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Dec 8th, 2016
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  1. # reboot
  2. #
  3. login as: root
  4. root@'s password:
  5. # date
  6. Sat Jan 1 02:00:42 EET 2000
  7. # fw_printenv
  8. bootdelay=1
  9. baudrate=115200
  10. board=mag254
  11. loadaddr=0x80000000
  12. mem=bigphysarea=3000
  13. console=ttyAS0
  14. baudrate=115200
  15. ethinit=nwhwconf=device:eth0
  16. autoconf=off
  17. mtdparts=mtdparts=stm-nand-flex.1:4M(Kernel),120M(RootFs),4M(Kernel2),120M(RootFs2),-(Userfs)
  18. mtdids=nand0=stm-nand-flex.1
  19. partition=nand0,0
  20. nfsargs=setenv bootargs ${ethinit},hwaddr:${ethaddr} root=/dev/nfs nfsroot=${rootpath} ip=${ipaddr}::${gatewayip}:${netmask}:::${autoconf} ${mem}
  21. flashargs=setenv bootargs ${ethinit},hwaddr:${ethaddr} root=/dev/mtdblock6 rootfstype=jffs2 ${mem} ip=none
  22. flashargs2=setenv bootargs ${ethinit},hwaddr:${ethaddr} root=/dev/mtdblock8 rootfstype=jffs2 ${mem} ip=none
  23. addmisc=setenv bootargs ${bootargs} ${mtdparts} console=${console},${baudrate}
  24. kernel=uImage
  25. Image_Version=0
  26. Image_Desc=Factory image
  27. Ver_Forced=no
  28. flash_self=run flashargs addmisc; mtdparts default; setenv partition nand0,0 ;fsload ${kernel}; bootm; run net
  29. flash_self2=run flashargs2 addmisc; mtdparts default; setenv partition nand0,2 ;fsload ${kernel}; bootm; run net
  30. net=dhcp; run nfsargs addmisc; bootm; reset
  31. graphicres=720
  32. componentout=YPrPb
  33. bootupgrade=no
  34. do_factory_reset=1
  35. loppubKEY=yes
  36. tvsystem=PAL
  37. stdin=serial
  38. stdout=serial
  39. stderr=serial
  40. serial#=042016N026657
  41. Boot_Version=012
  42. bootcmd=run flash_self
  43. ethaddr=00:1a:79:3b:b9:ec
  44. language=en
  45. wifi_ssid=default_ssid
  46. wifi_auth=wpa2psk
  47. wifi_enc=tkip
  48. wifi_int_ip=
  49. timezone_conf_int=plus_02_00_13
  50. portal1=
  51. custom_url_hider=true
  52. # date
  53. Sat Jan 1 02:00:56 EET 2000
  54. # fw_printenv ntpurl
  55. ## Error: "ntpurl" not defined
  56. # fw_printenv ntpurl
  57. ## Error: "ntpurl" not defined
  58. # fw_printenv ntpurl
  59. ## Error: "ntpurl" not defined
  60. # killall stbapp
  61. # /usr/share/qt-4.6.0/stbapp -qws -display directfb
  63. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| DirectFB 1.4.12+STM2011.09.27 |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  64. (c) 2001-2010 The world wide DirectFB Open Source Community
  65. (c) 2000-2004 Convergence (integrated media) GmbH
  66. ----------------------------------------------------------------
  68. (*) DirectFB/Core: Single Application Core. (2012-11-05 14:07)
  69. (*) DirectFB/STGfbdev: Found 'STAPIFB' (ID 103) with frame buffer 0 at 0x501ae000, 56320k (MMIO 0xfdabe000, 4k)
  70. (*) BDisp/Surfaces: using 56288kB of video memory on /dev/fb0 (32768 bytes reserved)!
