
#istandwithmaryamrajavi campaign

Jul 22nd, 2018
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  1. 1) #istandwithmaryamrajavi because she’s the voice of the women in #Iran whose voices are suppressed by the current regime and are calling for #FreeIran2018
  2. 2) #istandwithmaryamrajavi because her 10 Point Plan will lead us to a #FreeIran2018
  3. 3) #istandwithmaryamrajavi ‘s 10 Point Plan because a Free #Iran is one with separation of church and state -#FreeIran2018
  4. 4) #istandwithmaryamrajavi because a #FreeIran is one where women and men are equal in society, their workplace, and at home #FreeIran2018
  5. 5) #istandwithmaryamrajavi because she’s wants to abolish the death penalty which has murdered hundreds of thousands of innocent people in Iran, under the mullahs regime. #FreeIran2018
  6. 6) #istandwithmaryamrajavi so that I can live in a #FreeIran2018 where I feel safe to speak my opinion and not be executed for it
  7. 7) #istandwithmaryamrajavi because I want my voice to be heard through free and authentic elections in a #FreeIran2018
  8. 8) #istandwithmaryamrajavi because she inspires me to voice my opinion and stand up for the #FreeIran2018 I believe in
  9. 9) #istandwithmaryamrajavi due to her decision to end the death penalty #FreeIran2018
  10. 10) #istandwithmaryamrajavi because nuclear weapons should not be running a #FreeIran2018
  11. 11) #istandwithmaryamrajavi because she will carry out her word & stop the injustice happening in #Iran under the mullah’s dictatorship-#FreeIran2018
  12. “injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere”
  13. 12) #istandwithmaryamrajavi who has spoken up for the silenced women in Iran and strives for a #FreeIran2018 with equal opportunities
  14. 13) the reason #istandwithmaryamrajavi is due to her determination to eliminate the mullahs and their patriarchal ways for a #FreeIran2018
  15. 14) #istandwithmaryamrajavi because her determination is unheard of and she will lead us to a #FreeIran2018
  16. 15) #istandwithmaryamrajavi to help the people of Iran reclaim a #FreeIran2018 where men, women, and children are all equal
  17. 16) #istandwithmaryamrajavi because she stands for what is right and equality for all #FreeIran2018
  18. 17) #istandwithmaryamrajavi because I believe in fair representation #FreeIran2018
  19. 18) #istandwithmaryamrajavi because everyone will have the right to a fair and public trial #FreeIran2018
  20. 19) #istandwithmaryamrajavi because she is the peaceful solution to the violent problem which is the regime #FreeIran2018
  21. 20) the reason #istandwithmaryamrajavi is I don’t believe Iran has a fair judicial system #FreeIran2018
  22. 21) #istandwithmaryamrajavi because we need more strong, fierce, and fair leaders in the world #FreeIran2018
  23. 22) #istandwithmaryamrajavi because as #thealternative, she covers all bases of what I want my #FreeIran2018 to be!
  24. 23) #istandwithmaryamrajavi because I want a democratic #Iran with free elections #FreeIran2018
  25. 24) #istandwithmaryamrajavi because I don’t want to be afraid of being myself #FreeIran2018
  26. 25) #istandwithmaryamrajavi because a peaceful Iran means a peaceful world #FreeIran2018
  27. 26) #istandwithmaryamrajavi because a #FreeIran2018 is no place for weapons of mass destruction
  28. 27) #istandwithmaryamrajavi because a strong economy should be reliant on small businesses having more power to make their own choices that benefit both them and the people. #FreeIran2018
  29. 28) #istandwithmaryamrajavi in order to support the fierce women in Iran who have been silenced by the mullah’s dictatorship #FreeIran2018
  30. 29) #istandwithmaryamrajavi because the revolution belongs to the Iranian people #FreeIran2018
  31. 30) #istandwithmaryamrajavi because everyone should be able to express themselves freely and without judgement or punishment from the government #FreeIran2018
  32. 31) #istandwithmaryamrajavi because of her commitment to prohibit any form of discrimination against the followers of any religion and denomination #FreeIran2018
  33. 32) #istandwithmaryamrajavi since I want complete gender equality in politics, the society, and the economy #FreeIran2018
  34. 33) #istandwithmaryamrajavi because she stands for the equal participation of women in political leadership #FreeIran2018
