
Lich Doctor Chapter One

Jan 6th, 2013
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  1. >”Come oooooooon!!!”
  2. “Hold on...”
  3. >”Tell us already!”
  4. “Hold on a sec....there!”
  5. >You are Sweetie Belle, and you are currently in the Cutie Mark Crusader's Secret Clubhouse.
  6. >You were now holding up a sheet of paper with your idea on it.
  7. >”....that's yer big idea?”
  8. >“I don't see YOU coming up with anything better.”
  9. >”We already did this un though Scootaloo!”
  10. >Applebloom huffs a bit after she said this. Scootaloo looks confused for a moment before remembering that they, in fact, had tried this idea before.
  11. >”Oh yeah, we did...”
  12. >She had you there. But that's okay, you thought this through.
  13. “That just means we didn't do it right the first time. Treasure hunting is a sure thing.”
  14. >”Oh really? And what makes you so sure?”
  15. “Well, I... Uh...”
  16. >...maybe you hadn't thought this through as well as you thought you had.
  17. >Drat, Applebloom had you there as well. Come on, think of something!
  18. >...
  19. >...
  20. >...
  21. >”Well?”
  22. >That's it!
  23. “How many ponies do you know with cutie marks in treasure hunting?”
  24. >”Uhh...none?”
  25. “Exactly. So that must mean we'll get them in treasure hunting for sure!”
  26. >”But how are we gonna FIND tha treasure? We didn't even get that far last time.”
  27. >Ha ha! Little did Applebloom know, you HAD thought about this problem.
  28. ”Twilight's gotta have a book with a treasure map in it in her library. We'll just go get one of them!”
  29. >Scootaloo and Applebloom both perk up at that bit of your masterful logic.
  30. >”Well, ah suppose that's a good idea.”
  31. “I told you it was. Now come on, let's go!”
  32. >The three of you scramble out of your clubhouse and make a mad dash towards the Library.
  34. >Today was your lucky day it seems. Both Twilight and Spike were out of the Library doing Celestia knows what.
  35. >So the three of you set about looking for a map. This turned out to be harder done than said.
  36. >There were books quite literally everywhere. Twilight must have been in the middle of re-alphabetizing them all.
  37. >Suddenly, a book catches your eye, but it's too high up for you to reach.
  38. “Hey girls, I have a good feeling about that book.”
  39. >Scootaloo eyes the massive tome ensconced firmly in the bookshelf.
  40. >”You mean that big one waaaaaaay up there?”
  41. >Applebloom scoffs at the huge book
  42. >”There is no way we're getting that thing down.”
  43. “Aww come on, we can't give up yet. We just started!”
  44. >Applebloom considers that thought for a moment before sighing and conceding the point.
  45. >”Fine... Let's get it then.”
  46. >Soon, the three of you were standing on each others withers with Applebloom trying to grab the spine of the book.
  47. >”Come on, gimme just a bit more...”
  48. >As both you and Scootaloo give Applebloom a bit more, your hooves decide now would be the perfect moment to lose traction.
  49. >The three of you land in a heap with a massive thud.
  50. >A book perched precariously on the edge of the top of the bookshelf begins to wobble loose.
  51. >The giant tome is still firmly locked in it's position, mocking you with it's steadfastness.
  52. >As you glare at the binding of your nemesis, your vision is cut off as another book lands on your face.
  54. >As the three of you untangle yourselves from each other, you take a look at the book that fell on you.
  55. >It wasn't a very large book, but there was a very strange symbol on the front of it. This caught your attention.
  56. >After flipping through a few pages filled with big words you didn't quite understand, you come to a giant picture.
  57. >It seems to be a map.
  58. >....wait a sec...
  59. “Girls, look! A map!”
  60. >Scootaloo is the faster of the two to recover from your little spill.
  61. >”Ooh ooh, what's it to?”
  62. “Gimme a second, I'm looking.”
  63. >As you read the map, slowly but surely, you begin to draw a simple enough conclusion.
  64. >You have no clue how to read maps.
  65. >Applebloom, having finally recovered, decides to butt in.
  66. >”Lemme see.”
  67. >Applebloom takes a few moments to look at the map before she starts speaking again.
  68. >”Ah think it's an old map of Ponyville.”
  69. “How can you tell?”
  70. >Applebloom points to a spot on the map with her hoof.
  71. >”Ah think that's Sweet Apple Acres. See here? It's marked with a buncha apples.”
  72. >Well then, she's right. You feel slightly silly for not seeing that.
  73. >Scootaloo is also scrutinizing the map.
  74. >”Wow, this map must be REALLY old. There's only about five things marked on the-Hey look at this!”
  75. >Scootaloo is pointing excitedly to a symbol in a corner of the map.
  76. >Applebloom takes a quick look at it and gasps.
