group that tried to stop me... What were they called Klutzy?
  32. Only seconds left! If you're going to do something, now's the time!
  33. Ban Herbert from the island forever. Stick him on another iceberg, and send him on his way.
  34. The objective of your next mission is to gather intelligence on Herbert's whereabouts.
  35. It looks like it needs a power source.
  36. Wait here! We'll find a way to get you over!
  37. Scientifically speaking, the seeds are called Poaceae - Zea Mays. Take at the guess what they are.
  38. I should check around for more evidence that needs to be photographed.
  39. secret agents love secret code
  40. When you find them, I'll trade you for my DVD of the Penguin Play Awards!
  41. Alright then tell me- does that mean I should take 'revenge' on you?
  42. I'm ready G. What's going on here?
  43. Thank you for asking, Agent. I'm okay; just a little shaken. But you better get back to your mission now.
  44. Okay then, have a nice day.
  45. A huge screen in the Ski Village? Hey! What are you watching?
  46. This is where you put <fur> to be analyzed.
  47. Stop this crazy rocket so you can untie me!
  48. Sorry, but all that info is super classified...
  49. Do you have an idea about who is taking all these items.
  50. I haven't seen welding that good since Gary got bored and built the Clock Tower!
  51. Looks like Herbert's broken Wood Chopping Machine.
  52. Agent, can I try that costume next? I've been considering becoming a crab.
  53. Huh? That doesn't even make sense! My arms are WAY too short for that!
  54. I spotted Rookie, boss. I think he may have thought I was an alien...
  55. Hello again, can I help you with anything?
  56. Glad to be of help!
  57. Hey everyone, I have an idea...
  58. Some fishing supplies and the catch of the day.
  59. Hey chief, I'm totally confused. You sure you want me to check here again?
  60. That was an interesting use of an 'O' berry, but it didn't seem to help very much.
  61. Herbert must have dropped it as he was escaping...
  62. I've spotted Jet Pack Guy, he definitely doesn't blend in with the clouds.
  63. They must have added a replacement boiler.
  64. It sounds like there's some kind of test...
  65. Forest is quiet. Definitely a lack of polar bears here. Where next?
  66. HA! Wrong again! The lens of this brilliant device is made from the super-sturdy ice of your own Ice Rink.
  67. No items allowed for this test.
  68. Umm, one moment, G. I'm not ready to report in.
  69. No problem. Let me know when you are ready.
  70. AWESOME!
  71. I'm afraid that information is classified.
  72. Done. Nobody will see Herbert now.
  73. These look like some fancy <goggles> of some kind.
  74. I didn't know what to do after, so I drew a <picture> of it. I really love to draw and thought it might be useful.
  75. I'd start by pouring some <Chocolate Sauce> into the machine and finding a <mug>.
  76. I'll be back as soon as possible.
  77. Herbert, could you please abbreviate this conversation?
  78. You are to be commended for your efforts. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to call in a clean up crew...
  79. What a crazy day this has been. I have to be honest I'm having trouble concentrating.
  80. With your disguise, and the camera, you'll lead your team on a search.
  81. How unusual...
  82. Oh %PlayerName%, am I glad to see you!
  83. Hey, did you find something?
  84. If you can give me the gear we can finish up here.
  85. This would be a great stick for roasting fish, but you don't need one right now.
  86. Well keep looking around we have to get to the bottom of this quickly.
  87. Blast it! I can't think straight on an empty stomach. I need brain food!
  88. Oh no! Oh no! There's so much water! I can't believe this miserable island is SINKING!
  89. Yes, it should keep me busy for quite a while. Let me know if you need anything.
  90. If I had an iceberg on hand, I'd send him back to the North Pole...
  91. Head out there and report back if you find anything.
  92. Thanks! Nice work down there!
  93. Not here. But check places where actors hang out.
  94. Good luck, Agent %PlayerName%. Be resourceful, be remarkable, be ready.
  95. No thanks, I'm just looking around for now.
  96. Yeah! Herbert's statue!
  97. The tracking device is still flying high, tied to this post.
  98. Now get me down from here!
  99. Thanks. They're my lucky pair. They've got this one cool feature that... oh, sorry. We're on the case. No time.
  100. Thanks, I am sure you will do a great job!
  101. Umm... Nope. I don't.
  102. Oh, this IS a bad day! First I make a small miscalculation and destroy the island I'm living on...
  103. Okay now was that a left or a right? Oh no! Now I have forgotten.
  104. I'll hold my breath.
  105. As far as I can tell, nothing. The seeds have been a dead end so far. The reason you're here is actually because a number of items are missing from the Gift Shop. Jet Pack Guy and Rookie are already on the scene. Your mission will be to join their investigation and see what you can find.
  106. The Arctic Circle? But that's thousands of miles away! How did you get here?
  107. Alright, good work Rookie.
  108. Cool shoes! Better shop later when you're not on a mission.
  109. That one was a joke.
  110. HAHAHA! Well then, allow me to formally introduce myself...
  111. Yes! I like to draw with crayons in my spare time when I'm not making drinks at the Coffee Shop...
  112. Virtual reality case files, that is intense!
  113. Who ARE you?
  114. Take Herbert with you. The two of you will cover more ground.
  115. You bet, G!
  116. Hello again Agent. The seismograph is still picking up unusual activity. Did you discover anything unusual at the <Docks>?
  117. Loads of room. But nobody asked me for help. I always help set these up.
  118. Keep me informed, Agent.
  119. Careful where you feed this to the puffle, it could have very interesting results.
  120. Who are you? What do you want?
  121. Just as we suspected. YOU are responsible!
  122. NO!
  123. Well, that was interesting! I look forward to hearing about all of this in your report. Did you find anything interesting on your journey?
  124. I just saw a polar bear flying in a hot air balloon! Now I've seen everything!
  125. Better not touch this - it might make the cage fall again.
  126. Can I help you with anything?
  127. Heh heh. Are you sure Rookie didn't just misplace the items? He was a bit confused last mission.
  128. You need to release the pressure from the geyser.
  129. Yikes a polar bear!
  130. I'll use BOTH my eyes to check it.
  131. Also this new Grappling hook will work even better than the one you created
  132. No, I'm still doing some investigating, but I'll be back soon.
  133. Hey, you're me!
  134. Maybe the wall isn't as strong as it looks. Maybe it can be pushed over? No, I guess not...
  135. It seems that Herbert's attack has disabled all PSA resources. The HQ has been reduced to rubble, and what's left could take months to get back online. And seeing that Herbert was able to steal a lot of info from our computers, all this means...
  136. Awesome! These will work perfectly!
  137. Oh, I didn't want to bother them.
  138. It looks like the competition is close so far...
  139. Good idea but salt and pepper won't really help with these tremors!
  140. You're probably right. I'm not very good at tying knots anyway.
  141. I might be able to. Let me take a look.
  142. Oh, hello. Well, we'd prefer to play with more than just one.
  143. I can't find the last few parts to complete each costume you need.
  144. Commander! I just took a picture of something peculiar at the Docks! It was big, black and red, and surrounded by smoke!
  145. not used in game
  146. If you wish. You've helped me a lot already. I don't want to impose.
  147. Welcome, Agent. I've called this group meeting because you'll all be working on a team for your next mission. Are you ready to start?
  148. That would be a ballistic way to board!
  149. Right, right. Good point.
  151. Oh my! We need to move quickly. Have you tried disabling the device?
  152. ACHOO! Brrrrr! Everything here is cold -- I'm cold, now I've got a cold and my food is cold! Is there no <heat> around here?! GRRRR... a <candle> -- that's what I need.
  153. Repair my balloon, and I shall fetch the statue for you.
  154. Let's keep these steady and wait for them to settle down a bit.
  155. I would have thought you'd be happy to be on dry land again...
  156. That should fix the lock but the hinge is still broken.
  157. Hmm... Looks like there are more pieces.
  158. You can go see the Lighthouse later, better stay focused on the task at hand.
  159. Bold words. You're a brave penguin, I'll give you that. But there's nothing you can do to stop me. HAHAHA!
  160. Affirmative. He's at a small campsite across the lake.
  161. Maybe I should leave you up there? That IS what you would do, yes?
  162. Search the Docks
  163. Hmmm... Rookie had also found some corn. I wonder who drop them?
  164. Excuse me, I can't chat right now.
  165. Umm... Ha ha ha... great joke Rookie...
  166. Stay calm, agents! We need to call this in!
  167. Good luck, Agent.
  168. All right, come back anytime.
  169. not used in game
  170. Well, that was rather unfortunate. Perhaps I shouldn't have prepared those flip charts and instead just arrested him...
  171. I had almost reeled in a gigantic fish when I heard a scary growl and some strange clicking sounds behind me. Then I saw this <GIANT shadow>...
  172. I'm too busy to wait in this line.
  173. Thank you so much for bringing me my pizza. I was a little worried that it was never going to get here.
  174. Another one of G's strange contraptions-looks like a battery hooked up to a measuring device. Probably a good idea to leave it alone.
  175. Proof that Herbert had been spying on the PSA.
  176. Holy Toledo! Look at the size of that thing! I've decided I'm not a big fan of geysers...
  177. Excellent! I knew you agents would come around...
  178. Do you have any suggestions for repairing the duck?
  179. What are we going to do now?
  180. Hey chief, the Ski Hill is clear. I even rode a sled down to check the slopes. Where to next?
  181. Hurry Pop! The rocket is going to melt the chain.
  182. Super-heating the island is more likely to cause enormous cracks to form, the ice to melt, or to even burn a hole straight through the ice.
  183. Okay! Thanks for all your help.
  184. Yes, Director. Without a doubt.
  185. Thank you, Agent. The lab coat is my own design: lots of pockets, very comfortable, and completely indestructible. Are you ready to begin?
  186. Yes, but there's no proof. We need evidence. And that, of course, is your specialty. Please be careful.
  187. It looks like we've got another mystery. Head home for now, Agent. I'll contact you when I have more information.
  188. I remember. Let me see what I can do!
  189. So long, you fine fowl fools! I've got the upper paw! Now if you'll excuse us, we've got the PSA HQ to stop... I mean POP!
  190. After all the trouble you've caused, I'm not sure I should help you.
  191. not used in game
  192. Does that mean you think you're better than us?
  194. The door is locked.
  195. That sounds terrible!
  196. There's a piece of paper stuck under this huge boulder. How am I going to lift that?
  197. Hey Director, I've got a question...
  198. Let's go. We've already completed four challenges...
  199. Great job everyone!
  200. Are you ready for your briefing?
  201. Don't hold your breath.
  202. It looks like someone will need to climb up there and cut it down...
  203. To the penguin fishing behind the <Ski Lodge>.
  204. You're right %PlayerName%. We have to stay calm.
  205. What do you mean by <'strange'>?
  206. And what's this?
  207. Well...
  208. Today's assignment is extremely top secret and will require extra agents to ensure success.
  209. Great job, %PlayerName%!
  210. This disguise will make you look just like a Clubpenguinus Crabus...
  211. Hey, how did you manage to open this door. No one has ever broken in before.
  212. Hey... is it possible that Herbert's been using Rookie's spy phone?
  213. Talk about a room with a view!
  214. We're almost at the finish line.
  215. I really don't want to go up there anymore -- it's too scary.
  216. Learning all their skills, and knowing when to use 'em, is real important for all EPF agents.
  217. The geyser's pressure is still too strong you should get back to fixing it.
  218. I should talk to JPG first.
  219. Excellent work! The pictures are super high-res, which will give me lots of info to work with.
  220. Kites are wonderful inventions, partially because they are so easy to build.
  221. not used in game
  222. The puffle needs a better <hat> to reach that paper.
  223. One <net> should be more than enough.
  224. I spotted Klutzy at the Dock. Herbert must be moving in.
  225. Oh no, the Gift Shop! How did this happen?
  226. Alright, here you are.
  227. I do have some rope. Would you like to use it?
  228. Is there a problem?
  229. Don't forget to take some of the Elite Puffles with you.
  230. Agents! Forgive my belatedness, but my calculations were quite time consuming.
  231. The boiler is in working order again. I should head back to HQ.
  232. I should probably ask if I can take this first.
  233. I think you ought to take this newspaper at least. I'm finished.
  234. What?
  235. Keep searching! I don't think we have much time!
  236. That looks tricky. Are you going to try again?
  237. Great job Rookie! Keep a close eye on him while I search his base.
  238. Fishing and eating pizza. This is turning out to be such a good day!
  239. Thanks! I've inspected the chair thoroughly, and I think it's great. It's super comfy. G will be glad to hear that it's still here.
  240. The machine seems to be out of milk.
  241. No!
  242. We're sending teams in to fill in the hole at the Docks, to make sure no one gets hurt or lost.
  243. %PlayerName%, what's happening? The readings on my Seismograph 3000 are off the charts!
  244. Looks like G likes to color in between projects.
  245. Great idea! I should search that spot again, in case I missed anything, right?
  246. For this mission, %PlayerName% will be directing the team from the Command Room. The rest of you will be splitting up and searching for Herbert.
  247. Seems like I should inflate the duck before I combine this.
  248. I was just standing here when the ground started shaking!
  249. Oh, hey guys, how's it go-oooooh my goodness! There's Herbert! I found him! And he looks silly!
  250. Sure thing. Anything that might be of some help. Take what you need.
  251. I should ask Gary before touching anything.
  252. Hey, there's more corn down here! This is serious.
  253. Yes, anything to make a party more fun.
  254. It's all right Dot. Hang on, I'll get you out of there.
  255. Oh! Here he comes! Watch through this monitor.
  256. For that, I have this: the Spy Camera 3000.
  257. Be careful! Those earthquakes shook up these <barrels> of cream soda. They look like they're about to blow.
  258. Did you need me to repeat any of that?
  259. Wow! That was fast! I would prefer if you installed it though. I heard you were good with electronics.
  260. The <paper> is out of reach. I wonder if the puffle could help...
  261. Mastermind? Now that you have control, what will you do?
  262. Hello again, can I help you?
  263. Smile, Gary!
  264. Well, it stops the leak, but I don't think it'll hold for too long...
  265. Hang tight. I'll get you down somehow...
  266. Hey, look! The clock's broken - it's counting backwards!
  267. We'll get him, G. It's just a matter of time.
  268. Well done!
  269. No comment.
  270. Understood. I'll meet you there.
  271. HAHAHA!
  272. I'll hold my horses.
  273. Looks like G is working on some new changes to the Aquagrabber.
  274. I should use the tree disguise!
  275. Oh hey, did you hear something?
  276. No need to switch fuses when the power's already on!
  277. Hello again Agent, ready for the briefing?
  278. He's hiding right under our beaks. He's either incredibly smart and bold or a little silly.
  279. Do your best agent.
  280. Alright then tell me- does that mean I should take 'revenge' on you?
  281. He's pretty good at sneaking away for a big guy...
  282. Right! I almost forgot he was here.
  283. Looks like I came in first.
  284. Okay, just let me know if you need anything.
  285. Uh oh, %PlayerName%! I think we've got a problem...
  286. Of course we do...
  287. According to my calculations, Herbert is looking for a way to super-heat the entire island of Club Penguin.
  288. We need something that can cut these ropes.
  289. By the book, and in the air. Say the word, and I'm there. Where to?
  290. Each agent will have a puffle accompany them. Good luck!
  291. Okay. You better get going. Remember to put the <goggles> on and look everywhere.
  292. They were very challenging.
  293. No, not yet. But there are some strange happenings!
  294. What about this missing chair?
  295. Hey chief, I think I might see something. I'm going to... BZZZZZT!
  296. If you could repair it I would be much obliged. And there may be a reward for you if you do.
  297. Hey, dude. Join in. Just getting comfortable.
  298. A golden puffle!
  299. Oh, hello!
  300. I think this IS the next test, Rookie.
  301. This DVD Box would be great for holding DVDs. But I should ask before taking it...
  302. You have already taken enough sauce to make <Hot Chocolate>.
  303. We are the best agents ever!
  304. I was going to watch it. But I'd rather play a game. I really love Mancala...
  305. Rookie - the challenge was to solve the puzzle with the Elite Puffles.
  306. How does it work?
  307. Good idea. You two keep an eye out for Herbert and try to disrupt the transmitter. I'll go find other movies.
  308. Alright boss, I trust you. I hope you know what you're doing...
  309. Yes! I found this tuft of fur left behind when the other creature ran away.
  310. No problem.
  311. No, you go first!
  312. I know, but what choice do we have?
  313. Did you happen to see the Penguin Play Awards?
  314. So. Uh. Hey, I've got a question: What did the polar bear say about the igloo?
  315. not used in game
  316. Yes, but what do I need to do now?
  317. Thank you for joining us, Agent
  318. What are we going to do now.
  319. You can laugh, Agent! Because this time the joke's on you.
  320. This puffle sure looks snazzy in that hat.
  322. I don't know if something as delicate as a bubble can hold a crab for very long...
  323. And I would like to give special recognition to you %PlayerName%, for incredible leadership and courage.
  324. The second thing is to plug the geyser. Though that's easier said than done.
  325. I might be able to <fix> it. Let me have a look and I'll see what I can do.
  326. Maybe I should leave you up there? That IS what you would do, yes?
  327. Any other questions?
  328. The Heads-Ups have gone offline, so we can't use them to track the team.
  329. I think Herbert took parts off that windmill gadget, so no one can open the cage.
  330. The test chamber doesn't seem to be available for testing right now.
  331. No thanks. I'm not hungry right now.
  332. Of course I will get away with this. I'm sure you will soon see I'm much smarter than you.
  333. Do it. Good luck.
  334. then weeks, then months.
  335. %PlayerName% came in first, followed by Dot, Jet Pack Guy, and Rookie last.
  336. There is no time for relaxing in the Ski Lodge.
  337. How do I plug the geyser?
  338. I'm about to tell Herbert that he needs to help us fix the island.
  339. Putting hot sauce on a Puffle O has a very...powerful effect on black puffles...
  340. Hmmm. There's gotta be a way to get something to hit that lever.
  341. I should take more pictures before I go further.
  342. Affirmative. In the meantime, I think I've figured out a way to re-balance the island, to stop it from tipping.
  343. Hello Agent. It seems that you have the boiler back under control. Please report to the HQ as soon as possible.
  344. Excellent! Put it in the <Furensic Analyzer>. We might just find a match if it is a clean sample!
  345. I think I heard some odd noises near the <Ski Lodge>.
  346. Double meat pizza with extra grey fish please!
  347. My stringID is 0 - if you see this in-game this must be a bug - was I set to NULL?
  348. I'm more than just curious. Polar bears aren't supposed to live on Club Penguin.
  349. So what are our final orders for this mission?
  350. If you mimic his movements, he's likely to mistake you for a reflection.
  351. Once they locate Herbert, have them all move into position and wait for back up.
  352. I should talk to Rookie first.
  353. This must be a really high-quality belt to have operated the lift for this long!
  354. One net should be enough for now.
  355. A pleasure to meet you.. Well, your shadow at least.
  356. Aye aye, commander!!
  357. Then we attach these items to the sunken part of the island, using the Aqua Grabber, and inflate them.
  358. What's going on?
  359. Leave the snarky comments to me, Agent. They don't suit you.
  360. Is that corn that you have?
  361. I'm impressed agent you would make a great addition to the EPF, join us?
  362. Don't worry Agent. The boiler won't explode but you will need to fix it immediately.
  363. You better believe it. Thank you so very much!
  364. We must focus all our efforts on stopping this catastrophe, and then arresting Herbert once and for all.
  365. I've never seen any creature like it. It made lots of clicking and scratching sounds while it scrambled around...
  366. Have seen or heard anything weird?
  367. Do you like my drill? I've put that clock gear to good use, wouldn't you say?
  368. No, I don't think I'm ready yet. I forgot something back at my igloo.
  369. You found them!
  370. You'll find me at the Plaza. Come quickly.
  371. I think you should take one of the other barrels.
  372. Don't worry I will find out whats going here.
  373. Nothing right now.
  374. I need a minute.
  375. We need to make our way into the wilderness.
  376. Doesn't look like the <crab> went to The Beach. That is very strange.
  377. And now I'm trapped over an ocean of water, and I have to listen to my arch nemesis gloat !
  378. No problem, here you go.
  379. I can only see tree-tops from up here. Herbert's no where to be seen.
  380. As you can see, if Herbert succeeds ... the island will sink!!
  381. Ready, resourceful and remarkable, Director.
  382. Yeah, sure. I'll be happy to help.
  383. HAHAHA!
  384. What's 347 x 58253?
  385. Ahh, Klutzy. What are you doing in here? I was looking for you.
  386. I have an idea... What if we told him he had to help us?
  387. Before I give you your orders, I have something else I want to give each of you first.
  388. Oh, hey. We're just trying to play a round of Find Four.
  389. The door is locked - it must be for employees only.
  390. Am I able to get a <hot chocolate> from you?
  391. I didn't find anything!
  392. I couldn't think of a good disguise to make with the items the Director gave us. Do you have any ideas?
  393. Hold on a second, you tipped your iceberg? May I ask how you did that?
  394. These pegs are going to fall out if they are not hammered in place.
  395. I once saw an ear-ring.
  396. Yes, let's get started. I love a good mystery, too.
  397. Yes, he just left the camp and left the spy phone behind.
  398. It's Herbert! Quick! Do something! Do something!
  399. I think you look pretty good, for a walking balloon animal.
  400. Nope, sorry to bother you G.
  401. Hello there. Would you like to buy a ticket?
  402. Oh. Right. Got it.
  403. Good to see you again, PH.
  404. Is there anything I can help you with?
  405. That makes four of us. I wonder if anyone else is gonna show up...
  406. See? If you want to go on the Jet Packs, then YOU should go.
  407. Agent! There is a device over there that will lift the cage, but Herbert took the blades off to disable it.
  408. I would have no idea where to look!
  409. I'm not sure I'd know how to fix it.
  410. Okay, come back when you have uncovered something.
  411. I'll look around for a bit and then head out.
  412. Hey Jet Pack Guy, what if we tried mixing our items together?
  413. Are those magic bean-stalk seeds?
  414. Actually, I think this guy is, but let's play anyway.
  415. This fish gave me the idea to make my propellers bigger so that I could fly.
  416. Thank you Director, I can't wait to see the new features!
  417. This computer is full of PSA information!
  418. No time for shopping when you have work to do!
  419. Oh ho! My favorite secret agent. Even earlier than expected, but still too late! I'm about to reveal your identity to the entire island!
