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Jun 27th, 2016
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  1. IDL> FOR j=0,2000 DO Print, j, strmessage(j, /name), STRMESSAGE(j), FORMAT='(I5, A40, 4x, A60)'
  3. 1 IDL_M_GENERIC %s
  5. 3 IDL_M_INTERR Internal error: %s.
  6. 4 IDL_M_SYSERR %NSystem error %s.
  7. 5 IDL_M_USER_ERR %N%s
  8. 6 IDL_M_INVALIDMSG %NMessage code is invalid.
  9. 7 IDL_M_NOCMDMATCH No commands containing '%s' exist in the command buffer.
  10. 8 IDL_M_BADCMDNO Line number must lie between 1 and %d: '%s'.
  11. 9 IDL_M_TRCBCK %-*s %-16s
  12. 10 IDL_M_TRCBCK_FULL %-*s %-16s %4d %s
  13. 11 IDL_M_SWAP_SIZE_BAD %NOperand's size must be a multiple of swap datum size: %s.
  14. 12 IDL_M_LINETOOLONG Input line is too long for input buffer of %d characters.
  15. 13 IDL_M_MAX_IDENTS Too many parameters or structure tags defined.
  16. 14 IDL_M_ALIGN_TYPERR Error with (%s): Natural_len=%d, d0=%d, d1=%d.
  17. 15 IDL_M_ALIGN_TORTURE Error with alignment torture test: item = %d, is %d, should_
  18. 16 IDL_M_ALIGN_STSZERR Error with total struct size in torture: calculated %d, actu
  19. 17 IDL_M_ALIGN_BADLEN INTERNAL ERROR: The NATURAL_LENGTH macro is %d but the compu
  20. 18 IDL_M_LICENSE_SITE Installation number: %s.
  21. 19 IDL_M_LICENSE_TRIAL_DATE Trial version expires on %.24s. %s left.
  22. 20 IDL_M_LICENSE_TRIAL_DATE2 Trial version expires on %.24s.
  23. 21 IDL_M_LICENSE_SITE_TXT Licensed for use by: %s
  24. 22 IDL_M_LICENSE_SITE_TXT_PERSONAL Licensed for personal use by %s only. All other use is stric
  25. 23 IDL_M_LICENSE_EMBEDDED Embedded %s: %s, %s.
  26. 24 IDL_M_LICENSE_SITE_TXT_STUDENT Licensed for use only by students pursuing degrees at qualif
  27. 25 IDL_M_GENVER_TRIALEXP Trial version expired.
  28. 26 IDL_M_GENVER_BADFILE Bad validation file: %s.
  29. 27 IDL_M_GENVER_CNTWRT Unable to write to validation file: %s.
  30. 28 IDL_M_GENVER_CNTOPN Unable to open validation file: %s.
  31. 29 IDL_M_GENVER_BADHOST Host machine is not licensed for %s.
  32. 30 IDL_M_GENVER_ERR Unexpected validation error.
  33. 31 IDL_M_GENVER_OBSOLETE Obsolete validation file.
  34. 32 IDL_M_DEMO_FEATURE_DISABLED %NFeature disabled for demo mode.
  35. 33 IDL_M_DEMO_TIMED_OUT Timed demo mode has ended. To learn more about our license
  36. 34 IDL_M_DEMO_MODE_START Entering timed demo mode. Each session is limited to %d minu
  38. 36 IDL_M_LMGR_COULDDIE LICENSE MANAGER: Session will terminate after %d more attemp
  39. 37 IDL_M_LMGR_DIE LICENSE MANAGER: Session terminated due to server failure. C
  40. 38 IDL_M_LMGR_RESP LICENSE MANAGER: %s after %d attempts (%d:%d minutes).
  41. 39 IDL_M_LMGR_SEEOTHERS To see who is using %s, use the operating system command:
  43. 40 IDL_M_LMGR_NOXWIN LICENSE MANAGER: Current license is not for the specified X
  44. 41 IDL_M_LMGR_WFILE LICENSE MANAGER: %s. License file: %s
  45. 42 IDL_M_LMGR_NOFEAT LICENSE MANAGER: %s feature not licensed for use.
  46. 43 IDL_M_CANT_CONTINUE Can't continue from this point.
  47. 44 IDL_M_BAD_EXEC_COMMAND No such executive command: %s
  48. 45 IDL_M_COMP_OK Compiled module: %s.
  49. 46 IDL_M_RESCOMP_OK Restored file: %s.
  50. 47 IDL_M_CANT_GO No valid main program present.
  51. 48 IDL_M_EXEC_NOSIZECMD The .SIZE executive command is obsolete and no longer has an
  52. 49 IDL_M_GETOPT_ARGREQ Option requires argument: %s
  53. 50 IDL_M_GETOPT_BADOPT Unknown option specified: %s
  54. 51 IDL_M_RUN_MULTLIST Only one listing option (-l or -t) is allowed: %s %s
  55. 52 IDL_M_CANT_EDIT Can't edit file without running IDLDE.
  56. 53 IDL_M_EXEC_COMMAND_NOARGS Unexpected arguments to executive command: .%s
  57. 54 IDL_M_COMPERR %d Compilation error(s) in module %s.
  58. 55 IDL_M_CODSECFUL Program code area full.
  59. 56 IDL_M_DATSECFUL Program data area full.
  60. 57 IDL_M_ILLCHAR Illegal character in program text.
  61. 58 IDL_M_ILLHOCONST Illegal character(s) in %s constant.
  62. 59 IDL_M_BYTTOOBIG Byte constant must be less than 256.
  63. 60 IDL_M_BADSYNTAX Syntax error.
  64. 61 IDL_M_BADSYNTAX_OBSSUBSCR Syntax Error. Attempt to subscript array with parenthesis. P
  65. 62 IDL_M_MLTLABDEF Multiple definition of label.
  66. 63 IDL_M_UNDEFLAB Label is undefined: %s.
  67. 64 IDL_M_WRONGEND Type of end does not match statement (%s expected).
  68. 65 IDL_M_SYMDEF %s is already defined with a conflicting definition.
  69. 66 IDL_M_PROFIRST Procedure header must appear first and only once: %s
  70. 67 IDL_M_MUST_RUN Programs can't be compiled from single statement mode.
  71. 68 IDL_M_MAIN_INSIDE_PROC You compiled a main program while inside a procedure. Retur
  72. 69 IDL_M_COMPILER_FILES_FULL Too many open compiler files, File %s not opened.
  73. 70 IDL_M_BAD_COMMON Common block %s must contain variables.
  74. 71 IDL_M_OBSOLETE_ARRIDX Obsolete use of parenthesis to index array. Please use '[]'.
  75. 72 IDL_M_OBSOLETE_SYSRTN1 Obsolete routine. Please consult the IDL Reference Manual fo
  76. 73 IDL_M_OBSOLETE_SYSRTN2 Obsolete routine. Consider using %s instead: %s
  77. 74 IDL_M_OBSOLETE_SYSV Obsolete system variable. Please consult the IDL Reference M
  78. 75 IDL_M_OBSOLETE_USERRTN Routine compiled from an obsolete library: %s
  79. 76 IDL_M_ONLY1EXTRATYPE Routines cannot be declared with both _EXTRA and _REF_EXTRA.
  80. 77 IDL_M_INTTOOBIG Integer constant must be less than 32768.
  81. 78 IDL_M_LONGTOOBIG Long integer constant must be less than 2147483648.
  82. 79 IDL_M_UINTTOOBIG Unsigned integer constant must be less than 65536.
  83. 80 IDL_M_ULONGTOOBIG Unsigned long integer constant must be less than 4294967296.
  84. 81 IDL_M_SEM_MISMATCH Semantic type is %d, expected %d in %s at line %d
  85. 82 IDL_M_SEM_MISMATCHTOK Semantic type is %d (token is %d), expected %d (token %d) in
  86. 83 IDL_M_BADCOMPILEOPT %NUnrecognised COMPILE_OPT option: %s
  87. 84 IDL_M_NO_CONTINUE_IN_CASE CONTINUE not allowed within CASE or SWITCH statement.
  88. 85 IDL_M_BAD_BREAK_POS BREAK must be enclosed within a loop (FOR, WHILE, REPEAT), C
  89. 86 IDL_M_BAD_CONTINUE_POS CONTINUE must be enclosed within a FOR, WHILE, or REPEAT loo
  90. 87 IDL_M_ILLIDENT %NIllegal identifier: %s.
  91. 88 IDL_M_FOR_LOOP_NOCMPASSIGN Compound assignment operator not allowed in FOR statement.
  92. 89 IDL_M_LVALINCRASSIGN ++ and -- operators are not allowed on left hand side of ass
  93. 90 IDL_M_LVALINCRONLYONE Only one ++ or -- operator can be applied to a given assigna
  94. 91 IDL_M_BADARGVAL %NValue of %s is out of allowed range.
  95. 92 IDL_M_BAD_FRETURN Return statement in functions must have 1 value.
  96. 93 IDL_M_BAD_PRETURN Return statement in procedures can't have values.
  97. 94 IDL_M_UPRO_UNDEF Attempt to call undefined procedure/function: '%s'.
  98. 95 IDL_M_UPROC_UNDEF Attempt to call undefined procedure: '%s'.
  99. 96 IDL_M_UFUNC_UNDEF Attempt to call undefined function: '%s'.
  100. 97 IDL_M_UPRO_MIXED Procedure called as function or vice versa.
  101. 98 IDL_M_UPRO_NOMAINRET Can't return from the main level.
  102. 99 IDL_M_COMP_TOOMANY Too many errors, compilation stopped.
  103. 100 IDL_M_BAD_LIBRARY_PROG Library file does not contain a procedure or function.
  104. 101 IDL_M_PRO_ACTIVE Procedure was compiled while active: %s. Returning.
  105. 102 IDL_M_SIGINT Interrupt encountered.
  106. 103 IDL_M_CNTSIGNAL Attempt to set signal failed.
  107. 104 IDL_M_SIGNAL_DISALLOW %NSignal %d not allowed. Use alternative API.
  108. 105 IDL_M_BADOPCOD Stopped on unknown instruction(%u) at %u.
  109. 106 IDL_M_TYPCNVERR Type conversion error: Unable to convert given %s to %s.
  110. 107 IDL_M_UNKNOWNIN Internal error - Unknown instruction code encountered: %s.
  111. 108 IDL_M_WRGNUMARGS %NIncorrect number of arguments.
  112. 109 IDL_M_BADTYPE Internal error: %s has an unknown type.
  113. 110 IDL_M_INVALIDTYPE %NInvalid type code specified.
  114. 111 IDL_M_NOCASEMATCH Case statement found no matches.
  115. 112 IDL_M_ONLYSIMFOR Only simple local variables may be used as FOR variables.
  116. 113 IDL_M_FOR_LOOP_OVERFLOW Loop limit expression too large for loop variable type.
  117. %s.
  118. 114 IDL_M_BADSTRTOBYTE Result of string to byte conversion has too many dimensions.
  119. 115 IDL_M_KEYWORD_BADEXTRA Invalid value for _EXTRA keyword: %s.
  120. 116 IDL_M_KEYWORD_BAD Keyword %s not allowed in call to: %s
  121. 117 IDL_M_KEYWORD_ILLEGAL Keyword parameters not allowed in call.
  122. 118 IDL_M_KEYWORD_AMBIGUOUS Ambiguous keyword abbreviation: %s.
  123. 119 IDL_M_KEYWORD_NBAD Keyword array parameter %s must have from %d to %d elements.
  124. 120 IDL_M_KEYWORD_NBADEQ Keyword array parameter %s must have %d elements.
  125. 121 IDL_M_KEYWORD_CONFLICT %NConflicting keywords.
  126. 122 IDL_M_KEYWORD_EXCLUSIVE %NKeywords %s are mutually exclusive.
  127. 123 IDL_M_KEYWORD_DUP Duplicate keyword %s in call to: %s
  128. 124 IDL_M_KEYWORD_BADVAL %NIllegal keyword value for %s.
  129. 125 IDL_M_KEYWORD_REQ %NKeyword parameters required.
  130. 126 IDL_M_KEYWORD_BADVALUE %NInvalid value specified for keyword %s: %s.
  131. 127 IDL_M_KEYWORD_SINGLEVALUE %NKeyword requires a single value: %s.
  132. 128 IDL_M_KEYWORD_BADCLEANUP %NUnexpected keyword cleanup stack found on return.
  133. 129 IDL_M_KEYWORD_CLAMP %NValue of keyword %s clamped to range: %s.
  134. 130 IDL_M_KEYWORD_WRONGWID %NKeyword %s is not applicable to %s.
  135. 131 IDL_M_KEYWORD_READONLY %N%s ignoring read-only keyword: %s.
  136. 132 IDL_M_BREAK_NOLINE %NUnable to find code corresponding to given source line.
  137. 133 IDL_M_BREAK_TABLEFULL %NBreakpoint table full.
