
Gooogle Indexing

Jun 6th, 2020
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  1. Gooogle Indexing
  2. Hello, I finally got 3,280 pages indexed by google. I would say it took around 2 weeks. Im happy because that is the entire site. However, my question is did it take you a while to get some rankings? Did you still link spam after all pages were indexed? I mean I have had sites indexed before and made money, but not with so many pages. Any input would help.
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  13. +++++++++++++++
  14. rankings - with that many pages you should get SOME longtail results pretty quickly
  15. link spam - yup, the more links the more youll rank, dont piss google off and make it deindex you at this point however
  16. just do the same as usual and get the rankings that are there up further and it'll get better in time
  17. Help me my site is getting de-indexing very fast. I don't know why my site getting de-indexing. Any one provide some solution to stop de-indexing of my site
  18. @general34: never stop linking, w/e the method you use, keep natural ;)
  19. If you had 5% spammy links, continue having this share, that'll be nice and will not raise any flags at Google ;)
  20. Keep working on it. Getting a site ranked, especially with high competition keywords takes time, and doesn't happen overnight.
  21. Help me my site is getting de-indexing very fast. I don?t know why my site getting de-indexing. Any one provide some solution to stop de-indexing of my site
  22. Depends on what you are doing. If you are link spamming, you are toast if they at the big ' G ' have selected your site for the human inspection/verification process.
  24. I've ranked for the first page on 13 keywords in that search engine for a new site I've not even finished the backoffice for yet and didn't have any links before a few days ago. They are strictly for building it later and I don't show them on the public site at all...infact, their are 3 pages and they are hidden.
  26. You can rank on the top page if you have 100% relevant content in the page, your top 3 keywords in the title tag and the biggest thing...
  29. The search engines do that sometimes they give a new site a chance and you might rank for some time, then if your site is popular you will stay up there if not you will sink right at the bottom of the serps, this is especially true with MSN and Live dot com
  30. Depends on what you are doing. If you are link spamming, you are toast if they at the big ' G ' have selected your site for the human inspection/verification process.
  32. I've ranked for the first page on 13 keywords in that search engine for a new site I've not even finished the backoffice for yet and didn't have any links before a few days ago. They are strictly for building it later and I don't show them on the public site at all...infact, their are 3 pages and they are hidden.
  34. You can rank on the top page if you have 100% relevant content in the page, your top 3 keywords in the title tag and the biggest thing...
  37. The search engines do that sometimes they give a new site a chance and you might rank for some time, then if your site is popular you will stay up there if not you will sink right at the bottom of the serps, this is especially true with MSN and Live dot com
  38. That's true in some cases but, I have a unique process that I use to prevent that before the site ever goes live so that it won't crash under any reason.
  40. MSN is trying to move to be more content driven, however, they have make themselves so restricted that they block a lot of good content that they were suppose to accept. They will get there eventually.
  42. Google and Yahoo are the two main concerns for my ranking campaigns anyway.
  44. Thanks for the heads up to the forum none the less.
  45. Can anyone share the tips to get the pages index faster in google
  46. Check your server stats. Someone might be scraping your site using Google bot's alias
  47. Hello, I finally got 3,280 pages indexed by google. I would say it took around 2 weeks. Im happy because that is the entire site. However, my question is did it take you a while to get some rankings? Did you still link spam after all pages were indexed? I mean I have had sites indexed before and made money, but not with so many pages. Any input would help.
  48. how long is your website ? so fast 3k pages got index
  49. eek: How did you do it in just 2 weeks?
  50. Can anyone share the tips to get the pages index faster in google
  51. This is a 10 year old thread.
  52. Please don't bump necro threads, instead open a new one.
  54. SURFER SEO - Data Driven SEO - Increase your organic traffic with better on-page
  55. Yes, this is my go-to Keyword Tool, you should be using this! Rank easier with this.
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