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Jul 14th, 2019
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  3. Dear Tom Delonge,
  5. As a kindred spirit who has also been fascinated or even enthralled with the UFO/ET reality and the enormous associated implications since my youth, I'd like to commend you for the massive increase in public awareness of this topic that your efforts have produced. This has been no minor achievement. Since the end of the 1990's, the "UFO community" has been floundering without making significant progress forward. Your project has brought energy, vitality, and focus back to the community - while at the same time bringing this vitally urgent topic back into the limelight. In fact, it seems a portion of the attached stigma and ridicule factor has evaporated away. At least some mainstream media outlets are reporting about this topic in a serious manner. Thank you and your team for making all of this happen. The future, whatever happens from this moment forward, will be based upon the progress your team has already made. All of you have secured a spot in history!
  7. However, I know, many people reading this letter know, and you know that even the highest quality UFO videos are only the tip of an immense iceburg of evidence that has been in existence for over seventy years. There are extremely clandestine groups and individuals who possess intact recovered ET vehicles, technological devices, bodies, and debris. Moreover, ever since Dr. Vannevar Bush was put in charge of the United States UFO Program (shortly after a series of crashes within the American Southwest starting in 1947 or perhaps earlier), billions of dollars have been spent annually investigating this phenomena and reverse engineering the acquired hardware to unlock their secrets. Very early on, perhaps as early as the mid-fifites, breakthroughs began to be made incorporating the technology of "the others" into our own vehicles. Perhaps starting with a specific craft, the Fluxliner ARV (Alien Reproduction Vehicle), built in a SAP likely managed by Lockheed Martin as the primary contractor, humanity gained the know how to engineer the vacuum. By accepting the reality of the potentials of Maxwell's original classical electromagnetics (the scalar and vector potentials) that had been arrogantly dismissed as having no physical reality by Heaviside, humanity learned how to manipulate gravity, inertia, and mass to produce vehicles with performance capabilities equal to the modern day "Tic-Tac." This wasn't all they managed to achieve, however. At the heart of the drive mechanisms used within these first few generations of craft were plasma structures that could be referred to by a myriad of different names: macro-scale EVOs (Exotic Vacuum Objects), spheromaks, plasmaks, and several others. These self-organizing structures exibited special qualitites that could both induce non-traditional nuclear reactions and cohere the electron-positron sea to extract energy from the vacuum. In the case of the Fluxliner ARV, as the craft accelerated it would collect increasing quantities of energy and remain self-powering at any speed. Nothing short of miracles, these vehicles were treasure that exceeded the sophistication of any space-faring vessel from science fiction.
  9. The knowledge gained by the United States UFO Program - which may have went by several different names over the years - was not shared with the world. As the challenges facing a growing human population (billions of mouths to feed, backs to clothe, bodies to shelter) and a planet undergoing increasingly diverse forms of ecological damage grew more menacing, the fundamental truths about ET visitation and these Earth-rescuing technologies were actively sequestered. Officially sanctioned investigators such as Richard D'Amato, tasked to investigate the rogue Special Access Projects by Sen. Byrd, discovered that a high percentage of the total budget of these illegal cabals was spent on maintaining the immense secrecy that shielded them from official and public scrutiny. Like a parasitic leech feeding off the life blood of a host, the SAPs were sucking away vast sums of money only to re-direct a portion of their illicit booty to insure they could remain totally unaccountable and nearly invisible to the statutory authorities over them.
  11. Regardless if there were legitimate concerns over the the nature of the multiple ET species visiting Earth, the secrecy the unacknowledged SAPs and their overlords have imposed on humanity has been nothing short of an atrocity. If we look at all the human suffering from poverty, famine, disease, economic collapse, and natural disasters that could have been significantly (in some cases perhaps nearly completely) prevented if vacuum engineering technology had been released to the world long ago, no other word in my vocabulary comes close to adequately describing the harm caused by those maintaining the truth embargo.
  13. Can you imagine if the fossil fuel age had came to a screeching halt in the 1960's? What if due to advanced propulsion technology had allowed for mining of the asteroid belt to prevent further ecological damage to our planet? If decades worth of the green house gas carbon dioxide hadn't been released into the atmosphere, would the climate debate be different today? Looking beyond industrial and environmental implications, consider the fact that our very cells and DNA act as electromagnetic antennas! This has been recently proven and disclosed in mainstream peer reviewed journals. Even the smallest structures in our body interact with our electromagnetic environment, sending and receiving information which guide gene expression and cellular processes. The knowledge the SAPs withheld proving the physical reality of the scalar and vector potentials (the true source of electromagnetic *momentum* according to Mawell) could have aided the development of cures - not simply expensive pharmaceutical treatments - for the maladies (infections, diseases, cancers) that kill so many on an annual basis. How many excruciatingly painful, protracted deaths are on the hands of those who bestowed upon themselves the faux-authority to deny humanity such knowledge?
