
Resilient Session 19

Nov 29th, 2015
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  1. ResilientGM IT IS THE 41ST MILLENNIUM...
  2. ResilientGM 1st Platoon has been tasked with searching for, and delaying or destroying a large splinter force known to have mobilized into the vast woodlands that flank the abandoned city to the West. Though by no means enough men, the Platoon are Prithians - masters of survival and combat in this environment. Additionally, while the Aeronautica's force was gutted by some two thirds when the Imperial Navy left orbit with most its assets, is ready to divert close-air support should the threat to its advancing flank become critical.
  3. ResilientGM The challenge, of course, is in the lack of provisions or reinforcements, with an enemy armored column cutting them off fort he foreseeable future. Lieutenant Stannis has followed the stream up from the position where the scout camp was found. At the break of dawn, the watch is called back into the Prithian camp, and the Lieutenant calls for the Platoon to ready up.
  4. ResilientGM Friedhelm has been up since before dawn, collecting traps he's set, finding two mammalian creatures which he is now busy skinning. One for himself, the other for his beast-like comrade.
  5. Kass_Yonova rubs the sleep from his eyes as he groggily gathers his gear. He wasn't able to get much sleep over the night.
  6. Josef spills whatever recaff is left in the canteen.
  7. ResilientGM Gilliam, for his part, hasn't slept for any significant amount of time. The logistical realities of this deployment keeping him from his... beverage of choice. The effects have him on edge, sweaty, and rather shaky.
  8. Victrus still is sleeping against the side of the heavy bolter.
  9. Berk 's yawn shakes the camp, the guttural sound one part roar and two parts halitosis. The massive brute crawls out of his ill fitting place of sleep, picking "da sleepy mans" out of his eyes and popping the things into his mouth. He grabs his pipe and gets ready for another day bashin' wot tryna suseed.
  10. Silas_Dread spills whatever recaff is left in the canteen.
  11. Dominic injects some oil in his bionic legs.
  12. ResilientGM Ibram drops from his little roost some two meters off the ground on a low tree, and packs his gear. Seeing his comrade is still asleep, he throws a las charge pack at him.
  13. Victrus wakes up after the las charge back hits him.
  14. Silas_Dread straightens his uniform and his hat.
  15. ResilientGM Friedhelm ties the pelts on a length of twine by the tails, and attaches it to his gear. Picking up one of the skinned animals, he makes for the Ogryn.
  16. ResilientGM "Berk... Berk! Look what I got for you, Berk!" he shakes his hunter's knife with the carcass impailed on it gruesomely shaking with a wet sound.
  17. Victrus gets up and checks over his gear before handing back the charge pack back to Ibram.
  18. ResilientGM Ibram: "Rise and shine."
  19. ResilientGM Gilliam: "Say... Say, Yonova."
  20. ResilientGM "How long do you think this... logistics situation will last?"
  21. Berk waddles over to his comrade, an idiot's grin stretched across his face. "Wot izzit sah?"
  22. Berk He spots the thing wiggiling from his knife, and his disgusting green-blue tongue licks his cracked lips. "Gibs dat Freddy! Berk ungy!"
  23. ResilientGM Friedhelm grins, "Food Berk! The Emperor blesses us with food, for being a good boy. For killing the bad man," he pulls at the leg of the creature, releasing it from the bite of the knife, and tosses it at Berk.
  24. Victrus "Yep." Victrus says to Ibram before walking back over to the heavy bolter.
  25. Kass_Yonova "Long enough. I can see it's already taking a toll on you, Gill. You may want to keep yourself hydrated."
  26. ResilientGM Gilliam: "Must have slept less than an hour all night..."
  27. Kass_Yonova "If really starts to get to you I can always tranq you." Kass says half jokingly. He emphasizes how easy it could be by running a rudimentary diagnostic on his Narthecium.
  28. ResilientGM "If you want me out, I can do it..." he shivers, while rubbing his pale hands together, " it to myself," he now shakes a bottle, disturbing the sitting liquid within.
  29. Berk tears into the bloody hunk of meat with his ape-like teeth. Viserca and blood disappear down his gullet until his mouth is rimmed with red. He lets out a contented chuckle and wanders off toward the rest of the squad, singing some bawdy tune of gibberish.
