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David Wolf's cure to Narcissism

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Jan 18th, 2020
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  1. David Wolf’s cure to Narcissism
  3. In the midst of my fantastically custom made vasectomy procedure on one of the few patients that reached out to me (not because I coerced them or anything), I was apprehended and promptly sent away to a psychiatric ward by the authorities, for a psychiatric evaluation for insanity (which is false btw), due to "inhumane" practices of vasectomy. This revelation had allowed me to come to a realization, that maybe, just maybe my methods were off limits, but nonetheless extremely effective, HOWEVER, I have been thinking, formulating, and conducting a different method to possibly fixing or curing narcissism, a more so called 'ethical' approach. During my time (2 months) serving the hospital for the criminally insane, I took a step back and reflected my actions as I sat by my bed in my solitary confinement cell, hands holding my chin, staring into the abyss, tracing back to the crisis of narcissism, I wandered myself into my own thoughts; if narcissism is the product of horrid parenting, what if one could somehow re-parent themselves? What if they could somehow re-wire, re-construct their brain, their thinking, their habits and behaviors? And inhibit or even eradicate the demon inside them that is narcissistic personality disorder? Is it that simple? Even though the damage has been done, and its effects are supposedly permanent? Well, if only it was truly that simple, narcissism wouldn't be so prominent and a worldwide problem in today's day and age. Even so, we must try, I believe by re-parenting oneself with strict daily scheduled routines, one could destroy their inner demons and cure narcissism! The destruction of that malignant tumor within their mind could set themselves free of the suffering, free of the constant fear of judgement, criticisms, fear for their fragile egos and sense of self that is on the constant verge of being easily broken, the anxiety, the dreading of the deep seated emotional pain and traumatic moments during their childhood, as it constantly and eternally play itself on repeat when we sleep, when we roam, when we interact, when we... live.
  4. So, David, what's the routine? How exactly can one re-parent themselves? What are the detailed methods, techniques and resolutions to curing our narcissism?
  6. The answers to your questions of which you seek are right here:
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