  138. 134 IDL_M_BREAK_NOBKPT %NNo such breakpoint.
  139. 135 IDL_M_BREAK_REMOVED %NRecompilation of %s caused a breakpoint to be removed.
  140. 136 IDL_M_MATHERROR_DETECTED Program caused arithmetic error: %s
  141. 137 IDL_M_BAD_FOR FOR loop entered illegally and index variable is undefined.
  142. 138 IDL_M_EXCEPTION_THROWN Call to CATCH generated an exception
  143. 139 IDL_M_INVALID_DATA %NInfinite or invalid (NaN) operands not allowed.
  144. 140 IDL_M_MAIN_NORECURSE $MAIN$ cannot be called recursively.
  145. 141 IDL_M_STUDENT_ROUTINE_DISABLED %NRoutine not available in %s Student Version.
  146. 142 IDL_M_RTN_DISABLED %NUnable to execute disabled routine.
  147. 143 IDL_M_RTN_NOTAVAIL %NRoutine not available on this platform.
  148. 144 IDL_M_BADARGNAN %NValue of %s cannot be NaN.
  149. 145 IDL_M_BADINCRTYPE %NData of this type cannot be used with increment or decreme
  150. 146 IDL_M_NOSUCHVAR %NVariable not found: %s
  151. 147 IDL_M_NOSUCHCOMMON %NCommon block does not exist: %s
  152. 148 IDL_M_NOSYSVAR %NSystem Variables not allowed in this context: %s.
  153. 149 IDL_M_DELVAR_TERMMAIN Active main program terminated by call to DELVAR.
  154. 150 IDL_M_LANGFEATURE_DISABLED %N%s not available.
  155. 151 IDL_M_TMPMULTIFREE Attempt to free temporary variable more than once: %lx
  156. 152 IDL_M_WRITE_TO_TEMP Attempt to store into an expression: %s.
  157. 153 IDL_M_TMPCLEANUP Temporary variables are still checked out - cleaning up...
  158. 154 IDL_M_TMP_ILLGL Temporary variables are not allowed in this context.
  159. 155 IDL_M_CNTGETMEM Unable to allocate memory: %s.
  160. 156 IDL_M_CANT_EXTEND_COMMON Attempt to extend common block: %s
  161. 157 IDL_M_HANDLE_NOMOREIDS All possible handle identifiers are in use.
  162. 158 IDL_M_HANDLE_BADID %NInvalid handle identifier: %d.
  163. 159 IDL_M_HANDLE_MOVELOOP %NStatic handle (%s) must not be a child of moving handle (%
  164. 160 IDL_M_HANDLE_NOTLH_SIBLING %NTop level handles cannot have siblings: %s.
  165. 161 IDL_M_ARRDSCBAD Array has a corrupted descriptor: %s.
  166. 162 IDL_M_BADARROFF Specified offset to array is out of range: %s.
  167. 163 IDL_M_NOSCNALL *:n subscript form not allowed.
  168. 164 IDL_M_BADARRSUB Attempt to subscript %s with %s is out of range.
  169. 165 IDL_M_ILLGL_SUBS Out of range subscript encountered: %s.
  170. 166 IDL_M_ILLGL_RANGE Illegal subscript range: %s.
  171. 167 IDL_M_NOSCNALL_STRIDE n:n:* subscript form not allowed.
  172. 168 IDL_M_ILLGL_ARRSUBS Array used to subscript array contains out of range subscrip
  173. 169 IDL_M_ILLGL_STRIDE Range subscript stride must not be zero: %s.
  174. 170 IDL_M_BAD_SUBS_ARRAY Array subscript for %s must have same size as source express
  175. 171 IDL_M_BAD_ARRAY_SUBS All array subscripts must be same size. Var = %s
  176. 172 IDL_M_REFORM_BAD_SUBS %NNew subscripts must not change the number elements in %s.
  177. 173 IDL_M_ISHFT_BADTYPE %NOperand must be integer: %s
  178. 174 IDL_M_TOOMANYSUBS Only %d subscripts allowed.
  179. 175 IDL_M_BADARRDNUM Arrays are allowed 1 - %d dimensions.
  180. 176 IDL_M_BADARRDIM Array dimensions must be greater than 0.
  181. 177 IDL_M_TOOFEWELTS %NArray %s does not have enough elements.
  182. 178 IDL_M_ARRAY_NODIMS %NNo dimensions specified for result.
  183. 179 IDL_M_ARRAY_ONLY1OR2DIM %NOnly 1 or 2 dimensions allowed: %s
  184. 180 IDL_M_ARRAY_MUSTBEND %NArray must have %d dimensions: %s.
  185. 181 IDL_M_ARRAY_DIMBADFACT %NResult dimensions must be integer factor of original dimen
  186. 182 IDL_M_VECTOR_WRONGLEN %NVector must have %d elements: %s
  187. 183 IDL_M_ARRAY_2DDIMMISMATCH Array must have dimensions of (%d, %d): %s.
  188. 184 IDL_M_ARR_DIMPOW2 %NDimensions of array must be powers of 2: %s.
  189. 185 IDL_M_BAD_DIM_MULT %N%s, array size must be a multiple of %d
  190. 186 IDL_M_COUNT_MISMATCH %NNumber of %s does not match number of %s.
  191. 187 IDL_M_ARRAY_TOOMANYELTS Array has too many elements.
  192. 188 IDL_M_ARRAY_BADDIMS Array must have dimensions of %s: %s.
  193. 189 IDL_M_NOT1ELT %NExpression must be a scalar or 1 element array in this con
  194. 190 IDL_M_BADARGVAL2 %NValue of %s is out of allowed range: %s
  195. 191 IDL_M_BADARRAYVAL %NValue of %s[%Md] is out of allowed range.
  196. 192 IDL_M_BADBITMAPDIMS %NArray %s must be [X,Y], [X,Y,3] or [X,Y,4].
  197. 193 IDL_M_REQSAMENUMELTS %NRequested operation requires arguments to have same number
  198. 194 IDL_M_REQSAMETYPE %NRequested operation requires arguments to have same data t
  199. 195 IDL_M_ARRCRE_SYNTAX Illegal array creation syntax.
  200. 196 IDL_M_ARRCRE_NELEMENTS Number of elements must be greater than 0.
  201. 197 IDL_M_ARRCRE_STRIDE Array creation stride must not be 0.
  202. 198 IDL_M_UNDEFVAR %NVariable is undefined: %s.
  203. 199 IDL_M_NOTARRAY %NExpression must be an array in this context: %s.
  204. 200 IDL_M_NOTSCALAR %NExpression must be a scalar in this context: %s.
  205. 201 IDL_M_NOEXPR %NExpression must be named variable in this context: %s.
  206. 202 IDL_M_NOCONST %NConstant not allowed in this context: %s.
  207. 203 IDL_M_NOFILE %NFile expression not allowed in this context: %s.
  208. 204 IDL_M_NOINT %NInteger expression not allowed in this context: %s.
  209. 205 IDL_M_NOFLOAT %NFloating point expression not allowed in this context: %s.
  210. 206 IDL_M_NOCOMPLEX %NComplex expression not allowed in this context: %s.
  211. 207 IDL_M_NOSTRING %NString expression not allowed in this context: %s.
  212. 208 IDL_M_NOSTRUCT %NStruct expression not allowed in this context: %s.
  213. 209 IDL_M_REQSTR %NString expression required in this context: %s.
  214. 210 IDL_M_NULLSTR %NNull string not allowed in this context: %s.
  215. 211 IDL_M_NOSCALAR %NScalar variable not allowed in this context: %s.
  216. 212 IDL_M_NOPTR %NPointer expression not allowed in this context: %s.
  217. 213 IDL_M_NOOBJREF %NObject reference expression not allowed in this context: %
  218. 214 IDL_M_NOCON_INT %NExpression containing integer data not allowed in this con
  219. 215 IDL_M_NOCON_FLOAT %NExpression containing floating point data not allowed in t
  220. 216 IDL_M_NOCON_COMPLEX %NExpression containing complex data not allowed in this con
  221. 217 IDL_M_NOCON_STRING %NExpression containing string data not allowed in this cont
  222. 218 IDL_M_NOCON_PTR %NExpression containing pointers not allowed in this context
  223. 219 IDL_M_NOCON_OBJREF %NExpression containing object references not allowed in thi
  224. 220 IDL_M_NOMEMINT64 %NThis routine is 32-bit limited and cannot handle this many
  225. 221 IDL_M_NOTSYSVAR Not a legal system variable: %s.
  226. 222 IDL_M_SYSV_BADNAME %NIllegal system variable name: %s.
  227. 223 IDL_M_SYSV_CONFDEF %NConflicting definition for %s.
  228. 224 IDL_M_SYSV_NOWRT Attempt to write to a readonly variable: %s.
  229. 225 IDL_M_CONF_STRUCT Conflicting data structures: %s,%s.
  230. 226 IDL_M_STRUC_CONFD Wrong number of tags defined for structure: %s.
  231. 227 IDL_M_STRUC_CONFT Conflicting or duplicate structure tag definition: %s.
  232. 228 IDL_M_STRUC_UNDEF Structure type not defined: %s.
  233. 229 IDL_M_NO_STRUC_FILE Structures or files not allowed in this context: %s
  234. 230 IDL_M_TAG_UNDEF Tag name %s is undefined for structure %s.
  235. 231 IDL_M_STRUC_REQ Expression must be a structure in this context: %s.
  236. 232 IDL_M_STRUC_TOODEEP Structure references nested too deeply: %s.
  237. 233 IDL_M_TAG_ILLGL Invalid tag number, %s, structure %s.
  238. 234 IDL_M_STRUCTCONV Unable to convert variable %s type struct.
  239. 235 IDL_M_NOANON_STRUCT Named structures can't contain anonymous structure members
  240. 236 IDL_M_SASSIGN_NOSUCHTAG %NDestination lacks %s tag %s. Not copied.
  241. 237 IDL_M_SASSIGN_SHORTSRC %N%s tag %s is shorter in destination. The end will be zero
  242. 238 IDL_M_SASSIGN_LONGSRC %N%s tag %s is longer than destination. The end will be clip
  243. 239 IDL_M_SASSIGN_TYPCNVERR %NIncompatible types. Unable to convert %s tag %s from %s to
  244. 240 IDL_M_STRUC_ILLTAGNAM %NIllegal tag name: %s.
  245. 241 IDL_M_BAD_FILE_SUBS Range illegal for record number in assoc var ref: %s
  246. 242 IDL_M_BAD_FILE_SUBSN Only one subscript allowed when storing into assoc var: %s.
  247. 243 IDL_M_NEGASSOCOFF %NOffset parameter must be non-negative: %s.
  248. 244 IDL_M_ILLOP Illegal operator.
  249. 245 IDL_M_OPCONMAX Too many operands for array concatenation.
  250. 246 IDL_M_CATLEVMAX Only three levels of variable concatenation are allowed.
  251. 247 IDL_M_CONARGMIS Unable to concatenate variables because the dimensions do no
  252. 248 IDL_M_ILLGL_STRING_OP Operation illegal with strings.
  253. 249 IDL_M_ILLGL_COMPLEX_OP Operation illegal with complex type.
  254. 250 IDL_M_ILLGL_FLOAT_OP Operation illegal with floating/double types.
  255. 251 IDL_M_MAT_MULT_INCOMPAT Operands of matrix multiply have incompatible dimensions: %s
  256. 252 IDL_M_PROGEOF End of file encountered before end of program.
  257. 253 IDL_M_PROGEOF_WARN End of file encountered before end of program.%Fs
  258. 254 IDL_M_CNTOPNFIL %NError opening file.%Fs
  259. 255 IDL_M_CANT_CLOSE_FILE %NError closing file.%Fs
  260. 256 IDL_M_CLOSE_BATCH_FILE %NPrematurely closing batch file: %Fs.
  261. 257 IDL_M_FILE_BADNAME %NFilename argument must be a scalar string: %s.
  262. 258 IDL_M_FILE_ALRDYOPN %NFile unit is already open.%Fs.
  263. 259 IDL_M_FILE_NOTOPEN %NFile unit is not open: %d.
  264. 260 IDL_M_FILE_BADUNIT %NFile unit is not within allowed range: %d.
  265. 261 IDL_M_FILE_RESERVED %NFile unit does not allow this operation.%Fs
  266. 262 IDL_M_FILE_NOREAD %NFile is not open for input.%Fs
  267. 263 IDL_M_FILE_NOWRITE %NFile is not open for output.%Fs
  268. 264 IDL_M_FILE_NOLUNLEFT %NAll available logical units are currently in use.
  269. 265 IDL_M_FILE_READERR %NError encountered reading from file.%Fs
  270. 266 IDL_M_FILE_WRITERR %NError encountered writing to file.%Fs
  271. 267 IDL_M_FILE_EOF %NEnd of file encountered.%Fs
  272. 268 IDL_M_FILE_NEGPOINT %NNegative position argument not allowed. Position: %Fd,%Fs.