  30. Silas_Dread 'enjoys' one of his ministorum approved "Nutri-supplements".
  31. Kass_Yonova shrugs at the man, before fishing out a ration bar and getting to work on eating it.
  32. Victrus takes out one of his ration bars and starts eating it.
  33. ResilientGM Gilliam: "Do you smell that, Yonova?"
  34. ResilientGM Gilliam gets up, and starts walking to the north of the group.
  35. Kass_Yonova "Hmm?"
  36. Kass_Yonova gives the air an audible sniff.
  37. ResilientGM Stannis: "Smoke. There's a fire."
  38. Kass_Yonova "Enemy?"
  39. Victrus finishes eating his ration bar and readies his weapon.
  40. ResilientGM Friedhelm climbs ontop of the Orgyn, finger raised high. "Enemy. Wind is blowing from the North...North-West."
  41. ResilientGM Stannis nods.
  42. Silas_Dread "Men to arms!"
  43. ResilientGM The Prithian troopers rush to pack their gear, and come together .
  44. Kass_Yonova scarfs down his ration bar as he files in with his squad.
  45. Berk clasps his pipe and starts sniffing in the general driection of Friedhelm's finger. The piggish snorts are thick with the sound of phlegm. "En-mee! En-mee! En-mee wit burny flames!
  46. ResilientGM Servitor-Unit 1 awkwardly navigates the rough terrain walking nowhere in particular, as it paces in a repetitive pattern.
  47. Victrus moves over to the rest of the squad.
  48. ResilientGM With "enough" of his men ready, Lieutenant Stannis begins moving in the general direction of the smoke source, his men following in a spread.
  49. Silas_Dread stays close to Stannis.
  50. Kass_Yonova tries to suppress a yawn as he follows, failing at that, somewhere in the middle of the spread.
  51. Victrus follows close to the bike that is being towed by the servitor.
  52. Berk shadows the commissar, giving the authority figure his sage advice. "Ay we oughta smash dat fire, sah!", "Less kill dem baddies, sah!", "Are we dere yet?", etc. etc.
  53. Silas_Dread responds with in a cycle of "Indeed.", "For the Emperor!", and "Soon, Private."
  54. ResilientGM The Prithian formation navigates through the woodlands, maintaining radio silence all the way. Some 2 hours pass without event, the sound of the wind on the tall trees and the rumbling of the scout bike at the rear of the formation the only audible noises, even as their sense of smell picks up more and more concentrated pockets of smoke in the air.
  55. ResilientGM Another hour nears completion, the sun now casting shorter shadows, when the typical sounds of the men... the wind... the trees, and the scout bike are seemingly accented by disturbed foliage outside of the formation at some distance.
  56. Animus Rubs the sleep from his eyes as he follows the men
  57. Kass_Yonova +I see flames at 11 o'clock, seems far but I can see it.+
  58. ResilientGM Gilliam: "Bodies. 50 meters right up ahead."
  59. Victrus readies his las gun.
  60. Animus "I hate flames...Well, the ones I don't make." He says to Koeln
  61. Silas_Dread readies his chainsword and bolt pistol.
  62. Kass_Yonova shifts his plasmagun into a more comfortable position as he continues to follow along, ready and ready to shoot anything that might come into view.