  77. >”It's an X! This MUST be a treasure map!”
  78. >You take a look as well. Sure enough, X marks the spot.
  79. >But that's one weird looking X. And there was a really weird symbol over the X as well. It looked like the symbol on the front of the book.
  80. >But who cares! You found a treasure map! Adventure called!
  81. >The three of you grab the book and run out of the Library shouting “Cutie Mark treasure hunters GO!”
  82. >Little did the three fillies know that the weirdly shaped X and strange symbol was in fact a Skull and Crossbones.
  84. >It's dark.
  85. >So very dark.
  86. >But you had grown used to it over the time you had spent here.
  87. >Which was an exceedingly long time.
  88. >You are Anonymous.
  89. >Or at least that was your name for now. Not who you inherently were.
  90. >But once you found that damn journal of yours, you would be in business.
  91. >Every so often, you would forget your own name.
  92. >You wouldn't forget any of your memories, just your name.
  93. >Which was very irritating.
  94. >So, you would give yourself a name until you could remember what your name actually was.
  95. >Usually you ended up picking Anonymous.
  96. >One without a name.
  97. >You thought the word was fitting, so you used it for a monicker.
  98. >At least, you think you usually ended up picking this name.
  99. >But that is neither here nor there. You need to find that journal so you could remember what your name was so you could....
  100. >....
  101. >What was it you needed your name for again?
  102. >No matter, you are sure to remember once you find it.
  103. >Now, you believe you last saw that blasted journal over there...
  105. >You are now Sweetie Belle.
  106. >Having retreated from the Library, you were now back at your clubhouse with Scootaloo and Applebloom.
  107. >After a bit of figuring, the three of you determined that the marked location was just a bit south of Zecora's hut.
  108. >You also figured out that this book was about something called Anonymous.
  109. >According to what you could make out from the book, which was written in Ye Olde Equestrianne, Anonymous lived in a cave and had many strange and curious devices that were not of this world.
  110. >If finding treasure from another world didn't get you three your cutie marks, you didn't know what would.
  111. >It was still fairly early in the day, so the three of you could make it to the marked location in a couple of hours at most.
  112. >Gathering the needed supplies for the treasure hunt, Applebloom led the way since she seemed to be able to read the map the best.
  113. >Which was just fine to you. You still couldn't make any sense of it.
  114. >On the way to Zecora's hut, the three of you passed by Fluttershy, who simply looked on with mild curiosity.
  115. >The three of you walked on towards your goal.
  116. >The sun was shining and the weather was nice. It was the perfect day for adventure.
  118. >You are Applejack.
  119. >And Granny Smith would not SHUT UP.
  120. >For the past half-hour, she had been hounding you to go find Applebloom to help her with some hair-brained idea of hers.
  121. >It wasn't even noon. You had already been out in the fields bucking a poor haul apples since sunrise, which already got you miffed. You just got back inside when she started in on you. You didn't ask for this.
  122. >Finally getting fed up with her, you storm out of the house in a huff, finding Big Macintosh giving you an odd look.
  123. >”Problems?”
  124. “Yeah. Granny's been hounding me to go find Applebloom for some plum crazy idea of hers. She's been carryin on about somethin called 'Antiquing'. You have any idea as ta what that is?”
  125. >”Nnnnnope.”
  126. “Didn't think so. I'm gonna go find Applebloom before Granny drives me to tha sauce again.”
  127. >Trotting off towards Ponyville, you start thinking of likely places Applebloom would be at.
  128. >You check their clubhouse, which was empty, and you check Carousel Boutique.
  129. >Rarity had told you that she hadn't seen Applebloom since her and Scootaloo came for Sweetie Belle to do Celestia knows what.
  130. >You sigh inwardly. Whenever the three of them got together, no good could come of it.
  132. >Leaving Carousel Boutique, you nearly run into Fluttershy, who lets out a surprised “Eeep!”.
  133. “Sorry 'bout that sugarcube. You wouldn't have happened to see Applebloom by chance, would ya?”
  134. >”W-well, I saw them heading off towards Zecora's hut about fourty minutes ago.”
  135. >”Zecora's? What in tarnation are they going over to the Everfree for? Come on Fluttershy, we better go get em before they get into trouble.”
  136. >Fluttershy looks at you quizzically.
  137. >”Applejack, the path to Zecora's hut is the safest part of the Everfree. Safe enough even for the three of them.”
  138. “Ah know that. But Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo are in the same place at the same time. Think about that for a second.”
  139. >You can see the gears click into place as Fluttershy realizes what that means with a soft “Oooh.”
  140. >Rarity comes trotting up behind you, interested in the recent development.
  141. >”Darling, what's the matter?”
  142. ”The Cutie Mark Crusades are at it again.”
  143. >”What are they into THIS time?”
  144. “The Everfree Forest.”