  71. (*) DirectFB/STGfbdev: Registered a layer #0 for /dev/fb0 (fbdev specified)
  72. (*) Direct/Modules: suppress module 'lirc'
  73. (*) DirectFB/stgfx2: stdev/stdrv: 0x1e1a518 / 0x1e1d7d8
  74. (*) DirectFB/stgfx2: running in stmfbdev
  75. (*) BDisp/BLT: shared area phys/size: 0x41050000/188416
  76. (*) BDisp/BLT: blitter is a 'STi7108/h205' (3)
  77. (*) BDisp/BLT: nodes area phys/size: 0x41051000/184320 (184320 usable -> 768 nodes) -> ends @ 0x4107e000
  78. (*) BDisp/BLT: shared area/nodes mmap()ed to 0x29574000 / 0x2e241000
  79. (*) BDisp/BLT: reserved 12397 bytes for CLUT & filters @ 0x501ae000 + 0x036fcf80 = 0x538aaf80
  80. (*) DirectFB/stgfx2: CLUT mmap()ed to 0x2e21f780
  81. (*) DirectFB/stgfx2: CLUT mmap()ed to 0x2e21e780
  82. (*) DirectFB/stgfx2: CLUT mmap()ed to 0x2e21eb80
  83. (*) DirectFB/stgfx2: CLUT mmap()ed to 0x2e21ef80
  84. (*) DirectFB/stgfx2: CLUT mmap()ed to 0x2e21f380
  85. (*) DirectFB/Graphics: ST Microelectronics BDispII w/ user space AQs (for STAPI SDK) 0.9 (ST Microelectronics)
  86. (*) STGfbdev/Layer: layerid: 0, framebuffer: 6
  87. (*) DirectFB/Core/WM: Default 0.3 (
  88. (!!!) *** WARNING [letting unprivileged IDirectFBDisplayLayer::GetSurface() call pass until cooperative level handling is finished] *** [../../../src/display/idirectfbdisplaylayer.c:176 in IDirectFBDisplayLayer_GetSurface()]
  89. (*) Direct/Thread: Started 'EventBufferFeed' (-1) [MESSAGING OTHER/OTHER 0/0] <8388608>...
  90. (*) Direct/Thread: Started 'EventBufferFeed' (-1) [MESSAGING OTHER/OTHER 0/0] <8388608>...
  91. (*) Direct/Interface: Loaded 'hwPNG' implementation of 'IDirectFBImageProvider'.
  92. ## Error: "Image_Date" not defined
  93. DEBUG:: 4951s 574ms init
  94. DEBUG:: 4951s 585ms check_graphic_res
  95. DEBUG:: 4951s 587ms gres 576
  96. DEBUG:: 4951s 587ms resolution_prefix
  97. DEBUG:: 4951s 589ms window.moveTo 0 0
  98. DEBUG:: 4951s 591ms windowId 1
  99. DEBUG:: 4951s 592ms _GET ({, debug: undefined})
  100. DEBUG:: 4951s 604ms stb.init
  101. DEBUG:: 4951s 606ms loader.append
  102. DEBUG:: 4951s 608ms load_bar.add_pos 0
  103. DEBUG:: 4951s 609ms load_bar.set_pos 0
  104. DEBUG:: 4951s 611ms load_bar.add_log
  105. DEBUG:: 4951s 615ms loader.append_style reset
  106. DEBUG:: 4951s 621ms append
  107. DEBUG:: 4951s 623ms loader.append_javascript reset
  108. DEBUG:: 4951s 628ms append
  109. DEBUG:: 4951s 629ms loader.append
  110. DEBUG:: 4951s 631ms load_bar.add_pos 0
  111. DEBUG:: 4951s 631ms load_bar.set_pos 0
  112. DEBUG:: 4951s 633ms load_bar.add_log
  113. DEBUG:: 4951s 636ms loader.append_style layer.modal_form
  114. DEBUG:: 4951s 641ms append
  115. DEBUG:: 4951s 642ms loader.append_javascript layer.modal_form
  116. DEBUG:: 4951s 647ms append
  117. DEBUG:: 4951s 657ms player.init
  118. STBplayer - console-based player using STBengine
  119. Inserting STAPI modules
  120. Updating CKGB
  121. TODO: check for clocks
  122. contents 751dff
  123. StreamTypes 13
  124. 751dff
  125. STVID STVID-REL_4.21.2
  126. SUBT_Setup 0 ST_NO_ERROR
  127. open error: No such file or directory
  128. Loaded external protocol 'BDDVD'. Version 0x01000033
  129. Loaded external protocol 'TimeShift'. Version 0x01000033
