

Apr 20th, 2018
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  1. on first join:
  2. set {skillnum.%player%} to 1
  3. set {asaruto.%player%} to 0
  4. on right click on an anvil:
  5. cancel event
  7. on rightclick:
  8. if name of item is "3*3*3スキル":
  9. set {skillnum.%player%} to 3
  10. else if name of item is "5*5*5スキル":
  11. set {skillnum.%player%} to 5
  12. else if name of item is "7*7*7スキル":
  13. set {skillnum.%player%} to 7
  14. else if name of item is "9*9*9スキル":
  15. set {skillnum.%player%} to 9
  16. else if name of item is "11*11*11スキル":
  17. set {skillnum.%player%} to 11
  18. else if name of item is "13*13*13スキル":
  19. set {skillnum.%player%} to 13
  20. else if name of item is "15*15*15スキル":
  21. set {skillnum.%player%} to 15
  22. else if name of item is "&1ア&2サ&3ル&4ト":
  23. set {asaruto.%player%} to 1
  25. command /ef1:
  26. trigger:
  27. execute console command "/effect %player% 16 99999 255"
  29. command /gomi:
  30. trigger:
  31. open chest with 3 rows named "ゴミ箱" to player
  33. command /skillnumset <number>:
  34. permission:admin
  35. trigger:
  36. set {skillnum.%player%} to arg-1
  37. command /sp <number> <text>:
  38. trigger:
  39. if arg-2 is "n":
  40. execute console command "/give @p[name=%player%,score_SeichiP_min=%arg-1%] minecraft:gold_nugget %arg-1% 0 {display:{Name:""1SP""},Unbreakable:1b,ench:[{id:32s,lvl:0s}],HideFlags:7}"
  41. execute console command "/scoreboard players remove @p[name=%player%,score_SeichiP_min=%arg-1%] SeichiP %arg-1%"
  42. if arg-2 is "i":
  43. execute console command "/give @p[name=%player%,score_SeichiP_min=%arg-1*9%] minecraft:gold_ingot %arg-1% 0 {display:{Name:""9SP""},Unbreakable:1b,ench:[{id:32s,lvl:0s}],HideFlags:7}"
  44. execute console command "/scoreboard players remove @p[name=%player%,score_SeichiP_min=%arg-1*9%] SeichiP %arg-1*9%"
  45. if arg-2 is "b":
  46. execute console command "/give @p[name=%player%,score_SeichiP_min=%arg-1*81%] minecraft:gold_block %arg-1% 0 {display:{Name:""81SP""},Unbreakable:1b,ench:[{id:32s,lvl:0s}],HideFlags:7}"
  47. execute console command "/scoreboard players remove @p[name=%player%,score_SeichiP_min=%arg-1*81%] SeichiP %arg-1*81%"
  48. if arg-2 is "b2":
  49. execute console command "/give @p[name=%player%,score_SeichiP_min=%arg-1*729%] minecraft:gold_block %arg-1% 0 {display:{Name:""729SP""},Unbreakable:1b,ench:[{id:32s,lvl:0s}],HideFlags:7}"
  50. execute console command "/scoreboard players remove @p[name=%player%,score_SeichiP_min=%arg-1*729%] SeichiP %arg-1*729%"
  52. on mine:
  53. set {_waited} to difference between {skill.%player%.lastused} and now
  54. if {skillnum.%player%} is 1:
  55. execute console command "/scoreboard players add %player% SeichiP 1"
  56. execute console command "/scoreboard players add %player% SeichiAll 1"
  57. stop
  58. if {skillnum.%player%} is 3:
  59. if {_waited} is less than 1 seconds:
  60. stop
  61. else if {skillnum.%player%} is 5:
  62. if {_waited} is less than 2 seconds:
  63. stop
  64. else if {skillnum.%player%} is 7:
  65. if {_waited} is less than 3 seconds:
  66. stop
  67. else if {skillnum.%player%} is 9:
  68. if {_waited} is less than 4 seconds:
  69. stop
  70. else if {skillnum.%player%} is 11:
  71. if {_waited} is less than 5 seconds:
  72. stop
  73. else if {skillnum.%player%} is 13:
  74. if {_waited} is less than 6 seconds:
  75. stop