  63. Victrus "What do you think did this?" Victrus says
  64. ResilientGM Stannis: "Hold formation!" he hisses.
  65. ResilientGM "Private Koeln. Scout ahead."
  66. Animus "That presence I was feeling earlier seems to be getting stronger Capt'n."
  67. ResilientGM Koeln's eyes go wide. "Sir, with respect... that is not a good idea."
  68. Dominic readies his ax
  69. ResilientGM "I don't have the experience, and..."
  70. ResilientGM The gears in his mind turn for more excuses.
  71. ResilientGM "And the witch must be guarded!"
  72. Silas_Dread "Private Koeln, do NOT disrespect the chain of command."
  73. ResilientGM "...the... the witch..." the young trooper takes a big gulp.
  74. ResilientGM He makes the sign of the Aquila, and runs forward, lasgun firmly gripped.
  75. Animus "Go get em." He says, patting Koeln on the back
  76. Victrus A shiver runs down Victurs spine. He then looks at Kolen, "I'll keep an eye on Animus for you."
  77. Silas_Dread "The Emperor is with us, we can not fail."
  78. ResilientGM The trooper disappears and reappears every few seconds as he runs through the trees up ahead.
  79. ResilientGM +Sir...+ the young trooper is out of breath
  80. ResilientGM +Sir, it's a massacre+
  81. ResilientGM Stannis: +Stay off the Emperor-foresaken comms, private!+
  82. ResilientGM Several claps of lasgun fire echo through the woods ahead.
  83. Kass_Yonova "Looks like we got contact!"
  84. ResilientGM Stannis: "Hold your positions... steady."
  85. Victrus "Tech Priest, help me detach the bolter from the bike."
  86. Dominic "Ok."
  87. Victrus With the help of Dominic, victrus is able to get the bolter off the bike and move in forward.
  88. ResilientGM An armed figure rushes towards the Prithians, hardly visible as it darts from tree to tree, quickly making for the group.
  89. Kass_Yonova "Contact!"
  90. ResilientGM At a split second moment, Yonova comes to the realization that it is young Koeln retreating back to friendly lines, at the very moment he is suddenly and abruptly dropped to his knees, crying out in pain.
  91. Kass_Yonova "Ah shit."
  92. Kass_Yonova get's up and runs over to the young trooper and begins to drag him back towards his own tree.
  93. Animus shrugs "Thought he was a hostile."
  94. ResilientGM His heavy breathing and shaking hands betray his panic.
  95. Silas_Dread "Witch, control yourself!"
  96. ResilientGM Lieutenant Stannis rushes over to the trooper.
  97. ResilientGM "Well? What did you see? How many are they?"
  98. ResilientGM Koeln: "S-sir... I..."
  99. ResilientGM Stannis: "Spit it out!"
  100. ResilientGM Koeln: "It's a massacre... they... there..."
  101. ResilientGM The Lieutenant backhands him.
  102. ResilientGM Stannis: "HOW. MANY?"
  103. ResilientGM Koeln: "N-none, sir..."
  104. ResilientGM The Lieutenant's palm engulfs his face.
  105. ResilientGM "Just what the hell are you getting at?" the Lieutenant's voice muffled behind his hand.
  106. ResilientGM Koeln: "I... I panicked sir... I fired at... a body."
  107. Kass_Yonova "Shall we check it out, sir?"
  108. ResilientGM Stannis rises to his feet, and holsters his laspistol. "Right, move up..."
  109. Silas_Dread "I redact my previous statement Animus."
  110. Victrus "I got a real bad feeling about this."
  111. Animus quietly makes his way in the direction Koeln returned from
  112. Silas_Dread move forwards to try and find body.
  113. Victrus moves the bolter back to the bike and moves up with the rest of the squad to investigate.
  114. Dominic advances in the direction that koeln came from.
  115. Kass_Yonova follows the group, keeping himself in a relaxed stance and he continues to look around while moving.
  116. ResilientGM It isn't one... it isn't two... there are at least two dozen bodies lying around in what used to be a camp. On the near end, only a few, closest to the tents and campfires. But as you reach the other end, you see the slaughter. Many of the Severans have been brutally hacked away at. Many decapitated. Further into the zone of engagement, all evidence is lost, as a fire rages on - evidence of a heavy bombardment providing explanation on the destruction and source of the smoke.
  117. Animus "Charming."
  118. Victrus "Well this area was hit hard."
  119. Dominic "It is in ruin."
  120. Kass_Yonova "Looks like an ambush that went horribly wrong, nothing proper guardsman would have done, lots of damage from unsharpened objects and the like."
  121. ResilientGM Servitor-unit 1 scans the corpses.
  122. Silas_Dread "What a mess."
  123. Silas_Dread "Corporal Yonova is correct. This was a failed ambush."
  124. Animus "Probably Militia or just raiders."
  125. Animus "That's my guess."
  126. Silas_Dread "I agree."
  127. ResilientGM Stannis: "If it's local resistance, we ought to attempt contact. They may be brutes, but they appear to be fearsome."
  128. Animus "I could...Signal them." he says with a grin
  129. ResilientGM Stannis: "You'll explain that in full detail before I issue even a hint of an okay."
  130. Animus "I could make a beacon using flames, everyone around would be able to see it though." he says casually
  131. ResilientGM Stannis: "And spread this inferno to the rest of the forrest? Request denied, Psyker."
  132. Animus "It would be controlled, he says."
  133. Kass_Yonova paces slowly around the massacre, looking around for anything of use.
  134. Victrus "Yea, but that would be a bad idea anyways since that could cause them to attack us as well."
  135. Silas_Dread "They may have retreated northward."
  136. ResilientGM Stannis: "Agreed. The pattern here suggests a quick engagement, and a hasty retreat North."
  137. ResilientGM "Gather what you can, and move north. The stream appears to curve in up ahead, and we'll lay camp there."