  420. I should finish the first challenge
  421. Please take my photograph, Agent! Time is of the essence.
  422. See you in paradise!
  423. Of course! But I've lost my marbles. If you're going to play, you'll have to find some.
  424. Or my rubber ducky! HE'D know what to do...
  425. Aye aye, Captain!
  426. But... What about the PSA?
  427. Uh oh... I'm not so great with the Elite Puffles.
  428. This is quite a story!
  429. I wish there was some way to repay you.
  430. Please come back hat! G told me to never lose you.
  431. Herbert is going to be helping us. How goes your search?
  432. What comes next, G? What do we do with him?
  433. a machine underground
  434. Phone it in, boss. We're right here with ya.
  435. Nice one, boss!
  436. Yay! Popcorn Party!
  437. Can I have a hot chocolate, please?
  438. I don't need this now, but it sure would make something float!
  439. Gary said I should freeze the geyser. How am I going to do that?!
  440. Or... sometimes I just put a different movie in.
  441. Excuse me, I can't stay to chat.
  442. Exactly, but the EPF uses many different tools and strategies than the PSA. You've proven you can solve them no matter what.
  443. Well done, Agent. I was concerned when Rookie reported it wasn't working. Keep up the good work.
  444. This puffle sure likes cookies!
  445. Hmm... And what did you think about the tracks leading out the door?
  446. Only about one in five tend to explode. Maybe I should use less jet fuel...
  447. The door seems to be stuck. Perhaps the Spy Gadget would be useful.
  448. Your mission now: discover Herbert's plan and stop him at any cost. Investigate the tunnels and track him down. Also, search for this missing <map>, it may be crucial.
  449. All you've ever done is cause trouble!
  450. Maybe you could take a look at it and see what's wrong.
  451. Oh! Wait! What's that?
  452. Alright, I think I've got the answer to your troubles. I found a hidden grate after I heard the alarm through it. Look for some kind of opening in the roof!
  453. Hey %PlayerName%! How's it going? It's a beautiful day for... Oh wait! I mean - What are my orders?
  454. You must figure out everything else on your own. The test will begin now. Good luck.
  455. The Director is unavailable now.
  456. Are you ready to try again?
  457. Excellent. Make sure to listen for your spy phone in case there are any updates.
  458. Well, it's stinks! Now I don't even have my revenge to comfort me...
  459. Did you see or hear anything suspicious?
  460. Did you find a movie? When you do, I'll take them.
  461. Secret agents don't salute in public, Rookie.
  462. My buddy is too scared to go up top.
  463. Rookie stop! Are you okay? What happened?
  464. Alright I found all the pieces.
  465. Yeah, thanks a million.
  466. Truly this is the darkest day since I tipped my iceberg and wound up on this idiotic island ...
  467. That polar bear's gone too far this time!
  468. ... you? Well a little earlier than anticipated.
  469. Keep searching. Try asking around to see if anyone has seen it.
  470. There will be plenty of time to play hockey once this mystery is solved.
  471. Search the Beacon
  472. Good eye, Agent. Did you find any clues?
  473. Umm... I don't suppose the Gift Shop is renovating?
  474. Thanks for waiting, G. Yes, let's ask him some questions.
  475. What is it? Is it dangerous?
  476. Well maybe not here, but there sure is one <behind the lodge>. I wouldn't go out there if I were you!
  477. Head to the geyser. Keep your eyes open for something to plug it with.
  478. Good thinking, Agent, but I disabled the phone's gadgets when Herbert escaped so he couldn't access any PSA technology.
  479. We need to find the signal and cut the transmission!
  480. No worries there, chief. The chair's right here! I almost didn't see it myself. Maybe you should see if G will design you some glasses like mine. They're super useful!
  481. You must be very curious about what I am doing here on your cold, miserable little island...
  482. Ahhh.... The tremors! Its like having a massage sitting in this chair!
  483. Keeping secret is most important. Got it.
  484. Dancing is fun, but the job at hand should be finished.
  485. That you for getting my hat for me!
  486. Hold on. Wait here, I'll grab some stuff.
  487. On my way G!
  488. Aha! The wall's only weakness.... TEAMWORK!
  489. You shouldn't wander too far without talking to G first.
  490. Anything else?
  491. I shouldn't leave until I find everything I will need.
  492. Good point. But I think I'll turn it on anyway. Good try "agents"! But the day belongs to me!
  493. There is some kind of device underneath the cover, but it's not ready for use yet.
  494. Excellent. We shall begin immediately.
  495. Nothing seems to be happening here. Maybe I should have a look across the frozen lake.
  496. Welcome back! Is there anything I can help you with?
  497. Oh... Yes. I thought those tracks looked suspiciously un-penguin-like. I'll put up some tape around the scene!
  498. Wow you've fixed the boiler!
  499. Well, I don't know about you guys... But I'm outta here.
  500. May I please have the Magnet plans?
  501. I shall dispatch some agents on jet-pack as soon as possible. Top notch work, Agent. Anything else?
  502. This umbrella would be handy if it was raining.
  503. Oh, right! I almost forgot to mention...
  504. Wait! I've already searched that room. You want me to search again?
  505. All right Agent, go quickly.
  506. I'm sorry I couldn't help you.
  507. Your 'revenge'?
  508. Well, I've search everywhere, including his cave. No sign of Herbert.
  509. You know, these tests are a LOT easier than I was expecting. See you guys at the finish line.
  510. And we may as well enjoy the popcorn for now!
  511. These bars are too sturdy to get past on my own.
  512. %PlayerName%, are you and the other agents alright?
  513. We need to figure out how to destroy the magnet.
  514. Surprised to see me?
  515. I even saw him swimming laps with it on, once...
  516. I have a feeling you're about to tell me.
  517. OH NO! I sat on my glasses! I can't see the screen without them!
  518. To reverse this, you'll either need to find a way to "lift" the lower end, or "push down" on the higher end.
  519. There, now the hole is fixed. All the air inside is gone, though...
  520. Hmm, very weird. But I have to get going.
  521. Hmm that is interesting, well I need to get going.
  522. Bring on the next test.
  523. Now you just need to find a way to help lift the sunken end of the island!
  524. Do you mind if I take this <gum>?
  525. This cliff looks too steep to climb without proper equipment.
  526. Hmm... It's unfortunate that he found the camera. But I think our mission has been successful.
  527. With this drill I've dug a number of tunnels beneath the island, and now we're going to have a little fun.
  528. I wouldn't be so sure, Agent. It seems Herbert has lost himself in the tunnels he made. Without his map, he may be stuck there for some time.
  529. Actually, I'm not feeling the investigative vibe yet.
  530. This is a 1/2 wrench, Klutzy! Must I do everything myself?
  531. Looks like those stakes needed to be <hammered down>.
  532. Whether you've come here from the PSA, the EPF, or even if you haven't heard of either, you are all here because you are the best of the best.
  533. Jet Pack Guy. Report.
  534. But I REALLY don't want you to...
  535. I got a bad feeling boss... We gotta get to Herbert soon...
  536. You should probably talk to the Coffee Shop staff first.
  537. That won't be easy. The geyser is powerful because the hole is very small.
  538. How do we push the other side 'down'?
  539. Boy, I'll say.
  540. Give me the crab; I have a few questions for him.
  541. Unless Herbert's got an invisibility device, he's definitely not here. Where to next?
  542. Why Agent, if I didn't know better, I'd say you were giving up before the game has even started.
  543. Say hello to the penguin in the lab coat and silly glasses, and give him this gift from me!
  544. Indeed.
  545. Aye, Aye
  546. Okay... I'm good...
  547. Sir! Yes sir! Set up the Magnet 3000 as instructed! Magnet doesn't seem to be working! Awaiting further orders, sir!
  548. Send help!
  549. Umm... I... Umm...
  550. Woohoo!
  551. We need to cover up this flood, and keep the public from knowing any of this happened...
  552. Welcome back, any luck?
  553. We can't afford to have him trying another plan while we're dashing to save the island. You need to find him and arrest him.
  554. Where to next?
  555. G has been working on a Virtual Reality Training program, which contains data from old PSA investigations, this will help you get up to speed.
  556. Must be one of G's favorite ink blot paintings.
  557. No
  558. ....and then he went and gave me his phone Bwa ha ha ha ha
  559. Hey there! Can you lend us a flipper?
  560. Show us how a real EPF member scuttles, Agent %PlayerName%.
  561. I must say you had me quite convinced for a moment there...
  562. This jackhammer is too full of dirt to work. It needs to be washed.
  563. But how did you wind up here?
  564. These items do not seem to combine!
  565. If you can put each element into the calibration machine you will be able to use the <goggles>.
  566. Blasting off!
  567. This could lift the Gift Shop, if I could find something to put it in.
  568. Well, I dug out my old <Furensic Analyzer> to check the fur, but I am unable to get it to work...
  569. That is a good hope, Rookie, but until we know for sure we must assume he is still up to no good.
  570. One time I saw Jet Pack Guy trying to break dance with his jet pack on.
  571. Greetings Agent, and congratulations again on a job well done! You are almost ready to start leading our investigation on Herbert.
  572. Click!
  573. Boss, I heard him mumbling to Klutzy. He's finished his gadget to super-heat the island! We have to hurry!
  574. Let's just say I'm a friend.
  575. These scissors could never cut through steel cables.
  576. Do you see any <scary monsters> around?
  577. And a secret agent's first job is to search for clues...
  578. The net needs something to keep it in place.
  579. *WHEEZE* I... *GASP* I did it...
  580. It's probably best to ask the <penguin> behind the coffee counter if you need something.
  581. Can I see that <drawing> one more time?
  582. Oh thank you so much!
  583. The crab must use this for exercise.
  584. Understood, Director.
  585. Oh - but do NOT use your teleporter or map to get around for now! You might appear in a flooded room by accident.
  586. You can play games in the Lounge when you're not on duty.
  587. The tunnels I've dug lead all over the island, and without this <map>, you'll never find your way.
  588. Hey, great idea! Here, take this pole. The fish went home.
  589. Whoa! Where are we? Who are you guys?
  590. You've done a great job Agent.
  591. Like I said, you penguins bug me. Losing your <Ski Lodge> ought to put a damper on your constant noisy parties.
  592. Guilty as charged. Have you enjoyed my handiwork?
  593. Better not throw that in the water.
  594. Congratulations everyone, on some of the finest work I have ever seen.
  595. Woah! What a fearsome looking creature. What could be used to <trap> it?
  596. Hmmm... I have a DVD of the event.
  597. Oh my... This looks like a souped-up popcorn popper...
  598. G, save the scientific mumbo-jumbo for later, the island is sinking!
  599. Oh no! Herbert is getting away.
  600. You should ask G about this before you take it.
  601. Good luck, Agent.
  602. That's a strange place to leave a belt..
  603. Has this rock always been here?
  604. Yes, that pizza over there is for a penguin fishing at the <Ski Lodge>. But I don't have time to deliver it with this mess...
  605. What are our orders, G?
  606. Well done.
  607. The sauce is gone! How did you do that?
  608. Can I get an update on what's happening, %PlayerName%?
  609. To be honest, I thought so too at first...
  610. Well, practice makes perfect, I suppose.
  611. Please! Surely there is some other way!
  612. What in the world? A frozen candy pizza! I HATE FROZEN FOOD!
  613. not used in game
  614. We saw a <crab> jump on the <ski lift> and go up the hill.
  615. Umm... Who are you again?
  616. The Spy log is the magnifying glass device, it will remind you of your current task on your mission. Objects like the wrench can be used to solve problems in the environment.
  617. Congratulations %PlayerName%. You successfully solved the final challenge.
  618. I think this is going to need more popcorn if it's going to work.
  619. Is the boat broken?
  620. Can I hear how the camera works, and what it's for again?
  621. Oh, this old boat's giving me grief.
  622. What seems to be the trouble, Rookie?
  623. Quick Klutzy, plan B. Run away!
  624. Uhhh, yeah. I'm planning to chop down the <Ski Lodge> for firewood.
  625. What happens if we don't get selected to be leader?
  626. Sweet! Cool gadget G!
  627. Yes. We are the Penguin Secret Agency, after all. It suits us to be secret from time to time.
  628. not used in game
  629. Haha! Take that, Puzzle Shuffle! You're no match for me!
  630. These belong to the store. Better not touch them without permission.
  631. It's really complicated, scientific stuff.
  632. and I have no idea what that do-da up there is for
  633. Yikes! I better find a way out before that pops!
  634. I most certainly will NOT wear a running shoe on my head! What are you talking about?
  635. There must be something else I could use...
  636. Where do I begin?
  637. Here's how this test works: Each of you will be given two Elite Puffles, and a bunch of puzzles to solve with them.
  638. Hello again, Agent. Are you ready to begin?
  639. Code name? That's my real name, you foul fowl fools!
  640. Here, I'll help you clean the cookies up.
  641. Look everywhere with the <goggles> on. You're bound to find something.
  642. You can't reach anything trapped inside this cage.
  643. Hello G. No, I'm not ready for a mystery today.
  644. Most excellent, Agent.
  645. Hey, look! My spy phone's working again!
  646. Just make sure you come back. If you run off, we all sink.
  647. I thought with the PSA gone, you'd be out of my fur for good.
  648. You know, if you were to dress up as certain famous penguins, other penguins would definitely follow you around.
  649. It's so rad to have a movie like this. A cool surprise.
  650. Hey! You're the only one who gloats over the misery of others!
  651. You can go fishing when you have completed your mission.
  652. not used in game
  653. No, I am good for now thank you.
  654. The Hill is all clear.
  655. Hey, could I see that newspaper?
  656. That kind of positive attitude is good to hear.
  657. One pizza with the works coming up.
  658. You can play games in the Lounge when you're not on duty.
  659. Any ideas?
  660. Yeah sure, it's all yours. Be careful, though. It's really sticky.
  661. So what's next?
  662. The valve is working properly so it's best to leave it alone.
  663. orange book
  664. I couldn't have done it without my team.
  665. Oh, that is a little something I have been working on to give parties a little extra <'lift'>.
  666. Surprised to see me? You shouldn't be. Those binoculars you left at my camp make it easy to see into places.
  667. Yes, I do have my flippers full, but feel free to talk to me again if you need anything.
  668. Whoa, whoa G! Give me the short version.
  669. He's also a big grump.
  670. Oh no, my scissors broke trying to cut that belt!
  671. What makes an Elite Puffle different from a regular puffle?
  672. You should come back and warm up by the fire another time.
  673. Have.....found.......HQ
  675. Took cover from some snowballs, but confirmed they were not Herbert-engineered. Where to next?
  676. It doesn't seem to be working. Maybe I should have a look inside.
  677. Greetings.
  678. This snowpile is suspicious, I wonder what it is covering up.
  679. What? Impossible! I'm... I'm trapped!
  680. I'm going to need more than that!
  681. We're in the middle of a mystery. Have you talked to G yet? He can fill you in.
  682. Looks like this windmill needs a propellor.
  683. Spread out and look for... Well, anything that can fit!
  684. Well, it's stinks! Now I don't even have my revenge to comfort me...
  685. Jet Pack Guy, you'll be our eye in the sky. Take position, and keep on the lookout. Rookie, you'll be operating a magnetic trap located in the Gift Shop.
  686. Oh, you'll get used to that after a while.
  687. Did you see where it was headed?
  688. I'm hoping it's a party.
  689. To start, how did a polar bear get here? They've never been seen around here before! What is it up to?...
  690. Sounds good, G. I will return shortly.
  691. You mean other than the building sinking?
  692. You already have a deflated <balloon>.
  693. Who did you vote for?
  694. I saw a crab run past here and right out the door!
  695. Well, I came here to look for some things. I'll keep an eye out for them.
  696. Someone left their wheel here.
  697. I am brilliant, magnificent, impressive
  698. What is that on your head?
  699. I'm afraid we're a bit busy right now. We'll lend a hand when we're done.
  700. Wait a moment, you seem familiar...
  701. Let's move.
  702. Do you understand?
  703. What?! Did you hit your head or something?
  704. I've marked the best locations on your map, but the method of installing the devices is up to you.
  705. It looks like I need to hit this target with something.
  706. I need to find Jet Pack Guy before I continue on.
  707. %PlayerName%, I've calculated that you need exactly three large inflatable objects, filled with super helium, to raise the island.
  708. We will need a close look at it. Find something to <trap> it with. I've never done this before, but I imagine <bait> would be helpful.
  709. Town Center is searched and secure. Where should I fly next?
  710. Hmm... I can't reach this. Maybe one of the puffles can help?
  711. Did you notice anything strange?
  712. Hello, the machine is almost ready for you to begin! I have programmed it to take you through all of Herbert's previous exploits!
  713. %PlayerName%, for quick thinking, superb teamwork, and for putting your team before yourself, it is my honor to award you with the rank of Team Leader of the Elite Penguin Force.
  714. Oh no... oh no oh no oh no... Please work, giant magnet... Pretty please?
  715. Terrific work Agent! You found some Hot Chocolate. Pour it into <Goggle Calibrator>.
  716. Did you find any other clues? I've got this place covered.
  717. Can you tell me a bit about the spy gadget?
  718. Ran into some technical difficulties. I'll need help getting into the air.
  719. What? No! That's impossible! How did you find me?
  720. I should probably find Dot before I do anything else.
  721. Herbert Teleported me and this thing here with you guys.
  722. Yes, I'm ready. Let's get started.
  723. Click click!
  724. Keep a sharp eye on the signal, and search quickly but carefully.
  725. Sir! I've got suspicious activity! You might want to send more agents! Do you want me to stay here?
  726. On it.
  727. Bring larger <samples> of these <elements> back to me, and we can use them to calibrate the <goggles> and track our suspect.
  728. Guess you can't just fly through it, hey?
  729. What a strange contraption. Will this actually let you speak with the <crab>?
  730. When nothing is blocking the trough tap to tilt it the other way.
  731. Thanks for the extra parts, everyone.
  732. They look like this, and if you find them all you will be rewarded with a new spy gadget.
  733. Uh. If it helps, I'm totally shaking.
  734. Can't we just keep it in the HQ?
  735. Umm, okay...
  736. Regardless of how well you do, we want you four agents on the team.
  737. G's going to LOVE my report. I'm asking if we can make wigs a part of our uniforms!
  738. Ahh, %PlayerName%! Good to see you! Did you find three inflatable objects?
  739. A penguin said someone took his saw and some other tools. Herbert, maybe?
  740. There you are!
  741. Do you understand the magnitude of this? I control it all!
  742. Klutzy? Why aren't they shaking?!
  743. After careful consideration, I've decided that I'm still not ready.
  744. I told you we would meet again, my fine feathered friend!
  745. Well, I think an agent should be good at many different things.
  746. So to help keep yourself secret, you will need a disguise. Agent D?
  747. %PlayerName%, we have a problem. The geyser is spraying much too hard for us to make a temporary plug.
  748. Until recently, many penguins worked for the Penguin Secret Agency, or PSA.
  749. You look really busy! Can I give you a hand with anything?
  750. Can you help us out?
  751. You already have a <barrel>.
  752. I wonder what's inside that crate... maybe one of the puffles can break it open.
  753. You'll recall that Herbert escaped. After the... unfortunate incident with Rookie surrendering his spy phone to the suspect. Luckily, Herbert left a clue.
  754. Wait a minute. Who are you? What's going on here?
  755. Do you have anything to report, Agent?
  756. Thank you Agent. I shall have to be careful in the future. I never imagined my plans could cause so much trouble.
  757. More like Find Forty-Four.
  758. not used in game
  759. You're welcome!
  760. Have a look at the monitor, Agent.
  761. All right then. Well, hopefully I can get the mess cleaned up soon so I can deliver that pizza.
  762. I'm moving in for a closer look boss. I think I see... BZZZT!
  763. One of G's spare lab coats.
  765. You trapped my team. You destroyed the PSA. Why should I help you?
  766. I'm game to try it.
  767. Herbert's at the Night Club, now's our chance!
  768. That's strange, I got to help set up every video screen so far, But not this one...
  769. But I... I really, REALLY don't want you to...
  770. Yes. Let me give it another shot.
  771. Yes sir!
  772. Oh yes I will. Nothing can stand in my way. HAHAHA!
  773. HAHAHA!! Need I remind you, Agent, that not only am I considerably more intelligent than you, but also much stronger? Now, if you'll excuse me, I must be off...
  774. The EPF needs your decision. Will you join this special unit, do your best to prove yourselves, and help stop Herbert?
  775. I floated adrift and alone for days,
  776. I didn't even think you LIKED rap music...
  777. Yes, Director.
  778. That's OK.
  779. What if we broke it into four pieces?
  780. That was quick!
  781. Flowers? Good guess. But I doubt Herbert enjoys tending to daisies.
  782. Oh no! The statue isn't secure! Quickly, find a way to hammer and seal it into place!
  783. I've provided some materials and plans that might prove useful, but you'll need to find your own solutions.
  784. This appears to be a fake rock!
  785. I'm done with my plans being wrecked. I'm sick of the annoyances. I want to be able to do whatever I wish. Whenever I wish. Wherever I wish!
  786. If I had more light that would give the magnet more power.
  787. Herbert!
  788. Agent. I've spotted Herbert at the Dock. Move in!
  789. I'll dispatch reinforcements as soon as possible. Best of luck to you.
  790. ...and now a prisoner of the frozen snow-ridden landscape you call home.