  15. The organizers, leaders, and abettors of the truth embargo intentionally prevented a better world from forming by their mandate of secrecy, not lifting a finger to prevent widespread human suffering and environmental damage. They are not our friends, they are not noble defenders of our planet, and they are not unsung heroes. Although some may have been far less involved in the decision making process to continue the secrecy mandate than others, they all had the duty to openly blow the whistle and expose the corrupt system they had been made aware of during their careers. Instead, they did nothing - allowing humanity to remain perpetually in the dark about the marvelous life-filled universe in which we exist and the technological marvels that should give us all hope that we can transform our civilization into one that's both sustainable and can expand outwards into the cosmos.
  17. Despite all the good your organization has done, it's obvious to all whom are informed about this topic that excruciating care is being made to drip feed carefully selected, purposely sized nuggets of truth to the public. We are also aware that your original insiders held strategic positions within the admittedly fragmented United States UFO Program. If the authorities within the coverup managing - either loosely or closely - To The Stars Academy would choose to do so, they could make true disclosure happen tomorrow. A single walk through of the vaults and hangers that store the acquired ET vehicles, biological specimens (bodies), and reverse engineered craft (Fluxliners) could end the embargo once and for all. Then the next age of mankind could begin: one in which all humanity is given access to these fundamental truths that have been illegally and immorally sequestered from them!
  19. Now to get down to the purpose of this letter. I plead with you to take whatever actions are required to make full disclosure happen immediately, without further delay. The truths and knowledge that have been withheld are NOT going to make the world come to an end, bring about a collapse of civilization, or induce such widespread panic that a billion people stop going to work. The idea that an extended acclimization program must be utilized to prevent mass hysteria is a false and self-serving excuse that's hoped will give THEM (the perpetuators of the coverup) more time to do all of the following:
  21. 1) Present a piece-meal "spun" form of disclosure, full of woefully incomplete half-truths, that will conceal or at least obscure the full history of the 70 + year long coverup to prevent their dirty laundry from being exposed. (The massive harm they have afflicted upon mankind.)
  22. 2) Give the corporations who have been managing the rogue, illegal SAPs more time to adjust their business strategies, protect their industrial dominance, and maintain their annual earnings in preparation for a post-disclosure world.
  23. 3) Re-consider the idea if they should ever allow true disclosure - including the knowledge of crash recoveries, bodies, and anti-gravity vehicles - to ever happen at all. There are factions within the fragmented UFO coverup organization(s) that boldly oppose any disclosure of these realities to the public.
  25. We cannot wait another decade, another year, another month, or even another day for these illegitimate, extra-legal control groups to "green light" full disclosure, which they likely NEVER WILL NEVER MAKE THE DECISION TO DO!
  27. Instead, we need everyone who has evidence of any aspect of the UFO/ET reality, knowledge of what the SAPs have discovered, or inside experience of how they operate to come forward and openly share what they know! Collectively, we have more than enough evidence to force full disclosure, regardless if THEY have green lighted it or not, more than a few times over. I believe this especially applies to members of your organization - including both your original insiders and more recent members/associates. But due to the experiences you've publicly disclosed and many others I'm sure you've kept private, this applies to you as well.
  29. This collective move to buck the system and stand up for humanity's RIGHT TO KNOW by sharing our accumulated evidence, must start with individuals who are willing to search their soul, summon the courage to do the right thing, and be among the first to step forward.
  31. Or, perhaps, it can start with a single highly prominent individual.
  33. An pro-active individual who due to his spunk and determination has been granted inside information from people involved in clandestine programs operating within the cloak of secrecy imposed by United States UFO Program.
  35. An extremely insightful individual who recognized the importance of the UFO phenomena early on in his life, who recognizes that keeping such fundamental truths about humanity's place in the universe, the amazingly diverse intelligences we co-exist with, and the wondrous technologies the "active vacuum" allows has been nothing short of an atrocity.
  37. An action taker who has already once stepped forward to right a wrong upon recognizing the propaganda and lies spewed by those who have sought to keep the world deeply entrenched in a false reality are obscenities. Vastly worse than the most vicious political mud-slinging between political candidates, these intentional deceptions have been used to maintain a global status quo that benefits the most profitable of corporations and ultra-elite families while allowing the homeless, the poor, the sick, the starving, and economically disadvantaged to continue suffering without hope for a better future.
  39. You, personally, or along with members of your team who understand the pressing urgency of full disclosure, could be the catalyst that brings about a complete end to the atrocity that some call the UFO/ET coverup. No more speaking in code. No more dodging questions that address sensitive topics. No more biting your tongue when you wish to share truths that billions of your fellow human beings desperately need to know.
  41. By making the decision to no longer hold back any knowledge or evidence you've acquired, you can become the liberating - both for yourself and the world - force of disclosure that destiny has called you to be!
  43. A kicking, thrashing, and long overdue new era for humanity waits to escape the womb, finally be born, and see the expansive bright world its parents whispered to her about. You could be the doctor that orders the reluctant father back into the waiting room, summons the nurses to gather, puts on his gloves, and loudly proclaims to all around, "it's time."
  45. Please make this decision, Tom.
  47. We need you. The world needs you. The truth needs you.
  49. Sincerely with hope,
  50. UFOR&DBoard - @DboardUfor
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