  138. Kass_Yonova gives the LT a quick salute, with an "aye, sir," before doing as ordered.
  139. ResilientGM The Prithian troops set up camp by the stream for the night.
  140. ResilientGM In the midst of the night, the Psyker Animus goes to the edge of the camp to test his luck with the Ruinous powers... in so-doing, he exposes his Prithian comrades to unexpected horrors...
  141. ResilientGM visions of warp-rot and decay fill the inhabitants' minds, horrible pain and vivid hallucinations of damage and gruesome injuries spread in the minds of all who are there.
  142. Silas_Dread overwhelmed with the great fear from an unnatural and unholy source, he passes out.
  143. Victrus is unable to move and is frozen in place, unable to move as the horror he sees before him.
  144. Dominic griped by fear sits frozen
  145. Kass_Yonova While relaxing against one of the many trees, Kass suddenly feels paralyzed. At first he's not sure why, then it hits him, fear. Undulating fear, he's not felt something like this since that attack many weeks ago against the enemy witch. The foxes, dear God-Emperor, make it stop.
  146. ResilientGM The fear is so exhausting to those who experience it, that the energy is drained in everyone, including the sentries. All the men in camp fall asleep where they lay...
  147. ResilientGM Come dawn, the Lieutenant is among the first up.
  148. ResilientGM "Dread!"
  149. Silas_Dread gets up from his 'dirt nap'.
  150. Silas_Dread "What in the name of the Emperor just happened?"
  151. Victrus eyes open and starts to get up from where he was laying. "What in emperors name happened?"
  152. Kass_Yonova eyes shoot open. His body is covered in a sheen of cold sweat that makes his tunic and pants stick grossly to his body. He slowly sits up and holds his head with both hands. "What the feck happened? What a fecking nightmare that was."
  153. ResilientGM Stannis pulls the Commissar to one side.
  154. Silas_Dread "Lieutenant, what happened?"
  155. Silas_Dread "And why am I covered in dirt?"
  156. ResilientGM "I have no idea what it was we experienced, but the men must not be allowed to think anything of it. Rouse them, and get them ready to march without hesitation. Do not permit them a moment to think!"
  157. Dominic wakes up at the side of the scout bike.
  158. Silas_Dread "Wake up! All of you!"
  159. Silas_Dread "We have the Emperor's work to do!"
  160. Animus sits up, quickly gathering his gear and makes ready
  161. ResilientGM Stannis slaps his vox-tech one, two... and three times, orders him to speak no more of the night's events, and readies his gear.
  162. Victrus finishes getting up and dust himself off before gathering his things.
  163. Silas_Dread "MOVE! MOVE!"
  164. Kass_Yonova groans as he stretches out the cricks in his backside and extremities. "Sleep is getting hard to come by." He shrugs on his pack and gear and makes ready.
  165. ResilientGM Gilliam: "Yonova... it's getting worse..."
  166. Silas_Dread "You will be left behind if you don't move NOW!"
  167. ResilientGM "I think I need to take a sip... I nearly lost it last night."
  168. Animus walks over to Stannis "Sir, I'm feeling a strong Psykic presence, but it seems to be receding." he says, whispering
  169. Kass_Yonova "Either you've been slipping me that shit, or we've all been punished for something."
  170. ResilientGM Stannis: "I see... whatever is the source of this, it is powerful... you must be on alert."
  171. Animus salutes
  172. Victrus checks over the bolter and makes sure its attached to the bike.
  173. ResilientGM Koeln approaches Animus, "I am watching you, /witch/" he hisses.
  174. Silas_Dread with panic in voice says "The Emperor is with us!"
  175. Animus "Have you not been Koeln? isn't that your job?"
  176. ResilientGM Stannis: "Move, out! Now!"
  177. Silas_Dread in a hushed tone "The Emperor is with us..."
  178. ResilientGM Koeln quickly gathers his gear, nearly leaving his helmet behind, "I'll be having words with the Commissar... just you wait."