  130. TSP:ext_protocol_init
  131. TSP:ext_protocol_register_abort_fn
  132. Loaded external protocol 'TimeShiftPlayer'. Version 0x01000033
  133. MAG255 Engine:
  134. Version: 0x579
  135. Build date: 20160115
  136. SecureMedia CAS support enabled
  137. ARES CAS support enabled
  138. STBPlayer Engine Created
  139. DEBUG:: 4953s 387ms player.init_quick_ch_switch
  140. DEBUG:: 4953s 392ms volume.init
  141. DEBUG:: 4953s 398ms time_shift_indication.init
  142. DEBUG:: 4953s 407ms progressBar.init
  143. DEBUG:: 4953s 415ms player.init_aspect_info
  144. DEBUG:: 4953s 436ms stb.portal_path: itv
  145. DEBUG:: 4953s 437ms stb.ajax_loader:
  146. DEBUG:: 4954s 138ms this.mac: 00:1A:79:3B:B9:EC
  147. DEBUG:: 4954s 140ms this.serial_number: 042016N026657
  148. DEBUG:: 4954s 140ms this.stb_lang: en
  149. DEBUG:: 4954s 142ms this.timezone:
  150. DEBUG:: 4954s 143ms this.ntp_server:
  151. DEBUG:: 4954s 144ms this.ip:
  152. DEBUG:: 4954s 145ms this.type: MAG254
  153. DEBUG:: 4954s 146ms this.version: ImageDescription: Factory image; ImageDate: ; PORTAL version: 5.0.3; API Version: JS API version: 333; STB API version: 142; Player Engine version: 0x579
  154. DEBUG:: 4954s 147ms this.hd: 1
  155. DEBUG:: 4954s 151ms this.init_rc
  156. DEBUG:: 4954s 155ms this.get_rc_data
  157. DEBUG:: 4954s 160ms remote control enabled - false
  158. DEBUG:: 4954s 163ms stb.handshake
  159. DEBUG:: 4954s 166ms stb.get_saved_access_token
  160. DEBUG:: 4954s 174ms stb.load()
  161. DEBUG:: 4954s 175ms params: ({type:stb, action:handshake, token:})
  162. DEBUG:: 4954s 202ms connection_problem.hide
  163. DEBUG:: 4954s 209ms authentication_problem.hide
  164. DEBUG:: 4954s 471ms generated in: 0.012s; query counter: 1; cache hits: 0; cache miss: 0; php errors: 0; sql errors: 0;
  165. DEBUG:: 4954s 471ms connection_problem.hide
  166. DEBUG:: 4954s 473ms authentication_problem.hide
  167. DEBUG:: 4954s 476ms on handshake ({token:A32BCC637611DBDCA6552359770F89E3, random:0aa0fc966efd9affe5fc7c23710585a96a73bffb})
  168. DEBUG:: 4954s 478ms this.access_token A32BCC637611DBDCA6552359770F89E3
  169. DEBUG:: 4954s 482ms this.get_user_profile undefined
  170. DEBUG:: 4954s 495ms metrics {"mac":"00:1A:79:3B:B9:EC","sn":"042016N026657","type":"stb","model":"MAG254","uid":"F4171490A529F682DEC71CA4B592C301B66DC512502502B0502839F201FF6D1A"}
  171. DEBUG:: 4954s 547ms stb.load()
  172. DEBUG:: 4954s 549ms params: ({type:stb, action:get_profile, hd:1, ver:ImageDescription: Factory image; ImageDate: ; PORTAL version: 5.0.3; API Version: JS API version: 333; STB API version: 142; Player Engine version: 0x579, num_banks:2, sn:042016N026657, stb_type:MAG254, client_type:STB, image_version:0, video_out:rca, device_id:2AEBC5F1771FD43E1B288C9B05FDD3CB1280EE701E4981B5EA145605E5132341, device_id2:F4171490A529F682DEC71CA4B592C301B66DC512502502B0502839F201FF6D1A, signature:31F156F11D69FB5E689B0C676ECB58C67F07DA017A7ED2D8F28B9DFB8F94ED98, auth_second_step:0, hw_version:2.13-IB-00, not_valid_token:0, metrics:%7B%22mac%22%3A%2200%3A1A%3A79%3A3B%3AB9%3AEC%22%2C%22sn%22%3A%22042016N026657%22%2C%22type%22%3A%22stb%22%2C%22model%22%3A%22MAG254%22%2C%22uid%22%3A%22F4171490A529F682DEC71CA4B592C301B66DC512502502B0502839F201FF6D1A%22%7D, hw_version_2:a696af687874cebf2532bbc1fbcd4e9eb7dbe854, timestamp:946684955})