  76. else if {skillnum.%player%} is 15:
  77. if {_waited} is less than 7 seconds:
  78. stop
  79. set {_1} to location of event-block
  80. set {_2} to location of event-block
  81. if player's pitch is between -50 and 50:
  82. add ({skillnum.%player%}-2) to y-coord of {_1}
  83. subtract 1 from y-coord of {_2}
  84. if player's horizontal facing is west or east:
  85. add ({skillnum.%player%}/2-0.5) to z-coord of {_1}
  86. add ({skillnum.%player%}/2-0.5) to x-coord of {_1}
  87. subtract ({skillnum.%player%}/2-0.5) from z-coord of {_2}
  88. subtract ({skillnum.%player%}/2-0.5) from x-coord of {_2}
  89. loop blocks within {_1} to {_2}:
  90. loop-block is not bedrock
  91. set loop-block to air
  92. execute console command "/scoreboard players add %player% SeichiP 1"
  93. execute console command "/scoreboard players add %player% SeichiAll 1"
  94. set {skill.%player%.lastused} to now
  95. else if player's horizontal facing is north or south:
  96. add ({skillnum.%player%}/2-0.5) to x-coord of {_1}
  97. add ({skillnum.%player%}/2-0.5) to z-coord of {_1}
  98. subtract ({skillnum.%player%}/2-0.5) from x-coord of {_2}
  99. subtract ({skillnum.%player%}/2-0.5) from z-coord of {_2}
  100. loop blocks within {_1} to {_2}:
  101. loop-block is not bedrock
  102. set loop-block to air
  103. execute console command "/scoreboard players add %player% SeichiP 1"
  104. execute console command "/scoreboard players add %player% SeichiAll 1"
  105. set {skill.%player%.lastused} to now
  106. else:
  107. add ({skillnum.%player%}/2-0.5) to x-coord of {_1}
  108. add ({skillnum.%player%}/2-0.5) to z-coord of {_1}
  109. subtract ({skillnum.%player%}/2-0.5) from x-coord of {_2}
  110. subtract ({skillnum.%player%}/2-0.5) from z-coord of {_2}
  111. loop blocks within {_1} to {_2}:
  112. loop-block is not bedrock
  113. set loop-block to air
  114. execute console command "/scoreboard players add %player% SeichiP 1"
  115. execute console command "/scoreboard players add %player% SeichiAll 1"
  116. set {skill.%player%.lastused} to now
  117. on any movement:
  118. if {asaruto.%player%} is 1:
  119. set {_5} to location of player
  120. set {_6} to location of player
  121. add 11 to y-coord of {_6}
  122. add 5 to x-coord of {_5}
  123. add 5 to z-coord of {_5}
  124. subtract 5 from x-coord of {_6}
  125. subtract 5 from z-coord of {_6}
  126. loop blocks within {_5} to {_6}:
  127. loop-block is not bedrock
  128. loop-block is not command block
  129. loop-block is not lever
  130. loop-block is not ender chest
  131. loop-block is not chest
  132. loop-block is not air
  133. loop-block is not repeating command block
  134. loop-block is not chain command block
  135. set loop-block to air
  137. execute console command "/scoreboard players add %player% SeichiP 1"
  138. execute console command "/scoreboard players add %player% SeichiAll 1"
  139. set {_3} to location of player
  140. set {_4} to location of player
  141. subtract {skillnum.%player%} from y-coord of {_4}
  142. add ({skillnum.%player%}/2-0.5) to x-coord of {_3}
  143. add ({skillnum.%player%}/2-0.5) to z-coord of {_3}
  144. subtract ({skillnum.%player%}/2-0.5) from x-coord of {_4}
  145. subtract ({skillnum.%player%}/2-0.5) from z-coord of {_4}
  146. loop blocks within {_3} to {_4}:
  147. loop-block is water or lava
  148. set loop-block to packed ice
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