  179. Kass_Yonova falls in, while giving a silent prayer to Him on Terra.
  180. Victrus looks to Ibram, "How are you holding up this morning?"
  181. ResilientGM The Prithians push forward, always parallel to the stream, the pace is quick... and careless. The usual precautions are not taken, as Lieutenant Stannis -quite visibly shaken himself- guides his men as far away from that campsite as quickly as he can.
  182. Silas_Dread "LESS TALKING! MORE MOVING!"
  183. ResilientGM Ibram: "If I told you the horrors that visited me in the night, you'd think me insane... Yes, Commissar, Sir!"
  184. Victrus nods in response to Ibram.
  185. Animus "Um...The river has blood running through it."
  186. ResilientGM Koeln: "Another one of your tricks, witch?"
  187. ResilientGM "I suppose next you'll want to tell us... that..." the trooper's face turns pale as he notices it, too.
  188. Dominic +There is blood in the stream+
  189. Animus Sighs "If you had the runs you'd blame that on me as well?"
  190. Victrus looks over at the river, "Looks like someone is having a massacre up stream."
  191. ResilientGM +Understood. Everyone on guard. Maintain tactical spreads as we advance.+
  192. Kass_Yonova Almost on instinct Kass takes his position within the squad, spreading out as appropriate.
  193. ResilientGM Stannis leads the men slightly away from the stream, and onto a slight ridge. An elevation formed by a ragged hill of rough dirt and large stones covered in moss.
  194. Animus "Screaming Sarge."
  195. Victrus +I hear screaming, and what sounds like yelling Sir. Sounds like a skirmish.+
  196. ResilientGM Stannis: +Everyone, to the peak of the ridge. Double step!+
  197. Kass_Yonova double times it to the ridge, as fast as his weighted form can go.
  198. Animus runs his way up to the top of the ridge
  199. Victrus moves up with the bike up the the peak of the ridge.
  200. Dominic walks with victrus up to the ridge.
  201. ResilientGM "Turn off that damned engine, gunner!"
  202. ResilientGM The Lieutenant lays on his belly at the tallest point of the slanted ridge, and looks through his magnoculars.
  203. Animus rummages through his gear and pulls out his well worn magnoculars, not even remembering when or where he go them, and takes a look.
  204. Kass_Yonova takes a knee near the lip, far enough away that he won't give away his position.
  205. Silas_Dread readies his chainsword and bolt gun. Dread feels an extreme unease.
  206. ResilientGM Through the shrubbery and woods the chaos of battle is visible to you. You slowly begin to make it all out... one line of men in the colors of the separatists to your 2 o' clock.
  207. ResilientGM Some 100 meters away from them and closing fast, the attackers are hard to make out... but you eventually see them.
  208. ResilientGM But you're not the only one who is made aware of their presence; magnoculars not necessary...
  209. ResilientGM WWWAAAAAAAGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!
  210. Victrus "You, got to be.... Shitting me."
  211. Animus "Xenos..."
  212. Dominic "We must slay the xeno scum"
  213. Victrus "What the fuck are those things?"
  214. Kass_Yonova "Aliens...I guess that explains the unorthodox wounds at that ambush site."
  215. Silas_Dread "Xenos, Corporal Victrus. Xenos that need to die."
  216. ResilientGM The numbers of the aggressive xenos are vast, you soon realize. The Separatists will not hold out for long against the greenskins. Only concentrated fire in volume could put the charge to a stop, and you? You're only a Platoon. It is a common strategy in the Imperium to overwhelm elements of the enemy when on the attacking side. Such a thing could easily happen here. The annihilation of the Separatist lines, would only make yours
  217. ResilientGM would only make yours a second target to be overwhelmed in a continued advance, and despite your high ground position, this engagement would be potentially catastrophically costly.
  218. ResilientGM Stannis: "We simply don't have the numbers..."
  219. Kass_Yonova "What of the other platoons? And can't we get some CAS, sir?"
  220. Animus "We could pretend to be larger then we actually are."
  221. Victrus gets the bolter detached from the back of the bike.
  222. ResilientGM The Lieutenant grabs his Vox-tech by the collar, and pulls him close. "CALL I AERONAUTICA SUPPORT ON OUR POSITION! REPORT XENOS INFESTATION ON THE PLANET! THE INVASION IS IN DANGER OF COLLAPSE!"
  223. ResilientGM Gilliam: "Sir... the Commissar is welcome to shoot me for this and spare me the alternative death, but... would it be out of the question to form with the enemy lines?!"