  273. 269 IDL_M_FILE_BADPOINT %NError changing file pointer. Position: %Fd,%Fs
  274. 270 IDL_M_FILE_NULLNAME %NNull filename not allowed.
  275. 271 IDL_M_CANT_FLUSH_FILE %NError flushing file.%Fs
  276. 272 IDL_M_FILE_FREADERR %NInput conversion error.%Fs
  277. 273 IDL_M_FILE_IOCTLERR Unable to read/modify terminal characteristics.
  278. 274 IDL_M_FILE_CNTFORMIO %NFormatted I/O is not allowed with %s files.%Fs
  279. 275 IDL_M_FILE_CNTGETSTAT %NUnable to obtain file status.%Fs
  280. 276 IDL_M_CLOSE_NOT_ALLOWED %NReserved file cannot be closed in this manner.%Fs
  281. 277 IDL_M_FILE_NOTTY %NOperation is invalid on a terminal.%Fs
  282. 278 IDL_M_FILE_NOGUI %NOperation is invalid on a GUI interface.%Fs
  283. 279 IDL_M_FILE_CNTDELETE %NUnable to delete file.%Fs
  284. 280 IDL_M_FILE_CNTUNFORMIO %NUnformatted I/O is not allowed with %s files.%Fs
  285. 281 IDL_M_FILE_BADINITNAM %NBad initial filename: %s.
  286. 282 IDL_M_FILE_NOT64BIT %NIDL on this platform does not support 64-bit file access:
  287. 283 IDL_M_FILE_PATH_TOOLONG %NFile_Specification argument exceeds maximum %d characters.
  288. 284 IDL_M_FILE_CMP_NOENDSEEK %NSeeking from the end of a compressed file is not allowed.%
  289. 285 IDL_M_FILE_CMP_CNTRANDW %NCompressed files cannot be open for both input and output
  290. 286 IDL_M_FILE_CNTOPNDIR %NUnable to open directory.%Fs
  291. 287 IDL_M_FILE_NOFMTBUF %NUnable to perform formatted I/O on unbuffered file.%Fs
  292. 288 IDL_M_FILE_CNTAPNDTYPE %NUnable to perform APPEND operation on this type file.%Fs
  293. 289 IDL_M_FILE_CNTSETEXECBIT %NUnable to set file close on exec flag.%Fs
  294. 290 IDL_M_FILE_ZLIB_ERR %NError in ZLIB compression library - %s.%Fs
  295. 291 IDL_M_FILE_GZIP_ERR %NError in GZIP compression library - %s.%Fs
  296. 292 IDL_M_FILE_CNTMKSPARSE %NUnable to make Win32 file sparse.%Fs
  297. 293 IDL_M_FILE_REQSTDIO %NFile must be opened with the STDIO attribute in this conte
  298. 294 IDL_M_FILE_NOXDR %NOperation is invalid on an XDR file.%Fs
  299. 295 IDL_M_FILE_NOCOMPRESS %NOperation is invalid on a compressed file.%Fs
  300. 296 IDL_M_FILE_SOCKET_OPNERR %NUnable to make socket.%Fs
  301. 297 IDL_M_FILE_SOCKET_BADHOST %NUnable to lookup host.%Fs
  302. 298 IDL_M_FILE_SOCKET_CNTCONNECT %NUnable to connect to host.%Fs
  303. 299 IDL_M_FILE_SOCKET_BADPORT %NUnable to convert port name to numeric value.%Fs
  304. 300 IDL_M_FILE_NOSOCKET %NOperation is invalid on a socket.%Fs
  305. 301 IDL_M_FILE_SOCKET_BADPORTNAME %NPort argument must be a scalar string or integer: %s.
  306. 302 IDL_M_FILE_SOCKET_NULLPORTNAME %NNull port argument not allowed.
  307. 303 IDL_M_FILE_SOCKET_CNTINITWINSOCK %NUnable to initialize Windows WINSOCK subsystem.%Fs
  308. 304 IDL_M_FILE_CNTSTDIO %NThe requested file cannot be opened via Stdio on this plat
  309. 305 IDL_M_FILE_CNTMKDIR %NUnable to create directory: %s
  310. 306 IDL_M_FILE_CNTSETMODE %NUnable to set file mode %o. %Fs
  311. 307 IDL_M_FILE_NAMETOOLONG %NFilename is too long for this operating system: %s.
  312. 308 IDL_M_FILE_DIRACCESS %NUnable to access directory: %s
  313. 309 IDL_M_FILE_BADUNCGLOB %NWildcard characters not allowed in host or share segments
  314. 310 IDL_M_FILE_CNTEXPPATH %NUnable to expand wildcards in file path, or file does not
  315. 311 IDL_M_IO_BUFTOOBIG %NInput/Output buffer cannot be expanded beyond %Md bytes.
  316. 312 IDL_M_FILE_TRUNCATE_BADTYPE %NUnable to set end of file on this type of file.%Fs
  317. 313 IDL_M_FILE_TRUNCATE_FAIL %NUnable to set end of file.%Fs
  318. 314 IDL_M_FILE_USROPABORT %NFile operation aborted on user interrupt.
  319. 315 IDL_M_FILE_CP_SAMEFILE %NSource file must be different from target file.%Fs
  320. 316 IDL_M_FILE_CP_CNTMMAP %NUnable to memory map file.%Fs.
  321. 317 IDL_M_FILE_CNTCPY Unable to copy file: Source %Fs, Destination %Fs
  322. 318 IDL_M_FILE_CNTMOVE Unable to rename file: Source %Fs, Destination %Fs
  323. 319 IDL_M_FILE_CP_VERBOSEFILE %NCopied %s to %s (%Fd bytes).
  324. 320 IDL_M_FILE_CP_VERBOSEDIR %NCopied directory %s to %s.
  325. 321 IDL_M_FILE_CP_VERBOSESYMLINK %NCreated symlink %s pointing at %s.
  326. 322 IDL_M_FILE_CP_VERBOSELINK %NCreated link %s pointing at %s.
  327. 323 IDL_M_FILE_CP_VERBOSEFIFO %NCreated named pipe %s.
  328. 324 IDL_M_FILE_CP_VERBOSEMOVE %NMoved %s to %s.
  329. 325 IDL_M_FILE_RM_VERBOSEFILE %NRemoved file: %s.
  330. 326 IDL_M_FILE_RM_VERBOSEDIR %NRemoved directory: %s.
  331. 327 IDL_M_FILE_CP_DSTEXISTS %NDestination file already exists.%Fs.
  332. 328 IDL_M_FILE_CP_CNTCREDIR %NCannot create destination. Directory of same name already
  333. 329 IDL_M_FILE_CP_SRCDIR %NSource file cannot be directory in non-recursive copy.%Fs
  334. 330 IDL_M_FILE_CP_REQDIRDST %NDestination must be a directory.%Fs
  335. 331 IDL_M_FILE_CNTREADSYMLINK %NUnable to read symbolic link: %s
  336. 332 IDL_M_FILE_CNTLINK %NUnable to create link: %s
  337. 333 IDL_M_FILE_CNTSYMLINK %NUnable to create symbolic link: %s
  338. 334 IDL_M_FILE_CNTMKFIFO %NUnable to create named pipe: %s
  339. 335 IDL_M_FILE_CNTLINKDIR %NHard links to directories are not allowed: %s
  340. 336 IDL_M_FILE_NORAWIO %NOperation is invalid on a rawio file.%Fs
  341. 337 IDL_M_FILE_F77FILBAD %NCorrupted f77 unformatted file detected.%s
  342. 338 IDL_M_FILE_F77RTOOBIG %NAttempt to read past end of FORTRAN unformatted file recor
  343. 339 IDL_M_FILE_NOPIPE %NOperation is invalid on a pipe.%Fs
  344. 340 IDL_M_FILE_CNTRENAME Unable to rename file: %s
  345. 341 IDL_M_FILE_CNTPOLL %NUnable to poll files for input.
  346. 342 IDL_M_FILE_MSWINNOPIPE %NOperation is invalid on a pipe under Microsoft Windows.%Fs
  347. 343 IDL_M_FILE_SOCKET_CNTBIND %NUnable to bind socket.%Fs
  348. 344 IDL_M_FILE_SOCKET_CNTACCEPT %NUnable to accept on socket.%Fs
  349. 345 IDL_M_FILE_SOCKET_CNTLISTEN %NUnable to set socket to listen mode.%Fs
  350. 346 IDL_M_FILE_SOCKET_CNTGETNAM %NUnable to retreive socket name.%Fs
  351. 347 IDL_M_FILE_REQSOCKLISTEN %NFile must be a socket in listener mode.%Fs
  352. 348 IDL_M_FMT_NOOPAR '(' expected. %s %s
  353. 349 IDL_M_FMT_UNEXEOF Unexpected end of format. %s %s
  354. 350 IDL_M_FMT_EXCOMMA Extra comma(s) in format. %s %s
  355. 351 IDL_M_FMT_NOSEP Expected comma or slash. %s %s
  356. 352 IDL_M_FMT_NOCOMMA Comma expected. %s %s
  357. 353 IDL_M_FMT_BADTEXT Unexpected text in format. %s %s
  358. 354 IDL_M_FMT_TEXTLEFT Unexpected text at end of format. %s %s
  359. 355 IDL_M_FMT_RNG Value is out of allowed range (%Md - %Md). %s %s
  360. 356 IDL_M_FMT_RNGMIN Value must be greater or equal to %Md. %s %s
  361. 357 IDL_M_FMT_NOREPALL Repetition count not allowed with "%s". %s %s
  362. 358 IDL_M_FMT_EXINT Expected integer value. %s %s
  363. 359 IDL_M_FMT_SHRTHFLD Not enough characters in Hollerith field. %s %s
  364. 360 IDL_M_FMT_TOOCOMP Format has too many elements. Re-write as multiple I/O state
  365. 361 IDL_M_FMT_LOOP Infinite format loop detected.
  366. 362 IDL_M_FMT_EOR End of input record encountered on file unit: %d.
  367. 363 IDL_M_FMT_DATAMIS Unable to apply format code %s to input: "%s".
  368. 364 IDL_M_FMT_EXFLAG Extra flag character (%s) in format. %s %s
  369. 365 IDL_M_STRING_TOO_LONG %NString too long: %s.
  370. 366 IDL_M_STRING_FMTTOOMANY %NExplicitly formatted output truncated at limit of %d lines
  371. 367 IDL_M_READS_EOF %NEnd of input data encountered: %s
  372. 368 IDL_M_FMT_NOTINDATE Format code not allowed within a date specification: "%s". %
  373. 369 IDL_M_FMT_ONLYINDATE Format code only allowed within a date specification: "%s".
  374. 370 IDL_M_CAL_CNTGETJULTIME %NUnable to obtain current Julian time
  375. 371 IDL_M_CAL_NOJULYR0 Calendar year 0 does not exist.
  376. 372 IDL_M_CHILDPROCERR %NError managing child process.
  377. 373 IDL_M_CNTGETHNAM Unable to get host name.
  378. 374 IDL_M_CHILD_CNTSPAWN %NError executing spawn command.
  379. 375 IDL_M_CNTGETWD Unable to get working directory.
  380. 376 IDL_M_CHILD_WAITERR %NInvalid use of the UNIT keyword.
  381. 377 IDL_M_PIPE_OPNERR %NUnable to make pipe.
  382. 378 IDL_M_FACILITY_UNAVAILABLE %NFacility unavailable on this operating system.
  383. 379 IDL_M_PATH_TOOMANY Too many elements in !PATH. Not adding: %s
  384. 380 IDL_M_BADIOCTL %NUnable to perform ioctl(2) request.
  385. 381 IDL_M_FORK_FAILED Unable to fork process.
  386. 382 IDL_M_CNTGETPID Unable to get process ID.
  387. 383 IDL_M_CNTGETPGRPS %NUnable to retrieve process groups.
  388. 384 IDL_M_CHILDPROCINTKILL Interrupt encountered. Child process killed
  389. 385 IDL_M_CHILDPROCINTATTEMPTKILL Interrupt encountered. Attempting to terminate subprocess. I
  390. 386 IDL_M_CHILDCNTGETOUTPUT %NUnable to capture child process output
  391. 387 IDL_M_UNKNOWNUSER %NUnknown user: %s.
  392. 388 IDL_M_NOUSRTILDE %N: ~user form of tilde expansion only supported under Unix:
  393. 389 IDL_M_ENVVARBADSUB %NBad environment variable substitution syntax.
  394. 390 IDL_M_DYNAMIC_LINKER %NError loading sharable executable. Symbol: %s, File = %s %
  395. 391 IDL_M_CALLEXT_ARGTOOBIG %N Cannot pass types larger than a machine pointer by value:
  396. 392 IDL_M_DLINK_UNLOADERR %NFailed to unload %s %s: %s.