  791. Good to see you, G. I came as soon as I received notice.
  792. If you find a movie, you should give it to Rookie. He seems excited to do something.
  793. Any words to add, %PlayerName%?
  794. Tap the planks to move them back and forth or up and down.
  795. Have you figured out what caused the explosion?
  796. I heard some weird sawing noises coming from the center of the island.
  797. So be it. But we WILL find a way to stop you...
  798. I've lost my marbles. If you're going to play, you'll have to use the ones you found.
  799. He keeps yelling something about being afraid of water. What should we do?
  800. You did it %PlayerName%! Excellent work!
  801. not used in game
  802. What are you talking about?
  803. Take it easy.
  804. I've got the perfect way for you to install floating items to the island to raise it.
  805. I'm looking forward to capturing you for the last time, Herbert.
  806. No problem, here you go.
  807. I was cast into the treacherous waters, helpless, unable to swim...
  808. And you, little penguin...
  809. Okay, just let me know if you need anything.
  810. Cool, you are an artist?
  811. Other than great bargains at the Sport Shop, there's nothing interesting here. Where next?
  812. As odd as it is, I found this corn. I think it's definitely a clue.
  813. For emergency use, I installed a tracking device in Rookie's hat.
  814. This chest is locked.
  815. Maybe I should go...
  816. YEAH! WE DID IT!
  817. Everyone is free, now let's go!
  818. We can't trust this guy, boss! He's our worst enemy!
  819. I think if they're already in the room, we can consider them safe, Rookie.
  820. This is probably where you put a <mug> for the Hot Chocolate.
  821. Be careful though. He's a tricky one.
  822. Not at this time, G.
  823. Everyone should stay back until help arrives.
  824. Hmm... One moment Agent! Please speak with the Director.
  825. Greetings, Agent. Good to see you again. Thank you for coming.
  826. And that's just the kind of penguin we need leading this team.
  827. These look like some items you might need to find.
  828. Do you have a plan yet? I sure don't!
  829. You already have a <hammer>.
  830. Hey Director!
  831. This is worrying. We have some questions that need answering...
  832. The <mechanoduster> would help clean this up.
  833. I just need a DVD of the plays.
  834. How's it going?
  835. This item isn't very useful for <cutting>.
  836. You can go hop along the water when you're off duty.
  837. Hello??
  838. You can't reach anything while you're trapped inside the cage. Try something else.
  839. Thanks Dot, this disguise is pretty awesome.
  840. The AC 1000 looks like a plain old fan.
  841. These <balloons> are tricky to tie!
  842. That isn't going to help you climb up the cliff.
  843. Don't be shy! The Elite Puffles will let you know if they can't do what you're asking for. Good luck, Mates!
  844. I know Jet Pack Guy, but sometimes you need to take risks.
  845. Man! That was intense! I need a glass of water, or something...
  846. Click clickety click!
  847. Alright, sounds good. Please watch your step while you look around. I haven't had a chance to clean it all up yet.
  848. Good guess, but not quite right. This place is known as the Command Room.
  849. Hush! You're not helping.
  850. We're shaken, but ready for our orders. What do we do?
  851. You guys look busy. I'll leave you two alone.
  852. Do you know what it's like being stuck here? Living in a place you can't stand?
  853. If you have any questions, contact me on the Communicator.
  854. Yeah, for sure.
  855. Mess? Oh. Just been trying wigs on. Not much to investigate. Everything seems to be a-okay.
  856. You're welcome! Why do I want to find these tokens?
  857. No, you're me!
  858. Click ka-click click click click!
  859. Hmm... I'll have to make a stronger impression this time.
  860. HAHAHA! No reverse this time! So long Agent!
  861. It's kind of my thing...
  862. That's all the evidence that needs to be photographed but I should check around for more.
  863. This <net> will not make a good <trap> by itself. Try combining it with another item.
  864. I'll do my best.
  865. Welcome back, %PlayerName%. Once again, excellent work on the PSA missions.
  866. Hi %PlayerName%!
  867. To find somewhere warm to live! Somewhere sunny and hot, with sandy beaches and fruit growing everywhere!
  868. The tracking signal led here. They must be close by.
  869. Ok, I will be here if you need anything.
  870. This <rope> is attached to the net, so you won't be able to use it. Maybe there's some loose <rope> somewhere.
  871. not used in game
  872. I haven't heard anything but I have definitely found these kernel's.
  873. Your team's first mission begins immediately. Are you ready?
  874. Oooh! I hope they play Night of Living Sled next!
  875. Greetings, penguins. Before I begin a very special public announcement, I'll tell you a bit about myself. I am a brilliant genius with amazing schemes and a knack for...
  876. Yeah, it's definitely close. I haven't come in first OR last yet.
  877. Hey listen Rookie, maybe we should try combining our items together.
  878. How should I know? Icebergs aren't supposed to tip! I have no idea how it happened!
  879. The last time I saw " Night of the living sled" was in a box that I put under a piano in the sports shop.
  880. Wait... Did you just say you were a banana?
  881. The jig is up Herbert. Drop the wrench and come quietly.
  882. Things are disappearing all over the island. I need you to find out whats going on.
  883. Unless Herbert is disguised as a Mine Shack, I don't think he's here. Where to next?
  884. Let me introduce myself. I'm 'PH', the Puffle Handler. I'm the gal who trained all the Elite Puffles to do their tricks.
  885. Did you check under the desk? This jetpack, while awesome, does not allow me to fit under small objects with ease.
  886. Was anything up there?
  887. Morning G, you sure seem wide awake and eager to go.
  888. Rookie reporting! Lots of trees! Not a single polar bear! Where to next?
  889. What else do you need to know, Agent %PlayerName%?
  890. Oh yes you are! Every plan I ever had, YOU always had to mess up!
  891. Commander! There's something flying through the air. It looks suspiciously like Jet Pack Guy...
  892. So what's up? What do you want us to do?
  893. Yes, Director.
  894. Hey, can I borrow that air pump?
  895. Perhaps I can help.
  896. Can I hear the crab disguise explained again?
  897. That looks like a comfy sofa, but this is no time to be relaxing!
  898. What sort of test will we need to do?
  899. MY fault! You're crazy! This is YOUR fault! I tried to stop you!
  900. You see? You should go up there.
  901. It's been a long day. Perhaps you should leave this to professionals.
  902. Thanks a lot! I'm glad I remembered!
  903. Gadzooks! Now that's the stuff! I was starving. Is there anything I can do for you in return?
  904. Same to you, Rookie. Looks like this place was turned upside down before the suspect was scared off. Quite a mess!
  905. Good idea. And I just happen to have one.
  906. That's interesting. The tracking devices show that your phone is just across the lake behind the Ski Lodge.
  907. Yeah, I love that film.
  908. This <oven and candles> sure keep the Pizza Shop <warm and cozy>.
  909. Excellent. Anything else?
  910. The magnet isn't strong enough to hold him!
  911. Alright, good luck %PlayerName%. Call me if you need my help. We're counting on you.
  912. I keep hearing some strange noises out in the wilderness beyond the Ski Hill...
  913. Black paint. Great for painting things that aren't black, but should be!
  914. What should we do?
  915. Jet Pack Guy
  916. Release me, and the PSA might go easy on you.
  917. Right! The spy gadget is full of new upgraded EPF tools! These can help you solve missions and performs various other tasks.
  918. You should really get back to trying to fix the geyser.
  919. I should probably take that fur sample before I leave the area...
  920. No, thank you.
  921. Why don't you just give up? You'll never get away with this.
  922. I have not yet formally given you my gratitude for providing me with use of your spy phone the last time we met.
  923. Did you manage to find any more evidence?
  924. A whole lot of ninja-awesomeness here, but no polar bears. Where next commander?
  925. The polar bear said he was going to the Ski Lodge. You better go there first.
  926. It seems this fur is from an unknown source and contains some strange trace elements...
  927. Aye, Aye
  928. You bet. Use it for as long as you want. I'm going to take the boat out soon, so I won't need it for a while. Thanks again!
  929. He tends to get lost from time to time.
  930. This place is a mess it must have been caused by the tremors.
  931. Oooh! Does one of us get to work with the new white Elite Puffle? That's exciting!
  932. Wow! That's super mean, Herbert. It took me forever to become a secret agent. I had to take the test forty-four times. Why are you doing this?
  933. Be ready to move out at any time. %PlayerName%, return to EPF Command Room. We need to go prepare you for the task ahead.
  934. not used in game
  935. Why can't he just wear a scarf like everyone else...
  936. Do not doubt yourself. You are definitely the kind of penguin we're looking for.
  937. No, I've got it.
  938. I sure wonder what Herbert's up to now.
  939. Let's start at the beginning. As I'm sure you know, tremors began about a week ago.
  940. A penguin said they heard that the Ice Rink is closed today.
  941. I just wanted to quickly make sure you were okay.
  942. No, I think I'm reasonably good for now.
  943. Hurry! We need to get to the Mine Shack, and plug the geyser as quickly as possible!
  944. He's all yours boss. Let me know if you need my help.
  945. Did you find Jet Pack Guy upstairs? You can take him a wig. I'm warning you...there aren't any wigs in there.
  946. This looks like a good place to set up a sale.
  947. %PlayerName%, when you're ready, come to the Iceberg.
  948. not used in game
  949. Did you find all the pieces yet?
  950. Wait... Who's Herbert?
  951. Can you explain the spy gadget again?
  952. Sorry friend, but I'm not finished with it just yet. Still have the jokes and poems to read.
  953. Did you find the kernels?
  954. This will weaken the geyser enough that we can freeze and plug the stream.
  955. Hmm, that's a good point. But where am I going to find an umbrella large enough to hold my weight?
  956. Do you know what Herbert is up to?
  957. Well put, Klutzy. The Penguin SECRET Agency won't be so secret. Its cover blown to smithereens.
  958. This is bad... So what do we do?
  959. A penguin would sure look dapper with this snazzy hat on.
  960. ...formerly of the Arctic Circle...
  961. Beach is all clear, boss. Where should I jet to next?
  962. Thanks a lot.
  963. Hmm... Umm... Well, I suppose I would...
  964. Herbert burned a giant hole in the island. Everything's flooding!
  965. Don't do it Herbert! The PSA wants this to end. We're not your enemies!
  966. Good work, Agent. You led the mission well.
  967. I saw what looked like a cold, angry bear but didn't catch it. I caught a crab, though.
  968. Okay. Well, keep doing your best. I'm sure you will figure it out.
  969. Then I'll be warm, AND have peace and quiet.
  970. not used in game
  971. Town Center looks clear. Nothing to report. Where to next, chief?
  972. Now there's some penguins trapped on the mountain. You have to help them!
  973. Or my jet pack?
  974. What's our next course of action?
  975. I think you should talk to G
  976. Rookie, start looking for items that might be able to plug the hole.
  977. A very crude map of Club Penguin.
  978. You can't even ask for help without insulting us.
  979. What are you guys talking about?
  980. Yes. I demand to make my one phone call.
  981. There is no reason to go underground right now.
  982. Thank goodness...
  983. <Hot chocolate>, <hot sauce>, and <jet pack fuel>. I won't be able to calibrate the goggles until you find all three...
  984. Remember, it's your job to make sure the other agents are prepared.
  985. It means, my helpful ally, that I control ALL communication on this island.
  986. Oops, you seem to have lost your map in the fall.
  987. Yes! The seeds were corn. Nothing special at all.
  988. For this mission, Agent G also has a new spy gadget for you.
  989. The machine is working now, and the fur belongs to a pink puffle.
  990. An excellent idea, %PlayerName%. A temporary plug could buy us some much needed time.
  991. The Elite Penguin Force however is an ultra top-secret group of specialized agents that <quietly> handles all major threats to the island's security.
  992. No not really.
  993. Wow, that is a mess! I think I'll leave you to it.
  994. Snowboarding looks like fun.
  995. The PSA's first order of business was to keep penguins safe. The EPF's however is to focus on the threat itself.
  996. But only on one condition... You have to help us fix the island.
  997. I wouldn't suggest it without a helmet.
  998. No, that's it.
  999. Thanks, I'm sure I can find a use for them!
  1000. Thanks! Oh, and before you go... Keep an eye out for special "snake tokens" I've hidden in each mission for an added challenge.
  1001. Check Herbert's old Camp site behind the Ski Lodge. Look for anything that might lead us to his new base.
  1002. Right.
  1003. Has anyone tried to teach the golden puffle tricks?
  1004. Take it easy.
  1005. Hey boss, you'd better come look at this. I found Herbert at the Ski Village.
  1006. Alright, I'll hold still.
  1007. Rookie, did you and Herbert find anything useful?
  1008. I saw a bunch of penguins heading towards the pond with ice-skates.
  1009. Are you guys trying to play Find Four with one piece?
  1010. No problem, Agent. Please report back when you're ready to begin.
  1011. I always make sure I get a good sleep. Besides, I love a good mystery...
  1012. I'm going to shake things up a bit, and while you're waddling around doing damage control, I'm going to make a small pick up.
  1013. Can he blow bubbles?
  1014. Yes, I have them all, and there were sightings of a mutant furry crab on the island.
  1015. That's ok Agent. Let me know if I can be of any assistance.
  1016. Oh yes! I have one more gadget for you. Here!
  1017. A broken translator.
  1018. You need to have a <mug> under the spout in order to pour.
  1019. But wait... I failed to get over the wall. How did I solve it?
  1020. I'd leave the jokes to someone else, Jet Pack Guy.
  1021. Really? Fascinating! I will look into your findings. Anything else?
  1022. Good question, Agent. I'm not entirely sure. Your assignment comes straight from the Director, so I imagine there's a good reason for it.
  1023. I need to get out there and help my team!
  1024. Hey chief, Dot the Disguise Gal reporting in. Where am I searching?
  1025. And then he gave me his phone! He just gave it to me!
  1026. Oh, thank you so much!
  1027. Hmm... Maybe I can make a teleporter out of this fish...
  1028. Interesting. So, what does that have to do with my mission?
  1029. I'll hold my tongue.
  1030. I passed out when Herbert grabbed me. Then I woke here on this ledge.
  1031. I don't need this now, but it looks like a huge balloon is inside!
  1032. Affirmative. Over and out.
  1033. These three items here, are the tracking devices.
  1034. Have you found any cream soda yet?
  1035. Behold! My master piece! At last, I will finally be warm!
  1036. You already gave me a DVD. I don't think we need another one.
  1037. The purpose of today's test is to select one of you for the job of Team Leader. Any questions?
  1038. Yes! I found this tuft of fur from the other creature.
  1039. Wait... I think I was talking about a statue...
  1040. Sure thing. One nice warm pizza coming right up.
  1041. Where am I heading, boss?
  1042. Oh, sure - Dot. Sounds good.
  1043. Search the Iceberg
  1044. Indeed. You showed remarkable skill.
  1045. Good luck.
  1046. Have you found all the items yet?
  1047. I should probably save everyone here first.
  1048. You can go and read after you have completed your mission.
  1049. Did you find the game?
  1050. Flattered though I may be, Agent, taking my picture would be a major security risk.
  1051. Penguins in the Mine have made an amazing discovery. The mysterious golden puffle has been found.
  1052. For what, Director?
  1053. There is a Mancala Master in the Book Room. We're trying to practice so we can beat him!
  1054. Agents, welcome to the next challenge.
  1055. It's too high to jump through the window!
  1056. Looks like the tourist contraption is closed.
  1057. Aargh... what a mess! Not exactly my idea of a good start to the day, you know.
  1058. A <tangled> sample of pink fur is jammed in the machine.
  1059. You will have to be a little faster the Gift Shop doesn't stay there very long.
  1060. Hey. I think this thing opens. But it's stuck.
  1061. All right guys, hit the streets and call me when you're ready.
  1062. Agent report
  1063. And now I'm trapped over an ocean of water, having to listen to a lecture on how miserable I should be!
  1064. This tree looks like it's sturdy enough to hold the surveillance camera.
  1065. Excellent! Put it in the <Furensic Analyzer>. If it is a clean sample, we might just find a match.
  1066. That river looks icy cold.
  1067. Wait... Are you saying...
  1068. Talk to me boss, what's going on down there?
  1069. Aye aye, commander! Rookie reporting in! Where should I search?
  1070. Can you wait a few moments G? I'm not ready.
  1071. I don't think he'll be trying to get revenge... But I'm not sure...
  1072. Sure, I'd be happy to help.
  1073. I don't know. I'm still scared.
  1074. Much simpler than the jet packs used in Jet Pack Adventure. Testing this version must have been a challenge!
  1075. Phew! Another long day.
  1076. Do you know what it's like being stuck here? Living in a place you can't stand?
  1077. Hey! Everyone close your eyes!
  1078. That's a big fish! You would need large bait to catch a fish this size.
  1079. You can make sand castles when you're finished your mission!
  1080. You should take a picture of G so we can get this mission on its way, Boss.
  1081. Remember that no matter what happens, protecting the secrecy of the EPF is your number one priority.
  1082. The top is not properly attached. <Welding> should do the trick.
  1083. I shall scramble our field agents at once, and...
  1084. I don't mind lending it to you. But I can't until I figure out what the problem is.
  1085. Were you able to get the Furensic Analyzer <fixed>?
  1086. The Gift Shop door won't open. Something seems to be blocking it.
  1087. Finally, just finished setting up the crime scene.
  1088. No. Not today.
  1089. Oh right. Umm... I'm outta ideas.
  1090. But that's where I live!
  1091. Help! I think the boiler is going to explode.
  1092. I have my ways. I hope this helps you get the shop ready sooner.
  1093. Can't say that I did.
  1094. I found the skylight! I just need to get the vent open.
  1095. Fly up and look for clues. Anything suspicious.
  1096. Go ahead. Nobody else is using them right now.
  1097. under an anvil
  1098. All right, just let me know if you need anything.
  1099. Opps! I slipped, what a bad landing!
  1100. Herbert! Good news - we're going to help you...
  1101. Yay! I'm free! Thank you so much for saving me, Agent!
  1102. Nothing to report here, Agent.
  1103. Ok, but please hurry.
  1104. Are those jalapeno seeds?
  1105. I'll leave you alone then.
  1106. We need you to find out as much as possible about his plans.
  1107. I don't mean to be mean, but your plans aren't very good.
  1108. Next thing you know, <crabs> will be wearing clothes and eating pizza!
  1109. Please repeat. Already searched there, boss. Are you sure you want me to search there?
  1110. No. Is there an echo in here?
  1111. Klutzy, the little crab you captured, heard my cries and came to my rescue.
  1113. Now we can finally determine who is the greatest Find Four player of all.
  1114. I don't remember. I just loved all the plays! I even have a DVD of the whole thing.
  1115. Hold on for your orders. G is running some calculations...
  1116. No, I'm not going up there.
  1117. WOW!!! Those were puffles trapped in there.
  1118. You bet. I've been waiting for weeks to see this play. I hear it's groundbreaking, which I think means it's really good.
  1119. What if I run into Klutzy?
  1120. Your friend looks worried, but how can he help you?
  1121. and it wasn't a penguin! It was growling and clicking. I've never heard anything like it before.
  1122. Use your grappling hook to climb back down. Call me when you've made it to the Mine Shack. G over and out .
  1123. Indeed. We need to keep a positive attitude about these things.
  1124. And wherever that phone is, Herbert will be...
  1125. Excuse me. I don't suppose you have any rope?
  1126. Alright, hold still. I'll get your hat.
  1127. Maybe I can make something that will scare the bars away... What are bars afraid of?
  1128. It would be to dangerous to go through here until the Gift Shop is fixed in place.
  1129. Looks like this is where you put the <Chocolate Sauce>.
  1130. That's strange. No signal and my phone's broken. I guess I'm waddling back to HQ.
  1131. Yes please. I would.
  1132. Excuse me. Do you know where I can get some fuel?
  1133. Looks like one of G's machines is broken again. You'll have to fix it yourself.
  1134. Herbert tied me to this crummy rocket and just left me here!
  1135. This is G's invention testing chamber. It's not on right now.
  1136. There is no time to go wandering in the Forest.
  1137. Wow, ace! Nobody's ever opened this door without clearance before.
  1138. Well put.
  1139. Greetings everyone. For those who may not know me, I am the leader of all secret agent operations on the island.
  1140. There must be a way to break this ice! Those poor puffles!
  1141. HAHA!
  1142. Click click click CLICK!
  1143. Yo chief, the Beach is all clear. Along with the Lighthouse and the Beacon. Where to next?
  1144. Well, my work here is done. See you later.
  1145. Thanks!
  1146. Hmph! Got pegged by a snowball, but no polar bear. Where next?
  1147. Where am I supposed to take the pizza again?
  1148. On my way!
  1149. What do you mean by 'hardly ever'?
  1150. As in, there's no way these could be happening naturally...
  1151. What do you think, %PlayerName%?
  1152. Okay, no problem. You better get back to your mission though.
  1153. Hey chief, can I help at all?
  1154. I wish I could fly like Jet Pack Guy...
  1155. SOOOO...
  1156. Well, if he IS still around, I think he's going to reform his evil ways. He came through in the end.
  1157. Well done! The Magnet is up and running. If Herbert grabs a hold of the golden puffle, he'll be no match for this magnificent magnet!
  1158. Jet Pack Guy to %PlayerName%! Do you read me? I took a picture of something unusual at the Docks! Whatever it was is gone now...
  1159. Good morning agent. There was an avalanche at the Ski Hill recently, and we have a piece of fur as our only clue. Are you ready to get to the bottom of this strange fur mystery?
  1160. Before we can send you into the field we must debrief you on Herbert's previous activities.
  1161. Rookie, get ready. I'll get you more power!
  1162. The Director said we needed to cross this for the test?
  1163. Indeed. Our first order of business is to determine what Herbert is planning.
  1164. I need to find a way to pop that bubble and set the puffle free!
  1165. Wonder if someone needs this?
  1166. not used in game
  1167. You're right, it's a beautiful day out. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got important work to do.
  1168. Haha! Just a few more cranks and this beautiful boiler is ours Klutzy! No more chilly nights for us...
  1169. No, I have nothing more to report at this time.
  1170. Strange happenings? Well, you can tell me all about it when you are done finding all the items.
  1171. And we need the best...
  1172. Seems like it's not fitting snugly into the hole yet...
  1173. Hmm... Umm... Well, I suppose...
  1174. I didn't see where he took the others. Keep looking.
  1175. This will take more brainstorming... I need more information...
  1176. All right, well can you at least tell me how am I supposed to clean this all up by myself? I need to get my clearance table outside, pronto!
  1177. Hey Dot, maybe we need to combine our items into one.
  1178. ALL PSA technology! Including my phone's teleporter!
  1179. His fur acts as a natural camouflage. He could certainly teach our agents a thing or two about covert operations.
  1180. Looks like the Coffee Shop's missing a lot of java beans.
  1181. *GASP* I just need... *WHEEZE* To catch... My breath...
  1182. Doesn't look like the crab went to The Beach. That is very strange.
  1183. You did it %PlayerName%! Awesome job!
  1184. Cheese! Oh, wait... I'm not Gary.
  1185. Drawing the picture was the first thing I thought of doing after the monster left.
  1186. Wow, you're right, it is messy in here! What happened?
  1187. But of course. Fashioned from high-density material. Nobody knows, but... oh! Sorry. No time. Ready for your mission briefing?
  1188. We're moving in now. Jet Pack Guy, report back to HQ. Rookie, come with me.
  1189. The perfect disguise for the occasion!
  1190. If you really want on the Jet Packs, you are going to have to go up.
  1191. Awww look at this.
  1192. Click Click Click
  1193. What will I be taking pictures of, exactly?
  1194. I need to find a beach chair and relax...
  1195. This is for pulling the pizzas out of the oven. You won't need this for your quest.
  1196. Hey! No fair! He NEVER takes that jet pack off!
  1197. Most likely, you'll need to find a way to do both.
  1198. Actually, could I have your newspaper?
  1199. This could be important evidence. Could I take a sample of the <sauces>?
  1200. It ran into the wilderness. What should we do?
  1201. Thank you, agent.
  1202. Wow, that should be really cool!
  1203. Agents, this is serious! We need to stop Herbert fast.
  1204. Pretty lucky for a guy who's drifted here from the North Pole...
  1205. I'll see if I can stop this, you two find a way out.
  1206. It's almost as high as the Tallest Mountain. Maybe even higher!
  1207. Simple. I found the map, fixed the mess, and caught you red handed.
  1208. I should use my wrench here.
  1209. Herbert's finished whatever he was doing, and he's heading back... He looks quick for a big guy...
  1210. There's something strange about that fish, but I'm not fast enough to catch it. I wonder who is...
  1211. Be careful.
  1212. Club Penguin is in terrible danger. The EPF is on Red Alert.
  1213. This is a pretty sticky situation.
  1214. I would help you if I had the right <tools>.
  1215. I can't believe the island is sinking. This will really hurt my sales...
  1216. This net isn't going to stay. It needs to be nailed into place.
  1217. Could you pesky penguins stop patting yourselves on the back for one second?
  1218. Ok now Dot, Rookie and Jetpack Guy: %PlayerName% will be giving you guys commands on where to move. You guys should head out now so we can try and get a head start.