  173. DEBUG:: 4954s 578ms
  174. DEBUG:: 4954s 597ms
  175. DEBUG:: 4954s 671ms generated in: 0.017s; query counter: 1; cache hits: 0; cache miss: 0; php errors: 0; sql errors: 0;
  176. DEBUG:: 4954s 673ms connection_problem.hide
  177. DEBUG:: 4954s 673ms authentication_problem.hide
  178. DEBUG:: 4954s 682ms stb.get_localization
  179. DEBUG:: 4954s 684ms stb.load()
  180. DEBUG:: 4954s 685ms params: ({type:stb, action:get_localization})
  181. DEBUG:: 4954s 899ms generated in: 0.018s; query counter: 1; cache hits: 0; cache miss: 0; php errors: 0; sql errors: 0;
  182. DEBUG:: 4954s 899ms connection_problem.hide
  183. DEBUG:: 4954s 901ms authentication_problem.hide
  184. DEBUG:: 4954s 922ms load_bar.add_pos 17
  185. DEBUG:: 4954s 923ms load_bar.set_pos 17
  186. DEBUG:: 4954s 924ms load_bar.add_log
  187. DEBUG:: 4954s 927ms this.user: ({status:1, msg:Time out of sync, block_msg:Time on the device is not synchronized., enable_settings:true, ntp_wait_timeout:60})
  188. DEBUG:: 4954s 928ms this.user[deny_720p_gmode_on_mag200] undefined
  189. DEBUG:: 4954s 929ms this.type MAG254
  190. DEBUG:: 4954s 930ms screen.height 576
  191. DEBUG:: 4954s 941ms screensaver.hide
  192. DEBUG:: 4954s 974ms match [Player Engine version: 0x579, 0x579]]
  193. DEBUG:: 4954s 976ms player_version 1401
  194. DEBUG:: 4954s 978ms load_bar.stop
  195. DEBUG:: 4954s 982ms stb.cut_off
  196. DEBUG:: 4954s 992ms stb.player.media_type undefined
  197. DEBUG:: 4954s 994ms stb.cur_place
  198. DEBUG:: 4954s 996ms stb.load()
  199. DEBUG:: 4954s 998ms params: ({type:stb, action:log, real_action:cut_off(), param:, content_id:0, tmp_type:0})
  200. DEBUG:: 4955s 42ms player.stop
  201. DEBUG:: 4955s 55ms playback_limit.reset
  202. DEBUG:: 4955s 65ms time_shift_indication.hide
  203. DEBUG:: 4955s 75ms ad_indication.hide
  204. DEBUG:: 4955s 83ms ad_skip_indication.hide
  205. DEBUG:: 4955s 99ms player.set_pos_button 0
  206. DEBUG:: 4955s 109ms player.update_current_time 0
  207. DEBUG:: 4955s 125ms to_pos 0
  208. DEBUG:: 4955s 133ms stb.Stop()
  209. DEBUG:: 4955s 145ms player.hide_info
  210. DEBUG:: 4955s 155ms player.reset_pos_by_numbers
  211. DEBUG:: 4955s 157ms stb.player.media_type undefined
  212. DEBUG:: 4955s 159ms stb.cur_place
  213. DEBUG:: 4955s 161ms stb.load()
  214. DEBUG:: 4955s 163ms params: ({type:stb, action:log, real_action:stop, param:, content_id:0, tmp_type:0})
  215. DEBUG:: 4955s 177ms
  216. DEBUG:: 4955s 195ms stb.load_account_modules
  217. DEBUG:: 4955s 199ms stb.load()
  218. DEBUG:: 4955s 201ms params: ({type:stb, action:get_modules})
  219. DEBUG:: 4955s 209ms loader.append
  220. DEBUG:: 4955s 211ms load_bar.add_pos 0
  221. DEBUG:: 4955s 213ms load_bar.set_pos 17
  222. DEBUG:: 4955s 214ms load_bar.add_log
  223. DEBUG:: 4955s 396ms loader.append_style alert
  224. DEBUG:: 4955s 401ms append
  225. DEBUG:: 4955s 402ms loader.append_javascript alert
  226. DEBUG:: 4955s 407ms append
  227. DEBUG:: 4955s 411ms undefined undefined
  228. DEBUG:: 4955s 413ms watchdog.running false