  145. >Rarity's pupils contract at the news.
  146. >”Oh. Oh my. Oh dear, this cannot end well. We must go get them before they hurt themselves!”
  147. “Then let's get to it!”
  148. >You, Fluttershy, and Rarity set off at a mad dash towards Zecora's hut in the hopes of finding the three troublemakers before trouble found them.
  150. >You are now Anonymous.
  151. >And you are fairly sure your name was not Charlie Sheen.
  152. >You are also fairly sure that this book is not your journal and is, in fact, a biography.
  153. >You are currently located in the Library, which was all the way across the complex from where you had started.
  154. >You also had a lamp turned on for reading. You had excellent dark vision but nothing could read in the dark.
  155. >Unless it was Braille.
  156. >Except you didn't know Braille.
  157. >But that is neither here nor there.
  158. >You toss the book away out of annoyance and begin your search anew for your journal.
  159. >While you searched for your journal, you begin to wonder why you even had that book on Charlie Sheen.
  160. >Well, you knew why you had it, but why did that book have to be included?
  161. >With a withered hand you begin to pull out another book, but pause as you heard a distant crash.
  162. >Must be those damned Diamond Dogs again.
  163. >They would occasionally wander into your complex looking for lord knows what.
  164. >They would also end up breaking most anything they came across.
  165. >And some of the things that they ended up breaking were exceedingly hard to fix, even with your skills.
  166. >Looks like you'd have to evict more Diamond Dogs from your complex.
  167. >You gave up the search for your journal, extinguished the lamp, and stormed off towards the source of the disturbance as quickly as your bones could take you.
  169. >You are Sweetie Belle
  170. >And your head hurt.
  171. >A lot.
  172. >You remember walking through the path in the Everfree Forest to Zecora's hut and stopping at roughly where the X was marked at on the map.
  173. >Then, you remember falling.
  174. >And the next thing after that, is the present.
  175. >You try to rub a hoof on your head to ease the pain, but wince and feel something wet.
  176. >That can't be good.
  177. >You take a look around at your surroundings.
  178. >Everything is dark.
  179. >You decide calling out to your friends would be the best idea. Hopefully they could help you get an idea of where you are.
  180. ”Scootaloo...Applebloom...”, you weakly call out to them.
  181. >You hear two voices moan and whine off towards your left, very near.
  182. >”Sweetie Belle?”
  183. >Yep, that's Applebloom.
  184. “Over here.”
  185. >You here some shuffling and then a yelp and a thud.
  186. “Applebloom?”
  187. >”Ah think ah broke a leg.”
  188. >”Me too.”
  189. >Both Applebloom and Scootaloo sounded like they were in a lot of pain.
  190. >Panic begins to grip you as the severity of this situation sinks in to your underdeveloped psyche.
  191. >You are trapped in a pitch where nopony knows where you are, you may have a concussion and might be bleeding, and both Applebloom and Scootaloo have broken legs.
  192. >Ya dun goof'd
  194. >You begin to get on your hooves when you discover the floor is slick.
  195. >It's hard and slippery. It feels like it's coated in something.
  196. >You also notice a....clicking sound.
  197. >It sounds kinda like wood hitting stone.
  198. >The sound is also growing closer...and fast.
  199. >You begin to panic and start flailing your legs around to gain traction.
  200. >Scootaloo apparently also heard the clicking as she's whispering to Applebloom to try and hide.
  201. >The three of you try and hide as best you can as the clicking noise grows louder and louder.
  202. >Just as the noise sounds like it's right on top of you, it stops with a slight squish.
  203. >Suddenly, you're blinded by bright lights from overhead.
  204. >”COME ON OUT YOU....Filthy....mutts?”
  205. >As your eyes adjust to the lights, you are greeted with a sight that instantly scares you senseless.
  206. >There's a creature made of bones standing directly over you on two legs acting like it's looking for something.
  207. >You can see straight through whatever that thing is.
  208. >”Wait, squish?”
  209. >The thing looks straight down and is staring straight at you.
  210. >It's eye sockets are empty but burns with blue fire.
  211. >At this point, you do what comes naturally.
  212. >You scream.
  213. >Applebloom and Scootallo are screaming too.
  214. >The monster is screaming too and scrambling backwards away from you, tripping on something and landing in a tangle of it's own bones.
  215. >You stop screaming and catch your breath when you notice you feel very woozy.
  216. >You set a hoof down on the floor and hear a splish of liquid.
  217. >You look down to see a huge pool of blood.
  218. >You look over yourself to see that you're also coated in blood.
  219. >You're hyperventilating at this point.
  220. >You hear the monster scrambling to it's feet, and that's all that's needed to send you over the edge and blackout.
  221. >As you drift into unconsciousness, you hear something yelling about towels, robes, and first aid kits.
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