  35. 34) #istandwithmaryamrajavi who supports a legal system with the right to defense, effective judicial protection, and the right to be tried in a public court. #FreeIran2018
  36. 35) #istandwithmaryamrajavi because she is committed to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights #FreeIran2018
  37. 36) #istandwithmaryamrajavi because she’s committed to a #FreeIran2018 with peaceful global coexistence
  38. 37) #istandwithmaryamrajavi because all Iranians should enjoy equal opportunity in employment and business decisions #FreeIran2018
  39. 38) #istandwithmaryamrajavi because I look forward to living in a non-nuclear #FreeIran2018
  40. 39) #istandwithmaryamrajavi because I have a dream of a non-violent #FreeIran2018 with equal opportunities for all
  41. 40) #istandwithmaryamrajavi because a pluralist system that has freedom of parties and assembly is what the people of Iran want #FreeIran2018
  42. 41) #istandwithmaryamrajavi because it’s time for Iran to have a female leader! #FreeIran2018
  43. 42) #istandwithmaryamrajavi because a legitimate ballot box is the only way that the voice of Iran’s people will be heard #FreeIran2018
  44. 43) #istandwithmaryamrajavi because the hundreds and thousands of people that have been executed by the regime sacrificed their lives for a #FreeIran2018
  45. 44) #istandwithmaryamrajavi because a #FreeIran2018 following her 10 Point Plan is the only Iran that would make everyone happy
  46. 45) #istandwithmaryamrajavi because International personalities and politicians stand with her by supporting her 10 point plan #FreeIran2018
  47. 46) #istandwithmaryamrajavi ‘s free and non-nuclear Iran because a peaceful Iran is the only way to go #FreeIran2018
  48. 47) #istandwithmaryamrajavi because she’s committed to abolishing the mullahs’ Sharia law #FreeIran2018
  49. 48) #istandwithmaryamrajavi because women will have the right to choosing whether or not they want the hijab or not #FreeIran2018
  50. 49) #istandwithmaryamrajavi because women will have their individual freedom of self-expression #FreeIran2018
  51. 50) #istandwithmaryamrajavi because she is #thealternative! Capable of creating a free and democratic #Iran #FreeIran2018
  52. 51) #IStandWithMaryamRajavi because she inspires me to thrive. She’ll make #FreeIran2018 a reality
  53. 52) #IStandWithMaryamRajavi with her motto “we can & we must!” she’s taught me nothing is impossible! #FreeIran2018
  54. 53) #IStandWithMaryamRajavi with her infinite love & passion she will be a remedy to the pains of the #Iran pple #FreeIran2018
  55. 54) #IStandWithMaryamRajavi with her leadership #Iran with triumph and take its righteous place in international community #FreeIran2018
  56. 55) #IStandWithMaryamRajavi because she encourages freedom of expression & salutes individuality in a #FreeIran2018
  57. 56) #IStandWithMaryamRajavi because growing up I learned from her example never to accept any limitations, they are all glass ceilings which need to be shattered! #FreeIran2018
  58. 57) #IStandWithMaryamRajavi because she hears the cries of #Iran pple throughout the #IranProtests and stands by them #FreeIran2018
  59. 58) #IStandWithMaryamRajavi she wants a peaceful relationship with the world #FreeIran2018
  60. 59) #IStandWithMaryamRajavi because with her Iran will be prosperous and child workers & phenomenons such as the sale of organs will be illuminated #FreeIran2018
  61. 60) #IStandWithMaryamRajavi because I don’t want children of my country’s only memory of their fathers/mothers to be visiting them behind prison walls for wanting #FreeIran2018
  62. 61) #IStandWithMaryamRajavi so we can accomplish a #FreeIran2018 where girls like Reyhaneh won’t be executed for defending themselves
  63. 62) #IStandWithMaryamRajavi so we can accomplish a #FreeIran2018 where cranes will be used for construction and not destruction of lives
  64. 63) #IStandWithMaryamRajavi so we can accomplish a #FreeIran2018 where Maryam’s won’t be imprisoned for seeking justice for the execution of their siblings in #1988Massacre
  65. 64) #IStandWithMaryamRajavi so we can accomplish a #FreeIran2018 where I don’t have to worry about being stopped by the morality police every time I leave the house
  66. 65) #IStandWithMaryamRajavi so we can accomplish a #FreeIran2018 where music and arts will be valued and the arts will flourish
  67. 66) #IStandWithMaryamRajavi so we can accomplish a #FreeIran2018 where women will excel under her leadership