  224. ResilientGM Friedhelm: "Are you out of your mind?!"
  225. ResilientGM Stannis looks visibly troubled...
  226. Silas_Dread coldly says "Gladly, Specialist Gilliam AFTER we kill the Xenos."
  227. Animus "These things come in unending tides, any help we can get would be necessary." he says coldly
  228. ResilientGM ++Understood. Package delivery approved and confirmed en-route. Be advised, CAS will be coming in close. Repeat. CAS will be coming in close++
  229. ResilientGM Without prompt, the Lieutenant's Vox-operator begins to retune his vox pack... The Lieutenant is oblivious to this, observing the incoming tide...
  230. ResilientGM "Severans... f-fall back for fire support I rep--"
  231. ResilientGM Stannis grabs the vox piece from the trooper, and begins to beat him with it.
  232. ResilientGM "You, fool! YOU have doomed us, you imbecile!"
  233. Kass_Yonova swallows. "Here we go again."
  234. Animus "Lieutenant, It's our only hope. WE NEED THOSE GUNS." he says urgently, showing more seriousness then ever before
  235. Silas_Dread "Lt. Stannis, have the Vox Operator direct the enemy to our position. We will deploy smoke grenade behind us and cover them as they approach."
  236. ResilientGM Stannis pauses from beating the vox-operator's bloody face further, and turns to meet the Commissar's gaze.
  237. Silas_Dread "As much as I hate the Separatists, the Xenos are a bigger problem."
  238. Victrus starts moving the bolter into the best firing position."
  239. ResilientGM The Lieutenant lets out a long sigh...
  240. Dominic follows close behind victrus.
  241. ResilientGM "Form a firing line! I want a killing arch ready to cover the... the infantry's retreat to our lines! Use grenades, use your sidearms... give them everything you've got! For the Emperor!"
  242. Animus "Everything?" he says, eyebrow raised
  243. Victrus "For the Emperor!"
  244. Silas_Dread "Every Xenos killed is in praise of the Emperor!"
  245. ResilientGM He wipes the blood from the mouthpiece, and begins to call in: "Retreat to the ridge! Follow the smoke, and form up!"
  246. ResilientGM The Prithian troopers lock their aim and roar in anticipation.
  247. ResilientGM "For the Emperor!"
  248. Dominic aims the ballistic mechadhendrite toward the green skin xeno.
  249. Silas_Dread [High Gothic] "Suffer not the Xenos live! For the Emperor, we shall punish the wicked!"
  250. Kass_Yonova moves up to the edge, and goes prone, not an easy thing to do with a plasmagun, but he makes do. He starts aiming at the nearest Xenos before screaming. "Kill every greenskin you see! Let none survive, comrades!" He roars.
  251. ResilientGM Servitor Unit 1 stays close behind its Master.
  252. ResilientGM "Pop that smoke!"
  253. Animus stands on the ridge, cloak flapping as unnatural wind swirls around him, flames arcing to his hands as he stares unmoving at the enemy
  254. ResilientGM Gilliam turns on his back, and pulls the pin on a smoke grenade, gives Yonova a nod, and throws it behind the firing line.
  255. ResilientGM By now, the Separatist formation has already started moving back.
  256. ResilientGM In just a few seconds, the smoke begins to spread, and the severans turn alter their course slightly, making for the ridge, with the greenskins hot on their heels.
  257. Animus "Give me grenades!" he yells
  258. Victrus As the greenskins get in range, Victrus opens fire with his heavy bolter killing three of them.
  259. ResilientGM The orks hit turn into gore and vile xenos blood.
  260. Dominic The servitor takes aim but falls a bit short killing one.
  261. ResilientGM With the covering fire from the bolters, the severan troops do what they can to reach their now-allied line.
  262. Victrus opens fire again on the orks, with the will of the emperor on his side, all 6 of his shot land, killing 6 more orks in the possess .
  263. ResilientGM The carnage is such, and in so concentrated an area, that an entire group numbering some 10 Orks break their charge and flee.
  264. Dominic Unit 1 opens fire once again and kills one, and leaves a few other wounded.
  265. Animus unleashes a torrent of flames, engulfing orks in fiery death
  266. Victrus opens fire again on the approaching orks. Again all of his shots hit, killing 3 and wounding 3.
  267. ResilientGM The warpfire is followed by the vicious bolter rounds bursting through the formation. This is enough to splinter the first wave of attackers as 20 Orks flee in a broken formation.