  1219. Ready for liftoff Boss. Where to?
  1220. I'm in, Director.
  1221. Hi, what did you need?
  1222. I'm sure you'll find a use for his snapping claws. Use that annoying Puffle whistle you have to call him.
  1223. Hmph... Says the penguin with a propeller on his hat...
  1224. By setting up the tracking devices, we'll be able to tell where your old spy phone is. Wherever that phone is, Herbert will be nearby.
  1225. So what did Gary say?
  1226. But someone has to go up there!
  1227. What?! What's Herbert going to do?
  1228. Give me the cream soda and I'll get you started.
  1229. I should use the rock disguise!
  1230. Hmm... What's a disguise gal to do? I wonder if I could make an effective suit from this stuff...
  1231. I'm glad to have another agent looking over my shoulder.
  1232. Hey chief! Congrats again on the promotion.
  1233. All right then. Nice talking with you. Let me know if you need anything.
  1234. Okay Agent, good luck.
  1235. Here are the options for our next course of action.
  1236. Seeing what this did to the puffle, it would be a good idea not to give one to anyone else.
  1237. Hello agent. As you can see I've taking over. I plan to tell everyone about your secret agency
  1238. When you locate Herbert's base, use this camera to take pictures of anything that looks interesting.
  1239. Something about this cabinet seems off.
  1240. Actually, I've got to go. I'll be back later.
  1241. They were thought to be earthquakes, but were so <strange> that the PSA began investigating.
  1242. No time for shopping when there's work to do.
  1243. The Director! The pleasure's all mine!
  1244. Ask Dot for her opinion. She might have an idea on how to disguise yourself so that penguins will listen to you . 
  1245. Let me know when you have the solar panel.
  1246. What is it Rookie?
  1247. But Herbert got away... We're back at square one.
  1248. Let's get going!
  1249. not used in game
  1250. Head to the Lodge, and see if you can locate him. Then you'll receive more orders.
  1251. No worries Rookie. I have it right here.
  1252. Crystal clear, Director!
  1253. This device is my latest invention - I call it the Heads-Up 3000.
  1254. It will allow you to see and hear the rest of the team.
  1255. Alright! That's one of my favorite places! I'd love to search there again. Should I go there now?
  1256. Oh yuck! Someone put meat on this pizza! Disgusting.
  1257. G? Are we safe? Did we do it?
  1258. Is there anything else you would like to report?
  1259. On second thought, maybe later.
  1260. Seems like it's too high up for me to reach...
  1261. Use this special map to view the other agents, and tell them where to search next.
  1262. Where's my calculator? I need to calculate a plan!
  1263. There he is!
  1264. It appears to have brought us a gift. How kind!
  1265. I need to patch up the hole in this duck before I can inflate it.
  1266. Woohoo! Congratulations!
  1267. That's right. Take it or leave it.
  1268. Thank you, G. I won't let you down.
  1269. Oh, uhh... Nope! No problem here!
  1270. I don't think I can get over that river. I'll have to find another way...
  1271. Maybe I've taken too many falls at the Ski Hill. Can you brief me about what happened last time?
  1272. When we locate his base, the only other creature Herbert will allow inside is his friend - Klutzy the crab.
  1273. Hmm... That'll definitely open up new options. Here, take this belt - it's the most useful item I have.
  1274. Good luck, Agent. Only you can save your team.
  1275. How did a starfish end up there?
  1276. Herbert sealed the exit! I'll have to find another way out.
  1277. I think so... Some of them are a bit strange, but they should work...
  1278. Alright, I'm getting out there. Anything else I can use?
  1279. Penguins all over the island have reported seeing a mutant furry crab.
  1280. Landed right where I wanted to be, of course!
  1281. Heh heh, I suppose they are, Rookie.
  1282. I need to dig through this snow.
  1283. Be careful - the camera uses a lot of power. You won't get many shots before the battery runs out.
  1284. The window is too high to climb through.
  1285. There's an old campsite across the pond. Looks like there's some interesting stuff left behind you could take...
  1286. Thank you agent....
  1287. I think you're having too much fun with those wigs, Rookie...
  1288. Well you heard the Director! Let's move out!
  1289. But why chop down the <Ski Lodge>? There are lots of trees in Club Penguin.
  1290. I shall return soon with a piece of true artwork to use as your rescue device.
  1291. He's right chief. We're counting on you.
  1292. He believes his plan will turn the island into a tropical paradise, but MY calculations show something much worse
  1293. Sure thing! Here it is.
  1294. I need to phone this in to G...
  1295. Noted.
  1296. Hello Agent. It seems you have correctly placed all the transmitters, please report back to the HQ.
  1297. Aye aye, chief! He's waiting for you.
  1298. Maybe you're being tested.
  1299. I am not sure what you are going to do with my jet pack.
  1300. Hmm... Yeah, you're right. Jet Pack Guy's a great pilot, but we've got our own skills.
  1301. That fixes it, all right. Klutzy - onward!
  1302. I have no idea where Herbert took him.
  1303. I once saw a fish bowl.
  1304. That was a really bad joke, Jet Pack Guy...
  1305. I think we've got our clues, Agent Rookie. Nice work.
  1306. Just grab that stuff on sale while I tidy up behind the counter...
  1307. Very impressive.
  1308. Here is a animation of what I predict will happen if Herbert successfully heats up the island.
  1309. This puffle seems to be following me. Maybe it's still hungry?
  1310. May I borrow the board?
  1311. I'm impressed, ace. I've heard a lot about you, and it seems what I heard was true.
  1312. This is G, please report. 
  1313. This door is locked. If only there was a way to open it.
  1314. Not sure. The geyser hit his balloon, and he crashed somewhere.
  1315. All of you, for bravery and quick thinking, and actions that go above and beyond the call of duty...
  1316. Green means go red means stop.
  1317. Which one do you think?
  1318. All right, come back whenever you have decided to start.
  1319. This spring is too small to use for the clock.
  1320. %PlayerName%! Are we ever glad to see you!
  1321. Can I ask you some questions, G?
  1322. Come with me to the Mine Shack. I might need your help.
  1323. I found the entrance to Herbert's base, but it's locked. Any ideas?
  1324. Thanks, Dot. So what do you have for me?
  1325. Amazing! Glad to see you're safe Agent. Let's get you back to the Command Room.
  1326. Oh, this IS a bad day! First I make a small miscalculation and destroy the island I'm living on...
  1327. No, nothing at this present juncture.
  1328. What did you find, chief?
  1329. Now, what are you doing in here?
  1330. You're not going anywhere, Herbert.
  1331. This one should be easy - all you need to do is find some large items that we can fill with air. Like giant balloons and such.
  1332. Check in on each of the agents to see if they need any help.
  1333. It will take very fast <scrubbing> to get these stains off.
  1334. Excuse me, I don't have time to chat.
  1335. Whatever it was, I don't think it was expecting me. It ran away when it saw me, but I've been on edge ever since.
  1336. On it.
  1337. There's always a solution.
  1338. How does it look %PlayerName%? Any chance the Elite Puffles could seal the hole?
  1339. Herbert's balloon. Looks like it has a hole that needs to be patched up.
  1340. I am Herbert P. Bear, Esquire...
  1341. Hurry!
  1342. Herbert! Freeze! We got you cornered!
  1343. Crabs are pretty common on the island. If any penguins see you, just stay quiet. You'll blend right in.
  1344. A few of the Elite Puffles will remain here, in case %PlayerName% needs them.
  1345. Good luck Agent.
  1346. Alright, but be as quick as you can, I am anxious to get to the bottom of this.
  1347. He said he's digging tunnels underneath Club Penguin to make a distraction.
  1348. One is to stop the island from tipping. The geyser is affecting the island's balance, causing it to tilt. We need to fix it.
  1349. That's okay, I guess I don't really need any hot chocolate right now.
  1350. Fortunately, I have a back up plan.
  1351. Commander? I'm not sure if this is important, but Herbert is at the Night Club.
  1352. You did it %PlayerName%! We're free!
  1353. I love this game
  1354. That will not happen. You are inferior. I will prevail.
  1355. Alright everyone, here are the results of the challenge:
  1356. Whoa! How did that get in there? Umm...
  1357. We should head to the Ski Village.
  1358. Anything else I need to know?
  1359. Whistling for your puffle is easy, just tap on your whistle to call who you want. Using them is pretty simple too...
  1360. The bear has a secret hideout in the wilderness. The PSA should investigate now.
  1361. Understood.
  1362. He says... "I love it! Crunchy on the outside and chewy on the inside!"
  1363. Did you remember to make this gadget waterproof?
  1364. Rookie. Please don't mention the puffle in public.
  1365. Alright, I'm in Director.
  1366. At this moment the puffle is not in our custody. We are merely protecting it.
  1367. You are a sterling example to us all.
  1368. What does the PSA plan to do if we manage to capture Herbert?
  1369. Awesome!
  1370. Thank you so much. Your generosity will not be forgotten.
  1371. No, there are no scary monsters around here.
  1372. Yeah, I think I did.
  1373. How did it get broken?
  1374. This machine should be able to translate the <crab's> clicking. Let's get started.
  1375. Wait! How are you transmitting into the HQ?
  1376. Alright, we have to roll...
  1377. No thanks. I think I am good right now.
  1378. There was some kind of trap! It caught all of us in this big net or something!
  1379. It's hard to say at this point, Agent. We just don't want any more attacks. We need to brainstorm a solution soon.
  1380. I need you to fly around, check the island for damage, and report back.
  1381. I've got a clear view of the suspect! What are your orders?!
  1382. You know... party planning is a lot more work than I thought!
  1383. Those frozen berries have given me brain freeze. I need a hot <seaweed pizza>. Curse this cold!
  1384. Think of us as 'problem solvers', and the other organizations as 'damage control'.
  1385. Farewell P.S.A. I've enjoyed our encounter but victory is mine.
  1386. We have several options open to us.
  1387. Hello how can I help you?
  1388. Click click click.
  1389. Hey, Jet Pack Guy. What have you found?
  1390. I guess the first agent to use their items to get through wins...
  1391. I thought for certain that I was done for. But before I slipped beneath the waves, I was saved by an unlikely hero.
  1392. Shhh. The Director is about to tell us something.
  1393. I can't. I don't really have time right now.
  1394. Each of you'll be sent immediately to the scene where you'll...
  1395. It's a corn on the cob. This is definitely a clue.
  1396. Got a small snowball fight down below, but no Suspect. Where to next?
  1397. Don't get distracted by the fancy clothes - there's work to do!
  1398. Wait, what's this?
  1399. All I'm seeing are ninjas up here. And I don't think Herbert's going to mess with them. Where next?
  1400. I'm in the Zone! Let's do this!
  1401. Using your Communicator, have your agents comb the island for clues, while you make your way into the wilderness.
  1402. Are you ready to begin your mission debriefing?
  1403. If only you could read squiggles.
  1404. Did you see a <crab> come by this way?
  1405. Rookie is ready with the magnetic snare.
  1406. Right. A missing computer. And some odd tracks.
  1407. It's stronger than steel, and cold enough to withstand any fire!
  1408. Let me know when you found the missing items
  1409. You have enough Hot Chocolate for now.
  1410. Freeze right there, Herbert!
  1411. It seems like I'm going around in circles. I guess I'll need that map after all.
  1412. There is a big pile of snow blocking the door.
  1413. Herbert must not want anyone in here. This door has 3 locks on it!
  1414. No, sorry to bother you.
  1415. If we climb on each other's shoulders, we should be tall enough to reach the top...
  1416. That does sound scary! Can you describe this creature to me?
  1417. Jet Pack Guy is now in position.
  1418. not used in game
  1419. I see. But it could take days before you find enough string and glue sticks to make one...
  1420. Time is running out! Come ON G...
  1421. Umm, excuse me? Is The Mine track open?
  1422. Would you look at this mess?
  1423. Did it manage to get a strike?
  1424. Have a good one! Thanks again!
  1425. Find some way to pull me closer to the ledge!
  1426. not used in game
  1427. Cool! Thanks!
  1428. Herbert! Down here!
  1429. Hey, I've already searched that location. You sure you want me to check it again?
  1430. Well, no one is forcing you to wear a tutu, so that's not my concern.
  1431. I do think your glasses are cool... But what about the salon chair?
  1432. Hey %PlayerName%.
  1433. What? WHAT?! KLUTZY! Intruder alert! Someone has stolen my secret plans!
  1434. That's right! The PSA! But they couldn't, and neither will you.
  1435. Detain Herbert in a holding cell until he's learned his lesson.
  1436. Do yourself a favor, Agent. This boiler is about to blow. Get out of here while you still can.
  1437. Oh no you don't! That golden puffle is MINE!
  1438. Did you answer it?
  1439. No, thank you. I think I'm okay.
  1440. There is no need for the Changing Rooms right now.
  1441. You can do it, boss!
  1442. I'm not going up there, you go up there! It's too scary!
  1443. not used in game
  1444. Did it catch anything?
  1445. Yes, please!
  1446. The HQ network is under a cyberattack.
  1447. Herbert, don't activate that thing. It's too dangerous!
  1448. Do you happen to know where I could find a wrench?
  1449. Couldn't you have found something less... Clownish?
  1450. That would never fit me!
  1451. I can't look...
  1452. This sounds exciting...
  1453. Remember, your agents are only to track Herbert. If they find him, they must not try to capture him yet. We need more info first.
  1454. Herbert's a polar bear who's secretly been on the loose for some time.
  1455. What was up there?
  1456. The Gift Shop can't float there forever. You'll need something to catch it.
  1457. Cut to the chase, Herbert.
  1458. Aye aye, commander!
  1459. We did it!
  1460. Hello again Agent. Is there anything I can help you with?
  1461. This bag of <'O' berries> is too high to reach. It needs to be <cut> down.
  1462. What a mess! How did this hole get here?
  1463. Can you just use rocks?
  1464. What do you want, Herbert? I suggest you make it quick. We're tracking your signal as we speak.
  1465. Did it have wings?
  1466. He made a popcorn machine powerful enough to destroy the PSA HQ, which had been trying to capture him...
  1467. What should we chew? I mean do.
  1468. All you need are some <sticks>, some paper, and some <string>. Refer to <the plans>, and you should have no problems.
  1469. Listen you pesky penguin, this is no time to argue over petty details.
  1470. Hey, thanks! I appreciate that.
  1471. No, I still haven't completely figured it out. Sorry to interrupt your coffee break.
  1472. Okay, come back when you are ready.
  1473. In this room you will each find a box. Inside you will find items needed for the four challenges ahead.
  1474. I need to think of a better way than poking to distract him.
  1475. Oh no... Is that kelp I see? I can't stand to eat any more of it...
  1476. Do you have any suggestions for constructing the kite?
  1477. Either way, thanks a lot for helping out. I appreciate it.
  1478. not used in game
  1479. Search the Ski Village
  1480. Pizza with everything.
  1481. You should set up a table first.
  1482. Seen any other DVD's around?
  1483. That's too bad!
  1484. I am good for now thank you.
  1485. Rookie, please report back to HQ. We need to have a short discussion on proper prisoner handling.
  1486. I am SO glad I'm not in charge right now.
  1487. Hmm... I have an idea. If this magnifying glass is as powerful as you say, it should be strong enough to destroy itself.
  1488. Those aren't very good odds, G...
  1489. Could I take a sample of the <sauces>? They could be important evidence.
  1490. What's that? An appeal to friendship?
  1491. Good work Agent. What a clever use of your spy comb! I almost thought that comb wasn't good for anything...
  1492. Agent! We have a Code Red emergency!
  1493. Hey %PlayerName%, I have confirmed there are no Herberts here. Where should I search next?
  1494. This target is used to wind the Club Penguin Town Clock, but it takes a snowball to move it.
  1495. Excellent work, G. The suspect has taken the bait.
  1496. Aww man...
  1497. There is still something blocking the trough.
  1498. I admit, my fowl friend, you are sharp. But I shall never be fooled or tricked by the likes of you. Your success has been nothing but luck so far.
  1499. This plaque explains Penguin Standard Time.
  1500. Yes, it seems so, Rookie. But the important part is that we're all safe.
  1501. I know which costumes will guarantee penguins will follow and listen to you.
  1502. Where to next, boss?
  1503. Oh my. We need to get over the wall without any equipment.
  1504. If I put something over this fire, maybe it would explode and set off the ladder.
  1505. Not just me -- he's scared too!
  1506. Hmm... that doesn't look right to me. Can you try again?
  1507. Thanks for replacing the Chocolate Sauce. But the machine definitely still needs a good repair before it can make <Hot Chocolate> again.
  1508. All right, good enough.
  1509. This is the Command Coach helmet. It lets me see things that are otherwise hidden.
  1510. What's the good news?
  1511. I'm too busy to shop now.
  1512. Wow that was incredible! What an ingenious way to fix the Gift Shop.
  1513. Good luck agent.
  1514. Hey, thanks a lot! It will be like the ultimate Find Four game!
  1515. This is the Command Coach station, which enables two agents to work together.
  1516. They don't call me Rocket-Fast Rookie for nothing! Actually, they don't call me that at all!
  1517. I'm glad you asked, Agent. Each of you will be assigned to guard an entranceway into the Night Club.
  1518. Here is a gadget that will help you locate Rookie and the other agents.
  1520. This item isn't really going to help to <blow> the fuel can closer.
  1521. Maybe this is a door in disguise... Nope, guess not.
  1522. It means the PSA is out of commission. It's finished. All of our files and investigations are now being transferred to our secret co-agency, the Elite Penguin Force.
  1523. Herbert! I should have known you were behind this!
  1524. Keep me posted, G.
  1525. Sensei's hat, and Cadence's wig. I need your help.
  1526. Brrrrrr I'm cold. What is with this cold snap?
  1527. It is strange that the <crab> didn't go to The Dock. You better follow him.
  1528. Roger! Orders received loud and clear, commander!
  1529. Hello Agent, you seem to have a question on your mind.
  1530. That looks like a good trap! All it needs is some <bait>.
  1531. That should do it!
  1532. Surely, they could provide a big <lift>.
  1533. This puffle seems vaguely familiar and looks <hungry>.
  1534. You foul fowls! Do you know how much time and effort I've put into that statue?! You can't just take it!
  1535. Quickly now, freeze and plug the stream!
  1536. I would prefer if you installed it though. I heard you were good with electronics.
  1537. Ummm yes, what is <Super Helium>?
  1538. I hardly see what THAT has to do with anything...
  1539. Oh, sorry, you look busy. I can come back later.
  1540. Don't worry the puffles will still be there when you've finished your tasks.
  1541. You see that mine cart on its side? It took one too many back-flips on a corner, if you know what I mean.
  1542. Here are your orders, Agent: Find a way across the pond, recover your spy phone, and improvise a makeshift camera. Hide it and then return to HQ.
  1543. All right!. A piece of critical evidence.
  1544. Wait, what's going on here? What's the Elite Penguin Force?
  1545. Whoa, this thing is snazzy!
  1546. A crab and a bear? That is strange. But that would explain the strange sightings and prints...
  1547. You won't know until you check it out. Good luck. I've got work to do.
  1548. On second thought, I've got some other things to do first.
  1549. There's no time for personal computing now!
  1550. Can I have a <hot chocolate>?
  1551. This cliff is too steep to climb without proper equipment, otherwise you'd climb to the Ski Mountain this way.
  1552. This pipe must have been pulled down with the Gift Shop
  1553. Hey %PlayerName%, didn't you take a picture of something really heavy recently? I seem to remember you mentioning it...
  1554. So be it! I agree to your terms!
  1555. No, I don't have anything.
  1556. Farewell for now. Sit tight; I may even consider letting you go when I return with the wood. Let's go Klutzy!
  1557. Actually, I'm looking for a DVD.
  1558. I think we need all the help we can get...
  1559. We'll have to see what the future holds...
  1560. Sorry, not yet. I'll keep looking though!
  1561. I believe Herbert is up to no good again.
  1562. Yes, uh huh, ok understood... click. Agent, the Herbert files are being moved to a different agency.
  1563. Look around for anything that might be useful for a <trap> and some <bait>.
  1564. Hot sauce and 'O' berries seem to be a dangerous combination.
  1565. This could cause ocean water to flood the island. And once enough water comes through...
  1566. Well done. I am proud of you all.
  1567. Oh dear, what a mess. Any luck recovering the <crab> yet, Agent?
  1568. not used in game
  1569. All kinds of stuff. Don't know why it's here, dude. But can't wait for the show.
  1570. That's incredible. So, where do we come in?
  1571. You know, I'm beginning to think I chose the wrong thing to be good at...
  1572. A big balloon passed by here, over the wilderness and the river and went to the tallest mountain!
  1573. Umm... I gotta go... Somewhere else...
  1574. This chocolate will be perfect to make some <Hot Chocolate>.
  1575. What have you got, G?
  1576. How are we going to destroy the magnet?
  1577. What a great day to be fishing! Although I haven't caught much, so I'm getting a little <hungry>.
  1578. Excuse me. Have you seen the marbles for this?
  1579. Brilliant G! What do I need to find it?
  1580. Ok, Boss...
  1581. Well, like I mentioned before, we need a way to pull one end of the island up, and push the other down.
  1582. Hello Agent. I am getting some strange readings from the Boiler Room. Is everything all right?
  1583. Time is of the essence, Agent. We must capture Herbert in the Night Club.
  1584. That's okay. Keep looking and I am sure you will find something.
  1585. Follow it. When it comes to wilderness survival, you're our best agent!
  1586. Hey, good to see you again.
  1587. Actually, not really. I'm just here to stop you.
  1588. Herbert must have been ready for us, and laid a trap.
  1589. not used in game
  1590. Everyone is free, now let's go
  1591. Wow! Thank you!
  1592. Do you now? I'm patient, but even I don't have enough patience to wait until you guess my genius plan. It'll never happen.