  397. 393 IDL_M_DLINK_AGPATHTOOLONG %NPath to auto glue directory is too long: %s
  398. 394 IDL_M_DLINKCE_BLTINGLU %NGlue code %s is built in to %s.
  399. 395 IDL_M_DLINKCE_EXTGLUFND %NExisting glue code loaded: %s.
  400. 396 IDL_M_DLINKCE_NEWGLUFND %NNew glue code loaded: %s
  401. 397 IDL_M_DLINKCE_GLUNOTFND %NGlue code not found: %s
  402. 398 IDL_M_DLINKCE_WRTGLUCODE %NWriting C glue code: %s
  403. 399 IDL_M_DLINKCC_WRTBLDSCRIPT %NWriting build script: %s
  404. 400 IDL_M_DLINKCC_RUNBLDSCRIPT %NRunning build script: %s
  405. 401 IDL_M_DLINK_AGNAMETOOLONG %NFile name too long. Unable to generate auto glue for this
  406. 402 IDL_M_DLINKCC_WRTEXPORT %NWriting linker %s file: %s
  407. 403 IDL_M_ADDRTNMISMATCH Re-definition of routine %s is incompatible with original.
  408. 404 IDL_M_DLM_RTNBEFOREMOD MODULE line must precede FUNCTION or PROCEDURE definition on
  409. 405 IDL_M_DLM_NOMODULE Dynamically loadable module definition file lacks a MODULE d
  410. 406 IDL_M_DLM_OK Loaded DLM: %s.
  411. 407 IDL_M_DLM_NORTN Dynamically loadable module %s failed to define routine: %s.
  412. 408 IDL_M_DLM_FAIL Dynamically loadable module failed to load: %s.
  413. 409 IDL_M_DLM_NOSUCHMOD Unknown dynamically loadable module: %s.
  414. 410 IDL_M_DLM_DUPRTN Dynamically loadable module %s redefines existing routine %s
  415. 411 IDL_M_DLM_ERREXIT Exiting due to dynamically loadable module definition errors
  416. 412 IDL_M_DLM_SYNTAX Unknown directive "%s" on line %d of dynamically loadable mo
  417. 413 IDL_M_DLM_ONLYONE Multiple instance of %s detected on line %d of dynamically l
  418. 414 IDL_M_DLM_SYNTAX2 Unknown value in field %d of line %d in dynamically loadable
  419. 415 IDL_M_DLM_ARGREQ Directive requires argument on line %d of dynamically loadab
  420. 416 IDL_M_DLM_BADCHECK Dynamically loadable module definition file has an incorrect
  421. 417 IDL_M_DLM_STRUCTBEFOREMOD MODULE line must precede STRUCTURE declaration on line %d: %
  422. 418 IDL_M_DLM_NOSTRUCT Dynamically loadable module %s failed to define structure: %
  423. 419 IDL_M_DLM_DUPSTRUCT Dynamically loadable module %s redefines existing structure
  424. 420 IDL_M_DLM_UNAVAILABLE %NDynamically loadable module is unavailable on this platfor
  425. 421 IDL_M_MSGBLK_NOSUCHBLOCK Attempt to reference unknown message block: %s.
  426. 422 IDL_M_MSGBLK_DUP Attempt to install an existing message block: %s.
  427. 423 IDL_M_MSGBLK_NOERR Message block %s does not contain specified error: %s.
  428. 424 IDL_M_SR_BADSAVFIL %NNot a valid save file: %s.
  429. 425 IDL_M_SR_TRUNC %NTruncated save file, restored as much as possible: %s.
  430. 426 IDL_M_SR_BADMAGIC %NUnexpected item code found in save file.
  431. 427 IDL_M_SR_UNDEF %NUndefined item not saved: %s.
  432. 428 IDL_M_SR_MAINONLY Identifiers can only be added or deleted at the main level:
  433. 429 IDL_M_SR_SAVE %NSaved %s: %s.
  434. 430 IDL_M_SR_RESTORE %NRestored %s: %s.
  435. 431 IDL_M_SR_RABORT %NUnable to continue restore operation.
  436. 432 IDL_M_SR_ALIAS %N%s not placed in common block %s because it would alias ex
  437. 433 IDL_M_SR_STRABORT %NStructure not restored due to conflict with existing defin
  438. 434 IDL_M_SR_SYSVCON %NRead only system defined system variable not restored: %s.
  439. 435 IDL_M_SR_BADVERSION %NObsolete SAVE/RESTORE file: %s.
  440. 436 IDL_M_SR_MISTAGTYP %NUnable to restore structure, tag type disagrees with exist
  441. 437 IDL_M_SR_MISTAGNAM %NTag names disagree. Using original definition: %s(restored
  442. 438 IDL_M_SR_READINFO %NSave file written by %s@%s, %s.
  443. 439 IDL_M_SR_VMSONLYFILE %NVMS-only SAVE/RESTORE file: %s.
  444. 440 IDL_M_SR_TYPE %N%s SAVE/RESTORE file.
  445. 441 IDL_M_SR_PRO_ACTIVE %NProcedure %s can't be restored while active.
  446. 442 IDL_M_SR_PRO_BADVER %NProcedures can't be restored from old versions.
  447. 443 IDL_M_SR_READIDLINFO %N%s version %s (%s, %s).
  448. 444 IDL_M_SR_PRO_BADVER_NAME %NIncompatible saved routine from old version not restored:
  449. 445 IDL_M_SR_RESTOREAS %NRestored %s %s as %s.
  450. 446 IDL_M_SR_NONAMEVAR %NUnable to save variable with no name: %s.
  451. 447 IDL_M_SR_RSABADSTRUCT %NRelaxed structure assignment definition for %s lacks the i
  452. 448 IDL_M_SR_RSADONE %NRecovering incompatible definition of structure %s using r
  453. 449 IDL_M_SR_32BITLIMIT %NUnable to restore data past 32-bit file offset on this pla
  454. 450 IDL_M_SR_64ARRTOOBIG %N32-bit version of IDL unable to restore array written by 6
  455. 451 IDL_M_SR_64STRUCTTOOBIG %N32-bit version of IDL unable to restore structure written
  456. 452 IDL_M_SR_STRINGTOOLONG %NString written by 64-bit IDL too long for current platform
  457. 453 IDL_M_SR_PRO_BADVER_BACKTOTHEFUTURE %NIncompatible saved routine written by IDL version newer th
  458. 454 IDL_M_SR_VMMINPCODE %NIDL Virtual Machine requires save files written by IDL 6.0
  459. 455 IDL_M_SR_USERDESC %NDescription: %s.
  460. 456 IDL_M_SR_NOTINFILE %N%s not found in save file: %s
  461. 457 IDL_M_SR_MTIMECNG %NSavefile modification time changed, content change possibl
  462. 458 IDL_M_SR_HEAPVARWRGTYPE %NAttempt to restore %s heap variable as %s: %s
  463. 459 IDL_M_STRPUT_BADDST %NDestination argument must be a named variable.
  464. 460 IDL_M_HISTO_BADBIN %NIllegal binsize or max/min.
  465. 461 IDL_M_SMOOTH_BADWIDTH %NWidth must be nonnegative and smaller than array dimension
  466. 462 IDL_M_INCOMPAT_DIM %NIncompatible dimensions for %s.
  467. 463 IDL_M_SETPLOT_NO_DEV Graphics device not available: %s.
  468. 464 IDL_M_CNTWAITNEG %NArgument must be non-negative: %s.
  469. 465 IDL_M_KBNOTTTY %NInput must be a tty.
  470. 466 IDL_M_EXECUTE_BADFRAME EXECUTE: Did not terminate at original calling level.
  471. 467 IDL_M_EXECUTE_NODELVAR %NDELVAR is not allowed from within EXECUTE
  472. 468 IDL_M_MEDIAN_WIDBAD %NWidth must be > 1, and < dimensions: %s.
  473. 469 IDL_M_ARRAY_MUSTBESQ %NInput must be a square matrix: %s.
  474. 470 IDL_M_POLY2D_COEFFSIZE %NCoefficient arrays must have (degree+1)^%d elements
  475. 471 IDL_M_POLYFILL_BADXY %NX and Y vectors not same size
  476. 472 IDL_M_POLYFILL_BADN %NNot enough valid and unique points specified.
  477. 473 IDL_M_SETKEY_BADKEY %NNot a valid function key: %s.
  478. 474 IDL_M_ARRAY_BADTYPE %NInvalid type specified for result.
  479. 475 IDL_M_CNTSRF_INCOMPAT %NX, Y, or Z array dimensions are incompatible
  480. 476 IDL_M_CNTCNGDIR %NUnable to change current directory to %s.
  482. 478 IDL_M_CALLRTN_CNTCALLMETHOD %s: Use CALL_METHOD to call object methods: %s
  483. 479 IDL_M_POLYFILLV_N %NNo points in polygon
  484. 480 IDL_M_INTERP_BADPARM %NNumber of parameters must agree with dimensions of argumen
  485. 481 IDL_M_INTERP_COORDARRLEN %NCoordinate arrays must have same length if Grid not set.
  486. 482 IDL_M_POINTS_COLINEAR %NPoints are co-linear, no solution.
  487. 483 IDL_M_TRIANG_COLINEAR %NAll points co-linear.
  488. 484 IDL_M_MORPH_BADDIM %NStructure's dimensions are incompatible with image's.
  489. 485 IDL_M_MORPH_BADPT %NPRESERVE_TYPE valid only with BYTE, UINT, and ULONG.
  490. 486 IDL_M_MORPH_SAME %NStructure's dimensions are incompatible with values.
  491. 487 IDL_M_CONTOUR_SPLFEATSUPERCEED %NSpline feature superseeded by MIN_CURVE_SURF library funct
  492. 488 IDL_M_REPINPL_A3RANGE %ND1 (3rd) argument is out of range: %s.
  493. 489 IDL_M_REPINPL_A4DIM %NLoc1 (4th) argument must have the same number of elements
  494. 490 IDL_M_REPINPL_A4RANGE %NLoc1 (4th) argument is out of range: %s.
  495. 491 IDL_M_REPINPL_A5RANGE %ND2 (5th) argument must be in range (0 < D2 <= num_dims(X))
  496. 492 IDL_M_REPINPL_A6TOOMANYELTS %NToo many elements in Range (6th) argument: %s.
  497. 493 IDL_M_GRG2_BADBND %NThe Xbnd (2nd) and Gbnd (3rd) arguments must have twice th
  498. 494 IDL_M_ODE_ERROR %N%s
  499. 495 IDL_M_INTERP_NO_CUBIC_3D %N Cubic interpolation not supported with 3D. Using linear.
  500. 496 IDL_M_CBTOUSRRTN_RSLTNELTS %NThe result from the %s callback function contains %d data
  501. 497 IDL_M_STRING_REGEXERR %NError processing regular expression: %s %s
  502. 498 IDL_M_RESTOOMANYDIMS %NResult has too many dimensions.
  503. 499 IDL_M_STRMID_BADSTRIDE %NStarting offset and Length arguments have incompatible fir
  504. 500 IDL_M_STRSPLIT_ESCPATCONF %NThe ESCAPE keyword cannot contain characters found in the
  505. 501 IDL_M_FIX_STRNOOFFSET %NThe Offset and Dimension arguments are not allowed when co
  506. 502 IDL_M_ICBADAUXDIM %NAUXDATA_IN dimensions incompatible with input data.
  507. 503 IDL_M_ICAUXINOUT %NAUXDATA_IN and AUXDATA_OUT must be used together.
  508. 504 IDL_M_HELP_IDLDEKEYS %NIdlde key bindings are set via X Window resources and are
  509. 505 IDL_M_HOUGHRADON_BACKMISS %NRHO and THETA must be specified for backprojection.
  510. 506 IDL_M_HOUGHRADON_INCOMPAT %NARRAY, RHO, or THETA dimensions are incompatible.
  511. 507 IDL_M_SORT_REQ64 %N32-bit sort not possible on this number of elements: %s.
  512. 508 IDL_M_LABEL_REGION_OVERFLOW %NResult has more regions than can fit in UINT. Use the ULO
  513. 509 IDL_M_RANDOM_BADSEED %NSeed argument is corrupt.
  514. 510 IDL_M_BADCONVERGE %NAlgorithm failed to converge.
  515. 511 IDL_M_CNTSHOWSPLSH %NCannot display splash screen.
  516. 512 IDL_M_ARGS_NONNEG %NArguments must be greater than or equal to zero.
  517. 513 IDL_M_ARG2_NONNEG %NSecond argument must be greater than or equal to zero.
  518. 514 IDL_M_GCTP_BADPROJ %NGCTP projection index %d out of range.
  519. 515 IDL_M_GCTP_BADINIT %NGCTP projection index %d not initialized.
  520. 516 IDL_M_GCTP_ERROR GCTP Library: %s: %s.