  268. Animus lets another blast of rolling flame loose, then an idea strikes him. He begins to collect grenades and bundle them together
  269. Silas_Dread continues his speeches in High Gothic, further inspiring the men.
  270. Dominic lets out some las fire and ignites an ork face .
  271. Kass_Yonova toggles the setting of the plasmagun to maximal. He then let's the weapon charge-up before depressing the trigger and letting loose two balls of plasma. With an internal whoop both find their mark; one kills instantly, the other maims horribly. "Death to the Xenos."
  272. ResilientGM "On my command! All fire!"
  273. ResilientGM A volley of concentrated lasgun fire drops dead an entire segment of advancing orks.
  274. ResilientGM While the formation does thin out with every attack, it only reveals more greenskins advance from further up north.
  275. Kass_Yonova "I really hope that CAS get's here quick."
  276. ResilientGM At this moment, this revelation takes the form of much bigger orks, holding heavy metallic clubs and other crude weaponry, armoured with primitive covering plates.
  277. Victrus "Well I think that's the leader."
  278. Kass_Yonova "Just keep firing."
  279. Victrus opens fire on the large ork, as he fires, the emperors fate is still with him, landing all 6 shots, killing him.
  280. ResilientGM Not only is the massive brute gored, but whatever explosives he had on him go off instantly killing seven of the vile xenos around him in one single destructive burst.
  281. Dominic opens fire once again and rips the greenskins arm off.
  282. Silas_Dread tries to make a righteous speech, but starts coughing from the dust being kicked up.
  283. Animus launches the assembled grenades, dealing massive damage
  284. ResilientGM The next Prithian volley fells thirteen of the enemy xenos, quite notably thinning out the horde.
  285. Kass_Yonova While letting the plasmagun recharge, he leaves it at his side as he unstraps his lasgun and lets loose several shots, killing one of the dastardly greenskins.
  286. ResilientGM ++Lieutenant Stannis. This is Red Aquila Lead Col. Ausbein. We see your smoke, and can confirm CAS delivery in T-minus 30 seconds.
  287. ResilientGM ++Danger close. Ave Imperator++
  289. Silas_Dread "Keep your head DOWN!"
  290. Victrus pulls back the heavy bolter and finds cover.
  291. Animus dives for cover
  292. Silas_Dread "Move, MOVE!"
  293. ResilientGM Stannis, his vox-operator, and the Prithians all around him grab their gear and run - DIVE- down the hill as the engines of the Vaklyrie gunships roar in the sky.
  294. Dominic heads for the hills
  295. Kass_Yonova finds the nearest cover behind him and makes himself as flat as possible.
  297. Animus prays silently...then loudly
  298. ResilientGM The munitions are delivered 'on target' with a deafening series of percussive thuds. The trees and vegetation all around you are violently disturbed by the shockwave, as it passes through the woods around you. Loose gear on troopers around you flies forward, as Koeln trips over his lasgun, and falls on his face.
  299. ResilientGM Your ears ring... and hurt.
  300. ResilientGM But you needn't hear the command. The Lieutenant is forcing his men to their feet, yelling, and pointing the the Severans who have dived for cover next to your now-loose formation.
  301. Kass_Yonova me picks himself up, grudgingly, shaking dirt and debris off himself as he resumes his position at the crest of the ridge.
  302. Animus picks himself up, giving himself a second to laugh at Koeln, before surveying the situation
  303. ResilientGM His own laspistol threatens the enemy, some appear to comply, confused... perhaps in the chaos of it all they really did think you were one of them.
  304. Dominic gets out of the hills and joins the rest of everyone.
  305. Victrus gets up from his cover and moves the bolter back up into position.
  306. Silas_Dread is still deaf from the explosions and screams "ARE THOSE BASTARDS STILL ALIVE?"
  307. ResilientGM Caught up in this, and deafened as you are all, he does not notice the charging figure of an enraged greenskinned warrior.
  308. Kass_Yonova "Lieutenant!"
  309. Victrus turns to see the ork and pulls out his lasgun and opens fire on it, managing to hit it three times.
  310. Kass_Yonova Kass gets a bead on the greenskin charging towards the LT, depressing the trigger as fast as he can to get as many lasbolts on target as possible. He manages to get two hits.