  1593. not used in game
  1594. All clear from up here, boss. Where to next?
  1595. Bulletin boards are great places to keep to do lists.
  1596. How do I rebalance the island to stop it from tipping?
  1597. A secret entrance to Herbert's base! It's locked, though...
  1598. I was just about to ask Herbert to join us, actually...
  1599. Can't go there right now.
  1600. G, I found blueprints at Herbert's camp for an underground base!
  1601. This lock looks broken. It could probably be fixed with a handy <tool>.
  1602. I saw him go up the mountain, %PlayerName%! I think he's about to warm up the island!
  1603. Hey chief! I think I've got some good disguises going, but I need help.
  1604. I will figure out who is behind this.
  1605. I should talk to that penguin on the dock before borrowing his air pump.
  1606. A comfortable bed for puffles... and now a crab.
  1607. Ok, I'll try it again.
  1608. What is it Rookie? What did you do?
  1609. I dropped a deep-dish pizza and stained my favorite mop when I cleaned it up.
  1610. Good start mates! Head through that door for your next challenge. Stay sharp though! Some of 'em are pretty hard!
  1611. Ok, I will be here if you need anything.
  1612. Hey, you did it!
  1613. This scratches easily. Find something you can carry it in
  1614. not used in game
  1615. It's good to hear from you again, Director.
  1616. Negative. This is still a recon mission. We need more information.
  1617. That should do the trick.
  1618. Puny penguin! You think this trap can hold me?!
  1619. Yes, uh huh, ok understood... click.
  1620. Don't worry about Herbert. Right now your priority is to fix the boiler.
  1621. Search high and low. Leave no stone unturned. We MUST find Herbert before he can finish his plans.
  1622. Good work, that should make an excellent trap. Now it just needs <bait>.
  1623. It all happened so fast... I saw it this morning on my way into the shop. It was a big, strange, angry thing...
  1624. Bad news G, Herbert's using a giant ice-magnifying glass to warm up Club Penguin!
  1625. Maybe you can try combining items. Do you remember how?
  1626. Wait, you can't swim?
  1627. Thank you for fixing the Gift Shop!
  1628. I once saw a house fly.
  1629. Indeed.
  1630. You have enough berries in your inventory, better leave the rest in the bag.
  1631. Herbert's a big guy. You'll need at least three items to get him to float.
  1632. We don't sell DVDs. Just tickets.
  1633. Best of luck, Agent.
  1634. You can't go up there. Time's attic'ing away!
  1635. Alright, we have to hurry.
  1636. Nice to meet you, PH.
  1637. Actually, I do. I have been waiting to use this for the longest time.
  1638. That was amazing! That side of the island is pushed down perfectly.
  1639. not used in game
  1640. We're in the middle of a mystery. Have you talked to G yet? He can fill you in.
  1641. Let's catch us a polar bear.
  1642. Oh, I don't know, it is just TOO SCARY!
  1643. May I borrow the movie?
  1644. I'll let G give you the info, Agent.
  1645. I need to find something that could lift the shop.
  1646. Over and out.
  1647. No wait... Why don't we get him to help us?
  1648. I should grab the goggles before I go look for the creature.
  1649. Welcome back everyone. Well done. The island is safe once more.
  1650. Could I see that <drawing> again?
  1651. Okay! Thanks for all your help.
  1652. This trap should be in working order now.
  1653. It'd take a genius like Gary to find a way to stop that thing...
  1654. 16. Oh, I do enjoy math questions. Let me know if you have any others.
  1655. Good luck agent.
  1656. Do you have any evidence to support this theory?
  1657. Hello again, what can I help you with?
  1658. Do you still need the mop or pizza pan?
  1659. Good idea. But all I've got is my jet pack. Here, take it - it's not really helping me...
  1660. Thanks, I just happened to be prepared that's all.
  1661. I hope we were in time...
  1662. You did it!
  1663. Thank you for your support Agent. Best of luck to us both.
  1664. Yes, I definitely have my flippers full. Let me know if you need anything more.
  1665. What are we going to do?!
  1666. Hey! I couldn't be more happier to see you! Hurry and find a way to get me down.
  1667. His plan is to use some sort of device to melt all the snow and ice.
  1668. We were all just waiting for further instructions.
  1669. Don't keep me waiting, Agent! I can't wait to see.
  1670. Always a possibility, but Rookie has been very careful lately. The PSA suspects that Herbert's responsible, but we need proof. Be cautious Agent.
  1671. Only the <black> puffle looks hungry.
  1672. Herbert may still be on the loose, but you did not fail - you convinced him to help us.
  1673. They're seeds. It's a package of seeds. What would Herbert want with these?
  1674. How do I combine items?
  1675. I can't wait to hear about how that crab costume fools Herbert!
  1676. After everything you've done? Thanks, but no thanks.
  1677. The belt is broken now.
  1678. Oh! You're welco.... Oh. Uh. Oh. I mean... You're NOT welcome.
  1679. Looks like it's locked up tight!
  1680. You don't need to go in the change rooms right now.
  1681. Just put the <goggles> on and look everywhere. I'm confident that you'll find something.
  1682. I'm sure you will find this quite challenging.
  1683. Sure thing. Take it easy.
  1684. I'm certain you won't.
  1685. Can't say that I do. The Hydro Hopper boat isn't scheduled for a fuel up today.
  1686. Hello, is there anything I can get you?
  1687. Oh no! We've lost contact with the other agents!
  1688. Ahh Agent, there you are.
  1689. Hmm...I've never heard of such a creature, but with the <goggles> on you will be able to track it...
  1690. Yes, and according to my calculations we don't have much time.
  1691. Awesome!
  1692. You should make a trap.
  1693. I'll need a way to climb up this mountain...
  1694. Well, if this machine is as well built as your others Herbert, it'll just break down on its own.
  1695. If I used binoculars I could see what was going on without being seen.
  1696. Thought I saw something, but it was just someone in a sheep costume. Where to next?
  1697. Never mind that we need to get everyone to saftey, this place is about to pop.
  1698. Which means the next one is the last.
  1699. That shouldn't actually be a problem. As far as we can tell, Klutzy isn't very observant.
  1700. Let's roll!
  1701. What should we do now?
  1702. Thanks. I will.
  1703. This magnet would work so much better if Herbert was made of metal... I wonder if there's such a thing as a fur-magnet...
  1704. Oh really? I'll take it.
  1705. The Elite Puffles have special powers and skills other puffles don't. They can bust open boxes, lasso hard-to-reach items, and all sorts of things.
  1706. Nothing but dust bunnies under there.
  1707. You can also contact me on your Communicator, if you have any other questions for me.
  1708. Good show!
  1709. What? How is that possible?
  1710. I haven't found anything that might be good for plugging the geyser.
  1711. Thanks. I should finish cleaning it up before guests arrive. Nice chatting with you. Do you need anything else?
  1712. This is definitely a clue. We'll get to the bottom of this.
  1713. Sure, but be extra careful with it.
  1714. I was even able to fix my phone - the wrench and scissors have come in handy. Though this comb is useless...
  1715. Just hold on. Herbert usually has a weird way to open his cages...
  1716. How interesting!
  1717. not used in game
  1718. Here, try it out. Take my picture.
  1719. Give it up. Herbert, there's no escape this...
  1720. Mastermind? Ha! Are you planning to show movies of you and Klutzy dancing?
  1721. Thank you G. Just doing my duty.
  1722. It must have been close, but I think you DID do better than I did.
  1723. I've already added the hot sauce. I need you to divide the cream soda into 2 different containers, each holding 4 units.
  1724. Well, there's no worries about the salon chair. It's really nice to sit in. Super relaxing.
  1725. Are you finished with your calculations, G?
  1726. Oh my... That sounds like an ocean geyser... How big is it?
  1727. This pipe is blocking the door to the Gift Shop.
  1728. Woah, déjà vu! I thought I searched there already. Are you sure?
  1729. Oh, thanks! I was going to call it the Remote-Agent-Control-Monitor 3000, but that's a bit of a tongue-twister.
  1730. Curses! The drill is too close to the wall, and there's no reverse!
  1731. Yes. I've had a front row seat for his trouble making.
  1732. Well, I'm not the only one whose equipment is 'fishy'.
  1733. G doesn't need this item.
  1734. Right. Jet Pack Guy is up in the office, correct?
  1735. not used in game
  1736. You don't exactly blend in with the crowd, Herbert.
  1737. Aye aye, Commander!
  1738. Thank you, Agent! Now we have to figure out how we are going to get out of here. That boulder is blocking our way out.
  1740. No, I haven't found anything yet.
  1741. Now if you'll excuse me, I have an appointment with a <Ski Lodge>. Any parting words, my fowl friend?
  1742. Well, I do!
  1743. They were fun, actually. I enjoyed them.
  1744. No, I don't have them all yet. What are they again?
  1745. I'm going to let everyone know.
  1746. Here's the Mancala board!
  1747. Herbert sure seems full of himself.
  1748. Hang on, Jet Pack Guy! I'll get you down!
  1749. All the pizzas I found had meat. Definitely no Herbert here. Where next?
  1750. A nice plush chair. Great for reading a book.
  1751. I'm sorry our mission failed, G. I take full responsibility.
  1752. Alright Agent, let's see those wondrous skills in action.
  1753. It looks like Herbert was trying to destroy his plans for a locking device
  1754. Where do you need me?
  1755. Oh hey.
  1756. Uh. No. I've got something else to do first.
  1757. I think the point is NOT to find out Rookie.
  1758. My wrench could remove these bolts.
  1759. Found? Nothing found yet, rather a matter of something missing. The computer was taken.
  1760. Oh yeah! Good to see you again, Rookie.
  1761. No need, but thanks. What I do need is for you to head to the Gift Shop. Some items are missing, and I'd like you to help investigate. Rookie and Jet Pack Guy are already on the scene.
  1762. Umm, you made a flipchart?
  1763. Sounds good Rookie. Oh, and nice wig by the way.
  1764. It's either your statue, Herbert, or the whole island goes down .
  1765. We'll be looking into other options as well, but for now we need to transport Herbert to HQ for detention. Any final words, Herbert, before we arrest you?
  1766. It's some part of the cage lifting mechanism I can't reach on my own...
  1767. Oh man! My heart is racing!
  1768. I need to be in disguise before I enter the base.
  1769. You're back soon! Are you ready to get started now?
  1770. Well, the only thing Destructo practices every day is chewing <gum>.
  1771. I'm thinking of installing a <capture net> in case the monster comes back.
  1772. I have found a few, but I am still searching for more.
  1773. Woohoo!
  1774. Oh no! I'm not going anywhere!
  1775. What's 432 divided by 27?
  1776. I was doing my best to row away,
  1777. You suspect Herbert's involvement?
  1778. I can look for clues later...
  1779. HAHA! Good try, Agent, but better luck next time. Maybe I should teach you how to set a proper trap...
  1780. Now now, let's not get crazy...
  1781. Here you go, Agent. This is how you will see each of the other agent's movements.
  1782. What's your idea, %PlayerName%?
  1783. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to dig my way into my lab...
  1784. The three penguins you'll be dressing up as are DJ Cadence, Rockhopper and Sensei.
  1785. Oh, I'm Rookie. We worked together during the missing coins incident, and in our mission to recover the stolen clock gear. Remember?
  1786. Agent, Please report back to HQ. Something is happ-
  1787. What will I be doing, exactly?
  1788. Good luck Agent. The fate of the island rests on you and your team.
  1789. Super! Let's get rolling!
  1790. Amazing!
  1791. What?
  1792. This is out of reach until I can get across the bridge.
  1793. You've heard of me?
  1794. Not yet. I'll be right back, G.
  1795. Jet Pack Guy is currently stationed at the Beach. Ensure he gets into the air ASAP.
  1796. Weird, hey? Normally I help with set up, but not this time. Does it look wobbly?
  1797. You bet. It's all yours my friend.
  1798. Hey! Give that back! Let me out of here!
  1799. Keep him talking. I'll work on the computers.
  1800. We're doomed... This whole place is going to sink soon...
  1801. It looked like it was going to the forest.
  1802. Looks like you can knock down this "tree" if you hit it hard enough...
  1803. G has a nice view of the hill from his office. He must love sled racing!
  1804. %PlayerName%, what's going on? We're getting reports of a strange beam of light...
  1805. Oh, blargle! Fine! You can use the statue. But you won't get far with it without the proper transport.
  1806. The duck should be placed facing Club Penguin.
  1807. You had found Club Penguin!
  1808. I think so. They should be safe to carry with you, but watch out! If you shake it, it might blow up!
  1809. HERBERT!
  1810. But I'm still scared!
  1811. I hope not. There isn't a lot of information out there about me.
  1812. This <anchor> by itself isn't that useful for climbing.
  1813. Uh, yeah. And he was... dancing...
  1814. Go ahead, %PlayerName%! It's a surprisingly spacious outfit.
  1815. Your mission is to discover Herbert's plan and stop him at any cost. Investigate the <tunnels> and track him down. Hurry Agent.
  1816. That was tough! I could barely lift the big rock that opened the door!
  1817. I wonder what places we're all in...
  1818. Move in immediately. I'll inform The Director.
  1819. I need to find some rope.
  1820. Once the wood is gone, I'll come back for another building. And another after that...
  1821. That's okay, I don't really need any hot chocolate right now.
  1822. The top of this post must be one of the highest places in all of Club Penguin.
  1823. Excuse me, Agents. That was the Director on the phone, and I've been given some important information.
  1824. Gotcha! I'm on my way!
  1825. Awesome. Good to go. I'll get into position now, and I'll phone if I see anything.
  1826. I would like to see you try!
  1827. Wonderful. Here's your mission.
  1828. So this is the cage that's going to catch Herbert...
  1829. One net should be more than enough.
  1830. Doesn't look like Klutzy can do anything while trapped in the ice-bubble.
  1831. I don't think so, my fine-feathered friend.
  1832. You got it commander! You can count on me!
  1833. What?! You want me to HELP you?
  1834. It is not very nice to poke the crab with that item.
  1835. Search the Beacon
  1836. Hello, my fowl friends. It's a pleasure to see you again.
  1837. Seaweed pizza.
  1838. I... I'm not sure... This is bad.
  1839. Rookie!
  1840. Great! You found all the elements and calibrated the <goggles>. With them on you can track our mystery creature...
  1841. I would have never thought of doing that!
  1842. I quickly came in here to hide. I think the monster's still out back by the <fishing hole>!
  1843. Wow if the puffle had a <hat> with bigger propellers it could fly a little higher.
  1844. Now it's time to move in and gather information.
  1845. Sometimes when its bitter cold I will bring a candle out fishing.
  1846. Hey, G. Good to see you. How've you been?
  1847. Just say you're ready, and we'll get started.
  1848. Sounds interesting, G. I enjoy a challenge.
  1849. All the strings were too loose. I can't make my music.
  1850. What's wrong?
  1851. I'd love to hurl a cart down the track, but no one can surf the steel until I'm done <repairs>.
  1852. You suddenly crave marshmallows for some reason.
  1853. I'm not sure how to do it!
  1854. Oh yeah... But I can't remember which one.
  1855. Wonder where this gear came from?
  1856. Contact the other agents immediately and give them their assignments.
  1857. No, the geyser is way too strong. We need to find another way.
  1858. What? Did you think I was going to send you on a quest to find something to trade for it? That would just be silly.
  1859. Give it another try, captain!
  1860. I think I should go talk with Gary before I take a look at this.
  1861. Maybe you ought to stop talking and hurry along with your plan then.
  1862. This must be an earlier version of the Aqua Grabber sub.
  1863. These barrels look like they'll blow any moment! I hope there aren't any more earthquakes...
  1864. Sorry commander! I have no idea where the others are.
  1865. Put each of the elements into the calibration machine and use the <goggles> to track down this creature...
  1866. Update me, Agent. Have you located Herbert?
  1867. Great work, agents, on the successful capture of Suspect #1, code-named Herbert.
  1868. Let's get to the top of the mountain and stop Herbert once and for all!
  1869. What a time for my jet pack to break down!
  1870. Great! Let's get to it!
  1871. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
  1872. Here we go! Good timing. According to these readings, that tremor started at the <Docks>.
  1873. I should talk to the director before touching anything
  1874. What are you blathering on about?
  1875. Thanks again for your great work. Let me know if you've got time for one more job.
  1876. Superb job Agent! You managed to locate the bear's den and stop him before any real damage was done. I'm sure we'll be contacting you again soon.
  1877. Wahoo! I knew we could do it!
  1878. Oh please! Have I upset you and your little friends? HA! I don't see why.
  1879. Would you like some help with this <spill>?
  1880. Try asking around to see if anyone has seen it. It couldn't have gone far.
  1881. What's all this then? What's going on?
  1882. Can I help you with anything?
  1883. Oh yeah! Good point!
  1884. Yeah! Great job!
  1885. The Gift Shop could sure use a lift.
  1886. Great work Agent! You found some Hot Sauce. Pour it into <Goggle Calibrator>.
  1887. Agent - thanks for coming so quickly. We have an unusual case for you today.
  1888. What seems to be the trouble, Rookie?
  1889. Wha? No, Klutzy, you're not made of pizza dough...
  1890. Hey, I've already searched there! Are you 100% sure you want me to check again?
  1891. Hmm... Looks like we need to find a way through these bars.
  1892. I'll do it.
  1893. Did Herbert see you?
  1894. The mop could make a nice wig if it was cut off from the mop
  1895. handle.
  1896. Ahh! Well well well, look who it is. I must say I'm rather impressed that you were able to escape my traps.
  1897. Did you plug it in?
  1898. Could you please do one more task for me? My vault door's hinges and lock seem to be broken.
  1899. You can't go that way yet. Time's attic'ing away!
  1900. Cool! I've already found some. Thanks.
  1901. Are you ready to begin your mission now?
  1902. Did it work?
  1903. They'll also ensure the Gift Shop is secure. Stupendous work restoring it.
  1904. Rocks are too... rocky.
  1905. Where should I go next?
  1906. You should ask before taking any <sauces>.
  1907. Thank you Agent.
  1908. Let Herbert go. Because we're nice.
  1909. Yes, but I want to use the Jet Packs!
  1910. This should attract plenty of customers.
  1911. I have no clue why we're here...
  1912. With all the tremors it is probably safer to stay down here.
  1913. I don't think I can pick that up. It looks pretty heavy.
  1914. Hello Agent
  1915. There must be some way to open this panel.
  1916. And there's nothing you can do to STOP me! MWA HA HA!
  1917. What in blue blazes? Why won't the drill start? Did you fiddle with it?
  1918. Affirmative, G. What's my mission?
  1919. I rowed with all my might trying to reach it...
  1920. I was stuck. Stranded in a strange land that was even colder than my old home.
  1921. Oh man! We can't see him, but we can still hear him...
  1922. It's for a weather experiment...
  1923. Thanks, Boss. Get these ropes off me and we'll be good to go.
  1924. Dancing is fun but you should finish the job at hand first.
  1925. Hmm... Maybe I can...
  1926. I'm not sure. It looks like Herbert dropped a package of some kind.
  1927. Brilliant, Agent! This could be a clue to his plans. What do we have here?
  1928. Hello, is there anything I can get you?
  1929. Hat! Get back here! I can't rescue anyone without you!
  1930. It looks like there's something stuck in the snow!
  1931. With all the tremors it is probably safer to stay up here.
  1932. Include it in your report to G, along with any other vegetables you may find.
  1933. I'm fixing the <troughs> on the shack here. If you can climb up and help me figure 'em out, that would be mighty fine.
  1934. What? So Herbert IS responsible for this?
  1935. You don't need anything in here right now.
  1936. I think I have an idea who's behind this...
  1937. I'm in the same room with you, %PlayerName%.
  1938. YOU! Yes, I see you down there! Look at this mess!
  1939. The magnifying glass is going to destroy the island! You have to believe us!
  1940. Hmm... Well, we can't just leave him up there...
  1942. Excellent. Are you ready to begin your mission briefing?
  1943. Isn't the Stage where the Penguin Play Awards show was?
  1944. Puffles love O-Berries. I should <call> one.
  1945. Eye wear - they won't help with this mission.
  1946. G! What does that mean?! In English?
  1947. Thank you so much for helping me fix my Guitar.
  1948. Readings are still coming from the <Docks>. Head out there and check it out, Agent.
  1949. Click! Click clickety click!
  1950. You already have the tracking goggles, just <click on them> to use them.
  1951. On it.
  1952. How can I make some <Hot Chocolate>?
  1953. Herbert, please skip to the point.
  1954. Looks like this balloon is all fixed up and ready to go!
  1955. Rookie!
  1956. Umm... I think it's time to be going, Klutzy. Come along.
  1957. The next time we call you in, we will be needing your help on this.
  1958. Come on, you old biscuit. Why won't you start?
  1959. The floor looks amazing! You really make it look easy.
  1960. Leave no stone unturned. Any questions?
  1961. No, I haven't found anything yet, unfortunately.
  1962. If I had actually cut down that Lodge, you would have probably thrown a party for that too.
  1963. Wait, start from the beginning Klutzy. You're not making any sense...
  1964. Why do you need a disguise?
  1965. Is there anything else, Agent?
  1966. All in a day's work for an agent...
  1967. What are our assignments?
  1968. No, I'm sure it wasn't a prank. It was HUGE and didn't look anything like a penguin!
  1969. Check it out boss - one very stuck, very nervous polar bear.
  1970. Excellent. I've made some quick adjustments to the Aqua-Grabber, which should allow you to take the items underwater.
  1971. Although only one of you will be selected to be leader, you have all proven yourselves to be highly skilled.
  1972. Hey! Did you talk to G about these amazing disguises?
  1973. Is it time for the Festival of Flight again already? I see a balloon!
  1974. What kind of improvements did you make?
  1975. The details of the tests will be kept secret until you decide to take them.
  1976. We can now focus our efforts on setting the perfect trap. G has your orders. I wish you luck, agents. Be resourceful, be remarkable, be ready.
  1977. You're welcome! I like to fix things. But how did the machine get broken?
  1978. This item will not help here.
  1979. NO! That's not true! I CAN outsmart you! I CAN succeed!
  1980. I'll run, find some jet-fuel, and be right back.
  1981. Although, it's not like this is the first time this place has been turned upside down. And considering the Gift Shop, I guess it could be worse.
  1982. No thanks is necessary.
  1983. Maybe I'll take the Hydro Hopper boat out for one last spin before I head home.
  1984. A <crab> in a cage.
  1985. Oh, thank you so much! That will be a great help. Remember, the pizza is to go to the penguin fishing at the <Ski Lodge>.