  229. DEBUG:: 4955s 414ms this.request_timeout 30000
  230. DEBUG:: 4955s 415ms now 946684955414
  231. DEBUG:: 4955s 417ms day_start 946677600000
  232. DEBUG:: 4955s 417ms Math.floor((now - day_start)/this.request_timeout) 245
  233. DEBUG:: 4955s 418ms delay 24586
  234. DEBUG:: 4955s 419ms delay NaN
  235. DEBUG:: 4955s 421ms date Invalid Date NaNms
  236. DEBUG:: 4955s 424ms stb.player.media_type undefined
  237. DEBUG:: 4955s 425ms stb.cur_place
  238. DEBUG:: 4955s 426ms cur_play_type 0
  239. DEBUG:: 4955s 428ms now Sat Jan 01 2000 02:02:35 GMT+0200 (EET) 426ms
  240. DEBUG:: 4955s 428ms stb.load()
  241. DEBUG:: 4955s 430ms params: ({type:watchdog, action:get_events, cur_play_type:0, event_active_id:0, init:1})
  242. DEBUG:: 4955s 438ms clock.start()
  243. DEBUG:: 4955s 454ms player.init_ClockOnVideo
  244. DEBUG:: 4955s 456ms stb.user.video_clock undefined
  245. DEBUG:: 4955s 472ms stb.player.media_type undefined
  246. DEBUG:: 4955s 474ms stb.cur_place
  247. DEBUG:: 4955s 474ms cur_play_type 0
  248. DEBUG:: 4955s 476ms now Sat Jan 01 2000 02:02:35 GMT+0200 (EET) 475ms
  249. DEBUG:: 4955s 477ms stb.load()
  250. DEBUG:: 4955s 479ms params: ({type:watchdog, action:get_events, cur_play_type:0, event_active_id:0, init:0})
  251. DEBUG:: 4955s 635ms req.responseText Authorization failed.
  252. DEBUG:: 4955s 670ms
  253. JS_msg: 'Error: SyntaxError: Unable to parse JSON string' line 760 source ''
  254. DEBUG:: 4955s 734ms req.responseText Authorization failed.
  255. DEBUG:: 4955s 736ms
  256. JS_msg: 'Error: SyntaxError: Unable to parse JSON string' line 760 source ''
  257. DEBUG:: 4955s 739ms req.responseText Authorization failed.
  258. DEBUG:: 4955s 741ms
  259. JS_msg: 'Error: SyntaxError: Unable to parse JSON string' line 760 source ''
  260. DEBUG:: 4955s 745ms req.responseText Authorization failed.
  261. DEBUG:: 4955s 747ms
  262. JS_msg: 'Error: SyntaxError: Unable to parse JSON string' line 760 source ''
  263. DEBUG:: 4955s 766ms stb.init_alerts
  264. DEBUG:: 4955s 829ms _alert.hide
  265. DEBUG:: 4955s 831ms _alert.t_queue_handler
  266. DEBUG:: 4955s 835ms _alert.hide
  267. DEBUG:: 4955s 836ms _alert.t_queue_handler
  268. DEBUG:: 4955s 841ms _alert.hide
  269. DEBUG:: 4955s 842ms _alert.t_queue_handler
  270. DEBUG:: 4955s 844ms
  271. DEBUG:: 4955s 887ms req.responseText Authorization failed.
  272. DEBUG:: 4955s 890ms
  273. JS_msg: 'Error: SyntaxError: Unable to parse JSON string' line 760 source ''
  274. DEBUG:: 4957s 835ms _alert.queue_handler
  275. DEBUG:: 4957s 839ms _alert.queue_handler
  276. DEBUG:: 4957s 843ms _alert.queue_handler
  277. DEBUG:: 4985s 474ms stb.player.media_type undefined
  278. DEBUG:: 4985s 476ms stb.cur_place
  279. DEBUG:: 4985s 477ms cur_play_type 0
  280. DEBUG:: 4985s 479ms now Sat Jan 01 2000 02:03:05 GMT+0200 (EET) 478ms
  281. DEBUG:: 4985s 480ms stb.load()
  282. DEBUG:: 4985s 481ms params: ({type:watchdog, action:get_events, cur_play_type:0, event_active_id:0, init:0})
  283. DEBUG:: 4985s 505ms req.responseText Authorization failed.
  284. DEBUG:: 4985s 508ms
  285. JS_msg: 'Error: SyntaxError: Unable to parse JSON string' line 760 source ''
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