  521. 517 IDL_M_SPHERTRIANGFAIL %NSpherical triangulation failed.
  522. 518 IDL_M_DLGPICK_FILTERDIM %NFilter must be a one dimensional or [N,2] string array.
  523. 519 IDL_M_TOTAL_DIMARG %NFor input argument %s, %s must be %s%d.
  524. 520 IDL_M_POLYFILLV_OVERFLOW %NResult requires more elements than can be addressed in mem
  525. 521 IDL_M_IDLNOTIFY_BADID Notification identifier must be a string.
  526. 522 IDL_M_IDLNOTIFY_UNSUPPORTED_DATATYPE Unsupported data type for notification parameter %d.
  527. 523 IDL_M_HASHVAR_BADARRAYDIMS %NInput array must be one dimensional: %s.
  528. 524 IDL_M_GRID_NOCMPSMOOTH %NSmooth gridding doesn't work for complex type.
  529. 525 IDL_M_GRID_BADTRIDIM %NArray of triangles incorrectly dimensioned.
  530. 526 IDL_M_GRID_COORDBNDS %NInconsistent coordinate bounds.
  531. 527 IDL_M_GRID_SPMUSTBEPOS %NGrid spacing must be positive.
  532. 528 IDL_M_GRID3_RANGEERR %Nn, nq, nw, or nr are out of range.
  533. 529 IDL_M_GRID3_DUPNODES %Nduplicate nodes encountered.
  534. 530 IDL_M_GRID3_BADMATRIX %NIll-conditioned matrix or all nodes co-planar.
  535. 531 IDL_M_XDR_MEMERR %NError translating in memory data to/from XDR format: %s
  536. 532 IDL_M_XDR_CNTRANDW %NXDR files cannot be open for both input and output simulta
  537. 533 IDL_M_XDR_CNTOPN %NUnable to open and XDR stream for file.%Fs
  538. 534 IDL_M_XDR_BADPOINT %NUnable to position XDR stream. Position: %Fd,%Fs
  539. 535 IDL_M_XDR_IOFAIL %NFailed XDR Input/Output operation.%Fs.
  540. 536 IDL_M_WINDOW_BADNUM %NWindow number %d out of range or no more windows
  541. 537 IDL_M_NOGRAPHICS %NNo graphics device defined.
  542. 538 IDL_M_NOROUTINE %NRoutine is not defined for current graphics device.
  543. 539 IDL_M_WINDOW_CLOSED %NWindow is closed and unavailable.
  544. 540 IDL_M_GRAPHICS_NOINIT %NError initializing graphics device %s.
  545. 541 IDL_M_ILLGL_FONT %NNo such font: %d
  546. 542 IDL_M_HERSH_ERR %NError using Hershey characters: %s.
  547. 543 IDL_M_PLOT_TRUNC %NWarning - Plot truncated.
  548. 544 IDL_M_PLOT_INFINITE %NWarning: Infinite plot range.
  549. 545 IDL_M_PLOT_PSYMBAD %NPSYM (plotting symbol) out of range
  550. 546 IDL_M_PLOTS_BADDIM %NWhen only 1 param, dims must be (2,n) or (3,n)
  551. 547 IDL_M_TV_CNTREAD %NUnable to read from current device: %s.
  552. 548 IDL_M_POLYSHADE_ERR %N%s.
  553. 549 IDL_M_PLOT_NOUSERSYM %NNo user symbol defined.
  554. 550 IDL_M_PLOT_XYARRDIM %N(X,Y) array must be (2,N).
  555. 551 IDL_M_PLOT_SAMENUMPNTS %NX & Y arrays must have same number of points.
  556. 552 IDL_M_PLOT_NUMPNTS %NNumber of points must be between 2 and MAX.
  557. 553 IDL_M_SHADE_BADSHADES %NShade array too short.
  558. 554 IDL_M_SHADE_COUNT %N%d Polygons, %d Vertices
  559. 555 IDL_M_CONTOUR_BADORDER %NContour levels must be in increasing order.
  560. 556 IDL_M_CNTLDFONT %NRequested font does not exist: %s.
  561. 557 IDL_M_WINDOW_BAD Window does not exist: %d.
  562. 558 IDL_M_WINDOW_NOPIXMAP %NOperation invalid on pixmap window: %d.
  563. 559 IDL_M_GRAPHICS_NOOP %N%s not supported for %s device.
  564. 560 IDL_M_NO_DATA_COORDS %NData coordinate system not established.
  565. 561 IDL_M_BAD_PERSPECTIVE %NIllegal 3D transformation.
  566. 562 IDL_M_NO_WORDS %NDevice can not transfer 16 bit pixels.
  567. 563 IDL_M_WINDOW_CNTICONIFY Unable to iconify requested window.
  568. 564 IDL_M_GRAPHICS_CNTMKWINORPIX %NUnable to create new window or pixmap.
  569. 565 IDL_M_GRAPHICS_CNTMKPIXMAP %NUnable to create pixmap.
  570. 566 IDL_M_GRAPHICS_CNTMKWINDOW %NUnable to create window.
  571. 567 IDL_M_Z_NOTACTIVE %NZ depth buffer not active.
  572. 568 IDL_M_Z_BYTES %NZ depth buffer contains bytes.
  573. 569 IDL_M_Z_WORDS %NZ depth buffer contains words.
  574. 570 IDL_M_COLORMODEL_MISMATCH Can't set RGB color on an indexed destination.
  575. 571 IDL_M_INVALCOLOR %NInvalid internal color.
  576. 572 IDL_M_NOTCLASS %NArgument %s should be of class type %s
  577. 573 IDL_M_CLR_OUTOFRANGE %NGiven color index out of palette range.
  578. 574 IDL_M_AXIS_ZERORANGE %NData range for axis has zero length.
  579. 575 IDL_M_NO_FONTMETRICS %NError loading font metrics for font %s.
  580. 576 IDL_M_BAD_FONTFORMAT %NUnsupported %s format for %s fonts.
  581. 577 IDL_M_BAD_FONTSTATUS %NA valid %s font has not been successfully loaded.
  582. 578 IDL_M_GR1_DEF_DISPLAY %NDisplay Name cannot be changed from the default X Windows
  583. 579 IDL_M_GMTRX_STACKOVRFLOW %NToo many matrices pushed on stack.
  584. 580 IDL_M_GMTRX_STACKUNDFLOW %NMatrix stack has only a single entry; unable to pop.
  585. 581 IDL_M_GMTRX_LRFRUSTEQ %NThe left and right frustum values must not be equal.
  586. 582 IDL_M_GMTRX_TBFRUSTEQ %NThe top and bottom frustum values must not be equal.
  587. 583 IDL_M_GMTRX_NFFRUSTEQ %NThe near and far frustum values must not be equal.
  588. 584 IDL_M_GMTRX_LRVWVOLEQ %NThe left and right view volume values must not be equal.
  589. 585 IDL_M_GMTRX_TPVWVOLEQ %NThe top and bottom view volume values must not be equal.
  590. 586 IDL_M_GMTRX_NFVWVOLEQ %NThe near and far view volume values must not be equal or t
  591. 587 IDL_M_BADWINDOWSIZE Bad window size. X and Y size must be greater than 0
  592. 588 IDL_M_BAD_FONTMODIFIER %NIgnoring unsupported font modifier: %s.
  593. 589 IDL_M_GR1_AXISLOGTIME %NLOG setting ignored for Date/Time TICKUNITS.
  594. 590 IDL_M_AXIS_BADTICKUNIT Unable to accommodate requested TICKUNITS for given data ran
  595. 591 IDL_M_PS_NOSUCHFONT Requested PostScript font does not exist. Using %s.
  596. 592 IDL_M_PS_TOOMANYVERT Number of Polygon vertices exceeds limit for some PostScript
  597. 593 IDL_M_PS_BADPROLOG PostScript Prolog file version mismatch.
  598. 594 IDL_M_PS_NOSUCHAFM Unable to find PostScript font metric file: %s.
  599. 595 IDL_M_PS_BADFONTIDX %NFont index out of allowed range (3 <= index <= 20).
  600. 596 IDL_M_BADHERSHCH %NInvalid graphtext command: ...%s
  601. 597 IDL_M_PS_TOOMANYSAV %NToo many saves in PostScript text: %s
  602. 598 IDL_M_PS_RWITHOUTS %NRestore command has no matching previous save: ...%s
  603. 599 IDL_M_PS_PRENEEDSENCAP %NPostScript preview incompatible without encapsulated mode.
  604. 600 IDL_M_PS_PRENOMULTPAG %NPostScript preview incompatible with multiple pages.
  605. 601 IDL_M_PDF_GENERIC %NError in PDF creation: %s
  606. 602 IDL_M_PDF_NEWFAIL %NError initializing PDF document.
  607. 603 IDL_M_PDF_CANTEMBED %NFont doesn't allow embedding in PDF: %s
  608. 604 IDL_M_PDF_NOPAGES %NPDF document contains no pages.
  609. 605 IDL_M_TEK_GINBAD %NNumber of GIN characters out of range
  610. 606 IDL_M_TEK_NOTTY %NCant read cursor unless on terminal
  611. 607 IDL_M_TEK_NO4100 %NOperation requires Tektronix 4100 mode
  612. 608 IDL_M_TEK_NUMCOLORS %NNumber of Tek colors must be 2,4,8,16, or 64
  613. 609 IDL_M_X_CNTOPNDISP %NUnable to open X Windows display: %s Is your DISPLAY envir
  614. 610 IDL_M_X_CNTOPENGR1DISP %NUnable to open X Windows display. Is your DISPLAY environm
  615. 611 IDL_M_X_CONNFAIL %NUnable to connect to X Windows display: %s
  616. 612 IDL_M_X_CNTALLOCCOL %NUnable to allocate enough colors.
  617. 613 IDL_M_X_MENUTOOBIG %NRequested menu is too large for display.
  618. 614 IDL_M_X_PROTOERR X windows protocol error: %s.
  619. 615 IDL_M_X_RSRCERR %NUnable to create X windows %s.
  620. 616 IDL_M_X_DNTSUPVISUAL Unsupported X Windows visual (class: %s, depth: %d). Substit
  621. 617 IDL_M_X_BADRESOURCE %NX Windows resource "%s.%s" has invalid value: %s.
  622. 618 IDL_M_X_BACKINGFAIL %NAllocation of backing store pixmap failed. Requesting Back
  623. 619 IDL_M_X_INITFAILURE %NFailure in initializing X windows driver
  624. 620 IDL_M_X_DISPADDFAIL %NFailure to add display to internal list. Closing connectio
  625. 621 IDL_M_X_BADSCREENNUM %NInvalid screen number on display string
  626. 622 IDL_M_X_GR2_BADCTX %NInvalid device context
  627. 623 IDL_M_X_GR2_BADRETAIN %NInvalid retain mode
  628. 624 IDL_M_X_CNTLOADCOLORS %NUnable to load colors when translation table is provided.
  629. 625 IDL_M_X_DRAWTOOBIG %NWidth and Height must be less than %d on this X11 server.
  630. 626 IDL_M_X_SYNCMODE X Windows driver is in SYNC mode
  631. 627 IDL_M_CGM_NOCOLORMAP %NWarning - No colormap has been loaded into CGM driver.
  632. 628 IDL_M_CGM_CNTCNGOFILENCOD %NEncoding type cannot be changed on open CGM file.
  633. 629 IDL_M_MSWIN_ERR %NMicrosoft Windows Error: %s.
  634. 630 IDL_M_WIN_NOWRITEMASK %NWrite-masking unavailable for this operation.
  635. 631 IDL_M_WIN_DRAWTOOBIG %NWidth and Height must be less than 32000.
  636. 632 IDL_M_WIN_TVERR %NAn error has occurred. Unable to complete command.
  637. 633 IDL_M_WIN_CNTBYPASSTVECT %NBypassing translation vector not supported.
  638. 634 IDL_M_WIN_CNTDECOM %NNot a true color device, unable to set DECOMPOSED.
  639. 635 IDL_M_WIN_NOPRINTER %NNo printer currently connected.
  640. 636 IDL_M_WIN_CNTSETUPPRINTER %NUnable to setup printer.
  641. 637 IDL_M_WIN_NOPRINTPASSTH %NPASSTHROUGH function not supported by printer.
  642. 638 IDL_M_DDE_FAIL %NDDE failure: %s.
  643. 639 IDL_M_OBJ_BRIDGE_CNTADDMETHOD %NUnable to add method to %s bridge object: %s.
  644. 640 IDL_M_OBJ_BRIDGE_CNTCALLMETHOD %NUnable to call method %s.
  645. 641 IDL_M_OBJ_BRIDGE_CNTCALLARGERR %NUnable to call method %s. Error with parameter %d.
  646. 642 IDL_M_OBJ_BRIDGE_NOSUCHMETHOD %NNo such method for this object: %s.
  647. 643 IDL_M_OBJ_BRIDGE_DISPATCHERR %NError dispatching method.