  1986. Be careful! Don't get too close!
  1987. You should see what the Director has to say before we talk.
  1988. I should probably attach a transmitter before I send this duck out to sea.
  1989. I choose to ignore that right. BLARGLE BLAH MLEH!
  1990. Yeah, I've got nothing again. This would be so EASY with my jet pack. But I guess that's the point...
  1991. You don't recognize me, do you? From all those times I foiled your plans...
  1992. This puffle looks like it wants something.
  1993. I think the leader of this team will need more than just a jet pack...
  1994. As you may be aware, there are organizations on Club Penguin that help keep the island safe.
  1995. Sure thing. You are free to take it.
  1996. What do we do first?
  1997. Sounds good. I'll see you then. Unless my eyes are closed...
  1998. This panel will need to be removed if you want to look inside.
  1999. Yes. Seeds. Scientifically speaking, they're called Poaceae - Zea Mays. Try to guess what the non-scientific name is.
  2000. Are you... are you who I think you are?
  2001. Howdy, friend. Good to see you again.
  2002. How indeed! Quite a mystery, isn't it? Listen carefully, because the truth may astound you...
  2003. No questions, I am ready to go!
  2004. Nice guess. But even eating a jalapeno plant wouldn't warm Herbert enough to make him happy.
  2005. And without the plug, I don't think Herbert can get close enough to drop the statue.
  2006. I can't go there. The water is too deep!
  2007. And it was simple. A bit of this, a bit of that. A computer. A salon chair... Oh, never mind. I'm a mastermind.
  2008. Rawr! You've wrecked my machine and my plans. Mark my words: this isn't the end! Rawr!
  2009. I've got a clear view of the suspect! What are your orders?!
  2010. Your 'revenge'?
  2011. You did it %PlayerName%!
  2012. Sorry, I still need a minute.
  2013. There's part of a blueprint stuck up in the tree. I can't reach it!
  2014. Stuck again!
  2015. A LOT. You've put the whole island at risk for your own selfishness...
  2016. The employee must have locked this door because of the tremors.
  2017. You won't need these tools with your spy phone handy.
  2018. Nice work. Now let's get moving!
  2019. Don't ask me, I have no idea why you spell it with a "K"...
  2020. Hello Agent! I heard some commotion and came to see if I could lend a hand. But it looks like things are under control.
  2021. You bet, let's get this show on the road!
  2022. Take these: the Binoculars 3000. They should let you view Herbert from a safe distance.
  2023. You can throw snowballs at the forts later.
  2024. No you didn't! That was just a simple mistake! My plans are genius, and you know it!
  2025. This item will not make for very good <bait>.
  2026. Yeah, you can have the mop and the pizza pan too, it's dented. I'll have to replace both!
  2027. This skylight would be great as an emergency exit.
  2028. This won't help me swim!
  2029. Ok, well come back anytime you would like one.
  2030. You look like a crab already! Now to show you how to move like one, too...
  2031. What do you mean there were two?
  2032. Mwah ha ha. Of course it does!
  2033. This must be where all the Gift Shop's valuables are kept.
  2034. Life rings sure are handy.
  2035. You don't need coffee right now.
  2036. Sure, here it is.
  2037. Great thinking! Can I see this drawing?
  2038. Over here are a pair of special <goggles> I've been working on...
  2039. Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got to get a wrench and a mop over to the Pizza Parlor. Happy handymanning!
  2040. When on duty, there is no time for a coffee break!
  2041. If the signal is weak, you will see an X. This happens a lot inside.
  2042. Saving some umbrellas for a rainy day.
  2043. Seriously guys! Shush!
  2044. Hey G, looking sharp! White is a good color for you!
  2045. Well, well, well. What do we have here, Klutzy?
  2046. Important gear for a seaworthy adventure.
  2047. The PSA can no longer afford to wait for Herbert to act in order to capture him. We will have to come up with a plan of action.
  2048. If I cleaned these ashes maybe I can find some evidence in this pile.
  2049. Can you go over the 'pushing down' part again?
  2050. Herbert, listen! You're not going to warm the island, you're going to sink it!
  2051. You've thought about this for some time, eh?
  2052. Now all you have to do is organize penguins into the proper rooms, and the island will be completely rebalanced.
  2053. Should we try to arrest him?
  2054. This chair doesn't look very comfortable.
  2055. Hey, what seems to be the trouble?
  2056. Looks like we've just opened a whole new investigation. You'll be the first I recommend for the case. 'Til then, thank you and goodbye.
  2057. Rookie. Report in.
  2058. I'm in it! Or on it... I mean yes!
  2059. Got it, G.
  2060. All right! We are going to catch Herbert!
  2061. I'd definitely call it a monster, if that's what you mean. It was dark in the shop so I couldn't see it too well...
  2062. This line sure is long, good thing I brought my paper to read.
  2063. This <rope> by itself will not make a good <trap>. Try mixing it with another item.
  2064. I think I saw the DVDs at the Stage. I'd go get 'em but I don't want to miss a thing!
  2065. Could you deliver it for me?
  2066. Go ahead and take Agent G's picture, Agent %PlayerName%.
  2067. Excellent work, EPF. With the data you've collected, G should be able to figure out what Herbert has planned.
  2068. This sauce is really sticking to the tile. I could really use a <floor buffer> right about now.
  2069. We did it! We caught him!
  2070. Thanks again.
  2071. This would be a great place to set up a <trap>.
  2072. ... What?
  2073. They actually seemed kind of fun at first.
  2074. Sure, anything that might be of some help. Take what you need.
  2075. Exactly, Agent. Wise words.
  2076. A fisherman left the pond because of too many penguins ice-skating there.
  2077. Heh heh! Let's try shaking one.
  2078. Hey Rookie. How's it going?
  2079. That's too bad. Thanks anyway. See ya.
  2080. You can go sled racing after the mission.
  2081. Thank you, Agent. This will not only make a good back up gear, but Herbert won't be able to use it for his plans any more.
  2082. Another new object is the help guide, it will explain all the other objects in your gadget in case you forget!
  2083. The final challenge was not just getting over the wall. It was figuring out a way to do it, and doing what was best for the team.
  2084. Hmm... I've never heard of such creature, but we must follow the clues...
  2085. It's kinda fun to just look at the fuzzy screen.
  2086. I'm not your "arch nemesis" Herbert...
  2087. Hello, can I help you with anything?
  2088. The hole in the inflatable duck requires some simple adhesive to repair, and a pump to inflate.
  2089. That should fix the hinge but the lock is still broken.
  2090. Hello. Are you in line for The Stage?
  2091. Herbert must not know we're after him. He likely thinks he's safe, and is planning something big.
  2092. Just let me flip the Pizzatron 3000, and I'll whip you up one of our famous frozen candy pizzas.
  2093. You've got music, games, and delicious vegetarian pizza! Not only that, you and your little friends party ALL THE TIME!
  2094. And as for you, Agent, you have been assigned as Mission Leader. You'll be in charge of the entire mission, you must make sure the trap is in place.
  2095. I want the Penguin Play Award trailers! What's a movie without trailers?
  2096. Hurry agent we need all of the inflatable objects for this to work.
  2097. You don't need to go in the change rooms right now.
  2098. That information is still classified.
  2099. Huh? Why did you just call me "Jim-bob"?
  2100. That box behind the screen is what plays the movies...
  2101. If I find Herbert, shouldn't I try to capture him?
  2102. Arg! Sorry %PlayerName%! You're too far out of reach!
  2103. Excellent, Agent. Let me know if I can be of any assistance.
  2104. Hmmm... Looks like that should have unlocked something.
  2105. I'll stay here for now. Go on ahead, Agent.
  2106. You pesky penguins! Release me at once, or face my wrath!
  2107. You haven't had the best of luck, hey?
  2108. You actually saw the monster!?! Well you better <trap> it quickly and bring it back here before it causes any trouble...
  2109. Good to see you, G! Yes, let's get started right away.
  2110. I'm afraid I've quite made up my mind.
  2111. Same for me, chief. Good luck!
  2112. All that work to get revenge... For nothing!
  2113. Yes, it is a <head> scratcher for sure...
  2114. A bag full of coffee beans. G must really like his coffee!
  2115. The first agent to solve their puzzles, open the door ahead and get through wins the challenge. Any questions?
  2116. Your help is not needed in the kitchen right now.
  2117. This telescope sure has a nice view of the sea.
  2118. Blueprints for G's various inventions.
  2119. Just needs to be sealed in place in the ice...
  2120. I could whip up some disguises, but I'll need supplies. I'll head over to the Plaza and see if I can find anything.
  2121. Let me talk to him.
  2122. Roger that Agent.
  2123. That is one mighty fine fix up job!
  2124. Okay...I'd be careful. If it really was just the wind, it sounds like it has a nasty bite to it. If not, you might get eaten!
  2125. Yes! My revenge! For all the embarrassment you put me through!
  2126. ...really hairy, mutant crab! I told myself that it was just the delivery penguin leaving, but I can't get the image of that shadow out of my mind!
  2127. One bottle of <Hot Sauce> should be more than enough.
  2128. Put on the disguise, and I'll show you how to move like a crab. I spent some time studying them recently. They're fascinating creatures.
  2129. Buoy number 6. Hmm where can the others be found?
  2130. Oh! Thank you Director! I was just doing my duty...
  2131. Click.
  2132. Send soap!
  2133. Help yourself! I'm done with them, so you can have the whole box.
  2134. Umm, that's a little too complicated for me G...
  2135. The <fuel> is floating just out of reach. If only I could find something to <blow> it closer.
  2136. Oh I could, for sure, but I don't have the right materials...
  2137. I'm ready when you are.
  2139. Look lively, you puny penguins. I'm on my way. And there's no way you can stop me from taking your precious golden puffle. HAHAHA!
  2140. They were designed so only the most capable agents could pass them.
  2141. Seismic activity is dissipating.
  2142. Report Agent...
  2143. Great work guys!
  2144. I'll hold my end of the bargain.
  2145. I'm looking for Rookie. Where was he positioned again?
  2146. Search the island for anything that might work, like party decorations or stuff from past missions.
  2147. In this simulation you will be experiencing events that were investigated by one of the top PSA agents. You will enter with 2 puffles and your spy gadget to help you through the mission.
  2148. Was anyone hurt?
  2149. The rest of you will now be reporting to %PlayerName% as your mission leader.
  2150. Hey, don't do that! I'm sensitive about... Err, I mean, my jetpack is very sensitive equipment.
  2151. It's no use. We don't have anything powerful enough to break it.
  2152. Maybe you can find a way to use my jetpack to get through that door...
  2153. Woohoo! Nice work there. You should consider joining my construction crew. You got time for one more job?
  2154. Right!
  2155. Plaza's clear chief. Where to next?
  2156. Hey, look! It's another one!
  2157. Yes, this is a strange mystery. I'll go and investigate.
  2158. What am I supposed to do with the other agents again?
  2159. Uh. I don't remember.
  2160. I'm a vegetarian, you daft creature!
  2161. put new strings here if they are not yet in devon - be sure to fill out the Subtype and Notes columns to indicate who is talking to whom
  2162. Is this where the Command Coach watches the agent?
  2163. Now before I begin, I'd like to say a few words about myself
  2164. I'd be happy to help you.
  2165. No questions here, Director.
  2166. Who are you?
  2167. This must be G's lunch. It smells good!
  2168. There must be a way I can get across this river.
  2169. I should get to the next challenge
  2170. I can't get the Magnet 3000 working. I've got the magnet here, and the little doo-dad's here, but it won't work.
  2171. HA! When you unplugged my computer, you fixed the PSA technology...
  2172. Herbert probably doesn't want any frozen berries.
  2173. No worries. I'll just go throw this <gum> away.
  2174. We'll review the footage, and should Herbert try anything, we'll be ready for him.
  2175. I can't move this plank any more in this direction.
  2176. Is that <pizza> for anyone?
  2177. The door is locked! You have to find another way out.
  2178. Looks like we need to reach the top...
  2179. Don't interrupt. Now, where was I? Ahh yes...
  2180. Means what G?
  2181. Well, what do you know? A pizza! Some foolish penguin must have dropped it. Finders keepers!
  2182. First things first. What happened to Herbert? Where is he?
  2183. Dot! We need to evacuate immediately.
  2184. Alright! We did it!
  2185. Can you grab it and install it? I need to keep an eye on the magnet.
  2186. Greetings, agents. A pleasure to meet you all face to face, so to speak. I am the leader of the PSA.
  2187. Does anyone know how to fix glasses? The show's going to start, and I'm gonna miss it!
  2188. Right now one side of the island is sinking into the ocean like a giant teeter-totter.
  2189. You can whip up emergency fuel with the right mixture of cream soda and hot sauce. I already have some hot sauce, but I still need some cream soda.
  2190. No, what was it?
  2191. A good deed is its own reward.
  2192. Rookie, that's just plain silly.
  2193. Hmm... A golden puffle, you say? Why thank you, my little green agent. That sounds a lot better than what I had planned...
  2194. Ahh! I can't take the anticipation!
  2195. Very well. Your final order is this...
  2196. Talk about setting the dance floor on fire!
  2197. Herbert is still at large. And until he's in custody, we have to assume he's going to make things worse.
  2198. Well, thanks. But you did some of the work, too...
  2199. Oh, hello again. I was just about to get a cup of coffee. Have you found anything yet?
  2200. 10-4. Over and out!
  2201. Things are a mess in here after the tremors.
  2202. YAY!! This looks great.
  2203. Please Speak with Gary when you are ready. Good luck Agent !
  2204. Yes
  2205. Better leave the lights on for now.
  2206. An empty jerry can.
  2207. Ready.
  2208. This seems to be a miniature of a vehicle used to drive on snow.
  2209. Do you need help?
  2210. Allow me to explain why you're here. Each of you has been selected to participate in an important test.
  2211. Awesome! Great job boss!
  2212. You'll need to find something that's heavy enough to hold back the water, but small enough to fit in the hole.
  2213. How do we pull the island 'up'?
  2214. What happened to your guitar?
  2215. I've given up on ever finding a warm place to live, so I shall do the next best thing...
  2216. How much time have we got?
  2217. Very perceptive, Agent %PlayerName%.
  2218. If you check the white board in my office, you can get some hints about where they might be.
  2219. Looks like he's trying to save Herbert but he can't reach him.
  2220. Ka-click! Ka-click click click.
  2221. This is much too heavy to carry with you where you're going.
  2222. At last, when I had almost given up hope, I spotted an island in the distance.
  2223. Can't put my flipper on it, but there's SOME-one hiding here. Dot is that you?
  2224. You're welcome! I like to fix things.
  2225. Oh good! You're back!
  2226. Could you go over our orders one more time
  2227. How did you survive all those months at sea?
  2228. Hey, what's up? First time I've been to a group briefing...
  2229. Ugh, today is just not going that great.
  2230. That's an order... heh heh...
  2231. not used in game
  2232. Looks like the ground is soft here. Maybe I can dig my way under the river?
  2233. First, I present you with your EPF Spy gadget. This is standard issue to all of our agents. It will help you on your missions.
  2234. Come to the Command Room, quickly. We have one last mission left before this case is closed.
  2235. No, I'm good thanks.
  2236. See you later!
  2237. Agents! You're back! What's happened? Where's Herbert? And what's this?
  2238. Ahh, welcome back, Agent. Excellent work. The tracking devices are working perfectly. I was just calculating the location of your old spy phone.
  2239. We did it! We destroyed the magnet!
  2240. G! Island! Sinking! Help!
  2241. I have no reason to take this yet, maybe I should find Dot.
  2242. Pizza does sound tasty, but maybe you should keep on the lookout for more clues.
  2243. Won't this make me stand out more?
  2244. Ooh! I've got a rubber ducky! I'm using this for sure!
  2245. Hello Agent, I'm glad you could come. I'm all set to ask the <crab> you captured a few questions. Are you ready to start?
  2246. Is there anything else you'd like to report?
  2247. Is that a trace of worry in your voice, Agent? Finally realizing the big picture?
  2248. %PlayerName%, I need more information. I suggest going down to the geyser for more info.
  2249. No, I dented the pan when I dropped it, and the mop will have to be replaced. You can have them both.
  2250. Would someone please tell me what's going on in here? The store is a mess. And what is the giant magnet for?
  2251. Wait a minute... Is this PSA HQ? I thought it was destroyed...
  2252. They should help you track down whatever it is that's causing all this trouble.
  2253. I think the Director is about to tell us something.
  2254. You will now be teleported to the testing facility. Good luck, everyone. Be resourceful, be remarkable, be ready.
  2255. So long you fowl fools! I'm off to get a little sun and fun!
  2256. What's the EPF?
  2257. Oh hello %PlayerName%! How did you get up here?
  2258. I've discovered some fake rocks, and some kind of secret code.
  2259. I suggest you be more polite, Herbert.
  2260. Not sure why they didn't talk to me. I know what I'm doing.
  2261. hidden in corn
  2262. Come on %PlayerName%, this is no time to lose your cool!
  2263. Oh, hi there! You scared me! Sorry for the mess...
  2264. Yeah, we're not really sure what's going on.
  2265. Awww.... I lost the sticks I was going to use to make a fire.
  2266. Sure, I'll see if I can get it to work.
  2267. Oh my! I thought I was going to be trapped in there forever.
  2268. Hmm... I guess a jet pack can only get you so far...
  2269. I need you to divide the cream soda into 2 different containers, each holding 4 units.
  2270. Thanks, G. I'll head right there.
  2271. Uh oh...
  2272. If we had way to reflect the beam we could destroy the magnet by melting it!
  2273. Right, let's move.
  2274. Woohoo! Time for a strong finish! Rookie's still in the game!
  2275. Hey boss! I've already searched there. You sure about this?
  2276. Wow! This device looks really high-tech!
  2277. And I will now reveal to you the greatest secret of all... a list of PSA agents, and one in particular, who has been trying to foil my plans...
  2278. If we are going to find out anything from this creature, we will have to get a close look at it. Find something to <trap> it with...
  2279. Right on. Meet me at Herbert's old hideout in the Cave in the Wilderness.
  2280. With it I will chop your cozy little <Ski Lodge> into a hundred pieces, and build a humongous bonfire that will keep me warm for weeks.
  2281. Looks like G's personal jet pack. There's no fuel in it though.
  2282. I can hear you loud and clear commander! Ready for orders!
  2283. Oh, thank you for fixing the hot chocolate machine! This will make my day so much easier.
  2284. ...but to my horror, I realized that it was covered in snow, too!
  2285. not used in game
  2286. I've got a feeling we haven't seen the last of Herbert P Bear, Esquire...
  2287. First, head to the Ski Village and shut down Herbert's broadcast. We cannot let him compromise our identity. Then find him and apprehend him once and for all.
  2288. Here, let me see if I can get it started.
  2289. Oh man, look at the size of that magnifying glass!
  2290. Thanks, I'll check it out.
  2291. Yes! My revenge! For all the embarrassment you put me through!
  2292. Only it was no accident...
  2293. Where's the volume. I'll just...
  2294. Umm... You don't need to yell, Rookie.
  2295. This isn't going to keep it elevated for very long. Something needs to catch it.
  2296. Great job! Let's get started. Put each element into the calibration machine and then pick up the <goggles>...
  2297. Ahh! A common Club Penguin crab! Quite clever.
  2298. Don't bother trying to blow it up yourself. That's how I broke it in the first place...
  2299. I wonder why someone would want a chair like this? And what about the mysterious tracks leading out the door?
  2300. The trail is still cold, boss. Let me know what my next orders are.
  2301. All right, we must act quickly.
  2302. It's just one of the many reasons I love working here.
  2303. Search the Cove
  2304. I should ask if I can borrow this.
  2305. Things will certainly get more challenging from here.
  2306. Whoa! What happened here?
  2307. The fur is too <tangled> to be pulled out or fed through the machine.
  2308. Aye Aye Sir.
  2309. How are we going to question it? I don't speak <Crab>...
  2310. What are they, G?
  2311. not used in game
  2312. Come with me to the Mine Shack. I might need your help.
  2313. That's okay. It's not working right now anyway...
  2314. If you put that <fur sample> into the <Furensic Analyzer> we can continue.
  2315. Can't leave in the middle of a briefing.
  2316. That was amazing, %PlayerName%! Let's keep going!
  2317. This looks like the missing <gear> from the Clock Tower.
  2318. Quick question - why is being secret so important?
  2319. I've never done this before, but I imagine <bait> would be helpful.
  2320. Thanks but I need those marbles you have or I can't play.
  2321. You can go and read after you've completed your mission.
  2322. Alright now... this mixture has to be done just right, or it'll blow the engine.
  2323. The first obstacle you need to cross is right ahead. Good luck.
  2324. Rookie! You're alright!
  2325. Once this mystery is solved there will be plenty of time to play hockey.
  2326. Being a helpful fellow, Klutzy offered to accompany me. However, my iceberg floated away, and took with it my greatest dream.
  2327. I busted a fuel line, and all my fuel spilled. I need some emergency fuel ASAP. Can you grab me some?
  2328. I didn't work so hard trying to get my revenge just to turn around and do things YOUR way.
  2329. HA ha ha ha ha ha ha
  2330. Understood!
  2331. Are those corn seeds?
  2332. I guess that's why they call you "Jet Pack Guy".
  2333. Oh excellent work Agent! May I have them back?
  2334. Looks like Herbert didn't notice me sneaking up on him.
  2335. Oh Man! This looks like a crime scene.
  2336. Actually, I was kind of blown away by it.
  2337. It's dark in here. You might need something to help you see.
  2338. Plaza looks good, though someone else should check the buildings. Where to next boss?
  2339. If Herbert's been traveling around, he sure hasn't left any tracks in the snow...
  2340. Dot reporting in. Where am I heading, chief?
  2341. not used in game
  2342. Hey Look! What do you know; there's a candle! It sure is a small flame, but it'll do.
  2343. Well? Go get it before the cold snuffs it out!
  2344. One <candle> is more than enough to carry, you wouldn't want to burn yourself.
  2345. not used in game
  2346. not used in game
  2347. HAHAHA!
  2348. The machine will only accept <fur>, try this item somewhere else.
  2349. No time for shopping when you have work to do!
  2350. You can keep the fishing pole. You may be able to find a good use for it.
  2351. Understood. I'll get to the bottom of this.
  2352. If I can teach the wall how to speak, then we could ask it nicely to move out of the way...
  2353. You will have to be a little faster. Those balloons don't last very long.
  2354. Hmm... What do you think Klutzy? Should I believe them?
  2355. Definitely deserved. You're the one who got us through the hardest parts.
  2356. I need to get to HQ.
  2357. Due to the damage caused by Herbert's attack, the PSA is no more. Its resources are being added to the Elite Penguin Force.
