
[FR, Silly] Mad Libido: A Flutterrape Mad Lib

Apr 10th, 2013
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  1. For anyone who doesn't know how to play, you write down a word that fits the description of the number. For example, number 1 asks for an adjective, like "stunning." Write down your choices and fit them into the story when the corresponding number shows up. That's pretty much all there is to it.
  2. Note: Any time I ask for a verb, I'm asking for a verb that does not end with -ing (excluding #10).
  4. 1. adjective
  5. 2. noun
  6. 3. verb
  7. 4. plural noun
  8. 5. verb
  9. 6. verb
  10. 7. noun
  11. 8. number
  12. 9. plural body part
  13. 10. verb ending with -ing
  14. 11. expletive
  15. 12. pony name
  16. 13. adjective
  17. 14. liquid
  18. 15. onomatopoeia
  19. 16. adjective
  20. 17. noun
  21. 18. adjective
  22. 19. pony body part
  23. 20. verb
  24. 21. plural noun
  25. 22. adjective
  26. 23. verb
  27. 24. pony body part
  28. 25. adjective
  29. 26. animal
  30. 27. body part
  46. >Day 1 2 in Equestria.
  47. >Wake up.
  48. >Shit. Shower. Shave.
  49. >And just for the hell of it, today you 3 too.
  50. >...
  51. >Ugh.
  52. >You're never doing that again.
  53. >Too many broken 4 for your liking.
  54. >Anywho...
  55. >Time for some breakfast.
  56. > 5 down the stairs, being extra careful not to 6 the 7 like last time.
  57. >You don't want to spend another 8 days in the hospital.
  58. >You aren't made of bits.
  59. >Or unbreakable 9 either apparently.
  60. >Make it down the stairs in one piece.
  61. >Bow to your imaginary audience.
  62. >Hear imaginary 10 .
  63. >Imaginary audience must be in a bad mood today.
  64. >You totally stuck that landing.
  65. >Oh well.
  66. > 11 them.
  67. >Head to the kitchen.
  68. >Pour a bowl of 12 Puffs.
  69. >They're Magically 13 !™
  70. >Douse that shit in 14 .
  71. >What?
  72. >You're an exotic (ie. the only) man and you have exotic (ie. weird) tastes.
  73. >Then you hear the all-too-familiar 15 coming from your front door.
  74. >Wait...
  75. >That's not familiar at all...
  76. >Still, it can only mean one thing.
  77. >Sigh, stand up, walk over, and open the door.
  78. >There stands Fluttershy wearing a 16 17 and beaming at you with her goofy smile.
  79. >"H-Hi, Anon..."
  80. >Your 18 face tells all.
  81. >"Is a mare who follows detailed instructions about how to attract a stallion your fetish?"
  82. >She grins again.
  83. >You can see her 19 start to 20 .
  84. >Nearly puke.
  85. Fluttershy... why...
  86. >She produces a black and yellow book.
  87. >It reads: "Mating for 21 "
  88. >She flips through the pages.
  89. >Step One: Wake up nice and early. Stallions like a mare who's productive.
  90. >Step Two: Make sure to take a 22 bath. Don't forget to 23 behind your 24 !
  91. >Step Three: Be confident! Practice what you're going to say in the mirror. Try this: 'I am 25 , like the mighty 26 !'
  92. >Step Four: Wear a 16 17 .
  93. >Step Five: Enjoy that sweet monkey... er... stallion 27 !
  94. >She looks up at you, smiling.
  95. Who in their right mind would write this crap?
  96. >Look at the cover.
  97. >Written by Fluttershy.
  98. >Of course.
  99. Fucking Fluttershy.
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