  648. 644 IDL_M_OBJ_BRIDGE_KEYWORD %NKeyword parameters required.
  649. 645 IDL_M_OBJ_BRIDGE_PROPPARAMS %NOnly one keyword accepted when passing arguments.
  650. 646 IDL_M_OBJ_BRIDGE_CNTSAVE %NAttempt to save %s bridge object: %s.
  651. 647 IDL_M_OBJ_BRIDGE_CNTCALLPROPERTY %NUnable to access property %s.
  652. 648 IDL_M_OBJ_BRIDGE_BADPROPPARAM %NUnable to access proerty %s. Error with parameter %d.
  653. 649 IDL_M_OBJ_BRIDGE_INVALIDOBJECT %NRequested object doesn't exist.
  654. 650 IDL_M_OBJ_BRIDGE_PROCCALLASFUNC %NNo value to return. Method should be called as a procedure
  655. 651 IDL_M_EZ_TYPERR %NArgument %s be of type %s: %s.
  656. 652 IDL_M_EZ_DIMERR %NArgument %s be %s: %s.
  657. 653 IDL_M_EZ_BADMATRIX %NArgument %s %s: %s
  658. 654 IDL_M_EZ_MSG %N%s.
  659. 655 IDL_M_WIDGET_BADID %NInvalid widget identifier: %d.
  660. 656 IDL_M_WIDGET_NOVAL %NClass of specified widget has no value: %d
  661. 657 IDL_M_WIDGET_BADOP %N%s operation not allowed on widget window.
  662. 658 IDL_M_WIDGET_BADPARENT %NParent is of incorrect type.
  663. 659 IDL_M_WIDGET_SLIMAXMIN %NSlider maximum must be different from minimum.
  664. 660 IDL_M_WIDGET_VALOUTRNG %NVALUE keyword out of allowed range (min <= value <= max).
  665. 661 IDL_M_WIDGET_BADBUTTYP %NValue must be string or byte.
  666. 662 IDL_M_WIDGET_CNTGETBUTVAL %NUnable to obtain non-string button value.
  667. 663 IDL_M_WIDGET_DRAWVIEW %N(GET/SET)_DRAW_VIEW keyword requires scrolling draw widget
  668. 664 IDL_M_WIDGET_NOEVENTBADID %NBAD_ID keyword requires explicit Widget_Id plain argument.
  669. 665 IDL_M_WIDGET_BADEVSTRUC %NInvalid event returned by user event routine: %s.
  670. 666 IDL_M_WIDGET_KWNEEDSID %NSpecified keyword requires ID argument.
  671. 667 IDL_M_WIDGET_MUSTBEREAL %NRequest not allowed on unrealized widget.
  672. 668 IDL_M_WIDGET_NOMOREIDS All possible widget identifiers are in use.
  673. 669 IDL_M_WIDGET_NOOLHFILES No online help files found.
  674. 670 IDL_M_WIDGET_BADSENDEV %NInvalid SEND_EVENT value.
  675. 671 IDL_M_WIDGET_BADMBARPARENT %NOnly top level bases allow a menubar.
  676. 672 IDL_M_WIDGET_MBARCONFLICT %NTop level bases cannot have both the APP_MBAR and MBAR key
  677. 673 IDL_M_WIDGET_BADSCROLLPARENT %NModal windows do not allow a scrollbar.
  678. 674 IDL_M_WIDGET_BADTXTVAL %NUnable to get text widget value.
  679. 675 IDL_M_WIDGET_BADRESNAME %NUnknown resource: %s.
  680. 676 IDL_M_WIDGET_CNTPICKFILE %NUnable to create PICKFILE dialog.
  681. 677 IDL_M_WIDGET_NOMENUGEO %NGeometry request not allowed for menubar or pulldown menus
  682. 678 IDL_M_WIDGET_NOSETRCOFFSET %NRow/Column bases do not allow child offsets to be changed.
  683. 679 IDL_M_WIDGET_BADMODALITY %NOnly top level bases allow modality keywords.
  684. 680 IDL_M_WIDGET_BADKILLREQUEST %NOnly top level bases allow the TLB_KILL_REQUEST_EVENT keyw
  685. 681 IDL_M_WIDGET_INVALIDTYPFORKEYWORD %N%s keyword does not apply to specified widget type.
  686. 682 IDL_M_WIDGET_BADTBLDIMS %NValue has greater than 2 dimensions.
  687. 683 IDL_M_WIDGET_BADHDRLABEL %NTable header labels not a null string or a string array.
  688. 684 IDL_M_WIDGET_BADGRIDDIMS %NTable grid dimensions not numeric.
  689. 685 IDL_M_WIDGET_BADGRIDALIGN %NTable grid alignment not numeric.
  690. 686 IDL_M_WIDGET_NOSTRUCTARR %NMulti dimensional arrays of structures not allowed.
  691. 687 IDL_M_WIDGET_BADTBLSTRUCT %NStructures cannot include arrays or other structures.
  692. 688 IDL_M_WIDGET_NOTSTRUCT %NThe COLUMN_MAJOR keyword can only be used on structure val
  693. 689 IDL_M_WIDGET_BADGRIDFORMAT %NUnable to set format for table widget.
  694. 690 IDL_M_WIDGET_BADTBLDELETE %NUnable to delete rows and/or columns in table widget.
  695. 691 IDL_M_WIDGET_BADTBLINSERT %NUnable to insert rows and/or columns in table widget.
  696. 692 IDL_M_WIDGET_BADTBLVALUE %NScalar value NOT supported for table widget.
  697. 693 IDL_M_WIDGET_CONNECT %NUnable to establish X Connection.
  698. 694 IDL_M_WIDGET_LDRREQ %N%s top level bases must have a group leader specified.
  699. 695 IDL_M_WIDGET_LDRNOTALLOWED %NApplication top level bases cannot have a group leader.
  700. 696 IDL_M_WIDGET_LDRISMODAL %NNon-modal top level bases cannot have a modal group leader
  701. 697 IDL_M_WIDGET_LDRISFLOATING %NNon-floating, non-modal top level bases cannot have a floa
  702. 698 IDL_M_WIDGET_MODALMAPPED %NModal widget cannot be mapped/unmapped.
  703. 699 IDL_M_WIDGET_TBLOUTOFRANGE %NUSE_TABLE_SELECT value out of range.
  704. 700 IDL_M_WIDGET_CREATEFAIL %NCreation of widget unsuccessful.
  705. 701 IDL_M_WIDGET_DLGPRINTJOB %NUnable to display dialog_printjob status window.
  706. 702 IDL_M_WIDGET_SETPROPERTY %NUnable to set widget properties.
  707. 703 IDL_M_WIDGET_TIMERFAIL %NUnable to set timer.
  708. 704 IDL_M_WIDGET_DLGPICK_MULTIDIR %NSelecting multiple directories is not supported.
  709. 705 IDL_M_WIDGET_MONOCOMP_BMP %NCan't handle monochrome, compressed bitmaps.
  710. 706 IDL_M_WIDGET_INVALID_BMP %NInvalid BMP bitmap format.
  711. 707 IDL_M_WIDGET_OPEN_BMP %NCan't open bitmap file: %s
  712. 708 IDL_M_WIDGET_CNTPICKFILE_BUFSIZ %NDialog failure - Internal buffer of %Md bytes exceeded.
  713. 709 IDL_M_WIDGET_TAB_TITLE_FAIL %NSetting of the tab title failed.
  714. 710 IDL_M_WIDGET_TREE_NOT_FOLDER %NParent tree widget is not a folder.
  715. 711 IDL_M_WIDGET_TREE_BAD_BITMAP %NInvalid bitmap array. Bitmap array must have dimensions of
  716. 712 IDL_M_WIDGET_TREE_BAD_CHILD %NThe tree node is not a child of the given tree widget.
  717. 713 IDL_M_WIDGET_PSNOVALUE %NUnable to retrieve value for property %s.
  718. 714 IDL_M_WIDGET_PSNOID %NUnable to retrieve the property's identifier.
  719. 715 IDL_M_WIDGET_PSNOATTRIB %NUnable to retrieve the %s attribute of %s.
  720. 716 IDL_M_WIDGET_PSCONVERT %NUnable to convert value to type %s: Property %s.
  721. 717 IDL_M_WIDGET_PSBADENUMINDEX %NUnable to access item %d in range[0,%d] of the enumerated
  722. 718 IDL_M_WIDGET_PSNOENUMCOUNT %NUnable to retrieve the number of items in the enumerated l
  723. 719 IDL_M_WIDGET_PSNOFIND %NUnable to find property: '%s'.
  724. 720 IDL_M_WIDGET_PSNOREALIZECELL %NUnable to realize property sheet cell for %s.
  725. 721 IDL_M_WIDGET_EXCLUSIVE_BASE %NExclusive base must have exactly one set button.
  726. 722 IDL_M_WIDGET_TOOLTIP_NOMENU %NTooltips are not available for menu items.
  727. 723 IDL_M_WIDGET_PSNOCOMPS %NNo components associated with property sheet.
  728. 724 IDL_M_WIDGET_PSNOSPECIFY %NComponent must be specified.
  729. 725 IDL_M_WIDGET_PSINTERNAL %NInternal property sheet error: %s
  730. 726 IDL_M_WIDGET_PSNOTSAME %NAll objects must be of the same class.
  731. 727 IDL_M_WIDGET_PSNOTCOMPATIBLE %NProperty sheet's objects must have compatible property lis
  732. 728 IDL_M_WIDGET_PSNUMCOLUMNS %NProperty sheet can support up to %d objects.
  733. 729 IDL_M_WIDGET_BADACCEL %NIncorrectly formed ACCELERATOR keyword value.
  734. 730 IDL_M_WIDGET_NOMENUACCEL %NParents of submenus cannot use the ACCELERATOR keyword.
  735. 731 IDL_M_WIDGET_BADACCELMOD %NThis accelerator requires at least one modifier key.
  736. 732 IDL_M_WIDGET_BADGRIDCOLOR %NTable grid color not numeric.
  737. 733 IDL_M_WIDGET_BADGRIDATTRDIMS %NTable grid %s attribute has the wrong dimensions.
  738. 734 IDL_M_WIDGET_BADKEYWORDTYPE %NThe %s keyword must be%s of type %s.
  739. 735 IDL_M_WIDGET_NOCONTEXTACCEL %NContext menu items cannot use the ACCELERATOR keyword.
  740. 736 IDL_M_WIDGET_NOMENUBARIMAGE %NMenu bars items cannot be images.
  741. 737 IDL_M_WIDGET_TLB_ICONONLY %NOnly top level bases can have icons.
  742. 738 IDL_M_WIDGET_TLB_BADICONVALUE %NTop level base icons must be specified by a string, an arr
  743. 739 IDL_M_WIDGET_TLB_BADICONFILE %NWarning: could not create icon from file: %s
  744. 740 IDL_M_SHM_NOSUCHSEG %NShared Memory Segment not found: %s
  745. 741 IDL_M_SHM_REDEFSEG %NAttempt to redefine existing shared memory segment: %s
  746. 742 IDL_M_SHM_BADSTRUCT %NStructure shared memory mappings require use of the TEMPLA
  747. 743 IDL_M_SHM_CNTCREATE %NUnable to create shared memory segment.
  748. 744 IDL_M_SHM_SEGBADLEN %NUnable to set shared memory segment length.
  749. 745 IDL_M_SHM_CNTMAP %NUnable to map shared memory segment.
  750. 746 IDL_M_SHM_CNTUNMAP %NUnable to unmap shared memory segment.
  751. 747 IDL_M_SHM_CNTDESTROY %NUnable to destroy shared memory segment.
  752. 748 IDL_M_SHM_UNMAPPENDING %NSpecified shared memory segment pending unmap operation: %
  753. 749 IDL_M_SHM_VARTOOLONG %NRequested variable is too long for the underlying shared m
  754. 750 IDL_M_SHM_BADPOSIXSEGNAM %NPosix shared memory segment name must start with a slash a
  755. 751 IDL_M_SHM_VARRELEASE Variable released shared memory segment: %s
  756. 752 IDL_M_SHM_BADSEGTYPE Unable to use shared memory segment type on this platform: %
  757. 753 IDL_M_SHM_NOOSHANDLE %NOS_HANDLE and GET_OS_HANDLE keywords not allowed with this
  758. 754 IDL_M_SHM_SEGTOOSHORT %NExisting file too short for desired mapping.
  759. 755 IDL_M_SHM_BADWINSEGNAM %NWindows shared memory segment name must not contain any ba
  760. 756 IDL_M_SHM_CNTGETPAGESIZE %NUnable to determine system pagesize.
  761. 757 IDL_M_SHM_NEGOFFSET %NNegative offset is not allowed.