  2358. This puffle looks upset, maybe it's <hungry>.
  2359. Who WOULDN'T want a chair like this!? It's amazing! Those tracks should be noted. They're suspicious.
  2360. Wow, what a mess! What happened here?
  2361. river fish rodeo
  2362. I was sick and tired of freezing everyday. So I leapt onto an iceberg and never looked back!
  2363. I'll stay here until you get back. Hurry back, okay?
  2364. Good luck Agent.
  2365. It could use some tender care and a welding torch.
  2366. You have no time to go wandering in the Forest.
  2367. Oh, please continue then.
  2368. Not at all, Agent. Your mission was a success. You led your team to the capture.
  2369. A great deal of bad luck.
  2370. Do you have any idea where Dot and Jet Pack Guy are?
  2371. Hey, I recognize you guys. How's it going?
  2372. On second thought, I'll be right back...
  2373. That <pizza> is probably for another penguin. You should maybe ask before you try and take it.
  2374. not used in game
  2375. No, nothing much yet.
  2376. Well. I loved that event... I've got the DVD.
  2377. Once you have the trackers in place, return to HQ and we'll see if we can locate Herbert. Questions?
  2378. Now's not the time to go to the pool!
  2379. Welcome back, Agent. Excellent work. Now all we have to do is wait for Herbert to return and let his plans slip.
  2380. Interesting...
  2381. Oh no! The HQ! It's been destroyed!
  2382. For now we've closed off the Night Club, and we'll be guarding it there until we announce it to the public. Any questions?
  2383. How does it work?
  2384. The machine will need some <Chocolate Sauce> in order to make some Hot Chocolate.
  2385. You got a permit for that?
  2386. Hmm... If we can recover the phone, we can connect it to the Binoculars 3000 and set up a surveillance camera.
  2387. Hey chief, I've got some suspicious activity here. You might want to call in the other agents... Want me to stay here?
  2388. How did you do? Did you find all the elements? Did you discover anything else?
  2389. Don't give up G. We'll get to the bottom of this.
  2390. I'm sorry, I know you're busy. I'll just come back later.
  2391. Hey %PlayerName%, your eye-in-the-sky is ready for lift off. Where do you want me to search for Herbert?
  2392. I think I'm starting to feel a bit more calm about this whole ordeal.
  2393. Aww man! How are we supposed to find the next test with this cliff in the way!
  2394. We're going to throw a water party, and you guys are going to celebrate.
  2395. Dot
  2396. No problem. I'm ready when you are, so let me know when you want to begin.
  2397. Superb job Agent! You found some Jet Fuel. Pour it into <Goggle Calibrator>.
  2398. The only thing I can say is that I just found these kernel's laying here.
  2399. It sounds like Herbert's disguised his base! Trust me, this is my specialty. Look for clues in the wilderness. It might be hidden in plain sight!
  2400. G has made some improvements to it due to Herbert's having compromised the device on a few occasions.
  2401. I think the Director is about to announce something.
  2402. Boss, help me! I'm stuck!
  2403. PSA tech is down, but EPF's is fine! My teleporter works. Prepare to be moved out!
  2404. WHOA!
  2405. Any other questions before we begin?
  2406. It looks like I can take a picture of this.
  2407. This door is for one of the other agents to use, not me!
  2408. Plus they're CUTE!
  2409. Click clickety clickety click click!
  2410. I'm not sure. Let's find out. Hey Destructo, blow a bubble!
  2411. I could really use this DVD box. Mind if I grab it?
  2412. Ah, that's why those pesky penguins like pizza so much. Too bad there isn't MORE. I am starting to think a little better.
  2413. Okay well let us know when you have found them.
  2414. I've been told that many penguins have sighted a furry mutant crab all over.
  2415. Yes we did! We saw a <crab> jump on the <ski lift> and go up the hill.
  2416. not used in game
  2417. You may call me the Director.
  2418. Where are the others? Are they okay?
  2419. not used in game
  2420. Certainly, Agent. What's on your mind?
  2421. Keep trying, something's bound to work...
  2422. A fact that we are now going to use to our advantage.
  2423. Looks like some posters for bands playing at the Lighthouse stage.
  2424. Can't see what's in the box since it's all tied up...
  2425. I'm sure he won't forget that. We'll just have to wait and see what he does next...
  2426. Let's do it!
  2427. Actually, it might be the second or third clue, depending on if Jet Pack Guy has found anything yet.
  2428. Rookie
  2429. You're back soon. Did you find anything yet?
  2430. Yo %PlayerName%! I spotted some suspicious activity at the Beacon. I've got whatever it was on camera. Really weird looking though.
  2431. Jet Pack Guy, turn around quick!
  2432. Hmm... This looks fun...
  2433. Okay, come back again.
  2434. It startled both of us when we heard it -- we both froze. Something was up there...
  2435. No sweat. Which is what you get if you don't work hard.
  2436. Ketchup and mustard in your hot chocolate?
  2437. Whoa, cool!
  2438. But Director, what about Herbert? We failed to capture him AGAIN.
  2439. Loud and clear sir! I'll go dust off my badge...
  2440. Got it. In it to win it boss! Let's do this!
  2441. Alright. We must still consider him a danger, but our most important mission now is saving the island.
  2442. Agents, we don't have much time. Try to find a way out of here while I try to disarm the machine!
  2443. Whoa! Look at the size of this river! I wonder where it leads...
  2444. I also drafted up some plans for a kite that might work for the high-point tracker. The rest is up to you, Agent.
  2445. That's why you're here Agent...
  2446. That is strange! Sorry about the mess.
  2447. I'll trade you for your newspaper.
  2448. May I take it?
  2449. Can I borrow some costumes?
  2450. Given what Herbert told you when you first met him, I'm surprised he is doing something fun. It's very interesting.
  2451. Wonderful, Agent! If you can just give it to me I can find a safe place to store it.
  2452. It ain't easy being the manager...
  2453. I will teleport you there now. Some of the locations are currently unstable and you cannot go the way you came.
  2454. Oh dear! It looks like you've pulled the plug on my little computer take-over. You've foiled my plan again.
  2455. Excellent work Agent! Other field agents have been reporting from all over the island. It looks like you've prevented certain disaster.
  2456. Excellent work, Agent. We'll be in contact soon.
  2457. Very well, thank you. Ready to be briefed?
  2458. The Spy Phone transporter function must have been damaged in the fall.
  2459. At this time, capturing him in the field would be too difficult. However, with advanced warning, we should be able to make a plan.
  2460. Oh yeah I almost forgot. I saw this weird ice cube. It was making weird noises. You should check it out.
  2461. What if we wait here for the Director to get bored and come find us?
  2462. Aye aye, Captain!
  2463. Agent Status:
  2464. What are you blathering on about?
  2465. Me too! Soon we'll be ready to test our mettle!
  2466. We are creating a new team within the EPF, whose only job will be to stop Herbert.
  2467. Using this puffle would probably just break the target. I should try something else.
  2468. No I don't have anything.
  2469. No, I'm good right now, thanks.
  2470. wear goggles at snow fort
  2471. Of course! Herbert's statue!
  2472. Looks like Raoul 3000 isn't being used right now. Maybe G switched to tea.
  2473. Oh yeah! Well there's no way you'll ever get the legendary golden puffle that's in the Night Club!
  2474. Oh no, I don't think I fooled them.
  2475. What do we do now?
  2476. This <rope> would be handy if you had something to <hook> it on.
  2477. Just give it a try and see what you can do.
  2478. Agent D here, where do you want me to look?
  2479. not used in game
  2480. Wow. That's surprising!
  2481. Not all of the items will seem useful, but keep everything you get. You never know when something will prove helpful.
  2482. Does this have anything to do with the destruction of the PSA?
  2483. Hmm... I think I am getting better at this game!
  2484. Oh my
  2485. Good luck, guys.
  2486. Alright, come back and see me when you're ready.
  2487. Ok, but please hurry.
  2488. Agents, move out. Report in when you're in position.
  2489. Listen, you fowl fool - all I have to tell you is that misery loves company, and you've made me plenty miserable!
  2490. Well, if you're offering, I'm listening. An extra flipper would be handy.
  2491. Hmm... no evidence, eh? Maybe you should go back and take a look around the <Ski Lodge>.. Bring back anything that you find.
  2492. Do you have anything here that floats?
  2493. Let's blast off, Agent.
  2494. Oh look, you just fixed the the teleportation, thank you.
  2495. Of course, the old "Key under the welcome mat" this must open the door to his base.
  2496. not used in game
  2497. Even I got stuck on a few puzzles. And I designed them!
  2498. Maybe I can check near the forest.
  2499. Rookie's outburst was actually part of our plan. We didn't want Herbert to have any doubts that the golden puffle was real.
  2500. Quickly Agent! Go and check for damage or clues.
  2501. Though I wish I could have a delicious double meat <pizza>, extra grey fish right now. But I'm not going to risk losing my place in line to get one.
  2502. Hey there! It's awesome to see you again.
  2503. Indeed...
  2504. Well... when I get tired of watching a movie, I close my eyes.
  2505. Scale this wall without the use of any EPF items or equipment. Good luck. -The Director
  2506. It was a dangerous move, but I knew it was the only way to fulfill my greatest dream.
  2507. I just wanted to give you a little 'heads up'. I've cooked up quite a scheme, and it involves your precious little puffles...
  2508. Now is not the time for a snack.
  2509. Alright! A seaweed pizza! Perfect for a vegetarian like me.
  2510. Herbert is either very resourceful, or very lucky. Either way, we need the element of surprise.
  2511. Cutting these wires would probably short the power to this door.
  2512. Search the Docks
  2513. Alright, I'll go down the ski hill. See you there.
  2514. Let's waddle around and meet new friends.
  2515. Hey boss, I still haven't found anything, Whatever Herbert's up to, he's not leaving many clues...
  2516. Please keep me informed.
  2517. Well, usually there's two... Oh, my! There's only one here! The other chair's missing!
  2518. Sure thing! Here it is.
  2519. Well, my work here is done. See you later.
  2520. Good job, boss! I can see you've found the door to Herbert's base.
  2521. What is Herbert planning now?
  2522. Maybe he'll realize he doesn't need to be our enemy...
  2523. Umm... I gotta go... Somewhere else...
  2524. I've temporarily locked-down the PSA mainframe. It'll stop Herbert from using our technology, but we can't use it, either. This means your HQ warp will be offline. Unfortunately, it won't stop his broadcast.
  2525. If you could somehow make it <hotter> you might be able to melt the snow.
  2526. Looks like someone picked all the <'O' berries> off this bush.
  2527. There's an encrypted message on this page. The decoder would work.
  2528. It's no good! Herbert was right, that thing is too strong!
  2529. Well yes, I think... Wait... I, umm... I mean... That is...
  2530. Uh... I think I broke the knob. Is that bad?
  2531. As most of you must know, the PSA HQ was recently destroyed in an unfortunate 'accident'...
  2532. I don't think I can climb up the cliff with this. Try combining it with something.
  2533. Just point me at the first test. Ready for lift-off.
  2534. not used in game
  2535. Thanks, Agent.
  2536. Are those flower seeds?
  2537. What's wrong?
  2538. I don't suppose you could disguise yourself as a thin piece of paper or something, Dot?
  2539. Your plans are actually pretty fun to foil.
  2540. What? You want me to search there again?
  2541. This doesn't seem to be an elite puffle; maybe it can still help me, though.
  2542. Getting back to my incredible brain. On average, it generates one billion brilliant ideas per minute.
  2543. I do not see a keyhole in this door.
  2544. That's too much snow for a plain old berry... I should feed the puffle something special!
  2545. MWA HA HA HA HA!!
  2546. Whoa! Red Alert! We've never gone to Red Alert before!
  2547. Well, that doesn't sound so bad. We'll just fly over!
  2548. The Furensic Analyzer should still have them listed as well.
  2549. The golden puffle is a ruse - a fake - unfortunately. But it makes for ideal Herbert bait.
  2550. The boiler is over heating and Herbert is getting away!
  2551. Cool you found me because of my hat? That is so awesome.
  2552. Stay out here, and keep an eye out for Herbert.
  2553. Do you know what that dream was?
  2554. Of course we must always help a penguin in need, but we never stop there. We follow danger back to its den.
  2555. Oh dear, nobody will see a play at a time like this...
  2556. locked in a vault
  2557. It feels like an earthquake!
  2558. Oh! Thank you so much!
  2559. No time to rummage through the archives when there's a job to do!
  2560. With all the tremors it is probably best to stay away from high places.
  2561. That's his idea? That's crazy!
  2562. That is most peculiar. Do you suppose he's gone back into hiding to plan more mischief?
  2563. All you have to decide is whether or not you WANT to do this. Not if you CAN.
  2564. Can you repeat how I should lift up the island?
  2565. A penguin said they saw something weird fly over head.
  2566. He's still on the loose. Any suggestions?
  2567. Heh. I've spotted Rookie, but I don't think he can see me...
  2568. So what do we do, boss?
  2569. No I have not found all of the items yet.
  2570. One spicy berry is more than enough.
  2571. Go on...
  2572. This spy phone isn't quite as compact as the one you have!
  2573. I already have a bag of marbles
  2574. I would love some help but it takes a lot of <scrubbing> to clean up those stains.
  2575. Sure! You can use my phone.
  2576. but there was no sign of land anywhere.
  2577. We know what you're up to.
  2578. Thanks again. I know who to call if I need any more help.
  2579. Indeed, my fowl friends. It is I. Herbert P. Bear Esquire. And once again, I have defeated you with my superiority.
  2580. You wouldn't want to carry that message around in your pocket!
  2581. Give me the crab; I have a few questions for him. I want to see what kind of answers I come up with.
  2582. These 'penguins' I discovered were quite strange; they couldn't fly, lived in igloos, and seemed to enjoy the cold.
  2583. Looks like our mystery just got more mysterious. Investigate the areas where these traces could have come from...
  2584. I walked through the kitchen door this morning and heard a loud CRASH! I noticed an odd shadow -- this sounds strange, but it looked like a...
  2585. You should really talk with G
  2586. The map piece is too high up you will have to find a way to get it down.
  2587. This tracker will display a arrow as you search. If you follow it the signal should get stronger.
  2588. I'll be there soon! We can't let him escape!
  2589. I can't leave the cave yet. I'm stuck in this cage! Maybe that puffle can help...
  2590. Wow, that was easy...
  2591. There's a giant hole that's spraying water everywhere!
  2592. G? %PlayerName%?
  2593. Good luck. I hope you get it running.
  2594. I need some way to quickly make a bridge over this river!
  2595. What if we paint one side blue?
  2596. As you know, over the last several months, Herbert's strikes against Club Penguin have become bolder and more dangerous. Yet he has eluded capture.
  2597. We're stuck! What are we going to do?!
  2598. You should check with G before you analyze anything more.
  2599. He's close! Are we moving in to make the capture?
  2600. No equipment, Rookie.
  2601. I survived quite comfortably on kelp and algae actually. A little salty, but delicious nonetheless to a vegetarian like me. And whenever I got thirsty I melted some snow from the iceberg.
  2602. Klutzy! I don't know how to speak lobster! What are you saying?
  2603. Well, back to work. Take care Agent, and remember to bundle up. I have a feeling things are about to become chillier.
  2604. Please continue Director.
  2605. What am I going to do in the VR machine?
  2606. Maybe I should try disguising the door... As an open door... No wait, that's silly.
  2607. These cameras help G keep an eye on everything outside his gadget room.
  2608. It would be great if Herbert practiced his climbing skills.
  2609. Whatever Herbert's up to, it can't be good...
  2610. Yes, if you can dig a hole from the geyser to an underground cave, that should relieve some pressure.
  2611. You doubt my intelligence? In mere moments I shall blow the cover of the PSA to all of Club Penguin. Every channel. Every frequency.
  2612. Understood G. What are our orders?
  2613. Hmmm... yes... very nice. The brush strokes in this painting are simply divine.
  2614. Welcome back! Is there anything I can do for you?
  2615. By placing tracking devices at key points around the island, we should be able to locate his position.
  2616. What's the matter, Agent? There are mysteries to solve and adventures to be had.
  2617. What's happening, G?
  2618. As you can see, I've completely taken over the PSA main computer.
  2619. There's something strange about this tree...
  2620. Alright everyone, there's just one last thing to do. We need to plug this geyser.
  2621. I'll say! Herbert is digging underneath Club Penguin with a giant drill!
  2622. What happened here?
  2623. I'd better put a transmitter on this kite before I let it fly.
  2624. The PSA wants to gather evidence first, but we have suspicions Herbert may be involved...
  2625. This vault door's hinges and lock look broken. I wonder if the owner needs help.
  2626. Oh! That's right! It needs power! G made a solar panel power unit for it, but I forgot to grab it!
  2627. Your mission now: discover Herbert's plan and stop him at any cost. Investigate the tunnels and track him down.
  2628. This robot looks like a tin can. It must be a prototype.
  2629. What a strange place to hang a curtain.
  2630. These hinges look broken. They probably need to be <welded>.
  2631. I should get <Chirp> before I proceed.
  2632. Dot, I need a way to get penguins to follow me. Any ideas?
  2633. The milk seems to be <disconnected>.
  2634. Hey! You're the one who tries to make others miserable!
  2635. I see...
  2636. Me and walls just don't get along...
  2637. The machine is in the middle of a scan.
  2638. Put the <fur> in the <Furensic Analyzer> and we might be able to uncover more of this mystery.
  2639. Umm, hey guys. What are you up to?
  2640. It doesn't look safe to walk under.
  2641. Absolutely! I've got them all.
  2642. Is there anything I can do to help?
  2643. So far, these items have come in handy for you. Take them, and good luck.
  2644. Actually, the puffle is just a golden statue. We're still looking into what it could mean.
  2645. This puffle looks very sad.
  2646. Herbert, you've gone too far! Surrender now, or else...
  2647. What, really?
  2648. Umm... Good luck with that.
  2649. I'll need to find a way to break open this cage.
  2650. But... what does that mean?
  2651. I think you're supposed to put on the costume, Boss.
  2652. Oh brother, the <crab> is getting away! Quick, Agent! Follow and catch him while I fix up this mess.
  2653. You did it %PlayerName%! The island is rebalanced!
  2654. Oh, I'm pretty sure he's not going anywhere...
  2655. Do you want to pick out a wig? For a disguise?
  2656. I thought I just saw a UFO in the sky! Maybe I'm just seeing things...
  2657. Each of you'll be sent immediately to the scene where you'll...
  2658. There may have been something but it's gone now.
  2659. Oh my! That's not just any bear. That's a polar bear! I've heard of them; they can be quite fierce...
  2660. I should search for some clues before I leave.
  2661. I'm pretty sure you were supposed to be taking some other penguin's photo. I can't remember whose.
  2662. Pardon me? Seriously?
  2663. Amazing! Quite a convincing illusion already, Agent!
  2664. I could slip through if I <unscrewed> these bolts.
  2665. This door won't open G must have locked it.
  2666. Mmmm, yum this pizza is good.
  2667. I think it is for you.
  2668. Wow! This suit is hot!
  2669. I said freeze Herbert. You've caused enough trouble today.
  2670. I still need to free Dot...
  2671. My name is Dot, that's Rookie in the red hat, and that guy in the suit is Jet Pack Guy.
  2672. Alright, hold still. I'll get your hat.
  2673. Alright, but hurry back. We need to get started ASAP.
  2674. Good luck!
  2675. I'm looking for the Jet Pack Guy. Where is he stationed?
  2676. Hmm.. This one last bolt needs to be tightened before its ready to go. Perhaps there is something in your spy gadget that would help with this task!
  2677. Your mission will be starting very soon, for we believe that Herbert is up to something. Something big.
  2678. You got the <map piece> out of the newspaper!
  2679. I can't think of a good disguise to make out of the items we have here...
  2680. Coat the entire bag in hot sauce!? What if you coated just one berry?
  2681. Clickety clickety click clickety click.
  2682. It is? I mean yes! It is good to see me! I mean you! Wait...
  2683. The camera is so well hidden even I can't find it! No, wait... It's in a different tree.
  2684. Wow! Nice drawings, but what do they mean?
  2685. I wonder if I could disguise myself as something that can dig under the door...
  2686. What did you think of the missions?
  2687. We did it. The island is safe again.
  2688. Good eye, Agent. I'll finish securing the area. Have a look around.
  2689. Alright, here's your whistle. Just step through the door, take a look around, and use it when you're ready.
  2690. It's a risk I'm willing to take.
  2691. Click click click.
  2692. We had him!
  2693. On my way!
  2694. The door is already unlocked.
  2695. We're good to go, Director. What are our orders?
  2696. Well yes, I think... Wait... I, umm... I mean... That is...
  2697. Excellent work, %PlayerName%!
  2698. Well, that really bursts my bubble...
  2699. Yes. I've been busy. Have you ever seen so many disguises in one room? I need to tell G. Otherwise there's not much here to investigate.
  2700. No problem! How will I know what the tokens look like?
  2701. And next we'll be throwing a 'We Caught Herbert' party.
  2702. G'day, mates! Welcome to your first challenge: The Elite Puffle Challenge!
  2703. This door won't open. G must have locked it.
  2704. Anything else you'd like to know, Agent?
  2705. I have no idea. My inventions hardly ever explode... anymore.
  2706. Listen, you fowl fool - all I have to tell you is that misery loves company, and you've made me plenty miserable!
  2707. We'll see Agent. I'm afraid I'm quite prepared for you this time.
  2708. An overhead map of Club Penguin. Flashing lights indicate an emergency in the area.
  2709. If the cream soda was <shaken> up a little more it might work better.
  2710. Heh heh, sure you can't. So I guess that means you don't have time to help me tie balloons either...
  2711. No time for boating at the Dock. There is too much work to do.
  2712. We're going to need something HEAVY to plug that hole.
  2713. No, I'm good thanks.
  2714. One vegetarian seaweed pizza, coming up.
  2715. First, we need more info on Herbert. Your orders are to find his base, and discover what he is up to.
  2716. Did you bring the DVD with you?
  2717. Great climb! I found this costume really inspired me to go faster.
  2718. The next thing I know, the Gift Shop started sinking!
  2719. Steel bars aren't really afraid of anything, Rookie...
  2720. Hurry!
  2721. Yeah, sure.
  2722. That's brilliant %PlayerName%! Turning enemies in allies is great way to turn things in our favor.
  2723. No polar bear footprints anywhere, so Herbert must not be traveling on foot.
  2724. Whoa! That cream soda is serious business! No wonder Rockhopper likes it so much. Be careful if you take any.
  2725. Thanks a bunch.
  2726. Are they safe enough to take with me?
  2727. You'll never get away with this!
  2728. I got your back, Agent.
  2729. Now if you wouldn't mind going into your spy gadget, find the wrench and use it on the machine to get it working!
  2730. Yeah, I need a good challenge...
  2731. You demonstrated great thinking, and a willingness to help your teammates over yourself.
  2732. Good luck.
  2733. Looks like you have made a friend.
  2734. No, Director. I'm ready to begin my mission.
  2735. The special announcement board for agents.
  2736. It was Herbert!
  2737. Using your own technology, and the resources you left lying around, I have built a mechanical woodchopper.
  2738. Whatever. You're the least of my worries right now, Herbert.
  2739. What is the Elite Penguin Force?
  2740. Go for it!
  2741. After being at sea for so long, they were the last thing I wanted to find. But I'm going to do something about it...