  68. 67) #IStandWithMaryamRajavi so we can accomplish a #FreeIran2018 where how I choose to dress is my own choice
  69. 68) #IStandWithMaryamRajavi so we can accomplish a #FreeIran2018 where #Iran will be considered a source of stability and peace in the region and the world, not a destabilizing force
  70. 69) #IStandWithMaryamRajavi so we can accomplish a #FreeIran2018 where #Iran will be an example for a vibrant and democratic society
  71. 70) #IStandWithMaryamRajavi so we can accomplish a #FreeIran2018 where no one has to fear being persecuted for their religious beliefs or non-beliefs
  72. 71) #IStandWithMaryamRajavi so we can accomplish a #FreeIran2018 where stoning and amputations of arms and limbs will be a thing of the past
  73. 72) #IStandWithMaryamRajavi so we can accomplish a #FreeIran2018 where we don’t have to see little girls drawing the image of their father’s execution
  74. 73) #IStandWithMaryamRajavi so we can accomplish a #FreeIran2018 where no one will have to sell their organs to make ends meet
  75. 74) #IStandWithMaryamRajavi so we can accomplish a #FreeIran2018 where our college educated youth won’t have to turn to becoming border couriers and losing their lives this way
  76. 75) #IStandWithMaryamRajavi so we can accomplish a #FreeIran2018 where athletes will be respected and celebrated, not becoming street peddlers to be able to make a living
  77. 76) #IStandWithMaryamRajavi so we can accomplish a #FreeIran2018 where hope will flourish; an #Iran which wouldn’t have the highest rates of suicide among its youth
  78. 77) #IStandWithMaryamRajavi so we can accomplish a #FreeIran2018 where #Iran won’t serve as a threat due to its nuclear program or missile programs
  79. 78) #IStandWithMaryamRajavi so we can accomplish a #FreeIran2018 where #Iran won’t be considered an enabler of dictators like Assad
  80. 79) #IStandWithMaryamRajavi so we can accomplish a #FreeIran2018 where Islamic fundamentalism will be curbed.
  81. 80) #IStandWithMaryamRajavi so we can accomplish a #FreeIran2018 where no one will be treated as a second class citizen
  82. 81) #IStandWithMaryamRajavi because a beautiful #Iran will flourish with her leadership #FreeIran2018
  83. 82) #IStandWithMaryamRajavi because she gives me strength to persevere #FreeIran2018
  84. 83) #IStandWithMaryamRajavi because she represents the anti-thesis to Islamic fundamentalism #FreeIran2018
  85. 84) #IStandWithMaryamRajavi because she has dedicated her entire life to #FreeIran2018 without any expectations and knowing no limits
  86. 85) #IStandWithMaryamRajavi because she is the face of a new #Iran a #FreeIran2018
  87. 86) #IStandWithMaryamRajavi because she acknowledges the hardships & struggles of the pple of #Iran and will work nonstop to put the pple first #FreeIran2018
  88. 87) #IStandWithMaryamRajavi because she’s the voice of the voiceless #FreeIran2018
  89. 88) #IStandWithMaryamRajavi because she’s the voice of the martyrs, seeking justice for the carnage of innocent lives by the mullahs #FreeIran2018
  90. 89) #IStandWithMaryamRajavi because she’s my choice for a #FreeIran2018
  91. 90) #IStandWithMaryamRajavi her picture, in the streets of #Iran is the greatest defiance against the mullahs #FreeIran2018
  92. 91) #IStandWithMaryamRajavi because today’s #Iran is not one where I want to raise my kids but tomorrow’s #FreeIran2018 will be!
  93. 92) #IStandWithMaryamRajavi because she’s the greatest fear of the mullahs #FreeIran2018
  94. 93) #IStandWithMaryamRajavi because she’s the greatest threat to the theocratic regime in #Iran #FreeIran2018
  95. 94) #IStandWithMaryamRajavi she is everything I wish to see in my future president #FreeIran2018
  96. 95) #IStandWithMaryamRajavi because the future of #Iran lies in the hand of our youth and they can only thrive under #MaryamRajavi #FreeIran2018
  97. 96) #IStandWithMaryamRajavi | “one country, one president! #MaryamRajavi’s our President! #FreeIran2018
  98. 97) #IStandWithMaryamRajavi because we can see democracy & freedom with #MaryamRajavi #FreeIran2018
  99. 98) #IStandWithMaryamRajavi so we no longer will have brain drain in #Iran #FreeIran2018
  100. 99) #IStandWithMaryamRajavi because she will put the protection of the pple first #FreeIran2018
  101. 100) #IStandWithMaryamRajavi because Iran deserves better! #FreeIran2018
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