  762. 758 IDL_M_SHM_BADOFFSETALIGN %NThis machine cannot access data of type %s at this alignme
  763. 759 IDL_M_SHM_CNTSTATSEG %NUnable to obtain length of memory segment
  764. 760 IDL_M_SHM_NOPOSIX %NPosix shared memory not available on this system.
  765. 761 IDL_M_NR_SPLINTELTS %NArguments XA, YA, and Y2A must have the same number of ele
  766. 762 IDL_M_NR_WTNCOEF %NAllowed number of coefficients is 4, 12, or 20: %d.
  767. 763 IDL_M_NR_RK4VECELTS %NArguments Y and DYDX must have the same number of elements
  768. 764 IDL_M_NR_BADSPRM %NArgument is not a valid sparse matrix: %s
  769. 765 IDL_M_NR_BADSPRLEN %NSparse matrices not of same length: %s
  770. 766 IDL_M_NR_WRONGNUM %NIncorrect number of elements: %s
  771. 767 IDL_M_NR_SPARSEDUP %NDuplicate subscript encountered in Columns and Rows arrays
  772. 768 IDL_M_HEAPVAR_NOMOREIDS All possible heap variables are in use.
  773. 769 IDL_M_REQHEAPVAR %NObject or pointer type required in this context: %s.
  774. 770 IDL_M_CNTCONVTOPTR Unable to convert variable to type pointer.
  775. 771 IDL_M_CNTCONVFROMPTR Unable to convert variable from type pointer.
  776. 772 IDL_M_CNTCONVTOOBJREF Unable to convert variable to type object reference.
  777. 773 IDL_M_CNTCONVFROMOBJREF Unable to convert variable from type object reference.
  778. 774 IDL_M_ILLGL_PTR_OP Operation illegal with pointer types.
  779. 775 IDL_M_ILLGL_OBJREF_OP Operation illegal with object reference types.
  780. 776 IDL_M_REQPTR %NPointer type required in this context: %s.
  781. 777 IDL_M_REQOBJREF %NObject reference type required in this context: %s.
  782. 778 IDL_M_PTR_BAD %NInvalid pointer: %s.
  783. 779 IDL_M_OBJREF_BAD %NInvalid object reference: %s.
  784. 780 IDL_M_PTR_NULL %NUnable to dereference NULL pointer: %s.
  785. 781 IDL_M_PTR_CNTMKINDEXARR %NIndex initialization of pointer array is invalid.
  786. 782 IDL_M_OBJREF_CNTMKINDEXARR %NIndex initialization of object reference array is invalid.
  787. 783 IDL_M_OBJ_BADCLASS Undefined object class: %s.
  788. 784 IDL_M_OBJ_MUSTBENAMED Object class must be named.
  789. 785 IDL_M_OBJ_NULLMETHOD %NUnable to invoke method on NULL object reference: %s.
  790. 786 IDL_M_OBJ_NOTSUPERCLASS %s is not a superclass of object class %s.
  791. 787 IDL_M_UPRO_UNDEFMETHOD Attempt to call undefined method: '%s::%s'.
  792. 788 IDL_M_NOTSCLROBJREFORSTR %N: Argument must be an object reference or string: %s
  793. 789 IDL_M_OBJREF_NOTSCALAR %NObject reference must be scalar in this context: %s
  794. 790 IDL_M_OBJ_HIDEIDATA %NObject instance data is not visible outside class methods:
  795. 791 IDL_M_OBJ_BADLCCALL %NLifecycle methods cannot be called in this context.
  796. 792 IDL_M_OBJ_METHODNOTALLOWED %NObject method is not allowed in this context.
  797. 793 IDL_M_OBJ_INITKILL %NAttempt to destroy an object within its INIT method: %s.
  798. 794 IDL_M_HEAPVAR_NEGREFCOUNT Negative reference count: %s, refcount=%d.
  799. 795 IDL_M_OBJ_OVLSUPERCLASSNODOTINDICES %NSuperclass does not support indexing of structure tag: %s.
  800. 796 IDL_M_OBJ_OVLILLEGALVALUE %NIllegal value returned by %s method for variable: %s.
  801. 797 IDL_M_OBJ_OVL_NOSTRUCTNEST %NNested structure references are not allowed with objects.
  802. 798 IDL_M_OBJ_OVL_NOSUBSCRIPT %NSubscripts are not allowed with object properties.
  803. 799 IDL_M_OBJ_NONSTATIC %NAttempt to make a static call to a non-static method.
  804. 800 IDL_M_NUMCPU Unable to determine number of CPUs in system.
  805. 801 IDL_M_THR_TOOMANY %NWarning: Using more threads (%d) than the number of CPUs i
  806. 802 IDL_M_THR_INTERR Internal threading error: %s (%s calling %s).
  807. 803 IDL_M_THR_DISABLED %NThreading disabled due to previous errors.
  808. 804 IDL_M_TPOOL_TOOMANYTHR %NRequested number of threads must be (1 <= n <= !CPU.TPOOL_
  809. 805 IDL_M_THR_AIXSYSSCOPE AIX IDL cannot be used with process scope threads. In order
  810. 806 IDL_M_GR2_BADROTAXIS %NRotation Axis must be a three element vector
  811. 807 IDL_M_GR2_BADSHAREOBJTYP %NShared Data object is the incorrect class
  812. 808 IDL_M_GR2_POINTERROR %NError building point array
  813. 809 IDL_M_GR2_SURFZ2DIM %NDATAZ must be a 2 dimension array.
  814. 810 IDL_M_GR2_SURFDATAXYDIMS %N%s must be a 1 or 2 dimension array.
  815. 811 IDL_M_GR2_SURFDATALEN %N%s array size must match Z data size
  816. 812 IDL_M_GR2_SURFNODATA %N%s not allowed with object containing no %s data
  817. 813 IDL_M_GR2_PALETTERGBLEN %NRed, Green, and Blue vector lengths must match.
  818. 814 IDL_M_GR2_NORENDERER %NNo Graphic Renderer available
  819. 815 IDL_M_GR2_CREBACKPIXFAIL %NCreation of backing store pixmap failed. Requesting backi
  820. 816 IDL_M_GR2_X_NOBACKPIXSUPP %NPixmap rendering is not supported on X server. Switching r
  821. 817 IDL_M_GR2_NOSUPPPIXMAP %NIDLgrWindow Pixmaps not supported on X server
  822. 818 IDL_M_GR2_NOSHAREAVAIL %NNo SHARE_DATA available.
  823. 819 IDL_M_GR2_PARTNOCONN %N %s property cannot be set without %s being set.
  824. 820 IDL_M_GR2_PAT_BADARR %N%s must have %s elements.
  825. 821 IDL_M_GR2_VEC_COINC %N%s and %s vectors are coincident.
  826. 822 IDL_M_GR2_BADACQUIREPIX %NFailure to acquire pixmap rendering context.
  827. 823 IDL_M_GR2_BADACQUIREWIN %NFailure to acquire window rendering context.
  828. 824 IDL_M_GR2_BADACQUIRE %NUnable to acquire device context.
  829. 825 IDL_M_GR2_ADDLOOP %NObjects cannot appear twice in a graphics tree: %s
  830. 826 IDL_M_GR2_ADDTWOPARENTS %NObjects can only have one parent at a time: %s
  831. 827 IDL_M_GR2_BAD2DIMS %N%s must be a (%s, %s) dimensional array.
  832. 828 IDL_M_GR2_BADPOLYARRS %NError, numbers of vertices, normals, and texture coordinat
  833. 829 IDL_M_GR2_BADCONNECT %NError, invalid connectivity list detected (%s).
  834. 830 IDL_M_GR2_IMAGEARRDIM %NOnly %s dimensional arrays allowed.
  835. 831 IDL_M_GR2_IMAGECHANNELS %NNumber of image channels cannot exceed 4. Check INTERLEAV
  836. 832 IDL_M_GR2_IMAGERENDERMETHOD %N%s not supported when RENDER_METHOD is 1.
  837. 833 IDL_M_GR2_IMAGECIDEST %N%s not supported when destination has COLOR_MODEL 1.
  838. 834 IDL_M_GR2_IMAGETILESTRUCT %NInvalid IDLIMAGETILE structure %s.
  839. 835 IDL_M_GR2_IMAGETILELEVEL %NImage level out of range (0,%d).
  840. 836 IDL_M_GR2_IMAGETILEDATADIMS %NTile data dimensions do not match TileInfo struct.
  841. 837 IDL_M_GR2_IMAGETILEDEST %NInvalid destination object in IDLIMAGETILE struct.
  842. 838 IDL_M_GR2_IMAGETILELOC %NTile is not aligned on tile boundary.
  843. 839 IDL_M_GR2_IMAGETILEDIMS %NTile size is not a multiple of tile dimensions.
  844. 840 IDL_M_GR2_IMAGETILEPOS %NTile position outside image bounds.
  845. 841 IDL_M_GR2_IMAGETILESIZE %NTile size is out of bounds.
  846. 842 IDL_M_GR2_IMAGETILECIDEST %NTiling not supported in color index mode.
  847. 843 IDL_M_GR2_IMAGETILEFORMAT %NTile data does not match image format.
  848. 844 IDL_M_GR2_IMAGETILENODIMS %NTILED_IMAGE_DIMENSIONS needs to be set on a tiled image.
  849. 845 IDL_M_GR2_IMAGETILEVECMODE %NCannot draw tiled image in Vector mode.
  850. 846 IDL_M_GR2_IMAGETILERM %NTiling not supported when IDLgrImage RENDER_METHOD is 1
  851. 847 IDL_M_GR2_IMAGETILEVRML %NTiling not supported on VRML device.
  852. 848 IDL_M_GR2_IMAGETILEBORDER %NMaximum border size is %d.
  853. 849 IDL_M_GR2_IMAGENOTTILED %NImage is not tiled.
  854. 850 IDL_M_GR2_IMAGENOMULTITILES %NMultiple tiles not permitted in call to %s.
  855. 851 IDL_M_GR2_IMAGEREADTILEKW %NImage is tiled, the TILE keyword must be set.
  856. 852 IDL_M_GR2_IMAGEDIMERR %NOnly set IMAGE_1D, IMAGE_2D or IMAGE_3D
  858. 854 IDL_M_GR2_TESS_NOPOLYS %NObject contains no %spolygons.
  859. 855 IDL_M_GR2_TESS_NOGLU %NUnable to allocate internal tessellator object.
  860. 856 IDL_M_GR2_AXIS_ARRORSC %N%s must be a scalar or an array.
  861. 857 IDL_M_GR2_VOL_MAXVOL %NThe maximum number of %s is %d.
  862. 858 IDL_M_GR2_VOL_BYTVOL %N%s must be of type %s.
  863. 859 IDL_M_GR2_VOL_VOLWARN %NWarning: New volume data with new dimensions forced remova
  864. 860 IDL_M_GR2_VOL_BADVAL %N%s values must be %s.
  865. 861 IDL_M_GR2_VOL_NODATA %N%s contains no valid data.
  866. 862 IDL_M_GR2_VOL_NOZBUFF %N%s requires Zbuffering be enabled.
  867. 863 IDL_M_GR2_ZEROSCENE %NWidth and Height must be greater than zero.
  868. 864 IDL_M_CRSUNKNOWN %NUnknown cursor type specified: %s
  869. 865 IDL_M_CONT_BADRANGE %NPosition value out of range
  870. 866 IDL_M_CONT_EMPTY %NContainer is empty
  871. 867 IDL_M_CONT_BADPOSOBJ %NNumber of position elements does not match the number of o
  872. 868 IDL_M_CONT_BADSRC %NSource position value is out of range
  873. 869 IDL_M_CONT_BADDST %NDestination position value is out of range
  874. 870 IDL_M_GR2_TESS_ERROR %NTessellate error: %s.
  875. 871 IDL_M_GR2_BADSRCDEST %NUnable to create device context: %s.
  876. 872 IDL_M_GR2_BADWINDIM %NWindow DIMENSION[%d] exceeds maximum. Clamping to screen d
  877. 873 IDL_M_GR2_BADCTXT %NUnable to acquire a GL context.
  878. 874 IDL_M_GR2_AXISLOGTIME %NLOG not allowed with Date/Time TICKUNITS. Setting LOG prop
  879. 875 IDL_M_CLIP_BADPLANE %NA cutting plane requires an array of four values.
  880. 876 IDL_M_CLIP_BADAUXDATA %NSecondary data must have at least one element per vertex.
  881. 877 IDL_M_CLIP_BADAUXDIM %NSecondary data final dimension must match the number of ve
  882. 878 IDL_M_CLIP_REQKEYWORD %NThe %s keyword is required with the %s keyword.
  883. 879 IDL_M_CLIP_BADTETRA %NInvalid tetrahedron connectivity.
  884. 880 IDL_M_CLIP_BADSURF %NUnable to insert a polygon face.
  885. 881 IDL_M_CLIP_BADDIMS %NInput data must have 3 dimensions.
  886. 882 IDL_M_CLIP_BADVERTS %NInsufficient number of vertex values.