  2742. Okay, sorry about that.
  2743. Good to see you, Rookie. Looks like you've done a lot here. What have you discovered?
  2744. No, I left it... Ummm... under a piano somewhere...
  2745. Candy pizza.
  2746. Have you tried looking for more?
  2747. Your friend mentioned something about swamp gas. What does that have to do with a magnet?
  2748. you know where I'd find the Penguin Play Awards DVD?
  2749. What's going on, G?
  2750. Something weird is going on here.
  2751. A small pulley. Looks about the right size for a puffle...
  2752. The golden puffle really is shiny. The perfect bait for Herbert.
  2753. Yes may I have a cookie please?
  2754. Hello, welcome to the Pizza Parlor. What can I get you?
  2755. I managed to recover the Clock Tower's Prime Gear from Herbert.
  2756. Doesn't look like there is any corn that way that I should follow.
  2757. This pet door is too small for a penguin to fit through.
  2758. For multiple acts of mischief, public damage and vandalism.
  2759. I'm completely alert. There's no way anyone is going to get the drop on... BZZZT!
  2760. Here's a sack you can use to store the items you find for the disguises.
  2761. I'm still asking myself the same thing. It has been a strange day! I think my imagination is playing tricks on me...
  2762. I'll take earthquakes over fuzzy lobster monsters any day.
  2763. Yes, it is true there is a scary monster and it's behind the <Ski Lodge>!
  2764. No... Nothing big enough to help, anyway...
  2765. Nope, I'm ready to go, G.
  2766. Hmm... I suppose you petty penguins could use a genius...
  2767. Okay, come back again.
  2768. Either way, thanks a lot for helping out. I appreciate it.
  2769. You don't need any rope right now.
  2770. It will take a long time to clean this up using just a mop.
  2771. Director, you said there was one more mission for us to do?
  2772. The Pizzatron can wait for now. There's urgent business at hand!
  2773. Simply put, we believe something, or someone, is causing these tremors on purpose.
  2774. Also, check your spy phone in case they report something. Good luck, Agent.
  2775. Hi, Agent. What seems to be the matter?
  2776. Umm... Well... No matter. I have the tunnels memorized. You still have no chance of defeating me.
  2777. Hello? Yes. I understand.
  2778. You're definitely too busy to wait in the lineup for this play!
  2779. Chief! I've got some good news, and some bad news.
  2780. Hmm... I've got some suspicious activity. Should I go in for a closer look?
  2781. %PlayerName%! We've got a code pink over here! I spotted an unidentified flying object! Luckily I got a picture.
  2782. This one IS tricky. What am I supposed to do without my disguises?
  2783. You already have a wrench in your spy phone.
  2784. At last I get my true revenge for all the years you penguins have bothered me!
  2785. Not bad. I wonder why G called us all in though. It's very mysterious...
  2786. Nice! Good going, Ed McCool!
  2787. Sounds like a good idea to me.
  2789. I'd love to make some for you, but the <hot chocolate> machine is broken. Would you be able to <fix> it?
  2790. ....
  2791. You look really busy can I give you hand with anything?
  2792. Well, practice makes perfect I suppose.
  2793. Okay, let's analyze this fur. Put it into the machine and we can get started.
  2794. Ha ha ha! I suppose one or two wouldn't hurt. Grab onto a barrel, and shake it back and forth to see what happens.
  2795. I suspect the PSA main computer is being taken over. Someone's trying to break into our system!
  2796. I followed the signal in your hat.
  2797. Quick Agent, get back to the Boiler Room and fix the boiler.
  2798. G has these inventions locked up. It's probably best to leave them alone.
  2799. If you can find a way to reflect the beam BACK at the glass, it should heat it up enough to melt it.
  2800. Aye aye commander! What're my orders?
  2801. I don't think so, but look at all the damage. How are we going to fix it?
  2802. Those are some fine looking shoes.
  2803. Rookie is currently stationed in the Gift Shop. He just reported that the magnet isn't working. Go check it out.
  2804. So you're the one who's been causing all the trouble.
  2805. You looking for that hot air balloon with a bear in it? It floated towards the Ski Hill.
  2806. This candle would make great <bait> for a <trap>.
  2807. That's right. I can see everything you see from here. Even myself, which I admit is pretty strange!
  2808. What's the bad news?
  2809. Maybe the surveillance camera sticks out a bit, but Herbert shouldn't notice.
  2810. Now I can reach the snake token.
  2811. It is a strange mystery, indeed. Good luck with your investigation, agent.
  2812. I finished setting up the tent. If you want you can use those extra pegs. They are good at holding things in place.
  2813. Don't worry %PlayerName%, I had a tracking device installed in Rookie's hat just in case he went missing.
  2814. Alright, I'm ready for my orders %PlayerName%! Where do you want me to check for polar bear clues?
  2815. Any thoughts?
  2816. You hear your stomach growling when looking at the picture of the tasty fish.
  2817. Thanks for the help, Klutzy!
  2818. So Herbert, we meet again...
  2819. Agent, secrecy is of the utmost importance here. What I can tell you is that the EPF is an ultra-top secret unit that protects the island. They'll be taking over this operation.
  2820. A wooden steering wheel for a ship.  Perhaps it's Captain Rockhopper's spare wheel?
  2821. On it, G.
  2822. I'm just missing one piece from each disguise - Rockhopper's Beard...
  2823. You'll be sent immediately to the scene where you'll...
  2824. A lot of things, actually. I'll make sure they're in my report.
  2825. I wouldn't worry, it is probably just the wind. I'll go <take a look>, just to make sure.
  2826. Yes, I've found all of them!
  2827. Dancing would suggest a certain amount of enjoyment.
  2828. That penguin said it was just the wind.
  2829. Woo! Yeah!
  2830. I'm not going anywhere without some sort of safety water-survival gear!
  2831. I can't believe this! So much planning, building, and scheming and you've already caught up to me?
  2832. Alright guys, we have our orders!
  2833. Club Penguin is normally very peaceful. We do experience what are known as ice-tremors, but according to my geographical calculations...
  2834. I haven't been able to track it down yet.
  2835. Hey, do you mind if I take some of these balloons?
  2836. You probably shouldn't have any of this <cream soda> without asking.
  2837. We need to find some way of moving this huge boulder out of the way!
  2838. Hmm... This looks easy enough to use.
  2839. ROOKIE, NO!
  2840. Understood G, but... What about me?
  2841. Did you see that?
  2842. Good luck, commander!
  2843. This Balloon is super-lifing, I'm sure it could raise the Gift Shop.
  2844. Wicked cool, man. Thanks.
  2845. Click, clickety click click.
  2846. I can't take off my disguise in the base.
  2847. Hey, Jet Pack Guy. Before we get started, I wanted to ask you about your cool glasses.
  2848. Hmm... I think we need to use our items to get through...
  2849. You already have the goggles.
  2850. Wrap it up, Herbert.
  2851. Sure! I would be glad to help you out.
  2852. My code name is The Director.
  2853. Ah that's why those pesky penguins like pizza so much. I feel much better now.
  2854. Check Herbert's old hideout. Look for anything that might lead us to his new base.
  2855. I wonder what else is buried down there...
  2856. I've checked all the slopes. Lots of fun, but no polar bears. Where to next?
  2857. I need you to check the island for Herbert. He's still a major danger.
  2858. You can't go out that way, something seems to be blocking the door.
  2859. G, update the agents on the situation.
  2860. Why didn't you stop me from melting that giant hole in the island?! This is all your fault!
  2861. whatever that monster was up to, it had to do with our <hot chocolate> machine. It was broken when I got here. Maybe you could fix it.
  2862. This is just an ordinary pile of snow.
  2863. No time for spinning discs today - there's work to do!
  2864. This is a life preserver ring.
  2865. I can't cut it free while the ski-lift is still running!
  2866. It was probably just a prank by another penguin.
  2867. Wow... I'm completely stumped... Maybe if I had my secret agent comb...
  2868. Alright, just follow me. I'll show you the best flight path to take.
  2869. We have to do something!
  2870. You should talk with G. He has something urgent to tell us
  2871. I left my own cold and dismal home many months ago on an iceberg.
  2872. I did it! %PlayerName%, I did it! I did it!
  2873. Make Herbert do community service until he's paid his debt to society.
  2874. What did you see?
  2875. Yay! You fixed the Gift Shop. Thank you so much.
  2876. Good. Let's get started.
  2877. In mere moments I will turn on my Mega-Magnifying Glass, and your precious snow-covered island will become MY tropical paradise.
  2878. Well... I gues we should stop him, anyway gp shut down that screen.
  2879. I don't remember corn growing here. We should go check it out.
  2880. By <gum>, you're right!
  2881. Thanks for the warning Rookie. Keep on Herbert.
  2882. I should talk to Rory before <touching> this.
  2883. We'll be good.
  2884. Shall we get started now?
  2885. Oh, thank you for fixing the hot chocolate machine! This will make my day so much easier.
  2886. We're going to play a little game, you and I.
  2887. What a time for this thing to break down! Where did I put that manual?
  2888. Can I see that <drawing> again?
  2889. Well, I was still a little shaky when I drew it, so it's no classic work of art. But if you insist, here it is.
  2890. Great job!
  2891. Excellent. A lot has been going on since you were last here.
  2892. Now I have a perfect way to get one of the tracking devices underground.
  2893. Commander! I've got the weirdest feeling I'm being watched!
  2894. All fixed!
  2895. Umm... That's bad right?
  2896. Hey Rory! Mind if I send a mine cart down?
  2897. Hey, thanks again. Help yourself to some <cookies>. They're on the house!
  2898. Oh no!
  2899. But where are the marbles? I need them!
  2900. Well, what do you know? It just needed a good strong pull. Thanks a lot. Is there anything I can help you with in return?
  2901. Done. Everyone else, look for items to temporarily plug the hole. 
  2902. Hey %PlayerName%, I've already checked there. Are you sure you want me to check again?
  2903. Rookie... I think you should give the salon another look...
  2904. Thanks, %PlayerName%, but instead you should take Gary's picture!
  2905. Great work! You cleaned up all the <cookies>!
  2906. I think I bonked my head, because the next thing I knew I woke up here! And now I can't get my hat under control.
  2907. Do you have any other questions, Agent?
  2908. I'm pretty sure Herbert's not a ninja, so he's not here. Where next, boss?
  2909. Agent, I'm receiving the transmission. Get back to HQ immediately.
  2910. *Gasp!*
  2911. Herbert P. Bear, Esquire: You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say may be held against you.
  2912. We looked all over! All we could find was some <string> upstairs.
  2913. If you want you can help dig this mess up. Are you ready for the challenge?
  2914. Hello agnet, what is this?
  2915. This chair sure has a nice view of the clams.
  2916. Oh! Right, you would need marbles as well!
  2917. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA.
  2918. This seismograph is keeping track of the earthquakes. When the next one hits, it will tell us where it's coming from, and we want you to investigate.
  2919. The puffles need their rest.
  2920. Wow who could drink this much <cream soda>?
  2921. My stomach is growling so loud, I can't hear myself think!
  2922. Isn't that what you secret agent types do? Rescue poor creatures in need?
  2923. I don't think it was luck. I stopped your plan to chop down the Lodge with a pizza.
  2924. No thanks, I can figure it out.
  2925. It's over Herbert! Step away from the magnifying glass!
  2926. Be careful Agent!
  2927. The fuel will be much easier to pick up and carry if you can <cut> it down.
  2928. Any other questions?
  2929. What? Were you talking to me? No worries. Take care.
  2930. Have a good day!
  2931. Ok, but please hurry.
  2932. Here you go agent. This equipment will allow you to stay in verbal contact with the other agents in the field
  2933. Hey look, the clock is broken
  2934. Yeah, I heard some odd noises near the <Ski Lodge>.
  2935. Listen, I can't tell you everything you want to know. But I can say that we've been watching you, and we think you'd be perfect for our special EPF unit...
  2936. Be my guest. I just can't figure what the problem is.
  2937. That means Herbert could be hiding anywhere. Expand your search to the wilderness. Contact Jet Pack Guy to show you the quickest route.
  2938. Oh, I'm sorry to bother you.
  2939. I like option #4!
  2940. I forgot my popcorn.
  2941. The weather did get warmer,
  2942. The geyser hit his balloon, and he crashed near the Ski Village.
  2943. No, I'm good right now, thanks.
  2944. One of those sets of tracks looks familiar.
  2945. He had a <map>, but it blew away.
  2946. You're right they really make the place feel <comfortable>.
  2947. I once saw a cat-fish.
  2948. Rookie, tell me how many chairs there's supposed to be in the salon...
  2949. I guess we can continue?
  2950. We don't have time for this!
  2951. I did! It was amazing! Who did you vote for?
  2952. This item will not make a very good <trap>.
  2953. The PSA has been assigned to protect the puffle until a secure place can be made.
  2954. Oldest trick in the book! A key is likely close by, but disguised. Look for places you might hide an emergency key.
  2955. In order to calculate the location of the spy phone, we'll need to spread them out across the island: one as high as possible, one as low as possible, and one out at sea.
  2956. This would be a good place for a trap.
  2957. Well, well, well... look who's trapped in the cage now!
  2958. Stay here. I need to search for the others, and I only have one grappling hook.
  2959. A large crowd of penguins, moved into the right spots on the island, should be able to do just that.
  2960. My glasses are still broken!
  2961. This puffle looks sad. Maybe if you give him something he will cheer up.
  2962. Staff Only.
  2963. Do you understand your orders?
  2964. not used in game
  2965. Orders, boss?
  2966. This top secret stuff is cool.
  2967. I can't believe Herbert got the drop on us. I should have seen through his plan!
  2968. Head to the geyser for now. G needs more info.
  2969. We're locked in!
  2970. What do I need to do again?
  2971. That will never happen. I've stopped you before and I'll stop you now.
  2972. Thanks, Agent D. Great to have you on board...
  2973. Keep a close eye out here, Jet Pack Guy. I may need your help later.
  2974. Alright, I got it.
  2975. The item you're using is not going to help fix this problem.
  2976. Great! As I always say, two heads are better than one.
  2977. Yes I caught a creature, but not THE creature, because there were TWO of them!
  2978. I still need to free Jet Pack Guy...
  2979. What a strange sight... a <crab> using a <ski lift>!
  2980. CRIKEY! Well done %PlayerName%! That was record time!
  2981. The machine needs to be set to <'Hot'> in order to pour Hot Chocolate.
  2982. He practices all the time. Does your puffle have any special talents or tricks?
  2983. Do you want me to explain how to use puffles?
  2984. Yes, I recovered your plans for the magnet from the Bear's hideaway.
  2985. What's going on here?
  2986. I should find a way to get down there safely...
  2987. Which option do you want to hear first?
  2988. I'm afraid I haven't been able to repair the translator yet, Agent. Any luck capturing the <crab>?
  2989. Alright, now watch closely. Ed McCool is about to show you why he's the best puffle bowler on the island.
  2990. Herbert! Stop! You don't know what you're doing!
  2991. Yes, but I have no time to chat. I have to try and stop him.
  2992. Do not forget %PlayerName% that you are not alone. You still have some of the Elite Puffles with you.
  2993. Certainly Agent, but please report back soon. We need to act quickly.
  2994. This deflated <rubber duck> might prove useful for installing the device at sea. It has a hole you'll have to patch.
  2995. Or maybe he flew out to sea... Maybe he found his tropical paradise...
  2996. not used in game
  2997. You saw a scary monster! Where was it?
  2998. I agree. Alright then, let's get to work.
  2999. Ah ha! I think I see what's wrong with this machine.
  3000. Neither do I, but I made this machine to translate the crab's clicking. It should do the trick. Let's get started.
  3001. I'm not sure if that would work. It would still be tricky finding four with only one piece.
  3002. Herbert!
  3003. I've filled up the gas, checked the oil and the engine... everything! And I still can't get it to start.
  3004. Boss, this is completely outside EPF procedure. There's nothing in the book that allows this!
  3005. We need to stop him from transmitting messages. Any ideas?
  3006. A broken electromagnet control box.
  3007. Well, like I said, we've been keeping an eye on you, ace. Maybe the EPF has plans for you...
  3008. I've been working on a way to locate Herbert by tracking the signal of the spy phone he stole from you.
  3009. That's a drill? Looks more like an air conditioner on wheels.
  3010. Okay, I'll give it a try.
  3011. He may be trying to heat up the island using a giant magnifying glass
  3012. Stay on alert and let me know if you see or hear anything.
  3013. No more Club Penguin.
  3014. I award you all this medal, and salute each of you as true protectors of Club Penguin.
  3015. Did you find a clue? (remove)
  3016. but then my iceberg tipped!
  3017. Herbert seemed pretty happy. He's even dancing. What do you think?
  3018. All right, thanks.
  3019. We should hurry, Agent! Who knows what Herbert could be plotting!
  3020. Err... I'm not sure...
  3021. And since I don't trust you, I demand you take Klutzy so he can keep an eye on you.
  3022. A cheery fire blazes in the fireplace.
  3023. My balloon has a large hole in it. Find something to patch it and fill it, and we can save your island.
  3024. What's happening?
  3025. My team is ready G. Explain what's happening.
  3026. See? That penguin is scared too...
  3027. I should use the snow penguin disguise!
  3028. Kernels. Interesting. I think we have a clue...
  3029. Hmmm. Maybe next time. G said something about finding Jet Pack Guy.
  3030. G, do you have anything that could help us find and stop Herbert?
  3031. Heh heh... Sorry about that.
  3032. Let's just say it's the biggest thing I can see right now.
  3033. Never underestimate an agent.
  3034. I found Herbert! He's at the Ice Rink right now! It looks like he's measuring something...
  3035. You did it!
  3036. After exploring a short while, I came upon a strange and noisy place, filled with birds wearing silly clothes.
  3037. I'm afraid I have very bad news, agents. Listen closely, for time is of the essence.
  3038. I think there's a life-vest somewhere around here. Look around for it.
  3039. Try using your <Spy Gadget>.
  3040. I'm overhead! Send Klutzy up to cut the statue loose, before your flimsy plug breaks.
  3041. Jet Pack Guy, reporting in? Where am I heading, boss?
  3042. At last. My plan has worked perfectly. One more little question for you... Do you happen to know how much popcorn it takes to destroy a building?
  3043. They were familiar, from my time as a PSA agent.
  3044. Cool, Thanks!
  3045. Wait a second... WAIT A SECOND... It's YOU! You're that pesky agent who foiled all my plans!
  3046. Oh good! I thought I had messed up, big time.
  3047. What about all the damage underground?
  3048. Zzzz.... No one will find it... buried here... zzzzzzz
  3049. There is no time to go wandering in the Wilderness.
  3050. Oh calamity! This is a disaster! A geyser that big could sink the island within minutes!
  3051. Use it to tell them where to search.
  3052. Oh, we're teammates now, so feel free to call me 'Dot'.
  3053. WHAT?!
  3054. No sitting down on the job!
  3055. I already have this snake game piece.
  3056. Maybe you should ask if you can borrow some <balloons> first.
  3057. Why, it looks like we've caught a nosy little bird snooping around our cave.
  3058. I'll examine the pictures and determine what his plans are.
  3059. Can you wait a while longer G? I don't think I'm ready yet.
  3060. Good to meet you, Director. I've heard a lot about you.
  3061. not used in game
  3062. Rookie! Put it away!
  3063. Looks like G takes lots of notes too!
  3064. Unfortunately, we could only find one piece. The rest of them are missing.
  3065. Did you hear? The pizza shop is trying out some new toppings! They have some really strange ones like dessert pizza!
  3066. It looks like there's a piece of paper stuck in the ice.
  3067. Mission Leader? Me? I don't know what to say...
  3068. I will keep checking for more clues. Good luck Agent.
  3069. Hello again Agent. So good to see you.
  3070. Herbert left a clue behind when he escaped last time, right?
  3071. Ok, we can use my EPF teleporter.
  3072. So if you run into Herbert, you'll just need to convince him you're Klutzy, and he won't suspect a thing.
  3073. I should get my briefing from G before I go.
  3074. Got it, G. Got any other gadgets that might help?
  3075. Yes, I did. They should be strong enough for the job.
  3076. A blank screen.
  3077. This doesn't seem to be the right tool for the job.
  3078. Keep in touch with them, and let them know where you want them to search. Herbert could be anywhere.
  3079. Great! Now that the <goggles> are calibrated, you can track our mystery creature...
  3080. Where would any agent be without a handy wrench?
  3081. Sure! Let's get digging!
  3082. Is there anything more I can get you?
  3083. THIS time I'll search there with one eye closed. That way, it'll be like I haven't search there already! Good to go?
  3084. Good luck, Agent.
  3085. Listen closely. The plan is simple - there are two things you must do to save Club Penguin.
  3086. I wish I had someone or something here to help me reach that lever...
  3087. Klutzy, hand me that 7/16 wrench.
  3088. You must be really good at it.
  3089. The way they played in the snow was so irritating. I found myself disliking them more and more each day. These little friends of yours bug me.
  3090. What Herbert doesn't realize however is that his plan could spell certain disaster.
  3091. Wow, you're doing it.
  3092. Use the <ice>, Boss!
  3093. What are we going to do about Herbert now?
  3094. Looks like there are some fresh cookies at the Coffee Shop today.
  3095. Spoken like a true leader.
  3096. Well. Nobody'll blame your forgetfulness. These wigs are far too interesting.
  3097. I've lost my marbles. If you're going to play, you'll have to find some.
  3098. I should talk to Gary before taking anything.
  3099. You already have a <balloon>.
  3100. See you should go.
  3101. This belt needs to be cut to stop the ski-lift so I can get Herbert down.
  3102. Herbert's jokes are so corny...
  3103. I still have a hard time believing that there's a bear on this island...
  3104. Dot here. I've searched
  3105. Hello again, can I help you?
  3106. Yeah, I've got nothing. I left my box of items at the last challenge. Bad idea.
  3107. Save going sled racing for later right now there is a job to do.
  3108. Is there any way I can <help>?
  3109. You must be the one who's been foiling all my plans. I must say you are a clever bird to have tracked me down...
  3110. That plan is crazy! Why would you do such a thing?
  3111. The Gift Shop can't stay there forever. You'll need something to catch it.
  3112. Maybe I could use the <Decoder> in my <Spy Phone> to read this.
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