
Broken Wings, Chapter 5 - Morning After

May 25th, 2012
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  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ya5ICVKUERg
  2. >The sunlight stings your eyes as you drift awake.
  3. >Someone turn that damn sun off.
  4. >Your hangover could rend the earth asunder.
  5. >You sigh, memories of last night trickling back in to your brain.
  6. >You rub your forehead.
  7. >Did you really…
  8. >Something warm and fuzzy stirs on your chest.
  9. >You look down.
  10. >Applejack is still sleeping, quite contentedly.
  11. >And all of your clothes are gone.
  12. >…
  13. >Yep.
  14. >You did.
  15. >You don’t remember much of the experience, but you don’t want to kill yourself for committing a crime against nature.
  16. >That’s…good, right?
  17. >Roll with it, too late now anyway.
  18. >AJ’s breath cascades across your skin as you feel a warm moisture pool on your chest.
  19. >AJ’s drooling in her sleep.
  20. >Gross, yet oddly adorable.
  21. >You stroke the orange mare’s cheek.
  22. “Hey…AJ, wake up…it’s morning.”
  23. >She mumbles something and stirs, making your skin feel tingly with the sensation.
  24. >Her eyes flutter open, as if awakening from a dream.
  25. >She smiles as she sees it was no dream.
  26. >Then winces from the hangover.
  27. >”Eh…g’mornin Anon…”
  28. >She slinks up and nuzzles her head into your neck as you stroke her mane.
  29. “Morning…”
  30. >No alcohol to use as an excuse now.
  31. >How do you feel about AJ?
  32. >”Anon…about last night…you don’t have any regrets…do ya?”
  33. >You look down at Applejack, who is obviously worried.
  34. “I…no. Last night…I don’t have any regrets about last night.”
  35. >Admit it, you had fun.
  36. >Pony Poker.
  37. >Shut up.
  38. “It’s just…I don’t know. This is all still sort of new to me…and…I’m not really sure what I’m feeling right now…you know?”
  39. >…
  40. >Did you just give her the “It’s not you, it’s me” line?
  41. >Shut up!
  42. >AJ looks like you just shot her dog before she sighs.
  43. >”Ah guess ah understand…we did drink a lot last night.
  44. “Oh, did we ever…”
  45. >”But…last night aside…ah’d be willing t’take it slow, y’know…see where it goes…if yer interested, that is…”
  46. >You give it some thought before you draw AJ’s head close, answering with a soft kiss and a smile.
  47. “That sounds nice…you know…see what happens.”
  48. >Applejack just smiles and nuzzles your face.
  49. >That’s when the two of you hear the door thrown open.
  50. >You look around. The two of you are in the hay loft.
  51. >How the hell did you get up here?
  52. >”…but Big Mac, what if they’re hurt? What if they’re waitin’ fer us t’go an’ rescue them?”
  53. >Applebloom.
  54. >Your and AJ’s faces are saying the exact same thing.
  55. >shitshitshitshit…
  56. >You try to make as little noise as possible as you slip on your clothes.
  57. >”Nah Applebloom, yer’ sis an’ Anon are grown, they can’ take care of’ themselves.”
  58. >Ok. Shirt? Check. Socks? Check. Boxers? Check
  59. >Morning wood?
  60. >Check.
  62. >AJ gives you a “seriously?” look.
  63. >You shrug sheepishly. You’ll have to explain the concept of morning wood later…
  64. >Wait…
  65. >Where are your pants?
  66. >”Look, Big Mac! It’s Anon’s britches! They’re right here on th’floor! Where’s the rest of ‘im?”
  67. >….
  68. >Oh no.
  69. >The two of you peek over the edge of the loft.
  70. >Applebloom is sniffing your favorite pair of jeans.
  71. >Big Mac, while looking around, makes eye contact with you and AJ.
  72. >And turns three shades of red brighter.
  73. >For such a simple guy, he’s quick on the upkeep.
  74. >”Applebloom…go see if Granny needs any help.”