  887. 883 IDL_M_CLIP_BADCONN %NInvalid polygon connectivity.
  888. 884 IDL_M_CLIP_ISOEQUAL %NThe two isovalues cannot be equal.
  889. 885 IDL_M_PTBADGRIDDIMS %NData must be a 3 x X x Y x Z or 2 x X x Y array.
  890. 886 IDL_M_PTBADANISOTROPY %NAnisotropy values must be greater than zero.
  891. 887 IDL_M_PTBADSEEDDIMS %NInvalid seed array dimensions/length.
  893. 889 IDL_M_DECIM_BADPERCENTVAL %NPERCENT values must be between 0.0 and 100.0.
  894. 890 IDL_M_DECIM_BADSMOOTHDIMS %NVertex array must be 3 by n.
  895. 891 IDL_M_SMOOTH_BADITERATIONS %NITERATIONS must be greater than zero.
  896. 892 IDL_M_SMOOTH_BADXYZSIZE %NX,Y and Z arrays must have have same number of points.
  897. 893 IDL_M_SMOOTH_BADVINDEX %NInvalid vertex index.
  898. 894 IDL_M_GR2_EXCEEDMAXCLIP %NTotal number of requested clipping planes exceeds supporte
  899. 895 IDL_M_GR2_INSUFFVERTS %NNeed at least %d vertices for object.
  900. 896 IDL_M_GR2_SURFBADXY %NBoth X and Y arguments must be provided if X is provided.
  901. 897 IDL_M_GR2_TESS_INT_IGN %NThe INTERIOR keyword is ignored. The tessellator uses the
  902. 898 IDL_M_GR2_TESS_AUX_REQ %NThe AUXDATA keyword must be specified on all or none of th
  903. 899 IDL_M_GR2_BADHERITAGE %NUnable to retrieve %s from graphics hierarchy.
  904. 900 IDL_M_GR2_BADDESTDIM %N%s DIMENSION[%d] exceeds maximum. Clamping to %d pixels.
  905. 901 IDL_M_GR2_PRT_NODFLT %NUnable to retrieve default printer information.
  906. 902 IDL_M_GR2_PRT_ENDPGERR %NError ending current page.
  907. 903 IDL_M_GR2_PRT_ENDDOCERR %NError ending current document.
  908. 904 IDL_M_GR2_PRT_CREERR %NUnable to create printer.
  909. 905 IDL_M_GR2_PRT_INSTERR %N%s not allowed on %s devices.
  910. 906 IDL_M_GR2_PRT_STRDOCERR %NError starting new document.
  911. 907 IDL_M_GR2_PRT_STRPGERR %NError starting new page.
  912. 908 IDL_M_GR2_PRT_BADRENDALLOC %NError Allocing Render Buffer.
  913. 909 IDL_M_GR2_OBJ_NOVIEW %NNo %s could be found for %s.
  914. 910 IDL_M_GR2_PRT_NOIMSUPP %NPrinter does not support image operations.
  915. 911 IDL_M_GR2_PRT_BADBAND %NError writing current band to printer.
  916. 912 IDL_M_GR2_PRT_BADQAULITY %NError setting print quality.
  917. 913 IDL_M_GR2_PRT_BADCOPIES %NError setting number of copies.
  918. 914 IDL_M_GR2_VIEW_BADZCLIP %NZCLIP near value must be greater than far value.
  919. 915 IDL_M_GR2_VIEW_BADEYEZCLIP %NWarning: EYE must be greater than the ZCLIP near value. EY
  920. 916 IDL_M_GR2_TESS_BADDATA %NInvalid data%s cannot be used in the tessellator object.
  921. 917 IDL_M_GR2_BADACQUIRESIZE %NRendering context too large. Maximum size %dx%d.
  922. 918 IDL_M_GR2_BADARRAYLENGTHS %NInput arrays must have the same number of elements.
  923. 919 IDL_M_GR2_NORENDERERSUPP %NUnable to support %s color mode via the requested renderer
  924. 920 IDL_M_GR2_PALETTEBADTABLE %NColor table number %d is out of the valid range (0,%d).
  925. 921 IDL_M_GR2_NULLGRAPHTREE %NThe GRAPHICS_TREE property must be set to an object refere
  926. 922 IDL_M_GR2_CONTCHANGEWARN %NWarning: adding or removing objects during a draw requires
  927. 923 IDL_M_GR2_UNIMPLEMENTED %N%s is currently unimplemented.
  928. 924 IDL_M_GR2_PIXMAP_OBSOLETE %NObject graphics PIXMAPs are obsolete. Use the IDLgrBuffer
  929. 925 IDL_M_GR2_BADKEYWORDCLASS %NThe %s keyword is not allowed with this %s class.
  930. 926 IDL_M_GR2_BADALIASPATH %NThe list of aliases in PATH could not be followed.
  931. 927 IDL_M_GR2_CNTLOADSOFTDEV Unable to load the default GR2 software device
  932. 928 IDL_M_GR2_CNTADDPROPWINOBJ Unable to add properties window object.
  933. 929 IDL_M_GR2_COMPALIASONLY %NThe ALIAS keyword is only allowed for IDLgrComponent class
  934. 930 IDL_M_GR2_BADRESTORE %NThe object could not be successfully restored.
  935. 931 IDL_M_GR2_NORECURSE %N%s cannot be called recursively.
  936. 932 IDL_M_GR2_BADCURSORARR %NInvalid Cursor array size. Must contain 16 elements.
  937. 933 IDL_M_GR2_SHADERCOMPILEFAILURE %NShader Program Compilation/Linkage Error. Log: %s
  938. 934 IDL_M_GR2_CHAINCOMPILEFAILURE %NShader Program Compilation/Linkage Error at position %d in
  939. 935 IDL_M_GR2_SHADERUNIFORMDIMS %NUniform variable dimensions must match shader program unif
  940. 936 IDL_M_GR2_SHADERFILTERBADRETURN %NFilter method returning incompatible data.
  941. 937 IDL_M_GR2_SHADERUNIFORMOBJ %N Object arguments must be of type IDLgrImage.
  942. 938 IDL_M_GR2_FILTERCHAINADD %N Only IDLgrShader objects may be added to IDLgrFilterChain
  943. 939 IDL_M_GR2_READBACKNOFBO %N Unable to read filtered image data, graphics card does no
  944. 940 IDL_M_GR2_READBACKDEST %N Invalid destination object: %s
  945. 941 IDL_M_GR2_NOMULTITEXTILE %N Cannot use tiled IDLgrImage as additional texture map.
  946. 942 IDL_M_GR2_SETINTERNALUNIFORM %N Cannot set internal uniform variable %s.
  947. 943 IDL_M_GR2_FILTERCHAINNOTIMAGE %N Cannot set IDLgrFilterChain on graphics object other than
  948. 944 IDL_M_GR1_PRT_OPENERR %NError opening printer.
  949. 945 IDL_M_GR1_PRT_PAGEORIEN %NError setting page orientation.
  950. 946 IDL_M_GR1_PRT_STRPAGEDOC %NError starting new page. Closing new document.
  951. 947 IDL_M_GR1_PRT_NOHDWRFONT %NNo hardware font set in printer.
  952. 948 IDL_M_GR1_PRT_ENDPAGEDOC %NError ending page. Closing new document.
  953. 949 IDL_M_GR1_PRT_SCALEFAC %NUnable to set scale factor.
  954. 950 IDL_M_GR1_PRT_POLYERR %NDevice polygon draw failure.
  955. 951 IDL_M_GR1_PRT_PALFAIL %NError creating device colortable.
  956. 952 IDL_M_GR1_PRT_RESETFAIL %NError setting new printer attributes.
  957. 953 IDL_M_GR1_MF_OPENERR %NError opening metafile: %s
  958. 954 IDL_M_GR1_MF_CLOSEERR %NError closing metafile: %s
  959. 955 IDL_M_GR1_MF_NOHDWRFONT %NNo hardware font set in metafile.
  960. 956 IDL_M_GR1_MF_POLYERR %NDevice polygon draw failure.
  961. 957 IDL_M_GR1_MF_GRERROR %NError creating graphic resource.
  962. 958 IDL_M_GR1_MF_BADXSIZE %NInvalid XSIZE value. Values must be greater than 0.
  963. 959 IDL_M_GR1_MF_BADYSIZE %NInvalid YSIZE value. Values must be greater than 0.
  964. 960 IDL_M_IMGSTATS_ISLUTOUT %NData value outside LUT range.
  965. 961 IDL_M_IMGSTATS_ISLUTNONINT %NLUT used with non-integer data.
  966. 962 IDL_M_IMGSTATS_ISBADMASKDIMS %NMask dimensions incompatible with input data.
  967. 963 IDL_M_IMGSTATS_ISBADKERNELDIMS %NKernel dimensions incompatible with input data.
  968. 964 IDL_M_IMGSTATS_ISEVENKERNELDIM %NKernel dimensions must be odd.
  969. 965 IDL_M_IMGSTATS_ISBADTYPE %NBad %s data type.
  971. 967 IDL_M_ROI_NOTPARALLELPLANES %NPlanes must be parallel.
  972. 968 IDL_M_ROI_NOTPOLY %NROI type cannot be point or path.
  973. 969 IDL_M_ROI_SELFINT %NROIgroup cap cannot be self-intersecting.
  974. 970 IDL_M_ROI_INCOMPATTYPES %NROIgroup cannot contain ROIs of different types.
  975. 971 IDL_M_IT_NOPROPDESC %NUnable to register property descriptors: %s.
  976. 972 IDL_M_IT_BADOBSERVER %N%s does not support the proper interface to be a %s observ
  977. 973 IDL_M_IT_BADEVENTTYPE %NInvalid IDLitWindow event structure. Discarding.
  978. 974 IDL_M_IT_PROPNOTREG %NProperty has not been registered: %s.
  979. 975 IDL_M_IT_PROPREQATTR %NAttribute %s is required for Property type %s.
  980. 976 IDL_M_IT_PROPTYPEMISS %NProperty Type argument or keyword must be specified.
  981. 977 IDL_M_IT_PROPBADTYPE %NProperty Type is out of range: %d
  982. 978 IDL_M_IT_IDENTBADCHAR %NThe identifier property value cannot contain '/' character
  983. 979 IDL_M_IT_SELFPARENT %NObject cannot be the parent of itself: %s
  984. 980 IDL_M_OLH_NOSUCHFILE Help file not found: %s
  985. 981 IDL_M_OLH_ASSIST_STARTING %NStarting the IDL online help assistant.
  986. 982 IDL_M_OLH_ASSIST_BADACK %NUnable to obtain socket from help assistant.
  987. 983 IDL_M_OLH_ECLIPSE_STARTING %NStarting the online help browser.
  988. 984 IDL_M_OLH_ECLIPSE_SHUTDOWN %NShutting down the online help server.
  989. 985 IDL_M_OLH_ASSIST_NOSUPPORT %NThe IDL online help assistant is not available on this pla
  990. 986 IDL_M_OLH_HELP_STARTING %NStarting help.
  991. 987 IDL_M_PREF_UNKNOWN %NUnknown preference: %s.
  992. 988 IDL_M_PREF_OBSINDISTFILE %NObsolete preference in distribution preference file: %s.
  993. 989 IDL_M_PREF_NOVALUE %NPreference requires non-empty value: %s.
  994. 990 IDL_M_PREF_BADVALUE %NInvalid preference value (%s) for type %s: %s.
  995. 991 IDL_M_PREF_BADRANGE %NPreference value (%s) is outside allowed range %s: %s.
  996. 992 IDL_M_PREF_FILESYNTAX %NSyntax error on line %d of preference file: %s.
  997. 993 IDL_M_PREF_EXTSRCONLY %NThe value of this preference can only be set via an extern
  998. 994 IDL_M_PREF_READONLY %NPreference value is read only because it has a current eff
  999. 995 IDL_M_PREF_OBSMIGRATE %s was used by older versions of IDL to %s. It is present an
  1000. 996 IDL_M_PREF_OBSWARN %s was used by older versions of IDL to %s, but is ignored b
  1001. 997 IDL_M_FT_LIB %NFreeType library failure (FreeType error info: (%d) %s).
  1002. 998 IDL_M_FT_NEW_FACE %NUnable to load font (Font: %s) (FreeType error info: (%d)
  1003. 999 IDL_M_FT_GLYPH %NUnable to access glyph (Glyph code: %d) (FreeType error in
  1004. 1000 IDL_M_FT_SELECT_CHARMAP %NSelect Charmap failure (Encoding: 0x%08x) (FreeType error
  1005. 1001 IDL_M_FT_SET_CHAR_SIZE %NSet Char Size failure (FreeType error info: (%d) %s).
  1006. 1002 IDL_M_VAR_ILLATTRIBUTE Illegal variable attribute: %s.
  1007. 1003 IDL_M_VAR_ATTRNOMODIFY Variable attributes cannot be modified.
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