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a guest
Aug 22nd, 2012
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  1. 21:42:43: VERBOSE[ServerThread]: virtual std::string LuaEntitySAO::getStaticData()
  2. 21:42:43: INFO[ServerThread]: LuaEntitySAO::create(name="animal_big_red:big_red" state="return { ["version"] = 2, ["spawnpoint"] = { ["y"] = -30, ["x"] = -14, ["z"] = -29 }, ["original_spawntime"] = 1345584301, ["playerspawned"] = false }")
  3. 21:42:43: VERBOSE[ServerThread]: ServerEnvironment::activateObjects(): activated static object pos=(-13,-29.9,-30.9992) type=7
  4. 21:42:43: VERBOSE[ServerThread]: ServerEnvironment::addActiveObjectRaw(): Added id=36; there are now 36 active objects.
  5. 21:42:43: VERBOSE[ServerThread]: scriptapi_luaentity_add: id=36 name="animal_big_red:big_red"
  6. 21:42:43: VERBOSE[ServerThread]: scriptapi_luaentity_activate: id=36
  7. 21:42:43: VERBOSE[ServerThread]: virtual std::string LuaEntitySAO::getStaticData()
  8. 21:42:45: VERBOSE[ServerThread]: ServerEnvironment::addActiveObjectRaw(): Added id=37; there are now 37 active objects.
  9. 21:42:45: VERBOSE[ServerThread]: scriptapi_luaentity_add: id=37 name="animal_vombie:vombie"
  10. 21:42:45: VERBOSE[ServerThread]: scriptapi_luaentity_activate: id=37
  11. 21:42:45: VERBOSE[ServerThread]: virtual std::string LuaEntitySAO::getStaticData()
  12. Spawning animal_vombie:vombie at night at position (-7,6,-49)
  13. 21:42:45: VERBOSE[ServerThread]: ServerEnvironment::activateObjects(): activating objects of block (-1,0,-3) (1 objects)
  14. 21:42:45: INFO[ServerThread]: LuaEntitySAO::create(name="animal_wolf:wolf" state="return { ["version"] = 2, ["spawnpoint"] = { ["y"] = 7, ["x"] = -8, ["z"] = -45 }, ["original_spawntime"] = 1345586225, ["playerspawned"] = false }")
  15. 21:42:45: VERBOSE[ServerThread]: ServerEnvironment::activateObjects(): activated static object pos=(-8,7,-45) type=7
  16. 21:42:45: VERBOSE[ServerThread]: ServerEnvironment::addActiveObjectRaw(): Added id=38; there are now 38 active objects.
  17. 21:42:45: VERBOSE[ServerThread]: scriptapi_luaentity_add: id=38 name="animal_wolf:wolf"
  18. 21:42:45: VERBOSE[ServerThread]: scriptapi_luaentity_activate: id=38
  19. 21:42:45: VERBOSE[ServerThread]: virtual std::string LuaEntitySAO::getStaticData()
  20. 21:42:47: VERBOSE[ServerThread]: ServerEnvironment::activateObjects(): activating objects of block (-1,0,-1) (1 objects)
  21. 21:42:47: INFO[ServerThread]: LuaEntitySAO::create(name="animal_cow:cow" state="return { ["version"] = 2, ["spawnpoint"] = { ["y"] = 5, ["x"] = -15, ["z"] = -3 }, ["original_spawntime"] = 1345570578, ["playerspawned"] = false }")
  22. 21:42:47: VERBOSE[ServerThread]: ServerEnvironment::activateObjects(): activated static object pos=(-11.354,6,-4.5865) type=7
  23. 21:42:47: VERBOSE[ServerThread]: ServerEnvironment::addActiveObjectRaw(): Added id=39; there are now 39 active objects.
  24. 21:42:47: VERBOSE[ServerThread]: scriptapi_luaentity_add: id=39 name="animal_cow:cow"
  25. 21:42:47: VERBOSE[ServerThread]: scriptapi_luaentity_activate: id=39
  26. 21:42:47: VERBOSE[ServerThread]: virtual std::string LuaEntitySAO::getStaticData()
  27. 21:42:48: INFO[ServerThread]: ANIMALS: Too many dm at one place dying
  28. 21:42:48: VERBOSE[ServerThread]: ObjectRef::l_remove(): id=4
  29. 21:42:48: INFO[ServerThread]: ANIMALS: Too many cow at one place dying
  30. 21:42:48: VERBOSE[ServerThread]: ObjectRef::l_remove(): id=6
  31. 21:42:48: INFO[ServerThread]: ANIMALS: Too many gull at one place dying
  32. 21:42:48: VERBOSE[ServerThread]: ObjectRef::l_remove(): id=9
  33. 21:42:48: INFO[ServerThread]: ANIMALS: Too many cow at one place dying
  34. 21:42:48: VERBOSE[ServerThread]: ObjectRef::l_remove(): id=11
  35. 21:42:48: VERBOSE[ServerThread]: scriptapi_luaentity_rm: id=4
  36. 21:42:48: VERBOSE[ServerThread]: scriptapi_luaentity_rm: id=9
  37. 21:42:48: VERBOSE[ServerThread]: Server: Sent object remove/add: 2 removed, 15 added, packet size is 2526
  38. 21:42:48: INFO[ServerThread]: Server: MapEditEvents:
  39. 21:42:48: INFO[ServerThread]: MEET_ADDNODE: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 24
  40. 21:42:48: INFO[ServerThread]: MEET_REMOVENODE: - - - - - - - - - - - - 20
  41. 21:42:57: INFO: sigint_handler(): Ctrl-C pressed, shutting down.
  42. 21:42:57: INFO[main]: Dedicated server quitting
  43. 21:42:57: INFO[main]: Server destructing
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