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Sep 25th, 2017
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  1. 1. skipped class? a LOT in college, but it was more like sleeping through it, not actively skipping (although i guess i did that some too). but i never missed a lesson or a rehearsal. just class ;)
  2. 2. done drugs? not interested
  3. 3. self harmed? no
  4. 4. drank? I like to drink casually (1 or 2), but i don't like to get drunk very often. Craft beer / homebrew / bourbon.
  5. 5. Shoplifted? nope
  6. 6. tattoo? no. I want to want a tattoo, but there isn't anything i'd put on my body forever that isn't dumb.
  7. 7. broken up? yeah
  8. 8. show? breaking bad / star trek TNG tie
  9. 9. movie? depends completely on my mood but i've seen The Big Lebowski about 20 trillion times
  10. 10. song? classical music i'm a hopeless romantic so Chopin piano concerto no. 2 is my favorite *piece* (esp the secondary theme in the 1st mvmt and the entire 2nd mvmt). but the question is "song" so... Man in the Mirror by MJ
  11. 11. no tumblr lol i'm old
  12. 12. singer/band - the beatles
  13. 13. memory - this is a dumb question, but probably when my son was born. it was terrifying but i've never felt so much love.
  14. 14. book - i read nonfiction mostly, but in HS i really liked the Ender series
  15. 15. invisible or fly - fly, i don't really see the point of being invisible. this flight better be super fast so i don't have to ride in an airplane ever again
  16. 16. cookies.
  17. 17. FB/twitter - twitter. i end up just scrolling super fast through my FB feed. i talk to my IRL friends IRL.
  18. 18. books or movies - movies. but the feeling of being halfway through a fantastic fiction book is better than any movie i think. i just don't read fiction very often.
  19. 19. coke of sprite - beer? lol. coke zero.
  20. 20. deaf/blind - i'm a musician - but i say deaf. i can remember music / read it and hear it in my head. blindness would be terrifying.
  21. 21. tea/coffee - COFFEE. i roast my own!
  22. 22. age - i'm 32
  23. 23. lol astrology but Virgo
  24. 24. height 5'7"
  25. 25. orientation? straight
  26. 26. shoe? 9
  27. 27. religion? atheism is not a religion
  28. 28. longest relationship - been with my wife since 2007
  29. 29. gay rights - in favor of. somewhere in a dresser at my mom's house i have a newspaper clipping of when Massachusetts became the first state to legalize the gay
  30. 30. that's kind of a dumb yes/no question but this is a meme anyway so yes
  31. 31. they are hard and they rarely work out
  32. 32. abortion - should be available to anyone, as should comprehensive sex ed and contraceptives.
  33. 33. death penalty - fuck no
  34. 34. weed - why is it illegal?
  35. 35. opinion on love? it's ok i guess if i have to
  36. 36. ghosts - see 27
  37. 37. shower - facing away, i'm not a madman
  38. 38. i sleep with the door closed unless the cat hasn't come into the bed yet. if i close it before then he squeaks at the door until i open it.
  39. 39. love someone - i love a lot of people, but this seems to mean in particular, so i'll say wife and kid(soon to be S)
  40. 40. still watch cartoons - like i said i have a kid so absolutely yes.
  41. 41. wife
  42. 42. I absolutely have faults, but I'm aware and honest with myself about them and don't let them get me down (unless one of my faults is not being aware of any faults, which i would have no way of knowing). I'm good with me.
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