  75. >”But…Big Mac…”
  76. >”AH MEAN NOW.”
  77. >AB jumps and snorts. “Fiiiine,” she groans as she sulks out of the barn.
  78. >Cue the uncomfortable silence.
  79. “Hello…Mac…”
  80. >”’Part.”
  81. >”Uh…hi thar…big brother…”
  82. >”AJ.”
  83. >…
  84. >”How about ah’ step outside while you two…uh…finish up.
  85. >You and AJ just nod quickly.
  86. >Big Mac sighs and walks out.
  87. >…
  88. >”So…Anon, d’ya need me ta…ya know…take care of that.”
  89. >She motions to your morning helper, all bright eyed and bushy-tailed.
  90. “Nah, this happens all the time…it’ll go away on its own.”
  91. >”…y’sure?”
  92. >Are you kidding me?
  93. >Then again…it’s been awhile, one last romp before “taking it slow” couldn’t hurt.
  94. “…fine, but real quick.”
  96. --------------
  98. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=roHQU6wAG1k
  99. >Rainbow Dash shoots you an annoyed look as you come in, tugging on your white coat as an apple sticks out of your mouth.
  100. >”You’re late.”
  101. >You take a bite and swallow, holding the apple in your hand.
  102. “Yeah, sorry…I got tied up.”
  103. >”…you have a good time with Applejack last night?”
  104. “Yeah…just went out, had some drinks, and went home.”
  105. >”…that’s it?”
  106. >Wait, what?
  107. >Rainbow glares at you, obviously hurt.
  108. >Did getting here late really upset her that much?
  109. “Yeah, that’s it…Sorry I’m late Dash, but that happens sometimes.”
  110. >”Yeah…sure…”
  111. >You check her chart…She’s had the X-ray already. Was that it?
  112. >No way, that couldn’t be it. Rainbow may hate hospitals, but she’s not a brat.
  113. >”You have hay in your hair, Anon.”
  114. >You blink and pull a golden straw out of your hair.
  115. >Huh…
  116. >Waitaminute…is she…
  117. >No….why would she care anyway? It’s not like she’s interested in you like THAT.
  118. >Not the way AJ is.
  119. >As you turn around, Nurse Trueheart is standing there, conveniently with the x-ray images.
  120. >Well, that should help move things through this awkwardly tense moment.
  121. >RD glances over at you as you rack them up, turning on the light and studying the results.
  122. >Hmm….You nod.
  123. “Good news Dash, I think those rods can come out. We can get you walking tomorrow. How’s that sound?”
  124. >You look over at her.
  125. >Wait…why does she look like she wants to cry?
  126. >”Y-yeah…that’s great. Let’s do it Anon.”
  127. “Uh…alright then. I’ll go book the OR, the nurses will be in before too long to prep you for surgery. Alright?”
  128. >”Fine.”
  129. >You recoil a little at her tone. If something’s jittering her critters, she’s not telling you about it.
  130. >You just nod and leave, not wanting to press the matter.
  131. >As you turn to enter your office, the sound of hooves running up the hallway catch your attention.
  132. “Nurse Redheart? What’s the matter?”
  133. >”Anon, it’s your patient, Rainbow Dash…”
  134. “Yeah, I just left her room. I was about to schedule her rod removal. What’s up?”
  135. >”I just heard from the higher ups. After her surgery, we have to street her. Her insurance is refusing to cover her rehab.”
  136. >WHAT?
  137. >Goddamn insurance companies…just as dickish as they were with people back home.
  138. >So, you get to kick Rainbow out a barely functional cripple?
  139. >No. You promised AJ and the others you would look after Rainbow Dash.
  140. >You promised Rainbow you would help her fly again.
  141. >What to do….
  142. >…
  143. “Nurse, let me worry about that. Go prep Miss Dash for surgery.”
  144. >You frown and enter your office as Redheart scurries off.
  145. >It’s a pretty big shift, and AJ may not like the idea.
  146. >But…you owe it to your patient.
  147. >You have a plan.
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