  311. ResilientGM The Ork's left leg is to completely damaged by the concentrated lasgun fire that it barely hangs by a charred thread. On the other leg, its kneecap is shot clean through, the xeno violently dropping to the mud.
  312. ResilientGM But he is an exception. Those others who have survived do run around you, but quickly, and away from the utterly devastated area.
  313. ResilientGM The Lieutenant, for his part, looks at both Kass and Victrus with a concerned expression on his face, at seeing their fire pass in his direction.
  314. Silas_Dread "Shoot the vile Xenos!"
  315. ResilientGM Noticing the situation, the Lieutenant brings his sidearm to bear, and finishes off the vile creature.
  316. ResilientGM "Nevermind the damned creatures, disarm and capture the separatists!" he points back towards the Severans.
  317. Kass_Yonova "Aye, sir." He brings his plasmagun to bear, and points it at the separatists. "If you know what's good for you you'll surrender! You're only alive now because of us, so throw down your arms." He emphasizes this with the glowing coils of his plasmagun.
  318. ResilientGM The eyes of three of the separatists seem to roll back into their skulls, as they point their weapons on their own comrades.
  319. Victrus brings his lasgun to bear and aims at the separatists.
  320. ResilientGM It isn't something they need to be told more than once... the effect of the last few minutes of their lives has been shocking to say the least.
  321. Silas_Dread points his bolt pistol at the separatists and commands "Surrender, now!"
  322. ResilientGM With a few looks and nods to one another, they disarm and raise their arms in the air.
  323. Kass_Yonova "Smart move."
  324. ResilientGM Remaining are fifteen men in enemy colors, they slowly gather as they're corralled by the Prithian troopers.
  325. Animus "Can't believe we survived.... Kass, I need to confess my undying love for you!" he says, wrapping his arms around the medic
  326. ResilientGM "Feck... FECK!!" the shrieks of a panicked Koeln suddenly pipe up.
  327. Kass_Yonova "For Emperor's sake, Animus! Get off of me! I'm glad we're all alive as well, but get off of me, dammit."
  328. Victrus "Really Animus."
  329. ResilientGM "Help!! God-Emperor have mercy! Help me!"
  330. Animus shrugs "Lightening the mood."
  331. Animus turns to Koeln
  332. Animus turns to Koeln
  333. Silas_Dread "The Emperor was with us this day!"
  334. Dominic "This is normal behavior?"
  335. ResilientGM His elbow, you realize, is horribly disjointed.
  336. Kass_Yonova pushes the witch off of him and walks towards Koeln.
  337. Silas_Dread "Medic!"
  338. Animus "Gotta bo-bo?"
  339. Kass_Yonova "Already on it, Commissar." He get's on his haunches as he examines the elbow.
  340. Kass_Yonova "You want pain killers or are you going to be a big boy?"
  341. Victrus "For Kolen, yes, though he looks hurt this time."
  342. Kass_Yonova Kass puts a hand one end of the elbow as he awaits the lad's answer.
  343. ResilientGM "AAhh!!! AAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!" his mouth opens wider than you've ever seen it
  344. Kass_Yonova "Right then." With a strong jerk he snaps the disjointed elbow back into place.
  345. ResilientGM For a moment, it looks like Koeln might faint.
  346. Silas_Dread "Walk it off, Private."
  347. Animus "I could always carry you bud." he says, walking over
  348. Kass_Yonova pats the young trooper on the back. "Just be glad that's the worse you've sustained."
  349. Dominic "Should have gotten a replacement arm."
  350. ResilientGM ++Company Command has understood your situation to be critical. Await further instructions.++
  351. Victrus "Wasn't necessary yet, only way I could see him needing a replacement arm is if it got blown off by the guns of a Leman Russ."
  352. Kass_Yonova "Seen that in person, Vic?"
  353. Victrus "Nope, though I've heard stories."
  354. Kass_Yonova "Right." Kass takes a seat on some debris and drinks from his canteen. "That went better than expected."
  355. Victrus "Yep." Victrus sits down on his bolter, "Much better then the time with the Chimera. What were Xenos anyways?"
  356. Silas_Dread "Now, dead."
  357. Victrus looks at Silas, "I meant what they are.... but never mind, as long as we don't have to fight them again I'll be happy."
  358. Kass_Yonova "Not our job to worry about them, or think about them. Just know they can die and we can kill them."
  359. Silas_Dread "Couldn't say it better myself, Corporal Kass."
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